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by Lucas Marques

They Knocked Me Down Here! It's inelegant

22 subs, 420 views
Comedy 4
#comedy, #comic_strip, #funny_comic, #humor, #humor_comics, #lol_strip, #strip, #theyknockedmedown
No Free 2020-02-20 2020-04-01

by Hellopuns
(OLD) Lamp and Bottle

Just a lamp and a bottle hanging out in an apartment. Short-lived.

37 subs, 1.76k views
Comedy 10
#comedy, #comic_strip, #cute
No Free 2018-11-27 2020-04-28

by Dat Neon Demon
3615 Satan

Entrez dans l'enfer de l'administration et de la hotline de Satan. Publication de façon aléatoire....

33 subs, 859 views
Comedy 2
#Comic, #comic_strip, #demons, #fr
No Free 2018-03-20 2018-03-20

by Luciano Landim
365 dias por Luciano Landim

Em 2021 me propus a criar uma narrativa por dia, o resultado essas quase 400 páginas. Toda ela foi publicada no instagr.am/flatlinner todo dia durante o primeiro ano do século.

7 subs, 551 views
Fantasy 13
#comicstrip, #Tirinhas
No Free 2022-02-20 2022-02-22

by Luzio Oliva
A Cartoon World

Like Garfield? Well, it's nothing like that. Well, I guess it is, a bit. Read this if you like comics... (Comics every Saturday)

3 subs, 190 views
Comedy 7
#cartoon, #Comic, #comic_strip
No Free 2020-04-20 2020-05-16

by A Couple of Three
A Couple of Three

Hi there! We are Kirk, Flock and Kim! We would like to share with you glimpses of our life! Enjoy!

24 subs, 1.14k views
Slice of life 15
#Comic, #comics, #comic_strip, #couple, #dog, #family, #fun, #funny, #glimpses_of_life, #monthly, #slice_of_life, #webcomic
No Free 2018-11-08 2020-01-28

by J Ward
A Guy and His Monkey

A Guy and His Monkey is the best thing to happen to the Internet since porn. It is the place where political correctness goes to die.

18 subs, 17.5k views
Comedy 91
#comic_strip, #dating, #drinking, #funny, #humor, #satire, #Talking_Animals, #webcomics
No Free 2017-03-31 2019-06-06

by Kelli
A Little Sanity

A series of strips about my daily struggle as an mediocre cartoonist and geek and my daily struggles with the online world and the social struggle

9 subs, 639 views
Comedy 6
#alittlesanity, #art block, #art struggles, #artist, #art_life, #comedy, #ranting, #strips, #tumblr, #vent
No Free 2017-05-08 2017-08-16

by Nerdicon
A Rough Sketch

A Rough Sketch is the planning stage when drawing. But here? Its all about comedy and often tragedy. I parody my favourite science fiction and pop culture along with my own daily life to brighten up your day! New episodes every Friday!

122 subs, 13.8k views
Comedy 51
#A_Rough_Sketch, #chibi, #comedy, #comic_strip, #dark_humour, #fun, #gaming, #manga, #mecha, #movies, #nerdycampbell, #parody, #science_fiction, #Scott_Pilgrim, #slice_of_life, #spoof, #superheros, #tv
No Free 2016-03-17 2020-09-25

by Queen Méduse
A Salty Daily

Slices of life of a jellyfish and an octopus.

3 subs, 382 views
Slice of life 2
#Comic, #humor, #jellyfish, #life, #OCTOPUS, #slice, #strip
No Free 2017-03-01 2017-03-01

by Pixeled Pip
A Simple Story

This is a simple story about a girl, a oversize dog, and a burned down village.

4 subs, 413 views
Fantasy 2
#comic_strip, #dog, #Fantasy, #First time, #girl, #hero's journey, #new, #simple, #simple story, #yellow
No Free 2017-10-15 2017-11-13

by G-Chan
A Simple Story About A Simple Creature

The squirrels...an intelligent bunch who have their own society and heck, even their own sense of government. The squirrel citizens trusted their government to guide them properly, and that's what it did...well until a year ago when a certain incident happened. Now, department head of Food and Storage, Gray Birch finds himself in a situation where he must repair the trust of the people, and solve the mystery of the what truly happened in that incident. That is, if he can juggle some minor problems involving a few friends, a past drama and a child dropped on his stairs.

124 subs, 5.17k views
Drama 12
#A Simple Story About A Simple Creature, #comedy, #drama, #mystery, #romance, #squirrel, #Webtoon strips
No Free 2015-04-05 2017-02-01

by Ian aka LobodePapel
a thing about things

Things that happen and drawings that came to tell the story.

9 subs, 780 views
Slice of life 7
#phrases, #random, #short stories, #strips
No Free 2015-05-26 2015-06-21

by Rydell
A Whole Bunch of Nothing

Short little strips designed to entertain as opposed to inspire. Coarse language and whatnot will be present. Updates Tuesdays (and sometimes Thursdays.)

