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by Pascal
#Funny Spoilers

I made this comic after seeing Thor Ragnarok, but for some reason I kept postponing posting it. There are some hints to the comics (Thor) and the movie itself, so it might be a bit too messy and incomprehensible for the non-Marvel fan. And also... lots of spoilers!

1 subs, 254 views
Comedy 1
#comedy, #fun, #funny, #humour, #movies, #spoof, #superheroes
No Free 2018-04-18 2018-04-18

by 3aday3

a webcomic about life, funny things, and just humour in general.

2 subs, 312 views
Comedy 8
#comedy, #funny, #funny_comics, #haha, #humour, #lol, #relatable, #webcomic, #webcomics
No Free 2018-12-21 2019-04-10

by Angry Bill

You wouldn't think that much could go wrong in three panels. You'd be surprised. Usually Updates (at bizarre New Zealand hours). Subscribe and be rewarded with powers beyond your wildest dreams

176 subs, 58.5k views
Comedy 598
#deconstructionism, #exciting_things, #humour, #madness, #post_irony, #random, #space
No Free 2017-01-22 2020-09-03

by Lukes Cartoonies
A Goth Girl, a Monster Boy and a Teen Scientist

This is a series about a spirited Goth girl named Wynona and her oddball friends–her older cousin, Kylie, a hyped up teen scientist and Harold, a mischievous monster boy. Together, they get into all sorts of adventures and antics. (and sometimes her ragdoll Penelope might get up to something!)

8 subs, 490 views
Comedy 7
#boy, #cartoon, #cute_and_dark, #dark_humour, #funny, #girl, #goth, #kids, #mad_science, #mischief, #Monster, #ragdoll, #scientist
No Free 2018-09-18 2018-09-30

by Gabriel Shields
a Mythed Opportunity

a Mythed Opportunity Comics is a weekly series that is about mythological characters learning to survive in a world that doesn't believe in them. Catch all the characters here and help Spread the Legend!

43 subs, 6.3k views
Comedy 28
#cerebus, #chimera, #comedy, #Dragon, #funny, #gabriel_shields, #Gargoyle, #gorgon, #griffin, #Hades, #humor, #humour, #hydra, #legend, #lol, #Lore, #myth, #mythology, #phoenix, #satyr, #SpreadtheLegend, #vampire
No Free 2015-11-19 2019-11-26

by Nerdicon
A Rough Sketch

A Rough Sketch is the planning stage when drawing. But here? Its all about comedy and often tragedy. I parody my favourite science fiction and pop culture along with my own daily life to brighten up your day! New episodes every Friday!

122 subs, 13.8k views
Comedy 51
#A_Rough_Sketch, #chibi, #comedy, #comic_strip, #dark_humour, #fun, #gaming, #manga, #mecha, #movies, #nerdycampbell, #parody, #science_fiction, #Scott_Pilgrim, #slice_of_life, #spoof, #superheros, #tv
No Free 2016-03-17 2020-09-25

by tiim HaT
Aarrevaara (english)

Vampires must hide their existence from humans, so Geir decides not to make friends with them. Soon he starts dating a cheerful human named Teri. Story focuses on respecting others and valuing yourself.

208 subs, 26k views
Romance 185
#drama, #friendship, #humour, #school, #Slifeoflife, #vampires
No Free 2016-02-14 2022-07-20

by The Other User
Abentura Episodes

Welcome to Abentura Episodes. A mini series centred around my party in a homemade tabletop game that we played.

13 subs, 1.22k views
Comedy 10
#abentura_episodes, #animated, #comedy, #comic_strips, #dd, #doodles, #drama, #dungeons_and_dragons, #Dungeons__Dragons, #Fantasy, #game, #gif, #homebrew, #humor, #humour, #Pathfinder, #random, #rpg, #strips, #tabletop, #tabletop_rpg
No Free 2017-05-28 2019-02-18

by Alix Dolstra
Adventures in Parenthood

A funny, lighthearted view on life as parents.

9 subs, 548 views
Slice of life 6
#Comic Shorts, #cute, #dad, #family, #funny, #humor, #humour, #lol, #mum, #mumlife, #parenthood, #parenting
No Free 2018-04-26 2018-11-25

by 8289542f
Adventures In Stuff

Comical short comics treating dark and controversial subjects with immature irreverence. Not suitable for kids or the easily offended.

7 subs, 999 views
Comedy 12
#comedy, #dark comedy, #gag-a-day, #humor, #humour, #life
No Free 2015-02-12 2015-06-30

by Kat Ozkosar
Afraid of Monsters

Afraid of Monsters is a fantasy/humour webcomic by Kat Ozkosar about one young Allen Alechem, a lad whose main concerns are his upcoming physics exam, not hurting himself, and generally being frightened by more or less everything. Cue his surprise (and abject terror) when his looker of an aunt, Grace, brings him to stay at a new... school! One... populated entirely by monsters! Oh, and did we mention that he's also a monster? Grace didn't, apparently. Well, at least he won't have to worry about that physics exam, anymore.

