Story | Genre | Eps | Tags | Done | Type | Created | Updated | |
![]() by Ooka-san |
!HATERS! bye bye freedom
Interactive story on twitter
(owned by @ooka_Rmacintosh) Follow the story HATERS//you can interact with the characters and the scenes, it will play in the future of the story
49 subs, 516 views
Horror | 2 | No | Free | 2019-06-14 | 2019-06-14 | |
![]() by Kaisto |
(Growing up) Odd & Idle
Basically my over-exaggerated life. Odd thoughts, idle hours, and awkward moments for days, son.
33 subs, 1.09k views
Slice of life | 8 | No | Free | 2018-11-16 | 2019-01-04 | |
![]() by EBee |
(Version Retired for a Reboot) The Lessfortunate Beings
This is the original start of the comic The Lessfortunate Beings. It has now been retired for a reboot! Feel free to read it anyway to get an idea of what the new version will be like.
305 subs, 20.8k views
Fantasy | 29 | No | Free | 2014-08-31 | 2019-04-02 | |
![]() by ACanadianInABox |
A Cliche Hate
What do you do when you feel yourself falling for your worse enemy? Deny it of course!
1 subs, 413 views
Romance | 1 | No | Free | 2017-08-26 | 2017-08-26 | |
![]() by MadamePandella |
A Glass Of Water
In a world of Landwellers vs the up and coming Fishkin, there is hate on both sides. Two unlikely allies will dive into their alternate worlds and discover a power within themselves to overcome the destructive force within themselves and others.
397 subs, 10.9k views
Romance | 18 | No | Free | 2020-08-19 | 2021-08-23 | |
![]() by Jose |
A King or Whatever
Being a king is hard, let's just act cool and tell some jokes because I mean whatever right?
30.1k subs, 3.22M views
Comedy | 100 | No | Free | 2015-01-19 | 2019-09-19 | |
![]() by Ace |
Ace's Scetchbin
is throw my drawings in this bin
is pretty fun
10 subs, 425 views
Comedy | 1 | No | Free | 2017-03-30 | 2017-03-30 | |
![]() by PinkShadow |
I love to draw.. even if dont know how, but it makes me happy just to share some of my life :3 I can do photoshop :v
3 subs, 383 views
Comedy | 3 | No | Free | 2017-07-04 | 2017-08-02 | |
![]() by Matt |
AI: The Artificial Ignorance
Watch four friends with very different personalities interact with each other and life in general. Drawn by a middle schooler with too much time...
5 subs, 1.01k views
Slice of life | 11 | No | Free | 2016-04-09 | 2016-07-29 | |
![]() by Marie |
Allan O & Marié Maison
The cheeky duffelcoat wearing college coon couple of Allan and Maison who has strange thoughts about everyday things.
2 subs, 514 views
Slice of life | 3 | No | Free | 2016-03-07 | 2016-03-21 | |
![]() by Nightmarez |
Angel Odyssey
life was easy going for alex knight till one day he come upon and old cave of the under ground tunnels of london and unleashes an ultimate evil that chooses to use him as a vessel now demons and creatures of hell want to devour him, whats a boy to do?..... is all hope lost for this boy or can his guardian angel in training save him? watch and see the adventures of alex and his angel.
9 subs, 488 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2015-02-11 | 2015-02-25 | |
![]() by kayla |
im gay n petty enough to make this self-insert comic starring me n my other gay cousin. lmao enjoy this trash
surprisingly even though there's weebness everywhere, read left to right
42 subs, 1.17k views
Slice of life | 2 | No | Free | 2016-06-29 | 2016-07-07 | |
![]() by tommartinart |
Bad Art
Stupid stuff I think up and then draw
3 subs, 544 views
Comedy | 32 | No | Free | 2021-01-14 | 2021-01-17 | |
![]() by Sarah Yoshi |
Berds & Nerds
Berds & Nerds is about a girl, an owl, and all things nerdy in this bi-weekly comic strip. We've stopped posting content here, but we're still posting comics on our site!
1.49k subs, 3.87k views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2014-03-31 | 2015-01-01 | |
![]() by CrazeeFaux |
Blade's Kiss
Roxi (Roxiva Tsurista) is a young gypsy girl who with encouragement from her grandmother sets out on an adventure to find her destiny, a turn of events leads her into quite the misadventure and is caught up in a whirlwind of hired mercenaries, highborn assassins, and pirate bounty hunters looking for her.
