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by C.R. Fahey

After bringing home a strange homeless girl named Scarlet, Kelley Russo discovers a fascinating hidden world of cryptids and legends. But she is far from welcome. >>Updates Fridays!<<

1.93k subs, 372k views
Fantasy 186
#adventure, #angels, #avibus, #cryptids, #desert, #drama, #Fantasy, #hidden_world, #journey, #las_vegas, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #lgbt_characters, #modern_fantasy, #Nevada, #queer_characters, #urban_fantasy
No Free 2016-08-16 2021-09-10

by SpadeDigsButts
A Hollow

Parker Green, an inexperienced government investigator, is sent to a secluded desert town to look into the disappearance of the local doctor. However, it soon becomes apparent that a missing person might be the least of the town’s problems as seemingly supernatural events plague the investigator’s every step. What’s causing this? What happened to the doctor? And can he even find any of this out while navigating through small town drama with literally 0 social skills? Comic intended for ages 16+

247 subs, 9.39k views
Mystery 40
#detective, #Eldritch_Monstrosities, #ghosts, #murder_mystery, #psychological, #queer_characters, #Quiet_Desert_Town, #skeletons, #supernatural_mystery, #victorian_era
No Free 2019-09-17 2022-01-05

by evog_or

A man finds himself alone in an empty desert. There are no other people, cities, villages, animals, or even plants — only him and some provisions. Where did other people go? Who left him food and water? How did he get there? He strives to find out the truth about this mysterious place, and clues left by his predecessor can help him with that.

2 subs, 163 views
Mystery 2
#adventure, #desert
No Free 2022-04-11 2022-06-11

by Panda Roux
Aynura and the Light of the Moonshine

Follow Aynura and Oyunchimeg on their journey to the giant bright moon beyond the horizon.

5 subs, 181 views
Fantasy 1
#1001_Night, #adventure, #animals, #anthro, #children, #desert, #Fantasy, #furry, #hamster, #hamsters, #journey, #Kazakh, #kazakhstan
No Free 2019-09-11 2019-09-11

by Karolyne Rocha

PT-BR Introdução Balsamus conta a história de Reithan, um general importante do reino Anraabii, Localizado nas terras do oriente Mesurabih. Reithan e seu bando saem para fazer uma missão arriscada, mas eles estão dispostos a fazer qualquer coisa para completá-la. https://www.balsamuscomic.com/

295 subs, 4.09k views
Drama 15
#antigotestamento, #antigo_testamento, #Biblia, #deserto, #guerreiros, #mercenarios, #middle_east, #oriente_antigo, #oriente_medio
No Free 2020-04-15 2022-06-24

by Karolyne Rocha

What is the Balsamus project? It is a comic book project based on the culture of the ancient Middle East, at the end of the period known as "years of silence" or Interbiblical period, which was the period of 400 years between the new and old biblical testament. Balsamus tells the story of Reithan, an important general of the Anraabii kingdom, located in the eastern lands of Mesurabih in the early civilizations. Reithan and his band go on a risky mission, but they are willing to do anything to complete it. https://karolynerocha.carrd.co/

21 subs, 464 views
Drama 7
#Bible, #desert, #Historic, #middle_east, #old_testament, #soldiers
No Free 2021-02-21 2021-11-30

by Terman

This story will teach you not to listen to suspicious strangers who offer large amounts of money for small services. Especially if you live in a peculiar world, with its own rules and laws that don't always follow the known moral principles, in society that tries to survive in the wild desert climate.

6 subs, 130 views
Fantasy 2
#adventure, #Alien, #Bedouin, #desert, #Fantasy, #mystery, #postapocalyptic
No Free 2020-06-13 2020-08-21

by fmaier89
Bat Country

"…But our trip was different. It was a classic affirmation of everything right and true and decent in the national character. It was a gross, physical salute to the fantastic possibilities of life in this country—but only for those with true grit. And we were chock full of that." - Hunter S. Thompson. Inspired by TV shows like Twin Peaks and Man Vs Food, books like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Drive and movies like Oldboy and Mulholland Drive. Art By Florian Maier Written By Ryk Brink A strange man in a strange place is being hunted by a pair of odd henchmen across a dystopian American landscape, but why, who and more importantly when? Ah who cares? Let’s eat… Follow Ransom as he walks the earth like Caine in Kung fu looking for…? Well he’s … Yeah he’s competing in eating contests all across the desert to hopefully devour the American dream in one big bite! Get ready to meet the most nonsensical cast of characters ever to be written into a comic on a satirical journey across America’s harshest dreamscape, who thought enlightenment would be this hard? So strap on cowpokes it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

