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by Alter Aspect
#Villainous (Discontinued)

Residing out in deep space, aboard a galactic space station, on the outskirts of the known Universe, where the criminals roam free and the outlords rule the stars. Being a villain ain't easy, man.... (Please note: this series contains violence, swearing and other things of that nature, but only for comical purposes so it's alright)

32 subs, 2.65k views
Comedy 10
#Action, #Alien, #astro, #astronaught, #battles, #black, #cartoon, #comedy, #dark, #dasterdly, #deep_space, #drones, #duels, #Eclipse, #empire, #emporer, #evil, #federation, #fights, #Fools, #force, #grunts, #guards, #hood, #immortals, #intergalactic, #interstellar, #job, #military, #moon, #Overlord, #planet, #Power, #purple, #science, #science_fiction, #scifi, #shade, #shadow, #ship, #space, #space_station, #squad, #star, #street, #sun, #super_villain, #technology, #troopers, #umbra, #universe, #villain, #Violet, #wars, #work
No Free 2016-01-06 2019-07-07

by StoopSJK

A lonely alien stranded on earth is plagued by many universal misfortunes. But is he really the unluckiest person in the universe? Watch as he learns to overcome all his obstacles: READ AND EXPLORE HIS DEEP RESOLVE!!!!

2 subs, 285 views
Science fiction 1
#Action, #Alien, #aliens, #Alien_Stuff, #anime, #comedy, #dark, #drama, #Fantasy, #funny, #horror, #imagination, #Jojos_Bizarre_Adventure, #light, #magic, #manga, #moon, #scifi, #shonen, #space, #spooky, #sun, #technology
Yes Free 2017-06-10 2021-02-24


[COMPLETE] Wren is a recluse. Ambrose is a socialite. They match on a dating app where Wren is trying to get more comfortable chatting with people and Ambrose is looking for his next fling. Neither yet realize they're on a collision course to being much more than just casual messaging buddies.

2.98k subs, 204k views
BL 58
#awkward_male_lead, #dating_app, #flirty_male_lead, #fluffy, #friendship, #modern, #mxm, #slowburn, #technology, #text_messages
No Free 2020-12-20 2021-12-11

by Raddlez
2300: The New Century Saga

In March 2086, a plague swept through the earth. A third of the population was wiped out within a week, another third fell ill, and the final third had no reaction. The final third worked around the clock, caring for the sick in specially marked quarantine zones. As the care continued, the sick began to stabilise, and started having children. As the children aged, the offspring of the ill were discovered to have special abilities. This new subspecies of humans were named “Supers” and they came with their fair share of problems. In 2114 the first and only superhuman war broke out. After the war, the supers and humans learnt to intergrate peacefully, on half the continents still remaining on the world, and after a while, the supers became icons, beacons of hope. Those who stood up for public safety became celebrities, and in 2296, almost 170 years later, the heroes were legitimised by Clayton “Rock Solid” Matthews, with the formation of the Superhuman Taskforce. At the end of the year 2299, the Superhuman taskforce, aided by Waskiko, an alien demigod on the side of Earth, has become a force to be reckoned with. It would be take a lot of force to destroy the superhuman taskforce.

9 subs, 1.02k views
Science fiction 5
#2300, #Advanced Technology, #aliens, #Demigods, #Energy Manipulation, #flight, #Molecular Density Manipulation, #Ozy Monkey Studios, #pyrokinesis, #robots, #sci fi, #slice of life, #superheroes, #Turn of the Century
No Free 2016-02-14 2016-05-03

by PrettyFlyForAShyGuy
24 Hour Comic Day

24 Hour Comic Day is a challenge for artists to create a 24 page comic in under 24 hours. I've participated a number of years in a row through a local chapter of the event and have created comics using a random prompt provided by the organisers. This is an archive of them. The quality of the comics is not the focus, as the essence of the event is creating a finished work and challenging yourself creatively.

34 subs, 130 views
Horror 3
#Action, #body_horror, #chromatic aberration, #cyberpunk, #Glitch, #GORE, #hotline miami, #Monster, #mystery, #paranormal, #psychological_horror, #science_fiction, #scifi_horror, #SCI_FI, #supernatural, #technology, #videodrome
No Free 2017-12-26 2020-08-15

by KJ Tower

"A" is a light story of how a young girl, Ryza Hartfelt, learns how to deal with infatuation, stress, friendship, and an unknown person who calls himself "A". At first, she dislikes "A" for being a stalker, but that soon changes as she goes through a journey of self-discovery with him. Created: February 14, 2013 Completed: July 10, 2013 Please read from right to left ^^ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kj_tower

1.58k subs, 30.6k views
Romance 5
#a, #comedy, #drama, #fakebook, #hartfelt, #Highschool, #life, #light story, #love, #manga, #romance, #romantic, #ryle, #ryza, #school, #slice of life, #stalker, #Student, #technology
No Free 2013-12-01 2017-07-22

by Tgomes
A Crimson Martyr

Blood, war, and betrayal: this is the story of the Scarlet Macaw, leader of an organization devoted to crushing political threats on the Mervellian continent, a part of the Crimson World. However, the Crimson World is becoming darker than ever...

299 subs, 24.9k views
Fantasy 38
#acrimsonmartyr, #capybara, #clown, #Comic, #Fantasy, #fights, #ghoul, #macaw, #manga, #robot, #swords, #technology, #war, #warriors
No Free 2014-12-19 2016-07-12

by Nature
Áank: Quem Somos Nós? (PT-BR)

Um jovem garoto passava por dificuldades nas ruas de Elabrada, até que com a ajuda de um homem misterioso ele consegue chegar até Aanktescor, em intercâmbio nesse país, ele faz novas amizades e descobre um misterioso artefato mágico. Sua vida passará a ser mais confusa do que antes, enfrentando inimigos desconhecidos, buscando por outros mistérios da sua vida, e mantendo sua descoberta como um segredo num mundo onde a magia é um crime. Seria ele capaz de dar conta de tantas coisas e ser forte para os momentos ruins? Algo que até ele se questiona desde então...

6 subs, 272 views
Fantasy 1
#anthro, #Magia, #portugues, #portuguese, #technology
No Free 2021-05-23 2021-05-23

by Guilherme Junior

Acroalis is a fantasy world in which everyone has been living peacefully. that is, until two meteors landed. the people of Acroalis ignored them, thinking them of a normal phenomena, but little do they know the meteors contained a powerful source. one that will change all of Acroalis

438 subs, 74.3k views
Fantasy 237
#battle_mode, #black_and_white, #boys, #castle, #character, #dark, #decision_time, #deep, #dragons, #Elder, #Fire, #forest, #funny, #games, #giants, #giant_monsters, #girls, #God, #group, #hero, #heroine, #kingdon, #kings, #landscape, #lava, #level, #line, #long_comic, #lv_up, #monster_hunter, #mountains, #music, #mysterious, #mystery, #naruto_type, #party, #Powers, #Princess, #rain, #rpg, #rpg_music, #sad, #scrolls, #Sky, #space, #style_manga, #super, #technology, #trees, #universe, #video_game, #villages, #Volcano, #water, #wind, #world_map
No Free 2014-12-26 2020-11-19



1 subs, 417 views
Science fiction 1
#Always, #android, #apple, #arm, #earth, #engineering, #freedom, #great, #machine, #macross, #Make, #mecha, #Power, #robot, #science, #security, #technology
No Free 2017-03-07 2017-03-07

by Leizh
Age of Orcs

History has changed, now orcs dominate the Earth and humans have to live in hiding.

