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by LanHero
(ESP) The Legend Of Zelda: Timeline Non-Exist

Las líneas del tiempo de Zelda son confusas, pero entretenidas de saber. Pero hay una que nunca fue estudiada, que nunca fue descubierta, que nunca debió de existir. La línea del tiempo en la que el primer héroe del tiempo falló su misión y la oscuridad invadió el mundo. Bienvenidos a The Legend Of Zelda: Timeline Non-exist

2 subs, 86 views
Action 1
#Comic, #esp, #espanol, #faneo, #thelegendoofzelda, #webcomic, #Zelda
No Free 2020-12-09 2020-12-09

by Schaefges
A Legend (of some sort)

As there is darkness and evil in the world, so too are great heroes born to push back that evil. ...Regrettably, the great heroes were all otherwise occupied, so you're stuck with this guy. Apologies in advance.

204 subs, 87.5k views
Gaming 208
#a link between worlds, #a link to the past, #comedy, #derring-do, #Fantasy, #fun, #funny, #ganon, #hero, #heroic, #homage, #Legend of Zelda, #Link, #magic, #Monster, #monsters, #nintendo, #ocarina of time, #parody, #Princess, #satire, #sorcery, #spell, #spells, #swords, #Wizard, #Zelda
No Free 2015-09-02 2016-09-29

by alendadamortinha
A Lenda de Mortinha

A Morte é uma entidade mais velha que a humanidade, com saudades de uma velha amiga, sua irmã, parte numa aventura de autoaceitação com o objetivo de mostrá-la as coisas boas que ela cria...

16 subs, 258 views
Fantasy 1
#contemplation, #death, #legend, #life, #mistery, #philosophy, #universe
No Free 2019-02-26 2019-02-26

by nivaldowesley666
A Link to the Past

NOTE: the Legend of Zelda and his characters belong to Nintendo only. there is no intention on earn money. only a work done by a fan for fans.

2 subs, 471 views
Fantasy 1
#a_link_to_the_past, #fanart, #fanfic, #Fantasy, #Hyrule, #nintendo, #nivaldo_wesley, #one_shot, #sir_wesley666, #the_legend_of_zelda, #Zelda
No Free 2020-03-28 2020-03-28

A Moon Goddess Diary

Dear child, let me tell you the Legend of the Moon Cake.

9 subs, 547 views
Slice of life 10
#bunny, #cake, #diary, #goddess, #legend, #moon, #moon_cake, #origin, #slice_of_life, #Toto
No Free 2019-08-30 2019-09-14

by Gabriel Shields
a Mythed Opportunity

a Mythed Opportunity Comics is a weekly series that is about mythological characters learning to survive in a world that doesn't believe in them. Catch all the characters here and help Spread the Legend!

43 subs, 6.3k views
Comedy 28
#cerebus, #chimera, #comedy, #Dragon, #funny, #gabriel_shields, #Gargoyle, #gorgon, #griffin, #Hades, #humor, #humour, #hydra, #legend, #lol, #Lore, #myth, #mythology, #phoenix, #satyr, #SpreadtheLegend, #vampire
No Free 2015-11-19 2019-11-26

by xeti
A story along the way- Cempazuchitl

Will it be that legends can be a reality? Follow the adventures of 5 boys through their different legends told by people who are in the way of their excursions.

5 subs, 619 views
Fantasy 22
#hitory, #Legends, #romance
Yes Free 2019-11-29 2020-07-04

by Asterodia
A Tale of Day and Night

A fairy tale type story. Updates every 2-4 weeks. In a lonely Kingdom of perpetual twilight, where the sun and moon live in harmony, a traveler arrives from a distant land in search of a rare blossom and attracts the attentions of the kingdom's twin princesses in the process. Critique would be appreciated.

34 subs, 1.59k views
Fantasy 9
#Aurora, #contrast, #creation, #day, #fairy tale, #fairytale, #flower, #folk_tale, #kingdom, #laila, #laris, #larystallum, #legend, #manga, #manga ish, #moon, #myth, #night, #occasus, #prince, #romance, #sisters, #Story, #sun, #traveller, #twilight
No Free 2015-09-09 2016-04-15

by Brando
ah! My Champion

Random kid who is always bullied, but encountered LOL that changed his whole life. All in one day!

727 subs, 26.9k views
Gaming 25
#champion, #fairy godmother, #fighting, #league of legends, #one shot, #online, #pinoy, #sexy, #short, #sona, #super_power, #Tryndamere, #vs
No Free 2014-09-19 2018-03-01

by Alchemy-girl

After narrowly escaping death, a young red fox, Akuma, must survive on his own in the cruel world he was born into. Once he learns just how hard life can be in the land of Yume, the fox is inspired to change it for the better - however he can. But there are other animals who are strongly against the fox's beliefs. They won't go down without a fight.

51 subs, 1.89k views
Fantasy 11
#akuma, #Alchemy-girl, #angel, #Asbestos, #Daniel, #demon, #Diamond of Hope, #Dragon, #Fossil of Abhorrence, #Fox, #legend, #Lucas, #Sascoe, #Sheba, #Siegfried, #Travakail
No Free 2013-12-04 2016-04-24

by Brit
All about me and my introverted-anxiety filled heart

Hey. Yes, you. This is about my life, and stuff..... read it pls im lonely X3

7 subs, 461 views
Slice of life 1
#annoying, #anxiety, #introvert, #meh, #MIDDLE SCHOOL, #stuff, #Voltron Legendary Defender
No Free 2017-08-10 2017-08-10

by Karai

Join Alan and his friends as they have Adventures in training school Alpha. There Alan discovery his past and family and a past evil in the shadows. This is my first web comic about my old pokmon oc which I'm just doing for fun ^w^

3 subs, 828 views
Gaming 13
#adventure, #Eevee, #Eeveelution, #gaming, #legendary, #pokemon
No Free 2022-02-23 2022-05-27

by Amy
Amy Plays Games

Stay awhile and listen while I try to catalog my experiences in video games.

122 subs, 15.1k views
Gaming 48
#comedy, #Legend of Zelda, #mario, #Video_Games
No Free 2015-10-20 2016-08-04

by Dweynie
Anarchy Academy

Welcome to Anarchy Academy! A League of Legends comic.

99 subs, 2.12k views
Slice of life 1
#academy, #anarchy, #Comic, #leagueoflegends
No Free 2014-09-22 2014-09-23

by jhamycka

The world of MALAYA is rapidly advancing toward scientific and technological modernization; while their legends and lore were left behind and slowly forgotten. However, it was 20 years ago when humanity was shaken up by an odd news. Their oracle has spoken. He prophesied that legend's gods and goddesses will soon be reincarnated and will once again walk beside them... But for what reason?