16 subs, 1.48k views
Slice of life 8
#compilation, #no real storyline, #strips
No Free 2015-01-27 2015-08-13

by crazyequalgenius
A,B,C,D until Z

Daily dose of character A until Z activity!

5 subs, 621 views
Slice of life 3
#comedy, #funny, #Sliceoflife, #strip
No Free 2016-05-06 2016-05-07

by Vinc3Has3
ABC Street

The Children's Show for adults. Watch the puppets of 'ABC Street' slap the stupid out of your friends, family, stars and politicians.

8 subs, 1.52k views
Comedy 51
#abc street, #comedy, #comic_strip, #commentary, #current events, #funny, #humor, #lol, #parody, #vince hase
No Free 2016-08-13 2016-11-18

by The Other User
Abentura Episodes

Welcome to Abentura Episodes. A mini series centred around my party in a homemade tabletop game that we played.

13 subs, 1.22k views
Comedy 10
#abentura_episodes, #animated, #comedy, #comic_strips, #dd, #doodles, #drama, #dungeons_and_dragons, #Dungeons__Dragons, #Fantasy, #game, #gif, #homebrew, #humor, #humour, #Pathfinder, #random, #rpg, #strips, #tabletop, #tabletop_rpg
No Free 2017-05-28 2019-02-18

by Cath

An apathetic girl's life in a city targeted by monster attacks The story of Acchan Updates on mondays.

354 subs, 19.7k views
Slice of life 48
#feelings, #lonely, #sad, #slice_of_life, #strips
No Free 2020-01-23 2022-07-04

by AzherWind
Ace Attorney Strips

A bunch on little comedy strips about the Capcom videogame series Ace Attorney! Narumitsu/Wrightworth shipping This strips contain content about all Ace Attorney games and is no spoiler free but there will be warnings if needed

142 subs, 9.51k views
Gaming 18
#ace_attorney, #ace_attorney_strips, #phoenix_wright, #videogames
No Free 2020-10-18 2022-07-10

by MLB
Acorn Park

How would you like to live in a trailer park treehouse? This is the dilemma facing twelve-year old twins, Dallas and Denver Oaks. In this imaginative comic, the Oaks family shares community with several quirky and colorful characters in a midwest mobile-home park while learning to call their unique living space, home. In addition to life’s daily challenges, the brothers attempt to forge ahead with their dream of forming a band with some of their new trailer park friends.

27 subs, 6.36k views
Comedy 254
#boy, #cartoon, #comic_strip, #family friendly, #funny, #humor, #kid, #series, #teen, #tween
No Free 2016-07-31 2018-02-12

by mechandra
Actual Factual Me

Just your regular old slice-of life comic containing tales, stories, quips, japes, jokes, and some daydreams.

4 subs, 966 views
Slice of life 100
#cats, #funny, #Personal, #relatable, #retail, #strip, #Video_Games, #work
No Free 2022-02-13 2022-07-07

by itazzi
Actually I...

This is based on a true story of what is happening in my life :)

76 subs, 6.94k views
Slice of life 17
#comedy, #comicstrips, #Muslim, #romance, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2014-05-09 2019-04-04

by andrewkschirripa
Adventures In Mushroom World

See the world through the yellow eyes of a purple sentient mushroom

1 subs, 53 views
Slice of life 2
#comic_strip, #mushroom, #mushroom_world_comics
No Free 2022-02-20 2022-07-22

by GrumpyPugComic
Adventures of Tbone and Weenie

Follow the adventures of two crazy dogs as they traverse their world with crazy situations and gadgets. If you love Pugs and/or Dachshund, and/or science then this is the series for you. New Episodes every Mon.

11 subs, 2.79k views
Comedy 84
#adventures, #comics, #comic_strips, #crazy, #Dachshund, #funny, #parody, #Pugs, #science, #scifi, #Wiener, #Wiener_dogs
No Free 2020-07-11 2022-05-02

by Adventurion

Three intrepid heroes come forth sanctioned by god to fight for justice and rain beatings upon malevolent entities

3 subs, 800 views
Fantasy 9
#anime, #barbarian, #cartoon, #comicstrip, #Fantasy, #swordsman, #warhammer
No Free 2015-10-23 2017-03-18

by Mr. Kik and Mrs. Gig
Agathos Vay Presenta

Historias random con gatos y humanos. Una nueva viñeta cada jueves!!

19 subs, 589 views
Comedy 10
#accin, #cats, #comedia, #comics, #gatos, #humor, #ilustracion, #Mexico, #strips, #webcomic
No Free 2018-02-23 2018-09-27

by Dumplingduppy

a Komodo dragon name al-luds and his owner Sorrel are essentially like family. They love each other but rarely get along how do they manage, day to day life putting up with each other )

11 subs, 820 views
Comedy 6
#al-luds, #alluds, #comic_strip, #illustration, #shaqart, #sorrel
No Free 2018-01-15 2019-11-22

by pedrocaua9374
Alan&Moly [EN]

In this world, mammals are the animals that stand out the most for their intelligence, but other groups also have great representatives of this characteristic, as in the case of the crow Alan and the octopus Moly, two great minds specialized in several areas of knowledge, with the exception of the common sense , a deficiency that commonly hinders them in the objective of being recognized as the brilliant minds that they are.

