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by Amilcar
(Don't) Trust yourself (Español)

Valencia, España, 1998. ¿Qué harías si te encontraras una versión adulta de ti mismo... que te da instrucciones concretas a seguir? ¿Confiarías en él? (Don't) Trust Yourself es un thriller que mezcla viajes en el tiempo con suspense y acción para lectores adultos, donde no sabrás qué bando escoger.

2 subs, 159 views
Action 18
#90s, #adult, #blackwhite, #Crime, #dark, #mistery, #spanish, #thriller, #timetravel, #western
No Free 2022-01-30 2022-06-17

by SuliaDH
5 More Minutes

Strange dreams hunt the daily life of Rivara. She pictures someone but she doesn't know whom. Will she understand what these dream mean?

379 subs, 15k views
GL 29
#dreams, #mistery, #wlw
No Free 2022-06-18 2022-07-21

by EstebanTby
6 dias ausente

Una historia basado en juegos de Aventura Gráfica, como lo son Maniac Mansion o Sam & Max. Con un estilo Pixel art y dialogos como videojuegos. El misterio de lo que le sucede y conecta a estas 7 personas.

2 subs, 59 views
Mystery 2
#6da, #6_dias_ausentes, #adventure_graphic, #aventura_grafica, #estebantby, #maniac_mansion, #mistery
No Free 2020-12-15 2020-12-15

by alendadamortinha
A Lenda de Mortinha

A Morte é uma entidade mais velha que a humanidade, com saudades de uma velha amiga, sua irmã, parte numa aventura de autoaceitação com o objetivo de mostrá-la as coisas boas que ela cria...

16 subs, 258 views
Fantasy 1
#contemplation, #death, #legend, #life, #mistery, #philosophy, #universe
No Free 2019-02-26 2019-02-26

by Donovan Castillo
A Q U E ł A R R E

Un pueblo tan hermoso que la misma luna se queda a admirar su paz sin pensar que sería ese lugar olvidado por Dios...sería recinto de pesadillas que habitan las fauces del bosque. algunas personas escuchan desde el viento... un AQUELARRE y la noche carmesí están cerca.

36 subs, 448 views
Horror 3
#aquelarre, #blood, #bruja, #Brujas, #coven, #Fantasia, #Fantasy, #GORE, #heroina, #horror, #mistery, #mystery, #policial, #sangre, #terror, #witch, #witchs
No Free 2019-10-16 2020-10-20

by sibaillot
Adaline MORGAN

21st of december 1793, the doctor Adaline MORGAN was killed. She woke up and never died again. Nowadays, she works whith the police as a Medical Examiner.

4 subs, 387 views
Action 2
#Action, #adaline, #Comic, #Immortal, #lifetime, #mistery, #morgan, #plar, #policier, #Time, #whodunit, #whodunnit
No Free 2017-12-29 2018-01-03

by comandatorealex

A young girl named "Alice" finds herself quite often in a distorted dimention that she'll discover to be a corrupted version of reality as it is reflected in her mind.

6 subs, 342 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #adventure, #alice, #alice_in_wonderland, #anxious, #blood, #Comic, #Comic_Book, #Fantasy, #fumetto, #mind, #mistery, #webcomic
No Free 2020-08-26 2020-08-27

by Jasmin
Among us

Тhe comics tells about the astronauts who flew into space on a secret mission. And they unexpectedly face problems. Тhere is a traitor on board and must kill everyone ...

4 subs, 357 views
Fantasy 1
#Among_us, #among_us_game, #blood, #comics, #crewmates, #Fantasy, #impostor, #killing_crewmates, #mistery
No Free 2021-01-04 2021-01-04

by Roxys
Animal Fantasy -Prologo-

Miko è una ragazza particolare. Ironica, tagliente, disillusa dal creare legami con gli altri, perfino con la madre. Mette una maschera per tenere a distanza gli altri. Un giorno grazie ad uno strano fenomeno, viene spedita in un altro mondo, i cui abitanti sono degli animali carini e coccolosi.

1 subs, 109 views
Fantasy 2
#animals, #drama, #fantastico, #Fantasy, #furry, #italians, #mistery
No Free 2020-12-23 2021-05-30

by Marci_Coso
Annie's Solutions

Do you have a problem? Annie has the solution! With her uncle Scott, their dream is to open a company that can solve any kind of problem, but the first one is the lack of money.

39 subs, 2.2k views
Drama 66
#315art, #Action, #annie, #anniessolutions, #drama, #historical, #mistery, #Scott, #steam, #Victorian
Yes Free 2021-01-22 2022-03-13

by Spizzina00
Appearances are deceiving.

Two neighboring worlds, where they support each other, a strange doctor maintains the balance between entities and humans, thanks to the spirit of the forest. This comic is a self-production, so the story, drawings and texts were created by Anna Ricucci. Stage name: @Spizzina00 She is not a professional cartoonist, (although she attended comic school) but she does it out of pure passion.

1 subs, 441 views
Mystery 1
#demons, #forest, #mistery, #other_worlds, #Owl, #paranormal, #stempunk
No Free 2021-04-15 2022-03-13

by Carlos Villanueva

On one of the many trips to the planet Mars from Earth, travel an Archaeologist Siri Morell, the military crew of the ship composed of Captain Nátan, his robot pilot Droi, 22, and a theater group formed by four artists, Arduina, Zury Darel, Sincro and Sebas who travel to the Martian colony with the assignment to offer a show. An incident caused by a solar storm makes the ship disappear engulfed by a "space-time vortex" and appears without explanation near a strange planet in a distant galaxy. There, a cybernetic entity that claims to be called Ankora MK3 governs the "Citadel of Arcadians colony" and welcomes as a refugee camp all kinds of beings that appear at the end of the vortex adjacent to its Planet CREEK. However, and despite its iron determination of dictatorial dominion, the entity does not know how or why it is there, only that it has the mission to maintain and protect the inhabitants of the citadel, a situation that causes insecurity and doubt before the newly arrived earthlings. The participants of the expedition to Mars will have to avoid entering into conflicts among themselves and that the entity accepts them as accidental and harmless space visitors, making them understand that they can contribute positively in their respective fields in the mission to understand the enigmas of their respective destinies.

