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by dan_k_lee
(español)Beyond human: Revenge 2090

( actualización los sabados ) En el 2090 las grandes corporaciones controlan los países y la tecnología ha permitido crear cyborgs e inteligencias artificiales avanzadas. En el futuro existe un grupo armado conocido como los neo hunters que realiza trabajos para empresarios, mercenarios, policías, políticos y cualquiera que pueda pagarles. Mei, la líder de uno de estos grupos, realiza un trabajo que sale mal y resulta en la muerte de un miembro de su equipo, ahora solo busca venganza.

9 subs, 274 views
Science fiction 22
#Action, #cyborg, #espanol, #espaol, #futuristic, #manga, #robot, #spanish
No Free 2021-03-30 2021-12-04

by Auspice

Humans and computers have long been considered different entities, each with their own strengths and flaws. But in the era of 2520, almost every human is born in tandem with an AI, made to evolve, to become the perfect complement of the human. Together, they are two, but one. Together, they are the HUMaiN.

29 subs, 779 views
Science fiction 3
#AI, #futuristic, #nonbinary
No Free 2020-08-15 2021-09-05

by JorgiArt
.Remnant. (ON HOLD)

*This comic is on hold for now* Joel and Ripple Mavoss's parents have just been murdered by a mysterious band of bandits called the 'Invexes'. Immediately the State officials re-home them with their uncle, whom the know nothing about. When Joel's sister is captured and almost brainwashed by the Invexes, Joel vows to rescue her and stop the Invexes from creating havoc. But he meets many different people, all with their own secrets. Suddenly Joel realises all of the damage is because of him and the massive secret he holds.

11 subs, 548 views
Action 2
#Action, #futuristic, #If I Live..., #JorgiArt
No Free 2016-03-20 2016-08-10

by RestartingServer
A Monochromic Duality

City-renown investigator Isao has been given the promotion of a life time, to be the head investigator of the Glass State. Upon a new update to his program for his new promotion, he wakes up to find something has gone amiss. No longer is he Isao, but a person without a purpose nor a set identity. Sawn as a "grey" and to be cast from the city, Isao takes his special skill set on a chase that takes his life from the spotlight investigator to the state's most wanted criminal.

764 subs, 16.8k views
Science fiction 21
#androids, #Crime, #dystopian, #futurism, #futuristic, #lgbt, #robots, #science_fiction, #scifi, #space, #Villian
No Free 2018-09-18 2020-02-23

by DØMiNØ UKAE |ドミノ・ウカエ
AfroThunder | アフロ • 雷

Back in 2025 a rouge planet orbited near Earth causing a magnetic pole shift that rendered Earth's magnetic field to become extremely unbalanced and almost non-existent, thus rendering the planet uninhabitable. Humanity seeked refuge on the terraformed alien planet but encountered the Ethno, an intelligent anthropomorphic species sovereign to the planet that refused settlements on Nibiru which would cause the extinction of Humans. Desperate to save their species, humanity becomes locked in a planetary war with the Ethnos fighting to take the planet for themselves by force as the Ethno defend Nibiru from becoming colonized & their species wiped out from genocide. Among the chaos is a hybrid teen of both Ethno & Human DNA created to be of the Human's 'super solider' project but developed his own convictions & escaped his containment and is now free out to the open world of Nibiru. Caught in the bi-moral fight of both species he struggles with his identity and place in the war, wanting to do the right thing but is morally confused as both sides in the war have a valid reason for their actions & goals as he navigates the grey area of war in an epic struggle of SURVIVAL vs. SOVEREIGNTY. Who is right? Who is wrong? What happens when your moral compass points in all directions? **All story concept ideas & visual media of AfroThunder®™ (US Copyright Office Register No. VA1-250-634*)

13 subs, 1.76k views
Science fiction 7
#Action, #afro_thunder, #Alien, #Annunaki, #anthro, #chakras, #concienceness, #conspiracy, #Ethno, #furries, #futuristic, #Illuminati, #New_Age, #nibiru, #philosophy, #pineal gland, #science_fiction, #space, #spiritual, #third_eye, #war
No Free 2017-08-09 2020-09-10

by Beeku Comics
And Help Us to Rebuild the Sky

Cracks in the universe are nothing compared to the strength of their love. There are cracks in the universe, and broken stars fill the night skies, though few see them for what they truly are- the universe is dying. See how a man raised in the nation responsible for such destruction, ultimately becomes the key to how the universe will end. A cyberpunk futuristic space opera about punching fate in the face. Visit our Ko-Fi or Patreon for additional rewards. Art by Anniku Pineda

2.96k subs, 133k views
#alternate_realities, #bl, #blond, #boys_love, #cyberpunk, #futuristic, #himbo, #lgbtq, #male_protagonist, #ongoing, #science_fiction, #Small_cast, #Strong_Protagonist, #Sunday, #superpowers, #True_love, #universe
No Free 2020-12-17 2021-12-31


Natural Energy, the phenomena that frows throughout all living things. Humans who can access their Natural Energy manifest it through elemental abilities, and are referred to as Chiefs. One such chief is 12-year-old Z.K. Megashi. At his local academy, Z.K. hones and perfects his powers, making friends, rivals, and maybe even a few enemies.

4 subs, 373 views
Action 42
#anialation, #bipoc, #futuristic, #kuro_ten, #school, #shonen, #studio_nama
No Free 2021-04-21 2022-01-30

by Moggettt
Arc Angels

In the futuristic, space-faring world of the Arc, we meet a motley cast of ragtag adventurers looking mostly to make a quick buck. But will these Arc Angels-in-the-making uncover more than they can handle in the bustling melting pot that is Aloport Station? Arc Angels is a comic loosely based off of a campaign played in the Starfinder rpg system. Rooted in the scifi/fantasy traditions of media like Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, the Saga graphic novels, and more, Arc Angels is a few friend’s love letter to nerd-dom.

141 subs, 4.06k views
Science fiction 4
#Action, #action_adventure, #adventure, #anthro, #Comic, #cyberpunk, #Fantasy, #futuristic, #quest, #science_fiction, #scifi, #scifi_fantasy, #SCI_FI, #space, #spacepunk, #webcomic
No Free 2019-03-16 2020-07-13

by Zntta
Arke Zero Zero

A future where the total war has left a great state of starvation and barbery. The COMMANDO, a new militar order poses themself as a ruler of the new order creating a new technology to end up the caos. However this project is subverted. There fell answers out there. Among that caos, Penthesilea, a former elite soldier, tries to survive in the hunt of the COMMANDO.

8 subs, 954 views
Science fiction 8
#Action, #alternative, #artistic, #b_side, #cp, #criticism, #cyber, #cyberpunk, #cyberpunkgirl, #futurism, #futuristic, #girl, #junk, #manga, #outsider, #punkgirl, #scifi, #scififiction, #scifigirl, #technology, #war
No Free 2020-05-20 2020-05-24

by Przemysław Miziołek
Artur Galaktyka PL

W mieście zbudowanym pośrodku kosmicznej nicości toczy się walka między Arturem Galaktyką, a jego odwiecznym wrogiem Espresso. Poskromić obydwu pozornych anarchistów nieudolnie usiłuje Wyższa Straż Tosmozdroju sprawująca tu funkcję policji. Kiedy do miasta przybywa nowy detektyw, wpada on w wir wydarzeń, który właśnie przewraca Tosmozdrój do góry nogami.

