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by Niki
A Boy Who Lived

Main character is Tyler, he's 17. Your task is to analyze every page and build theory about what happened to Tyler. New page every day~ enjoy <3

14 subs, 2.38k views
Drama 31
#anime, #bl, #boy, #drama, #gay, #inktober, #inktober2017, #lesbian, #lgbt, #LGBT+, #life, #manga, #romance, #sadness, #school, #school life
No Free 2017-10-01 2017-10-31

by missmiminat
Abandoned Girl

After being abandoned by her family, Cecelia finds herself all alone. Will she be able to survive on her own?

5 subs, 364 views
Drama 14
#abandoned, #alone, #boy, #Comic, #coming_of_age, #drama, #dream, #family, #freindship, #girl, #happiness, #High, #high_school, #issues, #journey, #love, #romance, #sadness, #school, #Self_discovery_, #tapas, #webtoon
No Free 2019-11-15 2020-04-12

by Helena G Fiorenza
Afanobio is a big place

I've been drawing all my main stories separately. They were all meant to happen in a certain sequence. I am gonna complete them all and add the right explanations. I hope it all soon make sense for readers :3

8 subs, 1.35k views
Fantasy 18
#black_and_white, #blood, #bloody, #chills, #color, #creatures, #cute, #dead, #deat, #death, #english, #family, #God, #gods, #GORE, #gorey, #grey, #grim_reaper, #heroes, #human, #Monster, #monsters, #sadness, #scary, #spanish, #special, #spooky, #sweet, #undead, #violence
Yes Free 2017-09-26 2019-04-15

by Wagen


2 subs, 130 views
Drama 1
#Alien, #aliens, #earth, #extraterrestrial, #grays, #Grayscale, #greys, #human, #love, #manga, #melancholy, #pastlives, #pencil, #prison, #Reincarnation, #reptilian, #Reptilians, #sadness
No Free 2020-06-17 2020-06-17

by NoiseSmear
An Entertaining Show

Petty, unhinged, and cold all over. Will it end, or just drag on?

3 subs, 396 views
Slice of life 1
#death, #downpour, #existentialism, #happiness, #life, #nihilism, #philosophy, #reality, #sadness, #thought
No Free 2016-05-25 2016-05-25

by CircuitRX

Anemoia is nostalgia for a time you've never known. The thought that you will never experience what other's have. Longing for the unknown. Join Mune, a white mink in a philosophical, and at times whimsical journey

57 subs, 4.02k views
Slice of life 22
#anemoia, #comedy, #Comic, #depression, #Fox, #humor, #loss, #mink, #mune, #philosophical, #sadness, #vega
No Free 2019-05-17 2020-04-27

by Pibi

Muitas vezes o destino separa pessoas, e a anetemonia alonga o processo. Philip Evans não achava que poderia se aproximar de seu amigo de infância. Não após tantos anos. Mas talvez as coisas não sejam como o anetemoníaco pensa.

919 subs, 26.2k views
Drama 10
#Action, #agent, #agente, #art, #bl, #comedy, #couple, #Criminal, #criminoso, #death, #drama, #Emotional, #FBI, #gay, #lgbt, #love, #mafia, #mafioso, #Mobster, #murder, #novice, #portugues, #PTBr, #romance, #sad, #sadness, #Suspense
No Free 2020-12-19 2021-11-18

by Cinthia Saty Fujii

"Ausência" é uma mini série de 4 capítulos explorando o tema Ausência.

2 subs, 219 views
Drama 1
#absence, #ausencia, #family_issues, #father_absence, #loneliness, #sadness, #solido
No Free 2018-11-07 2018-11-07

by Slighty.Floating
b a d f e e l i n g s / d o n u t s

Sometimes you just gotta cry on the floor 'n eat donuts with your gf. A short comic about being sad n stuff, featuring my characters Lulubell (short hair) and Maldire from my series, Children of Astaroth. Subscribe for more short comics and updates!

15 subs, 203 views
Slice of life 1
#anxiety, #childrenofastaroth, #cute, #cutecomic, #depression, #dollsdevils, #dollsdevilsart, #donuts, #girlfriends, #goth, #gothcomics, #gothgirl, #gothgirls, #indiecomics, #kawaii, #mentalhealth, #sadness, #sweet, #wholesome
No Free 2019-09-04 2019-09-04

by Zorkxa
Bandaged Girl

When life gives you lemons, you depress over it.

3 subs, 356 views
Slice of life 11
#depression, #girl, #sadness, #Teenage, #young
No Free 2019-12-11 2020-02-04

by Demon Works
Bunny Kick

Far away in a distant land, a boy lived all alone... But one night, a witch broke into his house. Now the two must team up if they hope to survive.

