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by Amilcar
(Don't) Trust yourself (Español)

Valencia, España, 1998. ¿Qué harías si te encontraras una versión adulta de ti mismo... que te da instrucciones concretas a seguir? ¿Confiarías en él? (Don't) Trust Yourself es un thriller que mezcla viajes en el tiempo con suspense y acción para lectores adultos, donde no sabrás qué bando escoger.

2 subs, 159 views
Action 18
#90s, #adult, #blackwhite, #Crime, #dark, #mistery, #spanish, #thriller, #timetravel, #western
No Free 2022-01-30 2022-06-17

by GroundNova
45 days as Haze

In Neo -Edo a man named Kenji has an ailment with no apparent cure. A long with this illness of his he is given mysterious powers. With these new abilities he assumes a new identity.

9 subs, 995 views
Action 5
#45 days, #acction, #Action, #anime, #comedy, #Comic, #Eastern, #Edo, #GroundNova, #japan, #manga, #samurai, #western
No Free 2016-05-18 2017-11-08

by ishmaelanimash

All hell breaks loose when an unexpected visitor makes it's way into the room of a brave young man.

8 subs, 512 views
Action 1
#Action, #art, #artistic, #battle, #Bees, #birds and the bees, #Bleach, #boy, #british, #colour, #comedy, #Comic, #comix, #Comixs, #complete, #death, #digital, #Dragon Ball, #drama, #england, #Fight, #fighter, #fighting, #finished, #funny, #Funny Fight, #gladiator, #hilarious, #honey, #human, #hype, #Man, #Man vs Bug, #manga, #mha, #Naruto, #Power, #published, #puke, #relatable, #shonen, #short, #short story, #slice of life, #spring, #stinger, #strong, #summer, #sword, #Tournament, #ultimate, #unexpected, #Versus, #vs, #Wasp, #Wasps, #Western Manga, #wild, #young man
No Free 2017-08-02 2017-08-02

by Brookie Monster
A Game of Chance

Monday & Friday @12AM |PST| A Game of Chance is a story about Charlotte, an aristocrat cat, who travels with Lenard, her escort & bodyguard, cross country to be with her father. Along the way, they get mixed up with a bunch of criminals and gangs who stop at nothing to complete their objective. Rather it be animal trafficking, drugs, money, important people, etc. Even the nicest people have a troubled backstory. Travel along as these two struggle to stay alive.

40 subs, 2.93k views
Fantasy 55
#adventure, #animals, #A_Game_of_Chance, #Brookie_Monster, #furries, #furry, #journey, #teamwork, #western, #WhereMonstersLinger, #Wild_West
No Free 2018-11-29 2020-07-14

by Hideo34
A Land Where Knights Dwell

In the thriving town of Freewood, words of war spread like wildfire. The rebels known as the "Knights of Remiel" seek to upset the established order and reclaim the "holy land." It falls on Lucien Yorke to weed them out.

81 subs, 2.49k views
Action 16
#Action, #bountyhunters, #cowboys, #drama, #old_west, #western
No Free 2019-01-01 2022-07-20

by kubensiri
A Meeting At The Crossroads (HIATUS)

Two friends, one town. Emett is a wandering traveler looking for a good place to settle in, and Nemo is a space bounty hunter; both men are looking for something, but neither expect to ever see each other again. Accompanied by their friends: Buttercup the giant talking(?) dog, and Clara the sass filled robot, they attempt to sort out what went wrong and reconnect. They were such good friends... What happened?

9 subs, 505 views
Drama 2
#drama, #Fantasy, #melodrama, #scifi, #space, #spaghetti_western, #western
No Free 2018-07-30 2018-10-01

by Shuratart
A Town Called Tombstone

Updates Tuesdays! People have been disappearing around the small mining town of Tombstone, Arizona. Suspecting supernatural causes, the desperate town doctor recruits four oddities to investigate and shed light on the phenomenon. Are they really prepared for what they will find, or will they fall victim to the very evil they seek to purge? Story: S. Rodriguez-Wakim H. Trice L. Perrin A. Hornbuckle A. Stammerjohan Comic: Shuratart

53 subs, 6.7k views
Action 67
#1920s, #Action, #adventure, #alchemy, #alcohol, #blood, #Comic, #d&d, #Dungeons__Dragons, #family, #Fantasy, #friendship, #horror, #love, #magic, #Pathfinder, #religion, #supernatural, #tobacco, #urban fantasy, #western
No Free 2018-01-09 2019-03-14

by Francesco Ferrigno

A Train to Hell is a horror-western comic created by Francesco Ferrigno. The story is about a man named Dutch Donaldson who is hanged for a crime not committed. Suddenly he finds himself in a limbo between the living world and the afterlife, when at one point a ghostly train enveloped in flames appears.So Duch meets Flegias the demon ferryman, who invites him to board the train, but Dutch begs to be spared, and says he has a wife and a daughter on earth and that they need him. Dutch also confesses to wanting to kill Ramon Torres, the man who hanged him. Strangely Flegias seems to show pity and proposes to Dutch a deal: He will return to earth in the form of undead for seven days to take the soul of the man who killed him and swap it with his own, but if we fail the train will take him to hell forever ...

15 subs, 775 views
Horror 3
#Action, #adventure, #art, #Comic, #demons, #drawings, #Guns, #hell, #horror, #manga, #undead, #webcomic, #western
No Free 2016-05-04 2016-06-21

by Silverbreeze424
Above the Bend

A regular cattle drive takes a bit of a turn, and it only gets stranger when Morgan Pierce returns to his "home" town. Broken Gorge is on edge, and with good reason, yet somehow he gets roped into looking for lost dogs rather than missing people. Updates weekly on Wednesday mornings.

9 subs, 396 views
Action 8
No Free 2022-04-11 2022-07-20

by LaTor
Acapella Romantic Times

A collection of short romantic stories, forever captured throughout all of time.

3 subs, 574 views
Romance 4
#18thcentury, #18th_century, #19thcentury, #19th_Century, #20thcentury, #20th_century, #aesthetic, #artist, #cameo, #colorful, #contemporary, #contemporaryhistory, #contemporary_history, #edwardian, #frenchaesthetic, #French_aesthetic, #historicalfiction, #Historical_Fiction, #Poems, #Rococo_style, #romatic, #timeless, #Victorian, #vintage, #western
No Free 2020-09-06 2020-10-09

by Morgan Coffin
Akai Ito

Akai Ito, or The Red String of Fate is an East Asian folk legend about how we are destined to be with one person, a soulmate, and how we will always find them in the end. But what if it goes horribly wrong? Find out in this psychologically horrific love story.