9 subs, 4.74k views
Action 50
#arturgalaktyka, #Espresso, #futuristic, #humor, #independent, #katowice, #original_character, #poland, #postapo, #Prolog, #retro, #sciencefiction, #tosmozdroj, #wst
No Free 2020-11-05 2022-01-29

by Flex Brakavrak
Atlantis 2.0 - اتلانتس٢.٠

The near future. Climatic catastrophes, social and economic crises have rushed humanity into what's called ''the dark era'' which ended with the birth of a new societal model, the conglomerates. World is now ruled by giant companies that have rendered it stable as humans carry out their modern lives devoid of conflict. Yet, as uncertainty creeps in, some events are to disrupt the present order. Fear rises, conglomerates' future is threatened. One thing seems to link all these troubles: Atlantis.

5 subs, 61 views
Science fiction 8
#arabic, #comics, #cyberpunk, #Dystopia, #ecology, #futuristic, #graphicnovel, #manga, #migration, #postapocaliptic, #technology
No Free 2020-02-29 2020-04-18

by Kureen
Austin's Zombie

Science has just gone too far...

104 subs, 1.25k views
Science fiction 1
#austin, #austin's zombie, #comedy, #futuristic, #green, #mecha, #Sci-fi, #science, #tech, #undead, #zombie
No Free 2017-01-23 2017-05-07

by K.T. Karo

After her difficult journey through Betweenworld and saving the world, Amber (Awesomegirl) is stuck in another dimension. Still having her superpowers, which the flying orbs gave her, she decided to continue her mission as the New Branson city's superhero. Together with Torin (Nightdude), they keep the citizens safe while the city is rebuilding after the interdimensional attack. Everything seems to be going well for them, but Amber's fate has different plans for her... Who's the mysterious thief? Will Amber ever see her home again? And what is really going on?

7 subs, 1.78k views
Action 10
#Action, #adventure, #awesome, #Fantasy, #future, #futuristic, #Superhero, #superheroes, #Teenage
No Free 2021-02-23 2022-01-22

by Rizzo

In a post-apocalyptic future, the world has become a desert wasteland where citizens are forced to constantly fight for survival. Whether you're fighting for food, drink, or shelter from the red waters, a mutated form of harmful algal that falls from the sky, in Bedlam, it's not only the wicked who find no rest.

12 subs, 175 views
Science fiction 1
#Action, #apocalypse, #apocalyptic, #barren, #bedlam, #blood, #comedy, #Comic, #desert, #desolate, #drama, #Dystopia, #future, #futuristic, #madmax, #Mad_Max, #Mature, #postapoc, #post_apacolypse, #post_apoc, #post_apocalyptic, #River, #scifi, #team, #violence, #violent, #wasteland, #wastelands, #water
No Free 2019-10-07 2019-10-08

by dan_k_lee
Beyond human: Revenge 2090

( UPDATES ON SATURDAY) In 2090, large corporations control countries and technology has allowed the creation of cyborgs and advanced artificial intelligence. In the future, there is an armed group known as the neo hunters that does jobs for businessmen, mercenaries, police, politicians and anyone who can pay them. Mei, the leader of one of these groups, performs a job that goes wrong and results in the death of a member of her team, now she only seeks revenge.

6 subs, 304 views
Science fiction 22
#Action, #androids, #cyberpunk, #future, #futuristic, #manga, #robots
No Free 2021-03-30 2021-12-04

by oOafterburnerOo
Black + Blue: Scar Tissue

Some things happen. In space. https://linktr.ee/ooafterburneroo

24 subs, 973 views
Drama 6
#aliens, #alternative, #bl, #dark, #drama, #futuristic, #genderswitching, #manga, #scifi, #space
No Free 2021-03-25 2021-09-28

by Laissemoidanser
Blood Rage

A story set in distant future where humans no longer set the rules. Inspired by Retribution event and the track Blood Rage by Nightcrawler.

82 subs, 2.18k views
Action 4
#blood_rage, #futuristic, #original_story, #robots, #SCI_FI
No Free 2019-06-28 2020-02-23

by TheMirandaChick
Brain in a Jar

Would you risk being trapped in your own mind, if it meant you could live forever? Updates every Wednesday at 4:00PM PST

1.85k subs, 160k views
Science fiction 121
#Action, #AI, #brain_in_a_jar, #drama, #feminist, #futuristic, #islolation, #laboratory, #loneliness, #outer_space, #radiation, #robot, #robots, #sciencefiction, #scientist, #scifi, #scififantasy, #sci_fi_fantasy, #sisters, #space, #space_station, #underground, #virtual_world
No Free 2019-05-28 2022-06-24

by Beeku Comics
Broken Stars

With every act there is an echo. With every act, you change the world. Broken Stars is a series of supplemental stories starting with the prequel trilogy to our main ongoing comic, "And Help Us to Rebuild the Sky." Part 1: Sungrazed- art by Anniku Pineda- is the beginning of a comic about two boys from different worlds who bond over the similarities they find in each other and the different ways they have found to survive. It is also about how even short encounters can have a lasting impact. (Complete) Part 2: Sunkissed- art by Anniku Pineda- a prince and a servant hold a connection stronger than any army. Five years after the events in Sungrazed, Keahi and Vorca meet once again, or is it for the first time…? Something has changed in Keahi, and while the young prince is resigned to his fate, Vorca refuses to let him give up. (Complete) Part 3: The Reality of Us- art by Shallah Jones- set in-between the beginning and the end, Vorca and Keahi find desperate solutions for impossible situations. (Complete) Part 4: Sunburned-art by Anniku Pineda- Vorca's days are numbered. He knows his contract is coming due, and the only person who can save him has disappeared. Now he must find the courage to take control of his own destiny in the final chapter of the Sun Prequels. (starts May 2021) Part 5: The Divide- art by Lee Milewski- a bit of background for the hulk of a bodyguard/Commander of the Imperium: Gareth Sonder. Who was he before he was shelled and what happened? Part 6: The Flood- art by Lucia E.- a one shot of what happens right before issue 7 of Rebuild the Sky.

2.86k subs, 135k views
#Angst, #bl, #boyslove, #boys_love, #cyberpunk, #drama, #futuristic, #lgbtq, #love, #Male_Lead, #plot_driven, #prequel, #rebuild_the_sky, #science_fiction, #side_stories, #soul_mates, #space_opera, #supplemental_stories, #updates_wednesday, #updates_wednesdays, #update_wednesday, #young_love
No Free 2020-06-20 2022-04-24

by Chris
Bunch Discourse

The series of these humans being nobody but themselves

1 subs, 55 views
Slice of life 1
#comedy, #futuristic, #gaming, #relatable, #science, #slice_of_life
No Free 2022-01-21 2022-01-22

by Alexdre x Wugabuga
Butterfly Kiss

A young woman meets an old man as she tries to escape the sinful and lustful nature of Taured.

34 subs, 517 views
Action 2
#Action, #caroline, #cyberpunk, #cyber_punk, #dystopian, #future, #futuristic, #Neon, #NEON_LIGHTS
No Free 2020-09-19 2020-12-24

by Jose Torres

Please consider supporting us at our Patreon campaign! http://www.patreon.com/user?u=460626 *Updates Mondays and Fridays (Starting Jan. 26)* A sci-fantasy world where Worlds Collide! What could be worse than First-world problems? What about your Second World problems ...of another Planet? The story of Bazzralic, a test tube clone of a species long extinct, born into a strange world for a reason hes not allowed to understand -- not like its an issue though, because his life just became a two-planet story! Join Bazz as he travels worlds to unravel the chaos behind his existence!