7 subs, 112 views
Fantasy 1
#age, #age_of_orcs, #devil, #evil, #Fantasy, #magic, #of, #orc, #orcs, #technology, #war
No Free 2020-08-08 2020-08-08

by John Carvajal

Sci Fi series created by Simon Mesnard and illustrated by John Carvajal. Updates Mon, Wed, Fri

22 subs, 2.96k views
Science fiction 62
#Action, #adventure, #black cube, #future, #post apocalyptic, #sci fi, #Science Fiction, #space, #technology, #watercolor
No Free 2017-05-15 2019-05-30


A hunter suddenly turns into the hunted! As a dragon, Avery has no choice but to abandon their dream of becoming the greatest dragon hunter. But can they start a new chapter in her life without being hunted down by her own rival?

42 subs, 456 views
Science fiction 3
#adventure, #college, #dragons, #epic, #future, #high_fantasy, #lgbtq, #technology
No Free 2021-11-28 2021-11-30

by Novanim

Paloma is a girl looking for her estranged mother, in a city where all adults have fallen asleep. To reach her goal, she will join forces with Lechuza, a child born from a flower, and Zorzal, an abandoned cyber-soldier. Together, they will travel to the Heart of the City, to recover what was once lost. Chapter 3 currently in development. Subscribe to my newsletter on https://novanim.org/ to receive my latest updates. You can also support the project on Patreon!

1.55k subs, 31k views
Science fiction 29
#adventure, #children, #nature, #scifi, #technology
No Free 2020-05-06 2022-07-21

by Midnite snow

The security of the Katpost Orbital Station is under the supervision of Arcaya, an AI prototype. She discovers early on that her creator is hiding something from her and begins to have doubts about others on the station as well. Stan Calico, the head technician in charge of the droids aboard the station, notices the changes in the way Arcaya seems to act and decides to try and help her.

85 subs, 3.32k views
Science fiction 9
#arcaya, #Arcy, #Arcy-01, #cat, #cats, #Comic, #drama, #feline, #forbidden love, #Franais, #freelance, #French, #furry, #gay, #gray, #grey, #Laurie Dufour, #lolo, #markers, #midnite, #Midnitesnow, #Montreal, #mouse, #Portal, #quebec, #robot, #romance, #Sci-fi, #space, #technology, #traditional, #traditionnal, #yaoi
No Free 2015-04-25 2017-02-18

by AzureAutoDetailing
Are you looking for a car detailing service? AzureAutoDetailing

Whenever you are going for detailing your car, always kept in mind the things in that car detailing service includes windshield cleaning, vacuum cleaning, car seat dry cleaning, upholstery cleaning, windshield cleaning, Engine wash with steam · Steam wash of the car, exterior treatment, interior treatment and many more. So whenever you think of a car detailing near me in Washington, DC and many nearby areas like Virginia, Alexandria, etc AzureAutoDetailing gives your car a new fresh look, You can schedule online your booking, or call us. Choose from our different detailing packages according to your budget, and we are worth your money. So Makes Your Car Look, Smell, and Feel Brand New. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

0 subs, 5 views
Action 1
#cars, #Comic, #detailing, #education, #lifestyle, #luxurycar, #photography, #tapas, #technology, #usa
No Free 2021-03-19 2021-03-19

by Zntta
Arke Zero Zero

A future where the total war has left a great state of starvation and barbery. The COMMANDO, a new militar order poses themself as a ruler of the new order creating a new technology to end up the caos. However this project is subverted. There fell answers out there. Among that caos, Penthesilea, a former elite soldier, tries to survive in the hunt of the COMMANDO.

8 subs, 954 views
Science fiction 8
#Action, #alternative, #artistic, #b_side, #cp, #criticism, #cyber, #cyberpunk, #cyberpunkgirl, #futurism, #futuristic, #girl, #junk, #manga, #outsider, #punkgirl, #scifi, #scififiction, #scifigirl, #technology, #war
No Free 2020-05-20 2020-05-24

by Flex Brakavrak
Atlantis 2.0 - اتلانتس٢.٠

The near future. Climatic catastrophes, social and economic crises have rushed humanity into what's called ''the dark era'' which ended with the birth of a new societal model, the conglomerates. World is now ruled by giant companies that have rendered it stable as humans carry out their modern lives devoid of conflict. Yet, as uncertainty creeps in, some events are to disrupt the present order. Fear rises, conglomerates' future is threatened. One thing seems to link all these troubles: Atlantis.

5 subs, 61 views
Science fiction 8
#arabic, #comics, #cyberpunk, #Dystopia, #ecology, #futuristic, #graphicnovel, #manga, #migration, #postapocaliptic, #technology
No Free 2020-02-29 2020-04-18

by Someone
attention please

'Science is cool, I love it more than futbol' said no one ever. But we do. We turn science, math, puzzles and all that boring stuff into fun.

3 subs, 658 views
Slice of life 3
#geek, #humor, #news, #programming, #science, #technology, #web
No Free 2014-06-14 2014-07-28

by BlueFromage
Balu the Mutant Mutt

Balu was just a normal dog until something amazing happened, now is a hero... at least is trying to be.

3 subs, 443 views
Science fiction 2
#aliens, #balu, #dog, #earth, #Guns, #mutant, #mutt, #space, #technology
No Free 2017-05-06 2017-05-13

by Lichel

Based in Denver, Colorado, a young man named Vito Necci works as a full-time staff at his local museum to provide for his family. One day he finds that an artefact in one of the galleries of the museum had been stolen without a trace, and the only clues are of the supernatural- in which he doesn't believe in. Follow Vito and his journey on finding out what happened in "BELLWETHERED"!

45 subs, 514 views
Mystery 2
#drama, #Fantasy, #odd, #painting, #scifi, #super_sons, #technology
No Free 2019-04-24 2019-04-24

by Jayden
Best Online Game

Die Art und Weise, wie Propersix-Casinospiele erstellt werden, ändert sich dank der Blockchain-Technologie, die die nächste Generation von Spieletiteln antreibt. Wenn Sie ein Casino-Liebhaber sind, dann weiß ich, was Sie brauchen, wenn Sie ein Online-Casino-Spiel spielen. Nicht nur Sie Aber auch alle Casino-Liebhaber wollen etwas anderes. Deshalb erzähle ich Ihnen heute von einer neuen und völlig anderen Casino-Plattform. Propersix Casino! ProperSix gibt es auf verschiedenen Plattformen. Ihr Casino ist eines davon. Das ProperSix-Casino wird mit seiner eigenen Börse verbunden und akzeptiert seinen eigenen Token, den Pro6 Münze und alle wichtigen Kryptowährungen und FIAT. Wenn Sie sich beim ProperSix Casino anmelden Sie erhalten eine individuelle Brieftaschennummer und erhalten Zugang zu den im Casino zu verwendenden Kaufmarken. Suchen Sie nach dem besten Blockchain Casino im Jahr 2019? Suchen Sie nicht weiter! Ich möchte Ihnen das beste aufstrebende Online-Casino der Welt vorstellen. Ja, es ist Propersix Casino. Viele der Online-Casinos verstecken Daten wie Gewinne und andere finanzielle Details. Das ProperSix Casino ist ein außergewöhnliches, vollständig dezentralisiertes Casino, das die neuesten Versionen verwendet https://www.propersix.com/casino...

