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by Claire Darkfang
"Its just a doodle"

This will be my storage for my drawings. Have a look, tho there probably will all be really bad. Just some random doodles and drawings that I decided to upload.

16 subs, 1.75k views
Fantasy 25
#anime, #doodles, #drawings, #fanart, #helpme, #random, #sketch, #sketchbook, #trash
No Free 2016-10-27 2017-11-19

by Lazy Seven
07Tail - Old Art Collection [Ori_FanArt_Doujinshi]

Reminder : This is not a Series. But old art collection. I really don't want to throw it away. So as a memento I uploaded all my old works here~ [Fan Art; Original Art; Doujinshi; One Shot; Etc,]

1 subs, 108 views
Slice of life 6
#Doujinshi, #fanart, #one_shot, #Sketch_Drawing
No Free 2021-08-26 2021-09-06

by Mochu

Hello people... I started doing #the100dayproject on Apr 4 2017 and continuing till now. I've completed 30+ for now and doing one piece of art almost every day. This is all about my childhood memories. Most are relatable to others!!!

0 subs, 336 views
Comedy 3
#art, #childhood, #Comic, #doodle, #fun, #Hand Drawn, #happy, #Happylittlegirl, #illustration, #Indianillustrator, #Indiankid, #kid, #memories, #sketch, #sketchbook, #south indian, #watercolor
No Free 2017-05-07 2017-05-07

by J.J Sepúlveda

14 trata de cómo un (no tan) joven vive las siguientes dos semanas tras haber vivido una experiencia maravillosa. Cómo se relaciona consigo mismo, con sus amistades, con el mundo y con lo cotidiano. Y cómo, nunca estando solo, la soledad lo acompaña en cada uno de esos 14 días.

5 subs, 262 views
Drama 1
#art, #Comic, #comics, #graphicnovel, #ink, #sketcbook, #sketch
Yes Free 2019-06-22 2019-06-22

by shadow13
2018 Sketches : )

Its been awhile.

2 subs, 396 views
Action 11
#anime, #art, #illistration, #manga, #sketch
Yes Free 2018-06-24 2020-12-28

by Axel Crossway
21 World - The Extras

Extras and bonus content from "21 World - The Party".

0 subs, 56 views
Comedy 1
#bonus, #extras, #sketches, #WIP
No Free 2020-07-29 2020-07-29

by everett

Just random comics I'll make sometimes. Check us out on youtube at https://www.youtube.com/c/teamrandomcomics

55 subs, 3.98k views
Comedy 24
#Action, #comedy, #Comic, #drama, #Fantasy, #funny, #gaming, #horror, #humor, #joke, #jokes, #mystery, #random, #romance, #scifi, #sketch, #Sliceoflife, #team
Yes Free 2016-07-30 2017-07-14

by Space Pug Pirate
A Dark Journal

WATCH THE TEASER!! A dark and strange journal from a man trapped in the world of Minecraft. For clothing, prints and more go here http://www.redbubble.com/people/steveperrson/collections/341075-journal-collection

1.13k subs, 85.2k views
Gaming 37
#dark, #diary, #gamers, #games, #journal, #minecraft, #sketch
No Free 2014-03-24 2016-04-07

by Tarushima
A Dollop Of Doodles

A way for me to practice art and share it with anyone who might find it interesting. If you'd like to see me doodle something let me know in the comments.

6 subs, 867 views
Slice of life 14
#art, #doodles, #drawing, #dump, #practice, #sketch, #sketches, #trash
No Free 2017-03-27 2018-11-04

by Ripred
A Gentle Breeze

We (Theo, Ripred, and Carter) make fun little comics and drawing of life and random nonsense. Updates near every weekend

3 subs, 267 views
Slice of life 1
#A Gentle Breeze, #art, #comics, #new, #random, #sketches, #slice of life, #super_sons, #weird
No Free 2018-03-05 2018-03-08

by Lark & Wren
A Little Sketchy

A compilation of short stories, character drawings, fanart, and sketches.

425 subs, 56.1k views
Fantasy 191
#fanart, #figure_drawing, #gaming, #sketches, #studies
No Free 2014-11-22 2020-08-27

by friday
a really inconsistent sketchbook

it's just so inconsistent.

19 subs, 2.33k views
Slice of life 17
#art, #artwork, #digitalart, #oc, #sketchbook
No Free 2021-03-12 2021-08-29

by Nerdicon
A Rough Sketch

A Rough Sketch is the planning stage when drawing. But here? Its all about comedy and often tragedy. I parody my favourite science fiction and pop culture along with my own daily life to brighten up your day! New episodes every Friday!

