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by The Catt

Webcomics we can all relate to. Updates every now and again. http://artofthecatt.tumblr.com/

1.37k subs, 135k views
Comedy 70
#anxiety, #black and white, #relatable, #same, #simple, #slice of life
No Free 2016-02-25 2020-01-03

by Amilcar
(Don't) Trust yourself (Español)

Valencia, España, 1998. ¿Qué harías si te encontraras una versión adulta de ti mismo... que te da instrucciones concretas a seguir? ¿Confiarías en él? (Don't) Trust Yourself es un thriller que mezcla viajes en el tiempo con suspense y acción para lectores adultos, donde no sabrás qué bando escoger.

2 subs, 159 views
Action 18
#90s, #adult, #blackwhite, #Crime, #dark, #mistery, #spanish, #thriller, #timetravel, #western
No Free 2022-01-30 2022-06-17

by EBee
(Version Retired for a Reboot) The Lessfortunate Beings

This is the original start of the comic The Lessfortunate Beings. It has now been retired for a reboot! Feel free to read it anyway to get an idea of what the new version will be like.

305 subs, 20.8k views
Fantasy 29
#amnesia, #Angst, #animals, #anthropomorphic, #beast, #bee, #bird, #black, #cat, #Catfish, #cats, #chimera, #chupacabra, #Comic, #Creature, #cryptid, #dark, #dog, #dogs, #Dragon, #drama, #e.bee, #ebee, #Ebeethe1st, #ebeethefirst, #Experiments, #Fantasy, #fish, #fortune, #friendship, #fruitless, #hapless, #hare, #hate, #heartache, #horror, #horse, #hurt, #hybrid, #jackalope, #jinx, #lab, #lessfortunate, #lessfortune, #Lizard, #love, #luck, #lyricless, #mannerless, #misfortune, #misshapensharks, #monitor, #Monster, #mutant, #muzzless, #mysterious, #mystery, #nonetheless, #orca, #Owl, #parts, #Plot, #quince, #rabbit, #rat, #relentless, #restless, #science, #Speechless, #stinger, #Story, #sureal, #the lessfortunate beings, #tragedy, #turkey, #unicorn, #unlucky, #weightless, #whale, #white, #wishless, #x-ebee-x, #yang, #yin, #Yin Yang
No Free 2014-08-31 2019-04-02

by Marcelo Dakí

Uma jornada introspectiva em meio a um momento social cada vez mais sufocante. A primeira edição de BLUEBIRD disponível de graça para leitura online aqui no tapas e em formato pdf/cbr para apoiadores da DAKÍCORP: apoia.se/dakicorp

7 subs, 451 views
Drama 6
#ansiedade, #black_and_white, #diagnostico, #dsm, #familia, #golem, #graphic_novel, #internet, #Krita, #linguagem, #medication, #politica, #pre_covid, #psicologia, #psiquiatria, #redes_sociais, #ruptura, #solidao, #substancias, #twitter
Yes Free 2019-12-16 2021-03-22

by BlueOneGone

Dæmons have completely invaded earth after the end of The Red War in 2044. These alien species enjoy chaos and anarchy, or absolute monarchy. Corrupting the system, they kept the government under their careful watch. Laws were nonexistent and people did whatever they wanted, creating their very own hierarchy, with dæmons on the top. Our story starts with a flashback from 2044, the end of the most bloody war in the history of men, also called The Red War. William Gray Almbrook, as a seventeen-year-old at this time, runs from a dæmoness, gets attacked and nearly doesn't survive. Thanks to who does he live? We'll see in the year 2059...

1 subs, 184 views
Science fiction 2
#aliens, #anarchy, #black_and_white, #demons, #Dystopia, #future
No Free 2018-10-21 2018-10-23

by AFC Comics
24 Hour Comic Challenge 2017

A 24 page comic I wrote, penciled, inked and uploaded in 24 hours. Neat, huh?

2 subs, 1.19k views
Comedy 24
#24 hour, #blackandwhite, #funny, #humor, #lol, #random, #weird
No Free 2017-04-25 2017-04-25

by Cornelis Jettke
24h - Through the Storage Wood

A private investigator reluctantly enters wonderland in search of a drunk guy who fell through a magic wardrobe. -- You know that event, where you try to neglect basic human needs and perfectionism for 24 hours and draw a 24-page comic instead? Well this is my attempt from 2019. It took me 10 extra hours though to finish the inking.

8 subs, 338 views
Comedy 6
#adventure, #alice_in_wonderland, #caterpillar, #cheshire_cat, #detective, #down_the_rabbit_hole, #funny, #hooka, #investigator, #lookingglas, #mad, #madness, #mad_hatter, #march_hare, #Nonsense, #parody, #police, #queen_of_hearts, #rabbit, #rabbit_hole, #racoon, #wardrobe, #white_rabbit, #wonderland
Yes Free 2020-05-10 2020-10-22

by Jess Ong
4 Years, Still Connected

Two friends have an unexpected reunion, after not being in contact for four years. They are in a mysterious world and they find their purpose for being there, whilst re-strengthening their friendship.

1 subs, 248 views
Drama 8
#4YearsStillConnected, #anime, #best_friends, #black_and_white, #friendship, #FRIENDS_FOREVER, #jomavis, #jo__mavis, #manga, #manga_jiman, #manga_jiman_2019, #platonic_love, #red_string_of_fate, #romance, #screentones, #soulmate, #soul_mate, #spiritual_connection, #twin_flame
No Free 2020-01-18 2020-01-18

by G.Yuki x Betofu
7 Heirs

1 throne, 7 Heirs. The time to name a true successor has come. And when the Empress speaks, everyone is shocked by her decree...

897 subs, 13.9k views
Fantasy 29
#action_adventure, #battle, #black_and_white, #character_driven, #family, #Fantasy, #girls_love, #manga_inspired, #shoujo_ai, #sisters, #yuri
No Free 2019-10-29 2020-04-26

by Lucastelado

A short comic i made because i was bored. Its about aliens in space. Hope you like it.

4 subs, 71 views
Science fiction 1
#aliens, #black_and_white, #mute, #short, #wordless
No Free 2020-07-14 2020-07-14

by Aliceofmilkytea
A B C-kun

4koma comic about three bestfriends on an adventure

12 subs, 449 views
Comedy 2
#4koma, #b&w, #black and white, #black__white, #comedy
No Free 2018-02-20 2018-02-20

by Egz.s
A BerryBell Quest

A BerryBell Quest follows the struggle of a servant who is trying to please his king by passionately searching for the delicious BerryBells.