17 subs, 1.6k views
Science fiction 3
#Action, #adventure, #aliens, #androids, #anthro, #color, #conspiracy, #cyborg, #different, #furry, #future, #futuristic, #mystery, #robots, #Science Fiction, #scifi, #space opera
No Free 2015-01-08 2015-03-03

by Phantasis
C:G concepts

This is a little stash with various concept art pieces that I've done for my main project "Code:Genom" that I wanted to share.

5 subs, 208 views
Science fiction 3
#anthropomorphic, #characters, #concept_art, #designs, #furry, #futuristic, #scifi, #sketches
No Free 2021-10-30 2021-11-01

by Martha Balaile
Celestial Child

This is the story of a young woman with magic to control the elements of nature in a society that values technology and hates magic.

15 subs, 491 views
Fantasy 3
#citizenship_culture, #city_patrols, #fantasy_story, #fantasy_world, #futuristic, #high_society_culture, #magic, #magical_world, #medical_technology, #military_culture, #oppressive_society, #order, #Rebellion, #SCI_FI, #survaillance
No Free 2016-07-06 2018-09-18

by Michelle
Centralia 2050

Midori wakes up lost amidst the hi-tech metropolis of Centralia. Without memories, her only connection to this place is a mysterious girl from her dreams. As Midori searches for this girl, she finds the city is not what it seems…

4.68k subs, 416k views
Mystery 198
#black_and_white, #cyberpunk, #dark, #female_character, #female_protagonist, #futuristic, #manga
No Free 2016-03-24 2022-07-12

by JayJu

Michael Lumaban, part-time super villain & full time rebel genius, has messed up quite a fair amount of times in his life. Grievously injuring one of the world’s best heroes and his own personal idol, however, is definitely up there in Michael’s list of worst blunders.

27 subs, 689 views
Drama 2
#bl, #Boy's Love, #drama, #Dystopia, #futuristic, #Hacker, #lgbtq+, #romance, #solarpunk, #Superhero, #technology
No Free 2017-10-08 2018-06-14

by Nathan Hawthorne
Chronicles of the Novus Aevum

(Updates every Friday) On the desolate world of Aye, only two civilisations remain - the Novus Aevum of The Spire, and the Havenites of New Haven. Locked at opposite ends of a vast chasm, the two city-states have fought for centuries to rid the world of each other in the name of "peace". COTNA follows the adventures of a carefree, but talented Spiran scout called Grey.

71 subs, 8.82k views
Science fiction 57
#Action, #arksong, #army, #black, #Black Artist, #black comics, #Bonds, #comedy, #cotna, #cyborg, #family, #Fantasy, #fighting, #future, #futuristic, #love, #mystery, #post apocalyptic, #romance, #Romeo and Juliet, #Royalty, #sci fi, #Sci-fi, #Science Fiction, #scifi, #series, #shakespeare, #space, #Story, #universe, #war
No Free 2016-09-26 2018-09-28

by saltrocksss

Fifty years ago, a large part of earth's population was wiped out by a relentless virus, and the chaos that came with it. The year is now 2068, and humanity has begun to rebuild itself, erasing any remnants of the apocalypse. Marlowe is sick. She doesn't remember how or why it happened, but her life depends on finding the answers. With the help of a young, unlicensed doctor, she's determined to uncover her forgotten past, and cure the sickness that threatens to end the world again.

18 subs, 707 views
Action 3
#Action, #contaminated, #drama, #dystopian, #futuristic, #medical, #romance, #Sci-fi, #sickness, #virus
No Free 2017-09-23 2018-02-09

by lloomzs
Curcus of Insanities !

Oh, the things a circus can bring.. well, I suppose in this case, a 'curcus'.

3 subs, 10 views
Comedy 1
#anime, #circus, #clown, #clowns, #funny, #futuristic, #lighthearted, #new, #OCs, #sad
No Free 2022-05-07 2022-05-07

by Teethgriinder

John Smith has the most boring name in the world. He also has the most boring life in the world. All he wants is for something interesting to happen to him before he snaps. No one around him seems to mind the monotony and blandness of the world surrounding them. John is desperate for some excitement. Soon he might realize the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

0 subs, 99 views
Action 6
#Action, #comedy, #cyberpunk, #dystopian, #futuristic
No Free 2021-08-16 2021-08-16

by dearBunni

Juniper is a young orphan, placed by the government into the care of a wealthy family, she grew up first hand experiencing the abuse and poor treatment of women. At the age of 14, her care was transferred to the owner of an auto shop in the slums by the name of Niles and is taught to hone her skills as a mechanic and stay out of the sight of the authorities and oppressing government; though her outspoken nature manages to get her to fall into trouble every now and then. Vanitas is a girl on the run from the law and her past, who ends up taking up permanent residence in Juniper’s basement. Using stolen equipment and her impeccable hacking skills to tear down a corrupt government and return equal rights to women and other minorities; Vanitas and Juniper team up with other rebels in and online setting known as CyberU, where people and companies alike are connected through a worldwide Cyber Universe.

7 subs, 525 views
Science fiction 3
#and like team of idiots save the world i don't know, #conspiracy, #futuristic, #it's like the whole government is bad thing, #kind of??, #mystery, #scifi
No Free 2018-01-25 2018-01-30

by RhaetaArt
Daydream (A Floaties Oneshot)

Place for people to come read my oneshot thats currently in progress before I start sending it in to publishers.

8 subs, 119 views
Science fiction 2
#aliens, #comics, #Dystopia, #futuristic, #manga, #oneshot, #scifi, #SCI_FI, #storyboarding
No Free 2021-09-22 2022-06-30

by Kuiper Ellecon
Dead Visions

The future is a very different place. Two brothers struggle to keep their relationship on good terms as an old alien conflict is reignited and they're separated. As the older of the two gains life changing relations and experiences, he uncovers a dangerous truth about the human race. This could be the start of the end of our great, stellar empire as we know it.

12 subs, 383 views
Science fiction 1
#adventure, #drama, #future, #futuristic, #lgbt, #romance, #Sci-fi, #Science Fiction, #space
No Free 2016-08-23 2017-06-04

by Turbomiracle

With their survival at stake, two digital hunters must look for valuable resources in a vast, technological wasteland, but an all-powerful menace is waiting for them within the remnants of this world rendered obsolete.

7 subs, 109 views
Science fiction 1
#dark, #digital, #futuristic, #Hacker, #science_fiction, #scifi
No Free 2020-05-13 2020-05-13

by Wellen-Katze
Destruct Button

Karin is a melancholic woman who struggels with her daily life as an university student. One day she find's an object which apparently does not belong to her world, but opens a door to her dark wishes; just in that moment a crime happens. Trigger warning: violence, mental illness, blood, suicide https://twitter.com/WellenKatze

44 subs, 1.12k views
Drama 27
#comedy, #Crime, #depression, #drama, #future, #futuristic, #germany, #horror, #mental_illness, #mystery, #romance, #scfi, #scifi, #Sliceoflife, #slife_of_life, #suicide, #thriller
No Free 2019-02-11 2022-06-14

by Ratique
Devil's Acres

A young woman follows the bloody trail of a brutal serial killer. She will find him and stop him - or she will be his next victim. Updates every Weekend

5.29k subs, 471k views
Science fiction 86
#Action, #comedy, #detective, #Devils_Acres, #female, #futuristic, #hero, #heroine, #murder, #postapocalyptic, #romance, #scifi
No Free 2015-04-04 2020-05-30

by Ratique
Devil's Acres - Mobile

Enjoy the Devil's Acres story in a mobile friendly, scrolling format. This comic will be updated slowly, please see the main story for the newest pages.

