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  Story Genre Eps Tags Done Type Created Updated

by 2 Pixels in a Pod
2Pixels in a Pod

What’s 2 Pixels in a Pod? It’s a small project between Matteo (copy and pain in the ass) and Sara (drawings and Matteo’s toleration) What are this strips about? They’re about a young couple struggling with huge problems of daily life such as which tv series start to follow or….

1.03k subs, 50.4k views
Slice of life 7
#2pixelsinapod, #couple, #geek, #metal, #nerd, #rock, #tv series
No Free 2015-07-15 2015-11-23

by Goggle Geek
4 Dumb Magicians

Randy, Tucker, Gabby, and Dean are young magicians attend a prestigious school as the lowest ranked group, the 4 Diamond. None of them can preform proper spells, but that won't stop them, and they'll face any tease, spell, exam, and challenge that come their way! _______________________________ (Episodes Every Other Wednesday) 12:00 PM GMT 9:00 PM PST _______________________________ Check Out Other Comics By Me: https://linktr.ee/GoggleGeek _______________________________ Follow Me On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gogglegeek/

2 subs, 321 views
Fantasy 21
#4_Dumb_Magicians, #ABox, #all_ages, #comedy, #Dumb_Magicians, #Fantasy, #GoggleGeek, #magic, #mystery, #school
No Free 2021-05-10 2021-12-01

by soderpop
A Dog Named BATMAN

An interactive webcomic that follows the adventures of Alex (a man with Autism), and his service dog (Batman) as they try to find there way around NYC, survive college, and generally geek out over awesome things. *** Be sure to leave suggestions for what should happen next!

15 subs, 837 views
Slice of life 1
#autism, #batman, #city, #college, #disability, #disabled, #dog, #geek, #geek culture, #gotham, #interactive, #interactive webcomic, #NYC, #pet, #pets, #webcomic
No Free 2015-01-24 2015-01-24

by Davinci Smurf

A ghost fellows his zombie body as it goes aimlessly.

6 subs, 1.36k views
Comedy 19
#after life, #after_death, #aimless, #bad luck, #casper, #funny, #geek, #ghost, #living_dead, #lmao, #lol, #nerd, #nerdy, #The Living Dead, #The Walking Dead, #unfortunate, #walker, #zombie
No Free 2015-06-13 2016-11-23

by Harry Patos

Webcomic corto para probar el formato, relatando un combate ficticio entre los personajes fanart del Geek Furioso de la Literatura y Marina Golondrina como almirantes del universo de One Piece.

1 subs, 41 views
Action 1
#admiral, #epic, #Geekfurioso, #marina_golondrina, #onepiece, #pirates, #shonen, #superpowers
No Free 2022-07-14 2022-07-20

by Chibi Cat Creations
Adorable Aspie

Just a cute little comic about the little things i find as a aspie in life : 3

80 subs, 4.77k views
Slice of life 16
#8Bit_Kawaii_Media, #adorable aspie, #asperges, #cat, #comedy, #cute, #funny, #geek, #kawaii, #kia_hughes, #love, #nerd, #slice of life
No Free 2015-05-02 2017-04-09

by Mina

Daily silliness of my boyfriend and me.

55 subs, 4.73k views
Slice of life 39
#couple, #couple life, #cute, #dorks, #funny, #geeky, #love, #silly, #slice of life
No Free 2016-11-11 2018-09-11

by CrissCrossGal
Adventures of an Invalid

Just a comic version of my diary. I'm sick most of the time but this probably won't be about that. I'm really not an artist but it's fun to doodle ^-^ Hope people get enjoyment from my weird life.

28 subs, 1.89k views
Slice of life 12
#comedy, #diary, #doodles, #dork, #geek, #journal, #nerd, #slice of life
No Free 2016-08-11 2018-07-12

by Cameron Ohara

ANGEL+GO!: The modern onslaught of nerd culture threatens to explode average-middle aged male Mattrick in a violently joyous nerdgasm, unless Guardian angel Hannah can save him.

7 subs, 473 views
Slice of life 4
#angel, #dc, #geek, #geekdom, #guardian, #marvel, #movies, #nerd, #nerdgasm, #star wars
No Free 2016-03-18 2016-05-10

by Teksu

Mature(+18) / Romance / Comedy Anne is shy, stubborn and unsocial. She lives a quiet life at home, where she works as illustrator. This kind of life gets complicated after a reunion with school friends where she has an unpleasant encounter with the boy who used to bully her.

13.2k subs, 1.43M views
Romance 116
#average, #badass, #bully, #comedy, #Cool, #curvy, #dd, #drama, #freckles, #Friki, #gamer, #geek, #introvert, #love, #lovey_dovey, #romance, #shy, #tsundere
No Free 2015-03-13 2021-02-26

by Teksu
Anne (Spanish)

Anne es tímida, cabezota y antisocial. Lleva una vida tranquila en casa, donde trabaja como ilustradora. Su vida se complica tras una reunión de antiguos alumnos, donde se reencuentra con Charlie, el niño que le hizo la vida imposible en el colegio...