1 subs, 581 views
Comedy 3
#blackandwhite, #comedy, #comics, #fable, #funny, #manga, #short, #Story
No Free 2019-05-23 2019-05-25

by Raerae235
A crow

You are a visitor who came to visit a mysterious man who lives in a mansion in a forest. He tells you a story about a single crow. (Based on a short story I did in 2013 and then did a comic off of it for school in 2014. I remade this for this year)

0 subs, 16 views
Horror 1
#bird, #black_and_white, #horror, #minimal_colors, #short_story
Yes Free 2022-06-23 2022-07-01

by Im A Sponge
A Day in the Life

The colors in our life represent a flight of fancy, and we're all meandering through that spectrum.

4 subs, 614 views
Slice of life 8
#black and white, #cartoony, #minimal, #slice of life
No Free 2017-07-28 2017-08-27

by Floral Zero
A Distant Duet

NEW EPs every WEDNESDAY || Noah is a university student who sleeps to escape her thoughts, struggling through life alone. With a group assignment due for her online class, and a harsh project partner, she isn’t sure how she’ll manage to get through the week. But one afternoon, she hears a beautiful melody being played in one of the apartments nearby... Maybe her life won't be so lonely after all.

2 subs, 236 views
Romance 6
#Angst, #black_and_white, #college, #drama, #high_school, #music, #piano, #romance, #studying, #university
No Free 2021-08-27 2021-09-21

by Chibi Ran.
A February's Spring

Yanai Hiroshi is in his third and last year of high school. Valentine's day is just around the corner yet he's full of worries about his feelings, his future or figuring out what he truly wants. Will Hiroshi's spring ever come?

941 subs, 18.9k views
Slice of life 30
#bl, #black__white, #drama, #high_school, #manga, #romance, #school_life, #winter
Yes Free 2017-12-24 2022-04-01

by A Good Way Off
A Good Way Off

An imaginary place where anything can happen and it probably will. Don't tell the characters this as they think it's real. There is an odd assortment of characters such as Andy the hand (a hand and a head) Great Brain who knows nothing and Zachary who thinks Great Brain knows everything. To see animated versions of my comic you can visit me on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNNfuLthJDUbdk4LYpFrUJQ/

15 subs, 2.74k views
Comedy 23
#black_and_white, #humor, #offbeat, #old_fashioned
No Free 2019-05-16 2019-07-10

by Dario Zek
A la deriva

Tres amigos hablando en una plaza... nada más simple que eso

2 subs, 99 views
Comedy 2
#argentina, #blackandwhite, #comedia, #comedy, #critica_social, #historieta, #historieta_argentina, #slice_of_life, #social_critic
No Free 2020-03-27 2020-04-08

by Butters
A Quick Canard.

This is a 22 page comic (plus cover and back) which I wrote, drew and inked in just over a week (8 days to be exact) It's a black and white adventure of a Lieutenant duck who must try to solve the murder of the wealthy daughter of a corrupt, corpulent senator.

7 subs, 811 views
Fantasy 19
#A Quick Canard, #adventure, #Barksian, #blackandwhite, #Carl Barks, #detective, #duck, #Italy, #venice
No Free 2016-12-31 2017-01-11

by Picket Furret
A Spark of Brilliance: A Pokemon Volt White Nuzlocke

Due to poor timing, the Pokemon trainer Hilda along with both of her friends Bianca and Cheren have been stuck with very different starter Pokemon than the usual ones Unova assigns Will the trio succeed in defeating the Unova Pokemon League despite this setback?

12 subs, 1.8k views
Gaming 6
#Eevee, #nuzlocke, #Nuzlocke_Comic, #pikachu, #pokemon, #Pokemon_Black__White, #Pokemon_Volt_White, #Pokemon_White_Version, #Riolu, #Trainer_Bianca, #Trainer_Cheren, #Trainer_Hilda
No Free 2017-06-05 2018-09-10

by MJ Massey
A Very Vatican Christmas 2016

Viola needs a little reminder that even if her Dad is far away, she can still have a family Christmas

6 subs, 586 views
Slice of life 4
#black and white, #christmas, #europe, #markers, #Rome, #special, #St. Peter's, #Vatican Assassins
No Free 2016-12-22 2016-12-29

by GonSaa
A White Milky Dragon

The adventures of a White Milky Dragon.

5 subs, 509 views
Slice of life 2
#Dragon, #life, #milky, #philosophy, #watercolor, #white
No Free 2017-03-15 2017-06-10

by Andrewsblood

Abel wakes up in an unknown place. With his memories scrambled, he looks for a way out of what more and more looks like a nightmare. How did he get there? And how is he going to escape his drastic fate? Story inspired by the tales of "Cain and Abel" and "Dante's Inferno".

1 subs, 90 views
Mystery 4
#Action, #blackandwhite, #dark, #hell, #journey, #manga, #mind, #shounen
No Free 2021-04-05 2021-04-30

by Andrewsblood
Abel - PT-BR

Abel acorda em um lugar desconhecido. Com suas memorias embaralhadas, procura uma saída do que mais e mais se parece com um pesadelo. Como ele foi parar ali? E como vai escapar do seu drástico destino? História inspirada nos contos de "Caim e Abel" e no "Inferno de Dante".

27 subs, 284 views
Fantasy 4
#blackandwhite, #journey, #manga, #mystery, #portuguese, #PTBr, #supernatural
No Free 2021-04-04 2021-04-29

by abnerdwight
Abner Dwight's Abstract Web-Comic

Welcome. Hope you enjoy it. Daily. Abstract.

3 subs, 1.16k views
Slice of life 196
#abstract, #abstract_comics, #art, #black, #black_and_white, #circles, #comics, #lines, #white
No Free 2019-08-05 2020-03-16

About A Pair Of Legs

I drew this with a broken heart... I'm not gonna share the story behind it here, but I can tell you that it's about a stray cat. He is dead and may he rest in peace. Finished in November 2017. Pen and ink on A4.