15 subs, 302 views
Horror 10
#akai_ito, #black_and_white, #Coffinstaincomics, #death, #Forever, #horror, #japanese_horror, #J_Horror, #love, #manga, #Morgan_Coffin, #psychological_horror, #romance, #western
No Free 2020-02-07 2020-04-26

by Gremmyx76

Miriam Lacombe, created by the hands of God, reigns over the Empire of Sylvania. Fearing conspiracy and collapse, Empress Lacombe created a Gargoyle-like race known as Golems to protect her reign. Each member of the Golem race posses abilities unique to their own. In a failure to instill fear, the new race had fallen subject to oppression, and fled to the Free State of Albatross. Satisfied by her creation, Empress Lacombe had created an Heir with a combination of her blood and that of a Golem. Her son, Adrian a talented pilot, holds the key to the Golems freedom from the Empire. Volume 1: The year is 1939, a writer James Ferguson, meets with Empress Eden Lacombe to collect her story before execution. The two look back Eight-teen years to the beginning of her encounter with Adrian Wells. Six-teen, and ambitious, Adrian holds position over a military Squadron in the conflicted city of North-Centrailia. Upon Adrian’s encounter with Eden, his life begins to rapidly change as he discovers his true identity.

5 subs, 680 views
Science fiction 6
#Action, #airplane, #Alchemist, #alchemy, #anime, #battle, #Comic, #comical, #d gray-man, #drama, #Fantasy, #Full Metal Alchemist, #gaming, #goblin, #gremlin, #historical, #history, #horror, #japanese, #manga, #Naruto, #Power, #romance, #Science Fiction, #scifi, #shojen, #supernatural, #war, #western
No Free 2017-06-14 2017-10-28

by Liam Swanton
an anachronism occurs at castle rock station

in 1861, a lonely cowboy is positioned at a pony express relay station in the middle of nevada after the untimely demise of his partner. somewhere in the meantime, a time traveller attempts a daring maneuver.

9 subs, 855 views
#Cowboy, #gay, #queer, #time_travel, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2021-07-29 2021-08-19

by the_dame
An Impatient Grave

Lowe has a problem. The trail of bodies in his wake has finally grown too big to ignore. Death has sent him an invitation. Sandre has a solution: a six shooter full of bullets, a diverse handful of folks who owe him favors, and a trickster spirit. Once he sets his sights on a man, the end result is certain. Navigating a harsh western land of railroad barons and opium addicts, Cajun trappers and Mexican silver miners, Sandre steadily approaches and his shadow precedes him.

2 subs, 136 views
Action 1
No Free 2020-12-12 2020-12-12

by Majiro B.

Story Comic/Manga Description is currently under re working.

26 subs, 969 views
Fantasy 2
#Action, #adventure, #ancient, #asian, #celtic, #comedy, #destiny, #drama, #Fantasy, #Forecloses, #hero, #manga, #monsters, #mystery, #mythical, #western
No Free 2016-01-20 2018-08-27

by Traveler

In the story, Anura gets hired by the spider community to help do manual labor in their town. Anura helps Tan improve his skills, while Tan helps him to achieve his dreams.

17 subs, 1.56k views
Comedy 20
#anthro, #Fantasy, #gay, #human, #spider, #tarantula, #western
No Free 2020-02-10 2020-05-07

by Julinya
Barkley's Tale

A comic about monsterboys who are bad at being evil

12 subs, 783 views
Fantasy 4
#adventure, #barkley, #Castles, #Dragon, #evil, #Fantasy, #fortress, #guild, #mimic, #monsterboys, #spider, #vampire, #werewolf, #western
No Free 2017-08-10 2017-09-04

by Michael Peckham
Beast Hunter

Follow Mary, the Beast Hunter into a world inspired by both that of the old west and fantasy. Watch out for the monsters.

11 subs, 420 views
Fantasy 1
#american, #and, #beast, #beast hunter, #black, #black and white, #blow dart, #Comic, #comics, #Fantasy, #hunter, #Indian, #Monster, #native, #traditional, #weekly, #western, #white
No Free 2016-09-23 2016-09-23

by Zecknot
Betty Buckaroo

In a lawless valley where the dead run rampant, it only takes a few guns to make it out alive.

5 subs, 509 views
Action 1
#Action, #betty buckaroo, #ghost, #Guns, #western, #zecknot
No Free 2018-02-22 2018-02-22

by CRAZY Chair
Bounties with Teeth

The Americas in the Nineteenth Century is rife with creatures that would make a grown man shiver. Mr. Fox is a man who has made a living hunting down these creatures. He travels all over North and Central America to make a living by killing.

1 subs, 73 views
Horror 6
#bounty_hunter, #Cowboy, #cryptid, #historical, #history, #Monster, #monsters, #old_west, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2022-05-19 2022-07-17

by Jane Apricity
Bullets and Bonnets

A western vigilante story about a southern belle with a need for revenge, and a freed slave with blood in her past and hope for the future. "He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks." -Isaiah 2:40 Updates every Friday.

28 subs, 1.97k views
Action 17
#assassin, #bandit, #confederado, #Cowboy, #freedom, #horses, #journey, #justice, #mexican, #Native_American, #outlaw, #Revenge, #saloon, #slavery, #southern belle, #vigilante, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2016-07-06 2017-01-28

by Anna Colt
Buzzard Rock

You are in the middle of the desert and suddenly you see a town named Buzzard Rock. Vultures are circling and there's something very wrong with this town. The episodes The Night Of The Great Duel, Lolo, Lolo's special, Stevie and The Priest Of Osiris were translated from Russian by Sasha Vershinina.

3 subs, 51 views
Horror 7
#dark, #irony, #undead, #western, #zombie
No Free 2020-05-30 2021-03-08

by enar_illustration
Callahan's Quest

At the start of the year 1874 gunslinger Matt Callahan began his quest to find his old brother in arms Gabriel Ramirez; weeks have passed without any clue as to where Gabriel could be, until Matt discovers that one of the last members of his former gang is hiding in a small town on Utah and he may have some information about Gabriel whereabouts.

2 subs, 194 views
Action 5
#Action, #bounty_hunter, #comics, #Cowboy, #gunslinger, #old_west, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2022-04-16 2022-07-22

by Offbalanceart

The once imperial frontier capitol finds itself beset upon by monsters, witchcraft, and the wild powers of the mountains themselves in this alternate fantasy adventure. The story follows Agent Wallace; a hired-gun trying to form a new life from sinister ashes in his past. Honey-Queen Chel; the calculated leader of the Honey-cat syndicate, seeking to maintain an uneasy peace with the old imperial household's and the new confederations. Falceath- The Wulver Prince; A mercurial man leading his wolf-like soldiers to unpredictable ends. The Laronas; The descendants of the once great Vinjii Empire, and their newly crowned Matriarch, as they grapple to maintain their royal status. A mysterious witch-cult seemingly hell-bent on restoring a pre-imperial mythical "Kingdom of the Clouds". The Lady Whitehawk: A wandering knight looking to rectify the sins of her past. And young Raegan; caught in the middle, just trying to find her own place in the world.