24 subs, 644 views
Fantasy | 4 | No | Free | 2017-03-31 | 2017-06-26 | |
![]() by Shellzki |
BLUE is an eclectic non-sequential web-comic with a naivety that hides a dark, adult core, dealing with mental health issues, death, forgiveness, drugs, friendship, love, sex and magic.
Though confusing in its timeline, the audience is forced to piece together the narrative like a puzzle, creating an uncommon and alternative reading experience. The essential plot follows the main character Blue from life, his battle with mental health issues, towards death and his journey through the afterlife. From there the story branches off into arcs, which often explore other significant characters and their adventures.
A unique interpretation of the Afterlife is presented, formed by concepts of Rebirth, Purgatory and Alternate Universes and Dimensions - It is really a place where almost anything seems possible and everything about living and death can be explored and questioned...
A message from the Artist:
Hey there guys, I love making these comics, its a very flexible story telling style, which makes it easy to produce for. I aim to pop up at least 2 a week and if you're keen to see more sooner you can check out my Facebook page:
I really love the characters and the stories are sometimes based off of things that have happened to me in my life, its a great way to vent things out haha - Whelp, I hope you guys enjoy this series!
If you have any questions about anything shoot me a message :)
452 subs, 67.9k views
Romance | 81 | No | Free | 2016-04-30 | 2019-06-20 | |
![]() by BAE-KUN |
Ally is looking for way to go home.
Kane is looking for a missing lover.
Ash is looking for another world.
Lufus is looking for his sister.
4 subs, 365 views
Action | 3 | No | Free | 2017-08-03 | 2017-08-08 | |
![]() by toonlancer |
BOB Issue 1
My name is Summer Frost,
Unfortunately I have the job of protecting the small town of BOB.
It would be better if I liked this RAT HOLE OF A PRISON town, or the intellectual, incestral inhabitants that roam it's cobble pathway...
Or well, one day I'll find a way to burn this town to ash, but until then...
15 subs, 644 views
Fantasy | 1 | Yes | Free | 2016-12-18 | 2019-06-07 | |
![]() by Carly Ship |
Bonus Island
This is "Bonus Island", the spin-off series for my main comic, "Sparkle Island". This series is a compilation of nicely-drawn illustrations mixed with terribly-drawn mini comics. I hope you enjoy this supplement series. It will not be updated regularly but rather every time I decide to make something.
13 subs, 627 views
Comedy | 3 | No | Free | 2017-03-13 | 2017-03-17 | |
![]() by calliope |
Burn Pile
5 teens share a space, dealing with each other constantly. Over time, they build enough trust with each other to carry out objective with skills they have acquired.
1 subs, 524 views
Comedy | 6 | No | Free | 2018-01-25 | 2018-02-12 | |
![]() by Arr-istocrat |
Business Goblin
Hello, This is the Business goblin. He is a goblin that does business
9 subs, 613 views
Comedy | 3 | No | Free | 2015-12-07 | 2015-12-07 | |
![]() by ivysaur |
Rants and revealings of the injustices in everyday (or not everyday) life. Feel free to send me your story and I may respond with a drawing.
7 subs, 713 views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2013-05-02 | 2013-05-02 | |
![]() by bbthatsme |
carefully planned mistakes
disclaimer: this comic is discontinued until i feel like i'm good enought to actually make it... wich is gonna take a while^^"
a funny (?) comic about a gang of sexual misfits and their journey to self acceptance.
warning: sexual themes, homophobia, narrow minded ness and general idiocy
71 subs, 1.79k views
Slice of life | 7 | No | Free | 2016-06-12 | 2017-05-19 | |
![]() by Jean Guillet |
Chateau Grief
US army telepath Xander must choose between his best friend and the woman he loves - both of whom have ulterior motives for using him in a supernatural war. Will his desperation to find a family leave him more alone than ever before?
348 subs, 34.8k views
Drama | 376 | No | Free | 2015-07-21 | 2022-07-21 | |
![]() by KoreanOtaku |
Cheap Comics
Im a 13 yr old trying to write comics... and failing...
55 subs, 2.08k views
Slice of life | 4 | No | Free | 2015-07-27 | 2015-07-29 | |
![]() by 2girls1dream |
Crystal Shards: Wait, What?