122 subs, 13.8k views
Comedy 51
#A_Rough_Sketch, #chibi, #comedy, #comic_strip, #dark_humour, #fun, #gaming, #manga, #mecha, #movies, #nerdycampbell, #parody, #science_fiction, #Scott_Pilgrim, #slice_of_life, #spoof, #superheros, #tv
No Free 2016-03-17 2020-09-25

by Kay
A Sketchbook's Artful Endeavors

Finding my art style; The Good 'ole Traditional Way Just sketches ~ Nuthin' much You betcha ~ It's a hunch That art is still in motion Still trying to get better Hope it's good like sun lotion This is my own creation

7 subs, 826 views
Slice of life 4
#amateur artist, #endeavors, #sketches, #this is a genre?
No Free 2016-05-02 2016-05-22

by Nikki-tine
A Slice of Imagination Pie

Just a small comic thing for when I have an idea or two and want to just doodle it. Don't expect anything to be fully colored, sorry guys!

32 subs, 874 views
Slice of life 5
#art, #boredom-induced comics, #idk, #idk man, #mostly sketches if not all, #nerd, #Nikki-tine, #sketches, #slice of life, #stuff, #things
No Free 2017-06-25 2017-06-26

by Vinny A.
A Story About The Worst Party in Existence: Side Stories

Just a thing I drew.

1 subs, 152 views
Slice of life 2
#Fantasy, #i_wanna_die, #sketch, #story_party, #this_is_so_bad
No Free 2021-01-07 2021-01-09

by Kitty the Dog
Ace's Sketchbook

A collection of doodles and sketches, since I'm still getting used to using my tablet c:

0 subs, 457 views
Slice of life 1
#drawings, #sketches
No Free 2015-10-25 2020-11-11

by Adrean

Sketchbook comics by Adrean Clark, an ASL Deaf artist. American Sign Language/English bilingual. See more comics @ Webtoons and Instagram!

25 subs, 2.02k views
Slice of life 25
#asl, #ASL Culture, #ASLcentric, #De'VIA, #deaf, #deaf culture, #sketchbook
Yes Free 2017-04-28 2020-01-13

by Adrien Clifton
Adrien's Sketchbook

A collection of personal comics, poems, illustrations, and sketches I felt like sharing with you. (Original pieces that I work on between working on Alli Ascending)

125 subs, 2.27k views
#adrien_clifton, #Emotional, #poem, #poetry, #sketchbook, #surreal
No Free 2019-05-25 2020-02-19

by Deri
Adventure DEVORI

Die, Shrink, Evolve :P デヲリ adventurer's attempt to explore an unknown world.

0 subs, 137 views
Fantasy 6
#adventure, #dark, #dungeon, #Fantasy, #sketchy, #Stick_man, #traveling
No Free 2020-09-11 2020-10-06

by Blu Boi
Adventures of Cool Guy and Kid

just little snippets of a kid and his favorite babysitter havin a blast with the occasional visit from the babysitters bf [will eventually have a plot] currently from my sketchbook until i get myself a tablet

2 subs, 246 views
Slice of life 1
#doodles, #fluff, #lgbt_themes, #light_hearted, #sketchbook
No Free 2018-10-19 2018-10-19

by Aizakku
Aether Theorem Sketchbook

I'll be posting various sketches, roughs, and extras here, for anyone who may or may not be interested.

4 subs, 1.45k views
Science fiction 21
#AetherTheorem, #doodles, #extras, #sketchbook
No Free 2016-08-03 2019-09-08

by Jonny Aleksey
Aleksey Extras

Hello Friends! This series is dedicated to sketches and other goodies that go into making my webcomics "The J-Man" and "The Valve" (which are here on Tapastic BTW). Some of the series' you might see on this.....errr......series are: Character Sheets: The character sheets I made of all the main/sub characters from my current series'. Sketches: pages taken directly from my sketch books old and new. Page Step-by-Step: A look at my process from outline to ink to color to finished page. J-Man Comic Old vs. New: comparisons between the revamped pages of the current web series and the original mini-series. Posters: things I've made to advertise my comics. Other Comics: Fan art of webcomics I'm currently reading. Fan Art: Drawings done by other people of my characters. Forum Events: Pics I've made for events in the forums. This will update whenever, but I will try to have at least one new thing up every week. Hope you all enjoy my crappy artwork from 2 years ago.

29 subs, 2.55k views
Slice of life 26
#Aleksey, #cartoon, #extras, #Jonny, #Jonny Web Series, #new, #old, #sketches, #Valve Web Series
No Free 2015-04-17 2017-05-31

by AllenTheLost
Allens SketchBook

Indeed a place to put sketches. So I made this. Might sometimes even place comic things that doesn't have anything to do with "I'm An ADULT".

131 subs, 14.3k views
Slice of life 69
#sketch, #sketchbook
No Free 2015-03-22 2020-04-08

by The Hat Cat

A comic with no coherent story, tons of crazy animals, fantastical cartooniness, and a disturbing lack of alpacas. Updates whenever.