6 subs, 259 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #adventure, #Comic, #Fantasy, #magic, #mystery, #western, #whimsical, #witchcraft
No Free 2022-02-05 2022-02-05

by Diêgo Silveira
COLD DISH (Full Story in One Episode)

Hunt down a prey! It's all a tired old hunter wants for his only child. But between parents' aspirations for their children and what they really want, there is always some difference...

0 subs, 144 views
Action 1
#art, #comics, #diegosilveiraart, #diegosilveiracomics, #diego_silveira, #drama, #historiaemquadrinhos, #hq, #Hqs, #hunter, #quadrinhos, #sword, #tragedy, #webcomic, #western
No Free 2019-10-29 2019-10-29

by Alan Djayce
Conflict of Interest

Short Comic. Script by DaniSF - www.Danisf.deviantart.com

7 subs, 477 views
Action 1
#3 page comic, #fallout, #Guns, #postapocaliptic, #short, #short_comic, #western
Yes Free 2016-07-07 2021-02-19

by emperor_smash
cosmic crackles (sci-fi short story)

sci fi short story

1 subs, 166 views
Science fiction 4
#anime, #artistic, #bizzare, #colourfull, #Cool, #cyberpunk, #jackkirby, #manga, #retro, #scifi, #western
No Free 2020-03-15 2020-04-17

by Jay
Cowgirl Without A Horse

Elle, a cowgirl who lost her horse in a bet with a cheating business man, meets mysterious runaway Maria. Together they go on a mission to get Elle's horse back.

33 subs, 680 views
#historical, #western
No Free 2021-01-20 2021-02-12

by RevolverComics
Crow Jane

A Western shoot-em up chock full of superpowers, action, laughs, drama, blood (lots and lots of blood), and one hard to kill, smart mouthed female lead.

78 subs, 9.48k views
Action 131
#Action, #blood, #color, #Comic, #crowjane, #indiecomic, #Mature, #nativeamerican, #revolvercomics, #webcomic, #western
No Free 2018-01-25 2018-10-25

by Deputy Rust

It’s a mad mad world out of the sight of us humans, beneath us lies a modern, Wild West with monsters and creatures thought to be myths.

52 subs, 473 views
Action 1
#cowboys, #cryptids, #Crypts_and_Cowboys, #monsters, #weird_west, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2022-06-27 2022-06-27

by cyclopsfairy

When Torem Culhane returns from the war he comes back to a different world than he remembers. Ready to escape his old reality he jumps at the chance to follow around an aloof nurse on whatever it is that she is up to.

2 subs, 314 views
Action 9
#bugs, #giant_bug, #giant_bugs, #goddess, #gods, #rolly_polly, #science_fiction, #SCI_FI, #Tarot, #tarot_card, #tarot_cards, #war, #western
No Free 2019-05-27 2020-10-27

by Mike MacDee
Daddy's Girl

Ever since she killed a man at the age of fifteen, gifted martial artist Andy Wilcox has tried to avoid confrontation. But then she gets on the bad side of a violent money launderer... A modern western featuring the toughest bitches in webcomics. (Originally ran from 2012 to 2015 on Smackjeeves)

224 subs, 77.8k views
Action 271
#Action, #Crime, #drama, #martial arts, #samurai, #western
Yes Free 2015-10-14 2018-06-20

by NeonPeppermintArt

A story of love and adventure, follow a young centaur on his journey through the dry western deserts, searching for a place to call home

4 subs, 76 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #adventure, #centaur, #dnd, #Fantasy, #lgbtqa, #love, #romance, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2022-06-03 2022-06-18

by Cioncept
Dead Bushi

The world we had known ceased to exist. Hundreds of years have passed and humanity is rising its head again, only to face new threats. Spirits of Eternals–seven great warriors–have entered seven bodies to finish the once started showdown. One of those warriors–the ronin called Dead Bushi–encounters an armless orphan on his way. He is the only one who can protect her from the menaces of this world.

80 subs, 1.34k views
Science fiction 3
#3ciona, #art, #ciona, #Comic, #deadbushi, #ghouls, #horror, #postapocalyptic, #samurai, #webcomic, #western, #zombie
No Free 2014-01-17 2016-12-11

by Craaven
Dead money: Stories

lots of stories end out in this desert. Stories full of blood, death, and gold. The types of stories devils love to hear.

0 subs, 82 views
Action 5
#demons, #western
No Free 2020-10-02 2020-10-02

by snoozzzes
Dead or Alive

Clay is on the run, wanted alive for fraud. Blackbell is wanted dead for 13 counts of murder. The two meet in Nowhere, Nevada as they attempt to evade capture. But secrets they'd rather keep buried are coming back to haunt them-- secrets that might get them killed. Rated PG13; Content warnings for strong language and some violence

8 subs, 270 views
Drama 10
#Cowboy, #lgbt, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2022-05-12 2022-07-15

by Daryl & Kiersten

The adventures of a showgirl on the run and her misanthropic cyclops of a partner. Gunslingers & Spellslingers face off in a world reborn.

19 subs, 1.08k views
Fantasy 22
#Action, #comedy, #deadeye, #deadeyecomic, #Fantasy, #Guns, #gunslinger, #magic, #new_comics, #old west, #romance, #Showgirl, #steampunk, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2017-11-23 2018-11-16

by Meam

Unusual travel companions Wolcott Locke and Roark Wolfinger live a simple life. Traveling the expansive west, the open road is where they have made their home for the past decade. But it isn't the only life they've ever known. Hailing from a city back in the East that fell victim to a strange and horrifying epidemic, Roark Wolfinger hoped to keep the danger of their past behind them. However, their peaceful lives take a turn for the unexpected in the small town of Mercy surrounding the unusual death of the town doctor, James Starling. Soon the two find their fates bound together with the widow Josephine Starling and the thief August Reed, as they set out to stop a disastrous unfolding of events that would restructure the very fabric of life as they know it. Please Support Deadlocke Machinist on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/MetroLocke

889 subs, 26.1k views
Fantasy 14
#drama, #Fantasy, #gay, #LGBT Comic, #western, #yaoi
No Free 2015-01-07 2017-02-20

by Clabon
Detonator Girls

Noelle is clumsy, bookish, and naive. Clara is confident, thoughtless, and powerful. The two make an unlikely pair, but when Noelle makes a mistake that lands her wanted by the law, the two embark on a deadly road trip across the dangerous country of Ashana fighting the dead, magic wielding outlaw gangs, and the organization that has the country in its pocket. Load your gun and rev your engine, it's Detonator Girls!

0 subs, 143 views
Fantasy 5
#Cowboy, #girls, #western
No Free 2022-02-06 2022-02-14

by Sylar Fuze
Devil's Dust

A pilot for a story about space outlaws digging stuff up and getting in trouble. Updates sporadically!