1.4k subs, 31.2k views
Science fiction 11
#Fantasy, #female, #futuristic, #hero, #heroine, #murder, #mystery, #postapocalyptic, #romance
No Free 2016-11-27 2020-05-30

by Xion

Humanity was very naive , they forgot their existence on Earth was a fleeting privilege , and finally, one day their dominion over the planet came to its end. Now , men's survival rests on the diggers and the secrets of the ancient world . What will happen when one of these secrets threatens to deliver the final blow to the last remnants of a flickering civilization?

3 subs, 833 views
Action 19
#armor, #buster, #Costa Rica, #cybernetic, #diggers, #evolution, #future, #futuristic, #generation_x, #genetics, #habok, #Hector, #jessy, #kat, #mutant, #post-apocaliptic, #postapocaliptic, #runaa, #sci fi, #Sci-fi, #scifi, #taxon, #tom
No Free 2016-01-09 2016-06-24

by Liam Swanton
don't swallow the cap!

The year: 2050. The human race: extinct. When a lonely alien lands on a deserted planet earth and finds a relic of a bygone era, what will the visitor do with it? Cute little wordless short story. I don't own the rights to this story title!! It's a quote from a song by The National of the same title.

6 subs, 454 views
Science fiction 6
#Alien, #apocalypse, #fiction, #future, #futuristic, #science, #science_fiction, #short, #space, #Story
No Free 2019-04-06 2019-04-06

by AccidentalLxgic
Earth's Galaxies

DISCONTINUED, BUT REVAMP COMING 30 years ago, mysterious spacecraft landed on our home planet, Earth. Aliens from our nearest star had come to...help us? Now they have completely integrated into our society: Homo sapiens and Caelorum sapiens living together in harmony. Follow the story of Eos and Warren as they get mixed up in something that no one predicted to happen...something that affects both of Earth's intelligent species. Earth's Galaxies is a comic about aliens, government conspiracies, secrets and dark pasts. ~~~ This comic contains gore (will be NSFW filtered) and uncencored explicit language. Discriminatory slurs/language will not be used (except that towards fictional groups, eg aliens or humans as a whole, it is not my aim to offend anyone, but if this does happen, please contact me immediately so we can work things out.)

23 subs, 1.39k views
Drama 10
#Action, #AI, #Alien, #aliens, #android, #apocolypse, #drama, #earth, #friendship, #future, #futuristic, #galaxy, #gay, #humans, #lgbt, #mystery, #OCs, #planet, #robot, #romance, #space, #spacecraft, #Space_Travel, #ufo, #war
No Free 2016-12-19 2019-07-01

by oOafterburnerOo

A Human meets an android girl and the world ends. https://linktr.ee/ooafterburneroo

210 subs, 22.6k views
Drama 85
#androids, #drama, #epic, #future, #futuristic, #manga, #postapocolyptic, #robots, #romance, #scifi
Yes Free 2014-12-15 2021-05-21

by Emoti-Ons

Criada por José Gabriel, Tati Azevedo e Gabriel Souza, Emoti-Ons é uma série que explora emoções através da tecnologia em diferentes realidades contemporâneas. Cada episódio tem uma história distinta e mostra a relação entre pessoas e tecnologia.

4 subs, 371 views
Science fiction 1
#emotions, #fiction, #future, #futuristic, #life, #routine, #science_fiction
No Free 2020-03-29 2020-03-30

by lastimarse
Empress of Ashes: Art

Drawings based on Empress of Ashes

1 subs, 289 views
Science fiction 1
#future, #futuristic, #space
No Free 2019-03-22 2019-03-22

by SpadesArt

Two demons split from the same person find themselves in the middle of an interdimensional battle to the death. Part of the Cascade Cabaret Original Character Tournament! Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5Dpc90pwkGi5xR2qmvYKBzQlaQ2UT2ZM

2.22k subs, 88k views
Science fiction 44
#collab, #demon, #demons, #friendship, #futuristic, #Tournament
Yes Free 2019-03-06 2021-06-06

by Wave
ERA: Ibuki

Trailer: http://youtu.be/I_UcznZSydo Japanese trailer: http://youtu.be/HJTORFFi6OY A short story about a girl with a kind heart who is faced against a world that's just too strong for her to fight. But it doesn't stop her from trying. The comic was originally supposed to be viewed in Flash, implementing the effect of overlapping panels. I hope you'll still enjoy the story in this format! Now updating every Thursday

4.77k subs, 316k views
Science fiction 43
#Action, #era, #flash comic, #futuristic, #ibuki, #Sci-fi, #scifi, #Seinen
No Free 2013-07-23 2017-02-09

by Shi-Yin
ERGON Stories

A series of one-shot comics that have little to no relation to each other with little context needed. They are from my story universe that I will call ERGON for now. Hoping to make this a full linear series one day!

23 subs, 1.09k views
Slice of life 9
#Action, #adulthood, #adventure, #anime, #childhood, #comedy, #drama, #funny, #futuristic, #manga, #nature, #slice_of_life
No Free 2017-05-15 2021-11-19

by Arisu Kosuta

(Read from right to left) In a distant future where countries don’t exist anymore and pharmaceutical lobbyists are at the head of the United Trust government, orphaned Kiyoshi finds himself to be the key of a great medical conspiracy that would shatter the new world order.

43 subs, 1.61k views
Science fiction 9
#arisu_kosuta, #cyborg, #Dystopia, #Experiments, #freedom, #futuristic, #Health, #mafia, #manga, #philosopher_stone, #science
No Free 2018-01-27 2020-06-01

by Felix_bubbles
Evil from where?

!!warning!! this comic holds some elements that you readers might find triggering (like: little body gore, trauma, mental health peaces out, smex and etc), not so bad but just for those who get easily triggered by blood or slight horniness. other than that, it's a pretty happy comic. after a catastrophic disaster a thousand years ago, Hima's world is filled with evil and devilish creatures who needs to be taken care of without hesitation. The catastrophe was written down as an unknown event in the loop of history. everyday, new creatures keep appearing and the world is starting to get enough of it, therefore they searched for the source of the evils. Only for hima to find him...

2 subs, 30 views
Action 1
#Action, #characters_with_animal_features, #Fantasy, #futuristic, #lgbtq, #mystery, #romance, #slice_of_life
No Free 2022-05-29 2022-06-29

by Redcollarwolf
Fire Dingo

Four street racers end up in the middle of the murder of the Crystal Lions Leader. An event that will catapult them deep into the secret past of Meeralong city.

2 subs, 439 views
Science fiction 5
#city, #Fantasy, #female_leader, #futuristic_Society, #gangs, #hidden_past, #indie, #mystery, #Powers, #science_fiction
No Free 2021-03-18 2021-05-24

by Obsorber
Flight United 999 (Experimental)

A flight, a vacation, a conspiracy all tied to the Neo Dome. Set in the fictional world of 2017 after the global financial collapse, Flight United 999 is a Graphic Novel about a holiday gone wrong. If you're into mystery, conspiracy theories or want to read a breathtaking story that will get you thinking deeply about the world around you then this comic is for you. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/obsorbersproductions BLOGSPOT: http://obsorbersproductions.blogspot.co.uk/

55 subs, 2.28k views
Mystery 11
#2017, #Californian Airport, #Comic, #conspiracy, #Flight United 999, #futuristic, #london, #mystery, #Neo Dome, #plane
No Free 2014-01-09 2019-05-05

by illustrat7
Flip Gorman Space Detective

Flip Gorman Universal Space Dick A drug addicted space detective solves cases as he races to find a cure for his mutantagenic affliction.