2 subs, 543 views
Science fiction 6
#Action, #astro_arquelogy, #Comic, #enigma, #Fantasy, #grafic_story, #mistery, #science_fiction, #star_novel
No Free 2022-03-30 2022-05-16

by EmyToons
Astral ESP

"Deja un espacio en blanco y alguien lo llenará.

12 subs, 491 views
Horror 1
#espaol, #Espiritu, #horror, #mistery, #terror, #Viaje astral
No Free 2017-09-02 2017-09-18

by DanBeirigo
Bat and Spider

A silly and light hearted crossover adventure featuring Batman and Spider-man. This is non profit fan project. new updates as soon as they are ready.

49 subs, 4.48k views
Comedy 24
#Action, #adventure, #another_world, #batman, #comidic_duos, #crossover, #Double_act, #drama, #duos, #fan_comic, #funny, #heroes, #journey, #light_hearted, #mistery, #SCI_FI, #silly, #spiderman, #Super_heroes
No Free 2020-04-26 2022-01-11

by Benny the Raccoon
Benny the Raccoon: Private Adventurers

Benny the Raccoon wants to adventure for a living, but he doesn't really know that it will be more difficult to be an adventurer than getting paid for doing it.

1 subs, 98 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #amateur, #bennyraccoon, #benny_the_raccoon, #cartoon, #comedy, #Fantasy, #mistery
No Free 2020-07-28 2020-07-28

by Paulo Kielwagen
Black cat: Luck in bad luck

There is a universe among the shadows where black cats move freely. A reality beyond light and human eyes. Bad luck is a game and luck can take your 7 lives. Black, a quiet and curious cat with yellow eyes, will take us on this journey into the unknown world of luck and bad luck.

83 subs, 1.18k views
Fantasy 11
#adventure, #black_cat, #Cassino, #cat, #fun, #Maneki, #mistery, #Neko, #shadow, #yellow
No Free 2021-08-23 2021-11-20

by thejokesonyoubatsie
Black Cross

Problems with demons, ghosts or goblings? The BLACK CROSS paranormal investigation agency can help you with it! Daemon and Wilbur will face job competition, the risks of having a small business, and the most evil beasts you can imagine!

0 subs, 175 views
Action 5
#Action, #demons, #jojos, #manga, #mistery
No Free 2021-02-24 2021-09-29

by Ane Bonazza
Bouken Kanpai - 00 [PT/BR]

Era para ser uma missão simples: Levar o comerciante até a próxima cidade, evitando conflitos e perigos. Mas nossos heróis acabaram se perdendo no caminho... >> Bouken Kanpai - Um brinde à aventura! - foi um projeto que comecei em 2015, mas só em 2018 resolvi publicá-lo em parceria com o Estúdio Tanuki. Espero que você goste!

0 subs, 288 views
Fantasy 5
#adventure, #elf, #illustration, #mistery, #rpg
No Free 2021-06-04 2022-07-16


Leo is performing his usual routine, operating the Alpha train to transport passengers from one destination to another. But an apparent attack inside a wagon unleashes a series of events that will change Leo's life forever.

2 subs, 101 views
Action 3
#Action, #fiction, #mistery, #stylized
No Free 2020-05-11 2020-05-11


Leo se encuentra realizando su rutina de siempre, operando el tren de Alpha para transportar a sus pasajeros de un destino a otro. Pero un aparente ataque al interior de un vagón desata una serie de eventos que cambiarán la vida de Leo para siempre. /Versión en español, traducción a inglés en proceso /Spanish version, english translation in process

16 subs, 772 views
Action 4
#Action, #mistery, #Science Fiction, #steampunk
No Free 2017-10-02 2020-04-09

by Croww
Broken Memories: The Sugary Days

Português Rarumi é uma garota muito gentil que vem de uma família de grande influencia politica, ela é a melhor amiga de Aanara, uma fauno que mora nos subúrbios da cidade e mesmo sendo de origens distintas elas lutam para manter essa amizade acima de tudo, mas... talvez não seja tão fácil como elas pensam... Inglish: Rarumi is a very kind girl who comes from a family of great political influence, she is the best friend of aanara, a fauno that lives in the suburbs of the city and even being of distinct oringens they fight to maintain this friendship above all, but. ..it may not be as easy as they think ...

12 subs, 390 views
Drama 2
#Fantasy, #manga, #mistery, #mistic, #oneshot, #traditionalart
No Free 2019-04-20 2020-01-05

by kadirf715

It's a mistery...

1 subs, 182 views
Action 3
#Accion, #adult, #adventure, #anime, #art, #comedy, #Comic, #drama, #Elements, #ficcion, #Fight, #friends, #games, #hero, #love, #manga, #mistery, #Power, #problems, #romance, #secrets, #teen, #war, #world
No Free 2019-04-08 2019-04-18

by Guilherme Jacoto
Caos and Order

(PT-BR) Um anjo caído, a criança prometida retorna anos após ter sido banido, agora, determinado a destruir tudo aquilo que sempre desprezou: a humanidade. Esta fanzine de Stranger Things explora a perspectiva do principal antagonista do quarto ano da série: Vecna, além das motivações por trás dos seus atos malignos. (EN-US) A fallen angel, the promised child are back years later after being banished, now, determined to destroy everything that always despized: humanity. This Stranger Things Fanzine explores the perspective of the main antagonist of the show's fourth season: Vecna, and the purpose of his malignous acts.

0 subs, 130 views
Drama 2
#drama, #eleven, #fanzine, #mistery, #one_shot, #stranger_things, #upside_down, #Vecna
Yes Free 2022-07-01 2022-07-02

by CDB
Captain Ufo

Vote for us on TopWebcomics! http://topwebcomics.com/vote/20076/default.aspx The life and heroic exploits of Captain Ufo, a young and handsome lad, destined to wear the jeweled crown of the entire Galaxy upon a troubled brow. ...Maybe. One page a week, every Wednesday.

