Story | Genre | Eps | Tags | Done | Type | Created | Updated | |
![]() by Amilcar |
(Don't) Trust yourself
"What would you do if you encountered an older version of yourself... telling you to do exactly as he says? Would you trust yourself?" (Don't) Trust yourself is a time-traveling crime thriller, aimed to mature readers, where you won't know whom to root for.
Expect violence and dark themes.
5 subs, 225 views
Drama | 18 | No | Free | 2021-06-09 | 2022-07-21 | |
![]() by GoodGuyPie |
0 Time Men
Two-time travelers fight against an ever-growing threat, a battle to save the past and future these two men have no time to relax once this mission begins.
4 subs, 609 views
Science fiction | 5 | No | Free | 2021-06-30 | 2022-04-30 | |
![]() by Buttercup |
Nadia is a 20 years old girl who's for the first time, leaving Mexico since she got a scolarship in USA. Leaving in Mexico all her friends and people she care for, including Emilio, her boyfriend. In USA she mets lots of new people, including her teacher, a 24 years old guy who believes time travel is possible, and even invented a device to do so. But what will happen when a tragic event happens in Mexico, and now she's willing to try time traveling!
60 subs, 1.83k views
Drama | 8 | No | Free | 2017-06-07 | 2017-08-09 | |
![]() by Buttercup |
1968 (ESPAÑOL)
Nadia es una chica de 20 años quien por primera vez está dejando México por haber obtenido una beca en USA. Dejando en México, todos sus amigos y seres queridos, incluyendo Emilio, su novio. En USA ella conoce montones de nuevas personas, incluyendo su maestro, un chico de 24 años quien cree que viajar en el tiempo es posible, e incluso invento un dispositivo para poder hacerlo. Pero, ¡que pasará cuando un trágico evento sucede en México y ahora ella está dispuesta a viajar en el tiempo!
69 subs, 1.1k views
Drama | 7 | No | Free | 2017-06-08 | 2017-08-12 | |
![]() by unniho97 |
200 Heartbeats per Minute
She is a cop who is sent to a high school undercover.She has a bad temper problem...and is unnaturally strong. People just keep testing her..but if she gets to the 200 heartbeats per minute...things happen Also theres this one jerk...
40 subs, 209 views
Romance | 2 | No | Free | 2020-06-21 | 2020-06-21 | |
![]() by Jessi Sheron |
3 Jumps
A women volunteers for "Project Time Skip" a secret time travel project. She can go back three times.
What will she do?
A one shot comic for Father's Day.
Dedicated to my Dad, who I love more than words can say.
1.34k subs, 21.3k views
Science fiction | 1 | No | Free | 2015-06-20 | 2015-06-20 | |
![]() by 69Erocento |
What would you do if you are given a second chance to turn back time and relive your past? Would you do what you did back then for fear of the butterfly effect? Or would you take a different course of action and let the future speaks for itself?
Warning: Mild blood and gore (it's okay I can't handle intense gore either)
3.86k subs, 19k views
Fantasy | 5 | No | Free | 2016-05-06 | 2019-02-22 | |
![]() by Uschi-Olga |
A Door Between Worlds
Tina loves old buildings, castles and churches. One day she opened a door that opened a new chapter in her live. This chapter is filled with many adventures in a city she knows by heart but at the same time doesn't.
1 subs, 98 views
Romance | 1 | No | Free | 2021-10-11 | 2021-10-12 | |
![]() by hrewannabe |
A Kiss Into the Future
Kiss Into the Future is about a group of werewolves who find themselves sent forward in time. There they find a conflicting future where the existence of supernatural creatures became known with horrific consequences.
(updates monthly at worst)
9 subs, 717 views
Fantasy | 3 | No | Free | 2017-07-31 | 2020-02-18 | |
![]() by Starfall |
A Matter of Time
Finn Beck is a 16-year-old high school student who travels through time with his friends Summer and Leo to fix the Space Time Continuum. Currently set on updating once or twice a week.
7 subs, 391 views
Science fiction | 1 | No | Free | 2019-03-17 | 2019-03-17 | |
![]() by coata |
A Time Traveler & His Vampire Companion
Alec Romero is a sorcerer who owns a magic shop, but that's just a front for his real line of work -- being a time traveler for hire!
As he traverses through the past attempting to solve peoples' problems, engage in historic events, or even just retrieve lost items, he eventually finds he might be in for more of a challenge than he originally bargained for.
With his sassy vampire companion, Rosie, and the new friends he makes along the way, Alec must fight against a powerful evil that threatens to destroy the balance of magical and non-magical beings.
But just how much will Alec be willing to risk in order to ensure the survival of the world he's known for so long?
1 subs, 137 views
Fantasy | 2 | No | Free | 2021-07-29 | 2022-07-02 | |
![]() by BCrossZero |
Adventures of the Time Travelling Burrito Taster
Meet Emil Rainer, the amazing, spectacular, unequaled Time Travelling Burrito Taster! Drop into a world where nothing is as it seems, maybe. Depends on the page, really.
Anyway, in this universe, burritos grant their consumers super powers! Emil must travel far and wide, even through time itself, to save the world from the effects of burritos too powerful for their own good!
Be advised, once you start reading this silly little pitter pattering volume of goodness, you'll never be able to put it down! Well, you shouldn't. you okay?