56 subs, 909 views
Fantasy 11
#adventure, #animals, #animal_creature, #aniture, #comedy, #drama, #Fantasy, #gods_and_goddesses, #informative, #jhamycka, #legend, #modern, #modern_fantasy, #myth, #mythical_creatures, #pinoycomics, #pinoykomiks, #pinoymanga, #pokemon, #pokemon_inspired, #romance, #romcom, #teen, #teenromance
No Free 2017-06-13 2021-08-02

by simonsund13
Apex Legends Coin Hack - Free Apex Legends Coins - PC/PS4/XBOX ONE

Apex Legends Hack Free Apex Coins PC, PS4 & Xbox One. - 2019. https://www.facebook.com/FreeApexLegendsCoins/ https://freeapexcoinsnow.com

0 subs, 7 views
Gaming 1
#apex_legends, #apex_legends_cheats, #apex_legends_coins_hack, #apex_legends_free_coins, #apex_legends_gameplay, #apex_legends_hack_2019, #apex_legends_hack_pc, #apex_legends_hack_ps4
Yes Free 2019-02-17 2019-02-19

by ton85317
Apex Legends Generator (2019) | Generate unlimited amount of Apex Coins!

Check out post and learn how to get Apex Coins. With this new Apex Legends generator you can generate free Apex Coins on almost every platform! : http://www.scriptedapps.com/apex-legends-how-to-get-apex-coins-free-ways/

0 subs, 2 views
Gaming 1
#2019_apex_legends, #apex_legends, #Apex_Legends_Free, #download_free, #Free_cheat, #hack
No Free 2019-03-05 2019-03-05

by Royal_Protector
Archivy Draoiderry

Tato série pojednává o historickém bádání Sira Izeroze. Sir hlavně znovu zaznamenává znalosti z velké knihovny, které už byli sepsány v minulosti. Při této příležitosti tak také zapojuje svoje znalosti z přítomnosti světa Draoiderry a vzniká tak soubor znalostí, které ukazují základní povahu tohoto světa a jeho rozpoložení.

13 subs, 977 views
Fantasy 14
#Draoiderra, #fauna, #Izeroze, #Legendy, #magie, #Rasy, #Regiony, #sir
No Free 2021-02-18 2021-04-04

by Raphael HHS
Arthur and the Sun

The legend of King Arthur got a totally new version. With martial arts and time traveling brought to our reality the narrative tells the story of Arthur, a young boy who needs to learn martial arts with the greates hero on earth, so he can finally pull the legendary sword, Excalibur, from the stone. But Arthur's fate is not that easy, he will have to face some foes in an adventure that's even hotter than the sun. A tale of how a boy becomes the greatest legend of all time.

11 subs, 1.32k views
Action 37
#adventure, #arthur, #arthur_pendragon, #caliburn, #dunno, #excalibur, #igraine, #igraine pendragon, #King, #king_arthur, #legend, #martial_arts, #merlin, #stone, #sun, #sword, #sword of the stone, #time_traveler, #time_traveller, #time_travelling, #timing, #travel, #uther_pendragon
No Free 2017-09-10 2022-04-16

by Raphael HHS
Arthur e o Sol (Pt- BR)

“A famosa lenda do Rei Arthur ganha uma nova visão com Arthur e o Sol. Trazendo fantasia e viagem no tempo para a nossa realidade. A narrativa conta a história de Arthur, um jovem que precisa aprender artes marciais com o maior herói da terra para assim poder retirar a lendária espada, Excalibur, da pedra e se tornar rei. Porém o destino de Arthur não será tão simples, há diversos inimigos que querem impedi-lo de chegar na lendária espada e nem mesmo o calor do Sol irá detê-los.” “A maior lenda de todas está apenas começando.”

27 subs, 2.32k views
Action 51
#Action, #adventre, #arthur, #dunno, #excalibur, #King, #legend, #manga, #martial_arts, #shonen, #sun, #sword, #time_travel, #timing
Yes Free 2020-07-04 2021-03-22

by kwameudaku
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan

Based on the fanastastic video game of the same name Aurion is a sublime African-Fantasy story, paired with heroic battles. On the planet Aurioma, King Enzo Kori-Odan suffers a coup d’état conspired by his relative he and his wife Queen Erine Evou are exiled and shamed. The royal couple must now travel the world, gain strength, and assemble their "Aurionic Legacy", in hopes to return to their kingdom and claim what was taken from them.

3 subs, 326 views
Action 1
#Action, #adventure, #african, #drama, #legend
No Free 2019-08-29 2019-08-29

by Obelis
Aurora Borealis

The sun goddess smashed the sun into million pieces and escaped the World. Will humanity manage to create artificial light to save itself?

36 subs, 3.7k views
Fantasy 44
#apocalypse, #death, #Deity, #God, #goddess, #legend, #medieval, #moon, #myth, #mythology, #old_woman, #post_apocalyptic, #stairs, #stars, #sun
Yes Free 2019-07-27 2021-04-17

by Oni Lilyn
Avatar's children: Whispering Clouds

Three children were born to two legendary benders - The Avatar and the Waterbender master. But even though the war has ended, it doesn't mean they won't have to deal with the unfair expectations and pressure from the legacy their parents have left behind. So what are they going to do now? A Trilogy story of Bumi, Kya, Tenzin - the children of Aang and Katara. //Updates on Sunday, unless it doesn't //

69 subs, 8.59k views
Fantasy 41
#aang, #Avatar, #bumi, #katara, #kya, #legend_of_korra, #sokka, #tenzin, #the_last_airbender, #Toph
No Free 2020-12-28 2022-04-12

by Art Knight Studios
Avatar: The Tale of Tashi and Nima

A Webcomic prequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender! After the Fire Nation's ambush and extermination of the Northern Air Temple, a teenage airbender named Nima finds himself now responsible for his former classmate, a young child named Tashi. As they flee their homeland and wander into Earth Kingdom territory, they experience many cruel realities of war and struggle to survive in the shadow of their enemies. ------- For the latest updates, be sure to go to our main website at http://www.tashiandnima.com! 3/1/2022 - Special announcement! We're back and Chapter 4 is in the works! Stay tuned for more!!!

358 subs, 34.6k views
Fantasy 9
#air nomads, #airbenders, #atla, #atlab, #Avatar, #avatar fan comic, #Avatar: The Last Airbender, #avatar_the_last_airbender, #fan_comic, #Fire_nation, #legend_of_korra, #northern air temple, #sozin's comet, #the 100 year war, #tlok
No Free 2015-08-22 2022-03-21

by Korin
Azir vs Ahri

Your two favourite characters pit against each other. Of course you have to bias one. ;D

2 subs, 460 views
Comedy 1
#ahri, #Azir, #fanfiction, #league of legends, #lol
Yes Free 2017-01-17 2017-01-17

by cat22145
b y a p p developerFree Mobile Legends Hack Battle Points and Diamondshack

click here =-=- http://bit.ly/39ymrV7 http://bit.ly/39ymrV7 notion.so Mobile Legends Hack 2020 - Free Mobile Legends Diamonds 1 sec ago mobile legends diamonds generate CLICK HERE TO HACK MOBILE LEGENDS## Mobile Legends - Battle Points and Diamonds generator without human verification android and ios hack online mod apk Mobile Legends is a very engaging on-line arena based role-playing recreation for cell systems ** Mobile Legends Bang Bang hack Mobile Legends Hack Unlimited Free Diamonds And Battle Points How To Get Mobile Legends Free Coins And Gems Mobile Legends Hack Cheats mobile legends hack version mobile legends diamond hack apk mobile legends hack ios mobile legends hack apk mobile legends hack diamond http //gethacks.net/mobile legends get hack mobile legends https //gethack.net/mobile legends

0 subs, 1 views
Fantasy 1
No Free 2020-02-28 2020-04-15

by Lotusák1
Ballad Of The Three Words

All stories have beginning and all worlds must have been created somehow... we think we know what happened to our planet, but let's look at a different one... what happened on Sekai?

