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by Ap3

Gregory is ded. He is relatable if you are ded too. (Updates Whenever Greg feels alive enough to entertain)

2 subs, 372 views
Comedy 19
#gag_a_day, #ghosts, #Ghost_Hunter, #relatable, #romance, #supernatural
No Free 2021-01-27 2021-02-17

300 Perfect Game (English Reboot)

English reboot version of my webmanga. I'm posting this as part of my Patreon campaign, hopefully, some readers will like it and help me with production through support. I'm also hard at work with updating the original, tagalog version but It's always been my dream to share 300PG to the world. We'll see how this version performs.

166 subs, 3.32k views
Comedy 6
#300, #300 perfect game, #300pg, #Bob, #class pres, #comedy, #gag, #jeff nicerio, #Jeff_nice, #manga, #parody, #romance, #school, #school_life, #shonen
Yes Free 2015-12-06 2021-06-07

by Boo

A rather naughty webcomic.

4 subs, 798 views
Comedy 30
#funny, #gag, #lol, #naughty
No Free 2018-09-07 2018-09-21

by Victor Cavalcanti
A Series of Tales

A nice little group of gentlepersons meets a girl created yesterday. They have shenanigans happening since then.

18 subs, 1.94k views
Comedy 20
#A Series of Tales, #clich, #gag-a-day, #gag_a_day, #satire
No Free 2016-01-11 2016-09-01

by 8289542f
Adventures In Stuff

Comical short comics treating dark and controversial subjects with immature irreverence. Not suitable for kids or the easily offended.

7 subs, 999 views
Comedy 12
#comedy, #dark comedy, #gag-a-day, #humor, #humour, #life
No Free 2015-02-12 2015-06-30

by disneyrocker49
Aligned to a Rose

My parents made a deal to marry me off to a prince from a neighboring country since before I was even born... My goal: Seduce the Prince!

5 subs, 207 views
Romance 2
#arranged_marriage, #comedy, #couple, #cute, #engagement, #love, #love_story, #Marriage, #original, #prince, #Princess, #romance, #Royalty, #short_story, #sweet, #wholesome
No Free 2020-11-04 2020-11-04

by Gaspode12
All Fingers And Thumbs

Life is hard. Especially when you're just an ordinary thumbprint trying to make it in a world full of idiots.

42 subs, 6.97k views
Comedy 88
#comedy, #fingerprints, #funny, #gag, #gag_a_day, #relateable, #slice of life
No Free 2016-02-24 2017-10-25

by maryonnaise
An Evil Wizard Cursed Me and if I Kiss Anyone Other than My One True Love My Dick Will Explode

When Kasey Cardboard, an ordinary, albeit lonely and romantically challenged 18 year old, moved to a rural mountain town, he expected the quiet life. However, a chance encounter with an evil wizard changed his life for the INFINITELY worse when his dick was cursed to EXPLODE if he ever dared to kiss anyone other than his one true love! Saddled with this terrible curse, and surrounded by his desperately horny classmates, Kasey's struggle to find his soulmate is truly a mater of life or explosive fiery death by dickxplosion! 18+

8 subs, 143 views
Comedy 1
#4koma, #absurd, #bisexual, #dick_explosion, #gag, #harem, #parody, #romance, #school, #slice_of_life
No Free 2022-05-23 2022-05-25

by Agusptoemo

Estamos en el 2069. La máquina invernal está congelando los campos de batalla estadounidense. Para desactivar esta máquina será necesaria la infiltración de una persona preparada para esta peligrosa misión, alguien con una capacidad de sigilo excepcional, capaz de finalizar la misión sin ser visto y con una gran fortaleza tanto física como mental...o podemos contratar a Anaconda

8 subs, 851 views
Comedy 7
#american, #americano, #comedia, #comedy, #drama, #EEUU, #espia, #espias, #EstadosUnidos, #estados_unidos, #explicacion, #gag, #gags, #game, #gaming, #gear, #gunsofthepatriots, #hideokojima, #humor, #humour, #metal, #metalgear, #MetalGearSolid, #Metal_Gear_Solid, #ocelot, #Otacon, #otako, #parodia, #parody, #Plot, #plottwist, #plotwist, #Risas, #Rusia, #russia, #russian, #russians, #sketch, #snake, #Solid, #SolidSnake, #Solid_Snake, #spies, #Spy, #tragedia, #traicion, #tramacompleja, #trama_complicada, #unitedstates, #videojuego
No Free 2020-06-22 2020-11-09

by kim yung kil

Humans and animals have many similarities with each other. This series zooms in on these similarities colorfully and in a funny way.

123 subs, 9.08k views
Slice of life 12
#animal, #animals, #comedy, #funny, #gag, #human, #humans, #Man, #parody, #woman
No Free 2013-06-17 2013-07-22

by Malcontent Comics

Apartness is a comic strip about having entirely too much alone time. It's also an homage to the newspaper funny pages of my youth.