1 subs, 170 views
Comedy | 1 | No | Free | 2019-08-16 | 2019-08-16 | |
![]() by Frankie |
Aliens & Dinosaurs
Avian, a humanoid Ankylosaurus from the future, injects a concoction that turns dinosaurs to humanoid figures, like him. In the Late Cretaceous, it's everywhere and every feral animal becomes smart and humanoid. But as soon as aliens find out about it, they attack the dinosaurs. Will Avian and Time Travel Co. save the dinosaurs, or will aliens continue to execute them all...
0 subs, 357 views
Science fiction | 3 | No | Free | 2018-03-04 | 2018-08-18 | |
![]() by spoopycandyy |
All part of the Keikaku (BL)
Set in a world thousands of years after ours, society and science as we know it has completely regressed. Leaving us with horses and carts and oh! One other thing.... We now have magic.
Disclaimer: If you don't like hints of gay, essence of lesbian, extract of Bi or exposure of trans, don't read this. That being said this comic isn't all about LGBT or whatever, it makes a small part of it sure but what you read I hope you read for the story and characters.
6 subs, 210 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2019-02-11 | 2019-02-11 | |
![]() by Liam Swanton |
an anachronism occurs at castle rock station
in 1861, a lonely cowboy is positioned at a pony express relay station in the middle of nevada after the untimely demise of his partner.
somewhere in the meantime, a time traveller attempts a daring maneuver.
9 subs, 855 views
LGBTQ+ | 19 | No | Free | 2021-07-29 | 2021-08-19 | |
![]() by Henry Coca |
Androids Drink Blue Milk
Hank and the gang struggle to keep their production company afloat while battling gobs of enemies.
Humans cannot digest Blue Milk therefor it's the best way to distinguish between humans and androids.
Updates Every M/W/F
14 subs, 4.04k views
Slice of life | 36 | No | Free | 2014-07-04 | 2015-07-18 | |
![]() by Angels Crest Highway |
A graphic novel about an obsessed street racer and his encounter with a supernatural driver, that will change the course of one tragic night.
21 subs, 3.01k views
Drama | 15 | No | Free | 2016-05-10 | 2017-07-20 | |
![]() by Miss Apogee |
Join one (definitely perfectly normal, please stop asking) Maya Ione as she finds herself trapped in a month long time loop. She must work to find out what's happening to her and how to escape, but perhaps she's not the only one stuck in this situation. Will she be able to work with these people to find a way out, or will whatever has her trapped in time get to her first?
Updates every other Monday!
70 subs, 9.42k views
Romance | 119 | No | Free | 2020-07-16 | 2022-07-18 | |
![]() by Araorenda |
AreVthere Diament et Astro
The beginning of A teenage boy named Jacob. He is a pilot of the Nyms Hunting team at the Belldiz Zico area. One day, he was in an accident with a spacecraft. Known to fall into the forest, he accidentally fell apart a spaceship. He went to see Was met with a mysterious young girl Sleeping inside His adventure began.
24 subs, 140 views
Romance | 1 | No | Free | 2020-04-22 | 2022-02-16 | |
![]() by Raphael HHS |
Arthur and the Sun
The legend of King Arthur got a totally new version. With martial arts and time traveling brought to our reality the narrative tells the story of Arthur, a young boy who needs to learn martial arts with the greates hero on earth, so he can finally pull the legendary sword, Excalibur, from the stone.
But Arthur's fate is not that easy, he will have to face some foes in an adventure that's even hotter than the sun.
A tale of how a boy becomes the greatest legend of all time.
11 subs, 1.32k views
Action | 37 | No | Free | 2017-09-10 | 2022-04-16 | |
![]() by Raphael HHS |
Arthur e o Sol (Pt- BR)
“A famosa lenda do Rei Arthur ganha uma nova visão com Arthur e o Sol. Trazendo fantasia e viagem no tempo para a nossa realidade. A narrativa conta a história de Arthur, um jovem que precisa aprender artes marciais com o maior herói da terra para assim poder retirar a lendária espada, Excalibur, da pedra e se tornar rei. Porém o destino de Arthur não será tão simples, há diversos inimigos que querem impedi-lo de chegar na lendária espada e nem mesmo o calor do Sol irá detê-los.”
“A maior lenda de todas está apenas começando.”
27 subs, 2.32k views
Action | 51 | Yes | Free | 2020-07-04 | 2021-03-22 | |
![]() by FoxMaster |
PLEASE READ RIGHT TO LEFT, just in case for those who got confused of how to read it.
Discovering that your classmate isn't what they seem, but to find out that you're similar to them is another, and that is what Ayame finds out, especially with time and dimensions in front of her.
1 subs, 775 views
Science fiction | 31 | No | Free | 2017-08-20 | 2017-11-02 | |
![]() by Shelilla |
Nana Enevoldsen is a skilled thief; at the age of 17 and with no parental figures having ever guided her path, she lives her life as a criminal in the shadows.
Everything changes, however, when Nana is in the middle of a burglary at the British Museum. Unwittingly, she somehow summons the Babylonian god of justice, Shamash while lifting an artifact, and even worse, this so-called 'God' decides to send Nana back in time to the Mesopotamian era!
Not to mention, when she arrives in ancient Babylon, the people, including the historical lynchpin King Hammurabi (who wrote one of the earliest known codes of law most famously referenced by "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth") all think she is some sort of Goddess!
How can Nana get back to her own time while being followed by an over-amorous king, hundreds of religious worshippers, political rivals trying to kidnap her, and NOT change the future?!
6 subs, 366 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2015-11-30 | 2017-09-21 | |
![]() by Lavendulan |
Black Amelia: Timeline Annihilator (Hololive Fan manga)
(Right to left reading) I’m working on a manga about Amelia from another timeline trying to destroy our timeline!