36 subs, 2.17k views
Fantasy 12
#Action, #adventure, #afraid, #afraidofmonsters, #afraid_of_monsters, #Alien, #aliens, #angel, #angels, #cat, #catgirl, #cats, #cat_girl, #comedy, #demon, #demons, #Fantasy, #humor, #humour, #mermaid, #Mermaids, #Monster, #monsters, #monster_girl, #of
No Free 2019-11-23 2019-11-24

by || Harmonics ||
Ah crap!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The first 3 episodes are very old, so the next few will be in color and be of better quality! 5 college students trying to figure out life and failing miserably.

2 subs, 510 views
Slice of life 12
#babysitting, #chibi, #college, #color, #comedy, #crushes, #fluff, #funny, #humour, #jobs, #life, #love, #romance, #school, #students
No Free 2018-05-08 2018-05-31

by E-Maniak
Aikidrole (french version)

Webcomic comique sur l'aikido. Les aventures cocasses d'une bande d'aikidokas déjantés et de leur impayable Sensei. Découvrez des situations folles, amusantes, réelles ou fabulées sur les tatamis du dojo d'aikido le plus drôle du monde ! Textes et dessins E-Maniak

3 subs, 492 views
Comedy 6
#aikido, #arts martiaux, #comedie, #Dojo, #Franais, #humour, #Japon, #manga, #mangaka, #noir et blanc, #sensei, #sport
No Free 2017-04-24 2017-04-28

by marcocartoon

The magical and funny adventures of Alcibiade, a young wizard student. By Allan Barte & Marcocartoon

1 subs, 379 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #comedy, #Fantasy, #humour, #kids, #magic
No Free 2016-03-28 2016-03-28

by Lys / Ael

Parody of Aeltarnen webcomic

48 subs, 1.87k views
Comedy 8
#comedy, #drow, #elf, #humour, #parody
No Free 2015-09-25 2015-11-20

by Terrence
Almost Adult

Autobiographical comic about my life and the happenstances that occur. Generally sarcastic, usually making puns. Will be trying to update once a week. Hopefully I can figure out a more regular schedule once I am comfortable making comics.

23 subs, 1.01k views
Comedy 4
#autobiographical, #autobiography, #biography, #comedy, #funny, #humour, #my life, #puns, #sarcasm, #slice of life
No Free 2016-03-14 2016-03-28

by Agusptoemo

Estamos en el 2069. La máquina invernal está congelando los campos de batalla estadounidense. Para desactivar esta máquina será necesaria la infiltración de una persona preparada para esta peligrosa misión, alguien con una capacidad de sigilo excepcional, capaz de finalizar la misión sin ser visto y con una gran fortaleza tanto física como mental...o podemos contratar a Anaconda

8 subs, 851 views
Comedy 7
#american, #americano, #comedia, #comedy, #drama, #EEUU, #espia, #espias, #EstadosUnidos, #estados_unidos, #explicacion, #gag, #gags, #game, #gaming, #gear, #gunsofthepatriots, #hideokojima, #humor, #humour, #metal, #metalgear, #MetalGearSolid, #Metal_Gear_Solid, #ocelot, #Otacon, #otako, #parodia, #parody, #Plot, #plottwist, #plotwist, #Risas, #Rusia, #russia, #russian, #russians, #sketch, #snake, #Solid, #SolidSnake, #Solid_Snake, #spies, #Spy, #tragedia, #traicion, #tramacompleja, #trama_complicada, #unitedstates, #videojuego
No Free 2020-06-22 2020-11-09

by Mangie
Angel Stalker

Sometimes, when you go on a date, things turn out soooo wrong that the guy (that knows already way too much about you btw) becomes blue with wings and a halo... Send help, please ?

12 subs, 528 views
Comedy 6
#angel, #comedy, #fantastic, #humour, #romance, #stalker
No Free 2018-10-10 2021-04-30

by Akouna
Another level

I’m 5’1 my boyfriend is 6’3. We look in the same direction but not at the same level

5 subs, 335 views
Comedy 3
#couple, #humour, #romance
No Free 2018-02-26 2018-03-08

by KG Yami
Another potato named Sarah

This comic is about my life and stupid things that pop into my mind along with it. Guest-stars involve my BF and my cat!

3 subs, 419 views
Comedy 2
#cat, #Comic, #humour, #JONAS, #Pelle, #potato, #sarah, #stupid
No Free 2016-12-17 2017-07-02

by Axendre
Antik Panic (FR)

"Une lettre envoyée par Zeus va bouleverser le destin de l'Olympe... Préparez-vous à entrer dans une nouvelle ère de la mythologie !"

1 subs, 188 views
Comedy 11
#aphrodite, #baston, #coquin, #delire, #dieu, #francais, #Hermes, #humour, #licorne, #Mythologie
No Free 2018-01-15 2022-03-30

by BLONGE! Comics
April, May and June

Trouble comes in threes and this three are as different as chalk and cheese...and something else totally dissimilar to those two items. Despite their differences they remain the best of friends, because no-one else can stand them.

68 subs, 33.5k views
Comedy 88
#April_May_and_June, #blonge, #hram_comics, #humor, #humour
No Free 2020-09-14 2022-07-20

by 「ざんげき」
Are You a Hero?

A depressed high school student also happens to have super powers, however his power is completely random and varies each time he uses it. He decides to become a hero after saving a girl from a fatal car crash. This is the story of the boy trying to save himself from depression by saving others.