0 subs, 5 views
Gaming 1
#Blockchain_Casino, #games, #lifestyle, #luxury, #technology, #token
No Free 2019-10-17 2019-10-17

by Patrick
Best Online Game

ProperSix Kings Slots Machine is simple to play with classic pictures and sounds, and the real machine algorithm methods! You will experience special effects one after another, Big win, Mega win, Super win, clean Sweep and Jackpot. Compete for the ProperSix great jackpot with players all over the world! 25 pay lines across five reels in the regular game provide you with the perfect chance to win Twists. Player can choose a minimum of one payline to a 18 maximum of 25 paylines. Player can choose the bet on only one payline from a minimum bet to maximum bet. ProperSix game logic is fair, and user can test in demo mode. https://propersix.com/casino

0 subs, 8 views
Gaming 1
#blockchain, #luxury, #technology, #token
No Free 2019-10-19 2019-10-21

by denlord
Binary 0

109500 days had past since... Well IT doesn't even know. Hell if anybody even got slightest idea, what happend long ago... Anyway! Equipped with right TOOLS and crucial objective, IT begun it's strides in this strange world. Or maybe IT is even more stranger for this environment and era.

0 subs, 108 views
Fantasy 4
#adventure, #apocalypse, #binary_0, #city, #escape, #fallout, #Fantasy, #future, #post_apo, #running, #scifi, #technology, #tool, #visual_story, #worldbuilding
No Free 2020-09-27 2020-09-30

by David Conceição
Black Bird

In a world where the Age of Enlightenment never ended, a dark conspiracy unfurls amidst a flourishing culture sustained by powerful machinery and clockwork. Follow Isaac Davidson, a young knight, and his friends on a grand adventure that will pit them against the powerful aristocratic family of the Theophylactus.

4 subs, 1.4k views
Fantasy 4
#Action, #adventure, #baroque, #blackbird, #clockpunk, #dramatic, #epic, #Fantasy, #magic, #manga, #operatic, #quest, #Seinen, #shonen, #steampunk, #technology
No Free 2013-09-26 2013-09-26

by Manu Cornet
Bonkers World

Poke fun at the news, technology, and the silliness of life.

49 subs, 6.04k views
Slice of life 16
#bonkers, #life, #news, #technology, #world
No Free 2013-11-01 2014-02-03

by Amarathimi
Book of Change

As if feeling stuck in a boring everyday routine wasn't hard enough, babysitting an egotistical magical book might just top it off. Updates once a month on Wednesday.

488 subs, 35.7k views
Fantasy 55
#Book, #Duo, #Fantasy, #future, #magic, #past, #programmer, #scifi, #technology, #transform
No Free 2018-05-26 2022-06-22

by Martha Balaile
Celestial Child

This is the story of a young woman with magic to control the elements of nature in a society that values technology and hates magic.

15 subs, 491 views
Fantasy 3
#citizenship_culture, #city_patrols, #fantasy_story, #fantasy_world, #futuristic, #high_society_culture, #magic, #magical_world, #medical_technology, #military_culture, #oppressive_society, #order, #Rebellion, #SCI_FI, #survaillance
No Free 2016-07-06 2018-09-18

by Loulose

A quarter-life crisis leaves Geraldine stranded in war-torn Mainland with a mysterious stranger. Crossing paths with a Chanta, the growing group of adventurers become unwilling participants in an epic political power struggle. At the heart of it all, the Sentient: Ancient scientific wonder, rumored weapon and walking fortune.

187 subs, 2.85k views
Science fiction 33
#computer_science, #found_family, #GORE, #post_apocalyptic, #romance, #science_fiction, #SCI_FI, #technology
No Free 2013-03-07 2022-07-08

by JayJu

Michael Lumaban, part-time super villain & full time rebel genius, has messed up quite a fair amount of times in his life. Grievously injuring one of the world’s best heroes and his own personal idol, however, is definitely up there in Michael’s list of worst blunders.

27 subs, 689 views
Drama 2
#bl, #Boy's Love, #drama, #Dystopia, #futuristic, #Hacker, #lgbtq+, #romance, #solarpunk, #Superhero, #technology
No Free 2017-10-08 2018-06-14

by JBTheRooster
Chicken Business

Chicken Business is a comic about the Rooster Brothers, JB and Big Red. Two brothers who work together in the IT department of one of the largest food suppliers in the nation. The comic follows JB and Big Red as they weave their way through the perils of IT work and the shenanigans that come with it. New episodes every Friday!

2 subs, 119 views
Slice of life 8
#Chickens, #information_technology, #office, #office_shenanigans, #shenanigans
No Free 2021-08-11 2021-09-17

by Camish

For most of her life, Tanwen has lived on the surface of the artificial planet Terra Nova. Now, she's on a mission to finally get back inside the planet and stop the tyrannical rule that ruined her life. But the last thing she expected was to find out she has a twin... --- Font credits: - "Millimetre" made by Jérémy Landes (velvetyne.fr). - "Anime Ace 3" and "Toonacious" made by Nate Piekos (blambot.com).

112 subs, 4.96k views
Science fiction 17
#adventure, #family, #friendship, #magic, #science_fantasy, #technology
No Free 2022-03-11 2022-07-17

by Marino Mele ✒
Ctrl+Alt+Del: Shut Down the System

Tireless machines at the service of their creators, their gods: at the service of the human race. Nowadays computers are a vital part of our life but... What about their's? Enjoy yourself trough the symbolism, and the criticism on our own society, inside the deep plot of "Ctrl+Alt+Del: shut down the System". This work is in the Kodansha's "5th Morning International Manga Competition" Top26.

17 subs, 338 views
Science fiction 12
#Action, #Antivirus, #clever, #CtrlAltDel, #Fight, #manga, #mistery, #pope, #religion, #right_to_left, #robot, #scifi, #short, #technology, #virus
No Free 2015-04-01 2020-07-04

by cedric hosea

The heiress of a wealthy Icelandic hierarchy is recruited to join a secret world-governing agency, to prevent cybernetic warfare.