13 subs, 848 views
Fantasy | 5 | No | Free | 2021-11-12 | 2022-06-12 | |
![]() by Henyoki |
Blink the android has been sent into the past to fulfill an important role, and she will be sure to do just that!
This story, originally created for WEBTOONS short story contest, I have decided to bring here after reviewing the rules and seeing that there was no restriction on posting comics entered on other sites, so hooray!
Updates Every Monday Until Completion
41 subs, 456 views
Slice of life | 7 | Yes | Free | 2021-08-16 | 2022-05-22 | |
![]() by ArtWasAMistake |
Bohemia & the Cockroach Gentlemen
Due to mysterious circumstances, the Kotek family one day wakes up in 1935 Prague, instead of 2011. If that's not odd enough, even more strange events start to occur, when the youngest child, Evald, meets the Morgentaler cousins a.k.a the Cockroach Gentlemen, who are desperately seeking for a so-called long forgotten God, Bohemia. What happens, when a pair of eccentric cousins turn a mortal boy into a God in a human experiment? Can the Kotek family ever go back to the future? What does Bohdan, the strange internet friend of Evald has anything to do with all this?
Surreal urban fairytale of a group of social outcasts in fascist Czechoslovakia. A story about a mysterious finger, religion, alter egos and eventually getting through the hardships of a first relationship.
50 subs, 3.81k views
Fantasy | 15 | No | Free | 2018-09-04 | 2019-09-03 | |
![]() by SCSM COMIC |
By No Other Name
Kal wakes up to suddenly find herself in the midst of a battle. Barely surviving, and completely lost as to where she is, Kal discovers that she has awoken in the body of a warrior, in a time period far distant from her own. In a land filled with old gods, foolish kings and wild magic, Kal teams up with a mercenary and a princeling to travel the world and find the answers as to why she’s here.
648 subs, 2.7k views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2019-09-07 | 2019-09-07 | |
![]() by Niezel.Art |
Shirley and her brother, Ruben, rudely got transported to the distant future. How are they going to find their back? Do they even want to...?
14 subs, 1.52k views
Fantasy | 34 | No | Free | 2017-09-29 | 2022-06-30 | |
![]() by Leftys Comics |
Set in the 22-23rd century, Captain Ravenstar is a science fiction series inspired by space exploration stories that have come before it like Star Trek, Orville, Farscape, Doctor Who, and more.
Join our captain and his crew aboard the Union Star Ship RAVENSTAR as they discover new planets, forms of life, and adventures yet to be recorded.
1 subs, 108 views
Science fiction | 1 | No | Free | 2020-12-24 | 2020-12-24 | |
![]() by thebunnyexpress |
Change of Scenery
Businessman Ethan Harrison and his team partner up with a time traveler to catch an escaped criminal. Of course, in a world of modern magic and conflict between humans and the supernatural, the journey is all the more interesting.
4 subs, 397 views
Drama | 20 | No | Free | 2020-12-29 | 2021-07-25 | |
![]() by bkafle1729 |
Charlie's Gang
7 year old Charlie has two special friends - his mind and his heart. The three of them - the body, mind and heart go on various adventures.
There is conflict among the three, there is fight, and most of all, there is lots of friendship and love.
We will also go on adventures with them. They will give us a slice of a great life - sometimes making us laugh, sometimes inspiring us, sometimes teaching us.
0 subs, 117 views
Slice of life | 8 | No | Free | 2020-06-28 | 2020-06-29 | |
![]() by carsonwerner |
Cher Turns Back Time
Remember Cher? Of course you do, there's no forgettin' her -- she's got you. Well, let's pretend for a moment that her ability to turn back time isn't strictly hypothetical, and that she uses that power for the good of humanity.
0 subs, 254 views
Science fiction | 1 | No | Free | 2018-03-05 | 2018-03-05 | |
![]() by Anna East |
Chrono Jinni
A magic researcher is transported 20 years into the future by an errant genie, only to find that a dictator has taken over and outlawed magic! Can she be reunited with her genie and return to her time? [Tues/Fri]
6 subs, 462 views
Fantasy | 17 | No | Free | 2021-02-01 | 2021-03-09 | |
![]() by Hanimation |
Cirque du Soul
A mysterious circus cast spend their boring lives entertaining the gloomy souls of Limbo. That is, until one day, when the ringmaster, Jerome Barnaby, decides to move to the human world for a new audience. (Set in 19th century London) There, they come across a young inn-keeper, Jane Lovett, who agrees to give them a place to stay and keep their secrets, in exchange for their services to her poor business.
3 subs, 468 views
Fantasy | 2 | No | Free | 2015-06-07 | 2017-05-21 | |
![]() by ThatoneAlien |
When a Little red headed girl with little yellow rain boots shows up at high schooler,Fran Goodwin's apartment things start to change. Meeting new friends along the way and adventuring on a daily basis.
3 subs, 372 views
Action | 1 | No | Free | 2017-01-03 | 2017-01-03 | |
![]() by xbiancaheinzx |
Edda works as a columnist for a local newspaper and dreams of a career as a famous writer.
One night she stumbles into the story of her lifetime - but that comes at a cost...
0 subs, 74 views
Mystery | 2 | No | Free | 2021-04-18 | 2022-04-11 | |
![]() by Weeds |
Cyn in the 13th Month
Cyn's world is turned upside down when her mom suddenly vanishes. She sets out to find her, only to find herself submerged in an abstract reality, and surrounded by equally abstract individuals. Luckily, she manages to make some friends, who help her navigate from one strange place to the next, in search of her mom.