15 subs, 1.52k views
Fantasy 18
#animals, #cartoony, #random, #sketches
No Free 2017-05-31 2018-06-30

by Rochon Illustrations
Alpha Grid

Eric is a student at EUSA, Elite Universal Soldier Academy, a training ground for the soldiers protecting Earth from an alien race known as the Scavengers.

4 subs, 607 views
Science fiction 9
#alphagrid, #art, #artist, #Comic, #comicart, #create, #drama, #draw, #drawing, #dystopian, #Fantasy, #fiction, #Sci-fi, #science, #sciencefiction, #scifi, #sketch
No Free 2017-03-03 2017-03-21

by Agusptoemo

Estamos en el 2069. La máquina invernal está congelando los campos de batalla estadounidense. Para desactivar esta máquina será necesaria la infiltración de una persona preparada para esta peligrosa misión, alguien con una capacidad de sigilo excepcional, capaz de finalizar la misión sin ser visto y con una gran fortaleza tanto física como mental...o podemos contratar a Anaconda

8 subs, 851 views
Comedy 7
#american, #americano, #comedia, #comedy, #drama, #EEUU, #espia, #espias, #EstadosUnidos, #estados_unidos, #explicacion, #gag, #gags, #game, #gaming, #gear, #gunsofthepatriots, #hideokojima, #humor, #humour, #metal, #metalgear, #MetalGearSolid, #Metal_Gear_Solid, #ocelot, #Otacon, #otako, #parodia, #parody, #Plot, #plottwist, #plotwist, #Risas, #Rusia, #russia, #russian, #russians, #sketch, #snake, #Solid, #SolidSnake, #Solid_Snake, #spies, #Spy, #tragedia, #traicion, #tramacompleja, #trama_complicada, #unitedstates, #videojuego
No Free 2020-06-22 2020-11-09

by Rem
Androidescence extras

Extra illustrations, animations and ect for my webcomic! lots of sketches and chicken-scratch inbound! *spoilers for characters who havent appeared in-comic yet*

16 subs, 2.11k views
Comedy 35
#androids, #animation, #extras, #robots, #sketch
No Free 2017-12-28 2020-04-27

by RegenassArt
Apocrypha Mysteries - Side Stories

Little Side Stories That we post every now and then to Accompany our main comic Secret of Brencaster. Exploring the lives of various characters from the Apocrypha Mysteries universe. Some of them are free, the bigger ones you guys can purchase on Ko-fi to support our art. :-) There will be however always some pages displayed so you can of course first check if you like it. Cheers Regenass Sisters

1 subs, 125 views
Fantasy 3
#Action, #anime, #apocrypha_mysteries, #color, #depression, #drama, #Fantasy, #friends, #horror, #hot, #joy, #life, #manga, #mystery, #regenassart, #romance, #sad, #sketch, #slice_of_life
No Free 2021-01-23 2022-02-16

by Jane Apricity
Apricity Journal

Testing... testing... 1 2 3... Doodles, sketches, and trying out new techniques.

0 subs, 816 views
Slice of life 21
#art, #drawing, #marker, #painting, #sketch, #sketches, #technique
No Free 2016-09-20 2016-09-21

by Joking Jester
art and sht

bc why not

2 subs, 414 views
Comedy 1
#anime, #art, #artdumps, #doodle, #sketches
No Free 2016-04-17 2016-04-17

by MightyMinerz
Art and Sketches

I like to do random character sketches and art doodles.

5 subs, 613 views
Fantasy 1
#anime, #draw, #drawing, #Naruto, #one punch man, #random, #sketches, #sketching, #stuff
No Free 2016-02-24 2016-02-24

by alem95
Art Cover

Character Art design by me. You may follow me on Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/alem.illussion/

2 subs, 352 views
Slice of life 1
#art, #character design, #drawing, #illustration, #sketch, #traditional_art
No Free 2017-06-08 2017-06-08

by favoroses
Art Dump!

here's where ill dump some random sketches that I post on Instagram and VA

1 subs, 295 views
Comedy 1
#art_dump, #digital art, #drawing, #dump, #sketches
No Free 2017-10-25 2017-10-25

by thestambeto1
Art of The Box

Ugly sketches and comics with boxes. Think Art of The Box.

1 subs, 396 views
Slice of life 9
#art, #box, #comics, #sketch, #square, #Stickman
No Free 2017-04-12 2017-04-13

by AudreyBug
Audrey’s Art

I will be posting my art here and hopefully someone likes it.

3 subs, 302 views
Slice of life 5
#art, #drawing, #ink, #markers, #paint, #sketchbook, #Sketching_
No Free 2020-01-02 2020-01-03

by Dennys Pinheiro
Aulas chatas, desenhos piores ainda.