0 subs, 50 views
Slice of life 6
#Alan_and_Moly, #animals, #comic_strips, #Shorts
No Free 2022-06-12 2022-07-09

by Lynt
Alena to Alen. Over.

You should probably skip the rest and start here: https://tapastic.com/episode/201872 (Episode 29) --- 60% Reality 35% Imagination 5% Exaggeration 100% Me ----- Probably just me talking about my life. ---- I also upload random comics --- Also, I'm sorry that the actual comics are nothing like the thumbnail, -- Traditional or digital? Manga style or chibi? All four but in different comics -- Update: Every Saturday (Don't count on it)

33 subs, 3.31k views
Slice of life 53
#black and white, #comicstrip, #comic_strip, #traditional, #why i do this to myself
No Free 2015-01-17 2017-04-28

by Alison Andrei

Alfredo is a French bulldog full of personality and is ready to show that he is the owner of reason.

3 subs, 179 views
Comedy 6
#bulldog, #cartoon, #Comic, #dog, #frenchie, #garfield, #pet, #stripes
No Free 2020-10-17 2021-02-03

by Xyncomix
Alice Dee

If you're a fan of old school comicstrips you'll probably also like Alice Dee, the adventurous rascal who likes to put her own magical spin to reality!

10 subs, 560 views
Comedy 5
#animal, #comicstrip, #cute, #family, #fun, #humor, #kid, #magic, #pet, #witch
No Free 2018-06-13 2019-03-22

by jsmcbrine
Allergic To Dopamine

Allergic To Dopamine is a comic about side-eyeing the bright side of life.

1 subs, 369 views
Comedy 5
#allergic, #allergic_to_dopamine, #atd, #comedy, #Comic, #comic_strip, #dark, #depressed, #dopamine, #emo, #funny, #humor, #laugh, #melancholy, #sad, #sarcastic, #side_eye, #webcomic
No Free 2018-07-25 2018-08-15

by OmniSlack
AlleyCat Paradise: San Neo Tales

AlleyCat Paradise: San Neo Tales is a comedy comic strips starring the violent Kath, the kind-hearted Shiba, and the scaredy-cat athlete Husk! Join them in their wacky everyday lives!

57 subs, 7.41k views
Comedy 18
#adorable, #alleycat, #alleycatparadise, #alleycat_paradise, #cat, #comedy, #comicstrips, #cute, #dog, #forlaughs, #funny, #furry, #husk, #husky, #inu, #Kath, #kawaii, #kemono, #laughs, #Neko, #paradise, #sanneotales, #san_neo_tales, #shiba, #strips
No Free 2018-12-13 2019-06-22

by Chelo Macabre
Almost Fantasy

Almost Fantasy is a short form comedic comic strip that touches on memes and pop culture using Epic Fantasy archetype characters. By Chelonia Macabre

2 subs, 380 views
Comedy 3
#comedy, #Comic_strips_, #daily, #Fantasy, #Funny_fantasy, #goblins, #lol, #meme, #memes, #Pop_culture_
No Free 2020-03-03 2020-03-16

by Emcarrs
Amphibious Comic

Welcome to Amphibious comics! It's part diary comic, part word play, part stupid observations. I am 25 and suffering! rt if you're also 25 and suffering! I have drawn 52 comic strips already so you can expect weekly updates! you can hang out with me on instagram or twitter too https://www.instagram.com/emcarrs/ https://twitter.com/emcarrz

113 subs, 5.06k views
Comedy 22
#Comic, #comic_strip, #comic_strips, #diary_comic, #ink_drawing, #observational, #observational_comic, #puns, #short_comic, #slice_of_life, #Traditional_media, #weekly_update
No Free 2019-11-11 2020-05-16

by Dibujos de Pam
An everyday story

Spanish Version: https://tapas.io/series/Una-historia-de-todos-los-das Ok, this is not an everyday comic, but it is about my everyday life, talking about things that happen in my journey in life. Hope you enjoy and... that's it : )

216 subs, 21.9k views
Slice of life 183
#Alegre, #comic_strip, #diario, #dibujosdepam, #dibujos_de_pam, #doodle, #drawing, #everyday, #Feliz, #happy, #simple, #vida_diaria
Yes Free 2016-09-27 2020-05-07

by Andrew Miller

Hello, this is a space where i post some comics about my really strange existence or something else equally strange. Please, don't show this stuff to an FBI agent. Update every 10 days

10 subs, 1.5k views
Comedy 46
#comedy, #Comic, #comics, #humor, #slice_of_life, #strip, #webstrip
No Free 2021-04-13 2022-07-14

by drewmaru
Andrew's Abridged Adventures

Andrew's Abridged Adventures is a non-canon comic strip that is a spin-off of Spirit Legends, another comic that you can find on my profile! These are funny moments in the everyday life of Andrew!

