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  Story Genre Eps Tags Done Type Created Updated

by Claire Darkfang
"Its just a doodle"

This will be my storage for my drawings. Have a look, tho there probably will all be really bad. Just some random doodles and drawings that I decided to upload.

16 subs, 1.75k views
Fantasy 25
#anime, #doodles, #drawings, #fanart, #helpme, #random, #sketch, #sketchbook, #trash
No Free 2016-10-27 2017-11-19

by Ana K

Based on a true story.

12 subs, 752 views
Slice of life 6
##ClinicProblems, #Ana Koulouris, #Clinic Problems, #ClinicProblems, #Comic, #doctor's office, #drawings, #life, #medicine, #office
No Free 2015-08-01 2015-11-25

by PrizmoTurtle

So vague anybody can relate.

17 subs, 1.77k views
Slice of life 45
#anime, #can_relate, #cartoon, #drawing, #relatable, #video_game
No Free 2019-01-08 2021-02-21

by Lazy Seven
07Tail - Old Art Collection [Ori_FanArt_Doujinshi]

Reminder : This is not a Series. But old art collection. I really don't want to throw it away. So as a memento I uploaded all my old works here~ [Fan Art; Original Art; Doujinshi; One Shot; Etc,]

1 subs, 108 views
Slice of life 6
#Doujinshi, #fanart, #one_shot, #Sketch_Drawing
No Free 2021-08-26 2021-09-06

by Mo the Cube
365 Challenge

A year long challenge to draw every day. Every week has a different theme. The week's art will be posted every weekend. Come along and enjoy the ride!

7 subs, 709 views
Slice of life 7
#365, #art, #daily, #drawings, #random
No Free 2015-07-18 2015-09-08

by redwallcrazy
365 Days of Drawing 2k17

One drawing per day for whole year. I divided the months up into loose themes and gave myself a prompt for each day. We'll see how this goes xD

33 subs, 5.24k views
Slice of life 71
#365, #art, #challenge, #cute, #doodles, #drawings
No Free 2017-01-02 2018-04-02

by Sash
>Insert cool title here<

I'm not gonna promise to upload every week because I don't like lying... But I'll try to do my best entertaining you all.

8 subs, 492 views
Slice of life 7
#Drawing for fun, #My (boring) life, #slice of life
No Free 2017-10-13 2017-11-12

by PsychedelicCupcake

short comics about stuff. i guess (i dont know what im doing)

2 subs, 471 views
Slice of life 3
No Free 2015-08-06 2016-02-28

by tinybean
A Common Curse Gallery

Gallery for my series 'A Common Curse', to upload doodles and other drawings :)

36 subs, 1.96k views
Fantasy 9
#and doodles and such, #drawings, #gallery, #hurrayy
No Free 2016-01-23 2016-07-04

by Tarushima
A Dollop Of Doodles

A way for me to practice art and share it with anyone who might find it interesting. If you'd like to see me doodle something let me know in the comments.

6 subs, 867 views
Slice of life 14
#art, #doodles, #drawing, #dump, #practice, #sketch, #sketches, #trash
No Free 2017-03-27 2018-11-04

by Lark & Wren
A Little Sketchy

A compilation of short stories, character drawings, fanart, and sketches.

425 subs, 56.1k views
Fantasy 191
#fanart, #figure_drawing, #gaming, #sketches, #studies
No Free 2014-11-22 2020-08-27

by ArtHaven1208
A Nights Terror

Dodger and his guardian Mae move to a new area they believe to be safe. At least until people start to see the darker side that Dodger posses within himself and the other dark force that posses his own shadow.

82 subs, 1.43k views
Fantasy 5
#Action, #anime, #art, #drawing, #Fantasy, #horror, #manga, #Manga pages, #terror
No Free 2015-03-05 2015-03-05

by Ana K
A Short Detour

A weekly Gospel reflection sprinkled with humanity's imperfection. Updated every Friday! Created for MySpiritualAdvisor.com.

7 subs, 1.26k views
Slice of life 31
#A Short Detour, #Ana Koulouris, #catholic, #Comic, #doodle, #drawing, #friday, #Gospel, #Gospel reading, #ink, #John, #Luke, #mark, #matthew, #MSA, #My Spiritual Advisor, #MySpiritualAdvisor, #paper, #weekly
No Free 2015-08-03 2015-12-04

by Francesco Ferrigno

A Train to Hell is a horror-western comic created by Francesco Ferrigno. The story is about a man named Dutch Donaldson who is hanged for a crime not committed. Suddenly he finds himself in a limbo between the living world and the afterlife, when at one point a ghostly train enveloped in flames appears.So Duch meets Flegias the demon ferryman, who invites him to board the train, but Dutch begs to be spared, and says he has a wife and a daughter on earth and that they need him. Dutch also confesses to wanting to kill Ramon Torres, the man who hanged him. Strangely Flegias seems to show pity and proposes to Dutch a deal: He will return to earth in the form of undead for seven days to take the soul of the man who killed him and swap it with his own, but if we fail the train will take him to hell forever ...