1 subs, 158 views
Fantasy 2
#ballad, #creation, #dwarf, #Elemental, #elf, #fairy, #Fantasy, #God, #kitsune, #legend, #orc, #Races, #Story, #titan, #world
No Free 2019-11-22 2019-11-30

by Sven
Bark and Bite

The Garrison: an organization that trains augmented humans to use their abilities for the greater good. Of all its heroes, 'the Garrison Trio' are a cut above the rest (when Hail-Raiser isn't distracted by hot people, anyways). But when the team investigates a series of unnatural arsons, they find that Arus City may be hiding some sinister secrets. A 'Voltron: Legendary Defender' fan comic. Keith x Lance. Hopefully updates every 2 weeks ish.

5.03k subs, 180k views
Action 9
#Alternate_Universe, #Fan Comic, #klance, #superheroes, #vld, #voltron, #Voltron Legendary Defender
No Free 2017-01-30 2017-07-24

by the_quiller
Becoming Legend

In an world ruled by the Nine Praetors and the Eternal Vigil, wraiths threaten the empire from without and corruption rots the empire from within. In the dying age of mankind, a child soldier carves out a legend that will consume the world.

58 subs, 1.43k views
Fantasy 7
#aerien, #bastion, #becoming legend, #dark, #Dystopia, #Fantasy, #manga
No Free 2015-05-30 2015-06-28

by biggiggs
Being A Banshee

The life of a young queer banshee named Daemon in a world dominated by humans. (The art style becomes cleaner on page 17 and my style now on page 22)

155 subs, 9.44k views
Fantasy 30
#abuse, #angels, #asexual, #Banshee, #bisexual, #bl, #Boy's Love, #Fantasy, #gay, #Legends, #lgbt, #magic, #mermaid, #mythical creatures, #mythology, #myths, #romance, #supernatural, #yaoi
No Free 2016-03-30 2016-09-28

by nunka

(sorry it's in french! a translation is planned) cette histoire se passe en Ardenne au 18ème siècle, et raconte la vie de Bellem, un berger malicieux qui devient sorcier après avoir passé un pacte avec un démon... d'après une légende d'Ardenne et les écrits du Dr. Louis Thiry.

28 subs, 1.56k views
Fantasy 14
#Fantasy, #fr, #Franais, #French, #legend, #magic, #witch, #Wizard
No Free 2017-04-02 2017-07-05

by Unitato Productions
Birds of a Feather

(Keep in mind that all characters here will be human versions of characters from Legend of the Three Caballeros and Ducktales 2017 to avoid any confusion) Being the Rosefinch from Norway was tough for Alyanna once she had moved to America in the city of Duckburg with her family. She got used to being teased and mocked for being different but as she continued growing up she had found the Three Caballeros. She never met them in person, but when she first heard of them, they were around the same age as her. The way they performed in front of crowds of people, helping those in need alongside the Goddess Xandra, and working together as if they were Birds of a Feather. She saw them as her heroes, her idols, she had a lifelong dream of meeting them ever since she was 12. But for her peers? The dream was absurd, downright ridiculous. How could the Rosefinch from Norway possibly meet those guys Well, for Aly, it was kinda fun to do the impossible.

20 subs, 738 views
Slice of life 3
#Canon_X_Canon, #disney, #Donald_Duck, #Ducktales_2017, #Human_Versions, #Jose_Carioca, #Legend_of_the_Three_Caballeros, #oc_story, #OC_x_Canon, #Panchito_Pistoles
No Free 2018-08-11 2018-08-19

by edoshishi
Black Cormorant

A young boy Marcel goes on an adventure in order to find a truth behind a very special ring. A story inspired by a tale from my hometown Czaplinek, called "Enchanted garden". The whole comic was a part of my master degree diploma and was completed in four days while drawing on a half dead tablet :)

1.16k subs, 17.9k views
Mystery 7
#black and white, #boy, #companion, #dog, #fairytale, #ghost, #girl, #island, #isle, #lake, #legend, #paint, #storm, #tale
Yes Free 2016-12-07 2018-11-13

by teeth
Black Dog

Minicomic about the legend of graveyard dogs

0 subs, 146 views
Drama 1
#creepy, #dog, #graveyard, #grim, #legend, #minicomic, #spooky
No Free 2019-10-20 2019-10-20

by •☆♧Ghenzi♧☆•
Bloody Crazed

That one blood-thirsting guy turn out to be nice,unlike the legendary says.He's no savage.Somewhat,dangerous to take on.

39 subs, 637 views
Mystery 2
#13+, #angel, #blood, #crazed, #demon, #Demonic, #Fantasy, #GORE, #horror, #legendary, #mystery, #myth, #ritual, #satan, #savage, #violence
No Free 2016-04-17 2016-04-17

by PiedPiperArt
Blue Paladin

Lance goes blind and Lotor captures him. Some angst and Klance and ATLA references. None of these characters belong to me, that credit goes to Dreamworks

351 subs, 9.78k views
Action 6
#allura, #anime, #cartoon, #defender, #Fight, #hun, #keith, #klance, #lance, #legendary, #Paladin, #pidge, #shiro, #space, #voltron
Yes Free 2017-12-17 2020-06-22

by Alexis Augustine
Brâck of the Wild

An old Webcomic created at the height of Breath of the Wild's hype, drawn as I played it!

10 subs, 550 views
Gaming 5
#breath, #comedy, #family_friendly, #game, #legend, #nintendo, #parody, #switch, #video, #wholesome, #wild, #Zelda
No Free 2018-10-30 2018-10-31

by Demon Works
Bunny Kick

Far away in a distant land, a boy lived all alone... But one night, a witch broke into his house. Now the two must team up if they hope to survive.

54 subs, 2.21k views
Romance 18
#Action, #adventure, #anime, #anthro, #art, #battle, #boy, #bunny, #cartoon, #curses, #demons, #deviantart, #eBay, #epic, #facebook, #Fantasy, #friends, #furry, #GachaLife, #girl, #Google, #happyness, #Heavyfantasy, #hero, #indie, #instagram, #isekai, #legend, #linewebtoon, #love, #magic, #monsters, #myth, #pokemon, #quest, #rabbit, #romance, #rpg, #sadness, #series, #shadows, #skaia, #sword, #tapas, #tapastic, #teen, #teens, #twokinds, #witch, #youtube
No Free 2019-11-21 2021-10-02

by Cacah05
Caju do Mato

Caju do Mato tells the story of Julia, also known as Caju, who is the personification of an entity from the Brazilian Folklore known as Caipora, who's been struggling for too long with the responsibility of being the guardian of the forests and animals as well as finding the necessary self confidence to fulfil her goals.