13 subs, 1.23k views
Action 8
#Action, #comedy, #depression, #hero, #humour, #manga, #Superhero
No Free 2016-07-11 2016-11-05

by arienhowlett
Arien, the little kunoichi

Hi! My name is Arien and I want to share my life with you!

3 subs, 535 views
Comedy 8
#Comic, #fun, #funny, #humor, #humour, #kunoichi, #life, #little, #ninja
No Free 2017-07-16 2017-09-16

by dobby
Art of Failure

hello! I'm doing some weird comedy comic thing even though I can barely make myself laugh. oh man i didnt know i had to have a banner. I'm a dead meme and here's my twitter if you wanna follow https://twitter.com/mayunderyourbed

0 subs, 304 views
Comedy 1
#4-koma, #4koma, #art, #comedy, #Comic, #drawing, #funny, #humour, #lmao, #relatable, #relate able, #relate-able, #rolf
No Free 2018-04-15 2018-04-15

by Taylor is Trying
Artist and Dog

A series of mini-comics about an artist (me) and my dog.

10 subs, 1.63k views
Comedy 55
#animal, #dog, #doodles, #funny, #humour, #minicomic, #quickcontent, #relatable
No Free 2019-06-16 2022-03-16

by AshZone
Ash n Sparx

Just a comic about 2 guys who live a "normal" life.

7 subs, 962 views
Slice of life 8
#anime sorta, #cartoon, #comedy, #Comic, #humour, #i think its funny, #very funny
No Free 2015-07-10 2016-01-29

by Willem Samuel

A comic about married life, mostly.

6 subs, 375 views
Slice of life 1
#autobiographical, #Comic, #Fantasy, #funny, #horrow, #humour, #webcomic
No Free 2016-10-31 2016-10-31

by Juhi
Badi Choti

Badi (rhymes with curry) and Choti (rhymes with naughty) is about 2 sisters and their adventures in urban India. Badi is 6 while Choti came 3 years later. Update schedule is a bit crazy right now. I apologise. Will try to normalise posts with some buffers in hand. Till then, thank you, for your support.

23 subs, 4.14k views
Comedy 30
#cartoon, #comedy, #Comic, #drawing, #family, #Handmade, #humour, #ink, #life, #painting, #sisters, #watercolor, #watercolour, #waterpaint
No Free 2015-04-21 2016-03-08

by Stherho
BamBam Psychocat

BamBam: Cute little psycho cat

3 subs, 190 views
Comedy 4
#cat, #gato, #humor, #humour, #killer, #psycho
No Free 2019-06-11 2019-06-19

by HoneyBadgerMountain
Bert's Cafe

The day-to-day adventures of a bunch of animals who work in a cafe. Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays.

8 subs, 765 views
Comedy 8
#cafe, #cat, #characters, #dog, #funny, #humour, #mole, #retail, #strips
No Free 2017-10-24 2017-10-24

by Kaylen the great
Birds in suits

The daily shenanigans of the birds in advertisement. Just fun little comics about some birds in suits causing mayhem. What's not to love!

2 subs, 123 views
Comedy 5
#birds, #cause_why_not_ya_kno, #comedy, #comics, #funny, #funny_comics, #hey_there, #humour, #tags_tags_tags
No Free 2020-05-01 2020-06-01

by Doctora Sushu
BLU Español

Un alien se estrella contra una apartada isla de un planeta desconocido, el lugar, sumido en las tinieblas, está lleno de misterios. Junto con el detective pastelero Allen y la secretaria vampira Tina, descubrirán algunos de esos misterios. *If you are trying to read it in Spanish but that's not your main language, remember that I do have the series in English too*

57 subs, 656 views
Fantasy 7
#Alien, #blu, #Ciencia_ficcin, #comic_en_espaol, #espaol, #fantasa, #Fantasy, #humor, #humour, #vampires, #Vampiros
No Free 2018-03-25 2019-04-08

by Erhena

Erhena Comics Strips

0 subs, 276 views
Comedy 2
#animation, #blue, #child, #cinema, #comics, #education, #fantastique, #game of throne, #horror, #humor, #humour, #illustration, #information, #manga, #matcha, #media, #music, #nintendo, #quotidien, #show, #tim burton, #video game
No Free 2018-03-16 2018-03-24

by Viktorious
Bombing: The Comic

A mis-adventure in the subtle art of stand-up comedy, or "the stand-up comic's comic."

1 subs, 335 views
Comedy 5
#bombing, #cartoon, #comedian, #comicstrip, #comix, #cringe, #dark_humour, #fail, #four panel, #jokes, #lowbrow, #performing, #showbiz, #stage, #standup, #standup comedy, #strip, #underground
No Free 2018-02-26 2018-02-26

by sharl branch
Boo Or Whatever

a comic about a girl (me*) who discovers the apartment she's moved into is haunted.** *not based on a true story **episodes have been published previously on my website & socials

2 subs, 205 views
Action 12
#ghost, #ghost_story, #humor, #humour, #illustration, #webcomic
No Free 2019-10-07 2020-05-21

by TCoopComics

Halfling Bramble Rosebottom sets off on a 300 year quest to explore The Realm and update it's histories. But one raid and a deal with the devil later, She finds herself a slave to Raider Angvalþir Bjørnson. As the levels of danger rise, she will find out if the pursuit of knowledge was worth her enslavement...or her life. Bramble will be updated every Friday. Contains violence, adult language, nudity and sexuality. TW for mention of abuse and sexual assault, as well as depictions of violence.