3 subs, 236 views
Slice of life 1
#Alien, #blackandwhite, #dead, #death, #desease, #heartbroken, #injury, #legs, #worms
No Free 2018-12-31 2020-04-24

Above The Clouds

a memory of a dead kitten comic on notebook with markers

2 subs, 154 views
Fantasy 1
#blackandwhite, #cat, #cloud, #dream, #Fantasy, #kitten, #super_sons
No Free 2019-07-09 2019-07-09

by Paradox
Absolve the sun

The story takes place in a fictional world where every twenty years a global war happens. Three major countries fight over ownership of the sky. Caught in the very eye of the storm is a woman forced into a life on the run, her very existence being the key to both stopping or reigniting the fires of war.

54 subs, 4.35k views
Drama 83
#animation, #aviation, #blackandwhite, #dilemma, #drama, #ethereal, #Sky, #Story, #war
No Free 2019-11-13 2022-07-22

by SweetC
Abue y Angy

La anciana amargada del barrio, Doña Rosa, un día recibe por el sorteo celestial, un ángel novato para (maltratar) hacerle compañía asta el final de sus días. Estas son las aventuras de una anciana y su ángel. TIRAS NUEVAS LOS DOMINGOS

2 subs, 286 views
Slice of life 30
#4koma, #angel, #black_white, #comedy, #esp, #life, #Mex
Yes Free 2020-04-30 2020-12-14

by big fish murphy
Academy Cat!

Academy Cat! is a slice of life comic illustrated by Murphy the Big Fish. Follow Scraggle, Rags, and Bob through their daily life.

4 subs, 405 views
Slice of life 5
#adorable, #black and white, #cats, #cattos, #cute, #Kits, #kitties, #no color, #peaceful, #slice of life
No Free 2018-05-17 2018-05-29

by Whitespirit

Luke is the epitome of todays society. A lazy, drop out student with no goals in life (or at least no goals that he can be bothered to strive for!) With a job that he hates and a family that love him, will he find the motivation to turn his life around?

40 subs, 840 views
Horror 1
#acedia, #family, #gamer, #lazy, #life, #murder, #seven deadly sins, #slice of life, #sloth, #whitespirit
No Free 2016-01-03 2016-01-03

by Godsent Comics

When a normal day ends with Clay’s life crashing down, he finds his entire family ripped apart and his mother six feet under. The appearance of Rowan Crowwe signals a dark course for his future, and in accepting the so-called job the man offers, Clay makes his first big mistake: trusting a stranger who knows his father far too well. Once under Rowan’s wing, he realizes the gravity of the situation…Rowan isn’t just some shady guy. He’s a full-on gangster, and he’s got more than just questionable business happening behind closed doors. Who is the winged man under the mask of The Walker, and what is this twisted project for? Clay finds his purpose—and a new family—through Rowan’s nefarious deeds. He’s going to shuffle up all of Rowan’s doings, and deal out justice to the underbelly of the city. RATED TEEN

82 subs, 1.05k views
Action 11
#black_and_white, #Christian, #Christian_comic, #drama, #Godsent_Comics, #lissie_dixon, #lissie_dixon_art, #mystery, #original_superhero, #Superhero
No Free 2018-02-14 2022-06-10

by Paige Jackson

They say that after you die you find peace. but that's just not true anymore.

131 subs, 21.3k views
Horror 139
#adventure, #after_death, #black and white comic, #death, #horror, #scary
No Free 2016-12-13 2021-11-11

by Guilherme Junior

Acroalis is a fantasy world in which everyone has been living peacefully. that is, until two meteors landed. the people of Acroalis ignored them, thinking them of a normal phenomena, but little do they know the meteors contained a powerful source. one that will change all of Acroalis

438 subs, 74.3k views
Fantasy 237
#battle_mode, #black_and_white, #boys, #castle, #character, #dark, #decision_time, #deep, #dragons, #Elder, #Fire, #forest, #funny, #games, #giants, #giant_monsters, #girls, #God, #group, #hero, #heroine, #kingdon, #kings, #landscape, #lava, #level, #line, #long_comic, #lv_up, #monster_hunter, #mountains, #music, #mysterious, #mystery, #naruto_type, #party, #Powers, #Princess, #rain, #rpg, #rpg_music, #sad, #scrolls, #Sky, #space, #style_manga, #super, #technology, #trees, #universe, #video_game, #villages, #Volcano, #water, #wind, #world_map
No Free 2014-12-26 2020-11-19

by Yon Senpai

A cute, funny and sexy story. Comedy and a little bit of romance. Tastes better without synopsis :p

21 subs, 701 views
Comedy 2
#anime, #beautiful, #beauty, #black, #comedy, #cute, #ink, #manga, #pretty, #romance, #white
No Free 2018-12-17 2020-02-07

by Buluh
Adrift Outlanders

A story of a group of friends trapped in different world when one of them who never get to the class early came early to the class. Was that really the cause of it? What kind of joke is that? No one knows, but they just went proceed with their new life there. Most likely a slice of life story! [P/S : This is a black and white comic. I don't want you to regret reading it]

3 subs, 73 views
Fantasy 3
#adrift_outlanders, #black_n_white, #buluh, #manga_style, #Maybe
No Free 2020-07-19 2021-04-18

by Len
Adulteration (on hold)

Perhaps a story or two for a universe I wish to write. I don't know where I plan to go with this. These pages are old.

16 subs, 1.3k views
Drama 1
#Angst, #black and white, #blood, #death, #monochrome, #original_story, #violence
No Free 2017-08-11 2018-05-12

by Helena G Fiorenza
Afanobio is a big place

I've been drawing all my main stories separately. They were all meant to happen in a certain sequence. I am gonna complete them all and add the right explanations. I hope it all soon make sense for readers :3

8 subs, 1.35k views
Fantasy 18
#black_and_white, #blood, #bloody, #chills, #color, #creatures, #cute, #dead, #deat, #death, #english, #family, #God, #gods, #GORE, #gorey, #grey, #grim_reaper, #heroes, #human, #Monster, #monsters, #sadness, #scary, #spanish, #special, #spooky, #sweet, #undead, #violence
Yes Free 2017-09-26 2019-04-15

by xino

alone. alive. afloat.

6 subs, 322 views
Fantasy 3
#black_and_white, #calm, #colorful, #Fantasy, #mental_health, #Personal, #simple, #soft, #vent
No Free 2019-04-24 2021-02-06

Afraid of Heights

Santa Monica, 1987. Discovering an enigmatic alien doll stuffed with drugs and cash at the beach, a young boy's life is suddenly and irrevocably changed forever. Afraid of Heights is a comic-book adaptation of the WAVVES indie rock album of the same name, released in 2013. Each of the album’s thirteen tracks is represented by a separate chapter, all of which tell an ongoing story. There is no dialogue, only imagery, as the comic is intended to be read with the album playing in the background.