127 subs, 34.9k views
Science fiction 189
#adventure, #aliens, #comedy, #dramedy, #humor, #mistery, #Sci-fi, #Science Fiction, #ufo
No Free 2016-01-17 2018-08-09

by Viktor Leon

Axel was once a well-known wizard, but tragedy turned him into a hermit. After many years in solitude a stranger arrives to remind him the person he was.

16 subs, 2.15k views
Fantasy 2
#cats, #cult, #hermit, #knight girls, #magic, #map, #medieval, #mistery, #quest, #rebels, #tragedy, #warriors, #Wizard
No Free 2017-03-05 2018-03-09

by Josephe
Chá e Biscoito


4 subs, 266 views
Mystery 1
#BR, #brazilian, #horror, #Misterio, #mistery, #pt, #terror
No Free 2022-01-29 2022-01-30

by Maya Azarni

Support the author on Patreon *^.^* https://www.patreon.com/mayaazarni BL webcomics. This story is about how Angel and the Witcher found their way, following the call of the soul.

4.52k subs, 160k views
Romance 39
#angel, #bl, #boyslove, #devil, #drama, #manga, #mistery, #romance, #webcomics, #wicher
No Free 2016-04-27 2022-01-28

by MariVero

Welcome to Paradise... Cody is a 13 year old boy who lives in a perfect society, where there are no mistakes and everyone is happy... But if that's the case, why is he running away? A cute kid, a cute dog, a cute city and several gruesome murders... What else could you possibly want? For those who noticed the changes, I redrew the comic, I really hope you like it.

33 subs, 433 views
Mystery 4
#blood, #brainwash, #cody, #creepy, #Dystopia, #mistery, #murder, #perfect, #scifi
No Free 2019-04-02 2020-03-06

by DiannaMMarques
COMA (English)

After falling into a coma due to a strange illness, Hailey wakes up in a world where nature has consumed civilization, but she won't be alone. With her, she'll have her brother and a blue haired stranger with a lousy humor that drives her crazy and will be her predestined love.

29 subs, 1.27k views
Romance 18
#coma, #diana, #dianna_m_marques, #english, #love, #mistery, #post_apocalyptic, #romance
No Free 2020-11-03 2020-12-20

by auryylmao

Life proceeds in a (kinda) normal way for Aury, until one day something out of this world happens...

11 subs, 340 views
Slice of life 2
#anxiety, #cope, #deperssion, #ED, #Fantasy, #love, #magic, #mistery, #poli, #poly, #romance, #slice_of_life, #wicca, #wiccan
No Free 2019-06-04 2019-06-06

by André Rioto

How deep must a cowboy dream be?

0 subs, 13 views
Mystery 1
#blackandwhite, #Cowboy, #dream, #frontier, #mistery, #oldwest, #surreal, #wildwest
No Free 2021-11-04 2021-11-04

by Alaster

There were always two of them. They were close and at the same time extremely far away. What happens when a shy feeling comes to the surface? What extraordinary truth will appear to our hero?.. I can't tell you more than that. You have to find out for yourself xP New pages every monday ~ (well thats what I hope ^^) all similarities to people and places are accidental and do not affect the story xD

286 subs, 8.32k views
BL 24
#Action, #bl, #Fantasy, #mafia, #mistery, #romance
No Free 2019-10-05 2019-12-31

by Marino Mele ✒
Ctrl+Alt+Del: Shut Down the System

Tireless machines at the service of their creators, their gods: at the service of the human race. Nowadays computers are a vital part of our life but... What about their's? Enjoy yourself trough the symbolism, and the criticism on our own society, inside the deep plot of "Ctrl+Alt+Del: shut down the System". This work is in the Kodansha's "5th Morning International Manga Competition" Top26.

17 subs, 338 views
Science fiction 12
#Action, #Antivirus, #clever, #CtrlAltDel, #Fight, #manga, #mistery, #pope, #religion, #right_to_left, #robot, #scifi, #short, #technology, #virus
No Free 2015-04-01 2020-07-04

by Nath_012
Dark Tears

Isabel was just a girl trying to figure out her heart, but when she learns the secret of the most popular girl at school, she suddently finds much darker problems. somehow, it doesn't help that she now has three girlfriends.

26 subs, 253 views
Fantasy 2
#gl, #magical_girl, #mistery, #polyamorous, #romance, #Suspense
No Free 2020-10-27 2020-11-09

by Draconic

New project: https://tapas.io/series/AlterWithin Two first years student start living in a brand new city, the Enga capital. They enjoying their daily life as normal students but also have to dealing with a lot of trouble as they're sharing a secret they have to keep. [Current schedule: On hiatus]

52 subs, 5.91k views
Fantasy 25
#Action, #beast, #comedy, #furry, #kemono, #mistery, #nekomimi, #science_fiction, #scifi, #slice_of_life, #supernatural
Yes Free 2018-01-14 2018-12-07

by erossow
Dead Head (on hiatus)

Dead Head is the code name of an operation born after the Chernobyl disaster (26 april 1986), which radiations caused a series of cellular mutations on the inhabitants of that area. A particular mutation that affects the brain caught the attention of some researches who started to persecute all the survivors. William Miller, professor at a prestigious university of Berlin, would seem involved into one of these particular cases...

124 subs, 8.89k views
Horror 32
#Action, #blood, #chernobyl, #dark, #dead, #disaster, #drama, #head, #horror, #mistery, #splatter, #thriller, #zombie
No Free 2017-06-16 2022-06-20

by Dafne G.
Dear cousin

Two cousins just talking about life... and a little about death.

20 subs, 1.08k views
Horror 8
#crazy, #creepy, #death, #drama, #ghosts, #horror, #life, #madness, #mistery, #terror
No Free 2016-11-28 2016-12-08

by Erix Oliver

The parents of Albert Eisler are assassinated... As inheritance, it receives a farm of 10,000 acres, whose existence was hidden even from him. In order to put things in place and trying to figure out the identity of the killer, Albert travels to the farm. There he gets to know people who can be the key to not only the death of the Eisler family, but to a much greater myster...