1 subs, 249 views
Science fiction 1
#Action, #Fantasy, #magical boy, #magical girl, #romance, #Sci-fi, #technology
No Free 2018-07-13 2018-07-14

by Centcomm

Data Chasers is set in the distant future, in a world still recovering from an apocalypse. In it, humans and androids live side-by-side and face the hazards of their dangerous environment. Though set far into our future, it reflects our past and our present, dealing with the politics and cultures of different people, along with touching on the very fundamentals of humanity. ( Updates Monday Wednesday Friday )

14 subs, 2.3k views
Science fiction 3
#Action, #Andriod, #artificial intelligence, #cyberpunk, #Daz Studio, #dolly, #female, #future, #girl, #lynn, #nsfw, #technology
No Free 2015-10-22 2015-11-10

by thewarrior

Star Date: 02/01/2501, in the Futuristic World of “©DETROIT FUTUREPLEX”: Imagine a world that has been continually evolving into a New Scientific metropolis of Technological Advancement and a Policing Department and Law Enforcement System that had/has to evolve with such a City and Such a World. we "HONOR" WOMEN & MOMS, and MILITARY Females with our NEW, EXCITING "G.i.J.i.M.O.M." Series: http://thesiborg.com/ http://familymediasite.com/ http://tdmcomics.com/ http://post-up.me/ (PEOPLE CAN BUY) http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B003VPV7NU

1 subs, 616 views
Science fiction 1
#comics, #fiction, #future, #novels, #science, #super heroes, #technology, #universe, #world
No Free 2017-05-21 2017-05-21

by jebug29

READ RIGHT TO LEFT In 199X, human unit B-0X was set for activation by Computer World scientists Baiskov and Aishtel. However, things didn't go quite as planned - or quite the same way as they ever had before. I wrote this comic as part of my Anime and Japanese Visual Culture Class. I'm definitely interested in continuing it, if people enjoy it!

3 subs, 174 views
Science fiction 2
#alternative, #computers, #computer_world, #dimensionality, #dimensional_travel, #male_protagonist, #science_fiction, #scifi, #technology
No Free 2019-12-18 2019-12-18

by AloeViera
Dragon War

Sci-fi comic based in the year 2355, following brothers Roy and Richie Maclure as they carry out a long term mission on another planet. Involves dragons, aliens, action and adventure.

43 subs, 1.21k views
Science fiction 5
#Action, #Alien, #aliens, #breaking gender norms, #Dragon, #dragons, #Fantasy, #galaxy, #outerspace, #planet, #Progressive, #Sci-fi, #space, #spaceships, #technology, #universe
No Free 2016-02-25 2016-03-07

by Don Ellenate

The story follows intersecting, sometimes clashing, paths of various parties- All drawn towards an otherworldly phenomenon, that is only to be known as a.. "Distortion". Story updates on Wednesdays (...or Tuesday/Thursday).

101 subs, 1.51k views
Action 36
#adventure, #afro, #art, #Background, #black_and_white, #exploration, #fighting, #mecha, #technology, #world_building
No Free 2021-11-09 2022-06-27

by otom

In the year of XXXXX, Jasper is kept at school until he is taken to the home of Ariel. Ariel, a teenage daughter of a fruit seller, sees that Jasper isn't just like the non-humans. On a quest to find where Jasper lived before, a mysterious robot or non/human figure keeps them at the sea side before getting any secrets.

22 subs, 493 views
Science fiction 1
#Action, #anime, #comedy, #Comic, #drama, #Fantasy, #Flicker, #friendship, #future, #history, #light, #otometracker409er, #past, #relationship, #romance, #Sci-fi, #slice of life, #stories, #technology, #The Tracking Team!, #The Tracking Team! Series
No Free 2015-10-08 2015-10-08

by Pilot-Obvious
Future Agents

Four unlikely candidates find themselves in one dysfunctional segment of a failing government program: Future Agents. After stumbling Chicago's most extreme case of cyber-terrorism, they may just hold the key to stopping the most notorious criminal in Chicago: Yellow Jacket.

848 subs, 24.1k views
Science fiction 30
#Action, #anime, #corruption, #Crime, #dystopian, #female_lead, #manga, #science_fiction, #technology, #thriller
No Free 2018-07-29 2022-01-01

by Mas8n
Galdre: The Prequel

In a not-so-distant future, Inge is an outcast at her university. A technological outcast. But when she meets Rala, she discovers she might just be better off that way.

2 subs, 401 views
Science fiction 3
#explosions, #galdre, #inge, #scfi, #school, #technology, #the prequel
No Free 2016-03-18 2016-04-12

by ori
Gamertag: Badtzharu [on hiatus]

Anthropomorphic gamer rage and stuff. GTBH is on temporary hiatus. -_-

9 subs, 2.3k views
Comedy 15
#animals, #anthro, #anthropomorphic, #anthropomorphic animals, #comedy, #dogs, #gamers, #gaming, #humor, #rage, #technology, #video gamers, #Video_Games, #weird
No Free 2015-08-12 2015-12-04

by Hydra015
H.E.A.T. | The Leviathan Project

Hydra and her friends go out to enjoy festivities when it all goes wrong. Drawn together by fate they fight through their new situation, all the while discovering a murky secret.

16 subs, 627 views
Science fiction 1
#futuristic, #futuristic technology, #Gaia, #Hydra014, #Hydra015, #magic, #mystery subplot, #original species, #romantic subplot, #sci-fi fantacy, #strange world
No Free 2017-09-17 2017-11-19

by Vox
Hell I Don't Want To Enter

Snippets of my college life. May not be in chronological order and the art may not be as pretty as the thumbnail. Featuring me, "Vox" and some of my professors, classmates, family, friends, strangers, etc. This may contain my inner thoughts and stuff so viewer discretion is advised.

9 subs, 708 views
Slice of life 5
#classes, #college, #do, #enter, #hell, #hell i do not want to enter, #hell i don't want to enter, #i, #life, #medical school, #medical_technology, #not, #of, #slice, #slice of life, #to, #want
No Free 2015-08-24 2016-06-27

by letstalkmark
Hero Inkorporated

What would it take to create a real Batman? Follow the adventure of three, young comic book fans who form an entire corporation to create a masked hero to save their crime ridden city.

5 subs, 396 views
Action 1
#batman, #character driven, #cool gadgets, #secret society, #technology
No Free 2017-04-09 2017-04-11

by Jomei
How Human is an Angel?

So, How human is an angel? Is it really all that different from us? Kicked out of heaven due to his hatred towards humans, Jomei Angelos must learn to exist amongst them, living as they do and learn to understand them if he has any hope of returning home. Contains LGBT themes Updates once a week.

9 subs, 519 views
Slice of life 1
#Alien, #angel, #boys_love, #colorful, #Controversial, #demon, #drama, #gay, #God, #magic, #Mature, #religion, #sad, #Science Fiction, #technology, #thriller, #Tragic
No Free 2017-04-20 2017-04-21

by Indusmind
Humans Universe - at the Edge of the World

Humans at the Edge of the World it´s the first chapter of a scifi web comic. It´s about the final days of the planet Earth and the new step of Human kind.