1.72k subs, 4.82k views
Action 1
#Devil's Dust, #Sci-fi, #western
No Free 2016-02-01 2018-05-31

by Alphares
Devil's Gun

Welcome stranger! I assume the call of the hunt got a hold of you too. Why else would you decide to even waste a glance at this god-forsaken collection of tales and stories? But beware! Don't let the horrors of this forgotten land stop you in your noble quest to protect those you love. May your bullets never miss, friend!

120 subs, 12.7k views
Horror 137
#Cowboy, #Creature, #devil's gun, #fable, #horror, #Monster, #mystery, #myth, #mythology, #werecreature, #werwolf, #West, #western, #wild, #Wild_West
No Free 2015-10-11 2017-12-10

by DarioCOMICS

Half-breed "Keoma" returns to his border hometown after service in the Civil War and finds it under the control of Demons. To make matters worse, under the Towns Church some greater Evil will be born. "Keoma" partners with a mysterious Woman to exact violent revenge.

10 subs, 961 views
Horror 1
#Civil_War, #gruesome, #Lone Hero, #native americans, #werewolf, #Werewolves, #western
No Free 2016-08-30 2016-10-11

by les valiant

An adventure-romance gay-action fantasy-western with a diverse cast and lots of dragons. Updates every Tuesday.

2.44k subs, 51.8k views
Fantasy 35
#adventure, #Cowboy, #Dragon, #gay, #lesbian, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #magic, #queer, #trans, #transgender, #western, #women, #yuri
No Free 2014-07-02 2021-09-14

by Simão Ferreira

A small group of people embarks on a dangerous mission in search of a way out from the freezing hell they have been trapped in for years.They will face the hostile outside which is full of wild animals, strong storms and a creature lurking in the deep forest. This is a story where harsh decisions have to be made,where boys become men and where fear must not only be faced but tamed as well.

4 subs, 102 views
Mystery 1
#horror, #mystery, #thriller, #western
No Free 2020-08-30 2020-08-30

Dust and Bones

Everyday life is disturbed by unknown shadows, restless ghosts, and unsolved deaths. Why? Who knows! Certainly not the main character of this comic.

66 subs, 4.82k views
Mystery 51
#comedy, #drama, #ghosts, #mystery, #priests, #supernatural, #western
No Free 2018-05-29 2019-06-16

by elliebean
Dust Devil

Eevie is an outlaw trying to crawl out under the thumb of her higherups and back to someone who wants nothing to do with her. Cass is a watchman trying to build a new life apart away from the person who hurt her most. The only thing keeping them from getting what they want, they just keep running into each other.

112 subs, 795 views
#angsty, #bandits, #cowboys, #cowgirls, #drama, #lesbian, #lesbian_cowgirls, #western
No Free 2021-08-03 2021-08-24

by mmsilvers
El Chicharron, Pistolero Yojimbo

Follow El Chicharron as he traverses the wastes of North Mexico. Experience an original Mexican tale, filled with adventure, mystery, horror, and a reverence for the culture. Also some science fiction, western, and other elements!

4 subs, 1.05k views
Action 11
#mexican, #original_work, #post_apocalypse, #weekly, #western
No Free 2021-05-04 2022-02-27

by perkibd0
El Dorado

Annie searches for a way to escape her sinister past, and for the legendary city of El Dorado.

16 subs, 1.34k views
Fantasy 55
#demons, #fantsy, #horror, #weird_west, #western
No Free 2019-07-01 2020-07-26

by Kiwizoom

A "doctor" and an infamous gunman form an uneasy partnership to find a lost world with a stolen artifact. Sheer luck and a sense of humor keep them one step ahead of their pursuers.

20 subs, 945 views
Action 11
#comedy, #Cowboy, #elf, #elves, #Fantasy, #funny, #magic, #western
No Free 2019-07-07 2019-07-12

by Inkbean

Reads Right to Left, Top to Bottom - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In the distant future, the chore of mining has been quickly converted into an intergalactic enterprise, each company hiring the finest engineers and pilots across the vastness of the known cosmos. The dangers, while ever present and looming, hardly deter the brave souls willing to risk life and limb for the infinite wealth of a few successful hauls. Daniel Riven, one of such souls, learns these risks the hard way, as he awakens from a drunken sleep to find that he has crash-landed on one of the most inhospitable planets in the galaxy: Epsilon21. After a very brief investigation, he finds that there is no method of off-planet transportation, and the planet is scheduled for a massive mining operation that will threaten its very stability, starting a frantic race to get out before doomsday arrives. The clock is ticking... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Constructive critique is very welcome here! I'm sorry for the quality of chapter 1- I'm considering updating its art in the future; let me know if you'd like that~! :3 EPS21 and all subsequent characters thereof are © of Jeremy 'Noodle' Cheney

90 subs, 8.73k views
Drama 73
#Action, #drama, #Eps21, #scifi, #space, #western
No Free 2014-12-19 2016-02-03

by Bijou-Bot Comics

When a bounty hunter transporting hostile alien prisoners crash lands on a western frontier of the 1800s, they must hunt down all who’ve escaped in unfamiliar terrain.

0 subs, 77 views
Science fiction 1
#Action, #horror, #science_fiction, #western
No Free 2020-04-05 2020-04-05

by Bluu

(please read right to left!) Caught in a life or death chase from a beast, Akigitsune is saved by a mysterious exorcist. With no home to return to, what will his new life bring him in the household of a complete stranger?

3.16k subs, 152k views
Drama 34
#bl, #drama, #Fantasy, #full colour, #japanese myth, #kitsune, #romance, #Shonen ai, #western, #yokai
No Free 2017-10-15 2019-10-11

by MarsInkSpores
Far Out West

When settlers move west across the new country they bring their monsters with them. A flood of Europeans sweeps across the Great plains; fueled by greed and funded by sin. Little do they know their path of destruction paves the way for creatures of legend and terrors unknown to mankind. Meet Will and Tait, two wayward saddle tramps caught in the crossfire of supernatural forces. Ride along as their ride for freedom becomes a fight for their lives.

263 subs, 6.35k views
#Cowboy, #historical, #supernatural, #western
No Free 2020-04-17 2020-09-11

by Garold Barold
Father Christmas Egg Goes Bananas - An EGGTOWN book

Clint and Gary just met but they already decided to steal a shedload of bananas and run off into the desert together. What awaits them there? Father Christmas Egg. That’s what. An Eggtown book, told in 6 chapters.

1 subs, 308 views
Comedy 6
#british, #christmas, #cute, #Eggtown, #funny, #western
Yes Free 2021-09-17 2021-09-30

by Schwartz
Forlorn Hope

In the mids of the most devastating war Europe faced until then, a group of mercenaries does everything to survive. But a contract on the live of an abusive nobleman might have been a bigger bite than they can chew.