54 subs, 2.21k views
Romance 18
#Action, #adventure, #anime, #anthro, #art, #battle, #boy, #bunny, #cartoon, #curses, #demons, #deviantart, #eBay, #epic, #facebook, #Fantasy, #friends, #furry, #GachaLife, #girl, #Google, #happyness, #Heavyfantasy, #hero, #indie, #instagram, #isekai, #legend, #linewebtoon, #love, #magic, #monsters, #myth, #pokemon, #quest, #rabbit, #romance, #rpg, #sadness, #series, #shadows, #skaia, #sword, #tapas, #tapastic, #teen, #teens, #twokinds, #witch, #youtube
No Free 2019-11-21 2021-10-02

by cmorris_art
Bus to the Afterlife

A short story of grief. CW: mentions of death

5 subs, 308 views
Fantasy 1
#afterlife, #bus, #bus_stop, #death, #grief, #grim_reaper, #heart, #heartbreak, #heartbroken, #letting_go, #mourning, #reaper, #romance, #sad, #sadness, #widow, #widowed
Yes Free 2019-03-06 2019-05-25

by ryandow1
Captain Sadness

The Melancholy Adventures of the World's Saddest Super Hero!

82 subs, 15.5k views
Comedy 404
#depression, #psychology, #sad, #sadness, #super_hero
No Free 2015-12-22 2020-10-30

by sajra

Immerse yourself into Claire's decadent and baroque world, exploring how sin changes her - and perhaps everyone's - life. Leave every moralism behind before reading and remember seven are the deadly sins as seven are the wonders of the world.

3 subs, 379 views
Drama 1
#alcohol, #cigarette, #cigarettes, #Daisies, #dark, #deadly_sins, #depressed, #depression, #flower, #flowers, #love, #sad, #sadness
No Free 2017-08-28 2019-06-06

by HalfGoodArtist
Clarisa and Cluck Cluck

The land of the land where anything is possible

5 subs, 419 views
Comedy 5
#Action, #anger, #comedy, #funny, #horror, #mystery, #random, #Random comic, #sadness, #weird
No Free 2018-01-31 2018-11-24

by Angie Kat Neko
Cold Hands

A story of how society makes us feel wrong when we're not.

92 subs, 2.12k views
Romance 11
#broken hearts, #depression, #gay, #lesbian, #lgtb, #love, #not fitting, #romance, #sad, #sadness, #society, #suicide, #True_love, #wan to die
No Free 2015-10-14 2017-12-17

by randomizer

Haruhi, a divorced woman, sets out to find the life she has always wanted.

59 subs, 6.22k views
Romance 57
#Angst, #depression, #divorced, #drama, #ex, #husband, #romance, #sadness, #wife
No Free 2017-03-24 2017-06-18

by SilvyeJolie93

I'll describe the hell of the life i'm living.

1 subs, 347 views
Slice of life 1
#anxiety, #binge eating, #depression, #life, #sadness
No Free 2017-02-23 2017-02-23

by maryackstudios

S3xo, dr0gas, mu3rte, sangr3, mucho metal, abuso de sustancias, embaraz0s, amor, malentendidos, furia y rencor, es lo que describe a Destroyer como una serie en la que explica la triste realidad de un joven de 16 años llamado Alan Twist, el cual está dentro de una banda y en muchos problemas también, con la realidad de las cosas y ciertos sucesos, lo corrompen poco a poco. Descubre que tan dura y sádica puede llegar a ser la vida de una persona. Verás gente arrepentirse de sus errores y desquitarse con los demás de manera injusta, inquietante y sin fundamentos bien argumentados. Leyendo esta joya de tristes sucesos para un joven de corta edad, (basada en hechos reales), busco aterrorizar a la gente narrando suceso tras suceso con experiencias, sentimientos poco inusuales y tendencias suicidas. Disfruta de un mundo y una realidad plagada de coraje y malentendidos entre colegas. Creeme, te sorprenderá.

0 subs, 57 views
Drama 1
#Comic, #destroyer, #drama, #maryackstudios, #reality, #sad, #sadness, #slice_of_life
No Free 2021-10-23 2021-10-23

by cherishelle_
El Pueblo de los Recuerdos Perdidos

Rebecca acaba de graduarse. Por la primera vez en su vida está confusa y indecisa más que nunca para su futuro, especialmente porque su historia tomó la decisión de llamar a la puerta de su memoria, con los recuerdos que aparecen como una “pesadilla” recurrente por la noche. Un hombre la anima a enfrentar esa pesadilla que pasó de verdad, que nunca antes se nutre de los puntos débiles de la protagonista, que no sabe como hacer frente a las decisiones para su futuro. Siguiendo el consejo del distinguido mayor, elige volver donde su recuerdos acaban abrupto, atrapados en una imagen grabada en la memoria: los ojos inanimados de una muñeca en la ventana de una villa enclavada en un pueblo antiguo.

5 subs, 355 views
Slice of life 9
#euromanga, #italianmanga, #manga, #mistery, #romance, #sadness, #slice_of_life
No Free 2020-03-30 2020-05-11

by Yibi

Warning?: lots of platonic relationships and sadness... perhaps a little fluff here and there. Elliot is a 19 y/o ballerino who has spent his whole life on the renown french ballet academy. Being the only male till his 14 birthday and only passionate about the ballet, his adulthood might be rough. Emboîté is a classical ballet term meaning “fitted together.” *An emboîté is a type of jeté where the dancer moves and alternates their legs in a bent position, springing from the floor into front attitudes. Disclaimer?: Idk honestly how this series is gonna go, I had an idea and I'm just seeing how it does without previous meditation(?), also i might update once a month, once in two months... who knows but bear with me.