672 subs, 78.5k views
Romance 105
#Amor, #anne, #average, #badass, #boy, #comedia, #Comic, #Cool, #curvy, #d&d, #freckles, #Friki, #geek, #girl, #hot, #manga, #romance, #sexy, #shoujo, #shy, #tsundere, #webtoon
No Free 2015-03-31 2020-06-13

by Kevin Parham
Another Comic Strip

In a sea of comic strips, this is another one. ***** You'll notice a gap between #3 and #12 - this is because my mini Batman web comic 'The Real Killing Joke' ran from #4 to #11. That series can also be found here on Tapastic *****

59 subs, 9.64k views
Slice of life 35
#comic_strip, #funny, #geeky, #satire, #superheroes, #webcomic
No Free 2013-10-08 2014-10-17

by malibee
Art Block

Little anecdotes about being a artist and having a colorful imagination. Art blocks happen. Question is: What-cha gonna do about it!?

7 subs, 519 views
Slice of life 1
#art block, #artists life, #Being an Artist, #boys, #comedy, #creating art, #dilusions, #dork, #dweeb, #geek, #geeks, #geekyness, #girls, #imagination, #It happens, #life, #life of marley, #nerd_humor, #over active imagination, #problems, #shit happens, #silly, #slapstick, #unicorns, #weird, #what to do
No Free 2015-04-19 2015-04-19

by ArtsieSteph

Post caregiver, drawer of random things. Seeker of full-time employ

34 subs, 290 views
Slice of life 1
#Artsiesteph, #artsiesteph_life, #boring, #cancer, #Cancer_treatment, #Caregiver, #coffee, #comedy, #gaming, #geek, #idiot, #nerd, #slice_of_life
No Free 2017-03-13 2018-08-12

by Fufunha
As Heroínas modernas

English: https://tapastic.com/series/The-Modern-Heroines Criado por Danielle Cristina e Marcella Cappelletti. Esta é uma série sobre Girl Power!

210 subs, 6.96k views
Slice of life 7
#BR, #brasil, #daily, #diversity, #garotas, #geek, #girls, #heroines, #life, #nerd, #portugus, #real, #trans, #woman, #women
No Free 2016-04-13 2016-06-12

by CodyNightingale

It’s a matter of life or death for Cody. Everyday life that is. Having died 8 times now, it’s become a little bit of an inconvenience. She seems to be surrounded by issues with the biggest one being her knack for dying. When you have to face problems that no one else has, it can be harder to find people to connect to. “Am I a ghost or an alien? Because I don’t feel human.” Facing these difficulties can sometimes hurt so much that you just want to die. How do you cope with such difficulties? For Cody, it’s putting her headphones in, playing a good video game, and spending a lot of time trying to track the lights in the sky. Like dying, UFO sightings seem to be another all too normal occurrence for Cody. From family issues and bad romances to paranormal encounters. The experiences may all have one thing in common. This is a coming of age story for adults that still haven’t figured themselves out. Through learning how to cope with very big problems; Cody learns valuable lessons with every death that she experiences. Leaving her to ask the classic questions “What’s my purpose in life?” “Who am I?” more critically. I created this story as a means for expressing grief, coping and learning to love oneself.

6 subs, 166 views
Science fiction 2
#aliens, #Athiri, #Chelsea_Paige, #cody, #Cody_Slowik, #Comedic, #coming_of_age, #cynical, #dark, #death, #doe, #Emotional, #existential, #geek, #ghosts, #horror, #music, #nerdy, #paranormal, #personal_growth, #resurrection, #romantic, #science_fiction, #scifi, #self_discovery, #spiritual, #superabilites, #superhuman, #ufo, #UFOs, #Valoura, #ValouraDoe, #Video_Games
No Free 2020-04-16 2020-04-19

by Someone
attention please

'Science is cool, I love it more than futbol' said no one ever. But we do. We turn science, math, puzzles and all that boring stuff into fun.

3 subs, 658 views
Slice of life 3
#geek, #humor, #news, #programming, #science, #technology, #web
No Free 2014-06-14 2014-07-28

by IKE
B A Start

Welcome to B A Start, this webcomic is a comic for all nerdy, my comics can be parody's from comics, video games, movies, internet, anime, and even stuff in real life.

3 subs, 505 views
Comedy 2
#anime, #comedy, #comics, #geek, #geeks, #internet, #movies, #nerd, #nerdy, #Real life, #Video_Games
No Free 2015-05-10 2015-05-10

by Kirill Live
Bad Ingrid

Igrid is very fond of cosplay and will do a lot to get a authentic costume. Therefore, its victims are popular characters in games and films

1 subs, 164 views
Comedy 3
#bad, #clothes, #cosplay, #dress, #geek, #girl, #ingrid, #mad, #outrage, #parody
No Free 2020-05-24 2020-06-06

by BakaFøx
Baka Føx

This is the story of a geek & lazy fox-human women who has an extraodinary imagination. She shows us how she see her life.

24 subs, 1.48k views
Slice of life 5
#comedy, #gaming, #geek
No Free 2014-10-11 2015-11-20

by simonettijoey

They're bartenders. They're nerds. And they're usually irritated. The service industry will do that to you.

0 subs, 204 views
Comedy 5
#bartending, #comedy, #funny, #geeky, #nerd, #nerds, #nerdy
No Free 2019-11-10 2019-12-01

by L. Fury
bastard comics

If comics are my babies, these are the bastards.

11.1k subs, 1.06M views
Comedy 94
#comedy, #feminism, #geek, #geeky, #humor, #immature, #lol, #nerd, #nerdy, #one_off, #one_shot, #slice_of_life, #stoner, #weed
No Free 2015-09-01 2022-06-29

by beetlebum

beetlebum is an autobiographic webcomic about a level 46 standard geek, his girlfriend and various (mostly now dead) pets. Advisory content warning: These comics often contain formal and mathematical content. Be aware and don't let them trigger yourself! Updates usually once a week.