3 subs, 388 views
Drama 4
#alternative, #black and white, #comix, #dark, #psychedelic, #weird
No Free 2017-02-20 2017-02-20

by Firgof

The Goddess of Death, who longs to be more than a symbol of fear, awakens powerless in a world where death is no longer guaranteed and risks her life to bring it back from the brink of chaos.

69 subs, 4.74k views
Fantasy 6
#anachronism, #anachronistic, #black and white, #black/white, #c'thulhu, #coming_of_age, #Cthulhu, #dark fantasy, #death, #decay, #diety, #drama, #fae, #fairie, #fairie tales, #fairy, #fairy tale, #fairy tales, #fall, #Fantasy, #female, #God, #goddess, #grace, #grimm, #grim_reaper, #High Fantasy, #kinetic, #life, #linear, #love, #lovecraft, #lovecraftian, #luck, #manga, #murder, #mystery, #oc, #original universe, #pantheon, #reaper, #reaping, #scythe, #series, #serzahnk, #Soul, #super_sons, #twisted, #twisted tale, #universe, #woman
No Free 2016-01-05 2016-08-31

by Age of Revolution

Age of Revolution is a comic book series that throws you right into the middle of a world at war: A war in which the elemental forces of Science and Magic battle over truth, logic, and the future. Our story begins with the creation of a team of five young and uniquely talented individuals brought together to try to resolve this conflict and unravel the mystery that lurks around it.

6 subs, 962 views
Comedy 1
#Action, #adventure, #army, #black and white, #comedy, #drama, #Fantasy, #hero, #magic, #manga, #science, #shonen, #team, #war
No Free 2014-09-03 2014-09-03


A collection of my one panel Agrograppling mini comic.

2 subs, 274 views
Comedy 10
#bjj, #black_and_white, #Brazilian_jiu_jitsu, #Grappling, #jiujitsu, #jiu_jitsu, #martial_arts, #MMA
Yes Free 2020-04-08 2020-04-17

by BansheeWillow

It was only a knock on the window of her room, but it was enough to form an unusual friendship with the strange creature that had been wandering her alley for years... 10 years later, Livilla has grown into a young woman and is very popular with the town's bachelors. But her existing friendship with the dark creature is causing trouble. genre: romance, fantasy, mystery new ep/saturdays!

3 subs, 98 views
Fantasy 8
#Agwir, #blackwhite, #Comic, #demon, #drama, #Fantasy, #girl, #love, #Monster, #romance
No Free 2022-01-30 2022-01-31

by Nicole León
Ah schnitzel!!

Some kind of daily "comic strips" (if you want to call it like that) about my silly everyday life. Bravo, clap clap. I'll be submitting everytime i have time.

16 subs, 775 views
Comedy 4
##GirlProblems, ##TooWhiteforMyEyes, #Fahkin capitals, #hastag, #i like cats, #no, #poop, #schnitzel, #seriously, #teabags, #why
No Free 2015-07-20 2015-07-28

by E-Maniak

Comic webcomic about aikido The humour-filled adventures of a gang of nutty aikidokas and their one-of-a-kind Sensei. Texts and illustrations by E-Maniak English traduction by Yolanda Palomares (Institut Neo - INEO)

1 subs, 522 views
Comedy 6
#aikido, #black and white, #comedy, #japan, #martial arts, #noobs, #sensei, #sport, #students
No Free 2017-04-24 2017-04-28

by Morgan Coffin
Akai Ito

Akai Ito, or The Red String of Fate is an East Asian folk legend about how we are destined to be with one person, a soulmate, and how we will always find them in the end. But what if it goes horribly wrong? Find out in this psychologically horrific love story.

15 subs, 302 views
Horror 10
#akai_ito, #black_and_white, #Coffinstaincomics, #death, #Forever, #horror, #japanese_horror, #J_Horror, #love, #manga, #Morgan_Coffin, #psychological_horror, #romance, #western
No Free 2020-02-07 2020-04-26

by asthra4all

Akeru is a deconstruction take on The Shounen Demographic. Akeru is a Swordsmen out to master his skills and beat the Strongest fighter "NEO"

4 subs, 413 views
Fantasy 1
#Akeru, #Anirudh, #blackandwhite, #deconstruction, #magic, #manga, #shonen, #shounen, #swords, #Swordsmen, #Viez
No Free 2017-07-19 2017-07-19

by Gremmyx76
Albatross Issue # 1

Taking place in an alternative Steam-Punk Universe: Miriam Lacombe, created by the hands of God, reigns over the Empire of Sylvania. Fearing collapse, Empress Lacombe created a race known as Golems to protect her reign. In a failure to instill fear, the new race had fallen subject to oppression, and fled to the Free State of Albatross. Satisfied by her creation, Empress Lacombe had created an Heir with a combination of her blood and that of a Golem. Her son, Adrian a talented pilot, holds the key to the Golems freedom from the Empire. Volume 1: Emperor Adrian Lacombe faces execution. Before his final appointment, he meets with President Eden Whitehall to look back twenty years to their first encounter. Six-teen, and ambitious, Adrian holds position over a military Squadron in the conflicted city of North-Centrailia. Upon Adrian’s encounter with Eden, his life begins to rapidly change as he discovers his true identity

2 subs, 369 views
Action 2
#1800s, #1880s, #Action, #adrian, #adrian wells, #adventure, #airplane, #albatross, #anime, #area 88, #avaiation, #avaition, #beasts, #black butler, #dictator, #eden whitehall, #edward elric, #english, #evil dicatorship, #Fantasy, #fantasy series, #fictional, #FMA, #Full Metal Alchemist, #golem, #gremlin, #Gundam, #Historical Fiction, #history, #horror, #jester, #jet craft, #King, #macross, #manga, #military, #military comic, #Monster, #monsters, #Queen, #sci fi, #Science Fiction, #steam punk, #steampunk, #Victorian
No Free 2018-02-09 2018-02-09

by Rachel
Alchemist Burn Outs

Harriet has been transported to a place where her dead Father is alive, her terrible powers are disabled, and she can finally live a normal life. But, things are not quite as they seem. Joining forces with the two worst students of the Pendleson Alchemy Academy, the three drop outs decide it's time to break out of school and carve their own paths.