1.9k subs, 15.4k views
Drama 3
#? who knows, #Angst, #ballerina, #ballerinas, #ballerino, #ballerinos, #ballet, #bl, #conflict, #dancing, #fluff, #gl, #lover, #platonic, #platonic love, #platonic romance, #platonic romances, #romance, #sadness, #straight, #waltz
No Free 2018-01-13 2018-02-03

Everything Else

Everything Else is a slice of life comic about anxiety, depression, heartbreak, creativity and everything else. May contain triggering content, so use your best judgement if you want to read it or not, thank you.

1.54k subs, 65.5k views
Slice of life 31
#anxiety, #comedy, #depression, #insomnia, #sadness, #slice of life
No Free 2017-12-01 2018-11-11

by Sommer
Everything You Think You Know

You think you know everything

53 subs, 1.11k views
Horror 2
#LONLINESS, #sadness
No Free 2014-03-26 2014-12-03

by MichelaR
Fake your Death

Belial is a troubled sixteen years old boy in a disfunctional family. His dad, who once was a leader of a famous band, is the person he hates most. His mother ran away when he was six. His twin brother seems does not care of anybody and anything. But what if there is an escape from this life and this self-destruction?

135 subs, 695 views
BL 2
#bl, #boyslove, #boyxboy, #broken, #disfunctionalfamily, #dramatic, #emo, #hate, #love, #sadness, #selfdestruction, #selfhurting
No Free 2020-04-27 2020-05-14

by MonkeyMoniker
Falling Like Rain

Hi there! It's been a journey and a half, I'm not a person who does comics that often so it's often still a struggle to come up with things. That and, it's quite emotionally draining at times! Still, I hold hope that I can keep this up as often as possible, as much as I can! Thank you for this journey!~

523 subs, 15.8k views
Slice of life 3
#depression, #encouragement, #hope, #life, #motivation, #pick me up, #sadness
No Free 2015-10-26 2019-02-09

by Charlie

"So what does it feel like?"

3 subs, 188 views
Slice of life 1
#anger, #anxiety, #depression, #feelings, #happiness, #joy, #sadness, #trust
No Free 2019-01-22 2019-01-22

by PersonifiedFreakshow
First Prince of H-E- Double Hockey Sticks

So what the Devil wasn't actually this horrible monster everybody makes him out to be? And what if he took pity on a human once upon a time and crowned them prince of a new realm called "Hell". This is the story of Nonnie, the first prince of hell. And it was no easy task to get to that point, they finally died after an entire life of pain and finally killed themselves to avoid the inevitable slow and painful route which would lead to death any way.

3 subs, 269 views
Fantasy 1
#abuse, #birth, #building, #death, #demons, #devil, #drama, #God, #heaven, #hell, #horns, #lgbt, #new, #old, #pain, #prince, #princes, #Purgatory, #rebuilding, #romance, #sad, #sadness, #slice_of_life, #suicide, #the_Devil
No Free 2018-08-05 2018-08-05

by PixelatedNoms
For You, Love

The journey of me and my husband. He moved here from Ireland through the Fiance Visa process.

92 subs, 5.43k views
Romance 12
#drama, #happiness, #hope, #longing, #love, #sadness, #struggle, #wish, #yearn
No Free 2014-03-05 2018-08-28

by María Paiz

I was crying when he showed up. Why is he here? What does he want? And why can't I move on?! (Versión en español https://tapastic.com/series/Fantasma)

18 subs, 964 views
Drama 2
#black and white, #despair, #drama, #ghost, #hope, #loss, #sadness
Yes Free 2016-04-24 2016-11-08

by A.Samia
I Have A Friend

"I do have a friend... He's just a bit different than yours..."

1.07k subs, 14.9k views
Drama 17
#depression, #drama, #friend, #hospital, #melodrama, #mental_illness, #mystery, #romance, #sadness
No Free 2019-01-20 2020-04-30

by Papier
i met you in a dream

new comic with an overarching theme of sadness and existential horror, probably.

1 subs, 59 views
Horror 2
#existential, #horror, #sadness, #slice_of_life, #slight_gore, #vent
No Free 2020-04-15 2020-04-16

by cherishelle_
Il Borgo dei Ricordi Perduti

Rebecca si è appena diplomata. E’ per la prima volta nella sua vita confusa e indecisa più che mai per il suo futuro, soprattutto a causa del suo passato che ha deciso di bussare incessantemente alle porte delle sue memorie che, di notte, si manifestano in un “incubo” ricorrente. Un uomo, la esorta ad affrontare quell’incubo che accadde realmente, che mai come adesso si alimenta della vulnerabilità della protagonista che non sa più come reagire di fronte alle prossime scelte per il suo futuro. Seguendo il consiglio dell'anziano anziano e distinto signore, decide di ritornare dove i suoi ricordi si interrompono bruscamente, bloccati da un’immagine impressa nella sua memoria: gli occhi inanimati di una bambola affacciata dalla finestra di una villa incastonata in un antico borgo.