4 subs, 217 views
Action 1
#Action, #drama, #history, #medieval, #middle_ages, #renaissance, #war, #western
No Free 2018-12-03 2018-12-04

by 0tacoon

(Monday and Friday!) In a world filled with sand and shootouts, there awakens a young woman. Ravee is lost and confused, no longer the same person she once was and is tossed into a very 'foreign' land. But with the help of a Mysterious Stranger, she hopes to get answers... even if she has to punch the crap out of people to get it.

1.2k subs, 149k views
Action 83
#Action, #adventure, #fyrearm, #post-apocalypse, #Sci-fi, #super_powers, #western
No Free 2015-09-22 2017-06-29

by Joshua Isaac

Follow the journey of Jot Ryans and a crew of Outlaws as they try to find their piece of paradise they can call home among the stars. Coming soon.

9 subs, 725 views
Comedy 3
##derp, #coming soon, #exploration, #Fantasy, #gaming, #Groomph, #illustration, #indie, #Jot Ryans, #PA1N3ATER, #Personal, #RetroAge, #Space-western, #Strawberry-Hedgehog
No Free 2014-10-14 2015-08-28

by Gecko Finesse
Garlic Soup

A sheriff with a hooked hand short on help enlists a wizard hitman to help eliminate a threat to the sheriff's town of Hog...A vile necromancer with an irrational hatred of the town's main export: Garlic. The two embark on an adventure to confront this warlock and encounter wicked servants: mutants, skeleton-phantasms, and silver-tongued giants.

0 subs, 314 views
Fantasy 3
#Fantasy, #giant, #magic, #mashup, #mutants, #Necromancer, #sheriff, #skeletons, #soup, #western
Yes Free 2022-01-05 2022-01-05

by AJMoyacomics

When house-haunting spook Edmond J. Frost is granted the power of a mystic sword called Oblivion Edge, he must join forces with the shadowy Undertaker Society to take out the world's nastest and scariest monsters as a Grim Reaper. With Zombies, Vampires Werewolves and Slashers on the loose and wreaking havoc around the world, It's up to Frost and his fellow Reapers to send these spooks and horrors back where they came from, all while avoiding the public eye. Inspired by pulp serials, horror comics and shonen manga, Geistman puts a modern spin on the classic Bram Stoker-inspired monster hunter story, with weird and wild bad guys, awesome weapons and terrifying creatures from beyond the grave! Don't fear the reaper. He's on your side now.

27 subs, 1.05k views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #Comic, #ghosts, #horror, #scary, #Superhero, #supernatural, #vampire, #werewolf, #western-style
No Free 2014-03-29 2014-03-29

by Flumpy Tripod

Comic strip series about a group of little critters living their lives, getting into mischief, and failing upwards.

13 subs, 297 views
Slice of life 8
#animals, #comic_strip, #critters, #cute_animals, #flumpytripod, #ghats, #India, #squirrel, #western_ghats
No Free 2022-04-29 2022-07-18

by Sid Bane
Giles Gridley

After contracting Vampirism, Giles Gridley the Kaftar priest/wizard is unceremoniously exiled from his insular clan. He finds himself joining the Wizarding Guild in nearby Talvit City. Now on his own he will face all manner of oddities. More info here- https://gilesgridley.com/ Updates every Wednesday and Friday. Official comic site updates will be further along in the comic than on Tapas, so if you want to read ahead of the Tapas uploads go to https://gilesgridley.com/.

8 subs, 1.29k views
Fantasy 44
#anthro, #Cowboy, #dark_fantasy, #Fantasy, #ghosts, #horror, #hyena, #vampire, #weird_western, #western, #wizards
No Free 2020-08-28 2021-04-14

by Hogathork
Godforsaken Rock

The year is 769 AL. For 68 years, Byoki Corporation Intergalactic has controlled the small moon of Rivako, located in the outer territories. However, typical government corruption, wealth inequality, and the actions of religious fanatics indicate that change may be on the horizon…. Meanwhile, some indentured bounty hunters are just living their lives in this powder keg. Follow Steph, Jackie, and Jimothy as they hunt criminals, eat cheap food, argue with robots, and barely scrape by. Updates every Saturday [currently on break]

4 subs, 1.03k views
Science fiction 15
#Action, #bounty_hunters, #cartoon, #Desert_Planet, #humor, #science_fiction, #SCI_FI, #simple_style, #Space_politics, #Space_Western
No Free 2021-07-04 2021-10-12

by katnapsh

1885 - The Wild West. An uncle and his nephew go on a journey to find one of the last remaining gold sources to honour the memory of one of their family members who worked in the gold mines during the Gold Rush in 49. The trip quickly turns sideways, as the nephew gets more and more obsessed with the idea of getting rich and ditching his uncle. This is a project I did for uni and it's supposed to be informative, but I added a short story around it :) enjoy!

9 subs, 547 views
Drama 26
#cowboys, #drama, #gold_rush, #history, #western, #yeehaw
No Free 2019-04-19 2019-05-12

by Seventh Tower

"Gravehill" is a western based story with occult magic and witchcraft. It takes place in a different world where witchcraft forms the highest religion and everyone worships. Those who don't follow the written word are punished by the fire and the gun. Instagram: SeventhTowerArt Patreon: www.Patreon.com/SeventhTower Website: www.SeventhTowerArt.com

120 subs, 5.77k views
Fantasy 61
#Cowboy, #dark, #gravehill, #occult, #western, #witch, #witchcraft, #witches
No Free 2019-06-30 2021-09-11

by jtSketch
Gun Level

Join our Discord Server! https://discord.gg/BfyxbDy A Western Themed webcomic I draw in my free time. UPDATES: Every Saturday and Wednesday! (One day early for patrons). Twitter: https://twitter.com/jtSketch

13 subs, 1.15k views
Action 20
#Action, #supernatural, #thriller, #western
No Free 2019-06-08 2019-10-09

by TryrushStardust
Gun Trick

A mysterious magician searches the weird west for the elusive Dr. Death. Art (pages 28 and up + cover) by Danusko Campos http://danusko.deviantart.com/

1.79k subs, 42.7k views
Fantasy 16
#Guns, #magician, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2015-01-14 2015-07-10


A little grey man with a really big gun wanders the harsh landscapes of Mars.

37 subs, 473 views
Action 3
#Alien, #aliens, #area_51, #gunslinger, #mandalorian, #Mars, #western
No Free 2020-01-02 2020-01-11

by Carpetwurm

Travel back to the great age of exploration, when fierce beasts, unknown tribes, and dangerous outlaws called the yet unexplored frontier their home. Traversing this great unknown to track down and capture the Gunwhale, a trio of kids with nothing to lose and everything to prove set out on a grand adventure.

30 subs, 837 views
Action 3
#adventure, #furry, #monsters, #western
No Free 2022-03-03 2022-04-30

by Filip Walgraef
Haywire: The Darklight Chronicles

Haywire is a story about the beginning and the end of the universe. And some random moments in between. All wrapped up in a dark fantasy-epic.