2 subs, 554 views
Drama 28
#body_positive, #brazilian, #caipora, #folklore, #julia, #legend, #Lily, #mental_health, #minfulness, #nature, #Saci, #Self_Confidence
Yes Free 2020-04-03 2021-06-10

by Yuro
Causos da Madrugada

Após uma série de assassinatos ocorridos no alto do Morrinho de São João, os moradores da cidade de Catalão, no interior do Brasil, voltam a acreditar na lenda da Rita Pó, um espírito que, segundo as lendas, vive no morro. Um grupo de adolescentes e uma jovem gótica se unem, cada um por seu motivo, para investigar o caso e descobrem que a verdade é muito pior que um “causo de fantasma”.

139 subs, 5.06k views
Mystery 2
#aventura, #Brazil_comics, #ghost_story, #historia_de_fantasmas, #lendas_urbanas, #Misterio, #mystery, #Quadrinhos_Brasileiros, #terror, #urban_legends
No Free 2021-03-22 2021-08-20

by mikerayquinn
Children of Aeneas

Seven mostly-gender-queer teens from scattered human eras are united through time and space by strange magical artifacts, which they must use as a team to save their respective worlds from respective cataclysms.

10 subs, 701 views
Fantasy 3
#abjuration, #arcana, #conjuration, #cyberpunk, #divination, #evocation, #Fantasy, #fi, #gender, #genderqueer, #gothic, #graphic, #horror, #illusion, #legend, #legendary, #Legends, #magic, #magical, #magical realism, #mystic, #Necromancer, #necromancy, #occult, #prophecy, #punk, #queer, #realism, #sci, #scifi, #spooky, #teen, #Teenage, #teens, #transmutation, #war, #witch, #witches, #young adult
No Free 2017-04-02 2017-05-07

by illustrationink
Children Of Autumn.

We know the mother of spring travelled often, but where did she travel through? This short comic is the product of me doing my arts award silver with the manchester metropolitan university. jul-aug 2019.

9 subs, 343 views
Fantasy 1
#Fantasy, #Greek, #Hades, #Legends, #mythology, #myths, #persephone
No Free 2019-09-22 2019-09-22

by Nathy Youkai

Renee is a 17 year old student, she had an accident that gave her amnesia, the only things she knows about her past are her name and age. Without having information about her family, Renee was given a foster home. All she wants is to get her memories back. • This is an Apex Legends fan made, but you don't have to play the game to understand the plot.

43 subs, 1.46k views
Slice of life 1
#apex_legends, #au, #gl, #high_school, #romance
No Free 2021-02-18 2021-02-18

by GlowInTheDarkConcept
Chronicles of Griffin and Pterodactyl

Two extinct creatures living on a surreal world that approach life with optimism and creativity! Magical and Prehistoric slices of life :)

8 subs, 836 views
Slice of life 10
#art, #artist, #chronicles, #Chroniclesofgriffinandpterodactyl, #Comic, #creativity, #dinosaurs, #glow in the dark, #Glow in the dark concept studio, #griffin, #Katia Grifols, #Legends, #myths, #online comic, #pterodactyl, #slice of life
No Free 2017-05-10 2018-06-13

by Hecdora
Chronicles of Pandora: Silver Linings

Updated every Tuesday and Friday! Somebody is watching you. The feeling that you are not alone is not simple paranoia. It is a feeling marinated in truth. You simply cannot see beyond the thin veil. You lack the eyes to see what is really there. A whole world exists populated by every myth, legend and every manner of beast that has ever been birthed by the human mind. This is the world of Pandora. Separated by the thinnest of walls, it thrives without humanity on another plane of existence. Most could go through their entire lives, oblivious to the wonders just beyond their grasp. Gabriel is one of the lucky few born with the eyes to see. Join him and his best friend- the dragon Axel- as they travel the world, saving us from the nightmares we refuse to see. Story- Hector Ioannides https://twitter.com/hecdora Art- Daniel "Vandalk" http://tapastic.com/danielvandalk

111 subs, 10.4k views
Fantasy 31
#chronicles, #dragons, #Gabriel, #hydra, #legend, #linings, #pandora, #silver
No Free 2016-01-22 2016-04-26

by Anby and Lee
Clueless Hero

The adventures of a clueless hero in a world of video games. Updates every Monday!

2.21k subs, 548k views
Gaming 376
#Clueless_Hero, #comedy, #dumb, #funny, #gaming, #hero, #humor, #legend_of_zelda, #new, #parody, #pokemon, #RPGs, #strips, #videogames, #Video_Games
No Free 2016-02-24 2022-07-19

by Cindy Antoinette
comic TEAsers

"White Spirit & Dark Matter" ~ TEASERS for my up-coming story, in the form of books and graphic novel (or maybe short comic). So here I will upload short random strips to introduce my characters, a bit bout this and that, and and let you in more into the world story of, "White Spirit & Dark Matter". So again, just to clarify, as some of you were confused if this is the real thing yet. It's NOT. These are just teasers, not the official whole thing :^)

359 subs, 8.64k views
Romance 9
#Action, #amourinette, #Angst, #dark_romance, #Fantasy, #legend, #love, #mystery, #mythology, #thriller, #tragedy
No Free 2016-05-09 2018-10-28

by Big Bubba Books

Tired of Tinder? Looking for a lifelong lifeless partner? We're sure you'll find the monster of your dreams (or nightmares?) here at Cryptid Love! Each week we'll share a new hand-drawn cryptid featuring their own unique personality and silly dating profile. Get ready for 26 episodes including favorites like Bigfoot, Chupacabra, Kraken, Mothman, and Unicorn! We just published this series as a nifty coloring book on Amazon that you can checkout here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DSVJZFB Please subscribe and show some love in the comments if you dig it. The more love we get, the more stuff we'll create and share. And we might just pick a few fans to send some free goodies.

6 subs, 524 views
Comedy 12
#animals, #chupacabra, #creepy_creatures, #cryptid, #dating, #folklore, #Halloween, #kraken, #Legends, #Monster, #Mothman, #mythical_creatures, #myths, #pop_culture, #unicorn, #urban_legends
No Free 2020-07-29 2021-07-16

by ParallelFoxii
Dark Link's Misadventures

To Dark Link, humbly accepting defeat at the hands of the Hero of Time is for the worms. With his homcidal fairy companion in tow, watch his series of epic fails in his conquest for victory against his heroic half as he misadventures within the remains of Ganondorf's empire. PG-13 By Nixie Douglas / Parallel Foxii

10 subs, 326 views
Comedy 3
#comedy, #nintendo, #parody, #the_legend_of_zelda
No Free 2018-10-19 2019-02-15

by Giraffe_Hood
Dassabelle Oakbelly Slays Demons!

Dassabelle Oakbelly Slays Demons! Hear ye', Hear ye'! Local forest farmer uncovers an ancient legend of a reincarnated hero tasked with sealing the God of Many Hells in his realm once again... and this hero is now her! Dassabelle Oakbelly is living exactly how she wants to; Alone, with her many animals, and tending to her farm in an old forest. She has a good business selling food at the city market with her best friend and gets to talk with a very pretty orc woman who visits her stall every week. The Forest God can be bothersome but they get along most days. However, trouble is brewing in the land. When a cloaked stranger drops an even stranger token, Dassabelle becomes wrapped up in an old legend that points to her as the hero who will save everyone from destruction at the hands of the God of Many Hells! After living by herself for years, Dassabelle now needs to muster up the courage to face demons, cultists, and old hardships that resurface as she fights for the protection of those she cares for and the place she calls home.