12 subs, 920 views
Mystery 9
#elenacerisciola, #euromanga, #italianmanga, #lonelyness, #manga, #mystery, #romance, #sadness, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2020-03-23 2020-10-21

by Rubisimagination

Overcome by emotions is a struggle when you don't know how to express them. Just because one is overcome by sadness or joy doesn't have to make someone sick with a diagnosis. They are just humans just trying to live.

4 subs, 374 views
Drama 6
#crazy, #depression, #drama, #emotions, #happiness, #impassioned, #joy, #mad, #sadness
No Free 2018-06-24 2018-10-01

by K-Flav
Jesus, Satan and the Emo

JSE shows the life of the deities Jesus and Satan and their housemate, Ben Dover -aka Emo. Pages start at 139, because all previous pages are co-authored. Older pages can be found here: https://tapas.io/series/OLD-JSE-pages

174 subs, 50.8k views
Comedy 334
#Bible, #Christianity, #depression, #emo, #gothgoth, #Jesus, #kittenflavored, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #metal, #rainbow, #religion, #sadness, #satan, #scripture, #teenagers
No Free 2016-11-20 2022-07-15

by rasffles
just feel the sadness

worst feelings a cat can feel

75 subs, 1.31k views
Comedy 2
#cat, #comedy, #depression, #feel, #feeling, #Just, #memes, #sadness
No Free 2016-05-29 2016-07-16

by Azam Raharjo
Katrina The Underachiever

Katrina is trying to get herself together. This comic is intended for mature readers. Some episodes may contain NSFW materials. Updates per episode which can be read as a standalone story while still serve as a plot link to other episodes. Sometimes I will post random artworks about her as well as filler comic strips between episodes.

175 subs, 4.72k views
Drama 2
#addiction, #anxiety, #Aspiring Artist, #Azam Raharjo, #chicken, #depression, #drama, #horror, #Katrina the Underachiever, #philosophy, #psychological, #psychology, #sadness, #self-depreciating, #webcomic
No Free 2016-02-28 2016-09-30

by cherishelle_
Le Village Des Souvenirs Perdus

Rebecca vient de terminer ses études. C'est pour la première fois dans sa vie confuse et indécise plus que jamais pour son avenir, notamment à cause de son passé qu'il a décidé de frapper sans cesse aux portes de ses souvenirs qui, la nuit, se manifestent dans un "cauchemar" récurrent. . Un homme la presse de faire face à ce cauchemar qui s'est réellement passé, qui se nourrit désormais plus que jamais de la vulnérabilité de la protagoniste qui ne sait plus comment réagir aux prochains choix pour son avenir. Suivant les conseils du vieillard gentleman, Bebecca décide de retourner là où ses souvenirs s'arrêtent brusquement, bloqués par une image gravée dans sa mémoire: les yeux inanimés d'une poupée regardant par la fenêtre d'une villa située dans un ancien village.

5 subs, 569 views
Mystery 9
#euromanga, #italianmanga, #lonelyness, #manga, #mystey, #romance, #sadness, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2020-03-23 2020-05-19

by Tagumon
Legend of Quadopolia

Tagumon Aotsuki Yatsuray Solaris Hitarus, is the prince of the nation Quadopolia. But everything changes after a fated battle...

2 subs, 345 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #adventure, #army, #battle, #blood, #death, #Defiled, #despair, #destiny, #God, #King, #legend, #magic, #medieval, #prince, #Princess, #Quadopolia, #Queen, #religion, #romance, #royals, #royal_family, #sadness, #swords, #Tagumon, #Tagumonman55, #tragedy, #Yatsuray
No Free 2016-07-30 2016-07-30

by fading_colours
Lest We Forget Our Past Misdeed

When Mata lost his older brother in an accident at the age of 8, his life changed drastically. He can´t remember the incident itself & also his memories from the time before are rather blurry. His father, the only one who could know sth. about Mata´s lost memories, lays in a coma since the day of the accident. On his 22. birthday, Mata suddently wakes up in a different life, with a different name & surrounded by strangers who claim to have known him for years. What will he find when he starts looking for his family?

2 subs, 437 views
Drama 1
#abuse, #accident, #death, #family, #friendship, #love, #melancholy, #memories, #mystery, #philosophical, #psychological, #sadness, #secrets, #siblings
No Free 2016-07-13 2016-07-13

by Groudness

la raza humana enfrenta quiza la ultima batalla por segurar su existencia mientras ordas de criaturas solo quieren asegurar que el homo-sapiens desaparesca del planeta, en medio de tanto odio por la raza humana hay algo que les llama la atencion. The human race faces perhaps the last battle to insure its existence while the creatures only want to ensure that homo sapiens disappears from the planet, amid so much hatred for the human race there is something that draws attention.

0 subs, 391 views
Action 2
#Action, #diferent, #guerra, #lápiz, #papel, #paper, #pencil, #sadness, #think, #tristesa, #war
No Free 2017-05-04 2017-05-08

by Donavan
Little Story About Death

How can you explain feelings to something that can't feel it?