2 subs, 86 views
Slice of life 4
#comedy, #Comic, #comic_strip, #everyday_life, #funny, #slice_of_life
No Free 2021-06-24 2021-06-25

by Angry Bread Comics
Angry Bread Comics

Comic strips about random ideas I have with a sentient loaf of bread and a girl. Don’t knock it till you try it, folks!

8 subs, 155 views
Comedy 5
#Comic, #comic_strip, #comic_strips, #webcomics, #webtoon
No Free 2020-12-13 2021-02-15

by pratansyah

A simple comic strip about 3 guys and their randomness

56 subs, 2.48k views
Comedy 8
#3 panel, #comedy, #comicstrip, #comic_strip, #random
No Free 2014-07-06 2014-07-16

by Anna Naya
Annother Life

That's not the Ann you are looking for.

4 subs, 61 views
Slice of life 1
#comedy, #Comic, #funny, #life, #short, #strips
No Free 2020-04-26 2020-05-13

by Kevin Parham
Another Comic Strip

In a sea of comic strips, this is another one. ***** You'll notice a gap between #3 and #12 - this is because my mini Batman web comic 'The Real Killing Joke' ran from #4 to #11. That series can also be found here on Tapastic *****

59 subs, 9.64k views
Slice of life 35
#comic_strip, #funny, #geeky, #satire, #superheroes, #webcomic
No Free 2013-10-08 2014-10-17

by N. Kij

Drawing is my only medication. https://www.patreon.com/antidepressant

293 subs, 36.5k views
Comedy 110
#academia, #academic, #anxiety, #cartoon, #cartoons, #Comic, #comic strips, #comics, #depression, #graduate, #LIGO, #LSC, #research, #school, #science, #undergraduate
No Free 2016-12-31 2019-02-03

by SindrElf
Anubis Doodles

This is a spin-off comic to Anubis: Dog of Death. https://tapas.io/series/dogofdeath Since the artwork for that comic is as detailed as it is, it takes a lot of time to produce. We therefore decided to release Anubis-related content that is quicker to produce in-between the main pages. This can range from behind-the-scenes content, to chibi comic strips, to Anubis The Dog being dressed up in various different costumes. We hope you enjoy :)

10 subs, 1.46k views
Comedy 53
#AnubisDogOfDeath, #behind_the_scenes, #comic_strips, #dog
No Free 2019-01-01 2021-05-17

by Blackboi Sokisi
Any Ideas Mini?

Humor of how Comrade Mini finds thrills from the littler errands. Day to day errands. These do get eerie. Post scriptum this writing is in emojis.

2 subs, 2.8k views
Slice of life 68
#comicstrip, #Guns, #humor, #ideas, #lighthearted, #lol, #love, #Sliceoflife, #weed
No Free 2020-07-29 2022-02-18

by bakapi
Anyway, that's in my head.

Don't you have that little voice telling you stuff, mean stuff sometimes, making everything all complicated or making you overthink? No? ....Anyway, that's in my head.

2 subs, 129 views
Slice of life 4
#anxiety, #comedy, #indie, #stress, #strips
No Free 2021-07-30 2021-07-31

by Malcontent Comics

Apartness is a comic strip about having entirely too much alone time. It's also an homage to the newspaper funny pages of my youth.

20 subs, 2.87k views
Slice of life 29
#comic strips, #gag-a-day, #humor
No Free 2014-02-22 2014-08-28

by Shivers

Apron is a comic I started three years ago when I was working for.. a certain hardware store with orange aprons. Every comic is based off of my experiences at the Apron Store.

34 subs, 3.38k views
Comedy 34
#apron, #Comic, #customer, #retail, #service, #strip
No Free 2015-03-01 2015-04-01

by Montse Akane
Arle my crazy cat

Living with a crazy cat can be a problem. Arle is naughty and sometimes cruel. Do you also live with a crazy cat?

4 subs, 687 views
Comedy 21
#cat, #cats, #Cat_Comic, #cat_comic_strip, #cat_pet, #comic_cat, #crazy_cat, #crazy_cats, #me_and_my_cat, #pet, #pets
No Free 2018-12-04 2019-05-23

by Grim Jimmy
Arty & Company

The misadventures of a 13 year-old boy who strives for life outside his dome of comic books and video games, but will soon learn that truth is much stranger than fiction.

9 subs, 896 views
Science fiction 6
#arty, #artyandcompany, #bi-weekly, #cartoon, #comedy, #Comic, #satire, #strip, #super_sons
No Free 2016-04-09 2018-08-24

by Denis Rizzoli
As Desventuras de Beto & Bobby

In English: https://tapastic.com/series/betobobby O pequeno e astuto Beto montou o seu próprio robô de estimação, Bobby, mesmo sem ter a menor noção de suas capacidades. O convívio não tão perfeito entre criador e criatura que rende as mais inusitadas desventuras!

