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by Lucien Raven

Este es un comic donde retrato esas pequeñas pero significativas situaciones vividas en la intimidad. Y que de seguro, la mayoría de nosotros conoce. Espero que este cómic ayude a entender que no importa el género, orientación sexual o numero de participantes en una relación. Lo que importa es el amor y respeto hacia las otras personas.

19 subs, 6.64k views
Slice of life 35
#art, #asexual, #bisexual, #comedy, #Comic, #comic_en_espanol, #gay, #historieta, #illustration, #ilustracion, #lesbian, #lgbt, #life, #non_binary, #no_binario, #pansexual, #slice_of_life, #spanish, #supersons
No Free 2018-12-29 2019-06-06

by Mochu

Hello people... I started doing #the100dayproject on Apr 4 2017 and continuing till now. I've completed 30+ for now and doing one piece of art almost every day. This is all about my childhood memories. Most are relatable to others!!!

0 subs, 336 views
Comedy 3
#art, #childhood, #Comic, #doodle, #fun, #Hand Drawn, #happy, #Happylittlegirl, #illustration, #Indianillustrator, #Indiankid, #kid, #memories, #sketch, #sketchbook, #south indian, #watercolor
No Free 2017-05-07 2017-05-07

by Sukhmeet Singh

9Cards is the funny comic series on a purpose to take you to another world. http://www.facebook.com/9cards

3 subs, 546 views
Comedy 5
#Banana, #funny, #illustration, #potato, #weird
No Free 2015-03-07 2015-03-19

by BGIllustrations
A Slice Of Life

The life of an odd black girl.

36 subs, 2.31k views
Slice of life 16
#art, #artist, #bgillustrations, #black girl, #comedy, #Comic, #cute, #Experiences, #friends, #illustrations, #life, #odd, #plus size
No Free 2017-03-07 2018-01-29

by Toto
Adventures of Toto

Situations of mine (that will be yours too :)). An illustration of my life after I wake up everyday.

48 subs, 1.74k views
Comedy 13
#adventures, #adventures of toto, #adventures of toto in tapas, #adventures of Toto in Tapastic, #Comic, #cute, #fun, #funny, #gang, #illustration, #komikero ph, #love, #mimi, #situations, #tapas, #tapastic, #Toto, #True
No Free 2017-07-01 2017-08-30

by Dumplingduppy

a Komodo dragon name al-luds and his owner Sorrel are essentially like family. They love each other but rarely get along how do they manage, day to day life putting up with each other )

11 subs, 820 views
Comedy 6
#al-luds, #alluds, #comic_strip, #illustration, #shaqart, #sorrel
No Free 2018-01-15 2019-11-22

by Sincria
Alchemiya illustrations

A collection of illustrations for Alchemiya. Hope you enjoy =D

8 subs, 469 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #adventure, #angels, #death, #demons, #emotion, #Fantasy, #ghosts, #illustration, #life, #manga, #romance, #Sci-fi, #supernatural, #Suspense
No Free 2016-07-14 2016-07-14

by Rehm
alcohol-free cider

my visual blogging place

23 subs, 1.08k views
Slice of life 3
#definitely different from fruit juice, #goree, #hopefully daily, #illustrations, #thoughts
No Free 2015-10-04 2015-11-01

by Murava
Aliera's mythology

Aliera's world is diverse and amazing. I have collected all the myths and legends. They talk in detail about who the twins are and about their actions.

8 subs, 128 views
Fantasy 2
#ethnos, #illustrations, #magic
No Free 2020-09-24 2020-11-02

by Raktim Parashar
Along the way

I am very new to this platform. This series is based on what we all probably experience day in and day out.Thank you for your time. Appreciate.

1 subs, 206 views
Slice of life 1
##art #drawing #painting #illustration #doodle #bipolar #moodswing #painting #mumbai #maharastra
No Free 2018-07-02 2018-07-02

by Also Cervezas
Also Cervezas

Webcomic guy from Guadalajara, practicing my drawing and writing, trying to GIT GUD

5 subs, 952 views
Comedy 21
#cartoon, #cartoons, #comedy, #Comic, #drawing, #fun, #funny, #illustration, #random, #web comic
No Free 2017-07-15 2017-09-26

by J.W the Animator
An artist view

This short comic is my view on how the media sells this idea repeating it's message. In the hope that if they say it often enough we will believe it.

0 subs, 526 views
Slice of life 5
#animator, #artist, #illustration, #J.Wallace the animator, #politic
No Free 2016-07-18 2017-05-02

An Illustrated Life

Mostly faffing. When I'm not faffing, I draw my life.

6 subs, 784 views
Drama 12
#anillustratedlife, #comics, #drama, #illustration, #moodles, #suchislife
No Free 2016-08-07 2016-09-15

Another Depth Mind illustrations

This is illustration in my comics. This is not comic. this is illust collection. GG Hope you enjoy this :D

0 subs, 339 views
Action 1
#almost background, #Background, #good for you, #illust, #illustration
No Free 2017-07-24 2017-07-24

by Abby Tank and Sam
Apartment 21

College life of Apartment 21 and it's ups and downs! Though Tankitha is no longer a comic artist with this group, Abby and Sam persist in the makings of art and laughs! All we hope to do is bring a smile to your face! Updates Weekly

90 subs, 11.4k views
Slice of life 67
#Action, #anime, #art, #cartoon, #college, #comedy, #Comic, #gaming, #illustration, #life
No Free 2016-10-22 2018-05-07

by alem95
Art Cover

Character Art design by me. You may follow me on Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/alem.illussion/

2 subs, 352 views
Slice of life 1
#art, #character design, #drawing, #illustration, #sketch, #traditional_art
No Free 2017-06-08 2017-06-08

by Lulu-Chan
Art Gallery

Illustrations and arts i've made, either for personal or commercial works. Enjoy~