Aulas Chatas, Desenhos Piores Ainda é uma antologia sobre escola, desenhada em folhas de caderno com caneta esferográfica na própria escola. São histórias humoradas, curtas e compiladas, todas reais que foram feitas no tédio durante as aulas do bimestre. Uma pequena homenagem aos melhores anos das nossas vidas pelos olhos de um estudante que desenha.

4 subs, 122 views
Slice of life 5
#comedia, #comedy, #escola, #estilodevida, #school, #sketch, #sketchurban, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2022-05-21 2022-06-24

by Aphrodite
B%W extra stuff

This is the deposit for all the extra, non-story related stuff. For my other art, here's my Tumblr. https://becauseofourwings.tumblr.com/

714 subs, 131k views
Romance 111
#becauseofourwing, #extra, #romance, #sketches
No Free 2017-01-21 2019-03-08

by Monika Laprus

Sketches, WIPs, sneak peeks, illustrations, fanarts and all 'Exist' comics stuff.

38 subs, 2.48k views
Science fiction 16
#Crime, #cybergirl, #cyberpunk, #sketch
No Free 2018-03-06 2019-05-26

by VaanULTRA

Bad art by a bad person.

2 subs, 343 views
Comedy 1
#doodle, #rough, #sketch, #why
No Free 2017-04-25 2017-04-25

by Bakako and Makako
Bakako and Makako

New comic every Tuesday and Saturday! :)

1 subs, 494 views
Comedy 20
#bakako, #bakakoandmakako, #Comic, #comics, #couple, #couplegoals, #draw, #drawing, #funny, #love, #makako, #mestruation, #metal, #metalhead, #Period, #Rammstein, #raptor, #sketch, #venom, #venomraptor
No Free 2019-04-10 2019-06-08

by Luke McKay
Balls 2 That

It's about a guy, a girl, and the blender that loves them. It's a little blue, it's a little crude, but it's also drawn that way.

108 subs, 140k views
Comedy 590
#adventure, #balls, #blender, #blue, #dnd, #Fantasy, #funnies, #funny, #gaming, #jokes, #mustard, #puns, #SCI_FI, #sketch, #sketchy, #Video_Games
No Free 2019-05-31 2019-06-18

by B.A.M Comics
BAM Comic Sketches

Fun, Random Sketches we create in our free time!

0 subs, 135 views
Slice of life 2
#black_and_white, #cute, #fun, #hand_drawing, #originals, #pencil, #raw, #sketch
No Free 2019-12-05 2019-12-13

by kuberish
Bedtime Stories

It's not wise to wake up a Giant.

7 subs, 804 views
Fantasy 5
#doodle, #g/t, #giant, #sketch comic, #tiny
No Free 2016-08-26 2018-03-05

by J.J Sepúlveda

"Belén" trata obre una niña que pierde su sombra, y no encuentra las palabras para conseguir ayuda. Con ella, intento reflexionar sobre cómo debemos sufrir, qué nos debe suceder, qué acontecimientos nos llevan a, de una buena vez, solicitar ayuda. y como, al hacerlo, nuestro mundo cambia.

2 subs, 195 views
Drama 1
#art, #Comic, #comics, #grahicnovel, #ink, #sketch, #sketchbook
Yes Free 2019-06-21 2019-06-22

by NakamuraKleo
bestfriends stories

Sometimes I’ll post stories with me and my best friends ヽ(∀゜ )人( ゜∀)ノour jokes

107 subs, 2.38k views
Comedy 5
#bestfriend, #bestfriends stories, #bropigeon, #comic_strip, #funny, #sketch
No Free 2016-11-13 2020-07-18

by xilvia
Big City life

read : LEFT TO RIGHT A story about a boy called Sunny living in a big city with all its ups and downs and meeting a lot of weird and nice people. More weird than nice.

26 subs, 1.55k views
Slice of life 9
#Andy, #bl, #blue, #city, #life, #problems, #sketch, #sofia, #sunny, #Trouble
No Free 2015-09-10 2022-06-11

by Variaen
Bit by Bit

I got a drawing tablet recently and I wanted to practice. My goal to improve bit by bit and maybe in the future, I can look back and laugh at this. Criticism/insults/whatever welcomed. I probably won't update often, just whenever I feel like it.

0 subs, 269 views
Slice of life 5
#doodles, #drawings, #sketches
No Free 2019-01-30 2019-03-19

by Mhawtho
Blank Slate (Semi-Hiatus)

Please turn off ad block ( ・ ิω ・ ิ) This is hand drawn and gets better as it progresses and I figure out my style and increase my skill! As I get time I'll fix the prologue as best I can. Thank you for giving it a chance! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to physically look how you want? In this comic a race of aliens are born free of pigment, hair and sexual/reproductive organs. They remain like this until the are able to pass the infamous maturity scan (MATscan). After that they can choose anything from the standard to the extremely modified. As if that wasn't enough they have questions like: is the council hiding something, why has no one ever failed the scan and are there other beings out there in the universe? LGBT+ themes Mild gore (eventually) Sexual and sensual situations Updates on Sundays)!! ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ!