8 subs, 424 views
Science fiction 9
#apocalipse, #end_of_the_world, #leviathan, #romance, #scify, #spaceships, #technology, #webcomic
No Free 2021-05-31 2021-11-11

by Art Masiah

In a world where technology is progressively taking over the way we live, there is a kid willing to risk it all to figure it all out

2 subs, 203 views
Action 1
#engineering, #hover_board, #mechanic, #technology
No Free 2018-10-23 2018-11-01

by King_Billy95
Infinite World

Twelve Demi Gods awaken on Earth with the eventual purpose of becoming divine protectors of Earth. However, they must grow and learn to live in the world of humans as they each learn what it means to be human and long for their own place in the universe. As they mature and acquire their divine powers and battle against the unknowable horrors of space they must define their own existence weather it be for the purpose they were created for or inspite of it..

4 subs, 1.63k views
Fantasy 62
#drama, #earth, #Fantasy, #galaxy, #gods, #human, #invasion, #magic, #Rebellion, #science_fiction, #space, #super_natural, #super_powers, #technology, #war, #worlds
No Free 2018-02-18 2019-12-19

by munifu96

[Update every 3-4 days ^^] A sovereign nation in a parallel universe has technologically progressed rapidly in its recent 50 years. Rasida, a 15 years old boy is expected to be the next ruler of this monarchial state. How his life will be?

5 subs, 329 views
Science fiction 2
#boys_love, #Fantasy, #King, #monarchy, #Nation, #Science Fiction, #technology
No Free 2018-01-19 2018-01-22

by Hatsu
Ippu Senkin

In the near future, there is a young boy named Hotaka and his grandfather, an ex shogi-player who feels conflicted with all current technological advancements.

2 subs, 1.25k views
Slice of life 3
#future, #grandfather, #programming, #shogi, #technology, #young boy
No Free 2017-07-07 2017-07-07

by James Florence
Jay Unplugged

A webcomic about a guy left to his own devices.

17 subs, 1.39k views
Comedy 46
#Comic, #funny, #humor, #tech, #technology, #webcomic
No Free 2016-06-22 2016-10-17

by Alanphabetology
Jonah and the Dark Arts

if "exists" = //RUN: "Send help" ; / we found\ something bad; { INITIATE} (I am) speaking /to/ you {from within}; //P.S. "Mr Finks" { "I'm Sorry I forgot the /spare/ tyre." } (END))

346 subs, 13.7k views
Comedy 31
#comedy, #computers, #dog, #internet, #mystery, #post_apocalyptic, #technology
No Free 2018-12-02 2020-01-17

by JustTechnologyThings
Just Technology Things

Why’s my friend not following me back? What’s it like to work in tech? Why is the internet obsessed with cats? Is there free wifi in here?! Just Technology Things is about everyday life with technology, featuring a phone addicted Silicon Valley resident, Mushy. Light-hearted, heartwarming, sometimes crude - find comfort and laughter through relatable experiences. Plus, learn new things about the tech world! Views expressed here are my own and not my employer's.

21 subs, 507 views
Slice of life 5
#cute_comic, #facebook, #funny, #Google, #instagram, #internet, #justtechnologythings, #just_technology_things, #siliconvalley, #social_media, #tech, #technology
No Free 2018-08-26 2019-03-11

by BaketPotato
K.O.K.O.R.O. - Tales of a Forgotten World

The world wasn't the same after androids and a 4th Industrial revolution.What happened? where are the humans? how about androids? what they did? Miracle, a lonely android, keep sharing the history that could answer all interested soul about the events, even if that soul are just childish and innocent. with Project Kaori curiosity, She'll bring all her memories, rebuilding ruins that were lost in time.

1 subs, 198 views
Science fiction 1
#androids, #conceptual, #Critic, #John_Locke, #manga, #Nietzsche, #philosophical, #philosophy, #Schopenhauer, #SCI_FI, #social_themes, #technology, #utopic
No Free 2019-11-14 2020-02-10

by King of Nowhere
King of Nowhere

A collection of long shot stories, all connected and without dialogue, let’s give the reader the chance to create his own history.

2 subs, 76 views
Fantasy 1
#Cibetpunk, #classic, #punk, #sex, #technology
No Free 2021-12-06 2021-12-06

by Lokita Naky
Les Bizarres

Why do we always imagine aliens would come on earth only to conquer or destroy us? Because that's what WE would do, and it's so very difficult for us to imagine something different than us. We even have words for things we don't understand fully. Negative words, most of the time: weird, strange... bizarre. (Also available in French)

17 subs, 513 views
Science fiction 5
#aliens, #technology, #vampires, #Werewolves
No Free 2014-10-06 2019-10-11

by Simon Wall

Two girls discover a robot with a peculiar history.

5 subs, 327 views
Action 12
#Action, #adventure, #robots, #technology
Yes Free 2020-06-26 2021-12-13

by TechnicallySomething
Little Oak And The Endless War

An orphan discovered atop a mountain alter is raised by a village housing the last of humanity. As Little Oak grows, his unquenchable curiosity of a bygone world drives him to explore mystifying ruins that are believed to be cursed. When he discovers an ancient artifact, a long dormant evil awakens and captures his entire village. In order to save them, he and his friends will face the endless army and discover the truth of Little Oak's origins.

27 subs, 1.14k views
Fantasy 7
#Advanced, #adventure, #ancient, #axe, #Fantasy, #future, #futuristic, #lasers, #little, #littleoak, #Oak, #Revenge, #robo, #robots, #Savior, #scifi, #tech, #technology, #viking
No Free 2020-11-28 2021-06-19

by Crimsoneyedkeeper

Beckoned by the Gates of Infinity, the Mire’s Elites unleashed an all-consuming virus upon their world and people. Decades after the initial fallout, known as the Umbra Crucible, a twisted wasteland of labyrinthine facilities and biological abominations remain in humanity’s stead. The Forlorn and their Parasites, like their creators, struggle against the virus and its horrors, ever compelled to seek the black core of Infinity. (Updates sporadically.)

19 subs, 1.03k views
Science fiction 13
#cyberpunk, #cyborg, #disease, #Dystopia, #horror, #Infection, #ink, #parasite, #scifi, #technology
No Free 2020-10-04 2021-11-09

by FaerieWarrior

READS RIGHT TO LEFT!!! It’s the year 3417 and World War VI has already passed and the country that was once The United States of America was destroyed to only be replaced by The Republic. But is this new world of glittering technology and new advancements hiding a more sinister plot as children are tested on to unlock powers?

45 subs, 1.54k views
Science fiction 5
#boy, #Experiments, #fighting, #future, #futuristic, #girl, #government, #Powers, #science, #technology
No Free 2015-06-27 2016-01-25

by Meri Amber
Modern Sins (And Other Oddball Tales)

Modern Sins (And Other Oddball Tales) is set in a world not all too different from our own, full of rockets, funny hats, Uchube videos and wanna-be doomlords. The story stars Meri, a singer of oddball songs, and Pat, a crazy inventor man, as well as a cast of other nutballs. The episodes of the comic will come out, largely, in time with the CDs they accompany (I make the comics to be included in the album booklets). So, there may be gaps between episodes, but when they do come out it'll be one page per week. I'd love for you to come visit my cosy online home to find out more about my world and listen to the oddball songs that the comic accompanies! My online home is: http://www.meriamber.com Thank you for stopping by :D You rock!