15 subs, 775 views
Horror 3
#Action, #adventure, #art, #Comic, #demons, #drawings, #Guns, #hell, #horror, #manga, #undead, #webcomic, #western
No Free 2016-05-04 2016-06-21

by ValKree
A Warrior's Love Character Designs? (Not a real comic, unfortunately)

Collection of character faces (and maybe styles). I don't have much time to draw but I'm trying. Warning: Very poor quality, may help you lose eyesight and the will to live. Bear with me if you are daring enough to check this out.

14 subs, 266 views
BL 4
#AWL, #drawings, #dudes, #godly
No Free 2020-02-06 2020-12-17

by Dano Shaw

>>>READ LEFT TO RIGHT<<< There are always two sides to every story, and i intend to try and tell them both...The power to give life...The power to destroy it.

1.9k subs, 94k views
Action 43
#A.M.P, #Action, #amp, #ampmanga, #amputee, #anime, #art, #comicbooks, #comics, #Dan, #Danoshaw, #Dan_Shaw, #drama, #drawings, #Fantasy, #heroes, #manga, #mangaka, #mangart, #webcomics, #wheelchair, #Xong, #Xongbros
No Free 2015-01-02 2019-11-11

by Ace
Ace's Scetchbin

is throw my drawings in this bin is pretty fun

10 subs, 425 views
Comedy 1
#ace, #art, #art bin, #BIN, #comedies, #drawing, #dump, #funny, #scetchbook, #the universe, #ur dad, #ur mom, #whatever
No Free 2017-03-30 2017-03-30

by Kitty the Dog
Ace's Sketchbook

A collection of doodles and sketches, since I'm still getting used to using my tablet c:

0 subs, 457 views
Slice of life 1
#drawings, #sketches
No Free 2015-10-25 2020-11-11

by PinkShadow

I love to draw.. even if dont know how, but it makes me happy just to share some of my life :3 I can do photoshop :v

3 subs, 383 views
Comedy 3
#comedy, #Comic, #drawing, #ihatethis, #life
No Free 2017-07-04 2017-08-02

by ActuallyaDork
Adventures of an Aspiring Comic Artist

A series of scribbles documenting my struggles to start a comic

5 subs, 584 views
Slice of life 9
#artist, #Comic, #Drawing_a_comic
No Free 2019-03-30 2021-07-09

by Kela
Adventures Of Kela The Sloth

This will just be a series of comics about who I am and what I like. So hopefully you can get a feel about how my personality is.

10 subs, 376 views
Slice of life 2
#cats, #Comic, #drawing, #life, #me, #slothkela, #sloths
No Free 2017-06-10 2019-03-24

by Aklittlelife
Ak Little Life

Here I'll post just little stories or other things I want to share with you! Mostly it's about my life. I hope you like it ^^

8 subs, 892 views
Slice of life 8
#aklittlelife, #Comic, #drawings, #life, #lol
No Free 2015-03-08 2016-01-27

by Raktim Parashar
Along the way

I am very new to this platform. This series is based on what we all probably experience day in and day out.Thank you for your time. Appreciate.

1 subs, 206 views
Slice of life 1
##art #drawing #painting #illustration #doodle #bipolar #moodswing #painting #mumbai #maharastra
No Free 2018-07-02 2018-07-02

by Rochon Illustrations
Alpha Grid

Eric is a student at EUSA, Elite Universal Soldier Academy, a training ground for the soldiers protecting Earth from an alien race known as the Scavengers.

4 subs, 607 views
Science fiction 9
#alphagrid, #art, #artist, #Comic, #comicart, #create, #drama, #draw, #drawing, #dystopian, #Fantasy, #fiction, #Sci-fi, #science, #sciencefiction, #scifi, #sketch
No Free 2017-03-03 2017-03-21

by Also Cervezas
Also Cervezas

Webcomic guy from Guadalajara, practicing my drawing and writing, trying to GIT GUD

5 subs, 952 views
Comedy 21
#cartoon, #cartoons, #comedy, #Comic, #drawing, #fun, #funny, #illustration, #random, #web comic
No Free 2017-07-15 2017-09-26

by Emcarrs
Amphibious Comic

Welcome to Amphibious comics! It's part diary comic, part word play, part stupid observations. I am 25 and suffering! rt if you're also 25 and suffering! I have drawn 52 comic strips already so you can expect weekly updates! you can hang out with me on instagram or twitter too https://www.instagram.com/emcarrs/ https://twitter.com/emcarrz

113 subs, 5.06k views
Comedy 22
#Comic, #comic_strip, #comic_strips, #diary_comic, #ink_drawing, #observational, #observational_comic, #puns, #short_comic, #slice_of_life, #Traditional_media, #weekly_update
No Free 2019-11-11 2020-05-16

by w1nt3r
An Artist Walkthrough

An artwork compilation is boring so why not make a story out of it.

157 subs, 10.8k views
Slice of life 38
#anime, #artist, #colors, #drawing, #Real life, #tutorial
No Free 2015-05-03 2015-07-28

by Ghajestis
An Artist's Collage

So, I like to draw. This "series" is my arts put on to Tapas. I hope you enjoy looking at them!

