Story | Genre | Eps | Tags | Done | Type | Created | Updated | |
![]() by Nightclaw283 |
(put a good name here later)
7 subs, 339 views
Gaming | 1 | No | Free | 2017-07-14 | 2017-07-14 | |
![]() by Goshers |
15 Minute Comics
15 Minute Comics is cute and quirky attempt for me to battle perfectionism. Every comic I do, from layout to lines to color to text, must be completed in under 15 minutes. Follow the protagonist and their battles against boredom, responsibility, and a severe lack of impulse control.
8 subs, 429 views
Comedy | 3 | No | Free | 2016-07-09 | 2016-07-09 | |
![]() by Fascher |
The 365 Pokemon Challenge:
How it works:
- I'll be drawing gijinka's of random Pokemon chosen through
- One picture a day, until it's September 2016, so 365 Pokemon.
- These pictures absolutely can't take over half an hour (so I can draw faster and have the time to do a picture every day)
18 subs, 2.09k views
Slice of life | 35 | Yes | Free | 2015-08-02 | 2017-03-11 | |
![]() by 8-bit antics |
Yet another video game comic. But don't worry, mine has sub-par art and little to no good jokes so that'll make up for its lack of of originality.
2 subs, 404 views
Gaming | 3 | No | Free | 2019-06-09 | 2019-06-15 | |
![]() by Mgx0 Comics |
A "Berry" Cute Encounter (COMPLETE)
Origin Story of "Squirtle", the tiny Mudkip, and Yuno, the little Ralts.
841 subs, 41k views
Comedy | 8 | No | Free | 2018-12-03 | 2018-12-22 | |
![]() by Miccy Studio |
A Double Dose of Fantasy
Uma HQ curtinha de Pokemon com toques de D&D! Parte da premiação do "2nd AU Fanfic Contest" da série Double Nuzlocke em 2019.
49 subs, 793 views
Fantasy | 5 | Yes | Free | 2021-11-07 | 2022-01-04 | |
![]() by Meowttthew |
A Platinum Nuzlocke
Join Meow and their growing Piplup as they traverse the Sinnoh region, struggling to catch (and keep) Pokemon within the cruel law of a Nuzlocke! (updated monthly on the 3rd Saturday).
join the chill "Frog Pond" discord server for queers and creatives!
54 subs, 3.14k views
Comedy | 13 | No | Free | 2020-09-12 | 2021-07-17 | |
![]() by WEHH |
A Pokemon Comic
A country called Caut is split in factions fighting to rule. In the faction Parapel a girl named Ethno finds a baby Chespin but, her father finds out. He sends her to the military training as punishment.
I was a teenager when I started this, it is on indefinite hiatus. I do like the story I wrote for this though and someday it will revive in some way.
279 subs, 27.3k views
Drama | 20 | No | Free | 2015-06-27 | 2020-01-31 | |
![]() by ToneGeek |
A Pokemon Story
When a group protesting the "cruelty" of keeping Pokemon in Pokeballs start to run amok in the Lunno Region, Three humanoid Pokemon find themselves caught up in it. [Contains Violence and strong Language]
59 subs, 11.4k views
Fantasy | 66 | No | Free | 2017-05-19 | 2022-05-05 | |
![]() by Jyante |
A Pretty Lame Pokém*n Adventure
A thief and an aspiring trainer set off on a journey to catch pokemon? Maybe... probably... I hope so...
This is a interactive fanmade comedy comic of an adventure in the pokém*n universe (please don't sue me). The story events and choices are decided by the audience!
285 subs, 15.3k views
Comedy | 29 | No | Free | 2016-03-19 | 2019-01-21 | |
![]() by Captain Energon |
Art and such that I do on a daily basis! I do edits of Pokemon Sprites from the games. I do not own the rights to pokemon or its characters, I just own the edits.
15 subs, 883 views
Gaming | 6 | No | Free | 2017-04-27 | 2017-05-05 | |
![]() by Sonisis |
A series of 1-shots
A series of one-shot comics I have no idea where/what to do with.
11 subs, 721 views
Action | 2 | No | Free | 2019-07-13 | 2022-03-15 | |
![]() by Picket Furret |
A Spark of Brilliance: A Pokemon Volt White Nuzlocke
Due to poor timing, the Pokemon trainer Hilda along with both of her friends Bianca and Cheren have been stuck with very different starter Pokemon than the usual ones Unova assigns
Will the trio succeed in defeating the Unova Pokemon League despite this setback?
12 subs, 1.8k views
Gaming | 6 | No | Free | 2017-06-05 | 2018-09-10 | |
![]() by Mr. Poro |
A Wierd Nuzlocke
What happens in a Nuzlocke Challenge....