18 subs, 1.89k views
Science fiction 33
#aliens, #bl, #body modification, #boys_love, #conspiracy, #genderfluid, #genderless, #girls love, #gl, #lgbt, #other_world, #pencil, #polyamory, #sketch
No Free 2017-02-03 2018-06-23

by Blue Calixto
Blue's SketchBook(BL/GL)(RANDOM ART)

Basically a place to upload any BL/yaoi-GL/yuri or random drawings-sketches that has nothing to do with my webcomic lol. Enjoy! <3 -MY BL/Yaoi comic: https://tapastic.com/series/raftbr

127 subs, 6.98k views
Romance 10
#art, #bl, #blood, #blue calixto, #boys_love, #Creepy_Cute, #cute, #gay, #gay_couple, #girls_love, #gl, #GORE, #Lesbians, #No_Homo, #shoujo_ai, #shounen_ai, #sketch, #yaoi, #yuri
No Free 2017-02-05 2019-06-07

by Parker Hamblin
Brujagh Extra Art

Sketches, extra stuff, fun stuff, everything related to Brujagh and the universe I made.

26 subs, 1.36k views
Science fiction 10
#extras, #Science Fiction, #sketches
No Free 2017-03-17 2017-10-28

by E-bearz
Bun Bun

Close bonds can transcend death itself. Two boys quickly learn what true friendship is all about. Discovering a little about themselves as well as each other. The purest of hearts can be tainted over time.

407 subs, 44.9k views
BL 78
#Action, #adorable, #anime, #bl, #boys, #bunny, #cute, #Fantasy, #friendship, #Homosexual_Romance, #lgbtq, #love, #Reincarnation, #Sketch_Comic_Style, #transformation, #yaoi
No Free 2019-04-17 2022-04-17

by Burb
Burb Doodles

Doodles I do for fun! Based off of video game characters, or ones from scratch!

7 subs, 1.12k views
Fantasy 35
#art, #bones, #BURB, #Burbdoodles, #drawing, #kirk, #Link, #live long and prosper, #McCoy, #sketch, #skywardsword, #spock, #star trek, #Starfleet, #super_sons, #trekkie, #TwilightPrincess, #Uhura, #Zelda
No Free 2016-01-03 2016-12-01

by Manuela Soriani
Butterflies Doodles

Daily Doodles about my Butterflies, that's all. ^__^

129 subs, 9.87k views
Fantasy 46
#butterflies, #Butterfly, #doodle, #fairy, #Fantasy, #gothic, #romantic, #sketch
No Free 2015-06-28 2016-02-29

by Chrs
Butterfly Dog

Sketches of a papillon's life

3 subs, 618 views
Slice of life 14
#dog, #life, #papillon, #sketch
No Free 2017-04-15 2017-05-29

by Sam Andebonn
By Mistake On Purpose

Vector cartoon jokes, mostly about animals (and plants) and their people. May contain innuendo and general bawdiness, dark humour, mild swearing.

1 subs, 95 views
Comedy 15
#cartoon, #comedysketch, #vector
No Free 2022-04-23 2022-07-19

by Phantasis
C:G concepts

This is a little stash with various concept art pieces that I've done for my main project "Code:Genom" that I wanted to share.

5 subs, 208 views
Science fiction 3
#anthropomorphic, #characters, #concept_art, #designs, #furry, #futuristic, #scifi, #sketches
No Free 2021-10-30 2021-11-01

by Cade Shi
Cadeshi Watercolor sketch and pixel

Hello! In this space I will post random things! From pages of my sketchbook to small illustrations in digital through traditional watercolors! I'm obsessing with the pixel! Have a good wave and happy life!

0 subs, 406 views
Fantasy 3
#anime, #cadeshiart, #cute, #digitalmedia, #doodle, #kawaii, #manga, #sketch, #sketchbook, #traditionalart, #watercolor
No Free 2017-01-09 2017-01-14

by Cafetoile

Just a collection of non-comic related pieces. Probably some tests and such. Neato.

5 subs, 411 views
Slice of life 4
#doodles, #drawing, #sketch
No Free 2018-07-19 2018-08-23

by Carnival-Cannibal
Cannibal Art, Carnival Life

The art of a Cannibal King, and part time boyprincess. Also check out this blog: http://talesofhecasia.tumblr.com/

145 subs, 6.65k views
Fantasy 18
#art, #concept art, #digital art, #gay, #genderfluid, #lesbian, #lgbt, #LGBT+, #lgbtqa, #LGBTQIA, #prince, #Princess, #sketch book, #sketches, #trans, #transgender, #vampire
No Free 2015-04-14 2016-04-25

by minty-arts

Every now and then I get the urge to draw more cartoony style things so I'll dump em here I guess! ☆⌒(≧▽​° ) ~Cartoon doodles!~

12 subs, 515 views
Slice of life 2
#cartoon, #drawings, #silly, #sketch
No Free 2018-04-19 2018-05-16

by Cypruns
Cat's Time

A wonderful life it is as a cartoon cat.