2 subs, 120 views
Slice of life 1
#art, #artist, #art_junkyard, #drawings, #junkyard
No Free 2019-10-02 2019-10-02

by Dibujos de Pam
An everyday story

Spanish Version: https://tapas.io/series/Una-historia-de-todos-los-das Ok, this is not an everyday comic, but it is about my everyday life, talking about things that happen in my journey in life. Hope you enjoy and... that's it : )

216 subs, 21.9k views
Slice of life 183
#Alegre, #comic_strip, #diario, #dibujosdepam, #dibujos_de_pam, #doodle, #drawing, #everyday, #Feliz, #happy, #simple, #vida_diaria
Yes Free 2016-09-27 2020-05-07

by Jeroen Steehouwer

Practice drawings for my Live Drawing work, with low funny jokes in the office of Andy.

8 subs, 704 views
Comedy 6
#Andy, #humor, #joke, #Live cartooning, #live drawing, #office, #simple, #slice of life
No Free 2017-05-17 2017-05-31

by Dazzle
Animals and More!

A few drawings of animals and other things. I can take requests but they can't be people. I update when I can.

41 subs, 2.14k views
Slice of life 37
#animals, #drawings, #HandDrawn, #hand_drawn, #requests, #traditionaldrawings, #traditional_drawings
No Free 2019-11-06 2021-02-24

by Elisa Echeverría P.
Anomalía (2012)

Autobiographical graphic novel set in Chile's 2010 earthquake, originally published in 2012 by Libros de Nébula Ediciones. This is a 2017 personal re-edition, I changed the fonts and some details in the text. "Anomalía" (Anomaly) is only available in spanish, but I might translate it to English in the future.

3 subs, 614 views
Drama 9
#anxiety, #autobiographical, #autobiography, #butterfly_effect, #chaos, #chaos_theory, #charcoal, #chile, #concepción, #daily life, #drawing pen, #earthquake, #espaol, #family, #GAD, #general anxiety disorder, #Graphic Novel, #graphite, #ink, #natural disaster, #Personal, #spanish, #tsunami
No Free 2018-05-29 2018-05-29

by Donny Yi George

Badass battling across galaxies. by Donny Yi George http://www.donnys.art https://ko-fi.com/donnyyigeorge

24 subs, 2.08k views
Action 74
#Action, #art, #battle, #battles, #drawing, #space, #Superhero, #swords, #Thicc
No Free 2019-09-10 2020-03-11

by mothy drawings
Antleroth the Mothman

They say the Mothman is a terrifying creature. Doesn't look like that to me

37 subs, 3.71k views
Slice of life 79
#4 panel, #black and white, #comedy, #creepy, #Hand Drawn, #Mothman, #mothydrawings, #wierd
No Free 2018-07-13 2020-11-21

by Jane Apricity
Apricity Journal

Testing... testing... 1 2 3... Doodles, sketches, and trying out new techniques.

0 subs, 816 views
Slice of life 21
#art, #drawing, #marker, #painting, #sketch, #sketches, #technique
No Free 2016-09-20 2016-09-21

by Add
Art Addiction

Hello, world! It's me, Add, here to spam scribbles and doodles for the world to see. Welcome aboard!

373 subs, 50.9k views
Slice of life 123
#digital, #doodles, #drawings, #ink, #pencil, #traditional, #watercolor
No Free 2016-06-19 2018-07-24

by MightyMinerz
Art and Sketches

I like to do random character sketches and art doodles.

5 subs, 613 views
Fantasy 1
#anime, #draw, #drawing, #Naruto, #one punch man, #random, #sketches, #sketching, #stuff
No Free 2016-02-24 2016-02-24

by alem95
Art Cover

Character Art design by me. You may follow me on Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/alem.illussion/

2 subs, 352 views
Slice of life 1
#art, #character design, #drawing, #illustration, #sketch, #traditional_art
No Free 2017-06-08 2017-06-08

by Paxon
Art Development Dump

A place for me to share/develop characters and art styles as I practice.

3 subs, 313 views
Slice of life 1
#doodle, #drawing, #practice
No Free 2017-03-02 2017-12-20

by favoroses
Art Dump!

here's where ill dump some random sketches that I post on Instagram and VA

1 subs, 295 views
Comedy 1
#art_dump, #digital art, #drawing, #dump, #sketches
No Free 2017-10-25 2017-10-25

by Issy
Art Gallery

This was originally an art gallery dedicated to my webcomic: Thicker Than Blood. But since that project has been discontinued, I've decided to continue uploading any artwork here in general. Thank you for viewing <3

487 subs, 33.9k views
Fantasy 47
#adoptables, #art, #artwork, #commissions, #concepts, #cute, #designs, #drawings, #gallery, #ijkelly, #illustration, #illustrations, #sexy
No Free 2017-01-07 2020-11-28

by dobby
Art of Failure

hello! I'm doing some weird comedy comic thing even though I can barely make myself laugh. oh man i didnt know i had to have a banner. I'm a dead meme and here's my twitter if you wanna follow https://twitter.com/mayunderyourbed

0 subs, 304 views
Comedy 1
#4-koma, #4koma, #art, #comedy, #Comic, #drawing, #funny, #humour, #lmao, #relatable, #relate able, #relate-able, #rolf
No Free 2018-04-15 2018-04-15

by MylCreates
Artist's Confessions

Myl's personal scrapbook comic of an artist and her confessions when it comes to being an artsy person, as well as some random doodles. It serves as a basis of getting to know who Myl is, as well as diving deeper into her other comic series.