1 subs, 327 views
Science fiction 1
#black comedy, #futuristic retro, #mystery, #noir, #Science Fiction, #space, #thriller
No Free 2017-01-16 2017-01-16

by BluePeaches

When a man experiences strange headaches, he's prescribed a bottle of blue pills to counteract it but it opens up a whole new world, one that resembles a video game.

5 subs, 264 views
Action 3
#Action, #COMINGOFAGE, #fantasyworld, #futuristic
Yes Free 2019-11-01 2019-12-09

by Charroltin
Follow me

Its simple really. A weird girl, a messed up world... what could possibly go wrong. Follow Chiyo and her friends as they try and fix all the problems that seem to keep popping up.

2 subs, 245 views
Comedy 1
#Action, #bunny, #cat, #chiyo, #comedy, #Comic, #comics, #curious, #cute, #daisy, #dance, #detail, #dog, #drama, #fairy, #Fantasy, #follow me, #funny, #future, #futuristic, #haha, #i cant, #icant, #idk, #laugh, #lmao, #lmfao, #lol, #love, #mustery, #naw, #nice, #pretty, #readme, #romance, #secret, #secrets, #sweet, #top, #wow
No Free 2018-06-25 2018-06-29

by munchiezxx
Future Worlders

Welcome to the universe of Future Worlders! Future Worlders is a fun fantasy Walt Disney World webcomic. Follow Magi and the rest of the attraction-keepers on a journey to save the abandoned Imageworks and its keeper, Mage. Learn a little Epcot history and feel some 80s EPCOT Center nostalgia. Updates every Saturday!

72 subs, 16.5k views
Fantasy 47
#all ages, #cheerful, #color, #disney, #Disney world, #disneyland, #epcot, #fancomic, #Fantasy, #feel good, #feelgood, #femslash, #fun, #funny, #Future world, #future worlders, #futuristic, #girls, #girly, #gxg, #happy, #kids, #long, #sad, #SFW, #slice of life, #walt disney world, #yuri
No Free 2016-05-09 2017-09-13

by L. Lynderoth

View the trailer here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=13jOANADsn8 CW: occasional language, occasional violence/blood, occasional themes of depression, trauma and loss, occasional self-indulgent jokes, occasional anime artstyle HALPRT is the sentient protagonist of an indie game masterminded by a dead weeb. When he first spawns, his life is okay - he lives in a nice neighborhood, he has a friend named SAM, and he is free to sulk around his house as much as he pleases. But the serenity does not last long. A disembodied voice starts ordering him around, setting off a chain reaction that sends him stumbling right into a cliched heroic adventure... Journey with HALPRT as he attempts to survive his quest, with a little help from his new NPC acquaintances - and a little too much help from the snarky, sadistic A.I. who controls his entire universe. Cheer HALPRT on as everything around him comes to ruin, thanks to an unexpected mystery guest who hails from beyond the fourth wall. Enjoy a slightly ironic storyline. Enjoy simplistic animesque art and a somewhat less simplistic plot, sprinkled with a dash of malevolent humor and self-indulgent parody. Enjoy a soft-science-fiction theme with a couple of big twists. Enjoy a surplus of characters with Japanese backronyms for names who all have something to angst about. Enjoy GAMEFIXED.  Updates every other Monday. GAMEFIXED on YouTube - https://youtube.com/channel/UC4YYjytM_6NnCglj05fsw1Q GAMEFIXED on SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-53189748

75 subs, 7.71k views
Gaming 91
#Action, #AI, #Angst, #animated_gif, #anime, #comedy, #cyberpunk, #Dark_comedy, #dystopian, #futuristic, #gaming, #grief, #indie_game, #manga, #music, #original_soundtrack, #parody, #philosophical, #satire, #science_fiction, #scifi, #sentient_AI, #Soundtrack, #video_game, #weeb
Yes Free 2018-08-10 2022-07-18

by Hydra015
H.E.A.T. | The Leviathan Project

Hydra and her friends go out to enjoy festivities when it all goes wrong. Drawn together by fate they fight through their new situation, all the while discovering a murky secret.

16 subs, 627 views
Science fiction 1
#futuristic, #futuristic technology, #Gaia, #Hydra014, #Hydra015, #magic, #mystery subplot, #original species, #romantic subplot, #sci-fi fantacy, #strange world
No Free 2017-09-17 2017-11-19

by YS_og
Harbinger: Infinity - Promotional Comic

**PROMOTIONAL COMIC - SAMPLE FROM ORIGINAL NOVEL ON TAPAS** Hexa International's global volunteer security force "Infinity" was designed with one goal: help keep the peace worldwide. But what is behind the sudden spikes in violence and cries for change? Who can figure it all out and make a difference while surviving long enough to see it through? **SEE THE NOVEL FOR THE COMPLETE STORY!** https://tapas.io/series/Harbinger-Infinity/info

7 subs, 393 views
Action 2
#drama, #Futuristic_Setting, #mecha, #Politics, #warfare
Yes Free 2022-03-27 2022-05-19

by Emineitor

With Headhunters, just name a price and a victim, and let the app take care of the rest. Clean. Smart. Efficient. TM Nuttshot isn't any of those things, but he'll get the job done, one way or another. A he tries to kill his way to the top, he faces competing headhunters, a secret world government, and his own bad luck. (created By: Emiliano Morón, Co created By: Sebastián León, Corrected By: Ricardo Aguilera).

17 subs, 2.58k views
Action 34
#Action, #comedy, #emineitor, #Fantasy, #futuristic, #Headhunters, #Nuttshot
No Free 2016-06-27 2018-03-03

by BloodyPupil
Henri - Alive

Henri was dead. Or...he was. Until someone, or perhaps something, brought him back as a robot. The first robot with the feeling, history, and heart of a human. And Henri wants to know why. Why him? Why a schoolteacher with now past or future? Henri sets out with his guardian, a stranger, and a young girl to find out why someone would do this for him. WARNING: contains death, violence, and the occasional gorey scene. Updates may be slow.

12 subs, 545 views
Science fiction 2
#adventure, #comedy, #Fantasy, #funny, #futuristic, #henri, #henri alive, #new webcomic, #newbie, #robot, #robots, #romance, #sad robot, #sad robots, #Sci-fi, #yaoi
No Free 2015-03-21 2015-03-22

by Anyratac

[Comic Adaptation of the novel "Hero Rising" by @DragonWriter664 on Wattpad (Story has been deleted)] [Cover made by @the_damnest_skyo on instagram] Dynamix. A place where heroes are made. At least...they are when they participate in the HIT (Heroes-In-Training) program. With the explosion of illegal biological experimentation in Delta City over the last few years, as well as the emergence of new supervillains, the need for agents on the battlefield has never been greater. Rodney James McAlister has never really thought of himself as a hero. Not the cape-wearing type anyway. Being the HIT program's training director definitely comes with its challenges, not the least of which is the steady stream of nettlesome recruits that filter into the program from day to day...including the alien dino who just crashed in. They have powers. They know where they came from. What they don't know is that their pencil-pushing, tail-whipping director has powers too. And more still, Director "RJ" isn't all that sure he wants to know exactly where his mysterious powers came from. Something is fishy about his past, and it's clearly more than his superiors are willing to share. And with the magnitude of his secret abilities in mind, he can only hope that ignorance is bliss.