53 subs, 2.87k views
Comedy | 3 | No | Free | 2014-07-09 | 2014-07-28 | |
![]() by Abe Raham |
Abesome Nuzlocke
Abe-ventures in Kanto under the harsh Nuzlocke Rules.
Game: Pokémon Yellow
51 subs, 7.22k views
Gaming | 20 | No | Free | 2017-09-04 | 2018-04-25 | |
![]() by Lynslayer |
Acceptance: A Diamond Nuzlocke
Join Zoe and pals on a journey across Sinnoh!
227 subs, 63.6k views
Fantasy | 102 | No | Free | 2016-09-02 | 2020-12-23 | |
![]() by Dragongirl193 |
Adventure (18+)
Main story is also posted on my DA
This story has a bunch of different fandoms in it also with drama a ton of it
(And if there is a fandom you don't like but you like the others then you will have to learn to deal)
7 subs, 837 views
Fantasy | 10 | No | Free | 2020-10-01 | 2020-11-29 | |
![]() by UmiKit |
Adventures of Team Sunflower
Follow the tale of a small abandoned Pichu named Muro as she teams up with a very cheerful Petilil named Koko who turns out to have more following her than Muro asked for.
362 subs, 137k views
Action | 229 | No | Free | 2016-01-18 | 2021-08-20 | |
![]() by Foxii |
Aiko (cancelled)
This is a comic about Aiko, a very derp Zeraora who is in love with video games. He has an adopted child Riley, which Aiko found as an egg.
Follow Aiko through his fancy life!
New episodes mostly every few days or when I feel like it B)
3 subs, 313 views
Gaming | 2 | No | Free | 2021-07-09 | 2022-01-15 | |
![]() by Nat |
Almost Empty
Almost Empty is a Pokemon Gijinka comic based in the Unova region, inspired by the Pokemon Black and White characters and lore. This story deals with themes of trauma, forgiveness, and coping with loss.
Almost Empty is a parody, I claim no ownership of Pokemon.
This comic is written with the intention of it being enjoyable even with little to no knowledge of the Pokemon universe.
Almost Empty updates on Wednesdays!
367 subs, 53.6k views
Fantasy | 37 | No | Free | 2020-01-19 | 2021-05-12 | |
![]() by ThePinkWink |
ALOLA! Selene and Elio
Selene and Elio, both come from different regions to Alola; a happy-go-lucky holidaying spot filled with friendly faces and lots of cool new pokemon! However, the longer our adventurers stay old mysteries begin to surface and they find that strange dangers lurk in this region and together with their friends they must save Alola!
12 subs, 970 views
Fantasy | 4 | No | Free | 2020-02-09 | 2020-12-12 | |
![]() by Karai |
Join Alan and his friends as they have Adventures in training school Alpha. There Alan discovery his past and family and a past evil in the shadows.
This is my first web comic about my old pokmon oc which I'm just doing for fun ^w^
3 subs, 828 views
Gaming | 13 | No | Free | 2022-02-23 | 2022-05-27 | |
![]() by Max |
Amargara ¡Entrenadora Pokemon!
Una nueva amargada aventura empieza!
39 subs, 5.37k views
Fantasy | 21 | No | Free | 2015-04-09 | 2016-04-17 | |
![]() by surfacage |
And The World Will Turn To Ash
A comic about Pokemon Go, trainers, murder birds, and tactical Eevees. Batteries not included.
3.32k subs, 153k views
Action | 15 | No | Free | 2018-12-03 | 2019-04-19 | |
![]() by gemelopr |
Angel gekia
nueva historia totalmente independiente al universo dragón ball
es una historia nueva que capta lo mejor de dragón ball haciendo algo nuevo y mejorado sin perder esa esencia mágica que tiene la saga de akira torillama
1 subs, 61 views
Action | 1 | No | Free | 2019-12-27 | 2019-12-28 | |
![]() by jhamycka |
The world of MALAYA is rapidly advancing toward scientific and technological modernization; while their legends and lore were left behind and slowly forgotten.
However, it was 20 years ago when humanity was shaken up by an odd news. Their oracle has spoken. He prophesied that legend's gods and goddesses will soon be reincarnated and will once again walk beside them...
But for what reason?
56 subs, 909 views
Fantasy | 11 | No | Free | 2017-06-13 | 2021-08-02 | |
![]() by aouli |
Aouli's Meek Nuzlocke Challenge
Aouli isn't quite sure what's going on, but having pokemon for friends is way better than staying where she was.