10 subs, 682 views
Fantasy 4
#anime, #art, #gallery, #illustration, #Images, #manga
No Free 2016-10-29 2018-09-30

by Issy
Art Gallery

This was originally an art gallery dedicated to my webcomic: Thicker Than Blood. But since that project has been discontinued, I've decided to continue uploading any artwork here in general. Thank you for viewing <3

487 subs, 33.9k views
Fantasy 47
#adoptables, #art, #artwork, #commissions, #concepts, #cute, #designs, #drawings, #gallery, #ijkelly, #illustration, #illustrations, #sexy
No Free 2017-01-07 2020-11-28

by Chloé Beny
Art Stuff + Comics

Here you will find: - Sketches, illustrations. - Mini comics! - Mini series of illustrations such as the "Nudité et Délires" one. + Youtube process videos in the description! Updates every SATURDAY.

24 subs, 5.04k views
Slice of life 135
#illustration, #jokes, #Nudite_et_Delires, #short_comics
No Free 2018-04-15 2021-05-31

by SkullKaizer

Creepy horror dark the art of SkullKaizer done with digital paintings in color or traditionl inked b/w

69 subs, 5.48k views
Horror 61
#Digital painting, #horror, #illustration, #skullkaizer
No Free 2017-08-30 2020-08-12

by Ravi Koranga
Arttention Please

Telling stories through my artwork. Pause and Think about it!

0 subs, 71 views
Slice of life 4
#art, #concept, #draw, #illustration, #life, #news, #ravikoranga, #reality, #social, #social_message, #Story
No Free 2020-11-02 2020-11-28

by Nuclear Jackal
As Death Embraces

At some point or another, Death comes for us all. This comic reflects on the fragility of life and the bittersweet nature of death and dying. “As Death Embraces” is a mini comic collaboration between Matthew Nielsen (Nuclear Jackal) and Veronica Kosowski (www.veronicakosowski.com).

15 subs, 1.27k views
Fantasy 1
#afterlife, #beyond, #Comic, #contemplation, #death, #digital, #dying, #end, #epic, #flowers, #illustration, #ink, #inked, #inking, #landscape, #mind, #minicomic, #mini_comic, #nature, #pencil, #poem, #poetry, #Story, #tale, #thoughts, #traditional
Yes Free 2017-10-25 2021-05-25

by ChibiJöelle
Aspie Tales

Aspie Tales is a series of tales about Quee, a little girl with Aspergers, on the Autism spectrum.

23 subs, 832 views
Comedy 2
#anime, #aspergers, #aspie, #aspiegirl, #autism, #chibi, #comics, #cute, #girl, #Hello, #illustration, #life, #manga, #morning
No Free 2017-06-02 2017-06-04

by Kristy Steffens
Astral Springs

kstearb.tumblr.com (personal blog) A woman finds herself in a field in the dead of night, marked with a fresh tattoo on her face and no memory of how she got there.

3.36k subs, 152k views
Science fiction 38
#best friends, #black_cat, #cat, #exploration, #hiking, #illustration, #women
No Free 2016-08-06 2020-06-20

by Astronaut Ninja
Astronaut Ninja

Following the adventures of Okami, the world's first and last Astronaut Ninja, as he traverses the vastness of space, encountering an ever growing list of enemies, including some pissed off Martians, NASA, and even his own disgruntled twin brother Neko, the Warlock Ninja. His only companion in his quest for truth is Space Scorpion, the original guardian of Astronaut Ninja's legendary weapon, the Mugendai Sword. Updated every Wednesday!

10 subs, 2.03k views
Science fiction 29
#art, #astronautninja, #illustration, #spacescorpion, #webcomic, #webcomics, #weekly
No Free 2016-03-09 2016-05-11

by siminoe

Three ASTROPATHS born on the same day on three different contents have captured the interest of a very powerful and power hungry ASTROPATH. Watch as two teachers battle to lead these talented young men. Journeys of the Astropaths is a novel series, by Jonathon Siminoe, put to graphic illustration. The online comic website THE ASTROPATHS puts a visual touch to this amazing story. Follow Cody Gallas as he searches for his teacher.

83 subs, 15.7k views
Fantasy 37
#adventure, #anime, #astropaths, #cartoon, #Comic, #cute, #drama, #Fantasy, #illustration, #love, #magic, #manga, #teen
No Free 2016-01-08 2017-01-16

by Awe Edizioni

Beside the comic series Samsara, we decided to run another series to show you all the stuff we create about Mason and Lasse. Illustrations, fan art (yes, we have some already), short silly comics, anything.

743 subs, 147k views
Romance 132
#bl, #drama, #Gay_love, #illustrations, #love, #yaoi
No Free 2015-04-02 2019-12-25

by Boom Boss
Bang! Bang! BOOM! [Extras]

This is an extras series for Bang! Bang! BOOM!/New York, for the novel illustrations, side drawings, and eventually character bios.

3.44k subs, 625k views
Action 149
#bl, #extras, #illustrations, #jazz_era, #lgbtqa, #Period, #QandA
No Free 2017-08-22 2021-10-31

by mpeckham92
Beast Hunter

Follow Mary of the Grass Lands, her tribe has recently come under the thumb of the United Government. She must become a Beast Hunter and defeat the enemies of the state, or the treaty that protects her people will be broken. Updates weekly on Fridays or Bi-Weekly on Fridays, depending on the month. Find the series on LineWebtoon to see two chapters in advance.

2 subs, 161 views
Fantasy 2
#Action, #beast, #beast_hunter, #color, #Fantasy, #female_lead, #full_color, #hero, #hunter, #illustration, #long_series
No Free 2019-09-07 2019-09-07

by ra8-bit

A series of short dream illustrations.