48 subs, 3.9k views
Comedy 86
#brasil, #brazil, #comic_strip, #cute, #portuguese, #portugus, #robot, #science_fiction
No Free 2017-02-21 2020-10-31

by Dani
Ask characters & others

Collections of crazy answers from deviantart.

1 subs, 772 views
Comedy 31
#anime, #Artemis Fowl Series, #Baldur's Gate, #Bartimaeus Trilogy, #books, #comedy, #comic_strip, #crossover, #Digimon, #game, #the tales from ashadia
No Free 2017-04-17 2017-07-25

by Moo
Ayumi's Tiger

Angry is a stuffed tiger who is always trying his best despite constant failure. His friend, Ayumi, is an optimistic girl with an eye for practicality. Together they can do anything!

154 subs, 29.2k views
Comedy 367
#animals, #comedy, #comics, #comic_strips, #gag_comics, #ink, #stuffed_animals, #Sunday_Comics, #tigers, #watercolour
No Free 2016-05-12 2021-07-30

by agabriel16
B.C. (Before Corona)

With light-hearted humor, BC (Before Corona) chronicles the myriad of changes that society has experienced in the last few weeks, through the eyes of a normal, everyday guy/parent, since the onset of the Corona Virus.

1 subs, 77 views
Comedy 2
#Comic, #comic_strip, #corona, #corona_virus, #everyday_life, #home_schooling, #humor, #life_with_corona, #new_normal, #parents, #work_from_home
No Free 2020-04-01 2020-04-02

by TheWindmillsDead
Ba-Dum Tsss!

I always wanted to be a comedian, but everybody laughed at me.

0 subs, 60 views
Comedy 2
#BaDumTsss, #comedy, #comicstrip, #funny, #joke, #TheWindmillsDead
No Free 2021-07-18 2021-07-18

by sokoscar
Baki! Daily comic strip

Baki is paper head hero.. A man with a sheet-o-paper instead of his head.. I would like to tell you about his adventures! Welcome!

13 subs, 1.69k views
Comedy 65
#baki, #bakicomics, #cartoon, #comedy, #Comic, #comics, #comic_strip, #daily comic strip, #daily comics
No Free 2016-11-02 2016-12-31

by Sampo

BNHA SPOILER Au where deku's plan on saving kacchan from all from one failed and he dies

363 subs, 3.84k views
Drama 1
#Angst, #anime, #artist, #bakugou katsuki, #blood, #bnha, #boku_no_hero_academia, #Comic, #comic_strip, #deku, #digital, #digital art, #Izuku Midoriya, #kacchan, #manga, #my_hero_academia, #sad
No Free 2018-01-10 2018-01-10

by Dani
Baldur's Trousers

A fan parody comic strip on famous game Baldur's Gate.

4 subs, 1.07k views
Comedy 31
#Baldur's Gate, #fan comic strip, #game, #parody comic strips
No Free 2016-03-12 2017-04-20

by SapkaTheHat
Bartholomew and the Foxes

A comedy strip about a group of foxes.

4 subs, 416 views
Comedy 45
#3_panel, #bartholomew, #comedy, #cute, #Fox, #Foxes, #furries, #humor, #random, #silly, #simple, #strip
No Free 2020-01-06 2020-01-14

by Strawberry Kiwi
BB's World

Fun, colorful comic strips that tell the daily life of BB and her friends. Updates every Tuesday and Thursday!

4 subs, 619 views
Slice of life 6
#animals, #anthro, #chibi, #color, #comedy, #comic strips, #cute, #daily life, #nerdy
No Free 2017-05-15 2017-05-30

by By BS
Bee Fly

The mundane adventures of a vulgar fly and a sexually confused bumble bee.

0 subs, 51 views
Comedy 11
#animals, #bee, #Bees, #bugs, #comedy, #Comic, #comic_strip, #flies, #fly, #funny, #raunchy, #vulgar, #webtoon
No Free 2020-03-23 2020-04-04

by anim8or2000
Behind the Sofa

what happens to the monsters in a long running TV series when the cameras aren't rolling?

13 subs, 1.84k views
Slice of life 40
#aliens, #cyborgs, #doctor who, #fan art, #fanfic, #Fanstrip, #monsters, #robots, #sci fi
No Free 2016-07-17 2020-01-02

by Mechanictress
Behind the Squares

A lil bit of me, thoughts and things that actually happened to me - believe or not (I'm still trying to accept most of this...)

59 subs, 2.41k views
Slice of life 10
#artist, #behind, #haru, #life, #strip
No Free 2015-07-03 2016-07-25

by Streusa
Being Unemployed

Hi everybody! Here I'm going to publish random strips about my humorous Italian webcomic "Essendo Disoccupata". Why don't I translate them all? Well, this can't be done: they're about double meanings which are often lost in translation, so I'll try to keep the puns working as much as I can, and hope you'll enjoy!