20 subs, 2.87k views
Slice of life 29
#comic strips, #gag-a-day, #humor
No Free 2014-02-22 2014-08-28

by DrawNards

Me dealing with art block and other life issues. Best taken with an abnormal amount of coffee.

7 subs, 240 views
Slice of life 2
#artblocked, #artist, #comics, #daily_life, #gag, #light, #problems, #struggle
No Free 2021-12-19 2021-12-20

by ArtWhale_Chua
ArtWhale s Brain: Die, Spider!

Dark humor Slice of Orange life, Short silly fun gags, controlled insanity! Cards against humanity (Tapas version) meets Adult swim cartoons meets Calvin & Hobbes. *This is an alternate Tapas version of my Art book* Suggested for mature audiences. Updated Thursdays.

0 subs, 82 views
Comedy 4
#crazy, #cute, #dark, #Dark_comedy, #gag_comic, #Gory, #kawaii, #raunchy, #sexual, #twisted_comics, #violent_comic, #weird
No Free 2020-09-16 2020-09-23

by inkling comics
Aunty Hero

Mint discovers her aunt is a superhero! She goes on adventures and tries to convince everyone else that The Variant is really her Aunty Nim! An all ages story that comic fans will love, filled with references to comic tropes and terms.

9 subs, 1.01k views
Comedy 14
#Action, #comics, #comics industry, #cute, #funny, #gag, #parody, #pun, #puns, #Superhero, #superheroes
No Free 2015-06-28 2016-07-04

by Asuka Nobu
Avalon Patchwork: Eastern Forest

A world with Adventure lies within

15 subs, 1.29k views
Fantasy 19
#Action, #comedy, #Fantasy, #gag, #gods
No Free 2015-11-22 2019-01-25

by Marinbar
Avys & Hannah

The nomadic and risky life of two best friends: Avys sometimes bitter and pessimistic and Hannah always optimistic and compassionate, on their way to find a stable life as independent artists and animators. This series (with touches of satire and tragicomedy) seeks to portray the daily life and problems in the life of modern independent artists in a society that changes all the time. (project still in progress)

0 subs, 43 views
Comedy 1
#animation, #art, #artist, #cartoons, #daily_life, #gags, #independent_artist, #satire
No Free 2022-02-07 2022-02-07

by Moo
Ayumi's Tiger

Angry is a stuffed tiger who is always trying his best despite constant failure. His friend, Ayumi, is an optimistic girl with an eye for practicality. Together they can do anything!

154 subs, 29.2k views
Comedy 367
#animals, #comedy, #comics, #comic_strips, #gag_comics, #ink, #stuffed_animals, #Sunday_Comics, #tigers, #watercolour
No Free 2016-05-12 2021-07-30

by Gena

A baggage handler experiences the pains and joys of finding love, and having to let it go. For the Silent Manga Audition Contest (2012-2013). It's not supposed to have any dialogue.

9 subs, 1.26k views
Slice of life 2
#baggage, #Break_up, #forgiveness, #handler, #love, #ship
Yes Free 2013-11-26 2021-07-06

by Nuzlocke Duo
Balls Out! A Galarian Double Nuzlocke

A crude, rude slapstick Pokémon Sword & Shield Nuzlocke starring an inexperienced & unlucky secret agent and the paranoid stoner prince he's been assigned to protect.

2 subs, 333 views
Comedy 3
#adventure, #bros, #crude_humor, #double_nuzlocke, #gag, #humor, #nuzlocke, #pokemon, #pokemon_sword_and_shield, #slapstick
No Free 2022-06-26 2022-07-09

by Vin Penn
Bento Radio

A gag webcomic about technicolor people and their weird shenanigans. Updates once to twice a week.

4 subs, 1.01k views
Comedy 31
#cartoon, #gag, #humor, #simplistic, #surreal, #technicolor
Yes Free 2019-06-07 2021-08-15

by Flare
Bitter Candy

Daily life struggles of a borderline diagnosed girl that tries to cope with life while making funny comics about it.

219 subs, 14k views
Slice of life 53
#aggressive, #angry, #bitter, #black, #blue, #borderline, #BPD, #candy, #comedy, #daily, #dark humor, #disorder, #edge, #Emotional, #emotions, #ferret, #flare, #Flaresphere, #fun, #funny, #gag, #girl, #humor, #life, #love, #passive, #personality, #rage, #raging, #shades, #Sleep, #slice of life, #struggles, #unstable, #wendigo, #white, #wolf
No Free 2016-02-13 2018-11-29

by BlueberryBlues
Blueberry Time

While I'm not working on other comics or illustrations I draw comic strips!

33 subs, 1.73k views
Comedy 9
#anime, #artist, #blueberry, #books, #cartoons, #comedy, #comics, #cosplay, #daily life, #drawing, #gag, #game, #gaming, #LARP, #literature, #manga, #nerd, #nerdyness, #nerd_humor
No Free 2015-07-10 2015-11-25

by Mrgametv

The most pain in the butt in the whole universe are here to show your how smart you are.