Welcome to Crystal Shards: Wait, What?
"Why that name?" you ask.
Well, I answer you:
I don't know.
In that AU of Crystal Shards - and first comic - , the trio have to attend school for obvious reasons: to study.
Focused mainly on comedy, Ally, Luca and Richard, the main characters, create a bond coming from childhood and eventually in adolescence.
23 subs, 524 views
Comedy | 3 | No | Free | 2017-08-28 | 2018-04-23 | |
![]() by Pistashii |
Cups of Tea
This about the Host, who controls whether a human can suicide or not, meeting some depressed as heck peeps.
1 subs, 137 views
Drama | 1 | No | Free | 2019-03-20 | 2019-03-20 | |
![]() by Matsutoshi |
Cutaway Soldier
Cutaway Soldier is the story of a man named Althasar, exiled from his home by his family, who were experiencing very abnormal, slightly evil, behavior. Convinced that there had to be something more to his family's unusual actions, Althasar is determined to reunite with his family and make things right. Along the way he meets various people, faces many trials that test his will, and attempts to breaks free of the cruel fate this world has placed him in.
Also on G.M.I.:
31 subs, 2.99k views
Action | 15 | No | Free | 2015-06-08 | 2021-11-19 | |
![]() by atlastonn |
Daemonium Lacrimae
Kharia with nothing or none else to live for killed herself in hopes of reuniting with Jacob, who sacrificed his life to save hers. Thus led her quest to find Elysium. Elysium is a period for which demons have a chance to redeem themselves and find paradise. On her 100th death-year, she gave up, her being one of the oldest demons to reside in hell, and then resorted to do doing what demons are best at doing; making other commit the same crime. Until her 157th death-year, until fate changed.
2 subs, 12 views
Action | 2 | No | Free | 2020-10-30 | 2020-11-06 | |
![]() by Hannah |
DeAndre is a teenager with a plate full of troubles. His friend Logan is a delinquent that needs an attitude adjustment, his grandfather is hiding things from him, and his crush Sabrina cares too much about Logan to notice his attempts at love. He also has to learn how to control his powers with the help of Logan, who doesn’t understand a proper way to teach him without causing distress. Follow DeAndre as he tries to figure out how to keep control and how to save the day in this sci-fi slice of life comic series!
10 subs, 1.15k views
Science fiction | 50 | No | Free | 2019-04-28 | 2019-08-07 | |
![]() by ArtsyCam |
Robin and Vaiden, two alphas, one a free spirit and the other a structured and perfectionist who end up crossing paths almost by fate. Though first impressions on each other weren't the best...what will happen once they realize they aren't as different as they thought? || UPDATES EVERY TUESDAY!
3.44k subs, 131k views
BL | 36 | No | Free | 2021-03-23 | 2022-04-03 | |
![]() by Liberis Puritatem |
An alternative and experimental story about children born in suffering and raised in anguish.
1 subs, 544 views
Drama | 5 | No | Free | 2016-02-22 | 2016-03-17 | |
![]() by Jellyfishchen |
don't stress yourself.
This is me, reflecting the pressures we put on ourselves.
Also trying to get along with myself.
4 subs, 442 views
Slice of life | 2 | No | Free | 2017-10-29 | 2017-11-09 | |
![]() by Bryan |
Doodle Cache
19 subs, 4.11k views
Fantasy | 70 | No | Free | 2016-08-09 | 2019-09-19 | |
![]() by Prometheusd |
Posting things I make for your perusal and (hopefully) enjoyment!
There's no set schedule, because ain't nobody got time for that!
8 subs, 1.21k views
Comedy | 29 | No | Free | 2016-03-02 | 2018-03-25 | |
![]() by Fractals |
Dream Chasers
Aliya is an astrophysics major who's been having weird dreams.
Mona is a jill-of-all-trades who's searching the country for a fallen star.
A very casual wlw comic I'm going to work on in my free time; I'll likely update sporadically so please keep that in mind.
13 subs, 443 views
Romance | 1 | No | Free | 2016-05-22 | 2016-05-22 | |
![]() by hopskotch SunDAY |
Follow the adventures of Dungheap, a kid from two opposing races, the Volans and the Erts, living on top of a magical tree, being chased by powerful creatures that haven't been seen in over a hundred years. You can learn more at my Patreon. Link is above.