Follow the facebook page for updates:
20 subs, 764 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2017-08-14 | 2017-08-28 | |
![]() by hitsumeneg |
D. Jay-Li (pt-Br)
Um cara que descobre ser um personagem de quadrinho, junto com outros personagens, eles tem que solucionar o porque de o dia ficar repetindo
5 subs, 764 views
Comedy | 5 | No | Free | 2019-06-16 | 2020-11-07 | |
![]() by Albert Gonzalez |
Deadly Panel
A bunch of silly jokes about science, pop culture, time travel and excessive coffee drinking, brought to you by Albert "Koopa" Gonzalez.
131 subs, 33.8k views
Comedy | 254 | No | Free | 2014-11-30 | 2018-08-06 | |
![]() by wardmir |
When a scientist accidentally travels to the center of the multiverse--an impossible world full of aliens and magic--he finds himself the target of bounty hunters and a secretive CEO. To figure out why, he has to team up with a pair of professional thieves who have enemies of their own, and who may or may not hold the key to saving reality from itself.
299 subs, 4.97k views
Science fiction | 8 | No | Free | 2014-05-31 | 2016-06-12 | |
![]() by jupe |
Different Times
Three heroes seek out the help from their golden age heroes only to discover very quickly that the 1940s were Different Times.
3 subs, 429 views
Comedy | 1 | No | Free | 2015-09-28 | 2015-09-28 | |
![]() by Hanna Day |
Displaced is a webcomic about time-traveling immigrants. Soo-Yin, a teenage girl, finds herself hurtled through time as she's deported back to the century of her birth. Facing a strange and distant future where humanity occupies a space outside of time, she becomes determined to learn how to Skip through time.
She must learn quickly, for time, indeed, is running out for humanity.
7 subs, 861 views
Science fiction | 2 | No | Free | 2017-02-19 | 2017-04-28 | |
![]() by doittkarl |
Doctor No [Doctor Who Redux]
I started drawing parody fan fiction a few years ago because I loved Peter Capaldi's Doctor but hated Moffat's writing. I started with s08e01, but I haven't finished that one yet (oops), so here's the most recent stuff.
It's 10x funnier if you've seen the episodes I'm remaking.
You can read some other bits and unfinished chapters at the link above.
Contains occasional swearing, total dumbness and, probably, spoilers.
53 subs, 2.47k views
Comedy | 10 | No | Free | 2018-03-27 | 2022-03-13 | |
![]() by Sushi |
Don't Go Back
The war for Time has started, only a couple of people can save it, the problem here is that everyone who can is dead, except for one, she will (or not) save Time. One broken heart, one stupid brain, and a lot of evil eyes will make the next page of history.
2 subs, 411 views
Action | 5 | No | Free | 2017-01-30 | 2017-04-18 | |
![]() by Jay Venute |
Doodle Park - The Archives
This here's where all the old and archived Doodle Park comics be. There's a few year's worth. They may be in strange orders but attempts at chronology are here.
8 subs, 6.63k views
Slice of life | 257 | No | Free | 2014-08-04 | 2015-01-02 | |
![]() by Jay Venute |
Doodle Park - The Currents
Well - current is slightly misleading because something is really only current for a short period of time. But the point is these are the Doodle Park comics that are being put up as they're being done - not backlogged.
25 subs, 5.7k views
Comedy | 202 | No | Free | 2014-09-14 | 2015-09-06 | |
![]() by fei |
Dreaming of Aurora
The end is nigh, as the angels awaken and descend Al Tierra. Noah was given a chance to return to the past. Is it to save humanity? No, Noah doesn't care about them. The world can burn for all he cares, as long as his family and friends are safe.
But fate continues to drag him around, pushing and pulling until he stumbled upon the truth of his world. Not all is what it seems.
11 subs, 233 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2022-06-13 | 2022-07-08 | |
![]() by Dreams Of Mystery |
Dreams Of Mystery
All you have is the past and a dream. Will that be enough for you to solve this puzzle?
Welcome to Dreams of Mystery comic!
Dreams of Mystery is a transmedia project led by Tides.
0 subs, 63 views
Mystery | 1 | No | Free | 2021-03-25 | 2021-04-08 | |
![]() by Fuzai Koi |
Drop of Time
Akihime Yorukobi is a self-diagnosed failure. With no real motivation to pursue anything with value, her only interest is in her dating sims. Her obsession with one particular character, Yukimura Sanada, is enough to make her turn a blind eye to others. However, after an accident that brings her useless life to a screeching halt, her life truly begins.
6 subs, 505 views
Romance | 27 | No | Free | 2021-02-14 | 2022-01-27 | |
![]() by Otakuwolf4ever |
Dynasty Of The Dragon
Sireen is a modern high school student, wishing for adventure in her ho hum life. But when a mysterious monk from Ancient times appears followed by the embodiment of death and destruction; Sireen may have gotten more than she bargained for. Now with the help of some newfound friends, the journey begins to solve the mysteries of the past, save the present and ensure the future. Can they succeed or will the world become bathed in blood and ruled by shadow? Join Sireen and her friends as they discover their inner warriors in Dynasty of the Dragon!
3 subs, 362 views
Fantasy | 15 | No | Free | 2021-01-20 | 2021-03-23 | |
![]() by Dorek.C |
A trio of Elemental creatures travel to a place in the past.