2 subs, 982 views
Comedy 56
#chile, #comedy, #comedy_gag_funny, #Comic, #comicstrip, #dialogue, #funny, #gag, #slapstick, #stupid
No Free 2019-11-12 2020-12-27

by Elli

A collection of my one-page or otherwise very short comics. I hope you enjoy!

1 subs, 114 views
Comedy 4
#collection, #gag_comics, #one_page_comics, #red_riding_hood, #short_comics
No Free 2021-10-10 2021-10-13


ugly drawing gags

5 subs, 413 views
Comedy 3
#gags, #lol, #stupid, #ugly
No Free 2017-03-12 2017-03-15

by TacoBusArt
Bummer Corp.

Comics about how funny it is to be sad.

2.14k subs, 201k views
Comedy 78
#comedy, #depression, #diary, #funny, #gag, #gags, #jokes, #journal, #lol, #slice of life
No Free 2016-01-08 2019-06-11

by Ogawa Burukku
Burn! Fireshot!!

Tamatarou helps out during the summer at his grandfather's bowling alley, and though usually it's a pretty boring gig, one day a gang of elderly thugs show up and take the place for themselves! Can Tamatarou master the game, or will he have his bowling balls handed to him? Find out in this excitingly stupid one-shot! Read RIGHT to LEFT. If you like this, please check out my currently ongoing story FaLLEN because it is much, much better.

33 subs, 948 views
Comedy 1
#bowling, #gag, #manga, #One-shot
No Free 2014-12-30 2015-01-02

by Arr-istocrat
Business Goblin

Hello, This is the Business goblin. He is a goblin that does business

9 subs, 613 views
Comedy 3
#business, #comedy, #Fantasy, #gag, #goblin, #puns, #whatever
No Free 2015-12-07 2015-12-07

by Papalopulus
C2: Coronacrisis

Two years after the Corona Virus strikes the world, Guy tries to survive.

4 subs, 182 views
Comedy 7
#Action, #coronavirus, #covid19, #gags, #gag_manga, #horror, #horror_movies, #humor, #manga, #memes, #monsters, #pandemic, #parody, #postapocalyptic, #shonen, #slasher, #survival_horror, #virus, #zombies
No Free 2020-05-28 2020-10-21

by Pauls Tower
Calamity Jane

The comical misadventures of Jane, the wimpiest girl on the face of the planet. This series is complete! Thank you all for reading!

139 subs, 30k views
Comedy 213
#a, #blackandwhite, #calamity, #Calamityjane, #classic, #comedy, #country, #day, #family, #familyfriendly, #friendly, #fun, #gag, #gagaday, #Jane, #kids, #nice, #PG
Yes Free 2016-01-21 2021-07-14

by rodolfofiaispereira
Carlos Cândido, vulgo Carlinhos (português)

Tirinhas (supostamente) engraçadas sobre Carlinhos, um garoto de programa muito louco.

0 subs, 87 views
Comedy 1
#brazil, #comedy, #gag, #gay, #Hobo, #homo, #portuguese, #prostitution, #strips
No Free 2021-06-16 2021-06-17

by EbenFrostey
Cat Donut

The cat that is a donut.

20 subs, 3.86k views
Comedy 56
#cat, #donut, #Doughnut, #gag
No Free 2020-10-31 2022-06-04

by DragonPena
Cavemen in suits

It all starts with the hype train!

13 subs, 1.16k views
Comedy 8
#fun, #funny, #gag, #gaming, #nintendo, #slice of life, #Smash Bros, #Video_Games
No Free 2015-06-13 2015-07-04

by Electric Seal
CEO Scooby

The days of mystery solving are over. Mystery Inc. has pivoted into Mystery Ink, one of the largest printer ink companies in the world. But not all of the gang has handled the transition the same way. Updates every Monday and Thursday. CEO Scooby is a fan-based parody and the likeness to any trademarked characters are purely for satirical purposes through fair use and has no association to any existing copyrights.

51 subs, 9.85k views
Comedy 240
#comedy, #gag, #office, #Scooby_Doo, #slice_of_life, #workplace
No Free 2020-04-06 2022-07-21

by Mr Rzie
Cheap Paneling

Cost effective cartoons.

639 subs, 102k views
Comedy 95
#gags, #puns
No Free 2014-01-21 2015-03-04

by Snooze_R_tist
Cheg came First!

Will the unsolved mystery that goes round and round be answered by another mystery? A young individual is determined to make it happen living an ordinary life with some unordinary features...