4 subs, 453 views
Comedy 4
#cat, #Comic, #funny, #kitty, #sketch
No Free 2016-09-18 2016-09-18

by CJB
Character Design

This is a space for my Character Designs and sketches. There's no narrative (as of now, anyways), it's just to show my style and kind of get started on Tapastic.

3 subs, 644 views
Fantasy 5
#character design, #experimental, #Non-narrative, #sketch
No Free 2015-11-04 2016-02-21

by Laphicat
Chara_001: A message from my master

"A little message from my master, I am a "character" she created" ~ :D:D:D

0 subs, 369 views
Slice of life 1
#oc, #short, #sketch, #Story
No Free 2018-02-06 2018-02-06

by Cheeldren Comics
Cheeldren Comics

A comic about 5 kids in Dover, Delaware, who go on mind-bending adventures together!!! The Eeap Brothers, Thomas, and Izzie lose their MARBLES in this hilarious *and definitely nOT scary* comic about friendship :D UPDATES ARE ANY RANDOM TIME but probably saturdays to try and keep it consistent (cos of skewl n shtuff TwT) PS- The main page is a work in progress!! But you can see some of the episodes and extra drawings on my instagram page--V Cheeldren_comic (also, sry the quality isn't great, but I'll get there...)

3 subs, 333 views
Comedy 8
#Cheeldren_Comics, #Comic, #draw, #drawing, #dude_thats_rad, #funny_comics, #sketch, #sketching
No Free 2020-10-31 2021-02-02

by Cherrypoffin

A place where I put my art (´。• ω •。`)

27 subs, 4.74k views
Slice of life 25
#anime, #collection, #dtiys, #fanart, #sketchbook, #unfamiliar, #Zombieland_saga
No Free 2019-11-23 2020-07-15

by ChibiofCuteness
Chibi's Little Gallery

Come on in and view my gallery where I will post pictures of my art. All art will be hand-drawn and colored with Copic markers unless otherwise specified.

2 subs, 627 views
Slice of life 11
#chibi, #Chibi's, #ChibiofCuteness, #copic, #copicmarker, #cuteness, #gallery, #hand-drawn, #little, #marker, #of, #sketch
No Free 2016-05-06 2017-02-19

by LilythArts
Circe&Demetra Concept

Circe & Demetra concepts for a future comic!

3 subs, 201 views
Fantasy 3
#circe, #concept, #demetra, #sketchy, #WIP, #witch, #witches, #work_in_progress
No Free 2019-08-22 2019-08-23

by yownae
Circular Moods

Random sketches fitted in circles.

1 subs, 325 views
Slice of life 4
#drawings, #inked, #landscapes, #nature, #portraits, #random, #scences, #Scratches, #scribbles, #sketches, #traditional, #wips
No Free 2017-11-19 2017-11-19

by Elver

This is a story about a teenage girl named Clementine who acquired a mysterious ability to draw the future under unusual conditions. In return for acquiring such abilities, she lost her own will to create her art. Most of her strange illustrations depicts catastrophic events of the end of the world.

8 subs, 949 views
Mystery 26
#1999, #90's, #art, #clementine, #Comic, #drama, #drawing, #Highschool, #horror, #mystery, #oneshot, #psychological, #school, #Science Fiction, #sketchbook, #Y2K
No Free 2018-02-22 2018-02-22

by minty-arts

Collection of sketches & such me and my friend have worked on :3 Go check his stuff out! https://tapas.io/HEXIKRON

15 subs, 2.03k views
Slice of life 28
#anime, #collaboration, #friend, #girls, #sketch
No Free 2017-11-14 2019-04-22

by Sketchmyheart
Comic Dumps

This is a place for me to dump my seemingly useless one shot comics who have no partnering comics.

5 subs, 392 views
Comedy 1
#art, #artist probs, #comics, #Every day, #funny, #naturally, #sketchmyheart
No Free 2015-09-18 2015-09-18

by IsabelSaysHi
Comics and Sketches

These are just some sketches from my notebook. I know they aren't good but hey I'm a beginner still >_<

6 subs, 773 views
Slice of life 6
#draw, #sketch, #sketching
No Free 2015-04-02 2015-04-10

by RoxyRoo
Comics at Random

These are purely one-off comics. No particular story. Anything and everything from blurbs to funnies. Enjoy.