7 subs, 586 views
Drama 1
#aliens, #brazilian manga, #detective_story, #drama, #Erix Oliver, #extraterrestrial, #Fantasy, #farm, #mistery, #murders, #paranormal, #Police romance, #romance, #slice_of_life
No Free 2016-01-03 2019-06-06


¡El mejor Detective de la Galaxia!

5 subs, 113 views
Mystery 11
#candy_studio, #detective, #mistery, #spanish
No Free 2021-07-13 2022-06-20

by Neo El Dibujante
Detective Pingüino

Un chico hace un contrato con dioses para proteger a su familia.

18 subs, 135 views
Comedy 1
#comedy, #esp, #faneo, #godness, #gods, #heroes, #mistery, #Penguin, #subcultura, #supersons
No Free 2019-08-20 2020-07-31

by Paulo H. Moreira

Andrew é um garoto comum, e por coincidências do destino ou não, cai em um mundo mágicos cheio de adiversidades, com a ajuda do Musashi e Amon eles devem vencer grandes batalhas, enquanto lutam com o seu passado ainda mais perturbador.

0 subs, 64 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #Comic, #Fantasy, #fun, #mistery, #one_piece
No Free 2022-01-05 2022-01-13

by Damberrica

What happens when all people all around you suddenly disappear? Your parents, your friends, your schoolmates, girls and boys, old and young... That's what happens to Francesca and Ruben, two siblings somewhere in Italy... Oh! Meanwhile ancients masters of the Earth are back...

171 subs, 4.12k views
Fantasy 12
#dinosaurs, #mistery, #survival
No Free 2018-09-24 2018-10-23

by Martafav
Diva's Issue

A webcomic about fantasy, mistery, friendship and love. Magda Falls got cursed: she must clean her Karma before 365 days have passed in order to recover her former self again. While doing so, she comes across an ancient being who asks her for help.

13 subs, 1.09k views
Fantasy 20
#adventure, #Fantasy, #forbidden_love, #friendship, #high_school, #karma, #love, #magic, #mean_girls, #mistery, #mystical creature, #romance, #Tarot
No Free 2016-02-07 2021-01-16

by Miguel Redondo-Comic
El Pacto

Un encuentro de dos antiguos conocidos, llevará a nuestros protagonistas a mirar al pasado.

2 subs, 28 views
Mystery 1
#Comic, #horror, #Misterio, #mistery, #terror
No Free 2020-05-10 2020-05-14

by cherishelle_
El Pueblo de los Recuerdos Perdidos

Rebecca acaba de graduarse. Por la primera vez en su vida está confusa y indecisa más que nunca para su futuro, especialmente porque su historia tomó la decisión de llamar a la puerta de su memoria, con los recuerdos que aparecen como una “pesadilla” recurrente por la noche. Un hombre la anima a enfrentar esa pesadilla que pasó de verdad, que nunca antes se nutre de los puntos débiles de la protagonista, que no sabe como hacer frente a las decisiones para su futuro. Siguiendo el consejo del distinguido mayor, elige volver donde su recuerdos acaban abrupto, atrapados en una imagen grabada en la memoria: los ojos inanimados de una muñeca en la ventana de una villa enclavada en un pueblo antiguo.

5 subs, 355 views
Slice of life 9
#euromanga, #italianmanga, #manga, #mistery, #romance, #sadness, #slice_of_life
No Free 2020-03-30 2020-05-11

by TRZaloncini
Endless Dream

Translated from the original work written in portuguese, "Sonho Inacabável". After communications are cut during an earthquake, Furukawa Natsuhi and Harada Fuyumi get separated. While Fuyumi looks for a way to get her friend out from under the debris, Natsuhi ends up finding out that fantasy is more real than she had ever imagined. After meeting a strange creature and a young man dressed up, her life up to that point started to look like a long, distant dream.

4 subs, 298 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #body horror, #comedy, #drama, #Fantasy, #magical boy, #magical girl, #mahou shoujo, #mahou shounen, #mistery, #romance, #translation
No Free 2017-11-08 2017-11-08

by Moni Kuromi

The monsters of dreams have appeared in the life of a girl dragging her to their world and their laws, where she would meet a young criminal whose head is sought after as a murderer in cool blood and whose destiny will be intertwined with hers from their first meeting. -Updates on Wednesday.-

90 subs, 7.99k views
Fantasy 90
#Action, #adventure, #comedy, #drama, #Fantasy, #manga, #mistery, #romance, #shounen
No Free 2017-08-03 2022-05-25

by Rikae

The twins Aaten and Eyeh have lived inside a mysterious house since their birth. They have never left what is their one and only world and have no concept of "outside". The house itself functions like a labyrinth and makes it impossible to leave and extremely difficult to find your way around. The only way the twins learn and connect to the outside is through books they find around the house but which they assume are fairytales.One day they discover a special kind of book that may actually help them to find an exit from the labyrinth.

270 subs, 3.35k views
Fantasy 4
#books, #exit, #House, #mistery, #pencil
No Free 2015-01-07 2015-01-10

by camilayeruti
Feeling again

*This comic is in spanish. Marcus vagaba por las calles, sin techo o dinero. Estaba acabado. Un día, un desconocido le estrecha la mano para ayudarlo. Pero no sabe que ese extraño planea usarlo como experimento acerca de la inmortalidad y de la vida eterna.

10 subs, 1.6k views
Mystery 38
#blood, #ficcion, #GORE, #Inmortality, #mistery, #police
No Free 2017-03-18 2021-11-19

by xclefx
Feelings comic

Are you bored? I try to do stories with my drawings about emotion and feelings is like to do sad music. Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/xclefx

333 subs, 5.13k views
Slice of life 7
#Fantasy, #ghost, #hill, #life, #mistery, #montain, #nature, #Sliceoflife, #smoking, #wind
No Free 2018-10-28 2019-06-10

by misterheroguy
From Zero to Hero

From Zero to Hero is a superhero story following a teenager called Noah Mason. Follow his journey on becoming the Yo-Yo Slinger as he battles impossible challenges by using his out of the box thinking to overcome every conflict and most importantly, save people.