32 subs, 1.94k views
Slice of life 24
#candy_lovers, #chasing_the_puzzle, #cheg_came_first, #chicken, #daily_life, #egg, #feel_good, #food_eaters, #fun_reading, #gag_comedy, #good_read, #history_lover, #laughter, #slice_of_life, #which_came_first
No Free 2018-09-14 2020-07-24

by toonbaboon
Chim Chum and the Portly Samurai

Ancient Japan's most dysfunctional duo, an out-of-work swordsman and his fox sidekick, attempt to stay out of troub

8 subs, 1.09k views
Comedy 15
#comic book, #Fox, #funny, #gag, #humor, #japan, #samurai, #Single panel
No Free 2017-11-25 2018-01-24

by theovenisfrozen
Coffee Shop Demon

Everyone says Hell is the worst place to be. Those people have obviously never worked in Customer Service. Updates Every Tuesday. @theovenisfrozen on Instagram

24 subs, 933 views
Comedy 20
#cafe, #cafecomic, #coffee, #coffeeshopdemon, #Comic, #customerservice, #demons, #gagaday, #hell, #inkandpen, #minicomics, #sequentialarts, #traditional, #traditionalart, #underword
No Free 2019-02-13 2020-05-12

by Sam G.
Cordially Invited

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Garfield Logan and Rachel Roth! Catch a glimpse at the lives of Beast Boy and Raven as they prepare for their upcoming wedding! Based on the Teen Titans, this fancomic gives you an inside look at their lives after the long awaited proposal! Next update: Dec 2014

36 subs, 1.57k views
Slice of life 4
#bbrae, #beast boy, #dating, #engaged, #fancomic, #garfield logan, #Marriage, #rachel roth, #raven, #teen titans, #wedding
No Free 2014-07-15 2014-12-12

by camillescott1720
Cracked Pot Comics

Cracked pot comics are gag-a-day comics.

1 subs, 88 views
Comedy 2
#comedy, #comics, #comic_strip, #funny, #gag, #jokes, #oneliners, #silly, #slapstick
No Free 2021-01-03 2021-01-10

by Drew
Croc & Gator

A wonderful comic that follows the antics of a fun-loving crocodile and a pretty decent alligator. A family friendly strip full of innocent and whimsical humor. https://www.facebook.com/crocandgator

2.99k subs, 396k views
Comedy 131
#animal, #animals, #children, #cute, #family, #funny, #gag_a_day, #journal, #kids, #life, #lol, #school
No Free 2014-07-11 2019-06-12

by lauraartiss

(Reads right to left in a strip layout!) DAD SCHOOL is a high-school gag manga parody, collecting strips about a SCHOOL FOR DADS. Lessons? Dad jokes. Uniform? SOCKS AND SANDALS, DUH. Meet a whole school of PURE TESTOSTERONE!!! Except there’s that dad who doesn’t stop crying, and that dad who isn’t actually a dad yet – hey, he’s the character you follow! What’s up with that?!

38 subs, 2.44k views
Comedy 26
#color, #colour, #comedy, #dad, #gag_manga, #high_school, #manga, #school, #slice_of_life
No Free 2018-12-06 2018-12-23

by Karida
Daily bits and pieces

Comics about my simple life.

160 subs, 2.34k views
Comedy 4
#bits and pieces, #bunny, #crazy, #daily, #fun, #gags, #gaming
No Free 2018-07-16 2018-09-17

by DailyComicChallenge
Daily Comic Challenge

A community project challenging artists to create a comic strip each day!

4 subs, 697 views
Comedy 2
#comedy, #comic_strip, #daily, #gag, #humor
No Free 2015-05-25 2015-05-26

by Mbm85
Daily Life - Struggles of a Creative

My diary-like entries of things I go through, whether sad, mad, frustrating or silly. hope I made you laugh.

4 subs, 614 views
Comedy 43
#creative_people, #daily_struggles, #funny, #gag_manga, #humor, #irl_situations, #one_page_stories, #slice_of_life
No Free 2021-04-11 2021-10-07

by EroHoney
Daily Lilith

Daily funny shenanigans

349 subs, 25k views
Slice of life 29
#4 koma, #artist, #artist life, #comedy, #daily gag, #gag_a_day
Yes Free 2015-09-03 2016-04-11

by Seth Fox
Daily Needs

Slice of lice of many animals!

34 subs, 2.43k views
Slice of life 40
#anthro, #comic strips, #dailyneeds, #digital, #Foxes, #funny, #furry, #furry anthro, #gag a week, #life, #sethfox, #traditional
No Free 2016-06-17 2017-04-10

by Yasune
Daily Struggles

Short and simple comic of just some problems, situations and funny things of my every day life

8 subs, 132 views
Slice of life 3
#artist, #comedy, #everyday_life, #funny, #gag, #gag_comic, #relatable, #short
No Free 2021-11-18 2021-11-22

Dang Gnats! Cartoons

Need a little laugh? There's a gnat for that. Dang Gnats! Little comics starring two outspoken insects with too much time on their wings. By Walt Jaschek.

2 subs, 3.1k views
Comedy 28
#dang_gnats, #Funny_animals, #funny_comic, #gag_strip, #little_laughs, #minimalism, #panel_cartoon, #walt_jaschek
No Free 2019-01-30 2021-06-01

by Nort
DBZ fan comics

All the DBZ fan comics I've done so far

373 subs, 230k views
Comedy 32
#gag_comics, #nsfw
No Free 2021-04-12 2021-09-28

by JustZoX
Dear Diary-a

Just some things that I go through in my life. Hope I make you laugh.