4 subs, 437 views
Fantasy 1
#asleep, #Creature, #dream, #Dreaming, #dreams, #illustration, #LUCID, #lucid dreaming, #Monster, #nature, #night, #nightmare, #possessed, #trees
No Free 2015-07-02 2015-11-01

by lexmorano

Benigno is an ambitious drop-out who wishes to one day become a musician. He works part-time as a restaurant mascot. One day he finds himself publicly humiliated...

10 subs, 475 views
Comedy 1
#benigno, #comedy, #comics, #filipino, #Filipino American, #Filipino Canadian, #hip-hop, #illustration, #KAYTRANADA, #Kendrick Lamar, #MF DOOM, #philippines, #rap, #toronto
No Free 2016-12-15 2016-12-16

by illustrationmo
Bestiary: The voyage of the hare

FB: https://goo.gl/lyzRzO Youtube: https://goo.gl/mg5n4K Uploads every month. :)

8 subs, 1.66k views
Fantasy 3
#animal lover, #animals, #art, #beasts, #Bestiario, #bestiary, #Fantasy, #FrankMO, #illustration, #love, #magic
No Free 2016-12-28 2017-03-09

by Wolven-Sister
Between the Realms Lit

A collection of short stories & AU's featuring my characters from my webcomic "Between the Realms." Whatever I feel like writing, some will be short, some will be long, some will be inspired by other stories. I'm not a professional writer, so please excuse any mistakes. ALL STORIES HERE ARE NON-CANON. These are made purely for entertainment. If you wrote a Fanfiction of BtR, send it to me and I'll be more than happy to post it here! :)

85 subs, 2.35k views
Romance 10
#Action, #adventure, #art, #artist, #artwork, #betweentherealms, #canon, #coffee, #comedy, #Comic, #comicartist, #comics, #digitalart, #epic, #Fantasy, #girl, #girllove, #Girlslove, #illustration, #journey, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #love, #non, #noncanon, #novel, #photoshop, #webcomic, #webcomics, #yuri
No Free 2017-12-01 2018-05-18

by littlepinkpebble
Bible Brown's Bedtime Stories

short stories, some happy some sad, some weird . . . not a religious comic https://www.patreon.com/littlepinkpebble?ty=h

172 subs, 8.29k views
Drama 20
#bedtime, #Bible, #brown, #children, #children's illustration, #stories, #Story
No Free 2015-02-10 2018-04-12

by Rants Comics
Block Party

After a brief stint in New York, Felix comes back to his small hometown to take care of his sick mother. Some of his old friends are happy he’s back, while some unsuccessfully try to avoid him. Tackling issues like lost relationships, failed dreams, and alcohol dependence, Block Party is a comedic take on the issues and anxieties of becoming adults. rantscomics.com

35 subs, 726 views
Slice of life 1
#art, #cartoon, #comedy, #comic art, #funny, #illustration, #rants comics, #slice of life, #webcomic
No Free 2017-08-06 2018-01-05

by Erhena

Erhena Comics Strips

0 subs, 276 views
Comedy 2
#animation, #blue, #child, #cinema, #comics, #education, #fantastique, #game of throne, #horror, #humor, #humour, #illustration, #information, #manga, #matcha, #media, #music, #nintendo, #quotidien, #show, #tim burton, #video game
No Free 2018-03-16 2018-03-24

by Patchesovlies
Bob the Alien

Bob is an alien who decided to visit earth but now has problems understanding how this planet works.

1 subs, 94 views
Comedy 2
#Alien, #aliens, #Bob, #bobthealien, #bob_the_alien, #comedy, #illustration, #Patch, #patchesovlies, #silent_comic
No Free 2020-04-20 2020-04-27

by Boo Boo Monsters
Boo Boo Monsters

Follow our little monsters as they learn life lessons.

17 subs, 2.22k views
Slice of life 10
#boo boo monsters, #children, #cute, #funny, #humor, #illustrations, #kids, #Learning, #life_lessons, #morals
No Free 2014-06-29 2014-07-25

by sharl branch
Boo Or Whatever

a comic about a girl (me*) who discovers the apartment she's moved into is haunted.** *not based on a true story **episodes have been published previously on my website & socials

2 subs, 205 views
Action 12
#ghost, #ghost_story, #humor, #humour, #illustration, #webcomic
No Free 2019-10-07 2020-05-21

by Carolina Mateus

This comic was created as my Final Major Project (FMP) Borkatory is a fun comic about Cookie, a Golden Retriever whom dislikes how the Underworld treats the souls of deceased animals. Cookie wants to know the reason behind their mistreatment and goes investigate this issue.

13 subs, 426 views
Fantasy 1
#Canine, #cat, #dog, #dogs, #Golden Retriever, #hell, #illustration, #traditional, #underworld
No Free 2017-05-26 2017-05-27

by Ane Bonazza
Bouken Kanpai - 00 [PT/BR]

Era para ser uma missão simples: Levar o comerciante até a próxima cidade, evitando conflitos e perigos. Mas nossos heróis acabaram se perdendo no caminho... >> Bouken Kanpai - Um brinde à aventura! - foi um projeto que comecei em 2015, mas só em 2018 resolvi publicá-lo em parceria com o Estúdio Tanuki. Espero que você goste!

0 subs, 288 views
Fantasy 5
#adventure, #elf, #illustration, #mistery, #rpg
No Free 2021-06-04 2022-07-16

by cookiecoasters
Brainy & Me

Just a girl and her thoughts. To be more exact, her brain. Updates Wednesdays & Saturdays!