3 subs, 600 views
Fantasy | 16 | No | Free | 2017-01-08 | 2017-01-23 | |
![]() by kiingbiing |
Each Other
Just 2 grumpy bunnies trying to get along.
3 subs, 244 views
Slice of life | 5 | No | Free | 2019-05-22 | 2019-06-03 | |
![]() by M |
Taking place in the 1960's. A young detective is searching for the culprit who robbed 3 separate banks within a month but when he discovers that it was a woman who was younger than him he was dumbfounded and let her escape. He is now determined to catch her no matter what cost. She is consistently teasing and showing up in front of him but he still is unable to arrest her.
15 subs, 386 views
Romance | 1 | No | Free | 2017-09-17 | 2017-09-17 | |
![]() by MichelaR |
Fake your Death
Belial is a troubled sixteen years old boy in a disfunctional family. His dad, who once was a leader of a famous band, is the person he hates most. His mother ran away when he was six. His twin brother seems does not care of anybody and anything.
But what if there is an escape from this life and this self-destruction?
135 subs, 695 views
BL | 2 | No | Free | 2020-04-27 | 2020-05-14 | |
![]() by Pukkuie |
Flower Chatter
Lonely and quiet Ryan, Editor to famous authors, finds himself in trouble with a mischievous florist. She's impatient, loud, stubborn, delinquent, and everything he's not. For better or for worse, fate likes to play games and theirs seems to always revolve around flowers. -AND SHE CAN TALK TO THEM.
8 subs, 112 views
Romance | 1 | No | Free | 2022-05-15 | 2022-05-15 | |
![]() by D. Bradford Gambles |
Food Hates You
In every fridge, on every kitchen table and in every cavernous tummy a secret war is being waged. Which side will you choose?
Food Hates You is a webcomic created by D. Bradford Gambles (
7.19k subs, 1.38M views
Comedy | 252 | Yes | Free | 2015-09-06 | 2020-05-28 | |
![]() by MsAnonymus |
This is my first Series! It is about a world in the future corrupted by gamma rays and people affected by it, a 10% population have manifested super abilities. enjoy~
21 subs, 2.4k views
Fantasy | 13 | No | Free | 2014-06-15 | 2014-08-26 | |
![]() by Tailed |
Gib's on shift
In the small fantasy town of Gloomsville, lives Gibson, a squire of sorts to the great paladin Brom.
His craft? Delivering pizzas, of course.
22 subs, 3.45k views
Comedy | 23 | No | Free | 2017-06-01 | 2021-06-01 | |
![]() by BubooSenchan |
Gloomy Night
LGBT theme- trigger warning. Language- mental illness- suicidal theme and adult theme.
Connor Ricci is amongst the top 10 models in the world. He is Super attractive, famous, rich and above it all intelligent.
Everything in his life seems picture perfect, especially since He got accepted into the university of his dreams... but, little did he know he would face an old trauma- his childhood friend Matthew- the reason Connor suffers ptsd and has nightmares every single night, above it all, the reason Connor was suicidal and tried to take his own life.
However, things seems to have changed- Matthew seems to be the weak and lonely anxious one. Whilst Connor has picked himself up.. for the time being.
10.5k subs, 394k views
Drama | 39 | No | Free | 2016-11-13 | 2019-06-10 | |
![]() by Tameru★ |
Hate Game
"I'll make you hate me."
649 subs, 5.12k views
Drama | 3 | No | Free | 2016-06-21 | 2016-06-21 | |
![]() by Maxevocal |
Hate Games
There are some games you don't always want to play with your friends. Like Monopoly! So why not invite an enemy over to play with? That way so friendships will be ruined.
33 subs, 5.12k views
Drama | 59 | No | Free | 2016-09-18 | 2018-05-22 | |
![]() by GrumpChild |
Hate me Brother
Um. The brother is an ass.
5 subs, 303 views
Slice of life | 5 | No | Free | 2019-10-04 | 2020-01-18 | |
![]() by eunwooo |
Hate Me Not
Sanako a 6 years old girl was bullied by other children for being clumsy and nerd but Jung a 7 years old boy always gave her courage when she was feeling down but when time passed and they met again but in a really awkward situation where the tables are turned and now Jung is not her savior but a bully and Sanako is not a nerd anymore..... Will they be able to recognize each other or destiny has chosen something else for them! Stay tuned because the story isn't as simple as it seems!!