19 subs, 3.31k views
Comedy 53
#cat, #cats, #christmas, #comedio, #comedy, #cute, #dear, #del rey, #diarrhea, #diary, #dog, #dogs, #funny, #gaga, #game, #games, #lady_gaga, #lana, #LANA DEL REY, #LDR, #LG, #lol, #pokemon, #Slay, #spider, #spiders, #steven universe, #zox
No Free 2016-05-05 2017-09-05

by Luscious Spirit
Dee and Lee Artist Girlfriends

4 Koma gag comic about two girlfriends who are both artists. Dee is a peppy amateur anime artist and her girlfriend Lee supports both of them with the money she makes drawing furry porn.Take a glimpse into the life of being a freelance artist.

442 subs, 20.8k views
Comedy 25
#art, #funny, #gag comic, #lesbian, #manga, #yuri
No Free 2018-04-21 2018-05-01

by Joe Bayani
Degenerate Characters

A 4 page gag comic introducing a series of weird characters. See why they are weird, their struggles as a result of their gimmicks, and why they are still human despite their weirdness.

2 subs, 446 views
Comedy 15
#4_pages, #character, #gag, #oc, #short
Yes Free 2021-05-04 2022-07-06

by Joe Bayani
Degenerate Characters: Low Budget

With the economic failure of the original comic (mainly due to the expensive illustrations) the team can no longer hire the A list Oc’s. To salvage the failing company, the quality was axed and D list Oc’s will be hired instead… (1 like = 1 dollar)

0 subs, 1 views
Comedy 1
#character, #gag, #oc, #short
No Free 2022-07-06 2022-07-22

by donutraven
Deus Ex Mafia

After the assassination of one of the Deus crime families' most important member, the whole group splits and goes into hiding. After months of isolation and waiting, four teens decide to find the rest of their families. But it's never that simple, is it?

7 subs, 669 views
Comedy 30
#4_koma, #gag_comic, #OMAKE
No Free 2018-09-08 2020-03-30

by DragonPena
Doctor Pom

The life of a pomeranian in gag a day format.

20 subs, 922 views
Slice of life 5
#animal, #comedy, #funny, #gag, #joke, #pomeranian, #slice of life
No Free 2015-05-23 2015-06-13

by Kendetta L.
Dog woofs Wolf goofs

*Updates every Thursday* A royal corgi wants a wild life. A wild grey wolf wants to learn about a domesticated life. How can they learn from each other?

75 subs, 6.61k views
Comedy 26
#corgi, #dad, #family, #gags, #parenting, #parents, #Queen, #royal, #sacarstic, #satire, #social satire, #son
No Free 2015-06-02 2015-12-24

Doge Vs. Cate

It is getting fluffier.

4 subs, 399 views
Comedy 1
#9gag, #cate, #cats, #doge, #DogeandCate, #dogs, #DogsvsCats, #pets, #vector
No Free 2017-01-14 2017-01-17

by Ai Gallo

DP:chronicles is a series of fun strips and mini-comics set in the univerese of Dragon Princess!

21 subs, 874 views
Fantasy 1
#comedy, #dragon princess, #Fantasy, #gag, #strips
No Free 2015-07-04 2016-03-01

by eyekometa

Silly nonsense webcomic. SUPPORT: https://ko-fi.com/eyekometa https://www.patreon.com/eyekometa https://www.instagram.com/eyekometa/

0 subs, 25 views
Comedy 2
#gag, #random
No Free 2022-02-16 2022-02-19

by Doc Glasgow
Ennui GO!

When a girl accidentally creates the best-selling game ever, her life quickly spirals out of control. How would YOU handle that much money? Updates EVERY DAY!

795 subs, 184k views
Comedy 604
#alcoholism, #cartoon, #depression, #gag_a_day, #game design, #nsfw, #nws, #slice of life
No Free 2016-03-06 2021-09-09

by Daniel Aragón
Ética adolescente

Comic para la asignatura de ética. Los temas a tratar fueron violencia en el noviazgo, inseguridad y desigualdad de género (machismo y feminismo). Encargo de la profesora Valeria Espinosa de Mexico.

1 subs, 59 views
Slice of life 1
#adolescente, #engagement, #ethics, #etica, #futbol, #noviazgo, #punk, #redes_sociales, #rock, #Soccer, #social_network, #teens
No Free 2020-08-20 2020-08-20

by Chad Myers
Everyday Occurrence

Just some fun doodles about fun things.

0 subs, 55 views
Comedy 1
#cartoon, #comic_strip, #gag_a_day, #gag_strip
No Free 2021-09-13 2021-09-13

by Andrew Miller

Planet Earth (or what's left of it), year 2572. Human beings have left the planet, leaving it infested with everything that would once earned easy money to Hollywood: zombie, mutants, radioactive animals and, for some reason, half buried Statues of Liberty planted just about anywhere. Now the creatures remained on the planet try to form a more human society than their predecessors. meanwhile, a young alien on mission will examine this post-apocalyptic land and he will show us all the data collected.