10 subs, 1.01k views
Fantasy | 8 | No | Free | 2017-03-12 | 2017-04-16 | |
![]() by Cagattzo |
Emissary of the Sun
"Emissary of the Sun" is a adventure webcomic contextualized in 1910, which takes a journey from north to south through the country of Chile, South America, rich in legends, magical creatures, legendary warriors and sacred gods...
71 subs, 3.92k views
Fantasy | 29 | No | Free | 2015-06-26 | 2016-08-09 | |
![]() by The-J-Man |
Ethereal Comics: SECOND SUN
Rostam is in a new world, flung far into the future when a new villain presented herself, a villain beyond anything she has ever faced. Malthus, the living arsenal.
As she tried to pursue to prevent her escape...It happened. Now thrown into a world so different from what she knows, with new rules, new sights, and new villains to encounter. The world she once knew is gone, hope is all but lost, the darkness has shrouded everything...
But she is not going to give up at all.
5 subs, 183 views
Science fiction | 5 | No | Free | 2022-06-30 | 2022-07-15 | |
![]() by Brandovsky |
The mostly nonsensical adventures of Freee and his frieeends.
1 subs, 793 views
Comedy | 1 | No | Free | 2015-10-25 | 2015-10-25 | |
![]() by Rebu |
Faceless Child
Elinore, a young witch, is exiled from her coven and is turned invisible as a punishment for getting them all exiled from their village.
While finding her place in the world, she befriends a human woman and a girl who can transform into a cat.
6 subs, 247 views
Fantasy | 2 | No | Free | 2019-01-28 | 2019-05-21 | |
![]() by cinnanoli |
Fallen Flowers
Almost 10 years ago, Veronica Tao watched her sister get kidnapped by dark magic.
Now living with her cousins, she
witnesses a murder at a tea shop, which marks the start of strange events.
2 subs, 168 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2021-09-06 | 2022-06-26 | |
![]() by Dan Markowitz |
Fickle Theatre
Cops who are one day away from retirement, families that will inherit a fortune if they spend one night in their late uncle's haunted mansion, conga lines which are actually cults (or vice versa), etc.
New comics every Tuesday!
Plot twists at
Other cartoons at
Stay up to date at!
190 subs, 27.8k views
Comedy | 66 | No | Free | 2013-07-28 | 2014-07-30 | |
![]() by 0mknea |
Flying Roads
Cal finds himself on Planet Earth after stealing a transportation machine. When landing on Earth Cal meets his future “sidekick” Jen. Cal unknowing of how to run the machine he had stolen correctly he tries to get home. This leads the two on a wild sci-fi adventure through alternate realities and other worlds.
0 subs, 228 views
Science fiction | 1 | No | Free | 2018-07-17 | 2018-07-18 | |
![]() by CherryClouds |
FRactALVeRSe: Undertale AU
Fractal!Sans is causing trouble in the Multiverse. Scattering Au Characters across Undertale and planting Seeds of Darkness along the path of the Underground. Can this misfit group of Hooligans clean up after '3' aka Fractal!Sans. Why is he making enemies of Nightmare and Error? He must have a death wish. Follow Brawler!Sans aka '2' and Homunculus!Sans aka 'Q' as they meet versions of themselves from Across the Multiverse and try to unravel the reasoning behind 3's actions.
11 subs, 320 views
Action | 3 | No | Free | 2020-09-08 | 2021-08-05 | |
![]() by Zerheus |
Free Radical: Chain Reaction
A mysterious stranger is crawling around the city of Toyosaki Japan. Foreign and outlandish, he makes himself at home. The smell of murder is in the air.
A boy just started his second year of highschool. On his way home he stumbles upon a corpse. As Kurosawa tries his best to negate his issues more problems seems to surface. His parents agrees to house a foreign student that acts cold and unorthodox.
Struggeling with the difficulties of being teenagers and solving a murder mystery are only a few things our protagonists have to juggle in this psychological thriller.
Every action has a reaction and that lesson will be learned with harsh and unforeseen consequences.
18 subs, 642 views
Action | 4 | No | Free | 2015-04-04 | 2017-01-10 | |
![]() by Red_Spade_ |
Future Troublemakers
Jane is a troublesome girl in England during the 1800s. She loves the excitement from a bit of mischief. One day she finds her biggest excitement yet, when a meteorite crashes not too far from her all girls school. This brings a girl named Xoe into Jane's life and all the mischief surrounding her
3 subs, 809 views
Science fiction | 25 | No | Free | 2017-12-01 | 2018-03-08 | |
![]() by PixxelBitz |
Galaxy 404
Ava isn't sure if she's hallucinating, or seeing a strange figure flash before her eyes. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be from this world.
2 subs, 347 views
Action | 1 | No | Free | 2017-02-26 | 2017-02-27 | |
![]() by RyanMelroseComics |
Genesis Almighty-Eye Graphic Novel
Graphic Almighty-Eye leads a team of super powered beings Father Sorrow, Revolca Kayne, Inferno- Man, Arachnaphobian, against the Red Pantha rebellion unaware of the threat that will alter the future and life as they know it
3 subs, 85.5k views
Science fiction | 40 | No | Free | 2015-12-25 | 2018-08-01 | |
![]() by Bye |
Ghost of the Moon
Moonson a young demigod is sent into the past as part of a mission from God to a time before he is born so he can observe the circumstances and conditions of the time of his birth. His mission is to seek out and find an angel, estranged from Heaven that is and has been hiding among his friends and family... who is this angel and why is it crucial Moonson finds him before time catches up on him?