314 subs, 50.1k views
Slice of life 98
#art, #artist, #characters, #Comic, #confession, #drawing, #friends, #funny, #ideas, #making, #mylcreates, #oc, #super_sons, #truth
No Free 2014-04-28 2015-12-08

by EhX-KoR
Arts and shit

Literally just drawings

1 subs, 545 views
Fantasy 2
#art, #cartoon, #comics, #drawings, #oc, #random
No Free 2014-12-20 2015-02-22

by Nikki.D.Ream

A collection of my favorite art that I have created. Hope you`ll enjoy!

0 subs, 290 views
Slice of life 1
#art, #digital art, #drawings, #Fantasy, #paint tool, #Sai, #traditional_art, #wacom
No Free 2017-12-02 2017-12-02

by AudreyBug
Audrey’s Art

I will be posting my art here and hopefully someone likes it.

3 subs, 302 views
Slice of life 5
#art, #drawing, #ink, #markers, #paint, #sketchbook, #Sketching_
No Free 2020-01-02 2020-01-03

by Charles Trooper
Average Life As A Teenage Artiest

Growing up is difficult, especially when your an artiest and not a very normal teenager... or... a human being in any manor.

15 subs, 1.02k views
Slice of life 5
#anime, #art, #artiest, #average, #cat, #Charles, #chibi, #comedy, #drama, #draw, #drawing, #fantacy, #funny, #furry, #game, #I don't know, #kibou, #Life as a teenage artiest, #Neko, #new, #otaku, #slice of life, #TAG, #tags, #teen, #Trooper, #up beat
No Free 2015-09-19 2015-10-04

by Sacrificato Eureka
Awakening of Colors -Hisor's Chapter-

Prequel of Awakening of Colors about Hisor

0 subs, 362 views
Science fiction 1
#awakeningofcolors, #draw, #drawing
No Free 2017-11-14 2018-08-23

by Donny Yi George

an art-zine with drawings composited with photos of Brooklyn and Manhattan. originally published in 2007.

1 subs, 218 views
Science fiction 1
#artzine, #bw, #digitalart, #drawing, #photography, #zine
Yes Free 2018-11-13 2019-10-13

by Juhi
Badi Choti

Badi (rhymes with curry) and Choti (rhymes with naughty) is about 2 sisters and their adventures in urban India. Badi is 6 while Choti came 3 years later. Update schedule is a bit crazy right now. I apologise. Will try to normalise posts with some buffers in hand. Till then, thank you, for your support.

23 subs, 4.14k views
Comedy 30
#cartoon, #comedy, #Comic, #drawing, #family, #Handmade, #humour, #ink, #life, #painting, #sisters, #watercolor, #watercolour, #waterpaint
No Free 2015-04-21 2016-03-08

by wknight3
Bailey comicstrip

I love drawing Bailey the kitten and adding my unique humor to entertain everyone. They are all basically really short movie scenes that I am bringing to life. It's alot of fun.

3 subs, 111 views
Comedy 7
#animals, #cats, #drawing, #entertainment, #funny, #humor, #humorous, #inking, #pencil, #pets, #sarcasm, #sarcastic
No Free 2020-12-09 2020-12-25

by Bakako and Makako
Bakako and Makako

New comic every Tuesday and Saturday! :)

1 subs, 494 views
Comedy 20
#bakako, #bakakoandmakako, #Comic, #comics, #couple, #couplegoals, #draw, #drawing, #funny, #love, #makako, #mestruation, #metal, #metalhead, #Period, #Rammstein, #raptor, #sketch, #venom, #venomraptor
No Free 2019-04-10 2019-06-08

by B.A.M Comics
BAM Comic Sketches

Fun, Random Sketches we create in our free time!

0 subs, 135 views
Slice of life 2
#black_and_white, #cute, #fun, #hand_drawing, #originals, #pencil, #raw, #sketch
No Free 2019-12-05 2019-12-13

by Tshepiso Chip
Battle between Gods

A long time ago all four Gods which include the Celestials, Demons, Voids, and Omnis lived in harmony. Suddenly the Demon King massacred quarter of the celestials. That then began a war. Years later a boy named Simon Goodwill was blessed with Grace and cursed with Goodwill. Will Simon be the one to put an end the war?