52 subs, 2.44k views
Comedy 39
#adventure, #aliens, #Comic, #comics, #gags, #mushroom, #mutants, #postapocalyptic, #post_apocalyptic, #sciencefiction, #scifi, #voyage, #zombies
No Free 2019-12-30 2022-07-03

by Sonheelight

WARNING: CRINGE-FEST AHEAD (I'm so embarrassed with this series >w<) A comic based on real life happenings that comes with minimal exaggerations. - - - If you like this comic, please like, comment or share. It would be much appreciated. :)

99 subs, 4.5k views
Slice of life 11
#anime, #color, #comedy, #cute, #daily life, #deviantart, #Exaggerated, #Exaggeration, #eyeglass, #family, #friends, #funny characters, #gag, #happy, #heartwarming, #introvert, #kawaii, #lighthearted, #manga, #nerd, #philippines, #pinoy, #sad, #slice of life, #ugly
No Free 2015-03-01 2016-04-06

by Potoo Gryphon
Extra Fluff

A series for the fun extra art events, guest comics, livestreams art requests, Q&A comics, and random doodles involving Oops Comic Adventure. Enjoy

311 subs, 40.5k views
Comedy 77
#art event, #Cass, #Chief of Knights, #Cyndi Foster, #doodles, #extra, #Fantasy, #fun, #gags, #griffin, #gryphon, #guest comics, #humor, #Jeramy Hobz, #jokes, #mystical, #mythical, #oops, #Oops Comic Adventure, #plague, #Potoo Gryphon, #requests, #silly, #sketches, #talon
No Free 2015-05-21 2017-05-29

by Evan Koh

I draw fabulous faces for you.

1 subs, 728 views
Slice of life 22
#comedy, #Comic, #comics, #fabulous, #gag
No Free 2017-06-07 2020-06-05

by Chocho
Falling Spica

When falling down a rabbithole is not an option, even a puddle can be a surprise... A story placed some years after the moment when Alice visited the wonderland but... something went wrong?

10 subs, 485 views
Romance 2
#Alice in Wonderland, #comedy, #Comic, #Fantasy, #gag, #manga, #romance, #wonderland
No Free 2017-03-16 2017-03-16

by Hat and Goggles
fan comics

Comic parodies based on existing properties including, but not limited to, DC Comics, Doctor Who Steven Universe, Ducktales and many more.

8 subs, 1.16k views
Comedy 12
#4koma, #comedy, #fandom, #fan_art, #fan_comic, #gag_strip, #geek, #otaku, #parody, #short, #yonkoma
No Free 2017-02-09 2022-02-20

by gparsons
fnu 3

More stuff from a moron with too much time on his hands. Don't encourage him, really.

3 subs, 190 views
Comedy 1
#cartoon, #cartoons, #Comic, #comics, #gag, #humor
No Free 2019-03-08 2019-03-08

by FrostDrive
FrostDrive's Comic Strips

Come see FrostDrive's funny COMIC STRIPS! Nobody bothers to look at them but he keeps going! What an IDIOT!!! The humor in this series is weird, absurd and ridiculous! Not for wholesome babies.

20 subs, 703 views
Comedy 16
#comedy_comic, #comedy_series, #Comic, #comic_strip, #comic_strips, #comic_strip_funny, #funny_comics, #funny_comic_strips, #fun_comics, #gag_comic
No Free 2021-09-01 2022-06-18

by nelsonyiap

Welcome to the FunPrison! Are you having fun yet?

1 subs, 225 views
Comedy 4
#comedy, #gag, #humor, #parody, #slice_of_life, #strip
No Free 2019-03-17 2019-12-16

by Al Vigil

Gag comics! Like the ones you used to like

8 subs, 2.94k views
Comedy 15
#cartoons, #funny, #gag comics, #gags, #lol, #random
No Free 2015-08-18 2015-09-09

by moneydog

Random funny stories! follow my facebook page too https://www.facebook.com/gagology179/

9 subs, 446 views
Slice of life 3
#Comic, #cute, #funny, #gagology, #girls, #joke, #pad
No Free 2017-11-12 2017-11-23

by Geek Appeal
Geek Appeal

Follow the exciting (or boring) tales of a geeky couple and their friends...

9 subs, 825 views
Comedy 16
#comedy, #gags, #gamers, #humor, #romance, #trending, #videogames, #webcomic
No Free 2017-04-14 2017-05-24

by Levi Animarts

Follow the adventures of Gekoda. A very naive and silly Gecko who tends to make a mess everywhere he goes.

3 subs, 419 views
Comedy 10
#animal, #cute, #funny, #gag, #gecko, #gekoda, #silly, #toon, #wildlife
No Free 2019-05-24 2019-11-01

by Six_Lakes_Studios
Generic Character Theater

In the fictional town of Division, Idaho, one-off characters have wacky adventures, from random conversations to absurd interactions, and even the occasional commentary on current events and trends. All that and more in this gag-a-week comic. (It also serves as an art dump for Matt later. Shh!) Inspired by the work of Mark Parisi and Gary Larsen.