2 subs, 397 views
Action 7
#Action, #drama, #hero, #mistery, #Superhero, #trauma, #underdog, #vigilante, #villain, #yoyo
No Free 2022-02-19 2022-07-15

by Girilimoni
Fuliggine (Soot)

Fuliggine is the short story of a boy who discovers a sooted-up chimney. (Inktober challenge 2015)

8 subs, 164 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #animals, #art, #black, #boy, #comics, #Fantasy, #fuliggine, #grandfather, #Halloween, #horror, #illustration, #inktober, #mistery, #oneshot, #Soot, #transforming
Yes Free 2020-06-19 2020-06-19

by Randolino

Gantcho é uma história á parte minha, que eu havia feito para o Silent Manga Audition. Claro que eu não venci(nem tinha a intenção de ganhar, até porquê vocês vão entender o motivo), mas eu gostei de fazer ela, só que o prazo estava tão em cima que a história acabou ficando confusa e, bem...o concurso não era bem o que eu queria. Mas esse é o resultado e eu decidi compartilhar aqui.

1 subs, 133 views
Action 1
#character, #drama, #mistery, #super_sons
No Free 2019-05-07 2019-05-07

by Birou
Geist View (EN-US)

The students go on a school trip to the mountains to go camping, Noah is a child who is bullied by his classmates and is trying to make friends with two new girls at school who are from another class. While camping on the fire close to the tents, he ends up being confronted by his classmates, even though he is a shy person and not so sociable. The same classmates attack him by using his biggest insecurity as a way to make him sad and alone, because of this dreadful bullying, he ends up running away. Ashamed of this situation, even after decades, Noah feels lonely and misunderstood and decides to look for his childhood friends. Among all of this, a mystery is unsolved. A single camera is the answer to all of it, and maybe, not only this, but a brand new unfold of a tale about ghosts, relationships and self acceptance of one's true feelings.

4 subs, 91 views
Mystery 1
#horror, #manga, #mistery
Yes Free 2022-07-05 2022-07-10

by Elisa Melis

A girl, wanted for murder, is traveling incognito in search of her family. She will be involved in the plots of a vengeful Spirit. ---- Ghea is composed of 3 stories, tells the journey of a group of people looking for their place in the world, It is set on a living planet whose spirit is connected to every creature that lives on it. This world is dying because of *something* that happened when it was newborn. People die and each death bring a livid in Ghea, also the dead come back first as Wild Spirits then became Lost Ones, dangerous creatures who bring death and destruction. Only the Purifiers are able to connect the dead with the Spirit of the world and avoid this scars at the beginning. In the first story "Echo of the Spirits" we meet Alsya, a false Purifier that for some reasons is fleeing away from a group of Executioners. She is looking for Remines, an important Summoner, and with her friend Mihaki and her Shadow Anzan she began a journey that will lead to ancient secrets, links with old Spirits and stories that are burried under the earth and forgotten. A journey that will lead to discover Ghea origins and the salvation or destruction of their Spirit.

96 subs, 10.9k views
Fantasy 154
#drama, #dreams, #Fantasy, #ghost, #horror, #mistery
No Free 2017-02-04 2022-06-16

by Uomopasta

The beginning of an adventure in a fantasy world in the role of a cheeky boy.

15 subs, 496 views
Fantasy 2
#Action, #adventure, #boy, #classic_adventure, #comedy, #Comic, #digital, #Fantasy, #fantasy_adventure, #Fight, #gnafcac, #Italia, #italian, #kid, #kidz, #mask, #mistery, #mushrooms, #photoshop, #uomopasta, #webcomic
No Free 2019-03-19 2020-09-15

by elhugo022
Gospels of Mortis

A young journalist seeking a story finds an ancient evil.

0 subs, 10 views
Horror 1
#horror, #mistery, #mortis, #thriller
No Free 2021-07-13 2021-07-18

by HesheStar
Hear Me

a girl who can see dead people who along with an idol who mysteriously disappeared almost a year ago, together seek to find the truth behind the company that runs Stars cop, a world famous band

1 subs, 165 views
Fantasy 3
#drama, #idol, #mistery, #romance
No Free 2019-10-17 2022-06-21

by Uminari

Tales from another universe.

12 subs, 421 views
Science fiction 2
#adventure, #exploration, #journey, #mistery, #romance, #science_fiction, #space_exploration, #survival
No Free 2020-08-19 2020-09-06

by Poisson_toxiq
Hybrid Vermillion

(This webtoon is available in ENG/ ESP). ESP: Lilith sufre una extraña condición de nacimiento que afecta su visión, a su vez fue diagnosticada con una serie de trastornos mentales. Entre ellos, el trastorno de disociación de la personalidad o, en otras palabras, tiene una segunda personalidad. Sin embargo, esta segunda personalidad llamada Natrix tratará de convencerla de que lo que ella puede ver y sentir es totalmente real. ENG: Lilith suffers from a strange birth condition that affects her vision, at the same time she was diagnosed with a series of mental disorders. Among them, dissociation personality disorder or, in other words, she has a second personality. However, this second personality named Natrix will try to convince her that what she can see and feel is totally real.

2 subs, 103 views
Horror 2
#demon, #genderfluid, #mistery, #oc, #Power, #psychological, #shonen, #supernatural, #violence, #woman
No Free 2021-08-18 2021-09-06

by Ivana Anemon
I just wanted to ...