3 subs, 65 views
Action 1
#Action, #anime, #drawing, #Fantasy, #manga
No Free 2021-11-06 2021-11-06

by Coffee Bruin
Bears, Drawn Badly

The daily experiment... A bear a day, drawn badly Features: Polar Bears, Ducks, lots of coffee, the occasional peanut butter sandwich, a monster under the bed, and more The first 25 subscribers get shout outs!

3 subs, 903 views
Comedy 101
#bears, #coffee, #coffeelover, #daily, #dailybear, #Drawingbears, #ducks, #monster_under_the_bed, #peanut_butter
No Free 2022-05-12 2022-07-22

by autumn
Behind the Curtains

Despite all the drama and tragedy happening onstage, there are so much that people don't see that happens behind the curtains. Here's a badly drawn series on everything that goes on behind the scenes at a theatre production. Theatre is life bruhs

2 subs, 569 views
Comedy 9
#Acting, #bad drawings, #badly drawn, #meme, #memes, #stage, #theatre, #theatre kid
No Free 2017-10-03 2017-10-10

by BearsInk Comics
Being Bears

A free comic following the life of two bears going about their daily business in the real world. Updates every Wednesday (PST)/Thursday (BST)

98 subs, 10k views
Comedy 232
#bear_cartoon, #bear_comic, #Being_Bears, #cartoon bear, #comics for kids, #cute animal comic, #Cute bear drawings, #cute_bear_comic, #cute_couple_comics, #free_comics_online, #funny comics online, #hand_drawn_comics, #indy_comics, #read_comics_online, #simple animations, #simple comics, #wholesome_comics
No Free 2017-08-07 2022-07-15

by EverybodyLikesLiz

Follow along with my life in (almost) real time! The best & the worst of each damn week. Posts each Wednesday.

10 subs, 1.31k views
Slice of life 30
#artist, #autobiography, #best, #drawing, #drawn, #fact, #female, #Hand, #ink, #inking, #life, #line, #memoir, #minneapolis, #Pen, #real, #True, #week, #worst
No Free 2017-01-18 2017-08-09

by Ladymintleaf
Beyond the Raindrop (drawings and art)

Here I will post my sketches and drawings. There will be drawings of characters, places and objects concerning the post apocalyptic world of "Beyond the Raindrop". I want to write a novel with these characters. :)

101 subs, 1.5k views
Fantasy 10
#beyond_the_raindrop, #collection_of_drawings, #drawings, #Fantasy, #post_apocalyptic, #steampunk
No Free 2018-01-08 2019-02-14

by InkyDinkyDrawingsuwo
Billdip Art Requests


169 subs, 10.5k views
BL 9
#18, #art, #billdip, #bl, #boyxboy, #drawings, #gravityfalls, #love, #yaoi
No Free 2020-02-03 2020-03-05

by RmC
Birdie Doodles

Doodles and digital paintings of my birdie people. The thumbnail features Bota (left), Ruma (center), and Goppa (right) in their chibi forms with costumes on. (this is going to serve as a sort of break for me from doing Witch Oops! or from making cards for people in the basement.

0 subs, 454 views
Fantasy 3
#bird, #birds, #Cool, #creepy, #cute, #digital paintings, #doodle, #doodles, #drawings, #Fantasy, #fun, #stuff
No Free 2015-11-13 2015-12-04

by Variaen
Bit by Bit

I got a drawing tablet recently and I wanted to practice. My goal to improve bit by bit and maybe in the future, I can look back and laugh at this. Criticism/insults/whatever welcomed. I probably won't update often, just whenever I feel like it.

0 subs, 269 views
Slice of life 5
#doodles, #drawings, #sketches
No Free 2019-01-30 2019-03-19

by Hammer
Blank Canvas Standoff

If you stare at the blank canvas, the blank canvas stares back at you. A short story tragedy based on facts that no artist wanted to be true.

3 subs, 65 views
Comedy 1
#artist, #canvas, #drawing, #painting, #silent
No Free 2020-11-06 2020-11-06

by Ron Jones The Artist
BLKWST The Comic

A web comic for the woke and ratchet. This series is a black perspective journal and blueprint for creating the new black wall street. Every Mon/Thurs.

3 subs, 495 views
Slice of life 25
#Black art, #Black Excellence, #Black Is Beautiful, #black magic, #Black Wall Street, #blerd, #BLKWST The Comic, #Buy Black, #Drawing While Black, #Ron Jones The Artist
No Free 2017-11-08 2018-02-21

by BlueberryBlues
Blueberry Time

While I'm not working on other comics or illustrations I draw comic strips!

33 subs, 1.73k views
Comedy 9
#anime, #artist, #blueberry, #books, #cartoons, #comedy, #comics, #cosplay, #daily life, #drawing, #gag, #game, #gaming, #LARP, #literature, #manga, #nerd, #nerdyness, #nerd_humor
No Free 2015-07-10 2015-11-25

by phish

Whatever happens, stuff it in a comic.