22 subs, 1.17k views
Fantasy 9
#apocalypse, #dark, #epic, #Fantasy, #legacy, #scifi, #sexy, #sorceress, #sorcery, #sword, #templar, #wasteland, #western
No Free 2014-04-13 2016-04-23

by toril

A centaur in the Old West. Originally drawn 2013-2016, revised and updated for tapas.

2.95k subs, 161k views
BL 29
#bl, #centaur, #historial_fiction, #reformat, #western
Yes Free 2018-12-23 2022-02-16

by Kennethjwagnon
Hearts Full of Sand

In this violent modern western, ex-outlaw Jim Hardy hunts down his old gang to protect his daughter Cor. SUPPORT ME @ patreon.com/kennethjwagnon

407 subs, 32.4k views
Drama 91
#bear, #bears, #black and white, #desert, #forest, #gun, #Guns, #HEARTS FULL OF SAND, #ink, #manga, #spaghetti western, #tattoo, #traditional, #Twitch, #western
No Free 2015-11-23 2022-03-07

by Crookshaw Creative

It is an age of STEAMWORKS & SORCERY, MAGICK & MACHINERY, RANCOR & REVOLUTION. *** Join the mysterious witch LUNA LUMERE as she seeks out the long-prophesied HARBINGER, a college dropout who unknowingly holds the key to unlocking an age-old secret. Together, along with a sundry band of heroes and villains, they will traverse the dark and dangerous world of HELM, in search of the legendary BASTARD KING, and rouse him from his slumber. *** If you want to see smaller updates more frequently, visit our official site at http://www.crookshaw.com/helm.

1.6k subs, 67.8k views
Fantasy 58
#Action, #adult, #adventure, #airship, #Airships, #anarchist, #anarchy, #ancient, #animated, #animation, #anime, #anthro, #archer, #archery, #army, #arrow, #arrows, #attack, #bastard, #battle, #best, #boyfriend, #cartoon, #cartoons, #castle, #Castles, #christmas, #cliffhanger, #combat, #comedy, #Comic, #conspiracy, #creative, #crown, #danger, #dangerous, #digital, #Dragon, #dragons, #drama, #Dungeons, #dwarves, #elf, #elves, #empire, #Fantasy, #father, #Fight, #fighting, #film, #fun, #funny, #furries, #furry, #games, #ghost, #ghosts, #giant, #girlfriend, #globe, #goblin, #goblins, #gold, #GOT, #gritt, #gun, #Guns, #Halloween, #High, #industrial, #journey, #King, #Knight, #knights, #Lord_Of_The_Rings, #lotr, #love, #luna, #Mage, #magi, #magic, #manga, #map, #maps, #movie, #mystery, #old, #orb, #papa, #pokemon, #Political, #Politics, #Quality, #Queen, #quest, #raven, #red, #Revolution, #romance, #royal, #Rufus, #scary, #series, #show, #snow, #soldier, #soldiers, #son, #sorcery, #spell, #spells, #spirit, #spirits, #spooky, #steam, #steampunk, #suspence, #Suspense, #sword, #swords, #Thanksgiving, #throne, #times, #titan, #top, #tv, #uber, #underground, #video, #war, #Warcraft, #webcomic, #werewolf, #western, #winter, #witch, #witches, #Wizard, #wizards, #wolf, #wolves, #world, #zombie, #zombies
No Free 2016-08-01 2020-10-06

by Rueberri

Escaping was the easy part. Surviving is another story. . . Creek, a runaway, finds himself lost among the Slums of Hyacinth . Desperate for shelter, he accepts a strangers offer to "join the fox" before collapsing. Upon his awake he is informed that he's been recruited by "The Black Locust", a gang within the Slums. Much to their leader's disapproval. If he is to survive, he must forget his past and start anew. And if he is to stay within "The Black Locust", he must earn their trust and aid Trevor in his spiteful conquest.

12 subs, 897 views
Drama 5
#Comic, #dystopian, #Fantasy, #fiction, #post_apocalyptic, #romance, #teen, #tw, #western
No Free 2021-06-30 2021-10-29

by James Mulholland
High Noon Rising

High Noon Rising will be an ongoing story that's based on the classic western movies. Bounty Hunters, humour and action. I just hope that readers enjoy the ride. An Ex Bounty Hunter gets forced to reconnect with his past life when his son-in-law gets in trouble with the wrong people. Pages will be released really soon. Please subscribe so you get notified. Written by James Mulholland Art by ROWEL ROQUE Twitter - https://twitter.com/James_Mul1990

8 subs, 214 views
Drama 4
#Action, #comedy, #drama, #family, #love, #romance, #violent, #western
No Free 2020-10-18 2020-11-12

by Mr. Hot Salsa
Hot Salsa (ESP)

Bienvenido a México en los 1800's y algo... Donde Pico Salcedo, un alguacíl de un pueblucho en las montañas, descubre que le han estado guardando un secreto sobre su difunto padre por toda su vida... y que el Norte de México a estado esperando su debut como bandido desde hace un par de años!

118 subs, 9.16k views
Comedy 7
#cartoon, #Cowboy, #Mexico, #shonen, #western
No Free 2021-02-21 2022-06-29

by Mr. Hot Salsa
Hot Salsa-ENG

Welcome to México in the 1800’s and something… Where Pico Salcedo, a deputy from a small town in the mountains, discovers that he’s been kept a big secret about his father and that the North of México has been waiting for his debut as a bandit for a few years!

13 subs, 2.66k views
Action 6
#Cowboy, #Mexico, #shonen, #western
No Free 2021-08-25 2021-10-29

by Benjamín Pergher
Huesos en el desierto

Moriré y muerto estoy en el desierto.

1 subs, 79 views
Action 1
#chile, #espanol, #spanish, #subcultura, #western
Yes Free 2021-05-22 2021-05-23

by zapedibuja

Huestern es un cómic ambientado en un futuro distópico donde conocemos a White, un vaquero que vive en Lonely Hill con su fiel compañero Tommy. Ambos afrontan sin pena ni gloria el paso del tiempo, ocupando horas, tirando al blanco, cuidando de las casas y haciendo los que haceres de un Sheriff, el modesto cargo que ocupa White en este sitio, en un clásico pueblo del oeste con sus tienditas, su taberna, banco y establos, comisaría, etc. Empiezan un duro día de trabajo madrugando para sacar el agua del pozo a la cámara refrigeradora, limpian el polvo de los viejos establos que por la noche el viento del oeste acumula en las esquinas, limpian también el polvo de los generadores eléctricos ,para que en caso de fallo de la red, sigan funcionando todos los dispositivos electrónicos a las mil maravillas, comprobar el estado del aceite de los vehículos y ciclomotores del almacén local. En fin, como decía antes, un pueblo del oeste de lo más normal. Bueno, quizás no tan "normal" si tenemos en cuenta que estamos hablando de un lugar completamente deshabitado, claro. La pesada rutina de estos dos se ve quebrada por la aparición de un peculiar visitante. Los ruidos de un caballo a galope dan la bienvenida al primer extranjero que visita Lonely Hill en mucho, muchísimo tiempo. Se trata de un samurái aparentemente malherido que a duras penas alza su espada en tono amenazante al encontrarse con White y Tommy. ¿Quién lo juzgaría por esto? No todo el mundo sabe reaccionar de la manera más cívica al ver por primera vez a dos vaqueros esqueletos. Espera, ¿no había mencionado que White y Tommy son esqueletos? vaya, es mejor que os sentéis porque lo que viene a partir de ahora se puede hacer largo.