63 subs, 2.22k views
Slice of life 10
#biographical, #daily, #gaming, #geek, #hamster, #nerd
No Free 2015-01-02 2015-01-15

by Leisure Inc.
Bitter Life

A comic book series about a bunch of geeks on their new college life.

7 subs, 1.82k views
Slice of life 51
#anime, #bechdel, #bitter, #card, #cat, #college, #colorfull, #comedy, #Digimon, #drama, #friends, #fun, #games, #gaming, #gay, #geek, #ghibli, #gintama, #Gundam, #homo, #life, #mendel, #movies, #nerd, #nintendo, #pokemon, #roomies, #series, #sonic, #tandel, #university, #video, #vondel, #yugioh, #Zelda
No Free 2018-03-04 2018-09-18

by Mock Fu

Irreverent ponderings.

1 subs, 316 views
Comedy 1
#funny, #geek, #Political, #Politics, #pop_culture
No Free 2017-03-09 2017-03-09

by Fernando Molina
Boy Game Frames

My geek ideas made into a comic strip. A DAILY COMIC STRIP! (I think lol)

4 subs, 371 views
Comedy 2
#Best comic strips ever, #bye, #Comic Strip Gaming, #comic strips, #gaming, #Geek Comic Strip, #lol, #microsoft, #nintendo, #noob, #sony
No Free 2016-07-16 2016-07-17

by breesoup
bree's sphere

a sneak peak into my life through grade-school quality visuals

8 subs, 523 views
Slice of life 4
#geeky, #life, #mundane, #my
No Free 2016-02-06 2016-03-14

by Natu
Bright new days

My life simplified

10 subs, 1.1k views
Slice of life 6
#awkward, #comedy, #geek, #russia, #russian, #software
No Free 2015-11-06 2016-01-16

by Rosakaz
Cafe Mode

Mirembe couldn't have imagined that needing to change her favourite cafeteria would lead to anything good – how wrong she could be. Meeting Colin, another artistic soul like herself, has brought great delight and thrill. If only she could get to know him better in the fleeting moments they share at the café every day... https://www.patreon.com/rosakaz Cafe Mode 2018-2020 © Rosakaz

1.63k subs, 160k views
Romance 97
#author, #barista, #cafe, #cafemode, #cafeteria, #cafe_mode, #coffee, #coffeehouse, #coffee_shop, #Colin, #Creator, #friendship, #geeky, #lgbt, #mirembe, #mode, #nerdy, #Novelist, #romance, #rosakaz, #shop, #slice_of_life, #waiter, #Writer
No Free 2018-11-28 2020-12-30

by Brandi

https://www.patreon.com/carnikids A crazy, cute, sometimes spooky comic about a group of misfit kids working at a carnival, who encounter the strange and supernatural on a regular basis.

45 subs, 9.24k views
Fantasy 108
#adventure, #anime, #carni kids, #carnikids, #carnival, #cartoon, #chibi, #circus, #comedy, #crazy, #creepy, #cute, #dark, #dorky, #Fantasy, #funny, #geek, #humor, #ink, #nerd, #paranormal, #parody, #quirky, #satire, #silly, #spooky, #supernatural, #unique
No Free 2017-01-24 2017-11-08

by Henry Coca

Cinema inspired comics featuring various characters from the cinemas and ADBM Comics. Updates every Friday

4 subs, 946 views
Comedy 6
#cinema, #Cinema geekout, #comedy, #Going to the moves
No Free 2014-11-28 2015-07-25

by Leisure Inc.
College: Leisure Enterprise

College: the final frontier. These are the adventures of 4 college rookies. It 5.5-years mission: to explore strange new social behaviors, to seek out new friends and new games, to boldly go where no nerd has gone before. The sequel to Penguins: Leisure Incorporated, College: Leisure Enterprise!

14 subs, 1.29k views
Comedy 6
#college, #geek, #nerd
No Free 2014-07-30 2015-03-01

by A very tired Ciza

I draw my life in a comical way. Laughing at your problems won’t solve them but at least you’re happy. Previously known as “Weekly Pieces”.

41 subs, 5.44k views
Slice of life 81
#Geek_Ciza, #slice_of_life, #Weekly_Pieces
No Free 2017-07-30 2020-11-01

by Mike Bonales
Cultureta Pop

Son tiras cómicas de humor sobre cultura pop: series, pelis, cómics, ...

37 subs, 2.92k views
Comedy 15
#comics, #Friki, #geek, #hbo, #nerd, #Netflix, #peliculas, #series, #tv
No Free 2017-07-09 2017-11-22

by Team_Toucans
Depth of Delusion

Matrices, angry machines, Smith agents and red pills – all these won’t be a problem for any average world-renowned hacker. But what could an ordinary tradesman do about it, should he be accidently dragged into all this mess? Discord: https://discord.gg/mryQrh8N Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/depthofdelusion Translation of the Russian-language comics: https://acomics.ru/~depth-of-delusion Originally written by Savil: https://acomics.ru/-Savil Author’s DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/toucansavil Translation: Darth_Dokuga, Rusminin, Andrey, Sithoid

7 subs, 2.33k views
Comedy 37
#for_geeks, #marketing, #matrix, #parody, #sales, #toucans
No Free 2021-06-19 2021-12-24

by Ingmar Drewing

1337 years after World War III the life of the surviving developers still hasn’t improved. Ada, being realistic as every true dev, doesn’t believe in a better tomorrow. She is raiding the ancient buildings, looking for sellable artifacts, when she makes a fatal discovery …

34 subs, 5.67k views
Science fiction 67
##action, ##crm, ##scifi, #Action, #computerscience, #crm, #Dystopia, #geek, #IT, #Linux, #nerd, #post apocalyptic, #Pulp, #Science Fiction, #scifi, #unix
No Free 2013-09-02 2016-07-03

by dezgo
Dezgo Comics

Hey! This is my comic about gaming. Enjoy!