33 subs, 4.65k views
Fantasy 40
#Action, #adventure, #Fantasy_, #humour
No Free 2017-01-14 2019-06-06

by Riley Jones
British Problems

Everyday problems encountered by the British.

10 subs, 509 views
Comedy 1
#comedy, #funny, #humour, #life, #problems
No Free 2015-04-12 2015-04-12

by Tanya

A comics series about our family life with 3 children and a dog

1 subs, 134 views
Comedy 1
#children, #everyday_life, #family, #funny, #humour, #love
No Free 2019-07-18 2019-07-25

Bulldog Diaries

Comics dedicated to my English Bulldog Stella.

29 subs, 3.5k views
Comedy 22
#animals, #bulldog, #cute, #dogs, #funny, #humour
No Free 2015-07-23 2019-11-14

by Coffeegranate
Bureau of Grim

What happens when you die? Do you go to heaven or hell? Are you reborn? Do you simply cease to be? What if the dead just kept living? What if the dead have a 9-5 job, bought groceries or were saving up for that new sofa they saw the other day? In this world, all of the above is true. This story follows the day to day lives of grim reapers, souls of the dead who are contracted to collect other souls for the angel of death, and the demons trying to steal them away for the devil.

21 subs, 1.05k views
#afterlife, #cant_bury_the_gays_if_theyre_already_dead, #crude_humour, #death, #horror, #LGBTQIA, #mature_themes, #queer, #romance
No Free 2022-04-25 2022-07-18

by Rachel Kahn
By Crom!

By Crom! Conan the Barbarian versus my mundane problems! WATCH Conan charge through the trials of art school! GAPE at Conan's warrior approach to early mornings! BE AWED by Conan's natural, untainted response to modern healthcare! LEARN from Conan's clear eyed and mighty-thewed thoughts on existential doubt! Created by Rachel Kahn, with thanks to Robert E. Howard.

57 subs, 16.1k views
Slice of life 82
#advice, #autobiography, #conan the barbarian, #humor, #humour, #Inspirational, #life advice
No Free 2015-11-30 2016-04-01

by Rodrigo Bittencourt
Cat People

The Frustrating Adventures of Grumpy, the Complaining Cat.

2 subs, 95 views
Comedy 3
#acid, #boredom, #catpeople, #cats, #comics, #depression, #humour, #illustration, #pop, #solitude
No Free 2020-03-30 2020-04-01

by JezMM

A comic about life, friends, good vibes - and a little something to laugh at, every Sunday.

475 subs, 170k views
Comedy 274
#chamomile, #ChamomileComic, #Chamomile_Comic, #comedy, #humour, #jezmm, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2017-05-04 2022-07-17

by Charlie
Charlie & Jane

Charlie and Jane is a peek into the lives of two people as they love, laugh, poop and parp. Vegetables, toilets, angry couches, sentient poops, protesting birds and sarcastic smartphones.

6 subs, 769 views
Slice of life 10
#couple, #doodle, #humor, #humour, #toilet, #vegan
No Free 2016-02-22 2016-03-17

by Torbjørn Lien
Chez Cuckoo

A comic about some friends, their everyday disasters, and general screw-ups. New comic strip every Tuesday and Friday.

9 subs, 900 views
Comedy 50
#blackmetal, #comedy, #comicstrip, #edgy, #funny, #gay, #humour, #metal, #music, #norwegian
No Free 2021-08-12 2022-07-19

by El Muki
Chicho & Darz

A countryside chicken and an extraterrestrial dragon live crazy and wacky adventures in a university with a shady reputation.

3 subs, 862 views
Comedy 33
#chicken, #college, #Comic, #crazy, #darkhumour, #Dragon, #food, #life, #university, #wacky, #webcomic, #wtf
No Free 2018-08-11 2018-10-23

by Mud-Pie
Chill Pill

Follow the misadventures of the thought trains leading to absolutely nowhere and making no sense at all... Good Luck!

1 subs, 52 views
Slice of life 2
#chill, #Chill_Pill, #Comic, #funny, #humour, #Mud_Pie, #Pill, #slice_of_life
No Free 2020-06-02 2020-06-03

by chonky_thepigeon
Chonky the Pigeon

Comic about adventures of a pigeon named Chonky. He likes bread.

6 subs, 508 views
Comedy 53
#bird, #birds, #bread, #friendship, #funny, #humour, #jokes, #puns, #relateable, #wholesome
No Free 2020-09-27 2021-01-22

by Chudoru / Cyndy
Chu Never know.

[Often exaggerated but true] Comics about my daily life, struggles, and demons (you'll see), but in a humourous way, so we can all laugh together about my laughable doings and the life of being a weeb and university student. *Updates being decided* *Probably weekly* Mirror of Chudoru.tumblr.com comics.

8 subs, 623 views
Slice of life 9
#anime, #based on true events, #cartoon, #cartoon strip, #comedy, #comics, #comic_strip, #daily life, #funny, #humor, #humour, #irony, #manga, #puns, #Real life, #satire, #slice of life
No Free 2016-06-09 2016-06-25

by chubandbubbles
Chub & Bubbles

Short stories about the lives of Chub, the quiet and often boring boyfriend, and Bubbles, the louder and larger than life girlfriend.

