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by lucaslarangeira

Quando seu irmão é sequestrado, Tetsuya é obrigado a jogar um card game bem mais real do que parece. Em um mundo cyberpunk, vidas são decididas em partidas de "3 Dice Duel" um jogo que mistura card game e RPGs. Descubra se você também tem as habilidades necessárias para ser um campeão e... ROLEM OS DADOS!!!

0 subs, 123 views
Gaming 1
#Action, #cards, #card_game, #duel, #rpg, #shounen
No Free 2022-03-07 2022-03-07

by Daniel Clatworthy
A 16-Bit Adventure

Playing RPG's by myself I always imagined I was the hero as well as are all my friends. As we traverse the world in search of adventure and tell bad jokes in the process.

46 subs, 5.48k views
Comedy 34
#16-Bit Adventure, #8-bit Theater, #Classic RPG, #final fantasy, #JRPG, #parody, #Sprite comic, #sprites, #web comic
No Free 2014-10-07 2015-03-30

by Maraichux
A Gory Trail

A Gory Trail is the story of a female dwarf named "Lari" who is forced to start a journey by the events. But time could reveal truths that she is not ready to understand.

12 subs, 680 views
Fantasy 4
#a gory trail, #adventure, #dwarf, #dwarven warrior, #Fantasy, #fantasy_action, #female, #journey, #Revenge, #revenge story, #rpg, #Warrior
No Free 2016-08-28 2016-09-13

by Pancake
A Super Hiper Hardcore Campaign

After being tossed into the fictional world that they created for their RPG campaign,Bruno,Douglas and Marcos will venture through the montainous continent of Malfasia to get answers and find a way home.

2 subs, 381 views
Fantasy 9
#adventure, #campaign, #Fantasy, #hiper, #rpg, #super
No Free 2018-08-19 2019-06-07

by Hariina
A Tale

Lily is a small gnome girl from a family of tinkerers. Nardhall is a little red dragonborn, living in hiding deep inside the forest. When they meet, their bond is forged for a lifetime. This is the story of two unlikely siblings, brought together by tragedy and kindness, and destined for much more than they could ever imagine. Based on a home-brew Dungeons & Dragons game.

69 subs, 3.88k views
Fantasy 2
#Dragon, #dragonborn, #dungeons_and_dragons, #family, #Fantasy, #lilyaris, #magic, #medieval, #medieval_fantasy, #nardhall, #rpg, #yurnas
No Free 2021-01-05 2021-10-01

by Bruno Prosaiko
Abaixo do Nível Um

Histórias curtas sobre o destino de aventureiros antes de atingirem o primeiro nível em uma classe de RPG. Altamente inspiradas em Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG.

5 subs, 454 views
Fantasy 1
#aventura, #Classics, #crawl, #DCC RPG, #dungeon, #fantasa, #Funil, #Prosaiko, #rpg
No Free 2017-03-01 2017-03-01

by The Other User
Abentura Episodes

Welcome to Abentura Episodes. A mini series centred around my party in a homemade tabletop game that we played.

13 subs, 1.22k views
Comedy 10
#abentura_episodes, #animated, #comedy, #comic_strips, #dd, #doodles, #drama, #dungeons_and_dragons, #Dungeons__Dragons, #Fantasy, #game, #gif, #homebrew, #humor, #humour, #Pathfinder, #random, #rpg, #strips, #tabletop, #tabletop_rpg
No Free 2017-05-28 2019-02-18

by Guilherme Junior

Acroalis is a fantasy world in which everyone has been living peacefully. that is, until two meteors landed. the people of Acroalis ignored them, thinking them of a normal phenomena, but little do they know the meteors contained a powerful source. one that will change all of Acroalis

438 subs, 74.3k views
Fantasy 237
#battle_mode, #black_and_white, #boys, #castle, #character, #dark, #decision_time, #deep, #dragons, #Elder, #Fire, #forest, #funny, #games, #giants, #giant_monsters, #girls, #God, #group, #hero, #heroine, #kingdon, #kings, #landscape, #lava, #level, #line, #long_comic, #lv_up, #monster_hunter, #mountains, #music, #mysterious, #mystery, #naruto_type, #party, #Powers, #Princess, #rain, #rpg, #rpg_music, #sad, #scrolls, #Sky, #space, #style_manga, #super, #technology, #trees, #universe, #video_game, #villages, #Volcano, #water, #wind, #world_map
No Free 2014-12-26 2020-11-19

by Chris Phillips
Adventures in the Chromatosphere

Adventures in the Chromatosphere: A comic about the adventures of some colorful friends and the world they inhabit in which anything goes!

7 subs, 1.71k views
Fantasy 14
#adventure, #adventures, #cartoons, #cgphils, #chromatosphere, #colorful, #creatures, #Fantasy, #friends, #gaming, #monsters, #quest, #rpg, #trolls
No Free 2017-02-28 2019-03-22

by 1ManArmE

A world where citizens worshiped a God that was never truly know to exist. When the world began to deteriorate, God revealed himself and saved those who believed in him while leaving behind those who didn't. This is the story of a young man who decides that if he cannot live within God's Kingdom...then no can.

24 subs, 423 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #Fantasy, #mystical, #rpg
No Free 2019-08-17 2022-03-11

by ElCreator
Age of Ashes

The best moment of our team on the pathfinder rp "Age of Ashes" The french version may have more episode uploaded so if you're french speaker I advise you look at it ;)

0 subs, 5 views
Comedy 2
#adventure, #jdr, #Pathfinder, #role_playing, #rp, #rpg
No Free 2021-04-30 2021-07-08

by Noodle-Chan
Alice Mare Comics

a random series where i post alice mare comics for fun Alice mare and the characters belongs to miwashiba the comics drawn belong to me Series banner art does not belong to me Thumbnail also does not belong to me

0 subs, 310 views
Comedy 1
#alicemare, #Allen, #chelsy, #cheshirecat, #horrorgame, #Joshua, #letty, #miwashiba, #Rick, #stella, #Teacher, #whiterabbit, #wolfrpghorrorgame
No Free 2018-07-04 2018-07-04

by Tara C.S.
Alternate Character

Vanilla World of Warcraft fancomic.

97 subs, 10.7k views
Gaming 60
#Azeroth, #mmo, #MMORPG, #Warcraft, #World_of_warcraft, #wow
No Free 2017-12-29 2020-05-15

by Nayth
Altima Breaker

The Republic of Orion has been prospering for decades driven by the altima, a miraculous energy snatched from the gods by the hero Arun-Soo. Everyone lives there by and for his desires, under the governance of the powerful nobility of ascendants.