272 subs, 15.9k views
Gaming | 14 | No | Free | 2016-06-13 | 2020-07-21 | |
![]() by PixieParrot |
Artist in Bloom
Comics about a shy art student
Updates whenever I feel like it~
1.19k subs, 77.3k views
Slice of life | 57 | No | Free | 2015-03-26 | 2017-01-01 | |
![]() by milch |
pokemon fakeregion comic series based on upcoming fangame. chara guide
5 subs, 402 views
Comedy | 4 | No | Free | 2021-03-28 | 2022-01-04 | |
![]() by Evan Diaz |
August Loves May
An awkward comic about a dude and his wife.
45 subs, 3.51k views
Comedy | 34 | No | Free | 2016-05-09 | 2017-07-14 | |
![]() by Nessi |
Autumn in Sinnoh Nuzlocke
Based on a Pokemon platinum playthrough
A young girl called Autumn is literally thrown into the Pokemon world. As if that´s not enough she awakes in in even weirder circumstances. Follow her journey as she tries to get home
193 subs, 84.3k views
Gaming | 166 | No | Free | 2019-09-05 | 2022-07-17 | |
![]() by waweezer3 |
Avacado's Nuzlocke: Pokemon Toothpick(COMPLETED)
Avacado starts his annoying, unlucky, and depressing pokemon nuzlocke.Rules, 1: No Wild area 2:If a pokemon faints, they're dead, 3: You can only catch the first pokemon you encounter per route, 4: dupes clause.
77 subs, 35.2k views
Gaming | 61 | Yes | Free | 2019-12-29 | 2021-02-08 | |
![]() by Jeneliper |
Aventurine: A Crystal Nuzlocke
Ethan, a new arrival to the Johto region, begins his journey with his reluctant starter and a rival who is perpetually confused as to why this kid won't leave him alone.
(This comic is a spin-off of Nuzluck set 30 years in the past. Due to the more simplistic style and story, it should receive more frequent updates than the main story, so it's something to have while waiting for that)
12 subs, 183 views
Gaming | 2 | No | Free | 2022-06-06 | 2022-07-08 | |
![]() by Nuzlocke Duo |
Balls Out! A Galarian Double Nuzlocke
A crude, rude slapstick Pokémon Sword & Shield Nuzlocke starring an inexperienced & unlucky secret agent and the paranoid stoner prince he's been assigned to protect.
2 subs, 333 views
Comedy | 3 | No | Free | 2022-06-26 | 2022-07-09 | |
![]() by LucasMolla |
Batalha Vegha
Vegha Battle é uma paródia de animes com tema "captura de monstros", como Pokemon ou Digimon.
Mas aqui você encontrará personagens complexos, mundo denso e várias referências e "Eastter Eggs" sobre a Cultura Pop, o Universo de Jogos e as nossas amadas Franquias de Anime!
Venha conhecer os Veghas, os guardiões do equilíbrio de Ollunia. E não tenha medo. As coisas parecem infantis, mas podem pouco obscuras...
20 subs, 624 views
Fantasy | 2 | No | Free | 2019-05-05 | 2019-11-18 | |
![]() by Becky |
Beckys Eevee Series
This series is all because of that cute fluffy little pokemon, Eevee, I will share some weird comics i find of Eevee and her Evolutions, Enjoy!
23 subs, 1.39k views
Fantasy | 8 | No | Free | 2016-10-17 | 2020-03-12 | |
![]() by Dare Dracula |
Before The World
And, it begins with a sigh, with a move and no speech but a mind full of wonder and true love to the creation...
1 subs, 597 views
Fantasy | 2 | No | Free | 2017-01-31 | 2017-02-12 | |
![]() by Leisure Inc. |
Bitter Life
A comic book series about a bunch of geeks on their new college life.
7 subs, 1.82k views
Slice of life | 51 | No | Free | 2018-03-04 | 2018-09-18 | |
![]() by Leisure Inc. |
Bitter Life (ESP)
La agridulce historia de unos ñoños empezando la vida universitaria
8 subs, 1.94k views
Slice of life | 51 | No | Free | 2018-03-04 | 2018-09-18 | |
![]() by Sonder |
Pokémon Sun Nuzlocke.
The story follows Em, a lost soul in a new region.
What was supposed to be a calm new start, gets turned upside down as the isles are thrown into chaos.
A mysterious illness settles over the land, turning people aggressive and dangerous.
Forced to flee her new home, she sets out on a journey to find safety.
Perhaps she'll find a way to cure the madness along the way?
6 subs, 193 views
Gaming | 1 | No | Free | 2020-05-22 | 2020-05-22 | |
![]() by Blazithae |
Blazithae Short Fan comics
A collection of fan comics I doodled for fun of existing franchises, many of them being one pages. Please note this is a collection and nothing specific, as I'm uploading them here for easier viewing.
Art is by me, all franchises belong to their respective owners. This is a non-for profit series.