8 subs, 1.29k views
Slice of life 11
#dreams, #fun, #inventor, #modern sins, #music, #musician, #tech, #technology
No Free 2015-10-24 2015-12-01

by daltondeschain

MONOCUL is a brand new anthology horror comic written by Dalton Deschain and illustrated by a collection of the best underground and upcoming comic artists in the country. The series combines the pulpy blood and monsters of Tales From the Crypt with the same incisive take on modern tech companies as HBO's Silicon Valley. Every story revolves around a fictional tech mega-corporation called MONOCUL. Think Apple, Amazon, Google, etc. We'll travel around to every facet of their monolithic global presence and discover the hidden terrors that lurk beneath the surface. New issues are released every month on Patreon, and will show up here for free on Tapas on a 6 month delay. If you want to catch up, click the banner above!

16 subs, 601 views
Horror 7
#anthology, #cryptkeeper, #horror, #independent, #new_york_city, #Pulp, #pulp_horror, #satire, #Satirical, #silicon_valley, #tales_from_the_crypt, #tech, #technology
No Free 2020-02-10 2020-10-19

by Alix Dolstra

A group of friends in a small Australian town face off against a sinister planetary invasion. Is it aliens? Or something closer to home?

14 subs, 1.26k views
Science fiction 21
#adult, #AI, #aliens, #alix dolstra, #artificial intelligence, #australia, #future, #invasion, #Mature, #mutane, #sci fi, #Small Town, #technology
No Free 2018-04-25 2020-04-27

by peteyboy
NOON (old)

NOON is about two friends, Alex and Mo. These two friends travel the world searching for Psionic Tablets, magical glasslike objects that can grant anyone supernatural abilities. A conflict arises when the duo unintentionally steals a Psionic Tablet from an infamous gang leader and his private army.

26 subs, 3.17k views
Science fiction 21
#Action, #Alex, #Comic, #explosions, #Fantasy, #Fire, #fun, #funny, #future, #gravity, #High noon, #Hoodie Guy, #illusions, #magic, #Mo, #noon, #P.TA, #Psionic Tablet, #punching, #Science Fiction, #space, #Spaceship, #technology
No Free 2017-09-05 2018-07-16

by Gmlemas

We follow the story of a group of Operatives (Alba, Felix, Jen, Carlos and more), mercenary like adventurers that take high risk jobs in the dangerous world ofNovaterra, a post apocalyptic place fill with all kind of wonders and misteries. What lies beyond the walls of the fortress cities? it's their job to find out.

3 subs, 74 views
Science fiction 4
#Action, #girl_power, #monsters, #nature_punk, #post_apocalyptic, #science_fantasy, #solar_punk, #technology, #zombies
No Free 2022-02-07 2022-04-04

by Mosobot64

Join Max Tesla, a funny kid with electric powers, as he makes new, magical friends and encounters haunted computers and rude monsters on his quest to become an awesome hero in Ohmworld!

19 subs, 1.91k views
Fantasy 10
#Abby Lovelace, #adventure, #comedy, #computers, #Deiselpunk, #Dragon, #electric, #electricity, #Elemental, #Ezra Karman, #Fantasy, #ghosts, #girl, #kid, #Lori_Redtail, #magitech, #Max_Tesla, #Ohmworld, #post_apocalyptic, #Pulp, #radio, #robot, #scavenger world, #science_fantasy, #science_fiction, #scifi, #technology, #treant
No Free 2017-05-25 2020-07-19

by K_fievel

Tech boy-wonder Fritz Fitzgerald and his rag-tag space expedition crew are leading the new gold rush: medical bioprospecting. They’ll hit it rich if they can be the first to find and patent molecules for the next wonder drug. But in order to achieve Fritz’s wild ambitions, his crew will need to get their act in order– and it’s all on the crew’s director, Renee Garcia, to keep them in line. But what if Fritz’s wild ambitions push the crew so far out into space, they can’t come home?

1 subs, 235 views
Science fiction 15
#Ensemble, #ensemble_cast, #future, #space, #technology
No Free 2022-04-23 2022-07-16

by Philip de Goya

Each story in this anthology series takes place in the strange civilization of the Peoploids, an alien species descended from genetic experimentation. Their world may seem at ease, but one person's utopia is another person's dystopia.

1 subs, 70 views
Science fiction 1
#anthro, #bleak, #capitalism, #Classism, #Dark_comedy, #diamond_dogs, #Dystopia, #exploitation, #marxism, #mutants, #people, #peoploids, #satire, #scifi, #social_commentary, #society, #technology, #utopia, #we_live_in_a_society
No Free 2020-03-24 2020-03-24

by goodkenergy

Three cranky aliens have landed in Nevada. We will follow them on a wild, buddy-comedy road trip to Ohio as the context of their mission unfolds :) Interaction could alter the plot and change the ending! Will you choose to destroy humanity or repurpose it? Or find something else entirely?

1 subs, 66 views
Action 2
#aliens, #conspiracy, #free, #pests, #rat, #romance, #technology
No Free 2022-06-17 2022-06-20

by motli

Bioprecipitation has claimed the world. The sun has become a dream and water floods the land. Yet, people adapt and life goes on. Technology has solved the inconveniences of nature and artificial light is the norm. But the truth is ignored. And the rain never ends. --------------------------------------------- Contains: Explicit language, slow-burn romance, microbiology, and a lot of water.

6.31k subs, 310k views
Science fiction 92
#biology, #bl, #boys_love, #cyberpunk, #detective, #Dystopia, #Hacker, #lgbtq, #mystery, #neverending_rain, #police, #rain, #romance, #science, #science_fiction, #technology
No Free 2017-03-22 2022-07-13

by Brad Perri
Pirate Mike

The Pirate Who Lives In The Suburbs!

242 subs, 56.4k views
Comedy 361
#comic_strip, #computer, #Computer piracy, #online, #online piracy, #Pirate, #technology, #webcomic
No Free 2014-04-05 2017-05-08

by feliperesendehq

Agnis vive com sua mãe, Vatra, em uma fazenda que está sendo agregada à Grande Árvore, o maior projeto da Irmandade. Sua pele é quente como brasa, seu cabelo brilha como as labaredas e apesar de todos os esforços de sua mãe, ela não é capaz de ter uma vida normal. Os tempos estão mudando no território mágico das bruxas e a rara piromântica precisa encontrar seu lugar no mundo.

52 subs, 2.64k views
Fantasy 9
#brasil, #bruxa, #childhood, #drama, #Ember, #Fantasia, #Fantasy, #Fire, #Fogo, #hermeticism, #ifancia, #Magia, #magic, #maternidade, #mother, #Motherhood, #Occultism, #Ocultismo, #pyromancer, #ritual, #spell, #supernova, #technology, #tecnologia, #witch
No Free 2019-12-28 2020-04-07

by CSH0S!
Planet Skyward!

Lost on an alien planet after hopping on the wrong ship, Cole Brood finds herself tangled in a devious plot involving a mysterious symbol. (This is a passion project that I've been working on for years. Please PLEASE tell me what you think about it in the comments!) Updates every Friday!