11 subs, 715 views
Fantasy 12
#magic, #romance, #rpg
No Free 2018-03-01 2019-09-17

by Curso de HQ - EAFA
Alyssa's Adventure - Marcella Conte

História em quadrinhos feita pela aluna Marcella Conte, durante o ano de 2020, no curso de HQ, da Escola de Artes Fritz Alt, Casa da Cultura (Joinville - SC). Alyssa parte em uma aventura e se depara com muitas coisas inesperadas... algumas boas e outras...

0 subs, 78 views
Fantasy 1
#aventura, #bruxa, #rpg
Yes Free 2020-12-01 2020-12-04

by Mimi
Angel's Eye

Lydia moves to town to help out at her grandmother's bakery

2 subs, 56 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #angel, #anime, #celestial, #cute, #fantasyworld, #ghibli, #JRPG, #manga, #mysterious, #short, #shortstory, #webtoon, #worldbuilding
No Free 2020-08-31 2021-05-12

by Raphael Munhoz
Aquela Pequena & Doce Fada Mortífera em Nosso Caminho (PT-BR)

Em um mundo de fantasia repleto de criaturas fantásticas , o jovem mercenário Aurum e seu companheiro ciborgue Koloss encontram uma pequena fada em seu caminho, que possui a incrível habilidade mágica de se transformar em armas brancas, que potencializam sua força quando usadas por Aurum. Agora os 3 partem juntos em uma aventura nada convencional em busca de dinheiro, honra, dinheiro, glória e mais dinheiro.

17 subs, 245 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #adventure, #Ao, #Batalha, #battle, #comedia, #comedy, #Fantasy, #luta, #manga, #rpg, #shonen
No Free 2020-05-08 2020-06-24

by spookymeal
ARA : Lake Helena log

ARA is a short story about some kids venturing into a forest and having fun.

7 subs, 1.02k views
Comedy 13
#mystery, #rpg, #science_fiction, #scifi, #surrealism
Yes Free 2018-08-13 2020-03-27

by Matthew Burger
Arcadia Comics

Comics done by Matthew Burger based on Koibu's D&D Shows found at Twitch.tv/koibu

4 subs, 793 views
Fantasy 6
#adventurer, #dnd, #Fantasy, #magic, #rpg, #worldbuilding
No Free 2019-11-24 2019-11-25

by Lilu
Archer and Hacker

Follow the hectic adventures of Mila and Fin, a pro monster hunter and a small time hacker who cross paths in a real life MMORPG. (Art gets better— Updates are frequent but sporadic) A new Episode uploads every day until caught up with the version on WEBTOON: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/archer-and-hacker/list?title_no=616462&page=2

0 subs, 13 views
Fantasy 1
#cute, #drama, #Fantasy, #funny, #MMORPG
No Free 2021-05-10 2021-05-21

by Canto Heroico
As aventuras dos dragões de mithril

Acompanhe a jornada desse estranho grupo de aventureiros enquanto eles tentam se tornar os heróis das terras de Magnia... Mesmo que ninguém tenha pedido por isso. Essa é a tirinha que postamos em nossa página de RPG @Canto.heroico. Acompanhe lá para mais conteúdos de RPG

3 subs, 254 views
Fantasy 10
#Campanha_de_RPG, #dnd, #druida, #dungeons_and_dragons, #fantasia_medieval, #feiticeiro, #guerreiro, #mago, #necromante, #Paladino, #Party_de_RPG, #patrulheiro, #portugues, #rpg, #RPG_PARTY
No Free 2020-09-08 2021-03-24

by Sam
Ask Fallen Royalty! (Undertale AU)

An undertale askblog where everyone lives Updates every Tuesday and Thursday!

225 subs, 57k views
Fantasy 86
#askblog, #deltarune, #fancomic, #fantasty, #rpg, #Undertale
No Free 2020-05-03 2022-07-21

by Luskerson
Astra and Petterson

An orc cleric, a night beast, a hunt, just one survivor... or something else???

0 subs, 137 views
Fantasy 1
#clerics, #Fantasy, #hunt, #magic, #medieval, #medievalfantasy, #orcs, #rpg
No Free 2022-02-12 2022-02-13

by Brandon L. Hankins
Autumn Wing and the Crown of Fire

Autumn is a soft-hearted nephilim child with dreams of becoming a hero much like the ones he reads about: brave, fierce, respected, and worthy. Everything his experience so far told him he wasn’t. So when it's his time to embark on the customary pilgrimage across the world to forge one’s own halo, he jumps at the chance. He believes that completing this quest—becoming a full angel—will make him a hero, and grant what he’s longed for. Unfortunately, he must journey through a land fraught with danger and cruelty to reach one of the few remaining Sacred Flames required to complete the quest: the fire within the throat of a powerful Dragon, OR the flames of a dying Phoenix. Neither will part with its Flame willingly. This comic, which is expanded from my first completed 24-hour comics challenge, is a love letter to the RPG and fantasy video games I grew up playing.

6 subs, 1.04k views
Fantasy 107
#adventure, #angel, #autumn, #autumnwing, #crown_of_fire, #Fantasy, #Halo, #nephilim, #rpg
No Free 2021-11-22 2022-06-14

by Josh Reynolds
Bad Idea League

Six-to-Seven diverse "heroes" stumble from one misadventure into the next. We have no idea what we're doing. But we're gonna save the world. ...right?

15 subs, 1.75k views
Fantasy 65
#Action, #comedy, #d&d, #diverse, #Fantasy, #rpg
No Free 2018-04-06 2018-09-23

by kazbastudio
BAKAD : Throne Usurper

The World Throne is vacant. The True Lord of The World is no more. Wars are the worldwide epidemic. The Lords of Sovereign States, converges on the World Summit to claim the Throne as theirs. Every nations live in fear for the one who will sit on the World Throne will decide the fate of the world.

4 subs, 55 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #card, #friendship, #game, #love, #politic, #rpg, #Superhero, #superpower
No Free 2020-01-25 2021-01-03

by eoinizzle

A young boy finds a magical sword and adventure beckons! updating every sunday!

39 subs, 6.06k views
Fantasy 90
#Action, #adventure, #all_ages, #comedy, #magic, #rpg
No Free 2020-05-17 2022-07-17

by Raven

Uma historia baseada em um RPG. Em um mundo Velho Oeste um bando se esforça para fazer um resgate, enquanto tentam superar todas as dificuldades e coisas estranhas que enfrentam pelo caminho.