1.29k subs, 38.9k views
Slice of life 17
#art, #bunny, #chibi, #comedy, #Comic, #cute, #digital, #drawing, #fish, #girl, #Goofball, #life, #lifestyle, #phish, #rabbits, #slice of
No Free 2017-02-27 2017-10-23

by shawn

This is the 3rd time ive tried to make one of these thing so imma just ran in comics form, sorry if its annoying this is one way imma try to cope with being in hell for 8 hours a day

15 subs, 2.56k views
Comedy 42
#bored, #dicks, #drawing_stuff, #dumb_stuff, #dumb_stufff, #gammer_girls, #gammer_gurls, #Gay_af, #ha_gay, #high_school, #idea, #idesa, #i_deos, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #shitty_shitty_stuff, #this_shit
No Free 2018-03-22 2019-07-07

by remiska97

Unfunny jokes involving ghost, by the way I suck at drawing.

0 subs, 184 views
Comedy 1
#bad_drawings, #comedy, #ghost, #ghosts
No Free 2018-10-12 2018-10-12

by MehMysson
Bored at work

Well i´m starting this while im here bored at work... *sad bored intern face*

2 subs, 444 views
Slice of life 4
#bad_drawing, #bored, #intern life, #nothing to do, #work
No Free 2016-09-13 2016-10-20

by MegaFluffyDrawings

Las aleatorias situaciones de Geraldine, Meg y Carol en algún lugar de Latinoamérica Creado por: Francisco (MegaFluffy)

3 subs, 101 views
Slice of life 3
#breaktime, #comedia, #comedy, #furry, #MegaFluffy, #MegaFluffyDrawings, #slice_of_life, #spanish
No Free 2020-04-11 2020-04-11

by Brie
Brie Illustration

hi, I like to overexaggerate

0 subs, 133 views
Slice of life 1
#digital, #digital_art, #digital_painting, #drawing, #illustration, #im_new, #introduction, #Krita, #me, #painting, #visual, #visual_novel, #visual_story
No Free 2019-09-18 2019-09-18

by Broke Boy Shahil
Broke Boy Shahil

Yeah I'm broke but I'm still trying to make comics.

4 subs, 293 views
Comedy 1
#art, #bad_art, #bad_drawing, #broke, #Broke Boy, #Broke Boy Shahil, #comedy, #Comic, #draw, #drawing, #funny, #Shahil
No Free 2018-01-03 2018-01-15

by Koszmareczki
Bros for life (Maku and Snapi)

Adventures of Maku (bear) and Snapi (bunny), the best friends sharing ups and downs with each other. Series is in the making, I draw it on paper, can't do digital because I do not own a decent drawing tablet, haha. The main goal of this series is to spread positive meggages while being cute and funny. Maybe it will evolve in the future, who knows ;D

1 subs, 159 views
Comedy 4
#bear, #blackandwhite, #bunny, #comics, #cute, #drawing, #fineliner, #friends, #friendship, #lineart, #traditionalart
No Free 2020-11-02 2020-11-09

by yitsuin
Brush Settings

Drawing helped Yulwen through a painful incident in her life, but when her favourite artist suddenly vanished without a trace from the internet one day, she gave up drawing to focus on her studies. Two years later, when their paths cross, it would be her turn to inspire the boy who was once her greatest inspiration. Join them as they navigate life, stumble through awkward social interactions, and ultimately come to terms with events from their past, and learn to trust again -- together.

371 subs, 5.56k views
Romance 29
#art, #drawing, #ensemble_cast, #friendship
No Free 2021-12-08 2022-04-28

Bunnies who have finished jumping

The story revolves around a settlement of bunnies that protect hunters from wolves and other evil spirits. It would seem that life is wonderful, carrot splashes, having fun with friends, celebrating holidays every week and not worrying about danger. But this is just a big deception, the illusion of paradise, behind which lies the grim state of things. Do bunnies want to accept the truth and fight for their freedom?

4 subs, 126 views
Horror 1
#animals, #bunnies, #dark, #demons, #drawing
No Free 2019-11-07 2019-11-07

by Ashmish

Cahaya always wanted to live from his hobby. It leads him into the life he's never expected.

5 subs, 425 views
Slice of life 1
#Action, #art, #comedy, #drama, #drawing, #hero, #Indonesia, #kamen rider, #masked rider, #simple, #slice of life, #Superhero, #tokusatsu
No Free 2016-02-22 2016-02-22

by Burb
Burb Doodles

Doodles I do for fun! Based off of video game characters, or ones from scratch!

7 subs, 1.12k views
Fantasy 35
#art, #bones, #BURB, #Burbdoodles, #drawing, #kirk, #Link, #live long and prosper, #McCoy, #sketch, #skywardsword, #spock, #star trek, #Starfleet, #super_sons, #trekkie, #TwilightPrincess, #Uhura, #Zelda
No Free 2016-01-03 2016-12-01

by Cacharrito

A comic about the simple things that fill the world of the ‘little cacharritos’. Because we are all (or have been) a bit of a "cacharro."

81 subs, 5.53k views
Comedy 362
#children, #comedy, #comicstrip, #comicstrips, #Dailylife, #friendship, #humor, #imagination, #kids, #pencildrawing
No Free 2021-04-02 2022-07-20

by Cafetoile

Just a collection of non-comic related pieces. Probably some tests and such. Neato.