40 subs, 8.49k views
Drama 31
#art, #at, #avant, #bar, #bar_fight, #bat, #bats, #Bob, #bullshit, #carpet knife, #case, #competiton, #country, #Cowboy, #crazy, #Cthulhu, #david, #depp, #desert, #drive, #drug, #Dune, #dystopian, #eating, #Fear, #fear and loathing, #food, #food competition, #future, #garde, #GORE, #hallucination, #head, #heart, #hitmen, #Hunter S., #Insane, #Johnny, #killer, #killer 7, #knife, #LaS, #laura, #loathing, #love, #lynch, #mad, #man vs food, #murder, #opera, #overeating, #palmer, #past, #peace, #peaks, #postapocalyptic, #preacher, #present, #psychedelic, #road_trip, #rock, #s, #sandworm, #spice, #surreal, #surrealism, #televangelist, #Thompson, #trip, #twin, #twin_peaks, #Vegas, #Versus, #war, #wild, #wild at heart
No Free 2014-10-31 2019-06-06

by Joshua Yu
Beautiful Desolation

A lone wanderer is searching for something in a post-apocalyptic desert. What it is, no one knows. But one there is one thing for sure...even in desolation...there is beauty. This is an experimental wordless comic where the story is told through the actions of the characters. Updates are sporadic due to a busy schedule, but if you like what you're reading, then please like, comment, and subscribe!

28 subs, 1.89k views
Science fiction 8
#apocalypse, #cybernetics, #cyborg, #desert, #Fantasy, #mood, #postapocalyptic, #robot, #science_fiction, #SCI_FI, #wanderer, #wordless
No Free 2018-07-20 2019-06-11

by Rizzo

In a post-apocalyptic future, the world has become a desert wasteland where citizens are forced to constantly fight for survival. Whether you're fighting for food, drink, or shelter from the red waters, a mutated form of harmful algal that falls from the sky, in Bedlam, it's not only the wicked who find no rest.

12 subs, 175 views
Science fiction 1
#Action, #apocalypse, #apocalyptic, #barren, #bedlam, #blood, #comedy, #Comic, #desert, #desolate, #drama, #Dystopia, #future, #futuristic, #madmax, #Mad_Max, #Mature, #postapoc, #post_apacolypse, #post_apoc, #post_apocalyptic, #River, #scifi, #team, #violence, #violent, #wasteland, #wastelands, #water
No Free 2019-10-07 2019-10-08

by Ryan Radley
Beta Stratagem

Sofia Lai just wants her life to be as normal as possible, even when her family up and move to Waterstone: a lone metropolis out in the middle of the desert, far from any other town or city. Unfortunately for her, Waterstone has a lot of secrets, and she's about to start uncovering them. BETA STRATAGEM is about fighting monsters in the desert and going through tough things in your teens, in a near-future soft-sci-fi setting and with a focus on LGBT identities, mental illness and disability. It updates on Tuesdays and Fridays.

33 subs, 3.93k views
Science fiction 43
#Action, #australia, #bisexual, #coming_of_age, #desert, #gay, #lgbt, #mental_illness, #monsters, #nonbinary, #sci fi, #teens, #trans, #transgender
No Free 2017-03-29 2018-02-21

by Phalanx
Black Desert Online Fan Comic

Fan comic based on Black Desert Online years in the making. Jump in to the world of BDO through the eyes of a sorceress and a berserker!

0 subs, 309 views
Fantasy 1
#BDO, #Black_Desert, #magic, #mmo, #sorcery
No Free 2021-07-20 2021-07-20

by Burn My Shadow
Burn My Shadow

The year is 2113. Global political and economic stability has been upset by extreme weather conditions, as well as an ever-growing population. Tharmas is an outcast in search of his long-lost sister. In spite of his objections, he begrudgingly accept K's company, a child journeying alongside him. The search leads Tharmas and K through the megalopolis speckling a predominantly arid wasteland. Cauldrons to diverse cultures, the urban complexes, shielded from extreme weather events by gargantuan domes, house the better portion of the world population. Food and water reserves are scant; electronic masks, serving as IDs and credit chips, are provided amongst the wealthy. The journey will bring Tharmas face to face with the new world's leading figures; he will avail himself of violence as he investigates his sister's whereabouts, whilst the relationship with K will allow him to delve deeper into his individuality.