6 subs, 441 views
Gaming 4
#gamer, #gaming, #geek, #nerd
No Free 2017-03-07 2017-08-08

by DC Master
Digital Chaos

I made some unfunny comics for you to not enjoy, which pokes fun at some of our favorite gaming absurdities in a totally overdone and cliché way.

4 subs, 235 views
Gaming 7
#absurd, #comedy, #funny, #gaming, #geeky, #unfunny
No Free 2019-08-30 2019-09-25

by Kriscious
Don't Feed the Nerds

A hand-drawn spin off of my series, Rooming Nerds, as a chronological order of our escapades moving to a new city.

32 subs, 1.71k views
Slice of life 10
#geeks, #life, #moving, #nerds
No Free 2015-03-18 2015-08-26


Games , Movies , TV , and Anything remotely geeky , I've got an opinion on it . first year animation student working on this on the side . I hope to update every Saturday if I can. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shupebrett/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brettiswoke

14 subs, 921 views
Comedy 10
#cartoon, #comedy, #comics, #comic_books, #dumb, #film, #funny_as_fuck, #funny_as_shit, #game, #gaming, #geek, #geeky, #movies, #nerd, #nerdy, #Parodies, #parody, #rants, #smartass, #spoof, #spoofs, #superheroes, #tv, #tv_shows, #Video_Games
No Free 2017-10-08 2019-09-04

by Superpluplush
Dorky Dino

This time, the one who is often called "the loser" is made the hero! Dorky Dino is a dinosaur who likes games, anime and ,of course, dorky stuff. He encounters funny situations, friends and foes as he lives his everyday life.

134 subs, 16.7k views
Slice of life 57
#anime, #dino, #dork, #dorky, #dorky dino, #funny, #games, #gaming, #geek, #humor, #manga, #weirdo
Yes Free 2013-09-21 2017-03-23

by Nova
Dose of Insanity

Between imaginary dragons, flying sharks, talking stick figures and impending alien invasion, John's finding it difficult to focus on his classes. For everyone else, it's just a typical day at Lakewood Community College.

17 subs, 1.71k views
Comedy 27
#geeky, #humor, #quirky, #slice_of_life
No Free 2019-08-28 2019-09-23

by nutanddough
Dr. Z

I go to medical school and draw comics about it. Sometimes I feel like a zombie who just takes care of other zombies, and that's ok :)

18 subs, 2.97k views
Comedy 45
#anatomy, #biology, #cute, #depression, #doctor, #drz, #drzcomics, #exam, #funny, #geek, #graphic medicine, #horror, #hospital, #lab, #love, #medical school, #medical student, #medicine, #nerd, #nurse, #nursing, #premed, #scary, #science, #study, #test, #undead, #video game, #weird, #zombies
No Free 2016-11-30 2019-06-21

by Jimmy Steen

It's life...drawn out!

27 subs, 1.22k views
Slice of life 13
#family, #geek, #nerd, #pop_culture, #slice of life
No Free 2016-04-07 2016-08-01

by layneebarger
Dungeons and Dragons and Disasters

join the gang as they stumble through the world of dnd

20 subs, 961 views
Comedy 3
#Dungeons and Dragons, #Fantasy, #funny, #geek, #nerd
No Free 2017-11-26 2017-11-26

by Zyrkero
El Defecto Antabus Vol. 1

Diario del profeta pintamonas de medio tiempo: Juan Zyrkero!!

0 subs, 115 views
Comedy 14
#diario, #geek, #metal, #nerd, #vida, #zyrkero
No Free 2020-09-16 2022-06-19

by Evy
Evy's Comic

Web comic about 26 year old artist in Toronto.

13 subs, 1.36k views
Slice of life 6
#artist life, #blog, #geekgirl, #life, #spiritual
No Free 2015-07-13 2015-12-26

by Hat and Goggles
fan comics

Comic parodies based on existing properties including, but not limited to, DC Comics, Doctor Who Steven Universe, Ducktales and many more.

8 subs, 1.16k views
Comedy 12
#4koma, #comedy, #fandom, #fan_art, #fan_comic, #gag_strip, #geek, #otaku, #parody, #short, #yonkoma
No Free 2017-02-09 2022-02-20

by Florens Debora

The daily story about Life experiment of 2 Lil girls or maybe more friends of them who had silly, happy, sad, creepy, awkward moments in their life OuO/ *You have been warned this is awkward comic

13 subs, 1.42k views
Slice of life 18
#cartoon, #characters, #comic_strip, #cute, #geeks, #kawaii, #nerd
No Free 2014-08-20 2020-08-27

by ConceptualNerd
Foh Science!

For all the science nerds out there. Jokes you will (read: may) find hilarious but that all those un-science-savvy people won't even get.