This story describes one gray, cloudy day ... oh, I almost forgot, not an ordinary day, but a forgotten birthday. A short story about a strong desire to be loved. So strong that it can drive crazy. Inktober 2019 project

30 subs, 774 views
Drama 1
#inktober, #mania, #mistery, #short_story, #stalker, #thriller
No Free 2019-11-05 2019-11-05

by Eduardo Ronin Lucas
I'm a Freaking Mess

If you have a problem with the law or you owe someone, it is better to pray for that person not to hire Marthina K. Mess one of the best "Fixer" on the market, for the right price she will hunt you down in hell. Thina Mess as she is known has a very special way of giving you with every situation, turn on the fuck and do the job, having been raised on the streets after her father died in a mysterious way and her mother disappeared, she knows that life don't take it easy on anyone.

4 subs, 16 views
Action 1
#Action, #adult, #comicbook, #comics, #mistery
No Free 2021-03-11 2021-07-06

by isra.
I'm glad you came (one-shot)

Mute comic about a girl and a lost ghost who want to talk...

7 subs, 209 views
Fantasy 1
#ghost, #ghost_story, #manga, #mistery, #romance
No Free 2019-07-29 2019-07-29

by Diaphorotes

“The Devil pulls the strings which make us dance; We find delight in the most loathsome things; Some furtherance of Hell each new day brings, And yet we feel no horror in that rank advance.” Au Lecteur - Charles Baudelaire The investigations of two high school students sharing their fascination for the macabre and death -I'll update every two weeks-

601 subs, 14k views
Mystery 18
#GORE, #horror, #mistery, #psychological, #thriller
No Free 2019-09-14 2020-05-31

by Kaze Iwakura

This story is told by Rurik, a young vampire who tries to discover the mystery of his own death, and beyond that, meet Ragnar, the mountain kingdom monarch who will open the door to a world full of experiences and beings so far unknown to the young boy. "Welcome to the night realm."

79 subs, 617 views
Horror 5
#mistery, #supernatural, #vampire
No Free 2020-05-03 2021-02-28

by Kaze Iwakura

Esta historia es contada por Rurik, un joven vampiro que intenta descubrir el misterio de su propia muerte, y más allá de eso, conocer a Ragnar, monarca del reino de la montaña y quien le abrirá la puerta a un mundo lleno de experiencias y seres hasta ahora desconocidos para el joven. "Bienvenido al reino de la noche."

32 subs, 209 views
Horror 5
#espanish, #mistery, #supernatural, #vampire
No Free 2020-05-02 2021-02-28

by KANEnki
In the footsteps of the white rabbit

Belemir, a fairy knight, is unexpectedly faced with an uncomfortable situation: he must find Princess Naessa, who has disappeared from the Reserve. It is a race against time, Naessa has disappeared for days and her fate is in the hands of destiny. The two will have to face their fears, against the backdrop of a long and cold night

90 subs, 793 views
Fantasy 2
#Action, #adventure, #child, #fairies, #Fantasy, #horror, #Knight, #male, #mistery, #prince, #Princess, #promise, #save, #sidhe
No Free 2017-12-26 2018-01-08

by Lucifer The Kid
In The Mirror

If they don't understand your point of view, force them to

0 subs, 79 views
Horror 1
#ghosts, #horror, #love, #Mirror, #mistery, #murder, #paranormal, #psychological_horror, #spirits
No Free 2020-05-11 2020-05-11

by Guardians Destiny
Kathrinna (English)

On a day that seems to follow the daily routine, a small event will take Egios through a journey in the company of a mysterious woman, going through deep caverns, cursed forests and a strange cult that pursues them... but who is she really? Are she being honest with him? What hides that box that she keeps with so much suspicion? Egios will face a dangerous path where discovering who is telling the truth and who lies is the bread of every day, he will end up even questioning himself ... Who are you? Adaptation of the novel "The Guardians' Destiny - Kathrinna"

2 subs, 316 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #adventure, #Fantasy, #mistery, #vampire
No Free 2018-07-24 2018-08-18

by Kukulkan Journey
Kukulkan's Journey

UPDATES EVERY TUE 11PM CST The inspiration of this comic comes from Mexico ancient's lore combined with tactical Jojo's style battles. Everything put together with the style of Shonen anime and manga. Summary Over 2000 years ago in Mexico, the Olmec civilization developed a tool to awaken super natural powers in individuals. These tools were called ‘Teots.’ Their existence remained hidden until 85's Mexico City’s earthquake. Jorge Jolife, a boy whose parents are gone due to drugs and crime, obtained a Teots from a secret man who saved him during the earthquake using this mysterious power. Now in 2004, Jorge Jolife, one of the smartest software engineers in Mexico, founded MXBits, a company that uses the powers of ‘Teots’ to help reduce violence in Mexico. His dream is to create a better and safe place to live. However, he soon realizes he is not the only one interested in using the Teots. Luis Estrada, one of the most intelligent drug lords in Mexico, wants to use the power of Teots to gain dominance of the drug business with fear and violence. Confrontation is inevitable. Will Jorge be able to triumph over Luis Estrada’s cartel expansion goals?

1 subs, 143 views
Action 12
#fights, #jojo, #mayas, #Mexico, #mistery, #shonen, #strategy, #tactical
No Free 2021-06-03 2021-08-04

by Gessy92
L'incantesimo del drago

Questo mini fumetto nasce da un gioco fatto con un'amica: estrare parole a caso dal vocabolario e usarle per costruirci la trama. --- Un amministratore delegato ha uno sconosciuto problema alla pelle a cui non riesce a trovare rimedio. Un giorno riceverà una misteriosa mail che potrebbe aiutarlo a risolvere il suo dilemma.

1 subs, 35 views
Romance 1
#comedy, #drago, #Dragon, #fairytale, #Fantasy, #incantesimo, #ita, #italiano, #mistery, #romance
No Free 2022-06-19 2022-07-01

by jarotel
La Señora [Español]

Durante una tormenta comienza el turno de noche en el hospital. Historia de suspenso y terror basada en hechos reales.