4 subs, 483 views
Slice of life 7
#brain, #can't believe i used those two last tags, #Comic, #digital, #flat colour, #illustration, #oc, #original character, #persona, #Personal, #relatable, #relate, #simple, #thoughts
No Free 2017-06-14 2017-07-08

by Brie
Brie Illustration

hi, I like to overexaggerate

0 subs, 133 views
Slice of life 1
#digital, #digital_art, #digital_painting, #drawing, #illustration, #im_new, #introduction, #Krita, #me, #painting, #visual, #visual_novel, #visual_story
No Free 2019-09-18 2019-09-18

by Janetly

Lily a fangirl with a very low self-esteem, asked God for an angel. Will her granted wish make her life better or worse? Updates Every Wed and Saturday

78 subs, 1.31k views
Romance 4
#angel, #angels, #anime, #arts, #bishounen, #bully, #BULLY_ANGEL, #comedy, #cute, #demons, #drama, #game, #Handsome, #illustration, #janetly, #lezhin, #line, #manga, #manwha, #novel, #romance, #Story, #tapastic, #webtoon
No Free 2018-08-06 2018-08-06

by Tiago Holsi
Camp Inktober (Acampamento Inktober)

Camp Inktober is the compilation of the designs produced by Tiago Holsi during the Inktober of 2016. You can buy the printed version on the website www.celeblo.com.br

11 subs, 579 views
Mystery 1
#draw, #illustration, #ink, #inktobr
No Free 2016-12-26 2016-12-26

by Rodrigo Bittencourt
Cat People

The Frustrating Adventures of Grumpy, the Complaining Cat.

2 subs, 95 views
Comedy 3
#acid, #boredom, #catpeople, #cats, #comics, #depression, #humour, #illustration, #pop, #solitude
No Free 2020-03-30 2020-04-01

by Chanee Uncanny
Chanee Uncanny Comics

Meet Chanee~ She's 70% emotional. Truth be told, she does what she wants. As life took its course, she cut classes, took a nap during her SAT exam, and even brought home dozens of animals - without mom's permission! Now that she's all grown up, she um, actually, still continues to do as she pleases. However, her boyfriend tries to help her start "adulting". This calls for WAR, NEEDINESS and LOTS of pouty faces! :P Instagram: @ ChaneeUncannyComics

8 subs, 495 views
Slice of life 11
#comics, #couple, #couples, #dating, #friendship, #funny, #humor, #illustration, #life, #lifestyle, #relatable, #relationship, #relationships, #webtoon
No Free 2018-07-12 2018-12-16

by BelindaTopan

Not really a comic, if I can.draw.to save my life I would totally make it into a manga. But I thought I upload the character pin-ups. All designed by puppypaww art. You guys should check her out. I'll post the link to her pages. :) Puppypaww: https://linktr.ee/puppypaww.art Please note.i do own copyright.

2 subs, 492 views
Fantasy 5
#anime, #art, #character, #drawings, #illustration, #super_sons, #vampire, #vampires
No Free 2018-11-03 2018-11-28

by natacreation
Chasing After Flowers

The story of two sisters, Daisy and Rosie, whose parents met a mysterious unfateful tragedy. Rosie believe that it was just an unfortunate accident but not her sister Daisy, who thinks that a darker truth lies behind their deaths. Their disagreement caused a major argument that ended their relationship and walked separate paths - until the day Daisy was murdered while pursuing the suspect.

1 subs, 7 views
Horror 1
#awake, #cemetary, #chasingafterflowers, #death, #demon, #ghost, #grave, #hell, #illustration, #sisters
No Free 2021-07-18 2021-07-18

by Chicken Tales
Chicken Tales

Join me on my Chiki journey! Every Friday I will post a new webcomic, hope you enjoy it!!! :)

3 subs, 414 views
Comedy 4
#characters, #chicken, #comedy, #Comic, #illustration, #inking, #photoshop, #Procreate, #tales, #webcomic
No Free 2018-01-11 2018-02-03

by el Chingue
Chingues ones

Chingues original illustrations... try to be funny... hahaha

6 subs, 793 views
Comedy 17
#adobe, #comedy, #funny, #humor, #illustration, #iPad, #joke
No Free 2016-05-29 2020-05-26

by Woodbury Rand

A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure for the ages! Play as Albert, an inept squire on his first day... just trying to survive. Luckily here, if you die, reevaluate your decisions and play again!

19 subs, 2k views
Fantasy 27
#albert, #animal, #castle, #choose, #choose your own adventure, #color, #colored pencil, #Comic, #Dragon, #Fantasy, #Fantasy Art, #fantasy world, #fence, #fencing, #fighting, #illustration, #interactive, #interactive comic, #Knight, #magic, #mythic, #mythical creatures, #sci fi, #Science Fiction, #squire, #sword, #unicorn
No Free 2015-12-01 2017-04-08

by Cloud Baby

Instagram: cloudbabytalk ---------------------------------------- Hello, everyone! First, Thank you for coming:) I hope you don't mind my english mistakes.XD This is Cloud Baby Talk, I'm from Taiwan I Love paint and share my comics:) If you want to learning chinese, or make friends, welcome :) I would add english language on my comics sometimes, that you can understand :) My main page on Facebook!www.facebook.com/CloudBabyTalk

35 subs, 1.34k views
Slice of life 8
#adorable, #comedy, #cute, #funny, #illustration, #kawaii, #life, #love, #slice of life
No Free 2015-02-16 2015-03-27

by Elly Color
Colorful Stories

Here you can find a collection of my other comics with short of stories. Most of them as colorful as a day of sunshine. So, a collection of colorful stories by Elly Color!