0 subs, 25 views
Slice of life 2
#artdump, #comedy, #commentary, #gag_a_week, #generic_characters, #Idaho, #northwest, #random, #shenanigans, #slice_of_life
No Free 2022-06-05 2022-07-04

by Ralph Mabz
Genius Boy Hansel!

One-Shot Gag Manga.

10 subs, 459 views
Comedy 1
#anime, #comedy, #filipino, #gag, #humor, #manga, #philippines, #pinoy, #Sci-fi, #tagalog
No Free 2015-09-25 2015-12-03

by blacksquares
Gentle Occurance

Flowers bloom in silence or something like that.

22 subs, 1.78k views
GL 1
#404_men_not_found, #gag_strip, #magical_girl, #surreal, #traditional_art, #wtf_am_i_reading, #yuri
No Free 2020-10-11 2020-10-20

by Justin Hill

Welcome to the party! A collection of puns, gags and jokes for your reading pleasure. Updates EVERY Wednesday and Friday.

13 subs, 972 views
Comedy 7
#comedy, #dad_jokes, #gag comic, #humor, #lol, #pun, #random
No Free 2015-10-10 2015-10-28

by Glob Comedies
Glob Comedies

Hey guys I'm Glob Comedies hope you enjoy my comics!

7 subs, 532 views
Comedy 6
#comedies, #Comic, #funny, #gags, #glob, #tapastic
No Free 2017-10-26 2017-11-05

by inkysea
God, dam you.

a cliché character making fun of cliché another world tropes. A pissy comic that with every chapter covers a new pissy thing just because the art is rushed does not mean I won't leave blood out of it. it'll just be pink and cute like cliché comics nowadays. yes I love manga. I'm just here to berate the things I love, for fun. short time wasters. notes: this is one page per week or two this is not my real art style it is very rushed please read bio for more info

3 subs, 191 views
Comedy 4
#adventure, #bl, #coloured, #comedy, #dam, #english, #funny, #gag_series, #God, #god_dam_you, #inkysea, #inkyseas, #isekai, #kiruno, #mock, #new, #One, #one_shot, #piss_take, #revival, #sagespaige, #sekai, #shot, #spin_off, #webcomic, #weekly, #You
No Free 2019-10-05 2019-11-03

by Rhombik
Gombik the Robot

Meet Gombik - a little robot from outer space who crash landed on Planet Earth.

50 subs, 10.2k views
Comedy 142
#esl, #gag, #robot
No Free 2017-05-03 2018-07-17

by MCGOKU305
Good Thing's & Great Thing's The Comic Book Vol.1


1 subs, 402 views
Comedy 5
#anime, #baby, #comedy, #comic book, #comic_strip, #dog, #Dragon, #gag comic, #jo, #kangaroo, #manga, #mario, #Originally, #puppet, #puppy, #super_sons
Yes Free 2017-01-25 2017-01-31

by scottwm
Growing Banana Trees

GBT is a comic collective title for all the epic and random happenings in ScottWM's life! You may also find some random sketches here but rest assured everything is Safe For Work.

651 subs, 49k views
Comedy 56
#chibi, #comic strips, #gag, #gay, #humor, #true_story
No Free 2013-04-18 2015-06-16

by Gwanni
Gwanni Comix

It's all just short cartoons/comics about pretty much anything funny that comes to my mind.

1 subs, 975 views
Comedy 19
#cartoon, #Comic, #fun, #funny, #gag, #meme, #random
No Free 2016-11-19 2019-12-02

by hanaymi

Just a girl who likes to dress like a grandma (or a Teletubbies)

16 subs, 550 views
Slice of life 6
#adventure, #cartoon, #Comic, #funny, #gag, #hanaymi, #humour, #slice_of_life, #Story
No Free 2022-03-19 2022-03-25

by Not a Hazard
Hero Hazard

Updates Monthly Check the original comic that inspired this one: http://secondlina.tumblr.com/post/75838385100/nope-the-anime-based-on-that-hilarious-text

515 subs, 5.15k views
Comedy 3
#anime, #gag, #manga, #parody
No Free 2015-04-28 2016-07-25

by Trond J. Stavås
Hilltop Elementary

Meet the teachers and students at Hilltop Elementary! Hilltop Elementary (Bakketoppen Barneskole) is a Norwegian comic strip which is currently printed three times a week in the newspaper "Sør-Trøndelag", and in the teacher magazine "Norsklæreren" (The Norwegian Teacher). It is also published three times a week on the Norwegian webcomic site Nettserier.no, and on Stavås Tegneserier on Facebook. Hilltop Elementary is my first attempt at translating one of my series to english, and I decided Tapastic was a great place to try it out. Please leave a comment or like if you happen to read through some of my strips! Oh, and if you happen to discover any typos or grammar errors, please let me know! - Trond J. Stavås

37 subs, 7.32k views
Comedy 96
#comedy, #Comic, #elementary, #gags, #Hilltop, #Norway, #norwegian, #scandinavia, #school, #strips, #students, #teachers, #work
No Free 2017-04-27 2017-06-27

by dogado
Homo Sexience

It's not homo. It's not homo sapiens. It's Homo Sexience. Like us on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/koco.agency

10.8k subs, 5.85M views
Comedy 325
#Comic, #gag, #girl, #hot, #perody, #sex, #sexy, #woman
No Free 2013-07-30 2015-01-06

by Deej

A comic about good kids in bad situations.