0 subs, 64 views
Action 1
#Action, #oldwest, #rpg
No Free 2022-01-30 2022-01-30

by Battlements

Battlements takes place in a fantasy world all on its own. Sword-and-board! Wizards-and-warriors! Bears-and-battle maces! Legendary creatures and adventurers gallivant across the lands seeking fame and fortune. Then there’s these jerks. Follow Hector, Shane, Rail, and Gene as they try to make a name for themselves as adventurers while staying alive.

7 subs, 718 views
Fantasy 26
#Action, #adventure, #comedy, #dnd, #dungeons_and_dragons, #Fantasy, #high_fantasy, #monsters, #rpg
No Free 2018-11-12 2020-11-23

by Marco ByM
Bear Fantasy - English

A series about my three passions: drawing comics, RPGs and bears!

123 subs, 20.2k views
Fantasy 25
#adventure, #bara, #bear, #bears, #comics, #Fantasy, #gay, #lgbt, #lgbti, #osos, #queer, #rpg
No Free 2020-05-17 2021-03-19

by Enka RG
Beasts & Battles

What if the Marauders found somehow an RPG manual? This is what I think it would happen ;) Characters (c) J.K. Rowling. Story & Art (c) Enka RG Visit my profile for more stories! ^_^

13 subs, 192 views
Fantasy 1
#fanfic, #harrypotter, #Marauders, #potterverse, #rpg
Yes Free 2022-03-30 2022-04-04

by Bruno Prosaiko
Below Level One

Short stories about the fate of adventurers before they reach the first level in an RPG class. Highly inspired in Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG.

8 subs, 677 views
Fantasy 1
#Classics, #crawl, #dungeon, #Prosaiko, #rpg
No Free 2017-03-01 2017-03-01

by Rooibos
Better by Jar

A bunch of dum dums just trying to survive! BBJ is a comedy-drama comic based on an ongoing tabletop campaign played by a bunch of LGBT+ Poles. Warning for occasional gore and cruelty and loads of TRPG jokes. SUPPORT ME ON PATREON FOR EXTRA PAGES (currently 29 pages and two years worth of sketchdumps posted for 1$) https://www.patreon.com/rooibos

504 subs, 101k views
Fantasy 150
#Action, #comedy, #dnd, #drama, #dungeons_and_dragons, #Fantasy, #tabletop, #ttrpg
No Free 2019-10-10 2022-07-06

by ebetto.
Beyond The Server's Gates

A lone warrior wakes up after a long 2 year nap to find his world abandoned and changed. Partnered with an old friend, the duo travel across the lands of this seemingly forgotten world to discover not all has been left to rot. However, what has survived is not looking very... "good".

5 subs, 304 views
Fantasy 4
#black_and_white, #btsg, #elf, #Fantasy, #genysis, #Glitch, #mmo, #rpg, #terminuz, #usajin
No Free 2018-09-27 2018-09-27

by Dale B.
Bikini Armor

A short parody comic about fighting the final boss in an RPG. I might continue working with the characters someday so I'm separating it from the miscellaneous shorts.

39 subs, 1.04k views
Fantasy 1
#dale b., #magicalsakura, #rpg parody
No Free 2015-08-05 2015-08-05

by Sparrow L.
Birds & Boroughs

It's fantasy, but with birds!

1 subs, 136 views
Comedy 3
#bird, #Fantasy, #rpg
No Free 2020-06-09 2020-06-24

by K Universe
Black Cat

Adrien Takei is an ex-exorcist and gang lord bent on vengeance for his brother who died in battle. These are the adventures of how he does it!

11 subs, 495 views
Fantasy 2
#anime, #rpg, #video game
No Free 2016-03-31 2016-12-03

by Ash
Black City Birds

* LGBT CONTENT mainly GL * Black City Birds is INSPIRED by Changeling the dreaming. We will follow the story of several characters. Some human , some changeling , and some " others ". Changelings are colorful but lonely Fae souls reborn into human bodies. Cut off from Arcadia, their original birthplace, they are forced to live and adapt in a gray world that is not their own.

5.35k subs, 703k views
Fantasy 94
#changeling the dreaming, #changeling the lost, #fae, #girl_love, #gl, #pooka, #redcap, #rpg, #satyr, #webcomic, #werewolf, #White Wolf, #world of darkness, #yuri
No Free 2016-04-04 2019-08-31

by KDSdrawingss
Blade of Blood

A história se passa 100 anos depois da grande guerra entre as quatro raças contra Satan, o rei dos demônios! Rage Storm é descendente do primeiro rei dos humanos, e ele parte em uma aventura em busca de verdades sobre o passado e paz para o seu povo, junto com aliados improváveis, muitos perigos surgirão em sua jornada!

7 subs, 662 views
Fantasy 5
#aventura, #Fantasy, #rpg
No Free 2020-09-07 2021-06-18

by simplykit
Blood Soul Buffet

Chapter-1 synopsis Decades of war. Countless lives lost. Demons, demi-gods and unholy abominations doom humanity to the brink of extinction. Their only hope, Brave heroes rise to fight against evil. These heroes prevail through unimaginable lengths of trials and sacrifice. They fought a victorious battle against the threat of mankind. The world is now free from tyranny. Peace, prosperity, balance and harmony is restored... but for how long? A century has passed since the great war. Demons mysteriously re-appear and attack travellers near a fishing village. Seles Sireflame, a spirited soldier tries to defend her humble village and sets off to rescue who were taken. She encounters a childish self proclaimed ninja, Death Shadow and a sophisticated raptor, Empress Majesta Regaleye, who hunt the demons for money... or so they say. Together they track down the demons through a portal to an alternate dimension. Death shadow displays super human speed and strength. Empress is a master in the arts of magic. They eliminate the demons who stand in their way. As a low ranking soldier, Seles finds difficulty fighting against a demon grunt. She is compelled to unleash a secret skill that her master forbid her to use. This skill enhances her abilities to defeat even more powerful demons. The three finish off the remaining demons and defeat the demon queen. They rescue the survivors including a young woman, Vellereise Rainwell. They return to the village and it's a happy ending for everyone... or is it just the beginning?

129 subs, 14.8k views
Fantasy 122
#Action, #adventure, #blood_soul_buffet, #demon, #evil, #Fantasy, #game, #kage, #Monster, #ninja, #oni, #rpg, #shadow
No Free 2019-01-06 2022-07-13

by Kaiaxe

This world, Anthia gives home to 11 distinct species wolves, deer, cats, goats, foxes, birds, raptors, vernids, sergals, sirens, and drakes who have formed their own societies through evolution. Energy or the Ether is everywhere and some can manipulate it to create objects. The Moon seems to be the source and someone is seeking it.