4 subs, 234 views
Romance | 1 | No | Free | 2021-12-31 | 2021-12-31 | |
![]() by Fuyuuno |
Hating Thursday
When we say 'hate' do we really mean it? or is it that we actually do not know how narrow is the path between hate and love? In this comic two best friends, lost in intense emotions explore the actual meaning of love and hate and inexplicably finds out the close relationship between the two.
24 subs, 377 views
BL | 2 | No | Free | 2021-11-02 | 2021-11-11 | |
![]() by Shark is Art |
Hedgie Hates
I am a hedgehog, my name is Boo, and I hate everything...
Join us as a small hedgehog expresses her discontent with everything around her one object at a time.
We're a three year old comic cross posting from to tapas so we're uploading the backlog!
5 subs, 686 views
Comedy | 22 | No | Free | 2017-06-14 | 2017-06-15 | |
![]() by Mo Ackerman |
We help hard working people by providing wholesome comics.
157 subs, 2.28k views
Slice of life | 23 | No | Free | 2018-01-09 | 2021-01-03 | |
![]() by Quim3r4 |
79 subs, 2.44k views
Slice of life | 2 | No | Free | 2014-07-30 | 2014-08-09 | |
![]() by Herowasp |
Herowasp's art in stuff
A place where I can dump my art that I will improve sometime.
2 subs, 114 views
Comedy | 3 | No | Free | 2018-08-28 | 2019-08-23 | |
![]() by airbatt |
For centuries, the cliff chateau HollowEnd has been a beacon for lost spectres as Lord Ashes would collect them in his ancient book of souls. All is dandy until Ashes and his book go missing, leading to chaos among the spectres. In search for her lost memories, a mysterious young woman finds the book of souls and makes a deal to restore the book as they face several evil entities and occultists. Whether the book’s dark secrets can doom their world, is a risk she is willing to take.
4 subs, 1.04k views
Mystery | 14 | No | Free | 2021-01-29 | 2022-07-17 | |
![]() by LeweMan |
Hotheaded Redhead
This is Harry, he has to deal with way too much stuff and dumb people. So he is tired and in a bad mood all the time.
In a nutshel: Harry hates stuff, shit's funny, etc. etc.
Be kind to his soul pls.
4 subs, 347 views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2016-08-23 | 2016-08-23 | |
![]() by Soft Cookie |
How The Cookie Crumbles
What do you do when you're bored? You go to space!
Please note: I wont be able to update this comic very often.
but I do plan to have it as an ongoing story and finish it eventually :)
5 subs, 379 views
Fantasy | 2 | No | Free | 2017-05-02 | 2017-05-02 | |
![]() by seun |
i despise myself
these are just random comics that I draw now and then. I do not have a schedule so uploads are random. I'm busy with school so that is surely gonna go in the way of comics. additionally, I write and play video games, so comics happen sometime between those things.
DISCLAIMER: the beginning of this comic is gonna be random af and be with different art styles but i think i've settled on one now
8 subs, 2.83k views
Comedy | 20 | No | Free | 2016-09-11 | 2018-09-21 | |
![]() by AxGhost |
I envy you
Nothing is granted, nothing is normal. Life isn't equal and he knows it well but what happens when you discover that the one that is different from everybody else is you?
25 subs, 1.52k views
Drama | 17 | No | Free | 2017-05-21 | 2017-06-30 | |
![]() by Margaret Dyan |
I Hate Mondays
Bryan hates Mondays... Well actually he hates most days of the week, but Mondays take most of the hate cake.
12.8k subs, 704k views
Slice of life | 37 | No | Free | 2014-10-06 | 2018-06-04 | |
![]() by selec1219 |
This story is about a 13-year-old girl who hates this world.
2 subs, 362 views
Comedy | 13 | No | Free | 2022-01-24 | 2022-03-25 | |
![]() by Bowties And Felines |
I Hate You
Mary Finnegan has just been kicked out of her shared apartment with her boyfriend, and she has no where to go.
Well, except for her ex-boyfriend's place . . . it's too bad that she hates him.
------- Full color comic! ---------
Updates on Wednesdays.
Currently rated PG-13.
(Minor swearing and suggestive scenes.)
Artwork is changing and/or fluctuating as I improve.