8 subs, 2.03k views
Slice of life 123
#comedy, #funny, #humor, #laugh, #puns, #slice of life, #strips
No Free 2017-11-03 2019-01-24

by BeingBeing

A Webcomic on the Being of Beings!

2 subs, 349 views
Comedy 6
#being, #comics, #curious, #depression, #digital, #Doubts, #Existence, #fun, #funny, #humor, #introspection, #life, #minimalism, #motivation, #philosophy, #psychology, #questions, #reflection, #relationship, #satire, #strange, #strips, #vector, #webcomic, #webcomics
No Free 2018-01-06 2018-07-19

by Harry Myland

BERRY BONES is a comic strip about teen monsters living in the woods. New stories update M-W-F. Bonus, full-color strips pop in on occasion.

29 subs, 3.81k views
Comedy 96
#comedy, #comic_strip, #Monster, #romance, #science_fantasy, #science_fiction, #teen
No Free 2020-02-24 2022-05-27

by HoneyBadgerMountain
Bert's Cafe

The day-to-day adventures of a bunch of animals who work in a cafe. Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays.

8 subs, 765 views
Comedy 8
#cafe, #cat, #characters, #dog, #funny, #humour, #mole, #retail, #strips
No Free 2017-10-24 2017-10-24

by NakamuraKleo
bestfriends stories

Sometimes I’ll post stories with me and my best friends ヽ(∀゜ )人( ゜∀)ノour jokes

107 subs, 2.38k views
Comedy 5
#bestfriend, #bestfriends stories, #bropigeon, #comic_strip, #funny, #sketch
No Free 2016-11-13 2020-07-18

by Denis Rizzoli
Beto & Bobby: Férias em Portugal

Em fevereiro de 2020, em sua primeira vez fora do Brasil, Beto & Bobby fizeram uma viagem de turismo a Portugal. Durante oito dias, eles visitaram vários lugares para conhecer mais sobre a cultura, a História e o povo desse país tão intimamente ligado aos brasileiros, mas tão distante geograficamente. Durante a excursão, no primeiro passeio que fizeram por Lisboa, Beto & Bobby conheceram Matilde, uma menina lisboeta que se tornou a companheira de viagem deles. Como não podia deixar de ser, as desventuras dos irmãos robóticos em solo lusitano tiveram muitas “pitadas” linguísticas, envolvendo as diferenças entre o jeito de falar deles e o de Matilde. Na vida real, o autor viajou junto do Mini Bobby, com quem compartilhou em detalhes e em tempo real suas experiências além-mar por meio dos stories do Instagram, disponíveis nos destaques da conta https://www.instagram.com/desventurashq/

1 subs, 173 views
Comedy 8
#Banda_desenhada, #brasil, #comedia, #comedy, #comic_strip, #portugal
No Free 2020-10-03 2020-10-22

by Tentakustar
Betty and Bat

A dog and a bat stop an evil cat mom from taking over the world. * featuring a rabbit with free caramel*

33 subs, 4.58k views
Comedy 15
#bat, #betty, #Betty_and_Bat, #cat, #comedy, #comic_strip, #dog, #gaming, #romance, #slice_of_life
No Free 2021-11-23 2022-02-16

by Nugolicartoon

The Betty&Jones Adventure on WebComic

14 subs, 1.09k views
Comedy 5
#Action, #adventure, #bettyjones, #cartoon, #comics, #funny, #love, #nugoli, #parody, #strip
No Free 2018-08-02 2019-05-22

by Yulek Bagel
Between Yu And Me

This would be a 4 Panel Comic, if the author could count

184 subs, 9.65k views
Slice of life 27
#comicstrip, #ForumDweller, #funny, #short, #Storytime
No Free 2018-11-22 2021-10-31

by Sunça

Bilau é inconformado com o estado atual do mundo e da sociedade. Seus devaneios escapam da cruel realidade e são um retrato da natureza humana. É comum a crença de que o Sunça imagina o Bilau. Ele seria na verdade um autorretrato, que compartilha suas inseguranças, dúvidas e reflexões. Mas isso não procede. Eles são só amigos mesmo.

5 subs, 617 views
Comedy 6
#Bilau, #Cachorro, #cartoon, #cartum, #comicstrip, #dog, #humor, #joke, #Piada, #tiras
No Free 2020-04-01 2021-08-26

by 23 Comics

Bill strips and stories

24 subs, 826 views
Comedy 4
#adam, #bill, #Camila, #fun, #humor, #jokes, #julia, #strips
No Free 2015-07-09 2015-08-01

by Bri Mercedes

A subtle commentary on life and society as told by Birb. If it isn't edible, he probably doesn't care.

30 subs, 877 views
Comedy 2
#birb, #bird, #birds, #comedy, #crow, #cute, #funny, #strip
No Free 2015-11-20 2015-12-08

by IBComix

Calvin Kula is the owner of the Kula Klub, the City's least popular Tiki Bar! But he's also secretly a shadowy urban avenger, dishing out two-fisted justice in a three-piece suit: BLACK DIABLO!