0 subs, 125 views
Comedy | 7 | No | Free | 2021-01-28 | 2021-01-28 | |
![]() by zombie-zcorge |
Bloom: An Ultra Moon Nuzlocke Comic
An 11 year old girl runs away from her home of Kanto and travels to Alola, a tropical grouping of islands. Determined that she is ready to start her Pokemon journey despite never meeting a Pokemon in her life, let alone knowing anything about them, she embarks on a quest across the region, a trainer's journey, as every kid does at 11. Little does she know, there's more to the world around her... And maybe even herself.
5 subs, 1k views
Action | 31 | No | Free | 2022-05-04 | 2022-07-16 | |
![]() by Ben Saint |
BRUNSWICK - A Pokemon Nuzlocke Story
The tale of a swinub named Brunswick in a kill-or-be-killed world. Can he carry his team to victory?
350 subs, 77.9k views
Gaming | 31 | Yes | Free | 2016-04-04 | 2019-10-27 | |
![]() by Demon Works |
Bunny Kick
Far away in a distant land, a boy lived all alone... But one night, a witch broke into his house. Now the two must team up if they hope to survive.
54 subs, 2.21k views
Romance | 18 | No | Free | 2019-11-21 | 2021-10-02 | |
![]() by Silly Six Shooter |
Burning Blood Lineage: A Fire Red Nuzlocke
Bestians have always been the dominant species. Evolved from their animal counterparts while still retaining many qualities of the centuries pass. Sam is no different though his power is seen as something not even his own kind can tolerate. What place does he have in this world if he has to hide himself? That's what you're here to find out right?
103 subs, 2.7k views
Action | 5 | No | Free | 2016-10-22 | 2017-06-12 | |
![]() by Curly |
Butterfly Effect
Butterfly Effect takes place before the games do. This is the journey of Cynthia’s climb, Cyrus’s fall, with a bonus of Palmer’s halt.
6 subs, 240 views
Gaming | 2 | No | Free | 2020-05-31 | 2020-07-13 | |
![]() by snakeeyesdraws |
By the Sword - SwSh Nuzlocke
A Pokemon SwSh comic about a boy and his Sobble, who dreams of becoming the top Gym Leader of the Galar League like his hero. But when he embarks on his journey to accomplish his goals and make memories with his friends, he finds that the long forgotten gods of the region have a different destiny in store for him.
(Nuzcomic based on a nuzlocke playthrough of Pokemon Sword. TW for major character death, mild blood/swearing, and injury typical of nuzcomics.)
53 subs, 4.65k views
Fantasy | 21 | No | Free | 2020-06-14 | 2021-01-23 | |
![]() by Rhys Horton |
Cain and Mabel
A zorua and a fennekin, living in the wild keeping away from the humans and hanging with their friends and maybe fighting some baddies along the way? You can take your pokeballs and shuppet, Cain and Mabel don't need a trainer when they have each other.
Writers/Character creators
Rhys Horton (main writer/creator, creator of Cain)
Squirrelkitty (Co-writer/creator, creator of Mabel) :
Guest writers/character creators
Cameron Jordon:
Daniel Kalban:
Haley Reid:
Ana Grol
102 subs, 19k views
Slice of life | 61 | No | Free | 2020-11-19 | 2022-03-29 | |
![]() by SquirrelKitty |
Cain and Mabel MOVED
Join us for the journey of two wild fox pokemon trying to find their way in the world, all while battling threats and saving the day! These characters have a life outside of pokeballs, who says you need a trainer to go on an adventure anyway?
Writer and Co-creater:
Rhys Horton:
Main Artist:
Frida Johansson:
Co-creater and Occasional Artist:
162 subs, 19.7k views
Fantasy | 45 | Yes | Free | 2016-02-20 | 2020-11-24 | |
![]() by Camody |
Camody's Pokemon Fire Red Apocalocke
Based on an Apocalocke run I did of Pokemon Fire Red in 2017. The rules are simple:
1. Can only catch the first Pokemon on each route.
2. If a Pokemon faints, it's dead.
3. Every Pokemon must be nicknamed.
And because it's an Apocalocke, the scenario I got was a drought so that limits the Pokemon I could catch to Normal, Fire, Electric, Rock and Ground types. Gift Pokemon are still okay though!
The story follows Vivor who is sent on a quest to try and restore order to the Kanto region which has fallen into madness after a massive drought.
2 subs, 475 views
Action | 1 | No | Free | 2018-06-09 | 2018-06-09 | |
![]() by Charlot-sweetie |
CAS Adventure: A Pokemon Fan-comic
A pokemon Fan-comic, It's time for the chosen hero's to join together and take on an evil force that seek to control the world.