7 subs, 1.26k views
Fantasy 4
#Action, #animals, #anime, #Fantasy, #furries, #rpg, #scifi, #wolves
No Free 2020-05-19 2022-02-07

by Samuelszymanski

A true hero thinks with his head.

16 subs, 862 views
Comedy 2
#bonk, #dungeon, #headbutt, #rpg, #samszym
No Free 2015-03-27 2015-04-17

by The Comic Crew
Born To Lose

Three teens, Elijah, Delanno, and Paiton are dropped into a mysterious and magical garden. They have no memories of how they got there. Trying to figure out where they are, they run into many mythical, magical, and supernatural creatures. Will they be able to win and get home? Or were they just born to lose? Updates every Monday and Wednesday!

43 subs, 2.74k views
Fantasy 16
#Action, #adventure, #comedy, #Comic, #Fantasy, #lgbtq+, #rpg, #supernatural
No Free 2017-04-09 2017-05-16

by Ane Bonazza
Bouken Kanpai - 00

It was supposed to be a simple mission: Take the merchant to the next town, avoiding conflicts and dangers. But our heroes ended up getting lost along the way... >> Bouken Kanpai - Cheers to adventure! - it was a project that I started in 2015, but only in 2018 I decided to publish it in partnership with Estúdio Tanuki. I hope you like!

1 subs, 62 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #elf, #rpg, #webcomic, #webtoon
No Free 2021-06-06 2022-07-16

by Ane Bonazza
Bouken Kanpai - 00 [PT/BR]

Era para ser uma missão simples: Levar o comerciante até a próxima cidade, evitando conflitos e perigos. Mas nossos heróis acabaram se perdendo no caminho... >> Bouken Kanpai - Um brinde à aventura! - foi um projeto que comecei em 2015, mas só em 2018 resolvi publicá-lo em parceria com o Estúdio Tanuki. Espero que você goste!

0 subs, 288 views
Fantasy 5
#adventure, #elf, #illustration, #mistery, #rpg
No Free 2021-06-04 2022-07-16

by Lee Keegan

A mushroom-wine fuelled adventure of dwarven mayhem following a group of dwarves trying to build a fortress amongst goblins, elves, werebeasts and more!

281 subs, 144k views
Fantasy 88
#adventure, #dwarf_fortress, #rpg
No Free 2019-11-07 2022-01-27

by Dark Bug
Bug Byte

In this world, people have become more and more dependant on WIFI and technology. To the point to where one little virus can ruin their day. It's up to an un-expected duo to save the day. I will be updating weekly so If you like my comic please add to library and share with your friends. I would really appreciate it.

148 subs, 3.7k views
Gaming 24
#8bit, #Action, #arcade, #art, #bite, #bug, #byte, #comedy, #gaming, #GBA, #lgbt, #manga, #megaman, #pixel, #retro, #rpg, #scifi, #tech, #video_game, #weekly
Yes Free 2019-08-06 2020-05-18

by Demon Works
Bunny Kick

Far away in a distant land, a boy lived all alone... But one night, a witch broke into his house. Now the two must team up if they hope to survive.

54 subs, 2.21k views
Romance 18
#Action, #adventure, #anime, #anthro, #art, #battle, #boy, #bunny, #cartoon, #curses, #demons, #deviantart, #eBay, #epic, #facebook, #Fantasy, #friends, #furry, #GachaLife, #girl, #Google, #happyness, #Heavyfantasy, #hero, #indie, #instagram, #isekai, #legend, #linewebtoon, #love, #magic, #monsters, #myth, #pokemon, #quest, #rabbit, #romance, #rpg, #sadness, #series, #shadows, #skaia, #sword, #tapas, #tapastic, #teen, #teens, #twokinds, #witch, #youtube
No Free 2019-11-21 2021-10-02

by Bush Wizard
Bush Wizard

So, you have stumbled upon my creations. If I'm being honest, you should probably curve your expectations of what is to come. This is mostly a ploy for me to steal enough souls to become a lich and maybe make some D&D related comics. But hey, maybe you will laugh? DISCLAIMER: By reading Bush Wizard Comics you agree to surrender your mortal remains upon death, no matter the circumstances of the expiration, to the Bush Wizard for any and all experimentations.

2 subs, 97 views
Comedy 2
#dnd, #dungeons_and_dragons, #rpg, #tabletop
No Free 2021-06-23 2021-06-23

by E. Ross Ura

Buy/Sell/Exit imagines a world where everyday objects are sold through the lens of classic RPG shop interfaces!

99 subs, 28.3k views
Gaming 279
#Fantasy, #gaming, #JRPG, #rpg, #Video_Games
No Free 2016-04-16 2018-04-28

by Hud Justino

Monstros, magia, mistérios e ação! Venha curtir essa divertida jornada, aventure-se no mundo de Calístia e acompanhe para também desvendar os segredos do mana!

228 subs, 4.44k views
Fantasy 12
#adventure, #BR, #brasil, #calistia, #Calistiahq, #Fantasy, #magic, #pt, #rpg, #shonen
No Free 2019-10-12 2022-04-01

by Hud Justino
Calístia - EN

Monsters, magic, mysteries and action! Come and enjoy this fun trip, venture into the world of Calístia and follow along to discover the secrets of mana too!

4 subs, 111 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #adventure, #calistia, #english, #Fantasy, #magic, #rpg, #shonen
No Free 2021-05-28 2021-05-28

by abysspoptv
Calixte or pure evil

ON HIATUS!! Calixte is just your normal nerd dude. but one day, he is teleported into his favourite video game! now he is the chosen one an must defeat the dark lord... but is the profecy that real? why was he sucked into the game? be careful tho: the few infortunates souls who know me know that my stuff tipycally go from funny to dark very quickly.. so strong sexual theme warning trigger warning that I may change as I imagine the story! racism lgbt phobia abelism gore severe childhood abuse severe medical malpractice depression ptsd scuicide rape substance abuse

15 subs, 1.34k views
Drama 18
#20th_century, #abuse, #asperger, #asperger_syndrome, #autism, #autistic, #black_people, #chosen_one, #dark_lord, #did, #drama, #enemies_to_lovers, #france, #French, #furry, #goth, #gothic, #gothic_story, #goth_story, #mistreatment, #neurodivergent, #ptsd, #rape, #rpg, #Skeleton, #tragedy, #trauma, #urban_fantasy, #world_war_one, #WW1
No Free 2020-07-26 2021-07-25

by UnhingedMinds

Cam-Pains is a look into the weird world of being a Game Master and the crazy antics players and characters get up to both in and out of game!