69 subs, 15.3k views
Science fiction 111
#abilities, #Ability, #Action, #agency, #agent, #agents, #aliens, #animal, #animals, #anthro, #anthropomorphic, #director, #dynamix, #facility, #futuristic, #hero, #Lizard, #Power, #rising, #scifi, #Superhero, #superheroes, #superpower, #wolf
Yes Free 2019-06-06 2021-10-04

by OR.acle

YEAR: 3920 WHAT ARE WE : UNKNOWN //Drama-scifi-sliceoflife type story :)//

5 subs, 80 views
Drama 2
#drama, #futuristic, #manga, #scifi, #slice_of_life
No Free 2020-09-01 2020-09-08

by U N B R E A K _ HFOC
Hurtful Memories

A simple young man with no other ambition in life that to live quietly, one day he meets again to his love of the childhood an this ignite something inside himself and after certain events he comes to know that the girl is part of the resistance to the government to which he unites only for her and this leads the young man to discover his great potential trough various problems

1 subs, 359 views
Science fiction 1
#armor, #colorfully, #Dystopia, #future, #futuristic, #love, #resistance, #revolt, #Revolution, #robot, #romance, #utopia, #war
No Free 2017-01-08 2017-01-09

by Edp!

Gregory é um jovem cientista que descobre uma maneira de viajar no tempo.

20 subs, 301 views
Drama 1
#futuristic, #SCI_FI, #space
No Free 2021-03-05 2021-03-09

by asimplebengo
Hybrid (OLD)

[This is the DISCONTINUED Old version of Hybrid, The most recent version is up] A futuristic landscape with the core hiding a utopia for humans. The land around is broken and lost with only small towns hiding in the safer parts that aren't the Utopia. A rebellion is formed, but why? The utopia exists doesn't it. Shouldn't everything be alright.

93 subs, 1.2k views
Action 2
#futuristic, #hybrid, #mutant, #mutants
No Free 2017-12-11 2021-02-22

by Game Knights

Follow the story of Nicole, a reporter who stumbles into a strange world without their memory armed only with the skills she doesn’t remember and a Camera. Nicole soon realizes she has to go on a journey across the world in order to write a story for a mysterious editor on a forgotten subject all while trying to piece together her own head. Hypnothetical is written as a design challenge between 6 talented artist with different styles. The story is improvised 1 page at a time with each artist carrying the torch round robin from one to another with no one knowing the full story and no one dictating the canon between. It’s going to be a hectic, but that’s part of the fun.

1 subs, 133 views
Comedy 4
#amnesia, #anthology, #futuristic, #mythology, #reporter, #unique_style, #wings
No Free 2022-04-07 2022-04-14

by Ascenthe

In a dystopian world Vargas and his friends scavenge for answers.. Why are they here? What lies beyond and how long can there friendship withstand there struggles. A darkness lies in the horizon what could it be. Read on to find out

0 subs, 76 views
Science fiction 4
#cyber, #cyberpunk, #dystopian, #Fantasy, #futuristic, #sciencefiction, #scifi
No Free 2020-07-04 2021-01-24

by Eiji
In The Palm Of Demon’s Hand

In the 22st century, a young man decided to steal an important weapon. When he was chased, he relied on the demon he had summoned in the past. (Boys Love, BL)

156 subs, 1.34k views
BL 6
#Action, #deal, #demon, #devil, #drama, #Fantasy, #future, #futuristic_, #horror, #mystery, #romance, #slice_of_life
No Free 2016-10-29 2021-01-23

by TeddyThaddaeus
Infinite Space: Prologue (Test)

The beginning of everything, and the universe. Infinite Space is a series of stories that take place in a future where Original Earth becomes uninhabitable, forcing humans to migrate into alien-dominated societies. With the growing darkness and chaos, only the Spirit, Sun and Moon Avatars can bring balance

0 subs, 69 views
Fantasy 7
#biblical, #futuristic, #lgbtq, #magic, #original, #space, #supernatural
No Free 2021-04-09 2021-06-25

by Tim Sparvero
Infinity Roads

http://www.infinityroads.com/ A sci-fi comic about Anthony, a robot who fell in love with a human woman, Miranda, from his dreams. The two are sent back in time by the god of the sky Astral, to help stop an invasion by a horrible civilization of mechanized creatures. Updates every Tuesday and Saturday (Maybe Monday and Friday nights)

65 subs, 3.37k views
Science fiction 10
#art, #Cartoonist, #CATastrophe, #chaos future, #children, #comic amazon, #comic list, #comic page, #comics, #comics for sale, #demoness, #demoness comic, #dimensions, #drawings, #Experiments, #family, #Fantasy, #fiction, #future, #futuristic, #girl, #goddess, #Graphic Novel, #infinity roads, #inked drawings, #inks, #love, #parallel universe, #robots, #romance, #romance comic books, #sci fi cartoons, #sci fi comic books, #sci fi webcomics, #Science Fiction, #scifi, #space, #tragedy, #universe, #women
No Free 2013-03-06 2015-07-15

by Athenahennah

Agent Beth Aelin and Agent Lena Nesrin are tasked with supervising a dangerous mission. Three criminals are being used as weapons to apprehend another. Beth just wants to get this over with, Lena struggles with the morals of her actions, and the three women-turned-weapons just want to survive.

8 subs, 112 views
Science fiction 2
#futuristic, #gl, #lgbtq, #Powers, #science_fiction
No Free 2020-08-27 2020-09-28

by sofiacarroart
Jason & Ribbonite

An egotistic battle android with taser hands and an energetic ribbon-wielding superheroine protect Cable City from supervillains and bad guys while facing struggles of the strained relationship between robots and superheroes.

23 subs, 284 views
Comedy 1
#Action, #android, #androids, #battle, #cartoon, #cartoons, #comedy, #Comic, #comics, #cute, #filipino comic, #futuristic, #humanoid robot, #jason, #jason_shizuno, #philippines, #ribbonite, #robot, #robots, #Sci-fi, #science_fiction, #scifi, #SCI_FI, #Superhero, #superheroes, #superheroine, #super_hero, #super_heroine
No Free 2018-05-15 2021-09-03

by Zetsubonii
Jim's Days

Updates at least once a week on Fridays! One day, "Cheshire", a girl from the future is sent to present day to look for someone named "Alice." If this "Alice isn't found within a year, the world ends. With the help from an average guy like Jim, they battle monsters and solve mysteries as they start to appear in Sootville. Things aren't looking too good for Jim, then again, it's just another day for him. Will they ever find "Alice"? Find out here!

90 subs, 7.34k views
Mystery 32
#Action, #alice, #cheshire, #college, #comedy, #distopia, #futuristic, #Jims_Days, #mystery, #scifi, #The_Totally_Exciting_Events_of_Jims_Days, #Time, #time_travel, #What_are_tags_even, #Who_is_Alice, #Zetsubonii
Yes Free 2016-04-27 2018-10-14

by iSpazzyKitty
Justice Roulette

This story follows the adventures of a young police officer in a future where mutants, aliens, and hybrids are commonplace. Julie, a human with the literal heart of a lion, and her tiny companion Florence, face the challenges of ridding the world of injustice one case at a time. However, as Julie grows older and more involved with her job, she realizes that "justice" isn't the black and white thing she thought it was. [Updates every time I finish five pages.]