6 subs, 998 views
Fantasy | 5 | No | Free | 2017-06-22 | 2017-11-27 | |
![]() by scottcahan |
Glazed Man and Rat Girl
Glazed Man is a bumbling yet lovable hero whose superpowers come from donuts. Rat Girl is the half-human-half-rat hero who knows no fear and will do anything to stop evil. She is a shy, nerdy, young adult who wants to be left alone, but when anyone with evil intentions gets near her, she transforms into the wild and reckless Rat Girl. Glazed Man, on the other hand, wants desperately to be a crime fighter. When he eats donuts, he is suddenly filled with incredible strength that lasts only as long as his sugar buzz. He's overly confident, and dim-witted, but makes up for it all with a heart of gold.
The storyline is a satirical mashup of superhero team ups, time travel, planet of the apes, and the terminator.
0 subs, 168 views
Comedy | 10 | No | Free | 2021-12-18 | 2022-01-06 | |
![]() by doittkarl |
I first started drawing these to cope with bad sleep schedule. Soon after that the series has expanded to cover other problematic areas of life.
68 subs, 4.28k views
Slice of life | 49 | No | Free | 2018-02-02 | 2022-07-18 | |
![]() by wanderNavi |
Hearthworth and the Dream
Andrea Hearthworth has a responsibility: Don't kill the world. Simpler said than done when the world is out for you and your friends. Oh, and this is all a Dream.
Updates on Wednesday and Fridays. Update announcements on twitter (@wanderNavigator) and tumblr (the-wandering-navigator). Enjoy!
Support creators by turning off adblock please!
96 subs, 9.19k views
Fantasy | 62 | No | Free | 2016-10-02 | 2017-03-18 | |
![]() by Ben Jelter |
Heliosphere is a biopunk comic about a girl named Maya who is trapped in the future. She joins up with a wild android named Synth to try to survive.
254 subs, 5.42k views
Science fiction | 18 | No | Free | 2015-10-01 | 2019-05-02 | |
![]() by Ashe Kay |
Aiden Ales is inherently not a good person for all that he kept up the reputation as the Hero Chosen By Fate. After ten years, he's finally free from the Hero's Journey.
But destiny was subverted and he's forced back onto the path. Learning that he was Fate's second choice, he's forced to uncover how the original destiny was overwritten and fix it.
0 subs, 87 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2020-08-15 | 2020-11-01 | |
![]() by Marc |
Homeless Time
Homeless Time is about a boy who finds out about a power in a watch that was given to him as a child and makes a friend with a hobo. Whats better than that?
5 subs, 740 views
Action | 8 | No | Free | 2016-01-04 | 2016-01-27 | |
![]() by Kryolls |
If you were to go back in time to an early stage in your life what would you do? Would you repair every mistake you did? Would you say everything you never were able to? Make every If a reality. If only i was able to hold you back then, would you still be here?
373 subs, 1.44k views
Romance | 5 | No | Free | 2018-01-02 | 2018-09-19 | |
![]() by arrosa.o |
Infinity in an Instance
this series has been moved to instagram :)
The Council of the Elements declared relations between two people of different elements or with a human illegal centuries ago. As an uprising begins, ten people stand out above the rest.
There will be darker themes later on in the story just so you're warned
Updates whenever
100 subs, 4.94k views
Fantasy | 34 | No | Free | 2017-06-25 | 2020-02-16 | |
![]() by Pablo C. S. |
Dustin has died 98 times and is about to die a 99th, when he does, the world and humanity along with it, will reset.
Caught between a crumbling timeline and hunted by a ruthless order of Time Police, an evil future dictatorship who are suspiciously persistent in their goals to catch him and a mysterious purple-haired, masked woman.
Dustin must jump through a broken future to discover the truth of his past and save his present against a vicious time loop.
written by Pablo, illustrated by Yeu, produced by Marta and Edited By Peter.
329 subs, 24.6k views
Science fiction | 49 | No | Free | 2018-12-04 | 2019-09-12 | |
![]() by Luu |
Janelle's Space Travel Story
The time when God's computer had a blue screen error
Created by Luu
Update schedule: TBD
14 subs, 435 views
Fantasy | 2 | No | Free | 2016-09-20 | 2016-09-22 | |
![]() by Zetsubonii |
Jim's Days
Updates at least once a week on Fridays!
One day, "Cheshire", a girl from the future is sent to present day to look for someone named "Alice." If this "Alice isn't found within a year, the world ends. With the help from an average guy like Jim, they battle monsters and solve mysteries as they start to appear in Sootville. Things aren't looking too good for Jim, then again, it's just another day for him.
Will they ever find "Alice"? Find out here!
90 subs, 7.34k views
Mystery | 32 | Yes | Free | 2016-04-27 | 2018-10-14 | |
![]() by loganwilton |
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4.5 - Cogs of Time
Join Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu and the rest of the Morioh crew two months after the events of Part 4 in a brand new, semi-improvised, alternate universe story! DIO is back, again, kinda. He has been summoned to our world, alive and well, and can't wait to get his revenge! Can Jojo stop DIO from doing whatever he intends to do, even I don't know (hence 'semi-improvised')! Find out in JJBA Part 4.5: Cogs of Time!
13 subs, 1.92k views
Comedy | 1 | No | Free | 2018-02-25 | 2018-02-25 | |
![]() by AvianSkies Art |
Eman of Arrow Clan has seen things no man ever should. Now he's in an asylum, fighting to regain his sanity. Dr. Tyy specializes in hard cases, and he's determined to help Eman recover. But when the warrior starts to tell his story, Tyy isn't prepared for the kaleidoscopic secrets about to be unleashed.