5 subs, 411 views
Slice of life 4
#doodles, #drawing, #sketch
No Free 2018-07-19 2018-08-23

by juniordorktron
Carnival of Rust

My first Comic That i am Doing. *sweats*

6 subs, 482 views
Comedy 5
#boop, #carnival, #carnival of rust, #comedy, #drama, #drawing, #Nate, #of, #Rust, #shitpost comic
No Free 2018-01-04 2018-01-04

by minty-arts

Every now and then I get the urge to draw more cartoony style things so I'll dump em here I guess! ☆⌒(≧▽​° ) ~Cartoon doodles!~

12 subs, 515 views
Slice of life 2
#cartoon, #drawings, #silly, #sketch
No Free 2018-04-19 2018-05-16

by HoHoJoe
Cartoon Shack

A world full of random cartoon characters finding themselves in comical situations. From sci-fi marines, to fantasy gimmicks, to two morbidly obese birds, cartoon shack holds something new in store every comic

8 subs, 3.62k views
Comedy 82
#art, #cartoon, #Cartoonshack, #Cartoon_Shack, #Cartoon_Shack_Art, #Comic, #drawing, #funny, #funny_comics, #graphic_novel, #hand_drawn, #HoHoJoe, #humor, #random
No Free 2020-11-28 2021-12-29

by MikilMiki(Snivy111)
Catt the Cat

Catt the Cat Catt the Cat Catt hte Cat Catt the Cat tCat the Cat Catt the Cat

19 subs, 2.24k views
Slice of life 21
#cat, #cat drawings, #drawing
No Free 2018-01-26 2018-04-07

by LivvyLiu
Chaos Unit

Demons, angels, and humans oh my! Graphic novel about eight supernatural friends surviving life, love and each others antics in the devilish world of Infernis. Life is chaotic enough when you start a new job, on a new planet, with a bunch of supernatural beings and your new boss just happens to be the Demon King, Lucifer Morningstar....then add in your love life, your friends and your crazy-as family on top of that and things are really starting to heat up! Life is utter chaos but with friends like these it is sure to be a fun ride!

3 subs, 305 views
Fantasy 12
#angels, #beasts, #chaosunitcomic, #demons, #kitsune, #originalstory, #pencildrawing, #pendrawing, #supernatural, #vampires
No Free 2022-01-01 2022-05-25

by BelindaTopan

Not really a comic, if I can.draw.to save my life I would totally make it into a manga. But I thought I upload the character pin-ups. All designed by puppypaww art. You guys should check her out. I'll post the link to her pages. :) Puppypaww: https://linktr.ee/puppypaww.art Please note.i do own copyright.

2 subs, 492 views
Fantasy 5
#anime, #art, #character, #drawings, #illustration, #super_sons, #vampire, #vampires
No Free 2018-11-03 2018-11-28

by Cheeldren Comics
Cheeldren Comics

A comic about 5 kids in Dover, Delaware, who go on mind-bending adventures together!!! The Eeap Brothers, Thomas, and Izzie lose their MARBLES in this hilarious *and definitely nOT scary* comic about friendship :D UPDATES ARE ANY RANDOM TIME but probably saturdays to try and keep it consistent (cos of skewl n shtuff TwT) PS- The main page is a work in progress!! But you can see some of the episodes and extra drawings on my instagram page--V Cheeldren_comic (also, sry the quality isn't great, but I'll get there...)

3 subs, 333 views
Comedy 8
#Cheeldren_Comics, #Comic, #draw, #drawing, #dude_thats_rad, #funny_comics, #sketch, #sketching
No Free 2020-10-31 2021-02-02

by yownae
Circular Moods

Random sketches fitted in circles.

1 subs, 325 views
Slice of life 4
#drawings, #inked, #landscapes, #nature, #portraits, #random, #scences, #Scratches, #scribbles, #sketches, #traditional, #wips
No Free 2017-11-19 2017-11-19

by Jules
Clay things that I made

ALSO NOT A COMIC! This is just pictures of things I made out of clay, as well as other art.

44 subs, 7.23k views
Slice of life 66
#art, #carving, #clay, #drawing, #painting, #sculpting, #soap
No Free 2016-07-17 2019-03-29

by Elver

This is a story about a teenage girl named Clementine who acquired a mysterious ability to draw the future under unusual conditions. In return for acquiring such abilities, she lost her own will to create her art. Most of her strange illustrations depicts catastrophic events of the end of the world.

8 subs, 949 views
Mystery 26
#1999, #90's, #art, #clementine, #Comic, #drama, #drawing, #Highschool, #horror, #mystery, #oneshot, #psychological, #school, #Science Fiction, #sketchbook, #Y2K
No Free 2018-02-22 2018-02-22

by Sieza
Close to My Kokoro!

For my WRD 130 class, I was assigned to make a comic for my final project. I decided to work on a small comic about what Kokoro Guardians means to me. This is partially the reason why I will be continuing the series in May! Thank you all so much for checking it out!