19 subs, 1.03k views
Fantasy 5
#artbydon, #black, #dark, #Darkness, #death, #drama, #Fantasy, #feel, #feelings, #happiness, #life, #mystery, #n sei oq to fazendo., #Romance?, #sadness, #Story, #thinking, #white
No Free 2017-02-23 2017-03-05

by 42
Lonely Company

Problemtic teen Gabriel Velum moves to a new city, having to start his life all over again. The life that's awaiting him, was something nobody ever could've forseen.

2 subs, 169 views
Drama 5
#alternative_universe, #amazing, #au, #beautiful, #bl, #drama, #drugs, #frienship, #funny, #gay, #gun, #hapiness, #love, #mafia, #oc, #romance, #sadness
No Free 2020-04-13 2020-12-29

by Monotone Ink
Minami in the Night [Oneshot]

Awakened by troubled dreams, Minami goes for a midnight walk. However, the night seems much longer than usual! Will she ever get to see the light of day?

75 subs, 2.63k views
Slice of life 7
#adventure, #anime, #Comic, #cute, #dark, #depression, #dream, #dreams, #girl, #happy, #horror, #In, #insomnia, #japan, #japanese, #kawaii, #kill, #loneliness, #lonely, #manga, #minami, #minami_in, #minami_in_the_night, #night, #nikki, #oneshot, #one_shot, #psychological, #sad, #sadness, #Sleep, #slice_of_life, #suicide, #surreal, #The, #the_night, #thriller, #tragedy, #yourself, #yume, #Yume_Nikki
No Free 2020-04-11 2020-04-24

by herany
Misfortune and sadness

don't wish misfortune to others or you'll see what happens

7 subs, 360 views
Romance 2
#drama, #furry, #gods, #romance, #sadness, #school
No Free 2017-12-01 2017-12-08

by Tsugumimi

Jessie is a 15 years-old sheepherder, tending to normal flocks on normal days; but things take a big ewe-turn for the worst! What will happen as Jessie and his "sheepish" companion tackle this situation? Stay tuned!

9 subs, 589 views
Slice of life 6
#comedy, #farm, #sadness, #sheep, #shepherd, #slice of life, #teenager
No Free 2016-03-04 2016-03-08

by Guiguis Arts
New Dawn

An exciting heart breaking adventure of two dogs surviving in a wasteland caring for each other.

5 subs, 263 views
Drama 1
#apokalipse, #dogs, #drama, #feelings, #hapiness, #love, #sadness, #survive
No Free 2018-04-13 2018-04-18

by ComicSpider
Nothing But Problems

I've always loved to laugh even with the worst circumstances there is always something to laugh about. This can however make people think i'm crazy or have a weird sense of humour. if anyone else out there is like me......well then i hope you like what comes out of my mind.

0 subs, 260 views
Comedy 4
#art, #cry, #crying, #depressing, #funny, #i dont even know, #inappropriate, #laugh, #laughing, #sad, #sadness, #stupid, #stupidity, #why
No Free 2017-12-04 2017-12-25

by Doncocor
Numb Noise

Back in 2018 I was dealing with depression and medication side effects. This is a short comic about how that felt like. FYI I am no longer on Citalopram but something else that works better with my body and mind.

1 subs, 10 views
Drama 1
#depression, #drama, #medication, #mentalhealth, #sadness
No Free 2021-09-23 2021-09-23

by jlmagtira
Petrichor (Oneshot)

Things don't end the way we want it to when end itself refuses to come.

13 subs, 844 views
Drama 2
#depression, #drama, #melancholy, #mental_illness, #Petrichor, #psychological, #sadness
No Free 2016-07-29 2016-07-29

by Mario Cau

A series of short slices-of-life stories, inviting the reader to take a look at small pieces of life about relatiobships - or the lack of them - that don't have definitive begginings or endings. All the info that is not on the comic is meant to be imagined by the reader.

50 subs, 1k views
Slice of life 1
#brazil, #Brazlian, #depression, #distance, #feelings, #friends, #independent, #indie, #love, #pieces, #poetic, #romance, #sadness, #slice of life
No Free 2015-12-11 2015-12-11

by jaydenwolf
Pillbox Parable

Pillbox Parable follows the life of a Manic Depressive fellow (with possibly some other issues to boot), who struggles with himself and leads a life of confinement until his magical pillbox leads him on crazy adventures by a thin thread that takes him out into the world.

14 subs, 632 views
Slice of life 1
#black, #depression, #Learning, #life, #love, #Man, #manic, #pills, #rainbow, #sadness, #white
No Free 2013-06-11 2013-06-11

by lenitta

Andrew and Gabriel just want to keep on going. The history is about having to handle some changes and meeting people who will change you. A comic I started to help me to pass some time. The style probably will change a lot, sorry guys.

28 subs, 785 views
Romance 6
#bl, #changes, #romance, #sadness
No Free 2017-03-27 2017-05-08

by Evurnar
Rock Bottom

Follow Tommie as he goes through life with despair and negativity, hoping to find the light - whether it be death or a friend . . for he is a broken light bulb.

13 subs, 246 views
Comedy 5
#sadness, #unu
No Free 2021-08-12 2021-10-28

by troialautaro

6 entities will try to save this realm from a dormant threat. These are their embodyments.