18 subs, 1.78k views
Comedy 13
#biology, #chemistry, #Comic, #funny, #geek, #humour, #joke, #laugh, #nerd, #physics, #science, #short, #space, #weekly
No Free 2015-06-11 2015-09-10

by Fufunha

Inktober book: https://gum.co/ujuuB Em português aqui: https://tapastic.com/series/Fufunholandia I'm brazilian artist and I create random comicstrips about my life hehehe I hope you all enjoy it :D

2.67k subs, 319k views
Slice of life 129
#brasil, #brazil, #brazilian, #crazy, #dork, #fujoshi, #geek, #Ginger, #girl, #life, #Life stuff, #me, #nerd, #redhead
No Free 2015-05-20 2021-12-25

by Fufunha

In english here: https://tapastic.com/series/Fufunha Eu crio tirinhas aleatórias sobre o meudia a dia hehehe Espero que todos gostem :D Atualizações são .. bem aleatórias (sorry =. = ')

302 subs, 18.2k views
Slice of life 122
#BR, #brasil, #Brasileiro, #brazil, #brazilian, #crazy, #dork, #Eu, #fujoshi, #geek, #Ginger, #girl, #life, #Life stuff, #me, #nerd, #portugus, #redhead, #vida
No Free 2016-04-13 2021-12-25

by PADalbon

A series of short stories about the life of an incredible person, Manu, who has the fantastic ability to attract absurd situations. "Based on real messes" WARNING: mature content, but not too explicit. Too many bad words.

9 subs, 1.09k views
Comedy 45
#day, #geek, #girl, #humor, #life, #love, #Mom, #nerd, #plus_size, #problems, #romance, #routine, #woman, #work
No Free 2017-08-21 2021-12-25

by PADalbon

Uma série de contos sobre a vida de uma incrível pessoa, a Manu, que tem a fantástica habilidade de atrair situações absurdas. "Baseado em confusões reais" AVISO: conteúdo maduro, mas não explicito. Muitos palavrões.

22 subs, 1.82k views
Comedy 45
#Amor, #garota, #geek, #gordinha, #humor, #mae, #menina, #nerd, #plus_size, #problemas, #romance, #rotina, #trabalho, #vida
No Free 2017-08-21 2021-12-25

by Andrea
Gamer, geek & Friki

Just read the title.

22 subs, 1.77k views
Slice of life 5
#Friki, #gamer, #gamergirl, #geek, #videogames
No Free 2014-06-07 2014-07-12

by Erik Katukomal

Bitten by a radio-addict spider and sucked by a pretty much generic tick, student Pedrong Palad gained the proportionate strength and ability of a mixed stupid organism too crapped-up to discuss! Armed with his wondrous not-so-original web-poopers, the reluctant super deformed (SD) thing battled with sinister super depressed guys, making ends meet the eye (what?), and maintaining some semblance of a decent comic series. Erik Katukomal presents... nah, just read it, it's free.

5 subs, 543 views
Comedy 4
#Action, #comedy, #comics, #Erik Katukomal, #Garapitik, #geek culture, #Marvel Spoof, #spider-man parody, #Superhero
No Free 2016-10-14 2020-12-09

by Click Comics
Geek 101

Geek 101 is about a guy who goes through the same struggles geeks go through everyday, with a comedic twist! Watch how Dennis goes through his crazy life and learns how to make the best of his Geeky struggles. Hope you enjoy!

6 subs, 451 views
Comedy 3
#101, #Daily Struggles of a nerd like me, #geek, #Geek 101, #nerd
No Free 2015-11-09 2015-11-24

by KathasArtworks
Geek and Hell

Hi folks! Lay your eyes upon this new webcomic! It's geeky, nerdy and full of demons. I hope you enjoy my little characters... Have fun! KathasArtworks www.facebook.com/kathasartworks

13 subs, 908 views
Comedy 4
#cute, #demon, #digital, #EU3, #gaming, #geek, #hell, #Highschool, #nerd, #Seere, #starcraft
No Free 2016-02-16 2016-03-30

by Alex K.
Geek Confessions

Just a series about the life of a geeky girl. Hope you enjoy! :)

15 subs, 1.19k views
Slice of life 12
#anime, #Book, #Comic, #comicon, #confessions, #cosplay, #experience, #gaming, #geek, #internet, #life, #manga, #nerd, #series
No Free 2015-09-27 2016-10-10

by GeekMeetsGlam
Geek Meets Glam

Two tribes of the same community clash, and co-exist, as a Drag Queen and a Gay Gamer find themselves as roommates.

6 subs, 231 views
Comedy 3
#drag, #drag_queen, #gamer, #gay, #geek, #lgbtq, #roleplay
No Free 2019-05-23 2019-05-30

by Nina

We are cats! We are geeks! We are... The GeekCats!

2 subs, 366 views
Comedy 2
#cat, #cats, #geek, #geeks, #pet, #pets
No Free 2017-01-17 2017-01-17

by LouisMihael
Geeking Around: The Webcomic

Geeking Around: The Webcomic created by Louis Mihael. Based on the amazing podcast, Geeking Around. This ongoing webcomic is based on the lives of the co-hosts Louis Mihael and Gabby Christianson of the podcast. Check out the podcast on Youtube here! http://bitly.ws/cpp6 Merch: https://geeking-around.creator-spring.com

85 subs, 1.43k views
Gaming 9
#anime, #Comic, #game, #geek, #manga, #movies, #podcast, #Starwars, #Superhero, #VideoGame
No Free 2021-01-04 2021-09-06

by krschark
Gluten-Free Goth

Goth with a dash of dark humor, nerdy references, real life occurrences, and some stuff a strange brain thinks up.