19 subs, 1.24k views
Comedy 7
#anime, #babysitting, #blurbs, #comics, #doodles, #dreams, #funnies, #heroes, #manga, #moments, #OMAKE, #random, #roxyroo, #sketches, #super, #wierd, #wtf
No Free 2015-12-16 2017-01-14

by Rikae
Comics Wips and Secrets

How are comics created? What goes on behind the curtains? A sneak peak into new projects, tips, ideas, sketches and more. *UPDATES MONDAY*

138 subs, 8.44k views
Slice of life 55
#comics, #how to, #name, #sketch, #sketchbook, #Thumbnails, #WIP
No Free 2018-01-08 2019-06-26

by The Witchy Forest

Where I post my sketching, my exploration, character developments, scenes and more (that are related to my comics)

31 subs, 1.27k views
Fantasy 18
#Action, #characters, #Comic, #Development, #How_to, #mystery, #romance, #sketch, #sketchbook, #step_by_step
No Free 2017-05-03 2021-11-09

by Zephyr Lin

A comic about life, love, conventions and all things geeky fun. Updated sporadically.

3 subs, 449 views
Slice of life 1
#:D, #adventure, #anime, #BFF, #Conventions, #cosplay, #drawing, #gaming, #humor, #internet, #my little pony, #O_O, #random, #relationships, #sketching, #travel, #Video_Games, #XD
No Free 2015-06-02 2016-06-06

by Charley
concept dump

I just got my first tablet recently and have discovered how much I enjoy drawing with it so I decided to share my little creations. Mostly monsters... some strips... please enjoy. ps: Sorry for the shoddy quality of the art. I am new at creating art in this way so please be patient!

0 subs, 479 views
Slice of life 11
#concepts, #monsters, #sketches
No Free 2017-06-20 2017-08-02

by Fenris Ulfr
Concepts, Sketchs and Stuff

This is nothing more than an art dump were ill pust stuff i make, hope you enjoy it

5 subs, 807 views
Slice of life 15
#art, #concepts, #sketchs
No Free 2016-08-06 2017-11-11

by RakoStep (old)
Cosmic Broken

A series of fancomics about Cosmic Break and some about the somewhat misunderstood delinquent life of Cibi.

27 subs, 4.31k views
Comedy 38
#4 koma, #anime, #anime girls, #comedy, #Comic, #Cosmic Break, #CosmicBreak, #fancomic, #manga, #mecha, #mecha girls, #mecha musume, #mechs, #mmo, #moe, #sketchy, #traditional
No Free 2017-03-12 2018-10-16

by Laramie Robodoom
Cosmic Lemonade

Life spinning out of control? Ancient conflict between powers beyond your scope of reasoning falling into your lap? Dangerous impulse to make everything worse constantly getting you down? Pull up a chair, we're making some Cosmic Lemonade.

9 subs, 758 views
Action 52
#modern_fantasy, #sketchy
No Free 2020-04-11 2020-10-16

by biggiggs
Crappy Days

A crappy comic of my crappy days as a crappy human being.

20 subs, 3.17k views
Comedy 72
#crappy, #horrible person, #i'm awful, #life, #me, #my attempt at comedy, #my life, #sketches, #this is really bad, #you should probably have better taste in comics
No Free 2016-03-17 2016-09-24

by Craytato

A collection of all my drawings and doodles in different styles! Whatever I feel like showing people!

5 subs, 755 views
Slice of life 8
#art, #Craytato, #doodles, #sketches, #slice of life
No Free 2015-10-10 2015-12-12

by Pixel Kat
Creative Farm

Welcome back from depression me! here is something to do while you recover and get your flow back. i sketch a lot at the moment so bare with me. Some of this art i did on my break too

2 subs, 393 views
Slice of life 2
#art, #Comic, #fire alpaca, #firealpaca, #pixel_art, #sketch
No Free 2018-02-08 2018-02-09

by cenxe

Biannual cringe pour vous

3 subs, 434 views
Slice of life 2
#cenxe, #cringe, #cry, #doodle, #its a time, #my life, #rough, #situation, #sketch, #slice of life, #wowowowo
No Free 2017-01-14 2017-01-14

by laneord

Everything Cute..

104 subs, 9.52k views
Slice of life 39
#adorable, #animal, #chubby, #comedy, #cute, #doodle, #fat, #fluffy, #funny, #round, #sketch, #sweet
No Free 2015-06-06 2018-05-17

by JuliSketch

A variety of comics that I either did them for fun, or as way to challenge myself a little.

0 subs, 77 views
Comedy 4
#comics, #dabbles, #JuliSketch, #sketches, #slice_of_life, #variety, #VideoGame
No Free 2020-03-01 2020-03-24

by Rochon Illustrations
Dabbling Dabbles

assorted short comics :)

4 subs, 477 views
Comedy 7
#art, #artist, #artwork, #comedy, #Comic, #comics, #create, #creative, #intuos, #sketch, #sketchbook, #Stickman, #wacom
No Free 2017-02-24 2017-03-25

by Jeffanime
Daily sketches

This is going to be like digital sketch book that I plan to up date daily. I can't guarantee they'll all be great but have a look and see.