A sort of sequel to my other series "We'll meet again" you can read CAS right away as it gives a fresh start to the story.
20 subs, 4.76k views
Fantasy | 69 | No | Free | 2015-12-23 | 2021-02-19 | |
![]() by Toivoshi |
Chamerion (on hiatus)
(Currently on hiatus)
Little moments in a life of a little kid whose habit is collecting and treasuring things. Pokemon Platinum inspired slice of life silent comic (loosely based on a nuzlocke challenge)
1.12k subs, 30k views
Slice of life | 15 | No | Free | 2018-02-21 | 2020-05-09 | |
![]() by Uluri |
Chiyeko Chronicles
Follow along a cast of Eevee and Eeveelutions in the Chiyeko Kingdom, a Kindom of Eevees. Slice of Life, Fantasy. This series is all the pieces of Chiyeko Chronicles I have made. Chiyeko Chronicles can be made my anyone with the Eevee Kingdom Characters if they want. These ones happen to be mine.
15 subs, 844 views
Gaming | 6 | No | Free | 2019-05-25 | 2019-08-27 | |
![]() by ameyawaghmare24 |
CHURA: A Pokemon Story
20 Years after the events of Pokemon Platinum, the Sinnoh region has gone through many changes. A 17 year old boy named Chura Linnunrata one day decides that he wants to embark on a Pokemon journey with the help of his best friend, Ari Ryuda. Despite the backlash he gets from his disapproving parents, he goes on a journey that will test his skill, his relationships, and most importantly, his own character. No copyright infringement intended. This work is a parody and falls under fair use.
5 subs, 202 views
Fantasy | 4 | No | Free | 2019-06-08 | 2019-06-08 | |
![]() by bevbirb |
ClaraLocke - a Pokemon Emerald nuzlocke
this is a nuzlocke comic of Artist Bev's favorite pokemon game, complete with her new favorite ocs.
follow Clara, an awkward teenager, on her journey through Hoenn as she builds her team full of friends, and inevitably looses a few.
This comic will likely not follow much of the original game's story line, as this is really just a starter project for Bev to get some experience making her first real comic and having fun with writing.
10 subs, 382 views
Gaming | 1 | No | Free | 2019-05-10 | 2019-05-17 | |
![]() by DAVY |
Class 151
Building your Vision with friends could be the best decision Blair has ever made, or dumbest career choice in his life.
7 subs, 1.1k views
Action | 33 | No | Free | 2017-11-07 | 2018-03-19 | |
![]() by Michimomo |
Cloudfall - A Pokémon Legends: Arceus Nuzlocke Comic
Updates Every Friday!
Cloudfall in a Nuzlocke Webcomic based on the video game Pokémon Legends: Arceus. This story is a creative retelling of a Nuzlocke playthrough collaborated by Snakeeyesdraws and Michimomo, now being written and told as a narrative for readers to enjoy.
Our story follows two teenagers, Kentaro and Kiana, who are struggling to accept each other after becoming step-siblings due to their parents remarrying. By strange and unexpected circumstances, they have been sent back in time by a being called Arceus with a single vague request: Seek Out All Pokémon.
No longer in Sinnoh and now in the ancient region of Hisui, Kentaro and Kiana must work together to learn how to accept one another and help the region and its people with the assistance of the Galaxy Expedition Team. To avoid an all out war between the Diamond and Pearl Clans of the region and protect people from the dangers of the wilds, the duo must work together through bonding with people and Pokémon alike.
Learning the value of community and protecting one another in the face of dangers, Kentaro and Kiana will have to come together on common ground while making some friendships and memories along the way.
10 subs, 215 views
Fantasy | 3 | No | Free | 2022-07-01 | 2022-07-15 | |
![]() by Anby and Lee |
Clueless Hero
The adventures of a clueless hero in a world of video games.
Updates every Monday!
2.21k subs, 548k views
Gaming | 376 | No | Free | 2016-02-24 | 2022-07-19 | |
![]() by Amy |
Colourful : Pokemon Black 2 Nuzlocke
A Pokemon Black 2 Nuzlocke.
29 subs, 1.12k views
Gaming | 2 | No | Free | 2020-05-11 | 2020-06-08 | |
![]() by Curly |
Comatose: A Platinum Randomizer Nuzlocke
Comatose is a Pokemon Platinum Randomizer Nuzlocke based on the entire concept of if the protagonist was knocked out in the first minutes of the game.
11 subs, 489 views
Gaming | 3 | No | Free | 2020-05-20 | 2020-05-31 | |
![]() by Bijou-Bot Comics |
Comic Boofs
Short comic strips based on characters from Improvatory the podcast that tells stories through improvisation
2 subs, 226 views
Comedy | 5 | No | Free | 2019-03-19 | 2019-07-16 | |
![]() by Che Bureiku |
Cowboy Shark
A shark named Kurasu, who does Cowboy Stuff...