One day if I get bored I might switch up the style entirely or add something new to it.
-------- Support --------
1.17k subs, 386k views
Romance | 245 | No | Free | 2015-08-28 | 2018-07-08 | |
![]() by Hospidlo |
I want to draw comics!
So, I did it
10 subs, 821 views
Slice of life | 3 | No | Free | 2015-04-16 | 2015-04-26 | |
![]() by Maria Archer |
Read left to right >>>
Chris Winterlake, a young musician, gets the change to join his absolute favorite band.
Of course he takes this opportunity, after all he is a huge fan since his earliest youth.
Will the following events destroy the image of his idols?
A collaboration with the wonderful Julia Rosenthal. You can find her writings and stuff here: and here:
Updates on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays.
Have fun!
870 subs, 126k views
BL | 176 | No | Free | 2018-11-21 | 2020-10-24 | |
![]() by caikerocha6218 |
Kingdom Of Hate (PT-BR)
Kingdom of hate e uma história de mistérios, um garoto chamado jonh ajuda na revolução contra o rei do planeta Hetriturn, que passa por uma crise de ordem na colônia Hetriturn.
A espada dos deuses roubada por um mortal ?
Será que os deuses sabem disso ?
0 subs, 41 views
Mystery | 1 | No | Free | 2021-09-06 | 2021-09-09 | |
![]() by Jesuspulidoart |
KORRDURA (English)
Take a look into this postmodern and distopic world trough philosohy and the pillars of power, those who rule...
12 subs, 612 views
Science fiction | 5 | Yes | Free | 2016-11-14 | 2019-06-06 | |
![]() by ColourDonkey14 |
Lenny And The Apocalypse
Sad, old Lenny is among the few organisms who have survived the recent apocalypse, as he questions his existence in this wretched place.
2 subs, 68 views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2020-04-03 | 2020-04-06 | |
![]() by Griefpuddin |
Letters To Future Me
"When I was younger, I wrote to myself, as a way for the future me to see how far I've come. I had written a letters for me to receive from 19 to 28. A letter for each month of the year during those times. After he died, I stopped writing and the letters vanished.
My 19th birthday I recieved a letter from past me."
Kaleb finds a letter, a year after his friend's death on October 9th. Twelve days later Kaleb has vanished into thin air.
Small hiatus!!! -I don't like the style I did this in? I'm usually into more cartoony styles! So I'm going to redo all the pages up till now! Updates-Friday's / Or any day I have time.
94 subs, 1.67k views
Horror | 4 | No | Free | 2016-07-23 | 2016-08-04 | |
![]() by IhaveNofeelings |
Life in Panels
I don't want to talk about the description of my series.
4 subs, 506 views
Comedy | 24 | No | Free | 2017-01-27 | 2017-02-23 | |
![]() by the_littlesiren |
Life of a Siren
A series of short comics based on the random and curious events that have happened in my life.
28 subs, 839 views
Comedy | 2 | No | Free | 2015-07-28 | 2015-08-04 | |
![]() by Jokaa |
Like I Care
Satire and lolz
3 subs, 376 views
Comedy | 3 | No | Free | 2016-02-13 | 2016-02-23 | |
![]() by FoxyRooibos |
Little Fox?
Do Gods...have enemies?
If so...What are they like?
Are the Gods good?
Or are they bad?
What if their enemy...was once one of them.
And that enemy...doesn't remember anything of them at all.
A story of a broken love still burning strong, and something monstrous hiding beneath the kindest skin.
"We're nothing more than monsters in the eyes of those below us."
10 subs, 419 views
Romance | 2 | No | Free | 2017-09-30 | 2018-04-14 | |
![]() by Alice |
Looking for something Good
A week of relaxing vacation on the beach with a few friends. That was Lilly's plan.
But there she meets Adam, a man she really hates and wants nothing to do with.
But when her fiancé opens up to her that her family would like to do business with him, she doesn't suspect anything good. Of course, she now has to be especially nice to him, which she is very reluctant to do.
Despite her dislike for him, she makes an effort to build up a friendship. Adam, on the other hand, tries his best to avoid her...