0 subs, 216 views
Slice of life 1
#childhood_story, #drawing, #Inspirational, #Kokoro_Guardians
Yes Free 2019-04-21 2020-02-03

Cloud Head

Head becomes a piece of cloud and it does not know why, or how to turn it back to a "normal" head. It keeps finding the answers until the water appears...

4 subs, 83 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #ailen, #children, #cloud, #color, #colorful, #drawing, #fairytale, #Fantasy, #fish, #hand_drawn, #Monster, #original, #sun, #sunshine, #water
No Free 2020-04-23 2020-04-23

by Elly Color
Colorful Stories

Here you can find a collection of my other comics with short of stories. Most of them as colorful as a day of sunshine. So, a collection of colorful stories by Elly Color!

1 subs, 601 views
Slice of life 5
#adorable, #beautifull, #beauty, #bird, #collection, #color, #colorful, #colorfulstories, #colour, #colourful, #Comic, #comics, #contest, #cute, #day, #drawing, #elly, #ellycolor, #emotion, #Emotional, #Fantasy, #fluffy, #girl, #HandDrawn, #happiness, #happy, #illustration, #lesson, #marker, #moral, #morality, #motivation, #other, #page, #pages, #Palette, #pencil, #playful, #shine, #short, #spirit, #spiritual, #stories, #Story, #sun, #webcomic, #world
No Free 2017-05-28 2017-06-29

by tedanscomics
comic quest

This is a webcomic about life as a kid, food, fun adventures, and things that I think are funny or relatable.

15 subs, 417 views
Slice of life 1
#cartoon, #Comic, #comics, #cute, #drawing, #food, #funny, #memes, #relatable, #webcomic, #wholesome
No Free 2020-07-01 2020-07-13

by BubbliiToons
Comic Relief

A series about my everyday life, trust me you won't be disappointed.

50 subs, 15.9k views
Comedy 44
#2018, #anime, #cartoon, #crossdressing, #drawing, #feelgood, #female, #funny, #jokes, #male, #manga, #memes, #silly, #simple, #tuesday, #webcomic
No Free 2018-03-20 2020-08-02

by Lizzy Cyanite
Completely Professional

This is the daily life of the artist that no one knows so well...and their struggles with a few personal demons.

3 subs, 386 views
Slice of life 1
#cosplay, #drawing, #jobs, #personal stuff, #romance, #slice of life
No Free 2016-06-23 2016-06-23

by Zephyr Lin

A comic about life, love, conventions and all things geeky fun. Updated sporadically.

3 subs, 449 views
Slice of life 1
#:D, #adventure, #anime, #BFF, #Conventions, #cosplay, #drawing, #gaming, #humor, #internet, #my little pony, #O_O, #random, #relationships, #sketching, #travel, #Video_Games, #XD
No Free 2015-06-02 2016-06-06


Conceal will be a series consisting of several picture stories. It is my first try at digital drawing.

6 subs, 311 views
Fantasy 3
#blackandwhite, #blackforest, #bones, #Crime, #digitaldrawing, #drawing, #forest, #illustration, #killer, #original, #picturestory, #tree, #wood
No Free 2021-01-24 2021-07-08

by catc08

Images for couples. Hope you'll like it!

1 subs, 91 views
Romance 1
#art, #Arte, #artistic, #artlovers, #artoftheday, #art_community, #boyfriend, #comicart, #comic_art, #couplecomics, #couples, #couples_live, #couples_love, #couple_comics, #creative, #dibujos, #distance_love, #drawing, #girlfriend, #graphicdesign, #graphic_design, #illustration, #illustrationoftheday, #ink, #love, #paintings, #parejas, #pencil, #pencildrawing, #quarantine, #quarantinelife, #quarantine_life, #quarantine_love, #separated_but_togeth, #stayhome, #staysafe, #stay_home, #stay_safe, #yomequedoencasa
No Free 2020-04-12 2020-04-12

by Crazy Comix
Crazy Comix

Hi! My name is Nick Ballinger and I am in 6th grade. I love drawing comics and all of my ideas are 99.9% original!!! (the .1% is from theodd1sout, who I absolutely LOVE <3) Anyway, I cant post everyday, but I hope to at lease do one every week!!! P.s.-Odd1sout, if your reading this, I LOVE YOUR DRAWINGS :D

3 subs, 470 views
Comedy 5
#best comics, #comics, #comics in English, #comics like theodd1sout, #comix, #cool drawings, #English comics, #funniest comics, #funny, #Funny Comics, #lol, #theodd1sout, #worst comics
No Free 2017-10-23 2017-10-27

by KeatonTS
Cup of Soup

A combination of comics illustrating my daily life, thoughts and interactions with my friends, sometimes with a twist.

54 subs, 1.23k views
Slice of life 9
#2D, #about me, #antisocial, #artist, #awkward, #character, #comedy, #comics, #digital, #drawing, #exaggerate, #funny, #illustration, #KeatonTS, #life, #me, #memories, #narrative, #oc, #series, #super_sons, #weird
No Free 2016-10-16 2019-01-08