37 subs, 1.94k views
Comedy | 36 | No | Free | 2013-07-27 | 2022-06-21 | |
![]() by Samuel T Copp |
Cucumber Defense
This is a story about Yokai. He was born and has never seen what real kappas are like.
22 subs, 2.33k views
Comedy | 16 | No | Free | 2017-04-22 | 2017-11-16 | |
![]() by jakeljmoss |
custom pokemon sprite collection
here is where I dump all my custom pokemon sprites.
18 subs, 987 views
Gaming | 4 | No | Free | 2017-01-30 | 2017-07-18 | |
![]() by TuriAngel |
Days of Apathy: A Fire Red Nuzlocke
Norman Bastille had no desire to leave small Pallet Town and explore the world. He was happy staying where he was. His best friend had other ideas.
With his love ones thinking change is what he needs, they push Norman into going on an adventure, hoping for the best that the apathetic boy might find purpose in his life.
Norman just hopes this all doesn't crash and burn around him in the end.
10 subs, 1.65k views
Action | 24 | No | Free | 2018-11-07 | 2019-01-04 | |
![]() by JustZoX |
Dear Diary-a
Just some things that I go through in my life. Hope I make you laugh.
19 subs, 3.31k views
Comedy | 53 | No | Free | 2016-05-05 | 2017-09-05 | |
![]() by Lucky02 |
Dichotomy of the Shadow
The protagonist of this story, the Typhlosion Flameshooter, finds out about a demon soul that seems to be trapped inside of him since his birth. Obviously enough the soul is not happy with it.
11 subs, 411 views
Fantasy | 2 | No | Free | 2017-12-05 | 2018-01-21 | |
![]() by Digisoul5000 |
Digimon : Rebirth of the Legendary Warrior Spirits
The Digital World just got rescued by the 10 Legendary Warriors. Lucemon got sealed and the danger has vanished... or not? Taichi Yagami and Daimon Masaru suddenly appear in this strange world, to eliminate a new danger. Where are they? What this danger is? Is the fact that both of those tamers have an Agumon partner a lucky find?
10 subs, 1.46k views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2020-04-07 | 2020-04-07 | |
![]() by Kosshi |
Digital Days
There are days where you just want to sit back, spend time with your friends and perhaps play a couple of video games.
At least, that's how Kuonam and her friends like to spend their time! There is no real strife, conflict or creatures of the eternal dark... just a few buddies trying to live their lives in in relaxing, peaceful days... Digital Days!
At least... for the time being...
9 subs, 1.3k views
Slice of life | 32 | No | Free | 2018-09-04 | 2020-02-25 | |
![]() by Dino |
Dino's Quirky Pokemon Adventure
Dino is a lighthearted newbie pokemon trainer, just trying to have fun throughout her journey on becoming a champion of all champions!
Let's see how this works out...
24 subs, 2.94k views
Comedy | 24 | No | Free | 2020-07-30 | 2021-02-11 | |
![]() by DireWereWolf114 |
Dire's Sketch's + Gaming Comics!
A collection of a bunch of my sketches, and some gaming comics! Including a smash bros. comic!
7 subs, 875 views
Gaming | 27 | No | Free | 2020-04-03 | 2021-11-09 | |
![]() by Yoru Akuma |
Disturbingly Moetastic
Nuzlocke Challenge Rules:
[1] Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released
[2] The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else
[3] All Pokemon are given a sex via coin flip to get rid of the all-girl cast
[4] While the Pokemon are indeed human-shaped, they cannot communicate via speech or whatnot
205 subs, 6.23k views
Comedy | 7 | No | Free | 2015-04-05 | 2015-09-26 | |
![]() by Doc Phantom |
Doc's Truth
this is a story about my pokesona named Doc Phantom the shiny serperior, as he travel across the land filled with pokemon
57 subs, 8.67k views
Fantasy | 42 | No | Free | 2015-12-26 | 2017-06-02 | |
![]() by Cipple |
Doggy bento box
Konotori hajust left school and is preparing having lunch whenshe met...
6 subs, 391 views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2018-02-05 | 2018-02-05 | |
![]() by doghouse132 |
Doghouse Comics
funny comic from everything to when batman sleeps to what happens if someone puts on frosty the snowman's hat and where fairies sit on the food chain
27 subs, 3.12k views
Comedy | 28 | No | Free | 2016-01-04 | 2018-03-02 | |
![]() by NavigatorBree |
Don’t Burn - Black Nuzlocke
Sveno’s best friend has left to join a new exploration team, so this reasonable Snivy does what any reasonable Pokemon would do: assemble his own team out of spite. But being team leader comes with responsibilities — taking missions, helping others, and ensuring the health of his small but growing team. As he gathers more members for his cause, it becomes clear that he intends on ignoring every one of them.