106 subs, 13.9k views
Science fiction | 91 | No | Free | 2015-08-01 | 2021-02-19 | |
![]() by Titan1Studios |
Knight Guardians of Relativity
A futuristic story of human endeavor and strength pitted against the inherent weaknesses and conflicts that make our species both great and flawed.
Welcome to an exclusive digital preview issue of Knight Guardians of Relativity (or KGOR for short).
Order Knight Guardians of Relativity #1 from your local comic shop with ORDER CODE: NOV161908
Help us bring you more KNIGHT GUARDIANS by hitting LIKE and SUBSCRIBE.
Created by Rathan Moorthy & Gareth R. Roberts
Writers: Gareth R. Roberts & Taran Chadha
Artist: Abel Garcia
Cover Artist: Gabe Sapienza
Colorist: Irma Kniivila
Letterer: Simon Bowland
188 subs, 5.57k views
Science fiction | 6 | No | Free | 2016-06-11 | 2019-03-06 | |
![]() by Yair PT |
Koatl el Defensor
Julián Tennek es un niño indígena que lleva una vida común en un pequeño pueblo, aunque no lo sabe, el destino lo llevará por caminos extraordinarios.
Utilizando habilidades increíbles, conocerá Dioses ancestrales y seres fantásticos, todo para cumplir su misión de defender a quien lo necesite.
14 subs, 1.05k views
Action | 2 | No | Free | 2017-08-26 | 2017-08-26 | |
![]() by Solarseptum |
Kowalski's Adventures
When a young genius by the name of Kowalski invents a time machine he never expected to meet a very important person in his life...
this comic has been a school project!
20 subs, 817 views
Comedy | 9 | No | Free | 2017-06-13 | 2020-12-29 | |
![]() by NerdBrain |
Kung Fu SuperNerd
This is my version of the British TV show Doctor Who, my series is about a nerd who accidentally receives super powers, he gets drawn into a conflict between two opposing forces of super humans from different alternate realities. The main characters adventures can happen in any time period, and in any reality, alternate or otherwise.
9 subs, 1.23k views
Slice of life | 4 | No | Free | 2013-08-19 | 2013-11-25 | |
![]() by pramitsantra |
LIFE-TIME : the Graphic Novel
The year is 1999 and there is a battle going on in the city of Chicago. Frank has in his possession, a classic watch to control his life-time. His motives are not known, nor do we know the motives of the other side, the drifters.
In this first issue of Life-Time, Writer/artist Pramit Santra tries to introduce you to the main player of this story and start it with a Bang. From the streets of Chicago to the grand harbors of 1800s France, Life-Time is a tale of a misfortune.
7 subs, 661 views
Science fiction | 6 | No | Free | 2016-02-11 | 2016-09-02 | |
![]() by Riitso |
Live Die Love
After meeting her untimely demise without ever falling in love, Risa must now work as a spirit for the Love Department and help one hundred people fall in love in order to move on. The problem is, she only has three years to do it, and she’s stuck with the department’s worst employee. (Updates once a month)
3 subs, 339 views
Romance | 19 | No | Free | 2021-12-23 | 2022-02-16 | |
![]() by charnerart |
Some dudes in a stoner metal band lost their cat and need to find him with the power of music n' stuff.
6 subs, 499 views
Fantasy | 8 | No | Free | 2016-06-15 | 2016-08-08 | |
![]() by LOAF |
Watch as the real-life characters of LOAF go on some unreal adventures after they dink around and lose their cat.
8 subs, 371 views
Comedy | 1 | No | Free | 2016-03-11 | 2016-03-22 | |
![]() by Kesterpanels |
Lunar Roadtrip
What if everything we know today was proven wrong? What if we got to see parts of the universe that no one else on our planets would ever get to see, which includes the multi-verse and alternate dimensions such as heaven and hell? What if the price was to be in constant danger from those you rubbed the wrong way along your journey? Would you still go? We investigate paranormal and supernatural mysteries on an interstellar level. This is our Lunar Roadtrip.
4 subs, 356 views
Science fiction | 21 | No | Free | 2021-03-25 | 2021-11-22 | |
![]() by mrWONDERFUL |
Journey toward the dimension of space and time...other worlds of odd creatures and bizarre realities. Join The Professor and lovable Wilbur on an epic jaunt through the Void.
1 subs, 448 views
Science fiction | 4 | No | Free | 2015-12-23 | 2015-12-26 | |
![]() by Synergy Eclipse |
Magical Renegades ~ Anathema to Commonsense
Renegade Midnight Conductor is a recruiter for the Magical Renegades, a faction of eccentric mages who are opponents to "the Magestablishment" for using a newer, experimental style of magical weaponry that bypasses the Magestablishment's bureaucracy!
She was a time traveler who left the Academy for Time Travel before she graduated, and is now a fugitive. She believed their rules were too limiting, and time travel can be used to set things right.
She went back to 1884 to meet Susana, a human who would become a great historical figure in the events that were to follow. Susana joined the Magical Renegades as Renegade Liberty, and stopped a takeover, but the magic that they promoted fell into the hands of Renegade Midnight Conductor's rival, another rogue time traveler who used power to begin taking over space-time! With one of the four superweapons under her control, this rival would be formidable to any opposition!