67 subs, 6.91k views
Gaming 39
#comedy, #Fantasy, #game master, #gamers, #gaming, #GM, #rpg, #Sci-fi, #table top
No Free 2016-08-18 2018-05-01

by Mari Rolin
Caóticas Neutras

Existem heróis e vilões. Existem as pessoas que obedecem a lei, e as que são indiferentes a ela. Em um canto bem específico do diagrama de alinhamento existem aquelas pessoas de quem você nunca tem exatamente certeza do que esperar. Elas são as Caóticas Neutras.

62 subs, 1.86k views
Fantasy 3
#bard, #Barda, #bi, #bipoc, #Caoticas, #Caoticas_Neutras, #dark_elf, #dungeon, #Dungeons, #dungeons_and_dragons, #elfa_negra, #Fantasia, #Fantasy, #female_lead, #lesbian, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #magic, #medieval, #Necromancer, #necromante, #Neutras, #Paladin, #Paladino, #rpg
No Free 2020-07-20 2022-03-11

by Doodle Derg
Card Caze!

Sasp, a wannabe adventurer and his pet dog, Indigo, travel to a well known Dungeon, but somehow, they accidentally make friends with one of the weaker bosses of the Dungeon...?

3 subs, 209 views
Fantasy 1
#card, #Card_Craze, #craze, #Craze_Card, #dog, #dungeon, #kobold, #rpg, #Sasp
No Free 2019-06-25 2019-06-25

by Dondora Aiko

CARNIVAL, the newest Virtual MMORPG, now open to all, has suffered a terrible error: none of the players can log out. A recreation of my comic, Carnival RPG that will be updated when I can!

7 subs, 688 views
Gaming 6
#Action, #biweekly, #color, #Fantasy, #gaming, #Kinda Chibi, #Many_Characters, #MMORPG
No Free 2016-10-14 2016-12-24

by Marco ByM
Caros Bears

O ano era 2011 e, através de um dado mágico, um grupo de amigos iria parar em um mundo de fantasia, vivendo diversas aventuras, fazendo a diferença diante de um grande mal. isso soa como diversos animes isekai que você já deve ter ouvido falar, com a diferença de que aqui os protagonistas eram um bando de ursos nerds. E assim seria a série Caros bears, onde eu expressaria pela primeira vez as minhas três paixões: o desenho, roleplaying games e ursos. Originalmente, a série teria 12 capítulos mas, devido a problemas externos, eu larguei o projeto. Mesmo assim, essa história foi a pedra fundamental para alguns conceitos que posteriormente usaria no meu bymverso de fantasia, com Armigerium, Contos de Berds e Bear Fantasy. De antemão já me desculpo por não ter dado prosseguimento ao projeto mas, mesmo assim, espero que vocês curtam a leitura e que ela lhes dê mais uma camada de informação sobre as minhas outras HQs.

13 subs, 611 views
Fantasy 1
#bears, #lgbtq, #queer, #rpg
Yes Free 2020-06-08 2020-06-08

by Neonix
Cat Ear Cursed

After loosing her last group, Floriki has to join a new group of adventurers. But will a broken priest and an ice cold loot grabber be good companions? And why is everyone staring at her when she pets the cat? Her first quest has to tell it! A fantasy comic for fun and practice. Expect some wanky lines both in drawing and writing ...

0 subs, 75 views
Fantasy 7
#dnd, #Fantasy, #rpg
No Free 2021-03-22 2021-04-15

by Rafael Dantas
Cavaleiro Avante

Sol é uma menininha que passou a vida como escrava no castelo do maligno Cavaleiro do Mal Cabeça OCA, numa fuga espetacular ela vai em busca de encontrar o seu herói de infância, o Cavaleiro Avante, uma lenda que há muito havia sumido, na esperança que ele a ajude a salvar sua mãe das garras do malfeitor. Mas nem tudo é o que ela esperava e o destino reserva grandes surpresas para essa pequena sonhadora. English Soon

13 subs, 708 views
Fantasy 8
#cartoon, #Cavaleiro Avante, #Comics Fantasy, #rpg
No Free 2017-09-05 2017-09-25

by Mari Rolin
Chaotic Neutral

There are heroes and there are villains. Those who abide by the law and those who couldn't care less. In a very specific corner of that alignment chart there's a group of people from whom you never know what to expect. They are Chaotic Neutral.

21 subs, 351 views
Fantasy 3
#bard, #bi, #bipoc, #chaotic_neutral, #Dungeons, #dungeons_and_dragons, #Fantasy, #female_lead, #lesbian, #lgbtq, #magic, #medieval, #Necromancer, #Paladin, #rpg, #zombie
No Free 2020-07-20 2022-03-11

by merualeden
Charisma Check!

Em Belden joins a school D&D group and explores gender identity with the help of new friends and the D&D campaign itself.

58 subs, 1.51k views
#dnd, #dungeons_and_dragons, #Fantasy, #friendship, #lgbtq, #middle_school, #nonbinary, #self_discovery, #tabletop_rpg
No Free 2021-01-05 2021-05-19

by riingo
Chibi Musung Tries

This story is based on the character Musung from the MMO, BLADE & SOUL. Familiarity with the game's story is recommended, but not required. Updated whenever I have time. --- The good parts of Musung's soul are reborn as a Lyn. Shenanigans occur as he tries (and fails) to become the powerful, evil human he used to be.

6 subs, 914 views
Comedy 3
#blade and soul, #mmo, #MMORPG
No Free 2015-09-24 2015-09-24

by Silveira JR
Choque de Cultura- Especial Gibizinho

O que aconteceria se o Choque de Cultura falasse de quadrinhos? Alessio Esteves, um dos criadores do Mangá-HueBR "Zikas", me convidou para imaginar isso em forma de quadrinho. Assim nasceu esta pequena homenagem de fãs ao Melhor Programa de Cultura da Internet. :D

23 subs, 444 views
Comedy 1
#BR, #brasil, #Choque de cultura, #Coméda, #draco, #fan-comic, #gibi, #hue, #humor, #manga, #nacional, #portugus, #Protugues-BR, #pt-br, #quadrinhos, #rpg, #Tirinhas, #Zikas
Yes Free 2018-02-08 2018-02-25

by Than Gibson

Chronicle is a collection of stories set in a fantasy world. From king to street rat, all have stories and will be chronicled. All of this is presented to you, dear reader, in the hope that you find a role for yourself in the Chronicle as well.