(This is a comic based around a Pokemon Black Nuzlocke run. The story is told in a PMD setting.)
5 subs, 448 views
Gaming | 2 | No | Free | 2021-07-11 | 2021-10-02 | |
![]() by g.rin |
My sisters and friends love Pokemon, Digimon, and literally everything that includes little critters. These are my attempts to draw them at their request. Join me in this wonderful doodling adventure as I try to draw them all!
3 subs, 114 views
Slice of life | 2 | No | Free | 2020-04-23 | 2020-05-04 | |
![]() by Dragon Soul |
Dragon Soul
Many years after Goku left with Shenron, two boys have been training under Crab Hermit, Master Kyoshi. Now that they're somewhat of age, they've been trying to use their skills to help different people.
8 subs, 1.62k views
Fantasy | 4 | No | Free | 2014-03-13 | 2015-04-25 | |
![]() by Kagabi |
DraK and Pika's Diner Shorts
The duo runs a diner dealing with every single (idiotic) person that runs by. Dealing with each one causes a lot of energy and gets on their nerves greatly.
2 subs, 411 views
Comedy | 1 | No | Free | 2015-08-11 | 2015-08-11 | |
![]() by Alice Wieckowska |
Draw(er) Comics
Weekly Comics about an (over)enthusiastic artist and the colourful world of sarcasm and exasperation.
11 subs, 881 views
Comedy | 15 | No | Free | 2016-08-19 | 2016-11-05 | |
![]() by Vincent Van Doe |
Dreams Aren't Just Illusions
In this short comic you find out just how young trickster fox makes her dreams evolve.
13 subs, 562 views
Drama | 2 | No | Free | 2016-09-22 | 2016-10-14 | |
![]() by Senrova |
Drewton vs Grutt (TEST UPLOAD)
Just a test upload because I'm a newbie!
2 subs, 276 views
Action | 1 | No | Free | 2018-09-05 | 2018-09-05 | |
![]() by GKF Duff McJohnson |
Duff McJohnson Adventures
Follow Duff McJohnson and friends as they travel through various worlds in search of new challengers and adventure!
This series takes place in the world of EVE - Everyone vs Everyone!
2 subs, 600 views
Comedy | 4 | No | Free | 2015-09-05 | 2019-04-05 | |
![]() by EveSullivan |
Dungeons Of Fate
Enter the world of Pokemon with an assortment of characters, with humans coming out of the woodwork when they're needed for the Pokemon world. And with that, some of them form bonds that could never be broken, no matter the kind.
0 subs, 53 views
Fantasy | 2 | No | Free | 2020-11-11 | 2020-11-11 | |
![]() by LintuLady |
Eclipsed - Ultra Sun Nuzlocke
Come along for this fast paced nuzlocke adventure through the Alola region! With plenty of new adventures, new characters, new lore and new shenanigans to be found!
Updates every Wednesday!
23 subs, 5.94k views
Action | 61 | No | Free | 2021-06-23 | 2022-07-04 | |
![]() by Unit Art |
Eevee the adventurer
Once a year....
36 subs, 2k views
Gaming | 13 | No | Free | 2016-01-02 | 2016-12-24 | |
![]() by Marina Oliveira |
Como seria se o Brasil fosse uma região de Pokémon? Junte-se à Hoshi e suas amigas para viver grandes aventuras ao lado desses monstrinhos incríveis!
20 subs, 1.99k views
Gaming | 17 | No | Free | 2016-09-01 | 2017-01-13 | |
![]() by Sely |
Eeveelution Z [Spanish|Español]
Esta es la historia de Siron y bla bla bla
De la página 1-10 ahi falta de ortografía porque no sabía si lo iba a publicar
Sigue al autor:
2 subs, 507 views
Action | 13 | No | Free | 2019-11-09 | 2019-12-14 | |
![]() by CowboyBunny |
Eeveelutions Squad
Just A weird comic about
33 subs, 5.2k views
Comedy | 17 | No | Free | 2016-08-11 | 2018-03-20 | |
![]() by MaferLeón |
El viaje de Marie
Una niña pequeña quiere conocer este fantástico mundo lleno de pokemon y aventuras. Y su viaje comienza antes de lo que imagina encontrando un pequeño amigo en el camino.