156 subs, 15.4k views
Fantasy 147
#adventure, #Alchemist, #alchemy, #alternate_timeline, #black_and_white, #line_art, #magic_school, #magic_teens, #YA
Yes Free 2018-02-16 2021-12-17

by Lynt
Alena to Alen. Over.

You should probably skip the rest and start here: https://tapastic.com/episode/201872 (Episode 29) --- 60% Reality 35% Imagination 5% Exaggeration 100% Me ----- Probably just me talking about my life. ---- I also upload random comics --- Also, I'm sorry that the actual comics are nothing like the thumbnail, -- Traditional or digital? Manga style or chibi? All four but in different comics -- Update: Every Saturday (Don't count on it)

33 subs, 3.31k views
Slice of life 53
#black and white, #comicstrip, #comic_strip, #traditional, #why i do this to myself
No Free 2015-01-17 2017-04-28

by Noodle-Chan
Alice Mare Comics

a random series where i post alice mare comics for fun Alice mare and the characters belongs to miwashiba the comics drawn belong to me Series banner art does not belong to me Thumbnail also does not belong to me

0 subs, 310 views
Comedy 1
#alicemare, #Allen, #chelsy, #cheshirecat, #horrorgame, #Joshua, #letty, #miwashiba, #Rick, #stella, #Teacher, #whiterabbit, #wolfrpghorrorgame
No Free 2018-07-04 2018-07-04

by Animorpha
Alice's White Rabbit

A young Japanese girl who was suffering from a deep depression. Meets a foreign girl that changes her life, in more ways then one. This foreign girls name is, Alice.

167 subs, 5.1k views
Romance 5
#Action, #akuma, #alice, #comedy, #cute, #dead, #dead people, #demon, #demons, #drama, #Fantasy, #funny, #ghost, #ghosts, #glasses, #horror, #rabbit, #romance, #romantic, #scary, #white
No Free 2014-03-12 2016-01-17

by John Clayton
Aliens Zealot

Aliens Zealot is a short narrative, a fan comic based off of the Alien franchise. Father Noah, a priest who travels from world to world spreading the word of God, a lie he says. But when he and his crew come to a new planet, he realizes the God that he believes in, truly is real.

59 subs, 4.32k views
Horror 15
#Alien, #Alien queen, #aliens, #aliens zealot, #black, #blood, #facehugger, #GORE, #horror, #priest, #red, #religion, #white, #xenomorph
No Free 2016-05-29 2020-12-01

by NoLifeArtist
All Aboard Hell

You wake up on a train, you don't now how you got here but you do know that you want to get out as soon as possible

0 subs, 51 views
Comedy 1
#black_and_white, #comedy, #horror, #mystery
No Free 2019-11-18 2019-11-18

by Pauls Tower
All Good Things

Jaime and Jade are young, in love, and on a cross-country journey across a 70's America. They have their entire lives ahead of them as the only obstacle on the horizon is the setting sun. Only one problem... Jade's dead. Updates every Thursday at 4!

230 subs, 33.1k views
Drama 172
#1970, #blackandwhite, #comedy, #cute, #depression, #drama, #historicalfiction, #monstergirl, #roadtrip, #romance, #zombie
No Free 2019-08-01 2022-07-21

by Narithian
All in the End

1 Word = 1 Comic Page 31 words = 1 Story Done on 7x10 Mixed Media Canson Sketchbook This is a short horror story made from Lunafeat21's Darktober 2021 Prompt List. No words are spoken. **Please be warned. This is comic will contain violence, gore, and death.

2 subs, 243 views
Horror 7
#black_and_white, #horror
No Free 2022-01-26 2022-02-15

by Raider
ALL-STARS Are Enemies


3 subs, 452 views
Science fiction 1
#All stars, #All stars are enemies, #Anime war, #black and white, #Espacio, #Fiction history, #future, #FUture vs past, #galactic war, #guerra, #Guerra galactica, #manga, #Manga samurai, #mexican comic, #PAsado vs el fututo, #PAst history, #samurai, #Samurai black, #Samurais, #Science Fiction, #space, #space_war, #war
Yes Free 2017-09-28 2017-10-24

by Almerious

These are the Sacred Scriptures for a people long forgotten.

9 subs, 791 views
Fantasy 9
#abstract, #Action, #black and white, #color, #colour, #Comic, #Creature, #dark fantasy, #Dragon, #Fantasy, #fantasy creatures, #High Fantasy, #Historic, #history, #medieval, #middle ages, #noir, #Prelude, #red, #scriptures, #surreal, #sword
No Free 2017-12-16 2018-04-27

by Fireytika

Aluca Rayna, a half blood witch who hates vampire went for an adventure across the land to seek her father. However, her journey is not easy especially when a perverted vampire named Zenith following her around. He offered her a help with a price, her rare blood. A love hate dark romance story.

107 subs, 2.26k views
Fantasy 8
#Action, #adventure, #bishie, #blood, #comedy, #dark_romance, #Fantasy, #magic, #moe, #playboy, #romance, #supernatural, #vampire, #vampire_hunter, #white_hair, #witch
No Free 2018-08-14 2019-06-07

by Angela R. Sasser
Amaranthine: Rapunzel

Discover the roots of the Rapunzel story in this dark traditional re-telling fashioned with woodcut inspired art. Part of the 'Amaranthine' series of tales, an ongoing set of timeless tales created by fantasy artist, Angela R. Sasser. 'Amaranthine' means deathless, just as these stories are.

22 subs, 3.9k views
Fantasy 33
#Amaranthine, #black and white, #fairy tale retelling, #fairy tales, #medieval_fantasy, #rapunzel, #woodcut style
No Free 2015-11-05 2016-06-19

by SkyLark
Amy Carmichael's Dream

Amy Beatrice Carmichael (16 December 1867 – 18 January 1951) was a Protestant Christian missionary in India who served there for 55 years without furlough and wrote many books about the missionary work there. This is a four-page comic on a vision that she wrote about - a warning about the state of the lost in the world.