61 subs, 3.68k views
Fantasy 59
#demon, #demons, #dwarf, #dwarves, #Fantasy, #high_fantasy, #Legends, #magic, #magic_quest, #orc, #quest
No Free 2019-11-22 2022-06-29

by heiseihi
Daughter of the Baikal

Read from left to right! Ancient and sacred lake, the deepest in the World, with the purest water. What secrets is it hiding under it's waves?

88 subs, 3.7k views
Fantasy 13
#Baikal, #Buryatia, #Ethno, #legend, #manga, #russia, #shoujo, #traditional
Yes Free 2016-12-19 2019-10-28

by Caiden Leigh
Dawn of Chaos

Blessed by the golden goddesses, and safeguarded by four cardinal gods of the world, the land of Termina has long since been one of peace and prosperity. But when the world is suddenly threatened by the return of an ancient Darkness, order quickly dissolves into chaos, and the land becomes ravaged by monsters. A fifth deity emerges from the tales of old, taking up arms against the ilk that mean to destroy the land his mothers created, but will his fierce resolve to protect the innocent people of Termina be enough... or will he, too, succumb to the Darkness? The Legend of Zelda © Nintendo Dawn of Chaos character interpretations and relating content © astralleigh

293 subs, 15.2k views
Gaming 20
#dawn of chaos, #fancomic, #legend_of_zelda, #LoZ, #majoras_mask, #webcomic, #Zelda
No Free 2016-05-08 2020-01-19

by Philip de Goya
Dawnington Legends

In this horror anthology series, Dawnington, Maryland seems like any other town. And like any other town, it has its share of urban legends. Some are seldom mentioned and are only uttered in whispers. The locals try year by year to convince themselves that these strange events never really happened. They. Never. Happened.

7 subs, 137 views
Horror 2
#Atmospheric, #demons, #dread, #dream_like, #dream_logic, #ghosts, #horror_anthology, #horror_comics, #moody, #nightmare, #spirits, #supernatural, #supernatural_horror, #urban_legends
No Free 2020-03-24 2021-11-08

by Orange
Dedede's Dreamland

A bunch of comics about a bunch of Nintendo characters. Also there's King Dedede.

33 subs, 1.97k views
Gaming 8
#gameboy, #gaming, #King Dedede, #Kirby, #Legend of Zelda, #metroid, #nes, #nintendo, #sonic
No Free 2015-11-29 2015-12-22

by Webmegami
Deities Masquerade

The mortal world is corrupted by Demise and his fellows, but in the middle of the chaos a little light of hope remains. The goddess Hylia who protects Hyrule decides to intervene and to look for the one that will become her hero and save the world. For this she will need the assistance of some other deities and to avoid the traps that Demise will put on her way.

49 subs, 6.53k views
Fantasy 28
#Deities Masquerade, #the legend of zelda
No Free 2016-08-20 2018-05-31

by Kosshi
Digital Days

There are days where you just want to sit back, spend time with your friends and perhaps play a couple of video games. At least, that's how Kuonam and her friends like to spend their time! There is no real strife, conflict or creatures of the eternal dark... just a few buddies trying to live their lives in in relaxing, peaceful days... Digital Days! At least... for the time being...

9 subs, 1.3k views
Slice of life 32
#adventure, #casual, #character, #culture, #days, #digital, #Fantasy, #female, #gaming, #league, #Legends, #main, #of, #pokemon, #streaming
No Free 2018-09-04 2020-02-25

by Sheridan James Lunt

In moments of chaos, rise above the storm. In times of darkness, seek the light within. A true account of things as they happened in the imagination, told in 6 Acts. Written and illustrated by Sheridan James Lunt, based on characters created by Sheridan James Lunt and Leon Pozniakow.

19 subs, 277 views
Fantasy 2
#cornwall, #Doomu, #dream, #Fantasy, #folklore, #giant, #historical, #legend, #magical, #mythology, #Piski
No Free 2020-10-03 2021-07-26

by TsarLena
Dusk of Dawns

A tale from the Planet of Legends. The story of the Second Dragon War. Known to those who were left in its aftermath to be the Dusk of Dawns, the end of the era of dragons. Updates every other Friday.

17 subs, 1.64k views
Fantasy 3
#dragons, #Fantasy, #K. E. Milrona, #Legends, #magic
No Free 2015-12-30 2016-04-30

by rousfairly
El Silbón (Spanish)

Quién no ha escuchado aquel silbido ascendente por los llanos venezolanos?

11 subs, 913 views
Mystery 1
#Legends, #mystery, #terror
No Free 2016-12-07 2016-12-07

by wilde swagger
elementalgalaxy6 and the lost swaglegend

my nigga wanted his comic on my account so i did it also just like mine comic but less extreme

1 subs, 585 views
Action 9
#addias, #and, #Comic, #epic, #ga get kill, #hoes alles nike, #kongregate, #legend, #like, #meme, #popular, #sub, #swag, #wilde westen, #wuzz popping B, #Yolo
Yes Free 2016-11-24 2016-11-24

by Cagattzo
Emissary of the Sun

"Emissary of the Sun" is a adventure webcomic contextualized in 1910, which takes a journey from north to south through the country of Chile, South America, rich in legends, magical creatures, legendary warriors and sacred gods...

71 subs, 3.92k views
Fantasy 29
#1910, #chile, #Comic, #Criaturas, #Época, #fantasa, #Fantasy, #Legends, #Leyendas, #mitologa, #Mounstros, #mythology, #time travel, #webcomic
No Free 2015-06-26 2016-08-09

by suzysart
Enchanted Tails

A witch’s cat named Dice wakes up after a nap wearing a magical cape bewitched to take the wearer where they are needed most! After finding Knight's lost helmet this little kitty begins his very first adventure! Updates once a week. :D

689 subs, 20.1k views
Fantasy 26
#adventure, #arthurian, #cat, #comedy, #Dice, #enchanted, #Fantasy, #feline, #humor, #Knight, #legend, #magic, #puns, #puss in boots, #Suzy Almblade, #tails, #tales, #watercolor, #witch
No Free 2017-09-02 2020-05-09

by CrusioBlanc

A Short Series of Cyptid and Supernatural Encounters.

228 subs, 1.94k views
Horror 6
#cryptids, #ghost, #horror, #Monster, #urban_legends
No Free 2022-04-01 2022-05-01

by Tommy Jauregui
Endless Moons Teaser

Endless Moons follows the story of Dazel, a young lady who has been running from her past for the last 10 years. She must face her heritage on the planet Velzia, after a man from the smuggler crew she travels with wreaks havoc on a Galactic bazaar. Make sure to subscribe to the newsletter at endlessmoons.com for early access to the Kickstarter campaign.