8 subs, 470 views
Science fiction 1
#Action, #aliens, #comedy, #Crime, #fiction, #future, #futuristic, #galactic, #hybrids, #justice, #mutants, #officer, #Patrol, #police, #Roulette, #Sci-fi, #science
No Free 2015-12-22 2015-12-22

by UrizemDRW
KANSEN (seitoshi)

ALERT! A strange virus has been released into the universe, causing people to behave wildly, attacking other living beings and infecting them in the process. A group of children will have to survive, know what they really are and this will be the least of their problems. It is a recommended story for those over 18 years old as it contains several strong scenes of violence, consumption of sustances and erotic scenes.

0 subs, 16 views
Action 1
#Action, #anime, #Comic, #ecchi, #futuristic, #GORE, #horror, #kansen, #kansen_seitoshi, #manga, #science_fiction, #war
No Free 2020-12-29 2021-04-09

by Buddy Rebel
Karimlan A.D.

The world "Karimlan" means darkness in ancient Filipino tongue. Set in an unforgiving landscape, the survivors of this age must adapt or perish into oblivion.

1 subs, 320 views
Science fiction 1
#futuristic, #mutants, #post-apocalypse, #road gangs, #savages, #wasteland
No Free 2016-05-25 2016-06-05

by KingK
Keith & Baily

Keith & Baily is an Ongoing Series about a King from space, a Devil, and their adventures protecting the world they call home.

4 subs, 469 views
Fantasy 2
#adventure, #awesome, #comedy, #futuristic, #heroes, #magical, #medieval, #multiverse, #mystery, #villains
No Free 2021-10-01 2022-02-03

by Whirlwynd
Lady Unlucky

The concept of luck was sentenced to walk the Earth as a human. She doesn't know why. But she's not alone. Meet Marlin Sainlevie, owner of a massive corporation and the man-made galaxy it controls. He's evil incarnate - and Luck's only hope. This story is a spinoff of 20 Galaxies and takes place after the events of that comic, so minor spoilers for 20G may be found here. Written by Whirlwynd and Vaughn "Spynmaster" Britton, art by Whirlwynd. Rated 17+ for strong language and violence. Updates Mondays starting October 31. Brushes used in this comic are by Obsidian Dawn and Amaranth Dreams.

152 subs, 34.9k views
Mystery 102
#experimental, #Fantasy, #full color, #futuristic city, #immortals, #lady luck, #tech noir, #technoir
No Free 2015-09-20 2020-11-05

by LAG/jAB

LAST EVENTIDE is a Sci-fi/Fantasy story that follows June, an Assembler, in her quest of recovering "Shards". A substance that has surpassed any other energy source in the world, the only problem is that Shards only grow in powerful creatures known as Instinct Beings!

20 subs, 1.54k views
Fantasy 7
#Action, #beings, #Fantasy, #female lead, #female protagonist, #futuristic, #Light hearted, #Monster, #monsters, #Science Fiction, #weaponry, #weapons
No Free 2017-07-01 2017-12-03

by Project Late
LATE - (Proof of Concept Issue)

This is the proof of concept issue of our new series, LATE. Late is a unique idea of a comic book/novel hybrid, in which we use a mixture of real images and CGI. This allows us to introduce an interesting idea: our characters can be brought to life by real people! For more info on how it works, and on the series in general, please visit our page: patreon.com/projectlate

0 subs, 318 views
Science fiction 1
#Action, #cgi, #Creature, #futuristic, #Graphic Novel, #late, #project late, #sci fi
No Free 2017-08-23 2017-08-23

by pastelnightowo
Lavender Blood

A religious socio-political character focused drama. We follow a wide group of people from a borderline insane mercenary to a naive child just entering the world as they attempt to navigate this tense and complex web, one wrong step having catastrophic consequences.

5 subs, 251 views
Drama 26
#Crime, #drama, #futuristic, #thriller
No Free 2019-11-11 2020-10-27

by Quakeulf

In the far future after chemical warfare has killed almost every person on earth and expelled millions to the moon, a resource war develops when the population on the moon explodes out of control. The main character Maja Smallwoods is set to find out what is going on, but things are not what they seem. DISCLAIMER: This series is meant for print, is almost complete, and will total 299 pages. Tentative completion date is June 2016.

25 subs, 2.8k views
Science fiction 6
#Action, #adventure, #black and white, #colonthree, #earth, #female protagonist, #futuristic, #lemonade, #longer story, #moon, #Norway, #Sci-fi
No Free 2016-04-27 2016-06-07

by Taylor is Trying

History was doomed to repeat itself from the moment earth was created. It's been 3500 years since the second asteroid hit earth and wiped out humanity, allowing the human race to start anew and discover the next stage in evolution: Magic. It's now the New Middle Ages and two young princes must unite their kingdoms in hopes to restore the peace humanity once had. Though one risk comes with reuniting Humans and Magics, the threat that destroyed the peace in the first place: Halfixs.

61 subs, 794 views
Fantasy 8
#Action, #arrangedmarriage, #arranged_marriage, #bl, #Castles, #Comic, #drama, #Fantasy, #fantasyworld, #futuristic, #historical, #lgbt, #lgbtartist, #lgbtcomic, #magic, #medievalages, #mlm, #new, #princes, #romance, #webcomic, #webcomicseries, #wlw, #worldbuilding
No Free 2018-08-19 2020-09-25

by Donny Yi George


2 subs, 167 views
Science fiction 2
#android, #androids, #bw, #futuristic, #minicomic
Yes Free 2018-11-07 2021-02-10

by TechnicallySomething
Little Oak And The Endless War

An orphan discovered atop a mountain alter is raised by a village housing the last of humanity. As Little Oak grows, his unquenchable curiosity of a bygone world drives him to explore mystifying ruins that are believed to be cursed. When he discovers an ancient artifact, a long dormant evil awakens and captures his entire village. In order to save them, he and his friends will face the endless army and discover the truth of Little Oak's origins.

27 subs, 1.14k views
Fantasy 7
#Advanced, #adventure, #ancient, #axe, #Fantasy, #future, #futuristic, #lasers, #little, #littleoak, #Oak, #Revenge, #robo, #robots, #Savior, #scifi, #tech, #technology, #viking
No Free 2020-11-28 2021-06-19

by ET

Am I missing the master? Yes. I want to protect her, I want to save her? Or is this just an excuse. I love her, by my side, only belongs to me.

65 subs, 435 views
Fantasy 3
#BLGT, #et, #fairy_tale, #Fight, #frtendship, #futuristic, #hero, #its_complicated, #Reincarnation, #Superhero
No Free 2019-02-01 2022-01-16

by Dorottya T. Kovacs
Lost Archives

Lost Archives is about starting over by losing everything, with a lot of death, regret and a small group of friends(?) who just want to find each other and themselves in a dark future. Note: I'll publish new episodes monthly.

59 subs, 1.58k views
Science fiction 6
#android, #cyberpunk, #future, #futuristic, #lost_archives, #scifi
No Free 2021-06-05 2022-03-06

by Kesterpanels
Lunar Roadtrip

What if everything we know today was proven wrong? What if we got to see parts of the universe that no one else on our planets would ever get to see, which includes the multi-verse and alternate dimensions such as heaven and hell? What if the price was to be in constant danger from those you rubbed the wrong way along your journey? Would you still go? We investigate paranormal and supernatural mysteries on an interstellar level. This is our Lunar Roadtrip.