28 subs, 756 views
Action 3
#Action, #adventure, #child, #desert, #dystopian, #future, #Orphan, #post_apocalyptic
No Free 2019-05-28 2019-11-03

by Burn My Shadow
Burn My Shadow - ITA

L'anno è il 2113. A livello mondiale, la stabilità politica ed economica é stata turbata da condizioni meteorologiche estreme, cosi come da una popolazione in costante crescita. Tharmas é un reietto alla ricerca della sorella, scomparsa da tempo. Nonostante le sue obiezioni, Tharmas accetta la compagnia di K, un bambino che viaggia al suo seguito. La ricerca conduce Tharmas e K attraverso le megalopoli che punteggiano un paesaggio prevalentemente arido, ormai desolato. Fulcri per diverse culture, i complessi urbani, protetti da eventi meteorologici estremi da giganteschi "dome", ospitano buona parte della popolazione. Le riserve di cibo e acqua sono insufficienti; maschere elettroniche, utilizzate come ID e credit chip, sono assegnate ai più benestanti. Il viaggio porterà Tharmas faccia a faccia con i leader di un nuovo mondo; ricorrerà al brutale uso di violenza nei molteplici tentativi di rintracciare la sorella, mentre la renitente amicizia con K gli permetterà di accrescere la comprensione di se stesso.

2 subs, 110 views
Action 3
#Action, #adventure, #childhood, #desert, #dystopian, #future, #Orphan, #post_apocalyptic
No Free 2019-11-03 2019-11-03

by Peipp

Relloh, a young hunter, starts his annual travel to the deep desert. But this time, things will be completly different when he finds a lost girl of the mysterious Errant people

324 subs, 15.6k views
Fantasy 24
#desert, #desert adventures, #fantastic races, #Fantasy, #peipp, #sand
No Free 2015-12-28 2016-06-28

by Revo

Furries in the desert. Written by Chris Rose Illustrated by Brook Chipman

291 subs, 4.41k views
Slice of life 2
#anthro, #desert, #desertpunk, #furries, #lgbtq, #train
No Free 2014-11-01 2016-08-14


A web comic series between NUBEC and SIAMESE RAT.

10 subs, 804 views
Slice of life 3
#Adult Swim, #adventure_time, #akira, #apocalypse, #calvin and hobbes, #cartoon network, #cartoons, #chicken tenders, #comedy, #daniel clowes, #desert island, #Doom, #fables, #gerard way, #head lopper, #hip_hop, #james harvey, #jesse moynihan, #johnny ryan, #katsuhiro otomo, #leff lemire, #low brow, #metal, #multiuniverse, #pancho karambola, #pol medina, #power violence, #punk, #raunchy, #sabertooth swordsman, #simon hanselmann, #Skate, #slice of life, #supervillains, #tank girl, #thrash, #Vice
No Free 2017-01-29 2017-02-17

by Nivet Dia Portum

Hadrian, a lone entity, has made a terrible mistake. He must scour the lands of Verdan, in search of his friends, but will they see him the same as they once did? (Updates every Saturday and Wednesday)

5 subs, 2.65k views
Fantasy 107
#Action, #adventure, #blood, #circus, #death, #desert, #dream, #entities, #entity, #Fight, #forest, #forest spirits, #horror, #life, #magic, #mask, #nature, #Nature spirits, #space, #spirits, #sword, #Time, #weapons
No Free 2017-04-10 2018-07-18

by Ari
Covert Lands

After a climate disaster Rusty and Lena go back to Lena's hometown in search for refugee. After a while they start to see that the city might not be as abandoned as it looks. I work as often as I can in this series but don't expect regular updates for now. I hope you still enjoy it ^u^

4 subs, 474 views
Fantasy 2
#adventure, #desert, #furry, #metro, #secret, #slice_of_life
No Free 2018-12-16 2018-12-16

by Bryan Wong

In a world where the only thing you can trust is the road you travel, adventure still blossoms. CrossRoads is being illustrated and written by Bryan Wong. It updates every Wednesday 6:00PM PST. Get updates two weeks early on https://crossroadscomic.com/home

16 subs, 1.28k views
Action 22
#adventure, #animal, #comedy, #desert, #drama, #Fantasy, #hero, #kid, #treasure
No Free 2018-02-17 2018-09-07

by Carikku
Dance of Temptation

Sarita, a dancer in the palace city, is going to dance for the Sultan. And this will change her life forever...