7 subs, 230 views
Comedy 1
#adventure, #aventuras, #comedy, #Cowboy, #dead, #death, #drama, #esqueleto, #humor, #ninja, #Oeste, #samurai, #shonen, #Vaquero, #vaqueros, #western
No Free 2019-12-13 2020-06-12

by Carmen Remal

Humility - A cautionary fable set in the old west. Written by: Carmen Remal Art and Colors: Anderson Cabral Lettering: Sean Rinehart Editor: Paul Allor 2021.

42 subs, 431 views
Fantasy 1
#fable, #humility, #short_story, #supernatural, #western, #witch
Yes Free 2022-02-13 2022-02-13

by cgpunk11
Hunted A western tale

Hunted is a greek western centered on a boy and his monsterous pet troll being hunted in a perilous world by a fallen hero

1 subs, 336 views
Fantasy 4
#Fantasy, #Greek, #western
No Free 2017-10-19 2017-10-26

by Tenaga
Hunters J

“Hunters J” is an adventure story with Steamwestern influences, set in an alternative world, not very different from the one we live in, but dominated by strange mechanisms, steam-powered vehicles, uncommon weapons and weird animals. The protagonist is Jessie, a young girl who has to face countless troubles caused by the mysterious tattoo on her arm, of which she ignores the meaning. Her life is an endless run, searching for any hint that will help unfold the riddle of that symbol and explain why everyone is after her. Alongside on her journey there are Alexander, the inseparable dog, Jaded, the mercenary, Chloe, the pilot, Yakov, the mechanic and Tenaga, the Sheridan.

1.58k subs, 216k views
Action 95
#Action, #adventure, #airship, #blood, #drama, #Fantasy, #series, #sheridan, #steampunk, #steamwestern, #tenaga, #tenagacomics, #webcomic, #wild, #wolves
No Free 2016-05-03 2018-07-04

by Tenaga
Hunters J [ITA]

“Hunters J” è una storia di avventura con influenze Steamwestern, ambientata in mondo alternativo non molto diverso dal nostro dove però la fanno da padrone strani meccanismi, mezzi a vapore, armi fuori dal comune e animali stravaganti. La protagonista è una ragazza di nome Jessie che si ritrova a dover affrontare innumerevoli problemi a causa del tatuaggio che porta sul braccio sinistro, del quale ignora il significato. La sua vita è una fuga continua alla ricerca di ogni piccolo indizio che le possa svelare di più su quel simbolo per scoprire una volta per tutte perché mezzo mondo le da la caccia. Ad affiancarla durante il suo viaggio c’è l’inseparabile cane Alexander, il mercenario Jaded, la pilota Chloe, il meccanico Yakov e la Sheridan Tenaga.

20 subs, 1.39k views
Action 14
#Action, #adventure, #airship, #drama, #Fantasy, #sheridan, #steampunk, #steamwestern, #tenaga, #tenagacomics, #wild
No Free 2018-01-29 2018-02-07

by kvd
I Can Eat Glass It Doesn't Hurt Me

this could go on forever

3 subs, 859 views
Fantasy 16
#apocalypse, #apocalyptic, #desert, #end, #jail, #lunatic, #mixed_media, #philosophical, #philosophy, #post_apocalypse, #prison, #scifi, #sketchy, #space, #theory, #thinking, #weird, #western
No Free 2019-02-17 2021-09-05

by Spaceman Jones

The Cowboy rides forever.

6 subs, 109 views
Comedy 2
#cactus, #comedy, #Cowboy, #desert, #horse, #psychedelic, #western
No Free 2021-09-09 2021-09-12

by forestfireinikea

Ingvald is an agent of the Borg-Rutter Insurance Agency, sent to investigate intergalactic insurance fraud. He's currently stuck on the war-torn planet of Rayuba!

3 subs, 48 views
Fantasy 6
#Action, #comedy, #dark, #drama, #Fantasy, #magic, #medieval, #mystery, #scifi, #western
No Free 2021-09-02 2021-09-02

by Max and David
Jack Beloved

Sam wants to win glory for the right to marry his beloved. But when he forms a friendship with an enemy monster, he must decide where his true loyalties lie. Queer fantasy adventure / slow-burn BL. Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays.

3.94k subs, 787k views
Romance 248
#demon, #devil, #Fantasy, #frontier, #gay, #interspecies, #Monster, #monster_boyfriend, #monster_lover, #Monster_romance, #queer, #romance, #slow_burn, #western
No Free 2020-01-11 2022-07-21

by IronVerse Comics
Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy

"Jack Irons: The Steel Cowboy" is a science fiction western set across history with a main character who is over 200 years old and has well over 2000 years of past life memories. Cursed in a past life with the burden of immortality in his next, Jack struggles to find the peace that will forever be denied him. The year is 2076. In a savage wasteland populated by zombies, mutants, post apocalyptic raiders, aliens, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, can Jack save what remains of humanity and find a way to end his life? Or will he come to terms with his unique and amazing existence and become the beacon of hope a dying species needs?

146 subs, 10.7k views
Science fiction 1
#aliens, #Cowboy, #Fantasy, #hat, #horses, #jack, #motorcycles, #mystic, #native, #Reincarnation, #sci fi, #six shooter, #slice of life, #spiritual, #Steel, #western, #whole of life
No Free 2017-12-28 2020-07-29

by porrafabi

Jimmy fez merda de novo e dessa vez terá de arcar com as consequências, e não será nada bonito Jimmy Boy conta como nosso irlandês perdeu os dedos de forma cruel e não ortodoxa.