5 subs, 384 views
Slice of life 1
#amy_carmichael, #black_and_white, #Christian, #Christianity, #christian_missions, #God, #gods_love, #Jesus, #love, #missions, #missions_history, #mission_life, #unreached_people
No Free 2019-04-10 2019-04-10

by R.Rudge
An Unwritten Adventure

An adventure in no words. A new panel added every day.

7 subs, 2.74k views
Fantasy 48
#adventure, #black and white, #Fantasy, #magic, #no words, #swords and sorcery
No Free 2015-05-19 2015-08-05

by Cheetah
Angelic breed

Avalynn Moore is a Demian (demi-human), and it has brought her nothing but trouble. She could have never imagined she would end up kidnapped for it though! Follow Ava as she tries to survive a brutal illegal underground fighting ring, alongside her newfound charismatic, yet mysterious master Asao Saito. - Art by M.O.R

11 subs, 622 views
Fantasy 3
#black_and_white, #Demi_Humans, #demons, #eyepatch, #fighting, #inhuman, #katana, #manga, #wings
No Free 2020-02-29 2020-06-02

by Mike Guiang
Anomaly Frontier

Although distressed by his late-wife’s passing, David, now a single father strives to provide for his 2-year-old daughter Mathilda and high-school senior son Morgan. Buried in debt from the result of Lisa’s illness – David works the usual full-time hours at a call center. What is pending on the horizon is unknown for this mundane life.

10 subs, 1.31k views
Slice of life 14
#anfr, #anomaly frontier, #black and white, #drama, #horror, #mike guiang, #mundane, #pandemic, #slice of life
No Free 2014-07-17 2014-07-29

by mothy drawings
Antleroth the Mothman

They say the Mothman is a terrifying creature. Doesn't look like that to me

37 subs, 3.71k views
Slice of life 79
#4 panel, #black and white, #comedy, #creepy, #Hand Drawn, #Mothman, #mothydrawings, #wierd
No Free 2018-07-13 2020-11-21

by ok kay
Apple The Witch

[READS RIGHT TO LEFT] When a young witch's quest for a magic flower goes wrong, she will not only discover a new friend but also the past she never new she had.

13 subs, 759 views
Fantasy 6
#blackandwhite, #colorpages, #Fantasy, #femaleprotag, #flowers, #forest, #girly, #Lolita, #lolitafashion, #magic, #magical, #MagicalGirl, #manga, #mangastyle, #mystery, #okkay, #pretty, #shojo, #shojomanga, #sparkle, #super_sons, #traditional, #traditionalcomic, #witch
No Free 2018-04-10 2020-02-28

by Teo Federn

A story about apples. Quick black-and-white sketches.

0 subs, 68 views
Slice of life 4
#art, #black_and_white, #fun, #graphic_, #meditation__, #meditative, #no_words, #raw, #time_lapse__
No Free 2022-07-07 2022-07-09

by Artepipa
Archer´s Little Life

The ups and downs for a rookie in the archery world.

81 subs, 7.5k views
Slice of life 54
#Action, #archery, #arrow, #black and white, #bow, #daily life, #easy line, #girly, #humor, #romance, #training
No Free 2015-12-08 2016-11-22

by KiaraNovaStar
Area 9

An original one shot by Kiara Llewellyn/Kiara Lee (Lumi/Lumnili/Nova/Supern-0-va). Area 9 can now be purchased in book format! http://lumiart.storenvy.com/products/3612787-area-9 Synopsis: Taishi Iwaska had once dreamed of working in Area 9, a research facility surrounded by a huge wall that finds cures for dangerous viruses. Feeling useless, he has recently given up on his dream, but in a strange turn of events he finds himself trapped in Area 9 as a hostage with a crazy bomber called 'Bomb', who claims to be a terrorist that will blow up Area 9 if they don't give him what he wants. Is there anything Taishi can do before it's too late? Just who is Bomb, and why does he want to destroy Area 9? Taishi will have to overcome his feelings of helplessness if he's going to do anything about it, as well as make a few shocking discoveries along the way. <<Read from right to left<< Rated T for Teen

1.04k subs, 26.1k views
Science fiction 11
#area 9, #bomb, #crazy bomber, #fumio, #human_experiments, #kiara lee, #koji, #lumi, #lumnili, #manga, #one_shot, #Powers, #science_fiction, #scifi, #selena, #shounen, #super_sons, #taishi, #taishi iwasaka, #webcomic, #white flowers
No Free 2013-04-02 2020-02-02

by ALI
Ariadne and Bacchus

Comic taken from the Greek myth of Ariadne and Bacchus: Theseus, after defeating the Minotaur and having managed to get out of the labyrinth thanks to Ariadne's thread, vows to marry her. Theseus, however, is not really in love with her, so he decides to get rid of her, abandoning her on the island of Naxos ...

10 subs, 1.32k views
Romance 14
#bacchus, #blackandwhite, #comedy, #Comic, #funny, #greek_mythology, #ink, #love, #lovestory, #manga, #mythology, #original, #originalcomic, #wine
Yes Free 2020-03-05 2022-01-13

by DiaTatty

A story about 7 girls who stan a k-pop boy group called BTS!! Each and very one of them are very special and have different personalities but the only thing that made them together is their love towards their boys!!

33 subs, 638 views
Slice of life 1
#army, #black&white, #BTS, #comedy, #hand-drawn, #kpop, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2017-08-04 2017-08-04

by misquito06
Ashe's Falling

In an apocalyptic community, Ashe finds out about some shady activities that her lover is doing behind her back.

1 subs, 49 views
Mystery 12
#apocalypse, #Betrayal, #blackandwhite
No Free 2022-05-07 2022-07-22

by Mandisawesome
Assassin 113

On a crime-infested planet on the fringes of the galaxy, Jim and Sene are a pair of mid-ranking hitmen just making it by. When a high-profile hit list containing the names of 160 assassins goes public, they see an opportunity to rise in the ranks. Being 113th on that list is just a minor inconvenience. Updates Tuesdays! 18+

112 subs, 3.64k views
Action 41
#Action, #aliens, #assassin, #blackandwhite, #scifi
No Free 2021-08-25 2022-07-19

by Corina L
At Least I Tried

Beatrice Kadinsky's got a great life: a whole school full of friends, a loving boyfriend, and a bright, promising future! There's just one tiny problem..... ...all of that ended 12 years ago and she's now entering her 30's as a friendless, jobless hikikomori that still lives with her mom. But fate doesn't prove itself completely cruel for Beatrice, as a small bit of friendly competition from the outside world and a chance to revisit her past gives her a newfound boost of determination to pull herself out of the gutter and back into the heart of society. Will she succeed and finally reclaim her rightful(?) position within the social ladder's upper echelon after years of fear, isolation, and anime girls? Will she fall flat on her face like a loser and shut herself away forever??? SPOILER ALERT: I haven't finished writing it yet.