11 subs, 2.31k views
Comedy 15
#4 panel strip, #black and white, #Comic, #comic_strip, #deej, #depressing comic, #fresh, #fun for all ages, #funny comic, #gag_a_day, #good sh*t, #groaners, #hack, #home for unwanted children, #hooligans, #kids, #New_comic, #Orphans, #Peanuts, #Pen and Ink, #pg-13, #satire, #sinfest, #slice of life, #thrice weekly, #you'll laugh you'll cry
No Free 2017-07-13 2017-08-17

by ali
Hopeless Causes

dump for all of the shenanigans of the st jude's school kids - updates bi-weekly!

42 subs, 1.06k views
Slice of life 4
#clich, #gags, #gag_a_day, #religious, #school, #slice of life, #Stereotypes, #stereotypical, #teenager, #teens
No Free 2017-03-10 2017-03-29

by ThinusvanRooyen
How About NO

A Slice of Life comic series about nope. Also hedgehogs.

24 subs, 851 views
Slice of life 2
#comedy, #discourse, #feminism, #gags, #gender, #hedgehogs, #life, #nsfw, #poorboyhat, #relationships, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2017-04-24 2017-04-25

by selec1219

This story is about a 13-year-old girl who hates this world.

2 subs, 362 views
Comedy 13
#comedy, #funny, #girl, #humor, #i_hate_this_world, #short_gag_comics, #slice_of_life
No Free 2022-01-24 2022-03-25

by Tato
I Love You, Bambette!

The legend of Nobunaga and his love for the alluring Bambette. Romance! Drama! Friendship! Betrayal! Joy! Despair! And ultimately...life!

12.3k subs, 989k views
Romance 42
#bambette, #boys_love, #comedy, #deer, #drama, #feelgood, #feel_good, #funny, #gag, #giraffe, #hilarious, #imagawa yoshimoto, #japanese generals, #manly, #muscle, #Oda_Nobunaga, #slice of life, #slice_of_life, #strange, #surreal_humor, #weird
Yes Free 2013-10-02 2020-08-13

by Pawang Erotikas
I'm Not The Protagonist You're Looking For

Having white hair, heterochromatic eyes, and ever-growing penchant of encountering weird events in every single day, we are introduced with ‘MC-kun’. He might not ask for it but it seems like the adventure life had chosen him. Scenario pusher and plot starter? Transfer student? Meeting girls with weird colored hairs? People wanting to give him superpowers? So this is will be a story of how our dear protagonist refuses to accept the roles that are meant for him.

312 subs, 2.74k views
Comedy 3
#gag, #isekai, #trope, #WhitehairedMC
No Free 2020-05-11 2020-07-21

by Abba Studios

Archeologists investigate a mysterious signal from a distant planet. Will they find a connection between the past and the future on this obscure planet?

0 subs, 120 views
Science fiction 1
#adventure, #Alien, #artifact, #explore, #gag, #humor, #mystery, #outer_space, #planets, #treasure
Yes Free 2021-11-11 2021-11-19

by QNiki
In Your Dreamscape!

If you could get your heart's desire would you make sacrifices? Of course you would! So would Charlotte. To be honest, she doesn't really care about the repercussions of signing a contract with a Dream Witch, she's here for a good time, not a long time. Tony, on the other hand, who double and triple read his contract is somehow roped in with a incomp- unique partner. Each of them a unique type messed up, as they put their lives on the the table to get, well, who knows what. [Upd. 1st + 3rd Wed]

213 subs, 2.09k views
Fantasy 13
#calm_mc, #goofs_and_giggles, #Highschool, #implusive_mc, #lots_of_emotional_baggage, #modern_fantasy, #unwilling_collegues
No Free 2021-10-06 2022-03-18

by snack

Wacky print-style cartoons. Healthy chuckles ahead. Updates every week.

8 subs, 1.08k views
Comedy 26
#animals, #comedy, #funny, #gag, #ironic, #traditional
No Free 2018-10-26 2019-05-07

by scottisconfuzzled
Insanity Is A Wonderful Thing

hi! so, this is my comic thing. there's not much more to it than that. ...i think. (idk what to put here tbh.)

0 subs, 128 views
Slice of life 5
#about_nothin, #gagcomic, #stupid, #weird
No Free 2021-09-26 2021-12-25