3 subs, 271 views
Science fiction 18
#aliens, #anime, #cartoon, #fun, #magic, #planet_skyward, #space, #Superhero, #super_hero, #technology
No Free 2021-06-04 2022-07-15

by oreofedump

It's the year 517AW; 'Earth' has been reformed as Topia, a planet in the Galactic Alliance. But Jeremy and Lynn's lives may be changed forever when their worlds collide with a mysterious being from outer space.

205 subs, 3.9k views
Science fiction 4
#Action, #aliens, #comedy, #drama, #futuristic, #mystery, #Sci-fi, #space, #technology
No Free 2017-07-20 2018-04-14

by Lazy_boiPH
Port Hunter Series

Geo, a teen descendant of Port Hunters is one of the survivors of old era tries to keep the hunter blood running in modern world where robots and technology dominates.

1 subs, 20 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #mechas, #Port_Hunter, #robots, #technology, #war
No Free 2022-05-17 2022-05-17

by Evan Koh
Professor Bob and his Greatest Inventions

Join Professor Bob and Tim on their adventures with Bob's greatest inventions!

1 subs, 127 views
Comedy 1
#Action, #comedy, #inventions, #kids, #science, #science_fiction, #technology
No Free 2020-05-01 2020-05-01

by Binário
Programmer's Poem

Source code in poetry format, or not...

10 subs, 617 views
Comedy 2
#common life, #computer, #information, #light, #poem, #poetry, #program, #programmer, #programming, #source code, #technology, #ti
No Free 2017-07-16 2017-09-15

by Alecaddd
Project Eye

The sudden end of the Parliamentary Monarchy on Mars throws the Solar System into a climate of chaos and anarchy. Some of the tens of thousands of colonies orbiting around the planets within the asteroid belt, are abandoned to their fate of decline and isolation, while a group called "Liberation Front of Mars"perpetrates attacks against the last few Empire's merchant convoys. The main revolutionary outposts are located in underground bases of Europe, one of the mine satellite of Jupiter, but the LFM continuous to escape the suppression attempts hiding inside the asteroid belt system. After the military coup by which the Emperor ascends the throne, the colonies that do not adhere to the new regime declare themselves independent, confident of the lack of a strong military control of the regions outside the asteroid belt. To counter this growing disintegration of the imperial domains, the Emperor founds a specialized military organization against terrorism: the Military Imperial Department (MID), totally independent from the normal imperial army and at directly order of the Emperor. The MID implements its mission of control thanks to Leviathan, the most impressive ship of the Empire able to carry more than 5 million people. We are in the 10th year since the founding of the new Empire.

77 subs, 4.47k views
Science fiction 17
#military, #Science Fiction, #space, #technology, #war
No Free 2013-11-19 2015-01-05

by Lightfoot

Two human batteries become armored super-heroines.

176 subs, 8.36k views
Science fiction 35
#Action, #robots, #sexy, #Superhero, #superheroine, #technology
No Free 2015-04-10 2022-06-02

by Raymond Mullikin
Quackup Artwork & Fanart

Here you will find Quackup artwork done by various Raytoons artists, including myself. You can also find Quackup fanart here as well. Interested in having Quackup artwork posted here? You can email art submissions to submissions@raytoons.net. And make sure to include "Quackup Art Submissions" somewhere in the subject, so it won't accidentally be sent to my spam folder. If I like your artwork, I might contact you about hiring you to do future Quackup work at Raytoons. ;)

39 subs, 2.76k views
Fantasy 16
#Action, #adventure, #aligator, #android, #animals, #art, #badguys, #bird, #board_game, #Book, #books, #campaign, #card game, #chicken, #children, #comedy, #Comic, #comics, #creativity, #creatures, #Crime, #crimefighter, #crowd funding, #crowdfunding, #crowdfunding press release, #design, #documentary, #duck, #education, #enemies, #family, #Fantasy, #fashion, #fighting, #film, #Fowl, #funding, #game, #games, #graphic, #hero, #indie, #indiegogo, #iphone, #jonathin, #kickstarter, #mobile, #movie, #music, #novel, #photography, #Pirate, #press, #quack, #quackup, #Releases, #rpg, #Sci-fi, #Smartphone, #super, #super-hero, #Superhero, #technology, #thugs, #tiger, #video, #video game, #Villians, #web series
No Free 2016-02-22 2016-07-31

by Zerricko

Reinvention is about the Cyber World and a Virus Hunter named Lili as she grows stronger to become the most powerful Virus Hunter yet. Updated on Sundays.

30 subs, 2.15k views
Science fiction 9
#colored, #Lili, #manga, #Reinvention, #technology
No Free 2014-10-10 2016-06-05

by SophiaTheDork

Rikka and her group of friends travel the lands looking for exciting new quests and adventures to go on. Together, they create new experiences, dealing with conflicts of enemies, past hardships, segregation, and the lack of a loving home. Sophi also has a dream; her dream is to become the number one RuneTuber, and she records her adventures in the hopes of reaching this dream.

2 subs, 77 views
Fantasy 1
#dark, #dd, #dnd, #dungeonsanddragons, #kiyoko, #medieval_times, #runetube, #rune_tube, #sarkon, #sophi, #technology, #youtube
No Free 2020-09-03 2020-11-26

by schemanticscom

Schemantics is a webcomic of intelligent weirdness. It's based on blueprint schematics applied to actual life, and looks at the cosmos through a microscope.

59 subs, 18.5k views
Comedy 493
#art, #funny, #geek, #love, #Politics, #science, #technology
No Free 2017-01-11 2022-07-18

by J.A.

Overpopulation...technology..murders...drugs...You can find whatever you want in Shinetown. Ari Schofield is a girl who seeks peace for the memory of her father

5 subs, 119 views
Science fiction 2
#android, #cyberpunk, #distopya, #drugs, #girl, #hackers, #murders, #police, #robots, #technology, #wisdom
No Free 2020-03-31 2020-04-13

by Avery Berkoff
Shutter Valley Record

Otto and Michael are just two deadbeat hackers making their way in the only universe where miracles don't happen and lasers don't exist.

33 subs, 2.16k views
Science fiction 21
#1990's, #cyberpunk, #cyborgs, #Fantasy, #hackers, #magic, #neo-punk, #prosthetics, #retro, #robots, #Sci-fi, #shutter valley record, #SVR, #tech noir, #technology
No Free 2015-09-01 2017-02-06

by Stygy
Something Old Something New

The young witch Clarice has run out of possible teachers and has to go to the enemy of her mother to learn magic in a light hearted and funny tale about things of old and things of new. This is a story I am working on for my senior portfolio so feed back is wanted! -JJ

40 subs, 1.09k views
Fantasy 8
#apprentice, #comedy, #drama, #Fantasy, #fun, #funny, #magic, #modern, #slice of life, #supernatural, #technology, #whimsical, #witch
No Free 2017-01-23 2017-05-07

by otom

I'm not a robot, just because I have a robotic hand and robot foster parents. At this point, I want to disappear. Though he still follows me and I still learn how to lead and Meeting new friends. Until...I-I lose all hope and fail everyone. I'm sorry, my friends.