4 subs, 311 views
Drama 1
#:^), #also ah-nee-may, #anxiety, #black and white, #comedic drama, #Communism, #crying, #dark comedy, #depression, #dramedy, #existentialism, #ghosts, #hikikomori, #huehuehue, #ink, #lots of unfunny anti-humor from here on out I'm tellin ya now, #memes, #misanthropy, #N.E.E.T, #narcissism, #pg-13 for language and edginess, #philosophy, #Psychological horror, #sad, #suicidal_thoughts, #there's video games but its not a , #traditional_art, #twintails, #Waifus
No Free 2018-04-23 2018-04-23

by Ky_D_C
AURORA: Apocalypse

When a virus ravages the earth, the government nukes all major cities while humanity retreats into 60 bunkers across the globe. This graphic novel follows the smallest of the lot, Bunker #17, where all is not what it seems.

4 subs, 32 views
Horror 1
#black_and_white, #Development, #horror, #mystery
No Free 2021-05-30 2021-07-09

Ávidos Sentimentos de Ar Condensado

O tempo passa e as pessoas amadurecem em diferentes perspectivas de uma mesma conversa. A partir de traços desastrosamente fluidos, "Ávidos sentimentos de ar condensado" convida o leitor a abençoar um trágico, timidamente longo, relacionamento de anos esfumaçados em seis páginas. -GUNHELMET +one shot +português +pt-br

14 subs, 202 views
Drama 1
#black_and_white, #BR, #drama, #gunhelmet, #oneshot, #one_shot, #portuguese, #PTBr, #PT_BR, #romance
Yes Free 2018-11-23 2020-07-28

by ClarieArt
AVISHAI: Short Stories

AVISHAI is a story about a young man finding his true purpose in a world where he is caught in humanity’s battle for divine power through technological advancements. While these advancements have brought civilization out from complete obscurity, it has opened a new realm of challenges. In addition, there will be other stories featuring other characters as well going through their own journey.

2 subs, 143 views
Science fiction 1
#Action, #avishai, #avishai_short_stories, #black_and_white, #blue, #clarieart, #Fantasy, #science_fiction, #Shin, #short_stories
No Free 2021-09-03 2021-09-03

by Alexden96
Awful Chains

Nathaniel is a young boy who lives on the outskirts of a town, and takes on the task of putting restless spirits at peace, fulfilling their last wishes so they can finally leave the world of the living. Some spirits, however, can never be satisfied.

20 subs, 2.05k views
Fantasy 15
#alexden96, #awful_chains, #black_and_white, #Comic, #death, #ghost, #graphic_novel, #grave, #manga, #Monster, #Nathaniel, #original_story, #taylor_denna
No Free 2020-04-24 2021-01-12

by Marcus Andrews

A mini comic series about the daily life of a naturally weird, socially awkward, and probably mentally insane young adult named "A-san".

22 subs, 755 views
Comedy 11
#awkwardsan, #blackandwhite, #Comic, #funny, #manga, #quirky, #weird
No Free 2018-11-01 2019-01-16

by NachosRenard
Azure the Two Tailed Husky

The many adventures of Azure the Two Tailed Husky! He starts his journey discovering he has his own comic! But will his powers get out of hand...?

23 subs, 1.74k views
Fantasy 18
#adventure, #azure, #blue, #dog, #Dragon, #husky, #isekai, #magic, #Two_tailed, #white
No Free 2018-12-28 2022-01-21

by badeggcomic
Bad Egg

The Butchers were once one of the most powerful gangs in London, they now live a quiet life in a small town just outside the city. Their peace is shattered when an old member of the gang is attacked by a crew of violent vegetables called '5 a day'. Our heroes must now face these vicious attackers and get to the bottom of why they've been targeted.

31 subs, 8.07k views
Action 12
#Action, #anime, #black_and_white, #Britain, #british, #comedy, #england, #english, #funny, #line_art, #london, #manga, #mixed_media, #photo, #photography, #Seinen, #shonen, #shounen
No Free 2014-12-21 2021-03-26

by Marc schwertfager

Comedy, language and gore comic shorts.

1 subs, 70 views
Comedy 5
#Bad_desicions, #black_and_white, #cartoon, #comedy, #GORE
No Free 2019-12-29 2019-12-31

by CPTBee

A girl who gives life to the wheat field grows tired of being shut in and decides to go outside for the first time in her life.

424 subs, 4.57k views
Science fiction 2
#balance, #black and white, #gold, #one shot, #Sci-fi, #short story, #wheat, #wheat field
No Free 2015-01-06 2015-01-26

by B.A.M Comics
BAM Comic Sketches

Fun, Random Sketches we create in our free time!

0 subs, 135 views
Slice of life 2
#black_and_white, #cute, #fun, #hand_drawing, #originals, #pencil, #raw, #sketch
No Free 2019-12-05 2019-12-13

by Parachutes

Tales from city of Barock, about all the things that happens in doomed city and its people. to sum it up, we live in the city of bollocks, things are not good right here

93 subs, 1.44k views
Action 1
#black and white, #fighting, #Graphic Novel, #noir, #trap, #violence
No Free 2015-08-12 2015-08-12

by ikbal zeynep
Bathroom Assembly Remarks

Kübra, a very short tempered junior high student comes to her home to have a shower, only to find an unknown duck in the bathroom. The rest is betrayal, conspiration, lies, action, fancy roads to fantastic worlds, mumblative democracy and a great deal of slapping. Each page will be published as a new update since this is a one-shot manga.

15 subs, 1.69k views
Comedy 8
#bathroom, #black and white, #comedy, #creatures, #duck, #Fantasy, #fun, #girl, #ikbal zeynep, #manga, #mina, #moe, #monochrome, #traditional
No Free 2014-02-21 2014-07-13

by aFistFullOfPeanuts
Batman: Tales of Gotham City -- Volume Two

Batman: Tales of Gotham City -- Volume Two continues to follow key points of various Gothamites, detailing the often unseen sides of this nefarious city. 'It's time to delve deep within and weave throughout the streets, listening to what they have to say.' (Non-Profit fan series. All ownership and credit to DC Comics.)