1 subs, 601 views
Slice of life 5
#adorable, #beautifull, #beauty, #bird, #collection, #color, #colorful, #colorfulstories, #colour, #colourful, #Comic, #comics, #contest, #cute, #day, #drawing, #elly, #ellycolor, #emotion, #Emotional, #Fantasy, #fluffy, #girl, #HandDrawn, #happiness, #happy, #illustration, #lesson, #marker, #moral, #morality, #motivation, #other, #page, #pages, #Palette, #pencil, #playful, #shine, #short, #spirit, #spiritual, #stories, #Story, #sun, #webcomic, #world
No Free 2017-05-28 2017-06-29

by Robert Michael
Comfy Comics

Fun comic strips for everyone, some comedy, some drama, some action and some other stuff.

6 subs, 683 views
Comedy 2
#Action, #art, #comedy, #comfy comics, #comic book, #drama, #illustrations, #robert michael, #sci fi, #web comic, #writing
No Free 2015-01-10 2015-01-10


Conceal will be a series consisting of several picture stories. It is my first try at digital drawing.

6 subs, 311 views
Fantasy 3
#blackandwhite, #blackforest, #bones, #Crime, #digitaldrawing, #drawing, #forest, #illustration, #killer, #original, #picturestory, #tree, #wood
No Free 2021-01-24 2021-07-08

by momorrell
Costume Party

Costume Party 4 Cadogan Lane Belgravia Any Time

1 subs, 61 views
Fantasy 1
#black_and_white, #costume, #costume_party, #ghost, #ghost_story, #Halloween, #horror, #illustration, #ink, #party
No Free 2020-10-08 2020-10-08

by catc08

Images for couples. Hope you'll like it!

1 subs, 91 views
Romance 1
#art, #Arte, #artistic, #artlovers, #artoftheday, #art_community, #boyfriend, #comicart, #comic_art, #couplecomics, #couples, #couples_live, #couples_love, #couple_comics, #creative, #dibujos, #distance_love, #drawing, #girlfriend, #graphicdesign, #graphic_design, #illustration, #illustrationoftheday, #ink, #love, #paintings, #parejas, #pencil, #pencildrawing, #quarantine, #quarantinelife, #quarantine_life, #quarantine_love, #separated_but_togeth, #stayhome, #staysafe, #stay_home, #stay_safe, #yomequedoencasa
No Free 2020-04-12 2020-04-12

by KeatonTS
Cup of Soup

A combination of comics illustrating my daily life, thoughts and interactions with my friends, sometimes with a twist.

54 subs, 1.23k views
Slice of life 9
#2D, #about me, #antisocial, #artist, #awkward, #character, #comedy, #comics, #digital, #drawing, #exaggerate, #funny, #illustration, #KeatonTS, #life, #me, #memories, #narrative, #oc, #series, #super_sons, #weird
No Free 2016-10-16 2019-01-08

by chibing
Daily Piyi

Daily love and life of an ordinary girl.

37 subs, 1.58k views
Slice of life 8
#alphaowl, #bingbing, #daily, #doodle, #drawing, #illustration, #kakao, #love, #misterpanda, #piyi, #piyipi
No Free 2014-08-25 2014-11-25

by mjadasme

La serie '' dedicatorias' son pequeños comics creados con el fin de mostrar un aprendizaje personal del autor, dedicado a las personas que se sientan identificados con el mensaje, esperando que esto ayude a alguien.

1 subs, 503 views
Slice of life 13
#art, #Arte, #artist, #artista, #Comic, #dedicatorias, #dibujo, #drawing, #illustration, #ilustracion, #lifeexperience, #Sliceoflife, #vida
No Free 2017-12-09 2018-08-02

by dwillustration
Dejection at OKB 452

Dejection at OKB 452 In a factory that was used for storing nuclear waste, is now the meeting ground for two women, Cait and Jacq. After Jacq's supposed death, Cait seeks revenge and wants to sacrifice everything in order to get her lover back. But to what lengths will Cait go to see that happen?

2 subs, 331 views
Drama 1
#buildings, #Cait, #CIA, #dejection, #drama, #dwillustration, #jacq, #love, #mengfabriek, #OKB 452, #romance, #silo, #small, #storytelling
No Free 2017-07-04 2017-07-04

by AneBruxill

Eyy!! This is a comic im comming back at. I stopped working on it for a while because of college but now imma go head first on this baby. DELETAR is a story ive been dreaming to tell since i was little. Its a cartoonish, wierd and fantastic gay fiasco you cant miss (or you can but i would love if you could see it tho)

3 subs, 168 views
Fantasy 1
#Alien, #aliens, #ane, #animals, #art, #blade, #bruxill, #cartoon, #Comic, #creepy, #cute, #dark, #deletar, #digitalart, #digitalcomic, #fantastic, #Fantasy, #furry, #gay, #gayboy, #God, #illustration, #instagram, #Monster, #monsters, #oc, #originalcharater, #originalstory, #planet, #planets, #sary, #Story, #surreal, #talking, #weapons
No Free 2019-05-12 2019-05-12

by Starry

My first mini comic. It's based on a dream I had.

5 subs, 217 views
Fantasy 3
#dream, #dreamy, #illustration, #mini_comic, #short_story
No Free 2019-04-17 2019-04-17

by Osman Ktm

Dibo is a minuscule dinosaur living in a land of giant brutes. He uses his brain and skills to bring some sanity to his world and save everyone from extinction.

5 subs, 354 views
Comedy 2
##arr, #animation, #cartoon, #cute, #dibo, #Dinosaur, #dinosaurs, #funny, #illustrations, #smart
No Free 2017-09-23 2017-09-23

by dinmoney
Din's Sketch Book

A compilation of sketches, illustrations, and concept art by Geoff Trebs (Din) *New episodes will unlock after 2weeks of publish date. Thank you for viewing, and I hope you enjoy the journey through my imagination (=

904 subs, 56.6k views
Fantasy 44
#art, #concept art, #illustration, #sketch book
No Free 2014-06-06 2015-09-06

by DireWereWolf114
Dire's Sketch's + Gaming Comics!