0 subs, 152 views
Slice of life 5
#bean, #bubbles, #chub, #Comic, #comicstrip, #comicstrips, #comic_strip, #comic_strips, #couple, #couple_comic, #cute, #cute_comic, #funny, #funnycomic, #funnycouple, #funny_comic, #funny_couple, #humor, #humour, #kawaii, #quirky, #relatable, #relationship, #relationships, #romance, #Sliceoflife, #slice_of_life, #slice_of_life_comic, #webcomic, #webtoon, #webtooncanvas, #webtoons, #webtoon_canvas
No Free 2020-05-24 2020-05-26

by Cimoc Comics
cimoc comics

Just the daily life of a girl, with the twist of otaku, a dash of wackiness and a hint of anxiety

7 subs, 218 views
Slice of life 3
#humour, #webcomics
No Free 2019-06-09 2020-02-29

by Stella Porteous

The car crash changed everything Leona Burnett knew. She woke up from a two week coma to find unknown beings haunting the world. Then without any explanation, she was forced to join a Government Private Organization: The Conscious Eyes.

20 subs, 472 views
Drama 1
#Action, #agender, #asexual, #Ata, #baseball, #bisexual, #clandestine, #cute art, #demons, #funny, #gay, #genderqueer, #government, #horror, #humour, #Indian, #lgbtq+, #mystery, #poc, #queer, #Strong Lead, #supernatural
No Free 2017-04-04 2017-04-14

by Comic of the Apes
Comic of the Apes

New comics every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

1 subs, 110 views
Comedy 4
#comedy, #comicstrip, #comic_strip, #funny, #humor, #humour, #joke, #jokes, #lol
No Free 2020-06-08 2020-06-11

by Malen Keys
Comic Strips

A collection of Random Comic strips.

0 subs, 104 views
Comedy 1
#Comic, #comicstrips, #funny, #gaming, #haha, #humourous, #lol, #ragnarok, #super_sons
No Free 2020-03-01 2020-03-01

by BlinkyPaws
Comics about kitten Moti and stuffed toy Ducky.

Hello! I am Sasha Elaizz. I am a creator of Blinkypaws. I used to draw a cute little kitten, just for myself and to share it with friends) But then I got an idea "why not to give this cutie a name, and share it with more people?" Moti is a little kitten who lives with his Mom, and a little friend , a stuffed toy Ducky. Day time Moti is a regular kitten who loves to play. But after finding in a store a special costume, Moti decided to become a super hero at night. The adventures begin...

7 subs, 665 views
Comedy 57
#adventures, #animals, #artist, #cat, #comedy, #comics, #cute, #cuttie, #dog, #dogs, #fun, #funny, #humor, #humour, #kitten, #love, #lovestory, #pet, #pets, #romantic, #Superhero
No Free 2020-07-23 2021-08-20

by Comics by Lina A
Comics by Lina - A Series

A collection of comics that are about absolutely nothing, enjoy!

13 subs, 533 views
Comedy 27
#comic_strip, #humour, #life, #webcomics
No Free 2020-05-28 2020-07-01

by Tony Cimino
confessions of a game explainer

ONE EPISODE PER WEEK: One free episode here! Premium episodes uploaded frequently on patreon! A boardgaming manifesto, featuring one of the most peculiar jobs out there: the professional game explainer. Join us on a trip to board game cafes and their staff, customers, games and paraphernalia.

12 subs, 4.13k views
Gaming 146
#board_game, #cafe, #cards, #comedy, #customer, #funny, #gaming, #humour, #staff, #workplace
No Free 2017-04-17 2019-06-02

by Chris G. Represa
Cosmos and Waterfall (ENGLISH)

An useless worker and a renegade sacrifice victim run away across the galaxy to escape from justice. If they have enough time despite their adventures and romances, maybe they'll try to solve the intergalactic armed conflict that they have just caused.

64 subs, 1.46k views
#aliens, #bisexual, #humour, #lesbian, #lgbt, #sci-fi webcomic, #space, #subcultura
No Free 2016-02-02 2020-01-28

by Humour Ball

Hey! I'm Humour ball. I like to draw countryball comics and hopefully, you like to read them. I'm really sorry if I don't post often. It's just that I am a beginner and I don't really know what I'm doing. If you want, you can share my comics to the rest of the internet and if you don't I at least hope that you enjoyed it. Write in the comments what you think about it, what you want changed and any helpful suggestions.

20 subs, 1.39k views
Comedy 3
#ball, #comedy, #country, #countryball, #funny, #humour, #Humour ball
No Free 2017-11-11 2017-11-26

by Tarantel

Creep is an biographical comic about Tarantel and his friends. It started back in 2002 and has been going on and off since then. Capturing his strange life.

5 subs, 673 views
Slice of life 52
#alcohol, #biographical, #creep, #Cthulhu, #hardrock, #heavy_metal, #humour, #metal, #mythos, #philosophical, #stockholm, #sweden, #wyrd
No Free 2020-01-26 2022-07-20

by Jacey
Creeps and Corpses

Teenager Vector Walls doesn't believe in urban legends and ghosts. Even when a terrifying rumor of 'The Pink Lady' begins to spread around schools, he disregards it. But what happens when he meets one, and must find a way to get rid of her before he loses his sanity?