4 subs, 356 views
Science fiction 21
#Action, #adventure, #friendship, #futuristic, #scifi, #space, #supernatural, #time_travel
No Free 2021-03-25 2021-11-22

by Boxlord
Mad Jacket 9

In the future, a pandemic disease causes psychosis and dangerous psychic powers that are fueled by emotion. The ones who are diagnosed, known as metapsychos, are legally mandated to take daily injections to suppress their feelings. Two telekinetic cops discover their illegal romantic partnership cures the disease but the gravity of the situation puts them in constant fear of getting caught until an unimaginable incident separates them.

15 subs, 293 views
Science fiction 3
#bromance, #cyberpunk, #dystopian, #futuristic, #gay, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #mental_health, #mental_illness, #romance
No Free 2019-12-26 2019-12-26

by fabricioaso

Há muito tempo, mais ou menos uns mil anos ou algo por ai, o mundo era dominado por monstros horríveis, egoístas e cheios de outros adjetivos ruins que não to afim de citar. De acordo com o que aprendemos, tudo que faziam era colonizar e destruir, chamamos esses merdas de humanos, mas eles acabaram sendo extintos por um meteoro e, um tempo depois que isso aconteceu, quem passou a mandar em tudo aqui fomos nós, os zumbis... Bom, pelo menos era nessa babozeira que costumávamos acreditar...

6 subs, 155 views
Action 3
#Action, #adventure, #aventura, #distopia, #Fight, #future, #futuristico, #lutas, #shounen, #zombies
No Free 2021-04-06 2021-04-14

by FaerieWarrior

READS RIGHT TO LEFT!!! It’s the year 3417 and World War VI has already passed and the country that was once The United States of America was destroyed to only be replaced by The Republic. But is this new world of glittering technology and new advancements hiding a more sinister plot as children are tested on to unlock powers?

45 subs, 1.54k views
Science fiction 5
#boy, #Experiments, #fighting, #future, #futuristic, #girl, #government, #Powers, #science, #technology
No Free 2015-06-27 2016-01-25

by Myam!!
Mirrored Windows

Mirrored Windows, a color inspired comic. (Plot changes/re-writing/revisions may occur)

9 subs, 961 views
Fantasy 8
#alternate society, #Always evolving, #color themed, #colour, #Complex characters, #Complex plot, #eye colour, #Fantasy, #futuristic theme, #Graphic Novel, #illustrated, #in progress, #mirrors, #plot is not final, #plot isnt finished, #racism, #Royalty, #super_sons, #WIP, #work in progress
No Free 2016-08-31 2020-10-07

by modrawmanga
Mission Diversion

Dystopian Action Romance. A crashlanded spaceship forces a coldhearted bounty hunter to walk a journey of a thousand mile with his high-prized bounty, a rebellious hellion princess. His duty is to keep her safe to collect his reward, but she is bent on destroying him at every chance she gets. What could go wrong after a series of troublesome fights and sleepless nights in this bizzare alien planet? Strong language with mature content intended for adult readers.

373 subs, 2.5k views
Romance 20
#bishonen, #dark, #demon, #Dystopia, #futuristic, #love_hate, #manga, #romance, #scifi, #Seinen, #violent
No Free 2017-09-16 2020-10-07

by Korppi
My soulmate is the executioner

A young nurse has been waiting for her soulmate for years, hoping for a great romance. But her soulmate is not exactly what she had in mind....

14 subs, 1.54k views
Mystery 31
#blood, #futuristic, #mystery, #romance, #violence
No Free 2020-04-18 2021-02-10

by Joe Fraz
Nature God

Nature God, The Graphic Novel; It's the year 2057, a visionary man is rising above the masses, limitless and unstoppable. His plan is simple - using natures resources he alters his body and mind to become the most powerful and feared villain in history. Learn what causes this man to cross the line between good and evil. Co-Creators Joe Frazzetta & Anthony Rotondi invite you to experience this saga through the eyes of its villain. Through the eyes of Nature God.

6 subs, 304 views
Fantasy 4
#Action, #Fantasy, #frazart, #futuristic, #naturegod, #scifi, #timetravel, #villain
Yes Free 2020-07-13 2020-07-13

by ecaldw20

In the not-so distant future, the world is in a severe crisis; energy resources are scarce and war, crime, and poverty plague the nations. Young skater boy Keith Lennox just wants to chill but his parents want him to fulfill a greater purpose in this harsh reality. It is not until Keith's dad gets caught in the middle of a war battle that he agrees to do so. Filling his dad's shoes as a neuroscientist leads Keith to discover the potential to create energy with his mind! Not only does he wish to use this to end the crisis, but to end the battles that surround him, donning the superhero title, NEO-MAN!

7 subs, 331 views
Action 6
#Action, #action_fantasy, #Cool, #crime_fighting, #Fantasy, #futuristic, #hero, #high_tech, #martial_arts, #scifi, #scifi_action, #scifi_fantasy, #Superhero
No Free 2020-12-03 2022-07-02

by Luke Molver
Nero: Genesis

South Africa, several years from now. A techno-industrial dystopia, the sprawling megalopolis of Durban stretches across the country's east coast, breeding ground for a cosmopolitan cross-section of high-tech and low-life. Lazarus Nero is a keyboard cowboy, one of millions of hackers earning their crust in the dark alleyways of cyberspace. When Nero takes on a particularly lucrative programming contract from a major corporation, he does not realize that his actions are about to tear apart the fabric of reality...

36 subs, 3.58k views
Science fiction 8
#cyberpunk, #Durban, #futuristic, #Genesis, #Luke Molver, #nero, #Nero Genesis, #Sci-fi, #south africa
No Free 2015-02-20 2015-07-15

by Jeanne24
New Century Club

Clementine is one of the waves of people of the metropolis Omnia, a futuristic city were you’re not alone as long as you’re connected. When the greatest influencer creates a challenge in which you could become her partnership in the net, Clementine knows that is her time to shine and become as famous as her. But first, she has to win the contest and take a picture of the most beautiful place of the city. However, the top shopping malls are not enough compared to the picture of a humanoid monster...or an unholy secret club.

380 subs, 5.41k views
Science fiction 42
#Alien, #cute_girl, #Fantasy, #futuristic, #manga, #rrss, #science_fiction, #social_media, #Teenage, #thriller, #webtoon
No Free 2020-03-05 2022-02-24

by ren
Night Drive

Night Drive is a Slice-of-Life / Romance comic set in a post-apocalyptic new world. LGBT | Updates twice a month

53 subs, 3.35k views
Slice of life 21
#futuristic, #lgbt, #mlm, #post_apocalyptic, #wlw
No Free 2018-03-31 2018-12-08

by Clare
Nightfall Frontier

When Bridgette unintentionally brings Moth back from the dead, the two embark on a journey to find out why Moth was killed and why Bridgette was chosen to undo the tragedy. Updates every Monday at 8:00 AM Pacific Time (and sometimes on Thursdays too)! **** This series will contain violence, swearing, drug/alcohol use, and LGBTQ+ characters. Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with these themes. ****

4.2k subs, 159k views
Drama 46
#cyberpunk, #death, #drama, #future, #futuristic, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #mystery, #romance, #scifi, #teen
No Free 2020-06-08 2020-11-30

by Korey
Nothing Matters

Nothing is a lone wandering gun for hire and her trusty AI Gun named Boone travel the nearly lawless wastes known as Daggery. However, things might not be as everyone sees.

5 subs, 412 views
Science fiction 1
#cyberpunk, #futuristic, #steampunk, #Story, #western
No Free 2015-11-26 2015-11-26