A collection of a bunch of my sketches, and some gaming comics! Including a smash bros. comic!

7 subs, 875 views
Gaming 27
#animal, #drawings, #illustration, #Monster, #pokemon, #sketch, #smash_bros_ultimate
No Free 2020-04-03 2021-11-09

by AnttiMatter
Docile Creature

The amazing adventures of an abstract being trying to survive in a crazy strange world.

1.11k subs, 42.9k views
Comedy 65
#art, #comedy, #comics, #Handmade, #humorous, #illustration, #slice_if_life, #watercolor
No Free 2019-11-11 2022-03-02

by Maruko
Don't Burn The Kitchen Down

In a world filled with chaos and hardships, a young Tester finds confort eating with friends. Join Betta and his friends in a culinary adventure across the world filled with wonder, thrills and imagination. "Food always tastes better when you share it with a friend".

5 subs, 562 views
Slice of life 5
#adventure, #artists, #cafe, #cheff, #cooking, #daily_life, #diversity, #food, #friend, #friendship, #illustration, #lifelessons, #pizza, #recipes, #restaurant, #school, #thoughts, #wholesome, #wonder
No Free 2020-10-08 2021-06-17

by DontBeDad
DontBeDad Comics.

Funny comics with a lesson or two.

6 subs, 1.38k views
Comedy 26
#art, #artist, #color, #colour, #comedy, #Comic, #comics, #dontbedad, #drawing, #funny, #humor, #illustration, #joke, #jokes, #life, #lol, #news, #themes
No Free 2017-10-26 2018-01-23

by OrniComix
Dr. Markman - Pilot "SUB ZERO"

Markman awakens in a cold storage, only wearing a short pan. With the help of his trusty guitar, he will try to remember how he got where he was like that. We'll see how he spent his day, in company of Flavius, Big Jack and the Professor...and a strange presence, following him all the time. Illustration by Stefano Martinuz #arte #illustrator #oc #comicartist #comedy #ink #cute #webcomics #instaart #characterdesign #humor #comiccollector #meme #igcomicfamily #comicbookart #spiderman #drawings #memes #cosplay #dibujo #superhero #igcomics #painting #digitaldrawing #procreate #design #graphicnovel #animation #originalcharacter #digital #comic #comics #art #drawing #illustration #cartoon #digitalart #comicart #artist #sketch #comicbooks #manga #marvel #anime #comicbook #draw #artwork #webcomic #fanart #comicstrip #dccomics #dc #funny #marvelcomics #love #artistsoninstagram #doodle #webtoon #batman #bhfyp

2 subs, 32 views
Comedy 1
#art, #cartoon, #Comic, #comics, #digitalart, #drawing, #illustration, #manga, #marvel, #ornicomix
No Free 2021-10-11 2021-10-16

by jezz

Here you have the news from the world of fantasy

0 subs, 65 views
Fantasy 1
#art, #bestiary, #characterdesign, #Dragon, #Fantasy, #fashion, #illustration, #magazine, #news, #parody
No Free 2021-12-05 2021-12-05

by FizzyLemonMusic
Drawing Days

"Sometimes you will need the help of the last person you ever believe" Manuel is a 16 years old teenager that is going through his last two years in the highschool. However, for some reasons, he needs to change to a different school, and with his fist day being a catstrophe, what else could possibly goes wrong? At the end of the day, one can paint the world blue... UPDATES: Weekly (Saturday, Sunday or Monday)

23 subs, 1.18k views
Slice of life 3
#comedy, #Comedy Comic, #Craig Tyler, #daily life, #Drawing Days, #Elizabeth Tyler, #Erika Garden, #First web comic, #FizzyLemonMusic, #illustration, #Independent Project, #indie comic, #LemonTeaRadio, #Manuel Torres, #slice of life, #webcomic
No Free 2014-07-30 2016-06-08

by Francesca Da Sacco
Dusk Dwellers

They are the people living in the grey hour of the dusk, on the edge where there's no more light and not yet darkness. Here you can find their portraits. Are you enjoying Dusk Dwellers? Please consider to support me on Patreon. Or buy my comic series MONSTERS on Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/l/CBUwl

236 subs, 15.2k views
Horror 49
#creepy, #dusk-dwellers, #horror, #illustrations, #monsters, #spooky
No Free 2015-10-06 2019-09-02

by beebesterart
Ebony's Plague

A short visual story about a plague doctor named, Corvus Ebony and his bird companion, Soot. Based on the Inktober 2019 official prompt list. Story, characters and art by: beebesterart. Instagram: beebesterart, DeviantArt: beebesterart, Twitter: beebesterart, ArtStation: beebesterart

3 subs, 200 views
Fantasy 2
#Comic, #comics, #darkfantasy, #doctor, #ebonysplague, #Fantasy, #gouache, #graphicnovel, #illustration, #ink, #medieval, #plaguedoctor, #raven, #Ravens, #Story, #storyteller, #storytelling, #traditionalart, #VisualStory, #watercolours, #webcomic, #worldbuilding
No Free 2019-11-11 2020-05-17

by Dragonpuppy
Edwin's Unexpectables

Being the tales of Edwin the mouse's adventures and misadventures.

14 subs, 508 views
Slice of life 2
#adventure, #dragonpuppy, #edwinsunexpectables, #edwinthemouse, #Fantasy, #illustration, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2016-11-21 2016-12-11

by Eggman Comics
Eggman Comics

Everybody has a story to tell, so does Eggman.

119 subs, 10.6k views
Slice of life 114
#cartoon, #Comic, #digital art, #drawings, #eggmancomics, #graphics, #illustration, #vector, #webcomics
No Free 2014-12-08 2022-07-11


The magazine of the future is here...today.