3 subs, 170 views
Horror 7
#horror, #hospital, #lady, #mistery, #spanish, #storm, #subcultura
Yes Free 2020-09-10 2021-05-31

by Pietro Rotelli
Le Cronache di Akronya

Un'isola misteriosa. Abitanti misteriosi. Mostri enigmatici. E nel mezzo lui: chiamatelo Ismaele. Storia: Luigi Chialvo Disegni: Pietro Rotelli

1 subs, 284 views
Fantasy 1
#Cthulhu, #Fantasy, #horror, #Incubo, #lovecraft, #mistery, #monsters, #mostri, #Poe
No Free 2018-01-16 2018-01-16

by Devon & Greeny
Looking for destiny

Carl Bouks (BETA) is what you might call the most badass private detective you'll ever meet. Although he has a terrible sense for cleanliness in his department, there is no riddle he can't solve. However, he will face the biggest case of his life when Douglas Hamilton (ALPHA SUPERIOR), the next heir to the HAMILTON emporium, appears before him. Owners of half the world. Will Carl be able to find the answer to the biggest enigma for an ALPHA?

87 subs, 927 views
BL 3
#Alpha, #Beta, #bl, #boyslove, #detective, #forense, #mistery, #Omega, #Omegaverse
No Free 2022-04-18 2022-04-18

by Hora de Tomar Café

Uma Região chamada Polos passa por dificuldades por conta de uma ditadura instalada por uma organização chamada F.A.C.A. O protagonista em questão, Lourrence, terá que passar por diversos desafios pela a frente.

4 subs, 36 views
Action 2
#Action, #aventura, #aventure, #brasil, #cartoon, #ciencia, #Comic, #manga, #mistery, #science_fiction
No Free 2022-01-08 2022-02-03

by nik qc
Luces en el bosque

Una nueva casa cerca a un bosque, nuevos lugares que explorar y nuevos amigos por conocer. La única regla es no seguir las luces que habitan en el bosque

1 subs, 88 views
Mystery 2
#Fantasia, #Misterio, #mistery, #nikqc, #nikqcart
No Free 2020-12-21 2021-06-21

by Pepas&Thomanime
Meio-Vivas (PT-BR)

O dia a dia de 2 amigas, e como isso lentamente se transforma.

3 subs, 107 views
Slice of life 1
#Comic, #mistery, #otherworld, #outromundo, #Pepas, #pepasthomanime, #Sliceoflife, #Thomanime, #vampire, #vampiro, #zombie, #zumbi
No Free 2020-05-28 2020-05-28

by L.J. Huckman
Midori Eye no Zatara (Spanish)

Zatára es una joven semidiosa con un nacimiento un tanto inusual, casi es asesinada por el mismo hombre que la adoptó más adelante como a su hija cuando era una bebé. Muchos prejuicios hay hacia ella por su oscura naturaleza y se ha visto forzada a vivir escondida por ello junto a su padre Rintáro, pero un día Rintáro decidió que era hora de dejarla independizarse y enviarla a la escuela de jóvenes dioses más grande del megaverso, la academia ''Deus Imperium'', ahora Zatára deberá acostumbrarse a socializar ya sea con buenas o malas personas y en eso hará algunos amigos pero muchos enemigos...

6 subs, 394 views
Fantasy 6
#mistery, #mithology, #spanish
No Free 2019-01-15 2019-08-19

by Jumpix

It already begun...

59 subs, 450 views
Horror 1
#mistery, #school
No Free 2016-10-04 2018-11-01

by Cinco A Eme
My Mom's Nuts

My mom has been trying to win the annual hazelnut breeding competition for years but to no avail. But this year her crying and her tree have been looking and sounding different than usual...

4 subs, 142 views
Mystery 2
#dark_theme, #horror, #mistery, #murder, #psychological
No Free 2021-08-16 2021-10-17

by Moni Kuromi
Night With a Monstar

"Beast, Evil, Monster" and even "Demon" has been as humans have called it throughout its life, and as they have treated it has been little worse. Only something is waiting, accompany it in the eternal night and then ask yourself if whoever waits in that hollow tree really deserves to be called "Monster" and treated as one.

16 subs, 511 views
Drama 4
#drama, #Fantasy, #manga, #mistery, #monsters, #romance
No Free 2017-10-04 2017-11-17

by Eicue

"No" is a homeless guy who lives a carefree but meaningless life, until he decides to try to ask a question to the prince of his country. It won't be an easy task, but he might find more than one answer.

169 subs, 11.6k views
Drama 77
#cats, #Crime, #depression, #did, #diferent, #EiCue, #mathematics, #Mind battle, #mistery, #nerds, #no, #Nonsense, #potato chips, #Psicology, #stars, #Vagabonds, #watches, #weird
No Free 2016-03-11 2021-09-05

by Harvey the Wanderer
Novind (portuguese)

Dois amigos, uma estranha garota e um destino incerto. Essa é uma história sobre amizade, problemas sociais e afeição. (ainda em construção, irei postando a medida que for terminando)

22 subs, 664 views
Mystery 1
#mistery, #Novind, #portuguese
Yes Free 2016-03-11 2017-06-23

by Guigo do Céu
O conto dos irmãos Saotome

Três irmãos com vidas aparentemente normais, um ataque de vampiros e um pai desaparecido. Algo não está certo nessas vidas que, aparentemente, eram normais, não é mesmo?

8 subs, 1.37k views
Fantasy 78
#magic, #mistery, #siblings, #superhumans
No Free 2021-07-05 2021-11-18

by Mila Nessa

Lara is a special girl, she certainly is. In a world where negativity affects humans in different ways, Lara is able to see everyone's fears. but she is also able to see her own fears, she is insecure and fragile... it is too much for her, this is called "overload". A myth, an urban legend, Lara must deal with something that is not real to others, the nightmare begins.

21 subs, 599 views
Slice of life 10
#bl, #drama, #love, #Mature, #mistery, #slice_of_life
No Free 2021-02-04 2021-07-22

by Artic Ilustraciones
Pasados Cruzados

Nacido de un experimento con genes clonados ha despertado Freddy Branich. La búsqueda de respuesta a su existencia le hizo escapar de su hogar para buscar una verdadera razón de su existencia.