16 subs, 660 views
Horror 1
#caio_gomes, #fabi_marques, #horror, #jimmy, #matine_sangrenta, #quadrinhos, #redneck, #texas, #western, #Wild_West, #zombies
No Free 2019-11-27 2021-03-05

by JackPot & Soyouz

Jo is about a badass cowgirl in the wild, wild west, looking for a peaceful life with her particular cows, avoiding thieves, scum and flying saucers. https://www.facebook.com/JoAWebcomic/

1.47k subs, 119k views
Comedy 98
#aliens, #Cowboy, #cowboys, #cowgirl, #cowgirls, #scifi, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2018-02-10 2022-07-12

by PabloVargas100
Kardiax War

The War of Kardiax is a tragic war event, in which the human colonies faced a terrible invasion. In the 12 years that the conflict would last, heroes would rise and fall, cities would burn and the lands would be stained with blood, their population would be exterminated and their history would be forgotten. Witness this tragic event. Your story deserves to be remembered. The book and the e-book are available in amazon kindle

1 subs, 221 views
Science fiction 2
#adventure, #apocalypse, #demons, #GORE, #Seinen, #war, #western
No Free 2018-10-12 2018-10-12

by 1st Draft Comics

A hundred years after the zombie apocalypse the year is 2245, follow the journey of the top dog bounty hunter Billy Kissinger In this new frontier of mankind retaking the world.

0 subs, 59 views
Drama 1
#cyberpunk, #future, #gunslinger, #Kissinger, #manga, #Post_apocalyptic_, #scifi_, #western
No Free 2020-09-12 2020-09-12

by Kyle Godspeed
Knights Academy Session 1

STORY This anime/manga influenced story is about 15 1/2 year old American (Lida Lancaster) a 15 year old Fanling Asian, (Jackie Tran) and a 16 year old Brazilian from Brazil (Zeke). Traveling from the U.S. to a fictional country where knights still exist, the trio attends at an academy where each student trains to become a knight to serve under the country's Queen. On the sidelines, a small terrorist group with magic-based weaponry and abilities known as "Ministry of the Crimson Thorn" is plotting to overthrow the Kingdom and all of London. CONTENT Aside from it being action packed, it also touches up on the moral views of society in certain countries and camaraderie among each character from different parts of the world.

3 subs, 582 views
Action 10
#Action, #adventure, #comedy, #Fantasy, #manga, #martial_arts, #romance, #slapstick, #western
No Free 2017-07-28 2021-08-06

by Krime guys
Krime Guys

The Krime Guys series featuring Apose and Cowboy, two graffiti writers trying to paint their city under the nose of a ventgeful tech CEO and his murderous robots!

3 subs, 492 views
Comedy 20
#Action, #adventure, #Apose, #beer, #blackandwhite, #chibi, #comedy, #Cowboy, #crew, #drama, #fighting, #friends, #fun, #funny, #gigs, #Goofy, #graffiti, #GRAFFITIART, #Krimeguys, #Krime_guys, #markers, #outlaw, #painting, #punk, #robots, #screentone, #Spaypaint, #streetart, #tagging, #tags, #Techierobots, #Techies, #urban, #western
No Free 2020-07-20 2020-12-29

by Samuraiflame
Lacey Jones

The gun slinging outlaw, Lacey Jones, has a $100,000 bounty on her head. Alice Knight, a young woman from the city, is on a search for her big brother. On the harsh frontier, these lovely ladies are about to take the Wild West by storm!

75 subs, 1.29k views
Comedy 6
#Cowboy, #cowgirl, #Victorian, #western
No Free 2020-10-03 2020-11-19

by Emanuel & Brayam
Lady Stardust (BR)

O cenário vermelho e arenoso revela uma perseguição, à frente vemos uma ruiva usando um tapa olho para esconder sua cicatriz. Como um relâmpago ela cavalga seu Neulkon. Cinco homens montados atiram lasers contra ela. São todos estranhos, de fato, membros das Aranhas de Marte.

32 subs, 1.3k views
Action 5
#adventure, #david_bowie, #scifi, #Space_Western, #storyboard
No Free 2018-02-18 2020-03-24

by heitoramatsu
Lampiao English

Lampiao is a cangaceiro, a bandit of the wild. He and his gang are about to meet a cruel fate.

28 subs, 160 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #demon, #horror, #Seinen, #western
No Free 2021-07-17 2021-07-17

by creekkidart
Langford Cove

Langford Cove will return with regular updates in 2019 -follow my instagram or tumblr for dev updates @creekkidart Langford Cove is in the center of the most interesting part of Texas. Every place has strange occurrences, especially on the frontier, but for some reason just about anything is possible in Texas. Especially in Langford Cove. The year is somewhere around 1850, perhaps earlier or later, one really can't be sure. Langford Cove has all the trappings and interesting inhabitants of a Texas frontier town. There's Sheriff Pete, the iron law who ain't scared of nothing because, well there's not much that can hurt a man with no skin, guts, or blood. What's a town without a saloon? Cove's is run by one Etta Price, resident barkeep, healer, and magicker. Oh and me? Well I'm just your typical vaquero, making a life on the trails. But ... I have been getting mixed up with some out of the ordinary folks and situations. I mean, even out of the ordinary for Texas.

347 subs, 17.3k views
Fantasy 22
#Cowboy, #cowgirl, #Fantasy, #girl_love, #gl, #lesbian, #lgbt, #magic, #monster_of_the_week, #motw, #period_drama, #western_fantasy, #Wild_West, #witch, #witches
No Free 2016-11-02 2018-11-04

by kevin506
Last Ride of the 4 Horsemen

Somewhere on a destroyed Earth lies the last little town of the living, a self-sufficient hamlet called Promise. In Promise, everyone has food and water aplenty, mostly thanks to farm tycoon, Wilbur Fairless, and his paramour, Mayor Zella Ruddoch, both protected from contact with the riffraff by Fairless’ sharp-shooting bodyguard assassin, one Cager Dobbin. It takes a lot of betrayals to get to top of the heap in any social circle, and, in Promise, those betrayals come back shaped like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. One by one, ole Famine, Pestilence, War and Death return to rain vengeance on Fairless and, by association, the innocent citizens of Promise, herself.

2 subs, 22 views
Horror 1
#Action, #apocalypse, #Cowboy, #cowboys, #Four_Horsemen, #horror, #horsemen, #post_apocalyptic, #science_fiction, #steampunk, #western
No Free 2020-03-25 2020-03-25

by Mariana Zancheta
Last Shot

Western webcomic created by Lucas Dias and Mariana Zancheta. Discover the story behind this peculiar character!

6 subs, 696 views
Action 11
#ink, #Pen, #traditional, #webcomic, #western
No Free 2016-01-11 2016-02-24

by [RED] & ☆flynn
Liar's Dice

DISCLAIMER: This is a dead comic. It is up for posterity. Shiloh is our ongoing comic and the complete reboot of this one. It's not necessary (and probably inadvisable) to read this one to try to understand the other. Everything that happened in this story was undone for Shiloh, and some things that were canon here aren't in our current comic.

2.6k subs, 285k views
Mystery 135
#apocalyptic, #catacombs, #colony, #demons, #industrial, #Mirage, #murder, #mystery, #noir, #Suspense, #western
No Free 2016-01-01 2018-04-03