2 subs, 128 views
Science fiction 3
#adventure, #aliens, #beast, #family, #legend, #magic, #Monster, #Princess, #romance, #ship, #space, #Star_wars, #Zelda
No Free 2020-11-27 2020-12-02

by Sir Turtle

In the beginning was the Void. From the Void, came Nature and Darkness, twin primordial forces that created the Multiverse. In a world before humanity, "Nature's Child" was born. Adopting the forms of his surroundings, the boy grew, experiencing cycles of life and death, love and hate, grief and hope. Follow Nature's Child, as he learns how to be human.

0 subs, 49 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #adventure, #animals, #legend, #myth, #Saga, #Seinen, #universe
No Free 2021-07-10 2022-01-19

by denger87
Era of Legends Mod APK - Unlimited Silver

Download the Era of Legends Mod APK file Install Era of Legends APK Enjoy Playing Era of Legends Hack APK with Unlimited Silver. Share the Era of Legends Hack APK with your Friends!

0 subs, 11 views
Action 1
#era_of_legends, #era_of_legends_hack, #era_of_legends_mod, #legends_hack_apk, #legends_hack_mod, #legends_mod_apk, #legends_mod_hack
No Free 2019-03-04 2019-03-05

by Smudge
Faction Legends

The Faction: A place where champions come to train and take jobs to put their unique skills to use. A collection of tales of different champions and their adventures.

9 subs, 468 views
Comedy 1
#Action, #adventure, #dark, #Faction Legends, #Fantasy, #groups, #manga, #pairing, #shounen_ai
No Free 2014-11-03 2014-11-03

by Poochigo
Fairy Tails Ain't 4 KIDS

Fairy Tales aren't always what we believe them to be. Chibi chubs left her lonely fairytale to adventure to other's fairytale. Why? Because she's freaking bored. She terrorize one fairytale at a time. And maybe she'll find out the purpose of her fairytale. Don't be fooled by the art, the story jumps from simple to detailed & have hidden mysteries.

45 subs, 2.38k views
Comedy 19
#adventure, #chibi, #chubs, #cinderella, #crown, #dreams, #emperor, #fairy, #fairy_dust, #fairy_tales, #funny, #hero, #kings, #Legends, #mermaid, #prince, #Princess, #Princesses, #Queen, #red, #shoujo, #snow, #Snow_White, #tails, #tales
No Free 2018-09-08 2019-01-01

by Bubble_Quiche
Family Chaos

After saving Termina and all its inhabitants, a couple- Asuka and Anju- tell the Hero Link that they would be willing to adopt him if he wants, and that he could stay with them. He thanks them but leaves, however not long after he returns to Termina and they accept him with open arms. What could possibly go wrong?

4 subs, 50 views
Slice of life 1
No Free 2020-12-08 2020-12-08

by NocturneVoid
FAN COMIC: Avatar - Legend of Spanking!

This is a purely fan comic for Spankos and Legend of Korra fans. This Comic is NOT for Children. WARNING: ADULT CONTENT!

4 subs, 2.71k views
Fantasy 1
#anime, #Avatar, #korra, #legend, #otk, #Spanking
No Free 2020-09-22 2020-09-22

by Ngus Art
Fanart Comics and Doodles!

Formly Voltron Mini Comics and Doodles. (URL is still the same as you cant change it ;v;)

136 subs, 15.6k views
Slice of life 24
#fan comics, #Mini Comic Series, #Original characters, #voltron, #Voltron Legendary Defender
No Free 2016-10-27 2019-01-03

by Krisse Kovacs
Fight For

A super old Story where magic makes all possible, including two guys have children. The story is about a child like that, who finds himself all alone at home, his parents and sister is missing. years passing, he is raised by his best friend's parents, and tries to find all who was lost. - SUPER old comic, the quality is low, paper arts, old style, and my english is even worse, but the story might be still interesting or enjoyable.

27 subs, 1.83k views
Fantasy 38
#crossover, #Fire_Emblem, #Legend of Zelda, #lovechildren, #super smash bros
No Free 2017-07-17 2017-08-21

by Ken
Friends? Legend of Zelda Fan Comic

What if somewhere along the lines of Minish Cap, Vaati and Link became friends? Link helps Vaati find whatever good is left in him on a journey of friendship. Ezlo is a mad old hat man.

43 subs, 1.94k views
Fantasy 4
#fan_comic, #friends, #legend_of_zelda, #Link, #minish_cap, #vaati, #Zelda
No Free 2019-02-13 2019-03-05

by Risacomix
Frozen Hearts

A Game of Thrones and Raid: Shadow Legends themed fan comic.

0 subs, 206 views
Fantasy 3
#frozen_banshee, #game_of_thrones, #Night_King, #Raid_shadow_legends
Yes Free 2021-04-06 2021-07-02

by ArtyHylian
Games Games GAMES!!!

I like making fun of games I love.

56 subs, 2.34k views
Gaming 10
#comedy, #Dragon_Age, #Elder_Scrolls, #fallout, #gaming, #Legend of Zelda, #oblivion, #pokemon, #skyrim
No Free 2016-11-30 2017-05-08

by Mario SanMarez
God of Balance: Myths of Fig'len

At the end of the Second War of the Gods, the Age of Unbalance began, bringing with it fear, division and war among the inhabitants of the Land of Áltlan. The search and fight for control of the divine objects became uncontrollable. --- Support us in Patreon to continue this story;) ---

3 subs, 341 views
Fantasy 17
#anime, #figlen, #gods, #god_of_balance, #Legends, #manga, #mythology, #sanmarez
No Free 2021-10-29 2022-05-03

by Zarnox12
God of the Day

In the vast world of mythology, there are thousands upon thousands of god(esse)s, heroes, creatures, etc. We know the names of the big guys like Zeus, Ra, and Thor, but with so many, we can't know them all. There are many of fascinating and interesting deities that are just way too cool, funny, or just all-around captivating to be overlooked. So each day I will post a single panel containing information about a god you've probably never heard of. Take a look, and you're sure to learn something new!

5 subs, 382 views
Fantasy 1
#ancient, #Aztec, #cartoon, #celtic, #culture, #egyptian, #fable, #fables, #facts, #God, #goddesses, #gods, #Greek, #history, #infographic, #informative, #interesting, #Legends, #mayan, #myth, #mythology, #myths, #norse, #roman, #stor, #zeus
No Free 2018-10-03 2018-10-04

by ShinMoonlight
Goddesses Spiral

"Goddesses Spiral" is a color comic created to remember the ancient and powerful Goddesses of history. I will tell about their cults, their magic, and their teachings. I hope "Goddesses Spiral" can inspire you. One episode per month will be released. Thank you for the reading! <3 Follow me on Instagram, @shinmoonlight._

3 subs, 171 views
Fantasy 3
#adventure, #celtic, #Fantasy, #legend, #manga, #mythology, #Pagan
No Free 2021-03-01 2021-05-01

by Wesley
Good ideia doesn't WORK

Histórias diversas cada episódio é separado com ideias diferentes. Tendo temas como romance, comédia, terror, ação e outros temas. Aqui é uma sala de experiencias, sua cooperação vai ajudar muito sempre comente para criar mais ideias.