1 subs, 51 views
Action 1
#Action, #blood, #drama, #embodyment, #england, #entities, #love, #loyalty, #realms, #sadness, #suffering, #weapons
No Free 2019-10-25 2019-10-25

by EvaExodia
Ruri in the Mall

2D characters suffer too

0 subs, 33 views
Drama 1
#abuse, #drama, #girl, #mall, #money, #sadness, #Shark, #suffer
No Free 2022-05-23 2022-05-23

by Haley Hailz
R̶u̶n̶ Fly Away

A short comic about a girl looking for an escape Will try to keep a schedule of a page each weekend

16 subs, 436 views
Fantasy 1
#abuse, #drama, #escape, #horror, #hurt, #magic, #run, #run away, #sadness, #slice of life, #wings
No Free 2017-09-16 2017-09-16

by nuclearrat99
Sad Boy memories

I'm sad sometimes.

0 subs, 253 views
Slice of life 1
#romance, #sad, #sadness
No Free 2018-01-04 2018-01-04

by Sad Potato
Sad Potato

Sad Potato is my general struggle with mental illness.

4 subs, 281 views
Comedy 4
#BPD, #depression, #mental_health, #mental_illness, #OCD, #OCPD, #potato, #sadness, #Sad_Potato, #stigma, #therapy
No Free 2020-08-23 2020-09-11

by Sad Soul
Sad Soul

Relatable sad skits by Sad Soul.

1 subs, 57 views
Slice of life 2
#line_drawing, #relatable_sadness, #sad_skits, #sad_soul
No Free 2020-03-25 2020-03-25

by Nathaniel Keller

Naoki Hibushi, a senior in highschool has long dreamed of becoming a boxer, but the very idea seems like a joke to everyone around him. Can Naoki achieve his dreams, or will he fall short, and die in a gang squabble?

9 subs, 412 views
Drama 2
#Action, #boxing, #Comic, #drama, #fighting, #japan, #manga, #sadness, #sports, #Suspense, #tragedy, #webcomic
No Free 2017-08-08 2017-08-17

by Melon Cvlt
Short Stories

"I'm sorry if I talk too much..." "It's okay. I love hearing you talk. Tell me a story." Shorts based on conversations I've had with people I care for, songs with emotional value, and a bunch of feelings.

197 subs, 2.22k views
Slice of life 4
#aesthetic, #feelings, #hate, #love, #melondraws, #sadness, #short stories, #Story
No Free 2016-02-11 2018-11-16

by fading_colours
Silent Secret

"Secret" lives alone in a dark world surrounded by the "waters of forgetfulness", without time or knowledge. The only other person in his world is "Keeper", who teaches Secret everything he knows. But can Secret really trust Keeper? And what is the difference between "good" and "bad"?

10 subs, 512 views
Drama 1
#abuse, #bad, #childhood, #fantasy world, #friendship, #good, #hidden meanings, #memories, #mystery, #psychological, #sadness
No Free 2016-07-13 2016-07-13

by DarkKnight
Soldier 3.0

A tearful story filled with misery, pain and regret smothering one little 14 year-old boy all at the same time. One named Jimmy... struggling to survive on the streets, always finding himself at the mercy of darkness, whether it be in the form of unforgiving delinquents stealing whatever food he should obtain or in the form of Super Soldiers hunting him down. All of this, yet he somehow manages to maintain his good heart and soul - for the sake of his younger sister named Jenny who is housed at a mental institution. Let this story leave its mark on you, love and care for your family. Enjoy.

28 subs, 1.38k views
Action 5
#Fire, #misery, #pain, #regret, #sadness, #Sibling-hood, #Super Soldiers, #syndicate
No Free 2016-06-24 2016-08-06

by Unbalance madness
Strained: Progress Report

Neil Lawrence is a man who works in law enforcement as an SCU, specializing in crimes with strains. He would soon be assigned with a special task: taking the role of a teacher in Deltsmore High School, a place made to deal with strains. Though Lawrence is not enthused by the task, He soon meets Dante Ruins a student who attends the school. Niel takes notice of Dante and doesn't think anything of it until a few events start taking place. Neil will soon realize how big the world really can be.

128 subs, 1.76k views
Fantasy 11
#18, #18plus, #Action, #hate, #hero, #linger, #love, #magical, #monsters, #real, #sadness, #slice, #slice_of_life, #super, #superheros
No Free 2019-09-15 2020-05-13

by Badmusicomics
Stuck in the Middle

five years after their break up they meet again, will their love survive? a love story about breakups and 2nd chances.

6.64k subs, 254k views
Romance 46
#bl, #Breakups, #heatbreak, #lgbtq, #lovers, #romance, #sadness, #slow_burn
No Free 2020-06-03 2022-03-18

by vaneng13

In a world of evil and good, there are mercenaries, the only ones that put a price to they morals and humanity; Micke is a young man that tries to survive all the circunstances that life put in front of him, losing and winning a lot of things in the process

27 subs, 616 views
Comedy 1
#Comic, #fights, #mercenaries, #sadness, #survive, #thought life
No Free 2013-09-16 2013-09-16

by metryingtocomic
Tales of Sadness

A story about grief. UP - Monday and Friday.