6 subs, 99 views
Gaming | 4 | No | Free | 2020-10-15 | 2021-05-10 | |
![]() by floweryuu |
Elin's Nuzlocke: White 2
This is a White 2 Nuzlocke based on my Nuzlocke gameplay through the game. I decided to make a comic on it after I started the file so the main character is neither a oc or a self insert I just wanted her name match the name in my save file. I gave her a diffrent design to make her stand out more but she is still the player just with a diffrent name and design. on other note I made this comic trying to fight off my art block, depression and improve my art plus just have fun drawing without worrying to make everything perfect. so that's the explination why it's so sketchy and colourless
15 subs, 666 views
Gaming | 3 | No | Free | 2019-07-07 | 2019-07-21 | |
![]() by MerininfaJK |
Emilocke - Pokémon XY Cómic (Spanish)
Esta historia trata sobre la vida de una chica llamada Emily Reshiram la cual vive en Melemele, alola. Pero, dentro de poco se independizará en Kalos, donde empezará su aventura como entrenadora pokémon con la meta de ir a la liga pokémon y convertirse en la campeona.
Pero mucho antes de partir de alola, a orillas del mar le espera algo que cambiará su vida...
8 subs, 666 views
Gaming | 3 | No | Free | 2019-05-04 | 2019-05-29 | |
![]() by purplechug |
Endurance: In Our Blood
After a pokemon vanishes from Professor Elm's lab, Nagrom and her partner Harold set out on their pokemon journey with the hopes of finding their lost friend. Who will they meet along the way? And what obstacles will get in their way? Read to find out!
A Pokemon Soul Silver semi-nuzlocke, updates 2-3 times a week on Tuesday, Friday, and potentially Sunday.
Warning, some pages might contain sensitive content.
7 subs, 8.39k views
Fantasy | 199 | No | Free | 2021-11-12 | 2022-07-19 | |
![]() by Fictional-Seviper |
Explorer Zang
As explorers know (or tend to figure out), the world's a rough place. Those in the business of hunting myths and treasures should always have caution about exploring the unknown. Unfortunately, for explorers like Ferris Zheng, caution takes too much time and effort. When the world's in danger, the brave must take action!
8 subs, 748 views
Fantasy | 4 | No | Free | 2016-01-08 | 2016-05-14 | |
![]() by LordyIrony |
Eyenap Nuzlocke
Ironius was your average teenage boy when he got flung into becoming a Pokemon trainer. A mysterious person placed a curse so that any of his Pokemon that faint would die instead. Ironius teams up with his Piplup, Dad, to figure out the truth and reverse the curse.
5 subs, 998 views
Gaming | 23 | Yes | Free | 2021-06-13 | 2021-11-13 | |
![]() by amisecr |
The first chapter of Fakémon, chronicles the journeys of Viet and Nam across the Vietnam region, conquering its eight Gyms and the Fakémon League
2 subs, 133 views
Action | 1 | No | Free | 2021-10-03 | 2021-10-03 | |
![]() by OkändMask |
False Flag Locke
False adjective|not real or genuine; done or said to fool or deceive someone; based on mistaken ideas
Flag noun|national or other allegiance, as symbolized by a flag
Everyone has their reason.
But are those reasons just.
False Flag, a Heart Gold Soul Silver Nuzlocke
16 subs, 2.03k views
Gaming | 1 | No | Free | 2017-03-25 | 2017-03-25 | |
![]() by Sam Z.G. |
Fighter Dan
The saga of the firecest linx!
277 subs, 86.7k views
Action | 352 | No | Free | 2015-10-13 | 2022-07-18 | |
![]() by naithanimayank12345 |
Finding Erem
In a small village resides a family, they are farmers. One day they find a boy on their doorstep and that boy will change their lives.
This world has creatures called brots which fight alongside their trainers. The journey is fun but also filled with mysteries and darkness.
1 subs, 65 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2020-05-09 | 2020-05-10 | |
![]() by Salt & Pepper Bunny |
Finding Your Roots
TW - Major character death, very mild blood and injuries
Cedar the mudkip has always been an outcast, but she never let it get her down. Instead of swimming with her peers, she loves to play in the dirt and mud. She wants to be more connected with her ground-type roots, but her tribe only sees themselves as water-types, and everyone she knows sees earth pokemon as silly and useless. Cedar's hopes of meeting like-minded pokemon seem slim, until the day a mysterious desert egg pops up in her village. Upon setting out to bring the egg home, Cedar will embark on a life-changing journey where she'll meet new friends, face villains and hardship, and find roots she never knew she had.
Finding Your Roots is an Omega Ruby earthlocke told in the style of Pokemon Mystery Dungeons. Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak, and PMD belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak, and Chunsoft.
27 subs, 1.13k views
Fantasy | 4 | No | Free | 2019-12-05 | 2020-01-14 |