0 subs, 31 views
Comedy 1
#brasil, #Brasileiro, #comedia, #Legendado, #portugues, #traduzido
No Free 2021-10-09 2021-10-17

by Keon Tan

Thomas Gray, not the famous English poet. He is an occult detective who has an obsession that only mystery and danger can fulfill.

499 subs, 28.4k views
Horror 65
#detective, #folklore, #investigator, #legend, #murder, #mystery, #myth, #occult, #occult detective, #paranormal, #private, #supernatural
No Free 2014-05-12 2016-05-10

by Zorrie
Gun-Scythe Legend (Old)

The village of Ava, is the only place in the world of Eva that magic still openly exists in the body of humans. But not all of the villagers have magic in them. Keina Blanca is that person. What happens when this magic-less person touches the forgotten sacred statue? Warning this is a very old comic from 2014.

2 subs, 186 views
Fantasy 10
#ava, #drama, #Fantasy, #GunScythe_Legend, #Keina
No Free 2020-09-28 2022-07-15

by mghime

Who would have expected the role of a ruler to fall into the hands of a witch? Maya Antiko must take on the burden of Lakambini after she was named heir to the throne. Will she be able to balance duty and stay true to herself or fall under pressure?

3 subs, 364 views
Fantasy 2
#filipino, #habilin, #Legends, #myths, #promise, #willl, #witch, #witchqueen
No Free 2018-09-07 2018-10-19

by Fabytendo
Happy Romance

Happy Romance (幸せです ロマンス) is a fancomic based on three (canon) male characters from "The Legend of Zelda" meeting three (fanmade) female characters when they moved in to Clock Town. This love (OC x Canon) webcomic's purpose is to answer the question many people has been pondering in their minds: "What is Love?" "How does it work?"

14 subs, 2.08k views
Romance 22
#digital, #Fan Comic, #fancomic, #Legend of Zelda, #love, #OC x Canon, #romance, #romantic
No Free 2016-04-23 2016-06-12

by Reabault

A short fantasy story of Love, Hate and the thin line in between. Hawk flies above the clearing in the woods, below is the stone tablet marking the final resting of a nameless figure, rooted and leafed he does not watch, he, like all plants, simply feels. And he feels the sorrow of the child now seeking guidance from an ancient treant. He asks, 'Little A'ir, why do you cry?' A terrible civil war haunted the wooden lands, fought by the Lusaan rebels led by a ruthless warlord against the Ursaan, claimed to have been a move to take back power from the supposed rulers. The war ended when one captain struck down the revolutionary warlord near an unnamed outpost. 17 years later, a young boy living in this same village bears the blood of both races, but is the revolution truly laid to rest? Or will the demons born from battle return to finish what was started years ago?

125 subs, 6.75k views
Fantasy 20
#Ard, #Comic, #Creature, #Crypt, #Dragon, #Dreizel, #Evaliline, #Fantasy, #Flynt, #Hawkheir, #High Fantasy, #Legendaria, #Mage, #Mature, #Monster, #Neo-Fantasy, #Sci-fi, #Science Fiction, #Seinen, #Sorceror, #super_sons, #Warrior, #Wizard, #Yaenage
Yes Free 2013-03-15 2016-08-10

by MuyuSaysMuu
Hearts Desire

A modern take on Korean legends, this is a story about a naive and emotional boy and a strange girl who becomes intrigued by him.

26 subs, 2.87k views
Drama 12
#bird, #but also not, #Comic, #Fox, #high_school, #horror, #kiss, #Korean, #legend, #love story, #muyu, #muyusaysart, #muyusaysmuu, #one shot, #oneshot, #romance, #short, #sunset, #violent
No Free 2017-05-02 2017-05-13

by bluekaiyo
Heaven's Darkness Voltron AU

A Voltron AU where the characters of voltron are elves in a magical kingdom hidden from humans. Ships: Klance/Shallura/Locxa/Nymatt *THE ORIGINAL VOLTRON CHARACTERS AREN'T MINE.*

234 subs, 2.96k views
Fantasy 2
#Action, #acxa, #acxaxlotor, #acxtor, #allura, #alluraxshiro, #elf, #elves, #ezor, #fancomic, #Fantasy, #fan_comic, #galra, #galra_generals, #hunk, #hunk_garrett, #katie, #katie_holt, #keith, #keithxlance, #Keith_Kogane, #klance, #laith, #lance, #lancexkeith, #Lance_Mcclain, #Locxa, #lotor, #lotorxacxa, #magic, #magical, #magic_kingdom, #matt, #mattxnyma, #mattyma, #Matt_Holt, #nyma, #Nymatt, #nymaxmatt, #pidge, #pidge_gunderson, #pidge_holt, #Princess_Allura, #prince_lotor, #romance, #romelle, #shallura, #shiro, #shirogane, #shiroxallura, #Takashi, #takashi_shirogane, #vld, #vld_fancomic, #voltron, #Voltron_Fancomic, #voltron_legendary_defenders
No Free 2018-07-29 2018-08-15

by Davy Shirley
Hier Spirits

Even the seasons get bored of the same old routine, so when Summer and Winter finally get the chance to pursue their dream of becoming Private Eyes there’ll be plenty mythical mysteries and supernatural shenanigans to be had!

7 subs, 286 views
Mystery 2
#comedy, #Crime, #detective, #gl, #goddess, #gods, #humour, #legend, #lgbt, #mystery, #myth, #private_eye, #romance, #slice_of_life, #spirits, #supernatural, #yuri
No Free 2019-04-22 2019-04-22

by HamachiKuro
HIKAYAT : Modern Incarnation

A boy found himself suffering because of the death of his uncle and the rumors that had been troubling him for 10 years. He tries to forget the old stuff with his friends and somehow he still met with the power that he tried to get rid of. The power that has chosed him to be the legendary warrior, Hang Tuah. Is it a nightmare or destiny?

15 subs, 355 views
Action 2
#Action, #Fantasy, #history, #Legends, #Malaysia, #school, #slice_of_life
No Free 2019-02-12 2019-04-30

by JJs Microwave
Hilldale High

When High School Freshman Jaylynn Dawn (Jay) moves to a small town called Hilldale, she has no idea what to expect of the folk who live there. However, she knows that she did NOT expect to get caught in the middle of a heated school argument or be responsible for hiding a legendary ghost from noisy classmates. On top of that, she has to deal with copious amounts of schoolwork. Can she find a median in this chaos, or will this school's problems slip out of control?

8 subs, 1.14k views
Slice of life 20
#ghost, #high_school, #high_school_life, #humor, #Legends, #Mix_of_genres, #music, #small_town
No Free 2020-01-06 2020-05-26

by Vanesalisa
Hollow Creek (Remade) (On Hold)

Luke had witnessed his twin sister's abduction by a woman, 13 days later they found his twin sister in an abandoned asylum with no memory about her captor or what happened. 10 years later Luke is trying to forget the woman or his twin sister's abduction, he's a popular kid, good grades, good social skills, and a beautiful girlfriend. until one fateful day, Luke received a parcel from his late grandfather that contains, a journal, an old key, and a map to Hollow Creek, then he has visions of the woman from 10 years ago. He must find answers from his past and team up with his ex-childhood friend Rowena Bennett. Will he find answers or will he lose his sanity...? Updates on Friday

8 subs, 184 views
Mystery 2
#drama, #Fantasy, #horror, #mystery, #romance, #urban_legend
No Free 2021-04-27 2022-06-10

by León González
Homo Homini Lupus

300 mil años hacia el pasado en una caverna, una abuela cuenta a los niños de su grupo sobre su encuentro en la infancia con los terribles Humanos-león.