9 subs, 974 views
Drama 15
#batman, #Comic, #dc, #gotham, #great white shark, #hero, #Villian
No Free 2017-07-20 2020-12-31

by Gabriel Cardozo
Battle Hungry (Spanish)

Luego del invierno nuclear, reconstruir el ecosistema será trabajo de los "soñadores". Guión: Pablo Praino Dibujo: Yo

9 subs, 820 views
Science fiction 9
#accin, #Action, #battle_royal, #bear, #black_and_white, #blanco_y_negro, #espaol, #Fight, #girl, #guerra, #hunger_games, #manga, #Monster, #monstruo, #mujer, #oso, #pelea, #postapocaliptic, #postapocaliptico, #space, #spanish
No Free 2017-04-13 2019-09-02

by Rae

This series is indefinitely on hiatus, Due to a lot of changes in my life, including a change in majors, i still draw hin but this story is so outdated and unfitting of her now. I will keep the story up for the sake of having it up, I appreciate all my subscribers, and supporters of this series so far!!! If you still want to see art of hin and dominic I would suggest following my instagram and twitter! Hin hasn't known much past pleasing others, however when she meets an unsuspecting fellow, her outlook on life is changed, and she takes matters into her own hands. She finds out new things everyday.

183 subs, 14.6k views
Romance 38
#black_and_white, #demon, #ink, #Pen, #Personal, #romance, #self_discovery, #super_sons
No Free 2016-09-16 2019-07-01

by Michael Peckham
Beast Hunter

Follow Mary, the Beast Hunter into a world inspired by both that of the old west and fantasy. Watch out for the monsters.

11 subs, 420 views
Fantasy 1
#american, #and, #beast, #beast hunter, #black, #black and white, #blow dart, #Comic, #comics, #Fantasy, #hunter, #Indian, #Monster, #native, #traditional, #weekly, #western, #white
No Free 2016-09-23 2016-09-23

by Sugarella

A young woman lives in the woods amongst the other women in a collection of secret societies. She has never seen the modern world, until her 15th birthday, where the villagers celebrate the rite of passage by sending children into the world to return as adults.

7 subs, 750 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #Beatrice, #black and white, #blue, #feminism, #magical powers, #secret society, #witches, #women
No Free 2016-09-21 2016-09-21

by Moonie

Following the death of Archie, the main vocalist of the young hit band, Jupiter, three kids who were both close with and inspired by the band's music, start their own to follow in Jupiter's footsteps.

3 subs, 183 views
#band, #black_and_white, #greyscale, #lgbtq, #original_characters, #tragedy
No Free 2022-01-03 2022-05-08

by Apollo

15 years after an exorcism took the life of his sister, Annabelle, con artist Vincent Beaumont returns to his childhood home with the intent to sell it. However, it seems that Annabelle herself isn't ready to give it up without a favor... Vincent may be a lot of things, but he's not sure if killer is one.

204 subs, 5.58k views
Horror 14
#black_and_white, #Grayscale, #historical, #horror, #southern_gothic, #supernatural
No Free 2019-05-01 2020-04-08

by Cheyanne
Because Anxiety

A comic about my life, warts and all. Updates once a week.

636 subs, 20.8k views
Slice of life 15
#anxiety, #autobiographical, #bi polar, #black and white, #comedy, #Coping, #dark, #funny, #grey, #Journal comic, #mental health, #OCD, #ptsd, #selfie, #slice of life
No Free 2017-11-12 2018-01-28

by Aphrodite
Because of our Wings (incomplete)

Buck has a bad attitude and quick tongue. Charlie was straight until he wasn't. Somehow, thes two are gonna try make it work. This is a comic about fear, love, tolerance, prejudice and bravery. For a more lengthly summary: https://tapas.io/episode/1208475 We're on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/aphrodite Currently on Hiatus

6.94k subs, 2.08M views
BL 252
#anthro, #black_and_white, #BoyLove, #Butterfly, #bxb, #demisexual, #gay, #genderfluid, #gender_fluid, #homosexual, #lbgtqa, #moth, #romance, #struggle, #wings
No Free 2016-12-13 2020-05-15

by Catbro16
Becoming a Guardian

In the world of Destiny, a world far into the future, the earth is in almost total ruin. The rest of humanity lives in the Last City. A life force called the Traveler gifts humanity it's light to resurrect previously deceased humans and these revived humans, called Guardians, are tasked with protecting Humanity from monsters. A very experienced Guardian is now entrusted with teaching a newly revived Guardian the basics of fighting with both weapons and the light. A rather easy task. Right?

1 subs, 51 views
Comedy 1
#blackandwhite, #game
No Free 2021-06-18 2021-07-12

by André Garza
Being Mexican

This is the story of 120 million dudes that live in the most colorful, entertaining, and cultural country, Mexico. Unfortunately, nobody understands our lifestyle. Lucky for you, I'm here to explain it. UPDATED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS!

8 subs, 666 views
Slice of life 4
#Advantages, #black and white, #cartoon, #clothing, #colorful, #comedy, #country, #culture, #disadvantages, #food, #funny, #lifestyle, #mexican, #Mexico, #minimalistic, #North America, #perk, #perks, #poorly_drawn, #Pros and Cons, #simple, #slice of life, #spanish, #tumblr
No Free 2017-05-15 2017-06-09

by Miriam
Better the Devil You Know

Yusa knows something about Yoko she doesn't even know herself. Yusa knows Yoko is the most evil person in the world and she's up to no good. But how can it be true if Yoko is everybody's precious sweetheart..? Read left -> right

129 subs, 3.13k views
Mystery 9
#blackandwhite, #DEVILS, #drama, #manga, #mystery, #shounen
No Free 2019-01-31 2019-03-11

by ebetto.
Beyond The Server's Gates

A lone warrior wakes up after a long 2 year nap to find his world abandoned and changed. Partnered with an old friend, the duo travel across the lands of this seemingly forgotten world to discover not all has been left to rot. However, what has survived is not looking very... "good".

5 subs, 304 views
Fantasy 4
#black_and_white, #btsg, #elf, #Fantasy, #genysis, #Glitch, #mmo, #rpg, #terminuz, #usajin
No Free 2018-09-27 2018-09-27