0 subs, 78 views
Comedy 1
#comedy, #justice, #newspaper, #noir, #Pulp, #strip, #Superhero
No Free 2022-01-15 2022-01-16

by Blaze

A humanoid dog trying to find his place on paper and ink.

10 subs, 1.07k views
Comedy 9
#3_panels, #comic_strip, #dog, #humanoid, #primarygrade, #Sliceoflife, #Student
No Free 2018-09-28 2019-03-11

by Paulo Kielwagen

Blue is a cat with a lion spirit! Check out his stories with his friends Branco, Grampolo, Gohan, Gatão and others.

201 subs, 20.9k views
Comedy 109
#blue, #cats, #comics, #Real life, #strips
No Free 2015-01-15 2015-06-18

by Angela Ma
Bobo's trip

An italian student and a cute dinosaur are living in Japan. Culture shock and other funny adventures!

13 subs, 4.42k views
Slice of life 30
#asia, #bobo, #bobostrip, #comedy, #japan, #journey, #slice of life, #travel, #trip
No Free 2017-09-13 2018-09-24

by Viktorious
Bombing: The Comic

A mis-adventure in the subtle art of stand-up comedy, or "the stand-up comic's comic."

1 subs, 335 views
Comedy 5
#bombing, #cartoon, #comedian, #comicstrip, #comix, #cringe, #dark_humour, #fail, #four panel, #jokes, #lowbrow, #performing, #showbiz, #stage, #standup, #standup comedy, #strip, #underground
No Free 2018-02-26 2018-02-26

Bonebag Comics

Doing odd jobs in a quiet unassuming suburb, an unlicensed necromancer and his undermotivated cohort must hide from supernatural debt collectors, from the Underside, while still managing to pay the rent.

51 subs, 8.45k views
Comedy 70
#bonebag, #bonebagcomics, #comicart, #comicstrip, #digitalart, #funny, #funnycomic, #gremlins, #grimm, #humor, #Necromancer, #Sliceoflife, #webcomicseries
No Free 2021-01-12 2022-07-20

by The Z.

If you’re a zombie struggling with your demons, life can be pretty funny. For the others. Mocked by life, always depressed, angry at the world and sure of being as ugly as death, Bonaventura has finally a valid reason to hate life: he is really dead in the end. But even his new "life" has still some firm points like his only friend and roommate… a real pumpkin head! Follow the new Zed adventures every TUESDAY and FRIDAY.

87 subs, 6.65k views
Comedy 128
#comedy, #comic_strip, #friends, #funny, #helloween, #nerd, #pumpkin, #pumpkinhead, #pumpkin_head, #sitcom, #sit_com, #skull, #skullboy, #skull_head, #slice_of_life, #strip, #webcomic, #webtoon, #web_comic
No Free 2020-05-17 2022-02-07

by bonythesquirrel
Bony comics

Comic "bacon" strips based on the internet's least memorable Webseries about the misadventures of a fat alcoholic squirrel (Bony) and a wise cracking dog (Max)

0 subs, 11 views
Comedy 1
#bony, #bonycomics, #bonythesquirrel, #comicstrips, #max, #maxthedog, #squirrel
No Free 2022-06-13 2022-06-13

by Mrgametv

The most pain in the butt in the whole universe are here to show your how smart you are.

2 subs, 982 views
Comedy 56
#chile, #comedy, #comedy_gag_funny, #Comic, #comicstrip, #dialogue, #funny, #gag, #slapstick, #stupid
No Free 2019-11-12 2020-12-27

by Tori Sharp

Boople is an enthusiastic bunny who writes books and stays caffeinated. Sometimes she gives croissants to flamingos.

344 subs, 37.6k views
Comedy 93
#american, #animals, #artist, #bunnies, #bunny, #cartoon, #coffee, #comic_strip, #cute, #fun, #intern, #publishing, #strip, #Writer, #writer's life, #writing
No Free 2016-12-07 2019-07-03

by Edward Art

Alors que Samuel fait un break dans sa vie, il accepte un petit boulot dans le Sud de la France. Il y fait la rencontre de Candice, jeune femme au caractère bien trempé et à la philosophie particulière qui va bousculer sa vie.

4 subs, 312 views
#amitié, #gender, #potes, #strips, #tranches_de_vie
No Free 2022-01-31 2022-06-13

by Mac
Boring Fish Comics

All about Fish ... and People

3 subs, 326 views
Comedy 11
#animals, #boring, #boringfish, #cartoon, #cartoons, #comedy, #comics, #comic_strips, #cute, #daily, #dailycomics, #daily_laugh, #daily_life, #dark, #fish, #funny, #funnycomics, #horror, #humor, #jokes, #laugh, #life, #lol, #lols, #ocean, #parody, #reality, #series, #Shark, #sharks, #silly, #slice_of_life, #stories, #Story, #web_comics, #weird, #wtf
No Free 2020-03-24 2020-06-11

by ohmygoles

A day in the life of a simple hooman with her doggos Coco and Dart. If you enjoy this go check out my instagram @ohmygoles for more comics!