10 subs, 3.96k views
Science fiction 26
#2016, #2017, #art, #comics, #history, #illustration, #nye, #odd, #science, #space, #star wars, #the_future, #today, #unique, #wow
No Free 2015-12-30 2016-01-17

by showdown comic
Electroverse: Into the Electroverse: Family, part 1

It is a world of some inanimate real life objects that are here to remind people to experience the human values through them.

1 subs, 185 views
Slice of life 10
#Comic, #COMICLOVE, #comicstrip, #graphicnovels, #illustration, #STORYSTRIP
No Free 2020-06-24 2020-07-18

by Xexilia O. Shadows
Eternity Concepts

*Please Note: This manga is considered yaoi. It will make you gay. Support X here: http://www.patreon.com/xexilia Julian Skyy is a Roman Catholic Priest at 26, and deeply depressed. On the day he finally decides to carry out his plans, he is interuppted by discovering someone else who has beat him to this same punch: Julian quickly forgets and forgos his own plans to save a life. The situation opens Julian's eyes to reality, and to what he came so close to doing, and he vows to help the stranger--an Atheist named Hollow--to overcome his own depression. Despite Hollow's views, the two form a fast friendship; And converting Hollow quickly falls off of Julian's mind. . .

136 subs, 10.2k views
Slice of life 100
#Action, #adventure, #art, #banned in japan, #best manga, #best reviewed, #bishounen, #black_and_white, #bw, #cartoon, #catholic, #charms, #church, #classy, #color, #color comics, #comedy, #confusing, #convention, #cult following, #cult_classic, #cute_boy, #cute_boys, #cute_girl, #cute_girls, #depression, #drama, #EC, #emo, #english, #eternity, #eternity concepts, #Ezra, #famous, #flowers, #French, #fun, #garden, #gay, #goth, #happy, #highly rated, #Hollow, #homosexual, #horror, #illustration, #Immortal, #Insane, #insanity, #japan, #japanese, #Julian, #kissing, #lazarus, #love, #manga, #manga_art, #manga_style, #maria, #Maurice, #mental_illness, #most popular, #mystery, #occult, #paranormal, #popular, #priest, #prints, #published, #raven, #romance, #satan, #science_fiction, #scifi, #shojo, #shonenai, #shoujo, #shounen, #shounenai, #slice_of_life, #suicide, #super_sons, #tragedy, #Tragic, #under rated, #unknown, #unusual, #vampires, #webmanga, #webseries, #webtoon, #web_comic, #web_manga, #web_series, #web_toon, #weird, #witch, #yaoi
No Free 2013-03-10 2019-06-06

by piconeuro

The face is a kind of window connecting myself and others. It keeps changing, influencing, or being influenced over the time, even every minutes. We show different face every moments. Let's meet many other faces around us.

0 subs, 727 views
Slice of life 6
#cartoon, #clipstudiopaint, #comics, #diversity, #face, #facechanger, #illustration, #pendrawing, #pokerface, #standardization
No Free 2018-12-14 2020-10-12

by ProfessorSkyline

Jackson Simms is a High School boy who happens to have a thing for cars, and cars that perform well. Since he was a young boy he'd always dreamt about a certain car, and now that he's of age, he's finally able to acquire that car and build it like he's always daydreamed about, the perfect car with a harmonic balance between speed and handling as he embarks on a journey that sees him experience an abundance of firsts.

15 subs, 859 views
Action 28
#300zx, #90s, #art, #cars, #fairlady, #illustration, #initiald, #japan, #jdm, #manga, #nissan, #professorskyline, #streetracing, #turbo, #wanganmidnight
No Free 2020-01-26 2022-02-25

by Mat and Jason
Falling Up Together

Falling Up Together is a comic about the often difficult process of transitioning from one stage of life to another. Two best friends, Chris and Brent, and the new girl in town, Kaylee are each at their own crossroads. In the prime of their lives they will begin making irreversible, critical decisions about their careers and relationships for better or worse. Words: Jason Weaver https://twitter.com/MithicArts Art: Mat Schelsky @matdraws https://www.instagram.com/matdraws0

9 subs, 606 views
Comedy 19
#comedy, #Comic, #day_job, #department_store, #digital, #digital_illustration, #drinking, #female_protagonist, #funny, #hand_drawn, #Midwest, #narrative, #nerds, #Ongoing_Series, #romance, #romantic_comedy, #series, #sitcom, #situational_comedy, #small_town, #Story, #weekly
No Free 2019-06-10 2019-10-10

by PlacidStorm
Flash Rumble

Flash Rumble is an action platformer game in the style of Megaman X. In this game, you are Newbie Pie, the latest Oppai Gynoid created by mad scientist Mildred Eureka. Your mission is simple: stop rogue Noids terrorizing Chesty Island’s population! This series contains illustration, promotional and comic strips created for Flash Rumble! Feel like supporting us? Check out our shop and our Patreon page! https://chestyisland.com/shop/ https://www.patreon.com/chestylarue

0 subs, 184 views
Action 1
#Flash Rumble, #illustrations, #video game
No Free 2017-09-12 2017-09-12

by fluffcakies

Mini comics/doodles about chibi Fluffcakies

50 subs, 651 views
Slice of life 1
#adorable, #anime, #animeart, #animeartist, #animedoodle, #animedrawing, #art, #artwork, #bored, #chibi, #cute, #digitalart, #digitaldrawing, #digitalsketch, #doodle, #doodles, #draw, #drawing, #drawingoftheday, #drawings, #fluffcakies, #fluffy, #illustration, #kawaii, #life, #little, #manga, #mangaart, #mangaartist, #mangadrawing, #mini, #mini chibi, #otaku, #pencil, #random, #randomdrawing, #sketch, #sketches
No Free 2014-12-02 2015-06-16

by kertas.kindew

Indonesian culture funny comic. Prepare your food because you'll get hungry after read this.