66 subs, 11.7k views
Slice of life 144
#black, #cat, #celiac, #food, #gallows humor, #geek, #gluten-free, #goth, #gothic, #horror, #Monster, #monsters, #morbid, #morbid humor, #nerd, #puns, #sarcasm, #slice of life, #snark, #texas, #weird
No Free 2018-05-18 2019-10-19

by armintamzarian
Gone into Rapture

A gag-a-week webcomic, with geek culture references.

1.86k subs, 231k views
Comedy 114
#Comic, #geek, #marvel, #religion
No Free 2014-07-23 2017-10-21

by Eric Andrade
Gray Run Away

Random comics about 4 pals just trying to get by on Urf for your viewing pleasure.

240 subs, 48.2k views
Comedy 210
#anime, #digital, #Dragon, #funny, #geek, #manga, #movies, #relatable, #school, #slice_of_life, #Video_Games
No Free 2014-10-22 2020-01-02

by Rori

Jin is a college student who meets her teenage rock idol Robert Hale, now retired. Follow a cute awkward friendship develop as they come to terms with accepting who they are and their place in the world.

5 subs, 378 views
Slice of life 2
#a little gay, #music geeks, #queer, #swearing
No Free 2016-08-16 2016-08-16

by MahFlores

Otaku, palavra japonesa pra fã extremo e fanático, usada no Brasil pra descrever fãs de mangás, animes e cultura popular japonesa. Não existe nada mais preciso pra descrever Hachi...

1 subs, 73 views
Comedy 2
#cotidiano, #Diaadia, #garota, #geek, #girl, #hachi, #menina, #nerd, #otaku, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2020-03-15 2020-03-15

by Justin Miller
Hand-drawn & Quartered

Hand-drawn & Quartered is a goofy doodlish life comic about me and my family and friends living a geeky and gamer life in our 30's. Follow along with this project as I refine my comic ideas and comedy!

1 subs, 737 views
Comedy 17
#Comic, #doodle, #funny, #geek, #humor, #life, #slice of life, #webcomic
No Free 2018-02-27 2019-09-29

by Cecil Lin
How To Level Up In Life

There are two types of people on tapastic: #1: those who make awesome webcomics with thousands of subscribers and are very well-known #2: those who shouldn't even THINK about trying to make a comic I am a #2

16 subs, 1.07k views
Gaming 7
#Crazy girl, #don't take me seriously, #epic fail, #fail, #failure, #garbage, #geeky, #ignore me, #just a project, #nerdy, #random, #trash, #work in progress, #wtf
No Free 2015-05-25 2015-10-14

by Nona
How To Make Friends And Loot Treasure [short]

A 23 panel short created for the hourly comics festival 2018. Even a big city is lonely when you're a rat above ground.

2 subs, 325 views
Slice of life 1
#animal, #cute, #dnd, #Dungeons and Dragons, #Dungeons__Dragons, #geek, #pet, #rat, #rats, #ttrpg
No Free 2018-04-27 2018-04-27

by The Impostor
Impostor Syndrome

Jokes, stories, puns, points, and living as someone who never feels like they really belong, especially as a cartoonist.

16 subs, 3.7k views
Comedy 27
#anxiety, #comedy, #depression, #dogs, #geek, #humour, #impostor syndrome, #jokes, #life, #mental health, #nerd, #Politics, #puns
No Free 2016-06-28 2016-11-04

by Brian Rizza
In Obscurity

Maybe it's about you and me or the one who got away; art & culture, life & death and mind-blowing fish tacos. Maybe it's not really about anything. It does, however, seem to feature some guy with a rhombus for a head.

12 subs, 1.04k views
Slice of life 5
#comedy, #geek, #nerd, #slice of life
No Free 2015-04-18 2015-05-25

by toonlancer
Internet famous

before Sam, Emma and The Critic where Cult Awesome, first they had to become Internet Famous.

64 subs, 10.6k views
Slice of life 15
#80s, #apartment, #awesome, #bad, #coffee, #comedy, #comics, #Coutch, #Critic, #cult, #death, #drama, #emo, #famous, #Fox, #funny, #gaming, #geek, #hastag, #hat, #internet, #jobless, #larping, #life, #living, #movies, #nerd, #punk, #relationships, #slice, #strait, #stream, #streaming
No Free 2017-05-20 2019-06-07

by Peter Chiykowski
Is It Canon?

Is It Canon? asks stupid questions that ruin the games, movies, shows and books you have loved from childhood and beyond. Updates every Thursday. Written by Peter "Cynic" Chiykowski and illustrated by Aaron "Plants" Lenk.

1.69k subs, 303k views
Comedy 149
#comedy, #Comic, #funny, #geek, #geek_humor, #nerd_humor, #parody, #pop_culture, #webcomic
No Free 2015-12-17 2019-04-17

by Jay
Jaywalker Pictures

Just a bunch of bad jokes and awkward humor.

1.67k subs, 152k views
Slice of life 72
#awkward, #dating, #derp, #destiny, #fate, #geek, #lame, #love, #naive, #nerd, #relationships
No Free 2016-05-05 2017-06-17

by Deus X.G.
Jetpack Jill

She's a girl with a jetpack who explores deep space. Need I say more?

35 subs, 7.29k views
Science fiction 23
#adventure, #Alien, #Comic, #cyberpunk, #fiction, #geek, #Jetpack, #Jill, #nerd, #redhead, #science, #scifi, #slice_of_life, #social, #star
No Free 2016-06-15 2022-02-26

by Jon Spaghetti
Jon Spaghetti Comics

I'm Jon Spaghetti. I know nothing and like spaghetti. Also... I draw a little bit.