1.91k subs, 12.9k views
Mystery 2
#drama, #Fantasy, #mildhorror, #romance, #supernatural, #terriblehumour
No Free 2018-03-17 2018-08-31

by Crejapasta
Creja's The truth about life

Random misadventures of the everyday life of a student, fangirl, artist, gamer, and food lover. Updates every Monday. (Or not, depends on how busy I am, but mostly Mondays. Definitely Mondays)

18 subs, 1.08k views
Slice of life 5
#2 panel comic, #2koma, #4panel, #chibi, #comedy, #creja, #crejapasta, #crejapastaube, #family life, #fangirl, #humor, #humour, #lifeingeneral, #school life, #sherlocked, #sherlockian, #sibling life, #student_life, #tumblr, #yonkoma
No Free 2014-11-05 2015-01-01

by BigWhoopComics
Cute Comics, Dirty Words.

Bunch of foul talking things but they are cute! Yeah, we gave voice to the objects lying around us and made them trash talk and use foul language because let's face it if they could talk they would say worse things!

1 subs, 77 views
Comedy 2
#adultcomics, #bangalore, #comedy, #comicstrips, #comix, #dankcomics, #entertainment, #funny, #funnycomics, #humour, #Indian, #indianart, #IndianComics, #indian_comics, #newbie, #objects, #relatable, #sillycomic, #talkingcomics, #webcomics
No Free 2020-07-28 2020-08-03

by fmaier89
Dahmer and Greg

Written by Ryk Brink, with art by Florian Maier Greg is just your regular joe happily making a living in a 9-5 office job. He lives together with Jeff, his quiet introverted room-mate who loves to cook and collect things. What Jeff forgets to mention is his other hobby, a hobby which involves killing people and saving up their body parts for breakfast, dinner and lunch. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dahmer and Greg, black comedy webcomic strip about everyone's favourite cannibal and his clueless room-mate.

8 subs, 1.69k views
Slice of life 14
#apartment, #art, #black and white, #Black Humour, #blood, #body parts, #Cannibal, #cannibalism, #comedy, #Comic, #cooking, #dark, #dead people, #death, #eating, #flat, #food, #funny, #Greg, #housemate, #humour, #joke, #killer, #life, #limbs, #living, #mate, #morbid, #parody, #Room, #serial, #serial_killer, #violence
No Free 2014-08-05 2015-04-21

by Peter Rasmussen
Daned and Confused

A comic about being Danish in a foreign country as well as place where I share my Literal Danish translations.

1 subs, 109 views
Action 2
#danish, #Dansk, #funny, #humor, #humour, #outsider, #slice_of_life, #translations
No Free 2020-03-03 2020-03-03

by ZekeStamm
Dark Humor

My Comic Series on Dark Humor Jokes!

5 subs, 334 views
Comedy 3
#Balnce, #Comic, #dark, #funny, #humor, #humour, #Stamm, #Stammer, #terrible, #zeke
No Free 2019-03-07 2019-03-07

by Jayzenime
Dark Humour

Dark humour is a short dark story but funny in the same time. I limited the darknest of this story so everyone can enjoy read it :) Follow me on social media : Jayzenime

0 subs, 19 views
Comedy 5
#anime, #art, #comedy, #Comic, #darkhumour, #funny, #horror, #manga
No Free 2022-06-19 2022-07-18

by katakraos
Dark Matter Annihilation

Unapologetic humour about life, death, black holes, and taxes. Updates Mondays and Wednesdays.

3 subs, 894 views
Comedy 20
#humour, #science, #taxes
No Free 2019-07-28 2019-11-06

by Darkside
Dark's Humour

A series of comics about my favourite jokes. Warning: stuff about death, suicide, minority, religion, abuse, sex, politics, and violence. Remember, dark comedy is like food: not everyone gets it. Irregular updates.

7 subs, 885 views
Comedy 6
#black_comedy, #black_humour, #darkside, #Darks_humour, #Dark_comedy, #dark_humour, #death, #Enter_the_darkside, #taboo, #violence
Yes Free 2017-06-04 2020-07-11

by :Dragonranaries
Days Without Her

A slice of life story about a Loser and the women in her life.

19 subs, 566 views
Slice of life 3
#alcohol, #Angst, #booze, #fun, #funny, #humour, #life, #loser, #love, #romance, #senpai, #Sliceoflife, #Story, #straight
No Free 2018-03-20 2019-06-07

by Dee
Deebees Inner Diary

Updates Mondays and Fridays. A comic about mental health; mostly about DID, Anxiety, and recovery. A comic about a system, made by a system. NOTE: This is a fictional system to keep my system anonymous!

65 subs, 20.2k views
Slice of life 69
#did, #dissociation, #humor, #humour, #mental_health, #multiplicity, #osdd
No Free 2020-10-05 2021-08-06

by BLONGE! Comics
Descent Into Madness

A family of ridiculous cartoon villains attempt to teach their youngest member how to be a criminal mastermind. Updated every Friday!