284 subs, 5.48k views
Romance | 19 | No | Free | 2021-06-28 | 2022-07-12 | |
![]() by Lucinda is the name |
Lou's Lines
sketches of mentally asked questions
1 subs, 329 views
Slice of life | 2 | No | Free | 2017-01-26 | 2017-04-25 | |
![]() by MARU? COOL. |
Love-Hate Relationship: One Year Later
"Love-Hate Relationship" is a short comic about the best and worst in a person, and the acceptance that comes with those parts.
Originally published online in 2015, Love-Hate Relationship: One Year Later is the redrawn version that has been made available on, Gumroad, Tumblr and Tapastic.
3 subs, 764 views
Drama | 2 | Yes | Free | 2016-11-10 | 2020-01-18 | |
![]() by Raiga |
Loveful X Hateable
Where there is love there is hate too. Don't forget!
6 subs, 1.09k views
Comedy | 8 | No | Free | 2017-06-04 | 2017-07-23 | |
![]() by JP Nakashima |
Luz Picada
Tem um garoto.
Tem uma garota.
Tem mesmo?
Tudo desaparece atrás da luz picada.
[também em inglês:]
29 subs, 1.1k views
Horror | 16 | Yes | Free | 2017-05-04 | 2017-05-04 | |
![]() by kYuPoL |
Comic about a loner, an angel, a martial artist priest, and a sinister cult that wants to build a New World Order and increase the hate and violence and pain and suffering in this world by using mind-controlled, demon-possessed super soldiers. Drama, action, social-political themes, philosophy, spirituality, religious references, some comedy. Updates Mondays and Fridays Like on facebook:
53 subs, 8.56k views
Action | 169 | No | Free | 2017-01-29 | 2018-12-02 | |
![]() by Pukkuie |
Maiden of Nox
Mare a simple sheltered girl, becomes entangled in unimaginable horrors when fate comes knocking. As innocence becomes her own enemy, so does her own naivete and fearless nature. The demons on the other side seek her for it. Not only the demons but a renowned killer. Soon she is taken by him, Alba Ignis, her innocence being the key to his untold ambition. What does he want? And how will he use her? Will there be glory awaiting her? Or...blood...and death...?
27 subs, 295 views
Fantasy | 5 | No | Free | 2020-06-08 | 2021-08-30 | |
![]() by Man vs. Rock |
Man vs. Rock Web Comics
By the creators of the hit Indie Comedy, Man vs. Rock, the new webcomic, Buck Stone Presents, tackles important issues like concussions, American-Arab relations, the philandering Abe Lincoln, and ponies. If you like the band Creed and Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, buckle up because you're going to love this webcomic!
3 subs, 389 views
Comedy | 6 | No | Free | 2015-12-28 | 2016-08-31 | |
![]() by Anndr |
Martin Mine: The Eve of a Storm
Reckless student meets the clever one. Together they must find a way to escape a magic academy isolated from the world.
New pages will appear firstly on my Patreon.
6.32k subs, 917k views
BL | 139 | No | Free | 2019-06-13 | 2022-07-20 | |
![]() by Unknownymous |
MaruChizu Comics
A Happy Story (kinda)
3 subs, 380 views
Comedy | 1 | No | Free | 2016-05-17 | 2016-05-17 | |
![]() by Pani |
Midnight Rain
Noemi's Parents are working for one of the richest family in the country and moved to live on their estate. There she meets Blade the hot-headed prince and Soren, the illegitimate son. Enjoying simple childhood days and falling in love for the first time, Noemi's happy life will soon shatter into total darkness. After tragedy, hate and betrayal, will there be love at the end of the tunnel? A story about growing up, facing life, and fighting for true love. Don't miss it!
2.84k subs, 26.9k views
Romance | 18 | No | Free | 2016-02-27 | 2019-11-11 | |
![]() by Gin |
A cupid is taken under two other cupids' wings to learn the ways of love. Simple training escalates when a love-arrow is shot and a human boy falls in love. Can these two boys stumble through some sort of love or will it all stay unrequited? The heart works in mysterious ways
1.16k subs, 141k views
Romance | 70 | No | Free | 2017-11-21 | 2018-10-04 | |
![]() by modrawmanga |
Mission Diversion
Dystopian Action Romance. A crashlanded spaceship forces a coldhearted bounty hunter to walk a journey of a thousand mile with his high-prized bounty, a rebellious hellion princess.
His duty is to keep her safe to collect his reward, but she is bent on destroying him at every chance she gets.
What could go wrong after a series of troublesome fights and sleepless nights in this bizzare alien planet?