2.24k subs, 229k views
Slice of life 189
#bork, #cartoon, #childhood, #comedy, #Comic, #comics, #comicstrips, #cute, #dogs, #ohmygoles, #relatable, #Sliceoflife, #tin, #wholesome
No Free 2019-06-26 2021-01-29

by Fernando Molina
Boy Game Frames

My geek ideas made into a comic strip. A DAILY COMIC STRIP! (I think lol)

4 subs, 371 views
Comedy 2
#Best comic strips ever, #bye, #Comic Strip Gaming, #comic strips, #gaming, #Geek Comic Strip, #lol, #microsoft, #nintendo, #noob, #sony
No Free 2016-07-16 2016-07-17

by bribuffsandbrews
Bri's Buffs and Brews

A comic about the misadventures of the fabulous witch, Bri and her potion shop.

0 subs, 219 views
Fantasy 16
#comedy, #comicstrip, #Dailylife, #Fantasy, #fantasyworld, #magic, #weird, #witch, #witches, #wizards
No Free 2021-11-18 2022-07-09

by Danny Jay
Broken Clock Comics

A series of strips with no rhyme, no reason but to make you laugh... and maybe think. I don't always get it right. But even a broken clock is right twi.... well, you get the point.

3 subs, 843 views
Comedy 45
#comic books, #comic zines, #comics, #comicstrip, #comix, #dannydrawscomix, #ddf comix, #life plays comics, #zines
No Free 2015-04-04 2015-04-07

by Roy

A short-tempered dog usually annoyed by his creators. Script by Roy / Art by Leo Sandler

9 subs, 628 views
Comedy 5
#animal, #dog, #humor, #pet, #short-tempered, #strip
No Free 2016-08-17 2016-09-14

by Roy
Buchi (Español)

Un perro malhumorado que ni siquiera soporta a sus creadores. guión: Roy / dibujos: Leo Sandler

39 subs, 933 views
Comedy 5
#buchi, #castellano, #comedia, #dog, #espaol, #historieta, #humor, #latino, #mascota, #perro, #pet, #strip, #tebeo, #tira
No Free 2016-08-28 2016-09-11

by Kathryn Mills
Buddy and Sol

This was an idea inspired by Tumblr, 'Can a Ghost and a Zombie come from the same person?' And so Buddy and Sol was born.

9 subs, 1.69k views
Comedy 17
#and, #buddy, #Comic, #Shorts, #Sól, #strips
No Free 2016-06-02 2016-10-17

by Nahuel Sagarnaga
C'mon, Wachin!

The adventures of a dachshund of pure love and balls.

14 subs, 860 views
Comedy 21
#Comic, #Dachshund, #dogs, #humor, #pets, #strip, #teckel
No Free 2021-05-07 2021-07-22

by ABD
C-chan's a Catgirl!

UPDATES SPORADICALLY Short comic strip following Clarisse the catgirl and Mila the worlfgirl in their everyday life, and their fun and sometimes weird adventures.

321 subs, 31.7k views
Comedy 19
#anime, #catgirl, #comedy, #comic_strip, #manga, #Neko, #short, #slice_of_life
No Free 2019-01-30 2022-07-08

by Cacharrito

A comic about the simple things that fill the world of the ‘little cacharritos’. Because we are all (or have been) a bit of a "cacharro."

81 subs, 5.53k views
Comedy 362
#children, #comedy, #comicstrip, #comicstrips, #Dailylife, #friendship, #humor, #imagination, #kids, #pencildrawing
No Free 2021-04-02 2022-07-20

by Lingrejh
Cacho de Uva

Uma série de tirinhas bobinhas e piadocas bobocas com o grupo de Uvo lobo, Guaba lobo-guará, Baru poodle e Sovie ovelha.

9 subs, 422 views
Comedy 4
#brazilian, #cute, #furry, #stripes
No Free 2021-04-01 2022-05-04

by Robin
Camello and Kiwi

Yo, Dude it's a spin off.

2 subs, 452 views
Fantasy 7
#Comic, #contracts, #demon, #devil, #me, #Neko, #strip
No Free 2017-07-20 2017-07-24

by Jordan Smith
Candace 'n' Company

Meet Candace, a friendly young lady fresh out of college! Follow along as she wages her daily battles against boredom at the office, a lazy roommate with a short fuse, and a rambunctious little pet dog. Will she come out on top with a big smile as she wins the day, or be overwhelmed by the small but relentless frustrations of everyday life? Have fun finding out.

74 subs, 49.7k views
Comedy 789
#comedy, #comic_strips, #home, #office, #syndicated cartoon, #work
No Free 2016-05-30 2022-07-21