25 subs, 836 views
Science fiction 6
#Action, #anime, #characters, #comedy, #Comic, #drama, #earth, #emotions, #fantasty, #love, #psychology, #robots, #romance, #Sci-fi, #slice of life, #space, #SPACE FALL, #stars, #Story, #technology, #tragedy, #webcomic
No Free 2015-07-08 2015-07-10

by Honami
Space Outlanders (English version)

Have you ever thought about having a peaceful life on another planet or system ? Them too, but it's not as easy as they thought. Welcome in board with the mercenaries' crew, "Stardust Crusaders"

1 subs, 135 views
Science fiction 2
#english, #mercenaries, #science_fiction, #space, #technology
No Free 2020-05-02 2020-05-29

by Riji
Sunny 107

**recent chapters delayed due to illness** New chapters every other Saturday, 3PM EST Sunny. Everyone knows about her. And yet none of them know exactly why. One by one, her classmates will try to uncover her secrets, turning their lives inside out in the process. Expect deep psychology, lots of tech, and overall weirdness inspired by anime series such as Serial Experiments Lain and Durarara. This series is inspired by videos I made as a child. If you are from back then, welcome! You don't know how much it means to me that you've stuck around this long. This series is different, but will stay true to many plot points in the original series. I hope you enjoy it. Links to all my socials, including the Sunny 107 discord server: linktr.ee/riji_monogatari Thank you so much for reading!!

12 subs, 482 views
Drama 4
#lain, #psychological, #serial_experiments_lain, #sunny, #sunny_107, #technological, #technology, #vaporwave, #weird, #weird_series
No Free 2022-02-17 2022-05-21

by Zee

the story is set in the future where knowledge is greatly sought after and schools hold academic wars,some teachers hire agencies to retrieve the latest findings to give their class,these agencies go to the ends of the universe to collect the order as fast as possible regardless of what may lie ahead

4 subs, 1.05k views
Science fiction 5
#armor, #city, #flying board, #futuristic, #hover_board, #knowledge, #manga, #robots, #school, #shops, #space, #T.Pet, #technology, #zee, #Zeedom
No Free 2017-06-13 2020-09-15

by 10juu

In a future society where technological advancements have peaked, technological and civil wars run rampant and Androids and machines are still highly discriminated upon. Jet, an unfortunate human with half of his brain comprising of machinery, seeks answers as to which side his loyalties truly lie. (Branched from 'Camaraderie Squared'.)

149 subs, 724 views
Fantasy 2
#android, #bl, #bl_but_in_late_parts, #Fantasy, #horror, #Original_series, #psychological, #scifi, #technology_war, #war
No Free 2019-11-24 2019-11-26

by Spotty001
The Battalion

Updates every Friday! A military-fantasy webcomic about a teenage girl with unusual abilities - and an attitude to match. Snarky know-it-all Hienna Cavallon is thrust into a world with more rules than she can wrap her head around. A world seemingly ruled by wits, family ties, and raw, deadly power. With her best friend and younger brother in tow, armed only with sarcasm and an untapped power to manipulate the wind, she tackles challenges with only way she knows how - head on. Genres: Fantasy, Action, Military, Comedy, Romance Want to read ahead? More pages on the main site at www.battalion.thecomicseries.com!

14 subs, 414 views
Fantasy 14
#Action, #adventure, #aero, #air, #aqua, #battalion, #blaze, #bootcamp, #Camp, #comedy, #Comic, #crow, #earth, #Elements, #Fantasy, #Fire, #flying, #girl, #graphic_novel, #hawk, #manga, #military, #monday, #officer, #romance, #rosaire, #shade, #shadow, #supernatural, #tech, #technology, #teen, #teenager, #terra, #water, #wind, #wings
No Free 2017-01-21 2020-09-04

by Elise Picard
The Biologist's Orphans

In a city known for technology and scientific advancements, not everything is as it seems. Not all experimentation is moral. Two mutant teenagers are stuck with no real parents, no real resources, and a city of trouble as they fight to destroy the very thing that made them who they are.

30 subs, 543 views
Science fiction 1
#biologist, #biology, #Crime, #crime_fighting, #lesbian, #mutant, #mutants, #Orphans, #technology, #teenagers, #wlw
No Free 2017-04-02 2017-04-09

by Westerino Comix
The Cave Man Speaks

A long time ago, Jeff and I created about 60 pages of wordless naked cave men stories. Years later, our cave man found a voice. These are those stories. (Note some are marked as adult due to a naked cave man)

7 subs, 602 views
Slice of life 8
#blessings, #caveman, #Cormac McCarthy, #death, #God, #philosophy, #technology
No Free 2017-06-23 2017-06-25

by jay907
The Daybreak Protocol

In the city of High Steps, people live peacefully alongside datadrakes - robotic dragon creatures native to the planet. But an aggressive alien army - the Nightfall Legion - is threatening to destroy everything they've built together. The only hope for survival is a desperate quest for lost knowledge that will take High Steps resident Athena and her datadrake Khys into a world of danger. This is the Daybreak Protocol.

631 subs, 23.3k views
Science fiction 39
#Action, #action_adventure, #adventure, #aliens, #dragons, #Ensemble, #science_fiction, #scifi, #technology
No Free 2020-01-14 2020-10-06

by Gibson and Garnett
The Desperately Departed

Everyone is gone. There was no major event. Nolan awoke to every living organism on the planet had vanished. An alcoholic, he wanders the empty planet burning everywhere he has been. Join Nolan as he stumbles upon the dark secrets of human history.

7 subs, 518 views
Science fiction 5
#Alien, #alone, #apocalyptic, #chapters, #conspiracies, #conspiracy, #dark, #depression, #dystopian, #fiction, #full color, #future, #Garnett, #ghosts, #Gibson, #gothic, #government, #Graphic Novel, #LONLINESS, #nathan, #Nolan, #post-apocalyptic, #rules, #series, #steve, #technology, #theory, #ufo
No Free 2015-10-24 2016-02-15

by The_Encryption
The Encryption

Welcome to The Encryption, an original story featuring two unlikely companions who soon find themselves in trouble and hiding together. The government hunts them down as they continue on with their questionable technological experiments. Follow the two lead characters: cyber crafting android, Quentinius and child genius (self-proclaimed cyborg) Magnus, as their story unfolds. Full of danger, unsolved mysteries and a deeper hidden code, an interesting journey awaits.

21 subs, 540 views
Science fiction 1
#androids, #aretmaw, #cyberpunk, #cyborgs, #distant_future, #nightwonder7, #technology
No Free 2019-07-28 2019-07-30

by daysrinexus
The Nexus

Imagine a world where you can be anyone, if you're smart enough. A world where your intelligence determines your worth. A world where everyone belongs to the Nexus...

6 subs, 269 views
Action 1
#Comic, #cyber, #futuristic, #nexus, #technology
No Free 2018-03-19 2018-03-19