4 subs, 570 views
Comedy 6
#animal, #Comic, #fun, #geek, #jon spaghetti, #loser, #Superhero
No Free 2016-08-26 2016-09-19

by Makenma
ketchup and mayonnaise

a series of random thoughts that honestly I don't know should be on the internet

5 subs, 339 views
Slice of life 2
#chillax, #Cool, #geeky, #life, #life of a nerd, #nerd life, #nerdy, #Random Thoughts, #shower thoughts, #stupid, #stupid things, #weird
No Free 2018-02-05 2018-02-05

by Laetitis
Laetitis's Life

Little things that make my life. Me and Nono, my boyfriend, have so much to tell. Have fun !

88 subs, 2.75k views
Slice of life 4
#comics, #couple, #everyday, #fun, #geek, #life
No Free 2013-09-08 2014-01-25

by Erlynn
Laughing Alone

One-shot comics, often about fandom, others just about things that make me laugh to myself.

18 subs, 896 views
Comedy 5
#books, #comedy, #fandom, #geek, #humor, #movies, #nerd, #one shot
No Free 2016-04-27 2016-08-12

by Suuria
Le cubile: Five dudes & me

The incredible adventures of these five "adults" and this "woman", in their daily life as roomies. Stories based on real facts .... we have not exaggerated any situation, no really, we didn't at all.

32 subs, 2.84k views
Slice of life 47
#comedy, #fun, #geeks, #happy, #relaxing, #roomates
Yes Free 2017-05-01 2021-05-10

by Leenie
Leenie and the Bear

Life, science, and punny cuddles. Updates every Saturday.

7 subs, 2k views
Slice of life 41
#cats, #geek, #life, #mental health, #nerd, #pets, #relationships, #science, #Video_Games
No Free 2017-02-04 2018-08-19

by akuadawolf
Legend Of The Geek

Legend of the Geek is a heavily anime inspired musical project by Da-Wolf, an artist from the Washington, DC area. Each track name is influenced by some of her favorite anime or japenese styled cartoons. In Legend of the Geek listeners are able to hear a detailed story about the upcoming artist’s search for self and both internal and external realizations with varying sounds that still come together to create a cohesive project. From hard trap beats, introspective lyrics, aggressive delivery, anime & other geek references, and life like content; Legend of the Geek is the perfect mashup for hip hop heads and anime fans alike. Inspired by the music, Da-Wolf decided to create a side story manga/comic book series written, illustrated, and edited by her. Though the comic version of the project is from a less realistic standpoint, it still chronicles the journey of a young woman looking for her higher self and purpose in a world she doesn’t seem to fit into. LOG #1: Mark of the Wolf Description: In the first issue, Legend of the Geek #1: Mark of the Wolf, after a run in with a wolf spirit, she is given immense power through a marking not so gently seared into her skin. Her task is simple, yet things will get hectic very quickly as she is confronted with the reality that all that maybe visible on the surface, is not what it seems underneath and the ones you hold closest, could turn out to be your greatest enemies. Listen to the mixtape of the same name here: https://soundcloud.com/dawolfmuzic/sets/legend-of-the-geek

15 subs, 692 views
Action 1
#Action, #action comics, #Action/fantasy, #African American comics, #anime, #anime inspired, #black comics, #Black female comics, #Black female lead, #Black geek, #black girl, #black girl comics, #blerd, #Blerd comics, #cartoons, #Comic, #Fantasy, #fantasy comic, #female lead, #fiction, #Fighter comics, #funny, #geek, #hip_hop, #Legendofthegeek, #manga, #manga_inspired, #martial arts, #Milenial, #minorities, #minority comics, #MMA, #mystery, #Mystic comics, #Mystic comkcs, #mystical, #nerd, #powerful, #Superhero, #Superhero comic, #wolves
No Free 2017-09-06 2017-09-13

by ALpaca
Life in 480p

random doodle adventures for y'all folks out there please feel free to post comments or share if you liked it

15 subs, 1.05k views
Slice of life 12
#comedy, #geeky, #slice of life
No Free 2015-05-03 2017-07-28

by Goggle Geek
Life of a Highschool Slime

Eric Slime is has a bizarre condition of being a shapeshifting ball of green slime! Now at a new school, Eric discovers friendship, enemies, love, himself, and all the trials and errors he'll face when pondering what it means to live life, as a high school slime. _______________________________ (Episodes Every Thursday) 12:00 PM GMT 9:00 PM PST _______________________________ Check Out Other Comics By Me: https://linktr.ee/GoggleGeek _______________________________ Follow Me On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gogglegeek/

8 subs, 1.3k views
Slice of life 38
#ABox, #all_ages, #coming_of_age, #drama, #EricSlime, #GoggleGeek, #heartwarming, #informative, #school, #Slime
No Free 2021-03-16 2022-07-21

by Akreampuff
Little Things

The funny Little Things that make up day-to-day life in the life of an office worker...

125 subs, 17.4k views
Slice of life 82
#admin, #cartoon, #coffee, #comedy, #funny, #geek, #life, #office_life, #work, #workplace
No Free 2015-02-10 2019-10-31

by TS
Living under a rock

Illustrating the struggles of living under a rock. A look into the daily life and ideas of an art crazy girl! - Updates every Sunday

9 subs, 701 views
Slice of life 14
#art, #challenges, #Comic, #Dailylife, #fun, #funny, #geek, #life, #livingunderarock, #nerd, #struggles, #sweet
No Free 2019-12-22 2020-08-26

by Mariah
Logical Silliness

Mariah is introverted. Mariah has strong opinions based on logic. Mariah is also really silly. I am Mariah.