22 subs, 2.74k views
Slice of life 48
#anime, #art, #daily, #gaming, #manga, #sketch
No Free 2016-05-17 2018-05-28

by creativetea

Comics! About my-uh ... super interesting life! Don't worry there's a bunny and a girl with low self-esteem, it'll be funny.

435 subs, 17k views
Slice of life 27
#art school, #daily, #daily life, #funny, #girl, #Hand Drawn, #life, #pet, #plants, #rabbit, #sketchy
No Free 2018-01-22 2018-02-27

by Ian Chiofolo
Dark Tome

A comic of all things black metal.

59 subs, 6.15k views
Horror 127
#anti, #Black Metal, #black_metal, #burn, #chaos, #church, #corpse, #cross, #dark, #dark tome, #dark_tome, #dead, #death, #death_metal, #demon, #devil, #Doom, #evil, #Fantasy, #Fire, #folk, #forest, #frost, #goat, #God, #GORE, #grim, #heavy, #heavy metal, #heavy_metal, #hell, #horror, #ian chiofolo, #ian_chiofolo, #infernal, #inverted, #kill, #light, #Lucifer, #macabre, #magic, #medieval, #murder, #music, #myth, #Necromancer, #night, #nightmare, #nocturnal, #Pagan, #ritual, #Rock_and_roll, #satan, #Skeleton, #sketch, #sorrow, #Soul, #temple, #undead, #underworld, #village, #war, #wind, #zombie, #zombies
No Free 2017-05-22 2020-12-14

by Eldritch Kade
Darker Than The Blood:: Concept Art

Until the comic for Darker than the blood's first chapter comes out, concept art will be provided. This includes character designs and landscapes. Short little comics might be included Darker than the blood is a combination of Tf2 and Portal and the crazy imagination of an eldritch horror. This is a peek into the madness. Hope you stay.

6 subs, 355 views
Science fiction 5
#fancomic, #sketches, #tf2_fancomic
No Free 2019-12-15 2020-01-22

by insane_anni
ded and trying.

im just gonna dump drawings here...

2 subs, 147 views
Comedy 4
#art, #artwork, #doodles, #drawings, #GORE, #sketches
No Free 2017-07-29 2017-10-04

by IceFlame
Deepest Winter

The Tempest Spring...Parched Summer...Flooded Autumn... The Chaos Seasons were an ancient weapon series to start the world over. But the Deepest Winter never fell. Long thought destroyed by the Dragons, whispers now speak of the Winter Gem's continuation. Are the whispers true?

24 subs, 2.02k views
Fantasy 10
#adventure, #Comic, #deepest winter, #deepestwinter, #Dragon, #dragons, #Fantasy, #fighting, #furries, #furry, #gem, #Graphic Novel, #graphicnovel, #iceflame, #martial arts, #non-human, #orc, #orcs, #sketch, #sketch art, #sketch comic, #swords, #winter
No Free 2016-10-10 2017-03-23

by Degu
Degu's Doodles

Here's where I'll put whatever little sketches and doodles I feel like making until I start an actual series

7 subs, 632 views
Slice of life 6
#doodles, #practise, #random, #sketches
No Free 2016-07-18 2016-09-09

Demonic Summer

These type of humans evolved differently from our humans, and they're called albinos. They deal with strange things, like demons, but know what they do and confront them to go away. However, Andrew doesn't know what his demon is about. Will he be able to confront his fears and make his go away? |Updates Mondays!!|

4 subs, 273 views
Fantasy 4
#Albinos, #black, #blackwhite, #demons, #Pen, #sketchbook, #summer, #white, #WhiteBlack
No Free 2018-12-25 2019-12-28

by lunvic

It's not a comic, it's a portfolio of sketch(demons/characters) for a story, that i probably won't write ...

9 subs, 531 views
Horror 2
#demon, #demons, #Fantasy, #horror, #Monster, #monsters, #no history, #sketch, #things
No Free 2018-02-04 2018-02-06

by |:|Avaithan|:|
Desert Dog

The average life of a desert kid.

1 subs, 53 views
Slice of life 1
#bored, #desert_life, #first_try, #sketchy_drawings, #slice_of_life
No Free 2021-01-21 2021-01-21

by The Dillboi

You could call this a sketch-y place! I'll post stuff here, random tidbits or even drawing requests!

2 subs, 774 views
Slice of life 24
#daily?, #random, #sketches
No Free 2017-02-07 2018-06-05

by Chocho
Digital drawings

Drawings and projects I do in free time

11 subs, 1.03k views
Gaming 14
#anime, #art, #color, #colored, #commissions, #cute, #digital, #drawing, #fan, #fanart, #game, #kawaii, #manga, #oc, #OCs, #requests, #sketch, #sketches, #traditional, #VideoGame
No Free 2017-05-29 2017-10-01