13 subs, 585 views
Fantasy 9
#d&d, #dnd, #dwarf, #elf, #Fantasy, #magic, #rogue, #rpg, #sorcerer, #Sword & Sorcery, #Wizard
No Free 2017-03-29 2017-04-14

by nWayGames

ChronoBlade Graphic Novel

2.02k subs, 47.5k views
Science fiction 11
#Action, #aliens, #asgard, #chronoblade, #Fantasy, #fighting, #games, #lovecraft, #magic, #rpg, #Sci-fi, #steampunk, #supernatural, #thor
No Free 2013-07-30 2013-11-15

Chrysalis (a Changeling the Dreaming webcomic)

(Changeling: The Dreaming webcomic) "It's the year 1969. When the first Man steps on the Moon, Mankind believes again and Arcadia's doors burst open. The sidhe come back to their old lands believing Spring has come back so they can retake their kingdoms, but the commoners think otherwise..."

58 subs, 10.5k views
Fantasy 5
#changeling, #changeling the dreaming, #changeling: the dreaming, #d10, #Roleplaying Game, #rpg, #wod, #world of darkness
No Free 2014-10-28 2015-04-21

by Anby and Lee
Clueless Hero

The adventures of a clueless hero in a world of video games. Updates every Monday!

2.21k subs, 548k views
Gaming 376
#Clueless_Hero, #comedy, #dumb, #funny, #gaming, #hero, #humor, #legend_of_zelda, #new, #parody, #pokemon, #RPGs, #strips, #videogames, #Video_Games
No Free 2016-02-24 2022-07-19

by ohniichan

codex manga- kai woke up on unknown beach and looking back for his real identity which he has forgotten. He need to survive trough game like world and find his way to survive..

8 subs, 205 views
Fantasy 3
#anime, #codex, #Fantasy, #game, #love, #manga, #romance, #rpg
No Free 2018-01-05 2018-08-05

by danfady
Cody's Quest

Cody is a young Temple Guardian who has to bring back a stolen Crystal ball he supposed to protect.

0 subs, 124 views
Action 2
#Action, #adventure, #quest, #rpg
No Free 2020-05-30 2020-06-02

by Maike Alves Art
Colheita Hostil Mobile

Marco, Pietro e Rafa recebem a visita de uma criatura misteriosa com um convite irrecusável: entrarem no universo de um jogo mobile. Nesse mundo, eles participarão da Colheita Hostil e terão que vencer outros jogadores para conseguir o desejado prêmio. Não há nenhum risco... Certo?

34 subs, 751 views
Fantasy 3
#bl, #brasil, #Brasileiro, #comedia, #Fantasia, #Fantasy, #game, #gaming, #gay, #jogo, #lgbt, #Misterio, #mystery, #portugues, #rpg, #Suspense, #trisal
No Free 2020-12-03 2022-07-16

by Mokiro
Como pegar o seu dragão

Freya é uma dragão extremamente poderosa que vive uma vida preguiçosa e despreocupada em uma caverna, e Lian, é um cavaleiro que procura vingança, e quer derrotar Freya por ter interferido no seu passado, mas parece que as coisas acabam tomando um rumo, digamos... diferente ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

31 subs, 1.27k views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #brasil, #comedy, #Dragon, #Fantasy, #hentai, #Knight, #portugues, #rpg
No Free 2020-10-13 2020-10-13

by Hud Justino
Contos de Calístia

Calístia está repleta de mistérios , aqui serão contadas algumas histórias fora da série principal, espero que apreciem e ajude a conhecer um pouco mais dessa mundo!

8 subs, 98 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #BR, #comedy, #Fantasy, #manga, #rpg
No Free 2021-08-13 2021-08-14

by WispyLovesComics

Create.Adventure is my attempts at bettering myself as an artist and writer. My drawing skills suck and so this series will act as a sort of catalogue of my progress! I hope it lives a long a prosperous life and I also hope you enjoy reading it!

35 subs, 2.33k views
Comedy 12
#experimental, #Ms.Paint, #RPG.. Kinda..
No Free 2014-07-09 2014-07-24


This is a story of what becomes of life after the events of Ragnarok, Odin has disappeared, now it follows a young contender from the violent bloodsport known as the,"Viking Games". Shibo Crosswind, the "Whiteblade" goes on an adventure to re-establish Balance in the 9 realms. He'll meet strong opponents along the way and strong allies. Stay tooned for a grand adventure in the world of CRISSXCROSS!

0 subs, 179 views
Action 2
#Action, #adventure, #battle, #horror, #rpg, #Swordsmen, #Vikings, #witches
No Free 2019-08-21 2019-08-21

by allandotson

The most evil and fearsome monsters ... were young once. In a familiar fantasy world, evil wizards need slave creatures to guard their castles, towers and dungeons. So dwarves bring train loads of baby monsters to the wizards' market. But what happens when the slave train crashes, and all the baby monsters escape? Critters: is a humorous fantasy series about child monsters discovering that in a hostile and dangerous world, it’s hard to make friends when you’re evil.

5 subs, 467 views
Fantasy 7
#d&d, #Fantasy, #gaming, #Monster, #rpg
No Free 2015-12-22 2016-02-22

by silvajoaopaulo236

Uma faz tudo que aceita diversos trabalhos em troca de dinheiro, se metendo em várias confusões na idade média. Muita ação, aventura, comédia e fantasia te aguardam nessa história.

2 subs, 176 views
Fantasy 9
#adventure, #Ao, #aventura, #comedia, #Fantasia, #Fantasy, #medieval, #rpg
No Free 2022-05-03 2022-07-19

by drawnfatal
Crônicas do Sol e da Lua

Há muitas eras, um Grifo e um Dragão travam uma batalha feroz, ansiando pelo domínio de uma enorme e infinita fonte de mana. Eles batalhavam incansavelmente, dia após dia. Todo esse caos era mantido pelas vítimas em torno das grandes feras, todos os animais, as plantas e até mesmo os minérios debaixo da terra, as energias de todos eles eram absorvidas pelo Dragão e pelo Grifo. Porém, depois de tanta destruição, as grandes feras batalharam até alcançarem o seu limite. Carregando tanta ignorância dentro de si, as criaturas não perceberam que, por conta de suas batalhas mortais, já não havia mais nenhuma energia para ser absorvida naquele lugar. Com aquilo, as feras pararam. Mas não havia apenas o Dragão e o Grifo naquelas terras. Com o passar dos anos, o surgimento de novas raças, Lunaris e Akaris, o Dragão e o Grifo viram um enorme potencial na fúria daqueles novos povos. E ansiosos pelas futuras batalhas que seriam travadas por Lunaris e Akaris, as duas criaturas adormeceram profundamente. Com a influência dos espíritos sedentos e arrogantes do Grifo e do Dragão, Lunaris e Akaris, respectivamente, deram continuidade à missão das criaturas: guerrear e guerrear até que ambos se esgotem.