8 subs, 816 views
Comedy 1
#comedy, #Comic, #comicbook, #digitalcomic, #foodcourt, #funny, #illustration, #kertaskindew, #Sliceoflife, #webcomic
No Free 2017-11-11 2018-01-23

by Foxy and friends
Foxy and friends COMIC

¡Come laugh and have fun reading the funny stories of foxy! Hi, foxy and freinds is a web comic were i illustrate the funny and sad situations of my life, everything to make you smile.

6 subs, 317 views
Comedy 3
#art, #comedy, #Comic, #comics, #cute, #draw, #foxy, #foxy_and_friends, #fun, #funny, #illustration, #laugh, #love, #sketch, #web_comic
No Free 2018-08-28 2018-08-30

by adinmiloillustr
Freak Odyssey

FREAK ODYSSEY is an action/comedy comic set in a retro sci-fi Australia. The world is full of dangerous cutthroats and belligerent adventurers looking for a quick buck. Freak Odyssey is brimming with Mid Century Modern influence and is the love child of The Jetsons and Sin City

2 subs, 15 views
Science fiction 2
#australian, #freakodyssey, #midcentury, #midcenturyillustration, #retro, #sciencefiction, #scifi, #space
No Free 2021-06-20 2021-09-26

by Rut Pedreño
Frederick's House Art & Extras

Frederick's House Extras (concept art,illustrations,news, Q&A...) Update once a week Main series: https://tapastic.com/series/Fredericks-House

15 subs, 628 views
Comedy 3
#art, #extras, #frederick's House, #illustration
No Free 2016-12-30 2017-01-16

by alondraw_comics
Freelance and afriad

The daily life of a freelance comic book artist is tough but sometimes... very entertaining.

51 subs, 5.63k views
Comedy 86
#affraid, #all_ages, #color_comic, #comedy, #dailycomic, #drawing, #freelance, #illustration, #webcomic
No Free 2019-11-26 2020-02-10

by Girilimoni
Fuliggine (Soot)

Fuliggine is the short story of a boy who discovers a sooted-up chimney. (Inktober challenge 2015)

8 subs, 164 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #animals, #art, #black, #boy, #comics, #Fantasy, #fuliggine, #grandfather, #Halloween, #horror, #illustration, #inktober, #mistery, #oneshot, #Soot, #transforming
Yes Free 2020-06-19 2020-06-19

by Joshua Isaac

Follow the journey of Jot Ryans and a crew of Outlaws as they try to find their piece of paradise they can call home among the stars. Coming soon.

9 subs, 725 views
Comedy 3
##derp, #coming soon, #exploration, #Fantasy, #gaming, #Groomph, #illustration, #indie, #Jot Ryans, #PA1N3ATER, #Personal, #RetroAge, #Space-western, #Strawberry-Hedgehog
No Free 2014-10-14 2015-08-28

by GigglesEtGrins
Giggles Et Grins

We are simply silly and funny

1 subs, 335 views
Comedy 4
#art, #comedy, #comicart, #comicbook, #comics, #comicshop, #comicstrip, #comicstyle, #et, #funny, #giggle, #gigglesetgrins, #grin, #illustration, #originalcharacter, #series, #webcomics, #webcomicseries, #webtoon
No Free 2018-07-19 2018-08-11

by Eric Andrade
Gray's Art Corner

Welcome to my little art corner where I post my illustrations and stuff. Check my other series, "Gray Run Away" for comics!

19 subs, 1.91k views
Slice of life 41
No Free 2018-05-06 2019-12-15

by Tai-Tai
GTMF Extras

Extras from "Guide to make friends" . Funnies, concept art and more!

211 subs, 17k views
Fantasy 45
#comedy, #concept art, #drama, #gtmf, #guide to make friends, #illustrations
No Free 2016-04-10 2018-02-17

by apricot-sage
Halea the heir of Trientalis

Estella is put in the middle of a tragedy at her coronation where she was meant to become the next grand ilfha of Trientalis, the next ruler of the west Halea However after the tragedy it seems everything in her life might change for ever Is she able to find the answers for the tragedy and what is the future for the ilfhas and the rebellious fishpeople caspeifs?

0 subs, 295 views
Fantasy 6
#comics, #Halea_the_heir_of_Trientalis, #HTHOT, #illustration, #webcomics
No Free 2021-06-27 2021-08-31

by milzqjuzlin
halfway to anywhere

An illustrated poem. Be brave enough to dive into abstraction.

0 subs, 182 views
Slice of life 1
#Fantasy, #illustration, #imaginery, #photoshop, #scroll, #webcomic
No Free 2019-01-18 2019-01-18

by Millo Sketch
Happy Little Strips

A compilation of comic strips published to have fun

1 subs, 184 views
Comedy 2
#art, #cartoon, #chibi, #comicstrip, #cute, #humor, #illustration
No Free 2019-05-02 2019-06-17

by Heavy Armory
HarijanD Sketchs

Hi everyone. This gonna be the place where I will post some concepts, sketchs and illustrations. Some new, some old, but most important it's to show you guys some ideas about my project Sword. Cheers.

78 subs, 4.32k views
Fantasy 21
#Fantasy, #illustration, #sketch, #sword
No Free 2015-07-08 2021-07-06

by Ana Karenina
Haytham Gallery

Haytham-related illustrations, character profiles, comics, among other things. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ilustraciones de Haytham, perfiles de personajes, cómics y otras cosas.

60 subs, 1.15k views
Fantasy 3
#Fantasy, #gallery, #Haytham, #Haytham-art, #illustration
No Free 2015-11-10 2016-02-26