5 subs, 420 views
Drama 9
#Accion, #Action, #Amor, #drama, #ficcion, #Misterio, #mistery, #poderes, #vida
No Free 2019-12-29 2020-06-30

by J.S.Art
Por agora e para sempre: Halloween

Halloween nunca foi uma data comemorativa, e também, nunca foi o nome de uma data. Enquanto aproveitavam a noite do dia-das-bruxas, um grupo de amigos estavam prestes a descobrir a real história do Halloween. Mas, a que custo?

3 subs, 338 views
Fantasy 3
#Action, #comedy, #drama, #lgbtq, #magic, #mistery, #monsters, #mystery, #romance, #super_power
No Free 2021-10-05 2021-11-29

by oink
Potter's Field

All people around Ricky are rotten, including himself. His everyday life becomes even stranger when he meets a masked boy called Butch. __ updates every tuesday 00:00pm(usa)! warning: BL/yaoi stuff, violence/blood, noncon, depression, verbal agression, +18 humor, other bad topics and sexual paraphilias.

12 subs, 306 views
Drama 1
#bl, #blackhumor, #boyslove, #GORE, #horror, #mistery, #shonenai, #yaoi
No Free 2018-01-29 2018-02-23

by monreal

Emilio is a schoolboy that works as a mailman communicating couples every day. He rewrites all his classmate's letters to help them, thanks to a special sensibility that allows Emilio to know what people think or feel just by looking at them.

1.26k subs, 96.6k views
Mystery 79
#anime, #chile, #drama, #manga, #mistery, #schoolboy, #shonen, #Suspense
No Free 2016-05-18 2018-06-01

by saratereza55
Prison of Truth

Koko is a boy who grew up in a indigenous village being an healer apprentice with his best friend, but after an incident he met a girl with pinky hair who appears to have the necessary knowledge to unravel the mysteries about Koko's origins.

1 subs, 92 views
Fantasy 2
#Fantasy, #feelings, #Lobitchan, #love, #magic, #mistery, #Miuke_Senpai, #Natsuko_Senpai, #romance
No Free 2020-04-06 2020-06-12

by Electrifying

Project: Outer conta a história de Zero, um garoto que ganhou poderes vindos de uma criatura maligna desconhecida, para saber mais, leia...

0 subs, 80 views
Action 1
#Action, #demon, #fiction, #fighting, #mistery, #outer, #Power, #Project, #science
No Free 2020-02-07 2020-02-07

by Rocky Cpf
Pyccampor (PT-BR)

Pyccampor é uma história de guerras e conflitos nos tempos glaciais, onde os pinguins movidos pelo assento da justiça voltaram ao Ártico. É uma história Rocky Cpf original.

5 subs, 414 views
Action 1
#01, #ball, #battle, #beak, #Clubpenguin, #Cool, #cp, #egg, #element, #florest, #game, #kid, #magic, #mistery, #monsters, #new, #Penguin, #pinguin, #pokemon, #rocky, #Teacher
No Free 2017-07-02 2017-09-04

by PyonSangSang
Pyon Universe

Pyon is a cute and little demon who came to the human world to kILL ALL OF THEM !!

36 subs, 742 views
Slice of life 4
#circus, #clown, #comedy, #cute, #demon, #funny, #GORE, #horror, #manga, #mistery, #pyonsangsang, #romance
No Free 2019-04-25 2019-07-19

by Kaart

There is a town hide in the woods were some powerful warriors hide a part of their souls but the dark is heavy and that is there too.

1 subs, 130 views
Fantasy 2
#magic, #mistery, #murder, #Power
No Free 2020-01-06 2020-03-22

Rainbow Ribbon

Andrea is the lead singer of the idol group Rainbow Ribbon. After the first concert of the tour of their new album Cy-Model ,the sudden disappearance of the younger member and other strange events will change the life of Andrea and her friends.

3 subs, 124 views
Mystery 1
#drama, #girls, #happy, #horror, #idol, #jpop, #Korean, #kpop, #mistery, #music, #rainbow_ribbon, #sad, #sexy, #singer, #thriller
No Free 2020-04-21 2021-01-08

by Reiko Yuma
Rainy Night (PT-BR)

A vida confusa de um jovem o torna recluso por meses, mas as coisas começam a mudar quando um amigo que estava em outro estado retorne e os dois são envolvidos por um mistério que envolve a policia, arquivos antigos e um serial killer.

4 subs, 140 views
Mystery 4
#anime, #brazil, #friends, #horro, #killer, #manga, #mistery, #South_City, #webtoon
No Free 2022-04-25 2022-05-07

by Milli Camacho

Lúcia com a ajuda de Tau descobre os motivos de ter sonhos repetidos.

18 subs, 599 views
Fantasy 4
#black_white, #drama, #dream, #Misterio, #mistery, #preto_e_branco, #sonhos, #Suspense
No Free 2020-09-22 2022-06-28

by Milli Camacho

Lucy with the help of Tau discovers the reasons for having repeated dreams.

6 subs, 131 views
Fantasy 4
#back_white, #drama, #dream, #mistery, #Suspense
Yes Free 2020-10-07 2021-06-26

by akailustra

Bonnie and Marin, a couple which has to keep together in a battle between two races. The girl made a bad choice and the consequences chase her. The boy knew what future he wanted, until life make him choice. For many reasons I've decided to leave the story at this point, but eventually I'll pick it up with another one I'm working on. Thank you very much.

16 subs, 1.15k views
Drama 46
#Action, #Fantasy, #GORE, #mistery, #romance
Yes Free 2019-02-04 2022-06-11

by redemer19
Red Sightings

Originally made for the may´s 2020 Webtoons Short Story Contest. In the middle of the night, after officer "ZZ" murdered her partner, she finds the determination to cover up the crime at all costs, while fighting a dark and sinister figure in her head, starting to creep into her conscious world.

0 subs, 140 views
Mystery 5
#black_and_white, #contest, #detective, #ghost, #mistery, #police, #supernatural
Yes Free 2020-09-04 2021-02-18