121 subs, 35.7k views
Comedy 85
#blonge, #Comic, #Crime, #DescentIntoMadness, #funny, #hramcomics, #humour
No Free 2020-09-03 2022-06-24

by IgneousComics
Deuce Royale

https://www.patreon.com/DeuceRoyaleByIgneousComics?ty=h Good and Evil come in many forms, especially in Lalando. In this realm of shattered islands, dark shadows lurk in every corner. Our unsuspecting heroes travel their kingdom in wanderlust, but in an land where it's hard to know who or even what to trust; the danger is far greater than they realize... Join the "identical" twin Princes of Lalando, Tobias and Bloothe. Along with their sister, the lovely and surprisingly resourceful Princess Boone, in tales of high adventure!

3 subs, 3.44k views
Fantasy 3
#adventure, #comedy, #Fantasy, #goblins, #good_and_evil, #humor, #humour, #medieval, #romance, #Royalty
No Free 2015-11-28 2015-12-06

by Edward Sam

Diaries from people of different world/ life/ time/ etc

473 subs, 16.7k views
Comedy 20
#comedy, #dark_humour, #Fantasy, #Monster
No Free 2017-03-04 2020-10-18

by Rus–Eat,Sleep,Sniff
Diary Comics

Weekly comics about a man and his cat. And sometimes his wife too. Buy the books here: http://www.eatsleepsniff.com/shop

53 subs, 5.58k views
Slice of life 87
#cat, #cats, #comedy, #diary comics, #eatsleepsniff, #funny, #humour
No Free 2015-05-31 2015-09-30

by pongldr ♡
Die, Immortal Chan! (Finished)

Immortal Chan wants to die but she can't. So her best friend Satan offers to help out.

200 subs, 16.3k views
Drama 37
#comedy, #cute, #dark humor, #dark_humour, #death, #demon, #funny, #GORE, #lol, #school, #silly, #slice of life, #supernatural
Yes Free 2016-04-17 2018-04-18

by Rolling Stock
Dogfighter Isabelle

There will be blood. LoL

5 subs, 790 views
Action 17
#Animal_Crossing, #gamer_humour
No Free 2019-04-24 2019-06-05

by Its Ironic Comics
Don't Worry, It's Ironic

The adventures of Brad and Chad, a high school journey with top five twists you MUST click to see!

3 subs, 431 views
Comedy 4
#bad, #comedy, #dumb, #funny, #humor, #humour, #stupid, #suicide
No Free 2016-02-26 2016-03-03


When life gives you lemons, it's probably a group of idiots that don't understand the concept of throwing rocks. But hey, it's edible. Can't say the same about rocks. Updates will be on Saturdays at 8 am EDT

0 subs, 237 views
Comedy 2
#comedy, #donut, #donuts, #food, #funny, #humor, #humour, #somedonutshaveholes
No Free 2018-07-22 2018-07-23

by Jellowpaw
Doodles with Demi

some short simple comic I once made for the fun with one of my characters.

4 subs, 176 views
Comedy 3
#anthro, #art, #comedy, #devil, #doodles, #evil, #Fantasy, #funny, #GORE, #humour, #jellowpaw, #jellow_paw, #meme, #memes, #raymond, #raymond_johson, #rpg, #simple_comic, #stuip_humour, #webcomic, #web_comic
No Free 2020-02-25 2020-03-15

by pakos
Double Boyfriend!

Ryan gets asked out by Jordan, the college's star athlete, and he accepts. But after he accidentally gets Jordan mixed up with Jayden (his older twin), the two brothers battle it out to win Ryan's heart. (BL)

2.3k subs, 14.5k views
Romance 2
#bl, #comedy, #humour, #romance, #yaoi
No Free 2017-06-20 2017-08-07

by Harry Patos
Dr. Crown and Other Black Medieval Humour Strips

Black Death, Black Homor... Yeah, that's coul be fine.

5 subs, 33 views
Comedy 1
#black_death, #black_humour, #comic_strip, #crown, #dark_humour, #doctor, #evil, #Fantasy, #medieval, #Monster, #Necromancer, #pandemic, #parody, #raven, #roleplay, #roleplaymemes, #undead
Yes Free 2020-09-11 2021-08-31

by LeMoNisa
Dream Catcher

In life, he was chained. In death, he was free. And in between, there's love. A life story of a slave boy sacrificed for a false god, in death he serves his murderer and in between, falling in love.

32 subs, 621 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #dark, #Fantasy, #friendship, #humour, #light BL, #mystery
No Free 2017-06-09 2018-05-02

by jaceebo
Dreams and Introspection

The following program is intended for the intellectually gifted. View discretion is advised.

10 subs, 652 views
Slice of life 5
#and, #comedy, #dream, #Dreaming, #dreams, #funny, #giggle, #humor, #humour, #introspect, #introspection, #irony, #jaceebo, #laugh, #life, #lol, #of, #paint, #photoshop, #Sai, #slice, #smart
No Free 2015-01-21 2016-10-06

by duckwithatie
Duck With A Tie

I like to write things. Sometimes they're funny and other times they're sad. Ideally they're somewhere in between. (Unfortunately) These are the things that happen to Duck. Enjoy.