The rival caused an incident that left a group of people stranded in 1887, under her rule, in a bizarre anachronistic timeline just as "The Great Power Struggle" is about to happen again! Some of the stranded people are just trying to survive while they wait for space-time to be restored, but others have their eyes on joining one of these factions and see opportunities for heroism, fame, wealth or power ahead!
Follow the tale of the Magical Renegades as they seek more recruits, and try to work together! However, raw power isn't everything. Sometimes, they must think outside of the box even if it means going against commonsense!
Genres: Action/Comedy/Drama/Fantasy/Magical girl
Check out the blog and site for extra drawings, stories and commentary! When I can't publish episodes weekly, there are still weekly updates such as WIPs and more supplementary material!
19 subs, 3.6k views
Fantasy | 30 | No | Free | 2020-04-20 | 2022-06-11 | |
![]() by Actual Evil |
Man Made Fire
A spark, all it takes to start a fire. Hope, light, warmth. What about the underlying destruction that never ceases to threaten all that exists?
Is the spark the start of change, or the warning sign of the endless cycle itself?
66 subs, 547 views
Mystery | 7 | No | Free | 2021-11-09 | 2022-06-26 | |
![]() by rabideyemovement |
Memfamous Comics Presents 2
This issue, we meet a caged woman standing in line for a taste of freedom. We calculate the chemical formula for murder. And we witness the invention of a new form of time travel.
1 subs, 23 views
Science fiction | 1 | No | Free | 2020-12-21 | 2020-12-21 | |
![]() by helloagain_didi |
Nadia reoccurring dreams have her doubting reality. On a normal day after classes, she slowly starts to shift into those same dreams. Along the way, she finds out that those quick moments aren't her dreams at all, but her past life. The only way to fully get back to normalcy is to finish the journey, except for one small big detail. She has to find all the characters and convince them those dreams they had, are of their past life.
4 subs, 230 views
Romance | 5 | No | Free | 2022-03-08 | 2022-05-11 | |
![]() by Badcreated |
Mosh Pit Mash up
Mosh Pit Mash Up is a compilation of linked stories in a vast universe full of posibilities and references to pop culture
2 subs, 204 views
Fantasy | 3 | No | Free | 2019-10-07 | 2019-12-15 | |
![]() by Utamee |
My Last Life
Carina thinks she has everything and will always live happily, until one day her husband cheats on her and tries to kill her. He managed to survive because of the magic necklace given by his best friend who is a mage. The necklace can grant one wish. Carina wishes to return where she is happy and kept away from all bad things. She did return to the past, but it wasn't the past that she knew. How is she gonna live her new life?
9 subs, 609 views
Romance | 14 | No | Free | 2021-02-15 | 2021-06-28 | |
![]() by Hisame Artwork |
Niels Feynman's time traveling adventures (english)
Niels is a little mischievous boy from the 24th century who wants to meet his hero, Isaac Newton.
In the first comic he will travel back in time to meet his hero Stephen Hawking at the notorious Time Travelers' party. And from there he will travel to visit Isaac Newton. Niels is very passionate about science, he is half Chinese and half Dutch, and lives in Cambridge, England.
136 subs, 43.4k views
Science fiction | 213 | No | Free | 2016-10-01 | 2020-09-13 | |
![]() by Erisyuuki |
Norowareta Hime To Yakuza
Esmee Leticia Serafall is known as the infamous Princess who brings death. Caught up in her siblings fight for the throne she is cursed and sent to another world. In this unknown, modern day world, Esmee ends up being taken in by an otaku, Higa Kei.
Her daily struggles with otakuness is one problem, but how did she end up being involved in the battle of succession of the big time gangsters too? Perhaps Higa Kei is… but more importantly, will Esmee ever be able to return to her own world?
Artist: Nila Nandita
Author: Erisyuuki
Please visit and support us:
Also Available here:
95 subs, 3.84k views
Fantasy | 3 | No | Free | 2016-02-24 | 2017-02-07 | |
![]() by Rafael Leon |
November Dawn
After a tragedy, Douglas starts a journey in the hopes that time will heal his wounds. He's been travelling for some time, and an encounter with a strange woman may indicate that his journey is coming to an end...
14 subs, 800 views
Drama | 11 | No | Free | 2017-05-29 | 2017-06-24 | |
![]() by HamsterHed |
Official Translation
English version of my comic "Tradução Oficial"!
More than anything, Kyle wants an official translation of the sequel of his favorite game. When he knows that the sequel won't be translated to english, he is willing to do anything to revert this situation, even if he needs to go back in time and this means the end of the world as we know it!
7 subs, 83 views
Comedy | 2 | No | Free | 2020-02-19 | 2020-02-19 | |
![]() by DevilShelter |
One Hour Before the Apocalypse
In this world every talent person has chance for second life. His soul seals in amulet and he becomes a Daemon.
Horita Dustblowl is usual high school girl. Her parents are divorced, she has no friends and she study pretty average. But in her hands gets an amulet whose Daemon can answer any question...
1 subs, 91 views
Slice of life | 4 | No | Free | 2021-11-28 | 2021-12-01 | |
![]() by Dale Ingram |
One Step...Beyond!
In the blink of an eye, Chip's life goes one step...beyond.
19 subs, 513 views
Science fiction | 11 | No | Free | 2017-01-22 | 2020-05-22 | |
![]() by mpeckham92 |
Ouroboros is a philosophical science fiction that explores the human perception of time through the eyes of Gabriel, a young man with the ability to time travel and see the fourth dimension. [Writer and Artist: Michael R Peckham]
7 subs, 186 views
Science fiction | 2 | No | Free | 2019-06-15 | 2019-06-17 |