11 subs, 505 views
Fantasy 2
#akari, #anime, #artista_brasileiro, #brasil, #Dragão, #Grifo, #lunari, #mundo_medieval, #portugues, #rpg
No Free 2022-01-10 2022-07-11

by GoldenPlume

"Suddenly . . . a princess?!" A coding mishap transforms the least popular teen in school into an online role-playing game's massively popular princess. Sudden fame however does not come without consequences. "This Way < < < Read, Hmm?"

8.32k subs, 874k views
Gaming 106
#comedy, #Fantasy, #manga, #MMORPG, #Princess
No Free 2016-03-30 2020-07-27

by Almarane
Crusaders' Myth - prologue

It has been several centuries since Aroden, the greatest of Golarion's gods, disappeared. At the same time as his presumed death, several faults appeared in the region nowadays known as the Worldwound, from which armies of demons flowed out and tried to invade the world of the livings. Several crusades between the demons and the livings later, the conflict is at a stalemate. That is, until the day the demons manage to destroy one of the Wardstones, components of the barrier preventing the demons from getting out of the Worldwound, starting this way the most deathly crusade Golarion has witnessed. But there is one last hope. Four young inhabitants of Kenabres - Séliss Ya'al the Summoner, Célia Behorn the Hunter, Elemiaheleison of the Fifth Crusade the Bloodrager and Konrad the Brawler - rise as heroes of the Fifth Crusade against all odds after obtaining strange, quasi-divine powers. With their newfound strength, our four heroes will lead the Fifth Crusade against the demons, fighting dangerous foes and discovering ancient secrets to avenge their fallen city and save the world. This is the Crusaders' Myth. The Crusader's myth is based on the Pathfinder Adventure Path : The Wrath of the Righteous by Paizo publishing. ------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER : This comic uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used under Paizo's Community Use Policy. We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This comic is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo Inc. For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit paizo.com/communityuse. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, please visit paizo.com.

1 subs, 559 views
Fantasy 19
#of, #Pathfinder, #righteous, #roleplaying_game, #rpg, #The, #wrath
Yes Free 2019-11-03 2021-05-06

by StonekingIII
Cryptid Comics

An eclectic mess. Mostly comics that I feel like drawing as I figure out how to create digital art.

40 subs, 22.3k views
Comedy 79
#cryptid, #cryptid-comics, #d&d, #eldritch, #Fantasy, #funny, #rpg, #scifi, #Strange Galaxy, #unreliable narrator
No Free 2016-05-25 2019-03-08

by Chance Wyatt
Crypts & Creeps

I invited three of my fellow comic book artists to play a role-playing game with me. This is the tale of that... tale.

29 subs, 2.19k views
Fantasy 14
#Fantasy, #gaming, #role_playing, #rpg
Yes Free 2018-12-18 2019-06-14

by ChalkBoardFeline

An Interactive web comic where you help our hero grow and navigate through a strange and (possibly) dangerous reality. There's lots o' slime.

465 subs, 30.6k views
Fantasy 40
#battle, #furry, #interactive, #rpg, #Slime
No Free 2017-12-19 2017-12-19

by Shafry
Cthulhu Chronicles ENG

London, 1889. Three strangers, a mechanic, an illusionist and a psychiatrist, have to face mysterious events, fanatic cultists and strange creatures against their will, dragged into a terrible, deranged reality that will radically change their lives. The comic is based on two years of our RPG adventures, adapted and illustrated respectively by Fry (Francesca Basso) and Ren (Sonia Amaduzzi). Everything that happens is the result of chance, so don’t be mad with us: it’s always dice’s fault!

1.11k subs, 161k views
Horror 359
#1800, #abberline, #america, #ancient ones, #arkham, #Bastet, #call_of_cthulhu, #cat, #cats, #chaos, #cthulhu chronicles, #cult, #cultists, #dagon, #Dungeons, #Dunwich, #gdr, #horror, #h_p_lovecraft, #innsmouth, #investigations, #Jack_the_Ripper, #king in yellow, #kingsport, #london, #lovecraft, #monsters, #mystery, #nyarlathotep, #occult, #Occultism, #old_ones, #Powers, #ren, #role_play_game, #rpg, #sabbat, #shafry, #victorian_age
No Free 2017-03-08 2022-02-23

by rezidentsteevil
D And Do This

Their D and Doing it! A group of...friends(?) play some tabletop RPGs and nothing funny happens whatsoever.

2 subs, 216 views
Gaming 9
#comedy, #comic_strip, #d20, #Dice, #dungeons_and_dragons, #D_and_D, #Pathfinder, #rpg, #tabletop, #web_comic
No Free 2020-05-08 2020-09-06

by Gartisan
D&D Adventures from the Hold (Dungeons and Dragons)

little Heroes on Big Adventures!

25 subs, 1.25k views
Fantasy 9
#adventures, #adventures_from_the_hold, #AftH, #Comic, #dnd, #dungeons_and_dragons, #encounter, #Fantasy, #little_heroes, #party, #rpg, #strip, #tabletop, #wizards_of_the_coast
No Free 2018-08-27 2018-11-08

by Ane Bonazza

The everyday of a wizard full of tricks.

8 subs, 734 views
Comedy 21
#Mage, #rpg, #Wizard
No Free 2018-12-17 2021-06-16

by ash!
d20 Fighting! Club

A suspicious student-counselor forces some students in detention into a special planned activity for them: a fantasy fight club...!

141 subs, 2.32k views
Gaming 4
#d&d, #dnd, #Dungeons and Dragons, #Fantasy, #roleplaying_games, #role_playing_game, #rpg, #rping, #school club
No Free 2015-04-17 2015-04-23

by Turnip
Dark Fates

The line between good and evil is crossed faster than any adventurer could know... In this Dark fantasy story based upon a real tabletop campaign a group of heroes has to learn this lesson the hard way.

13 subs, 128 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #dark, #darkfantasy, #demon, #dnd, #drama, #Fantasy, #magic, #romance, #rpg
No Free 2021-03-11 2021-04-20

by piyachat
Dark Worlds RPG

Adventure of a food lover and pet enthusiast in an adventure MMORPG game that strives to be at the top!