Strong language with mature content intended for adult readers.
373 subs, 2.5k views
Romance | 20 | No | Free | 2017-09-16 | 2020-10-07 | |
![]() by FaithWalkers |
MOVED! Revamp is up!
The new version of it is coming soon.
212 subs, 66.1k views
Fantasy | 145 | No | Free | 2013-03-07 | 2020-09-04 | |
![]() by oseiprisca |
Mr.Playboy and I
When Brandon breaks up with Mckenzie, Mckenzie makes sure Rose likes turns to hell since she stole away Brandon.
9 subs, 795 views
Romance | 1 | No | Free | 2020-03-15 | 2020-03-20 | |
![]() by Seriously Silly |
0 subs, 48 views
Comedy | 2 | No | Free | 2021-10-26 | 2021-10-27 | |
![]() by MadFable |
Naughty School
Two cousins hide secrets between each other and from each other.They live in un natural neighbor that they are about to find out what's hidden.
42 subs, 5.37k views
Romance | 9 | No | Free | 2017-01-09 | 2019-12-18 | |
![]() by RA: 1977 |
Nico Must Hate The World
The world is filled with love, too much of it, that nico thinks he needs to do something to restore balance.......
14 subs, 1.16k views
Comedy | 5 | No | Free | 2015-08-05 | 2015-08-25 | |
![]() by Dycare |
nothing special
A boring comic about a boring life.
Except some small special things there is nothing extraordinary.
Follow Phoebe through a ordinary life.
16 subs, 1.26k views
Slice of life | 10 | No | Free | 2017-02-21 | 2017-03-06 | |
![]() by ghostmaya |
Oh My Ghost
Loi is tight on budget so he was force to live on a very cheap "HAUNTED" apartment where he will meet "Maya" the Ghost
Check My Webtoon at:
Please turn off Ad Block when reading, it helps creators earn advertisement money for their hard work!
1.36k subs, 373k views
Romance | 727 | No | Free | 2016-06-16 | 2022-07-03 | |
![]() by Sammy Montoya |
Old M/M comics
Old M/M comics from one millennia ago.
794 subs, 9.85k views
BL | 2 | No | Free | 2018-07-04 | 2018-08-15 | |
![]() by G |
Orbis is a fiction world, where people are actually mythical creatures and monsters from the most famous folklores of our world, the story will tell the daily life of the protagonist Artur Phoenix who moved from the city and now studies at Orbis School, and his mission is to help your new colleagues to be accepted into school and society.
1 subs, 48 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2021-06-05 | 2021-07-05 | |
![]() by Namelith |
Os bolotinhas ( The little balls )
Wait, I didn't figure out what this history is about yet
low-effort comics :-|
2 subs, 156 views
Comedy | 6 | No | Free | 2021-07-08 | 2022-06-27 | |
![]() by orange |
Out of the Blue
Random stories about Blue, a big fat russian blue cat.
reads left to right
~Enjoy ฅ(*ΦωΦ*) ฅ updates coming in May ♡
72 subs, 1.37k views
Slice of life | 2 | No | Free | 2015-10-13 | 2017-05-20 | |
![]() by JustNugs |
Paint it blue
How everything has changed between them in the period of two years.
19 subs, 96 views
Drama | 1 | No | Free | 2020-07-12 | 2020-07-12 | |
![]() by J.S.D. Olmstead |
Psycho Bunny
You make a contract with a demon and you lose your memories. You make a wish from a demon and you trade in your soul. You make a demon your servant you lose your heart.
Kiro gave it all away. But now he wants his life back.
5 subs, 436 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2015-01-19 | 2015-01-19 | |
![]() by Lanz Elliot [HIATUS] |
Rambling Life
10 subs, 564 views
Slice of life | 8 | No | Free | 2017-03-13 | 2019-07-23 | |
![]() by Rayquazamaster123 |
Rayray and Darkest
Be prepared to witness the greatest memes of your life~WILL HAVE GUEST CHARACTERS S0 SEND ME Y0UR 0C'S REFERENCES must be animals th0~ ♥ (might 0r might n0t be used d0nt get ur h0pes up l0l) (am0unt of art eff0rt will change depending on the meme 0n certian pages)
4 subs, 470 views
Comedy | 2 | No | Free | 2015-09-29 | 2018-07-29 |