2 subs, 1.01k views
Comedy 57
#anxiety, #dark, #darkcomics, #darkhumour, #depression, #duck, #funny, #funnysad, #mondaysads, #sad
No Free 2021-08-23 2022-07-19

by pongldr ♡
Duckgirl: The Useless Superhero!

The story of a girl who joins a group of super heroes, before realising that her power is useless. (READ RIGHT TO LEFT PLEASE) I will upload every chapter once it is finished, so please be patient. If you'd like to keep up with the manga each time I make a page, please follow it on smackjeeves: http://duckgirl.smackjeeves.com/comics/2257764/chapter-1-page-1/

172 subs, 5.64k views
Comedy 12
#Action, #amateur, #comedy, #cute, #dark_humour, #duckgirl, #ducks, #funny, #heroes, #manga, #silly, #stupid, #Superhero
No Free 2016-02-26 2017-05-23

by V Apple
Dude Bro Homie Friend

bro who even knows at this point

2 subs, 204 views
Slice of life 3
#art, #art_journal, #humor, #humour, #journal, #life
No Free 2019-05-02 2019-05-23

by Britannica_Industry

Set in a not-so-distant future Britain in which modern Marxism has reached its logical conclusion. "Dædscúa" is a story about reclaiming one's masculinity in a society that constantly tries to strip it away. We follow Darneil Ridend in his journey to save his younger sister from human trafficking and develop personal responsibility. Special thanks to Alice Robinson, Our amazing artist for all her amazing work.

2 subs, 56 views
Action 2
#Action, #comedy, #comicbooks, #comics, #comingsoon, #Communism, #cyberpunk, #dark, #darkhumour, #deadscua, #female, #Knight, #london, #male, #Man, #Superhero, #vigilante, #woman
No Free 2020-11-28 2022-07-17


sometimes, being earless is nice :) markers on A4. handdrawn. finished in November 2019.

1 subs, 108 views
Comedy 1
#autotomy, #blackhumour, #depression, #dream, #Earless, #ears, #gossips, #imagination, #night, #rumours
No Free 2019-11-03 2019-11-03

by eirinnske_comics
Eirinnske Comics: A Random Collection

i spew trash

257 subs, 44.8k views
Comedy 104
#anxiety, #cat, #comedy, #funny, #humour, #lgbtq, #relateable, #relationships, #webcomics, #wholesome
No Free 2020-05-10 2022-03-03

by fandangle-rectangle
Ends Left Loose - Discontinued

The day started like any other, as Milo made his way to school. Only, Milo's dead. All he has to do now is tie up all his loose ends to get to the afterlife. No big deal.

28 subs, 2.21k views
Comedy 26
#afterlife, #comedy, #ghosts, #humour, #quest, #slice_of_death, #slice_of_life
No Free 2018-01-29 2021-01-18

by Das
Enemy Engaged

During the dark times of pacification of the galaxy right after the first Space War, a crew of broken pilots and soldiers lead by Captain Ratatarse explores the galaxy aboard of the 666 Rampage to free the human worlds from giants aliens. Enemy Engaged is a science fiction comics created by Ratatarse and Das, parodying Macross but with original characters, mechas, sets and dark humour.

3 subs, 297 views
Science fiction 7
#aliens, #darkhumour, #mechas, #sciencefiction, #spacebattle
No Free 2021-12-18 2022-01-29

by Rafa Macias
Epic Fails

This adventurers party has the worst of lucks when rolling dices... Epic fails!

4 subs, 210 views
Comedy 2
#comedy, #dnd, #dragons, #Dungeons, #Fantasy, #humour, #rpg, #videogames
No Free 2019-05-13 2019-06-15

by Lore
Eva Acida

Stories about feminism and more

2 subs, 393 views
Slice of life 2
##feminism, ##girlpower, ##humour, ##lifeinyour30s, ##patriarchy, ##sexism, ##woman
No Free 2018-01-15 2018-01-22

by imthederpyfox

Hi, my name's Exza. Welcome to the strange and random things in my life. Hopefully this will make you feel better about yourself, if not, then we may be too similar.

1 subs, 144 views
Comedy 1
#comedy, #exza, #funny, #humour, #imthederpyfox, #irl, #random, #real_life, #slice_of_life
No Free 2019-07-30 2019-07-30

by Sam Noir

Pop SPOOFS in a cultural vein! PARODY and SATIRE as you like it. Dave Franciosa http://www.davefranciosa.com Sam Noir http://sam-noir.tumblr.com

58 subs, 18.6k views
Comedy 83
#comedy, #humor, #humour, #parody, #satire, #Science Fiction, #spoof
No Free 2015-12-22 2017-05-29

by Fantasticbrick

Comic strips that deal with everyday annoyances, silly situations and those inner imaginations inside my head.

0 subs, 423 views
Comedy 10
#fun, #humour, #quirky, #strip, #weird
No Free 2017-04-25 2017-05-30

by Gau meo

A love story between a princess and a "newbie" soldier. :D :D

3.79k subs, 226k views
Romance 44
#Action, #couple, #history, #humour, #love story, #romance
No Free 2017-07-31 2018-01-13

by Artsie Ellie
Financially Responsible

Move out? In this economy?

0 subs, 359 views
Comedy 7
#financial, #funny, #humor, #humour, #money, #responsible, #young_adult
No Free 2019-07-16 2021-07-14