7 subs, 304 views
Gaming 8
#Action, #blu, #Fantasy, #game, #rpg
No Free 2020-02-06 2020-02-21

by Punxelart
Deeper Dungeons

Deeper Dungeons : A slice of D&D life I am proud to present this new series dedicated exclusively to the playing of most popular table top game in the world :)

7 subs, 152 views
Gaming 2
#dungeons_and_dragons, #Roleplaying, #rpg, #ttrpg
No Free 2021-05-25 2021-06-15

by rubeninterrupted
Degenerate Doggerel

A webcomic about some nerds in the multiverse.

1 subs, 1.7k views
Comedy 132
#atheism, #dnd, #nerd, #role playing, #rpg
No Free 2017-04-24 2017-11-14

by hurmitt

Our party: Sara, Vernara, Begonia, and Dain go on their first adventure; to make a name for themselves (aaand to find Sara her future wife.) The players request a “mildly home-brewed, light hearted, heavy RP campaign” and in classic TTRPG fashion, take the GM’s guidance strictly as a weak suggestion. Great. Derailed is written as though a TTRPG game is currently being played. There are dice rolls, internal monologues, and a GM throwing sass at their players.

6 subs, 382 views
#adult, #dnd, #Fantasy, #gaming, #lesbian, #lgbtq, #queer, #romance, #ttrpg
No Free 2022-01-20 2022-05-03

by Matthew Blake
Digital Papercut

Digital Papercut is a weekly webcomic revolving around the life of a group of friends who pass their time while not at work debating comics, playing video games, and bathing in copious amounts of awesome. Digital Papercut is created by Matthew Blake and Brendan Northrup. This is the webcomic you've been waiting for.

18 subs, 792 views
Gaming 3
#comics, #funny, #gaming, #graphic design, #movies, #Roleplaying, #rpg, #Video_Games
No Free 2015-05-25 2015-06-08

by Sehad
DK = Demon King

A new demon king has risen to power and started their schemes for... something? Follow along this new king as he recruit his minions and generals. Builds a proper dungeon and traps. But mostly just trying to avoid total failure. Updates Every Monday and Friday~

3 subs, 413 views
Comedy 14
#cat, #comedy, #Fantasy, #game, #lgbtq, #manga, #monocrone, #rpg, #transgender, #yonkoma
No Free 2021-07-25 2022-01-06

by Jellowpaw
Doodles with Demi

some short simple comic I once made for the fun with one of my characters.

4 subs, 176 views
Comedy 3
#anthro, #art, #comedy, #devil, #doodles, #evil, #Fantasy, #funny, #GORE, #humour, #jellowpaw, #jellow_paw, #meme, #memes, #raymond, #raymond_johson, #rpg, #simple_comic, #stuip_humour, #webcomic, #web_comic
No Free 2020-02-25 2020-03-15

by Videajames
Downtown Dungeon: Our Hero is Missing!

Many years ago, humankind saw the birth of a new threat. Large underground chasms began to form below the earth, bringing with them monsters and new dangers like nothing seen before. These underground tunnels came to be known as DUNGEONS. Humanity as a whole was backed into a corner, but instead of cowering in fear, they fought back against the monsters. They created weapons, covered themselves in armor and formed parties to explore the DUNGEONS and wipe out the monsters. Thus sparked the beginning of a new age: The AGE OF HEROES. TEN YEARS AGO, the peaceful town of CAMBRIA faced it’s biggest threat yet. The ground below the town split apart and formed a massive crater and monster after monster sprung forth. This massive hole in the ground came to be known as THE ABYSS, and it’s thanks to the fearless denizens of CAMBRIA that their peaceful town was not taken over. TEN YEARS LATER and CAMBRIA is now a sprawling metropolis where adventurers from every corner of the globe come to challenge THE ABYSS in hopes of becoming legendary heroes. The town now thrives off of the seemingly endless amount of resources and treasures that the labyrinth has to offer. But… all good things must come to an end. In ten years time not a single soul has been able to make it to the bottom of THE ABYSS and live to tell the tale. Not one person… until now.

144 subs, 3.94k views
Fantasy 22
#downtown_dungeon, #james_pardee, #our_hero_is_missing, #rpg, #videajames, #Video_Games
No Free 2021-02-01 2022-06-23

by halocam
Dragon Curse

The elves cursed the dragons. The dragons hate the elves. What happens when a dragon and an elf must join forces to save the world?

16 subs, 284 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #anthro, #bl, #dnd, #Dragon, #elf, #furry, #kobold, #lgbt, #rpg
No Free 2021-09-28 2021-09-28

by JetFalco

SUBSCRIBE to be the first to read new pages!!! The power of Dreams built the planet of Mondrea, but all that remains of that power is a whisper. Follow Falco on his journey to discover how that whisper can become a roar.

70 subs, 14.7k views
Fantasy 157
#acoustic, #adventure, #adventures, #airship, #Airships, #akira_toriyama, #amazing, #anime, #artist, #backgrounds, #beast, #Blink, #blues, #boots, #characters, #chrono_cross, #Chrono_Trigger, #cliffs, #climbing, #Comic, #Cowboy_Bebop, #Creator, #death, #deep, #dream, #dreamers, #dreamersecho, #dreamers_echo, #dreamerzecho, #Dreaming, #dreams, #dream_sequence, #earth, #echo, #echoes, #edm, #electronic, #electronica, #Ember, #erased, #eye, #eyes, #Fantasy, #fantasy_action, #Fire, #flight, #fly, #flying, #folk, #gaming, #goggles, #House, #humanity, #humans, #inspiration, #JRPG, #life, #Lore, #loss, #lost, #love, #manga, #mindbending, #music, #musical, #orchestra, #pilot, #poop, #powerful, #pug, #Pugs, #readership, #redo, #rock, #roleplaying_games, #romance, #roy, #roz, #rpg, #ruin, #ruins, #science_fiction, #scifi, #secret, #ships, #Soundtrack, #space, #Star_Ocean, #steam, #steampunk, #stone, #SUPER_SPECIAL, #symphony, #tabletop_rpg, #tales, #techno, #thriller, #Toonami, #trigun, #univer, #vest, #Video_Games, #virgil, #water, #webcomic, #weekends, #wind, #worldbuilding, #Writer
No Free 2017-01-03 2020-06-09

by Sidarta
Duality Souls

This is a LitRPG (game-like world) story mixed with mature concepts of humankind. The real world is dominated by interdimensional gates full of monsters, humans received divine powers to fight, but instead of eradicating the threat, ambitious ones used the divine power to create big corporations and profit from it.

10 subs, 151 views
Action 2
#Action, #duality, #Fantasy, #gaming, #isekai, #litRPG, #realworld, #rpg
No Free 2020-06-03 2020-06-23