1 subs, 9 views
Action 1
#cave, #cave_man, #homini, #homo, #legend, #lion, #LUPUS, #prehistoric, #prehistory, #tale
Yes Free 2021-06-12 2021-06-13

by RossiniCrezyel
Hyrule Warriors: Reunited Trust

[New comic updates every week] Summary: Cia used her dark powers to bring destruction to the Hyrule Kingdom by opening gates of ages, leading corrupted monsters to enter the land. The same cause led a mysterious Hylian enter to the current Hyrule world, unknown for its environment and unfortunate occurrences in the area. Disclaimer: The 'Legend of Zelda', its characters and environment, and base story are owned by Nintendo, and are therefore copyrighted by law. Original characters, art and story are owned by RossiniCrezyel. For more art post, follow me on other social media: o Facebook: facebook.com/RossiniCrezyel o Instagram: instagram.com/rossinicrezyel/ o Tumblr: rossinicrezyel.tumblr.com o Deviantart: rossinicrezyel.deviantart.com

28 subs, 1.05k views
Fantasy 7
#CIA, #Fantasy, #Hyrule Warriors, #Impa, #lana, #Legend of Zelda, #Link, #nintendo, #original character, #romance
No Free 2017-07-19 2017-08-19

by Zazoreal

Main the protagonist of the story wants to become the main character of the Author's(me) next story and has to fight and survive the 4 trials that await him.

17 subs, 1.27k views
Action 5
#4th wall, #Action, #adventure, #am, #battle, #character, #comedy, #fighting, #i, #items, #legendary, #main, #manga, #shonen
No Free 2017-01-17 2017-01-28

I Want to Believe (BOTW Sidlink Fancomic)

-LEGEND OF ZELDA BREATH OF THE WILD FANCOMIC- 3 years have passed since Link, Hero of Hyrule, defeated Calamity Ganon. Now he resumes his position as Knight by Queen Zelda's side. Before he knows it, the people and friends he's made during his time traveling the ruins of Hyrule are all a thing of the past. Link realizes that rebuilding the kingdom and keeping the Queen safe have taken up much more time than he thought... Now that Hyrule is safer, Queen Zelda decides a diplomatic meeting to the Zora Domain would be beneficial to the Kingdom. Link, however, is reluctant to come. His mixed feelings for a certain Zora prince are yet to be settled... Romance! Drama? Giant Hot Gay Fish Men? Maybe so! [In this AU, all characters are adults. No NSFW. Also I think it's obvious I don't own these characters or anything LoZ related, but in case that wasn't clear, this is FANMADE]

4.18k subs, 772k views
Romance 59
#botw, #breath_of_the_wild, #fancomic, #gay, #legend_of_zelda, #lgbt, #Link, #monster_lover, #nintendo, #prince_sidon, #romance, #sidlink, #Video_Games, #Zelda
No Free 2018-11-24 2021-05-23

by Spades
În Adâncul Codrilor (Română)

O bandă desenată despre miturile Ielelor și al Zburătorului (Această poveste e o pură interpretare a miturilor și nu ar trebui luată drept ceva real)

11 subs, 303 views
Fantasy 4
#légende, #mituri, #romana, #romanian
No Free 2020-03-17 2020-03-17

by Cait and Trevor

https://www.patreon.com/irregularcomic Updated Weekly at www.irregularcomic.com Tapastic updated every 5 pages. “Cryptozoology (noun): The scientific study of, and search for, creatures whose existence or survival is disputed or has not yet been proven.” Creatures like the yeti, selkies, and will-o-the-wisps have captured the imaginations of writers, folk lore enthusiasts, and dumba$$es with video cameras for years. What if these creatures were sentient, hilarious, and kept under lock and key by a special branch of the government, a branch just as mysterious and disputed as the field it’s devoted to?

1.11k subs, 42.4k views
Fantasy 23
#aliens, #babies, #baby, #Bigfoot, #boy, #children, #Comic, #Creature, #cryptozoolgy, #Cthulhu, #flatwoods, #girl, #irregular, #kids, #legend, #loch ness, #Monster, #myth, #mythology, #nandi bear, #reptilian, #selkie, #webcomic, #will-o-the-wisp, #Yeti
No Free 2017-03-13 2018-06-01

by QU33N
It's Electrifying!

Korra/Asami doujinshi made in 2012 for the Lis en Fleur fanzine. It's (mildly) NSFW!

145 subs, 4.94k views
Romance 3
#Korra/Asami, #korrasami, #legend_of_korra, #yuri
Yes Free 2015-06-21 2019-11-24

by Emerson Coe

Carregando um artefato mágico misterioso que lhe foi presenteado, um muiraquitã que a leva para aventuras fantásticas e místicas que a tornam uma anônima combatente contra criaturas fabulosas e crendices da Amazônia, com apoio de seus amigos que vivem na cidade de Belém. Crime, enigmas e um terror urbano entremeiam suas histórias podem explicar a origem do universo, desta vida e além. Carrying a mysterious magical artifact that was presented to her, a muiraquitã that takes her on fantastic and mystical adventures that make her an anonymous combatant against fabulous creatures and beliefs from the Amazon, with the support of her friends who live in the city of Belém. Crime, riddles and an urban terror interweave their stories can explain the origin of the universe, this life and beyond.

3 subs, 223 views
Mystery 4
#Amazon, #comics, #folk, #hq, #Janaina, #Legends, #magic, #myths, #rainforest, #River
No Free 2021-03-01 2021-03-29

by Appareson
Jason vs Govind

An Epic Tale

0 subs, 119 views
Fantasy 1
#epic, #govind, #jason, #jason_vs_govind, #legendary
No Free 2019-10-03 2019-10-03

by MarioKartGamerDude
Journey Across Worlds

Have you ever wanted Sonic to cross over with Mario, and many other franchises in a apocalyptic world? Well, then this is the story for you! The story is that Imperator IX from Sonic Chronicles has returned and has teamed up with Bowser, Jedah, and Ganondorf to create a new world and kill many of the heroes across the worlds; However many heroes survive and have teamed up to stop the evil and avenge their loved ones! Franchises to crossover are Street Fighter, Space Channel 5, and MORE!

40 subs, 6.96k views
Gaming 17
#cartoon_network, #Crash_Bandicoot, #Fire_Emblem, #legend_of_zelda, #Link, #luigi, #mario, #Nickelodeon, #nights, #pac_man, #power_rangers, #princess_daisy, #sonic, #Space_Channel_5, #Star_Fox, #street_fighter, #Winx_Club, #Zelda
No Free 2019-06-23 2020-04-07