3 subs, 881 views
Drama 13
#sadness, #tales
No Free 2017-07-31 2017-09-11

by mortalshinobi
Tears of Crimson

Dairo lost his master over four years ago in the merging of ice and fire clan with the death of sorceress nyra. now he is offered up as a prize to the strongest warrior who manages to defeat her competitors and him in combat. One competitor, Ayane, seeks his approval in love, another, Carmilla seeks his seed to promote the longevity of her house. Whilst this happens, Kirei sends assassins to mingle with the tournament contestents and end the life of he who murdered her mother, sorceress nyra. Still suffering from the death of his master, Dairo now struggles in a tournament with women who won't take no as an answer.

14 subs, 562 views
Fantasy 3
#battle, #Fantasy, #Knight, #love, #medieval, #ninja, #sadness, #Sorceror
No Free 2015-10-25 2016-04-19

by beanmousecomics
that fuzzy feeling

A comic series about my steadily declining mental state. Created from a dream of mine, with the purpose of coping, and letting others know, they're not alone.

0 subs, 90 views
Slice of life 11
#anxiety, #bean, #decline, #depression, #lonelyness, #mental_state, #mouse, #panic, #sadness, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2021-09-27 2021-11-13

by HalfPintOfCider
The Adventures of Amor and Xochitl

The adventures of a young adult named Xochitl (so-chi) and her emotional baggage, Amor. Amor is a cloud who follows her around as the depression to her life. However some way or another, they've become acquainted and are trying to figure out how to mange life together.

4 subs, 337 views
Comedy 2
#american, #Amor, #Aztec, #Comic, #depression, #emotions, #first comic, #funny, #garfield, #humorous, #love, #mexican, #Peanuts, #sadness, #Small comic, #super_sons
No Free 2018-04-30 2018-05-01

by Timeisablessing
The ARC of Life

There she was, her mind crippling with emotions, her thoughts scrambling to stay within reality. Struggling to steady her breathing she knew where this was going to end, with her collapsing on the floor in this crowded room and waking up to the sight of red and white flashing lights. All she could think of was “I don’t want to worry him”. At that moment she was standing and breathing steadier now, and that is when it hit her, the only thing keeping her from losing control...was him - it was always him.

10 subs, 284 views
Romance 7
#aspirations, #depression, #fun, #happiness, #hurt, #love, #pain, #romance, #sadness, #slice_of_life, #trust
No Free 2020-09-13 2021-01-23

by DinoChuri
The Big Dipper

This is a story of a prophecy foretold by the Oracle that threatens the world as everyone knows it.

6 subs, 744 views
Action 2
#Action, #adventure, #big, #Bonds, #change, #destiny, #Dipper, #family, #Fantasy, #friendship, #Hardships, #love, #Reborn, #reset, #respect, #romance, #sadness, #trails, #turmoil, #world
No Free 2015-03-11 2015-03-17

by Philip de Goya
The Daily Dread

A webcomic about the miseries and inconveniences of life told through the thoughts of a pessimistic rat.

5 subs, 381 views
Slice of life 8
#alienation, #anxiety, #aspergers syndrome, #cute, #dark comedy, #dark humor, #depression, #isolation, #life, #mental_illness, #philosophy, #psychology, #rat, #real issues, #Real life, #sadness, #satire, #social anxiety, #social anxiety disorder, #social awkwardness, #the daily dread
No Free 2017-04-05 2018-07-24

by GalvanGraphics
The Deep Blue Sea

Deep secrets lie within the darkest corners of Diamonde city, and they all point to Jake Wilkens. With his father now running the show, crime has escalated to unthinkable heights and all that was once decent and pure has died off. Jake has tried to live the rest of his life as far away from his father and his business as possible, but he will soon find himself becoming more involved in his father's downfall than he anticipated.

4 subs, 324 views
Action 2
#Action, #Crime, #demons, #drama, #Fantasy, #GalvanGraphics, #gangs, #sadness, #The Deep Blue Sea
No Free 2018-01-01 2018-05-20

by nataliemark18
The NightOwls

Ginger, a professional fan girl, and Cosima, a music box babe at NightOwl Cabaret, join forces as the geekiest, gayest aspiring defective duo anyone's ever seen. By the way, there are vampires. Don't worry- they don't sparkle.

38 subs, 2.13k views
Comedy 8
#Amaze, #beauty, #blood, #detective, #Lesbians, #sadness, #vampire
No Free 2014-01-25 2014-02-01

The sad Juice

Juice is a sad boy dealing with everyday emotions. This comic was made for those who are going through a difficult time and want to warm their hearts.

71 subs, 1.11k views
BL 6
#boyxboy, #depression, #drama, #Fantasy, #feelings, #gay, #romance, #sadboy, #sadness
Yes Free 2021-02-19 2022-03-01

by Michael Rohr
The Sad Skeleton

Introvert, sad, pursued by bad luck

3 subs, 184 views
Comedy 12
#depressiv, #drama, #funny, #horror, #introvert, #reality, #sad, #sadness, #Skeleton, #skull
No Free 2022-01-21 2022-07-17

by arkeresia
This City will be the Death of Me

No-one knows why they're there. No-one knows how they got there. No-one knows how to leave. Decay, frustration and social unrest rule the streets; but only a select few question the madness. What is the 'Null'? Why do the streets never end? Jailer knows.