8 subs, 991 views
Slice of life 12
#catholic, #geek, #introvert, #married
No Free 2017-09-15 2018-04-07

by Penieres Cartoons

Satire, Pop Culture, Rich Assortment & more...

1 subs, 504 views
Slice of life 6
#animation, #cartoon, #Cartoonist, #comedy, #comics, #crazy, #crazyhumor, #DCcomics, #Editorial, #geek, #humor, #illustration, #marvelcomics, #movies, #parody, #pop_culture, #satire, #Science Fiction, #tv, #tvseries
No Free 2018-05-24 2018-08-06

by Macattack
Mac Yaks

Just a collection of random comics and doodles I've drawn over the years.

5 subs, 797 views
Slice of life 31
#geek, #nerd, #personal_thoughts, #short guy, #sketches, #slice_of_life
No Free 2017-03-10 2019-08-10

by Jitsu
Magicis Proelia Chibi Aixa (English)

Follow the daily life of Aixa, a fan of Magical Girls who somehow became one herself! Written by Jitsu Drawn by Kirael Art

71 subs, 11.4k views
Slice of life 164
#4koma, #card_captor_sakura, #geek, #madoka_magika, #magical_girl, #mahou_Shoujo, #manga, #prisma_illya, #sailor_moon, #shoujo
Yes Free 2018-01-14 2021-01-26

by Fazhom

Follow the adventures of Magma, a geeky dragon and his friends as they discuss gaming and life (which is more or less the same thing)

11 subs, 5.74k views
Comedy 59
#bunny, #cat, #Dragon, #geek, #star wars, #video game
No Free 2015-07-06 2021-09-13

by kunalchoubey
Marvelous Myths

Every wonder what would happen if Zeus got his cover served cold? What's the real story behind Ganesha's head? or Who is the real trickster God

1 subs, 98 views
Fantasy 4
#avaazmedia, #Avaaz_Media, #Brown_Geeks, #comedy, #mythology
No Free 2020-11-26 2020-12-03

by maximilianoackerl

MaxiMax is about the things that happen to me now and when i was a kid . It also deals with everyday situations and stuff that i generally like or think about.

2 subs, 149 views
Comedy 1
#comedy, #everyday, #funny, #geek, #hobbies, #series
No Free 2019-04-09 2019-04-09

by Mini
Mini Comics

Short Mini comics about funny situations in Mini's life. (see what I did there? ;D) P.S: Some may have been exaggerated I really hope you enjoy it! and btw! I forgot to mention, most of the stories I'm posting now happened some time ago! :3

256 subs, 24.8k views
Slice of life 90
#ackward, #adorable, #black and white, #cat, #cute, #funny, #geek, #girl, #mini, #Miniaome, #random, #short, #slice of life, #small, #Story, #VideoGame
No Free 2015-05-13 2021-11-19

by Rotten Strawberry
MY and THEIR Bichromy

Iyuu is just another random girl, who loves some other random things. Blue things. But every one she knows is monochrome... Does she deserve all this hate ? Anyways, her blue keeps her alive, because we all need something to love. Cosplay, anime, internet culture, colors... As different as it seems, it won't last forever.

4 subs, 477 views
Slice of life 3
#geek, #Ijime, #Mellina Ichigo, #MY and THEIR Bichromy, #one shot, #short story, #slice of life
Yes Free 2017-05-01 2018-04-22

by Flatfooted Fox
My Dear Dhampir

The epic everyday adventures of Ned the half-vampire knight and Lena his (literally) foxy girlfriend and sometimes bard. Content created via text messages between many poor unfortunate customer service representatives subjected to the whimsy of a big fantasy nerd.

3 subs, 332 views
Comedy 1
#adventure, #bard, #boyfriend, #comedy, #comedy adventure, #comedy fantasy, #Dhampir, #dhampir boyfriend, #dnd, #Dungeons and Dragons, #Fantasy, #fantasy adventure, #fantasy_comedy, #Fox, #funny, #gamer, #Gamer_Girl, #geek, #geek girl, #half vampire, #kitsune, #Knight, #my dear dhampir, #nerd, #nerd_girl, #Pathfinder, #roleplay, #Roleplaying, #romance_comedy, #slice of life, #Text, #text boyfriend, #text message, #text messages, #texts, #vampire, #vampire boyfriend, #vampires, #weird, #werido
No Free 2017-10-27 2017-10-27

by BenFormity
My Incredible Regular Existence

Accompany me and the people around me in this totally unexciting, incredibly regular adventure that we call "life"! Now with 100% less fantasy and 100% more sarcasm!

8 subs, 560 views
Slice of life 12
#couple, #cute, #everydaylife, #friends, #geek, #kawaii, #life, #love, #nerd, #normal, #romance, #Sliceoflife, #slice_of_life
No Free 2020-04-11 2020-05-25

by KangelSt

The life of Angel, a geeky girl and something solitary, which will have to learn to socialize with their few friends, while leaving their comfort zone.

3 subs, 169 views
Slice of life 4
#antisocial, #freak, #friend, #geek, #life
No Free 2019-10-23 2019-11-12

by Vanillakimchi
Nerd Hunter

A bubbly blonde decides to embark on dating nerds- what could go wrong?

7 subs, 403 views
Romance 4
#astrophysicists, #astrophysics, #engineers, #geek love, #geeks, #nerd, #nerd hunter, #nerd love, #nerds, #sapiophile
No Free 2018-01-02 2018-02-23