0 subs, 236 views
Drama 1
#Angst, #anxiety, #blackandwhite, #city, #dark, #depression, #drama, #mystery, #sadness, #this_city_will_be_the_death_of_me
No Free 2018-08-14 2018-08-14

by PixelKi

Regardless of the challenges in our life; you can overcome anything if you just focus and believe in yourself. Everyday we are learning about our mistakes, and wins. Don't be afraid to keep going. TOBO is a sci-fi drama webcomic about pulling through difficult challenges to pick up the pieces from a horrible tragedy. It is filled with adventure, action, heart, friendship, humor and loss.

11 subs, 1.52k views
Drama 16
#Action, #character, #characterdevelopment, #characters, #cute, #disney, #drama, #friendship, #hope, #Lessonlearned, #lessons, #sadness, #sciencefiction, #scifi, #series, #Story, #storyline, #teaching
No Free 2017-07-26 2018-06-12

by ruda mary
Too Many Fishes

>> read left to right >> Simple life, simple problems, simple relationships... Is the world that simple? Sharky Cadwell is 18 years boy who wants to be independent. He tries really hard and day after day he feels more depressed. He thinks that there is nothing that keeps him alive, but is it true?

6 subs, 721 views
Drama 10
#depression, #doodles, #friends, #happiness, #life, #love, #relationships, #sadness, #strugling
No Free 2017-04-25 2017-05-21

by yaya
toxic thoughts

Have you ever felt like you don't belong on this earth? That being alive is something you just don't deserve? Well, that's how I feel every day. My name is Xena Mikealson. This is the story of my life.

15 subs, 250 views
BL 1
#Anxietydisorder, #billionare, #bxblove, #depression, #love, #romance, #sadness
No Free 2019-05-18 2019-06-06

by Eliot Marz
Trauma Thoughts

Short comics about trauma, sadness, depression, you name it.

9 subs, 496 views
Drama 4
#depression, #life, #sadness, #short, #simple, #stories, #thoughts, #trauma
No Free 2017-02-15 2017-03-08

by Dave Branch Art
Ugly Knight

This is a story of a heartbroken man trying to fight his way back into his lost love's heart. Written and Illustrated by Dave Branch @davebranchart

2 subs, 459 views
Romance 4
#Action, #breakup, #Comic, #death battle, #heartache, #heartbreak, #Knight, #longing, #male perspective, #romance, #Sad story, #sadness, #ugly, #ugly knight, #webcomic
No Free 2017-06-11 2017-06-11

by Jesuspulidoart

Just, one page comics... Philosophycal shit ´n stuff...

12 subs, 1.27k views
Slice of life 46
#anguish, #clever, #clevercomic, #clevercomics, #drugs, #espaol, #GORE, #mad, #madness, #onepagecomic, #onepagecomics, #people, #philosophy, #philosophycal, #sad, #sadness, #smart, #smartcomic, #smartcomics, #think, #thinking, #venezuelancomic, #venezuelancomics, #weed, #Writer, #XD
No Free 2016-10-11 2021-02-06

by Prinsu
Victorio - the broken destiny

In 2127 the world is finally in peace. But just in surface. People called Chasers with marvellous capacities are engaged by the government to kill people trying to destroy this peace. When Victorio thinks that he'll finally have a 'normal' life everything shatters.

11 subs, 535 views
Science fiction 4
#Action, #bl, #drama, #Fantasy, #horror, #lgbt, #mystery, #romance, #sadness, #slice of life
No Free 2018-04-08 2018-05-20

by JohnCioabă
Walled Off

Charlotte O'Nolan, once an imaginative and outgoing young girl, has withdrawn into a life of isolation and distrust, and can't take it anymore. As she learns during an adventure across time, the key to regaining her sanity may be... inside.

3 subs, 267 views
Fantasy 3
#america, #cartoon, #cartoony, #childhood, #city, #color, #Creature, #creepy, #cute, #emotion, #Emotional, #emotions, #Fantasy, #female_protagonist, #flashback, #flashbacks, #friendship, #industrial, #memories, #memory, #neighborhood, #past, #rust_belt, #sad, #sadness, #subway, #supernatural, #Time, #urban
Yes Free 2018-12-22 2018-12-22

by Christian Bustos
Welcome to My Life

Welcome to My Life is a web comic about unrequited love, loneliness, life

12 subs, 1.56k views
Slice of life 59
#cute, #emo, #Emotional, #loneliness, #lonely, #love, #mental_health, #sad, #sadness, #teen, #teenager
No Free 2018-03-30 2020-03-22

by Nik Rouz
Where the stories lead

“Where the stories lead” tale the beginning of which we will never know. Tale about the characters of unwritten stories, travelers and passengers, about those who hide the scars of the past and those who looking for what left them New pages will be published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and sometimes Saturdays

72 subs, 7.96k views
Fantasy 62
#adventure, #anthro, #calm, #drama, #Fox, #furry, #journey, #sadness, #Skeleton, #sorrow, #Story, #tale, #train
Yes Free 2019-05-28 2020-06-10

That's all folks!