46 subs, 1.38k views
Romance 6
#belly_dance, #dancing, #desert, #hetero, #love, #manga, #oriental, #prince, #Princess, #relationship, #romance, #shojo, #shoujo, #tanz_der_versuchung, #TDV
No Free 2019-06-09 2022-04-11

by mortrivo
De Chulengo a Yestay

Eloísa debe viajar lejos de sus padres a vivir un año en un pueblo en la costa del desierto, ella no esta segura si esto va a resultar para ella. ¿Podrá encontrar nuevamente su hogar?.

1 subs, 94 views
Fantasy 5
#chile, #desert, #girl, #guanaco, #magic, #yastay
No Free 2022-03-28 2022-05-15

by abductedEntity

The last few moments of a guy who dies in the desert.

15 subs, 202 views
Fantasy 1
#abductedentity, #death, #dehydrated, #desert, #first_comic, #Major_Character_Death, #one_shot
Yes Free 2018-12-04 2018-12-26

by |:|Avaithan|:|
Desert Dog

The average life of a desert kid.

1 subs, 53 views
Slice of life 1
#bored, #desert_life, #first_try, #sketchy_drawings, #slice_of_life
No Free 2021-01-21 2021-01-21

by baconbit
Desert Spell

(LGBTQ+//Magic//Disability)) Thaina is a deaf nomad whose family has lived for generations in the desert. But a drought has made their traditional way of life impossible. The nomads decide to migrate into the city, but the city is filled with all sorts of characters and not all of them are welcoming. Thaina is determined to help her family and to discover what’s really going on in the city, no matter what kind of trouble it gets her into. Dorian is anxious about everything and she isn’t sure how flirting with a girl in the market got her involved in running an under ground supply trade for the whole nomad tribe. Desert Spell is a queer fantasy with a deaf person of color main character, an anxious lesbian, a non-binary acrobat, and a supporting cast of LGBTQ and diverse characters.

725 subs, 44.6k views
LGBTQ+ 127
#adventure, #deaf, #desert, #lesbian, #lgbtq, #magic, #sign_language
No Free 2018-06-22 2021-06-23

by glooo
Desert Wildflowers

Gilia discovers an ancient magic in the land of enchantment!

1 subs, 133 views
Fantasy 4
#cute, #desert, #Fantasy, #friends, #magic, #New_Mexico, #sisters, #wholesome, #witch, #witches
No Free 2020-01-18 2020-03-07

by Madison I.
Deserted Flowers

A young amputee survivor discovers the power of mother nature, and how to use it for both kindness and revenge. Official Blog/Tumblr: https://desertedflowersofficial.tumblr.com/ My Art Tumblr: http://madis-art.tumblr.com/

22 subs, 1.13k views
Fantasy 7
#Action, #Comic, #deserted flowers, #Fantasy, #flower, #flowers, #magic, #plants, #some violence
No Free 2017-01-06 2017-04-12

by Jayu
Deserted Hero

Arely is being summoned into another world by accident?! What will happen?

127 subs, 5.02k views
Fantasy 28
#abandoned, #deserted, #female, #female_protagonist, #hero, #isekai, #Reborn, #summoned
No Free 2019-09-08 2020-05-06

by rtomasol

A mysterious figure, origins unknown, is our groups only link to how & why they suddenly appeared on an earth much like our own. A few were taken from their home spaces, others from their home dimensions. Will they search for the meaning of their shared predicament or will their differences tear them apart?

7 subs, 553 views
Science fiction 3
#Aaris, #Adolescent Protagonist, #Alternate Earth, #Alternate_Universe, #animal comics, #asia, #Blue Daemon, #Borneo, #civil rights, #Deserter, #Drexel, #female protagonist, #funny, #human rights, #Intellectual, #Malaysia, #parallel dimension, #Puda, #Quo, #serious, #war
No Free 2016-01-30 2016-02-28

by Malvinitias
Desertor (2017)

Desertor es un fanzine creado en forma de protesta, el cual muestra una injusta situación ocurrida en los años de escuelita del autor en donde nos cuenta como un profesor traiciona la confianza de sus alumnos con un solo acto

6 subs, 325 views
Comedy 1
#artes, #carlitos, #comic chile, #comic chileno, #comic español, #comic spanish, #departamento de artes, #desertor, #escuelita, #fanzine, #francisco k, #gracia y paz, #gracia y paz comic, #instituto gracia y paz, #malvinitias, #spanish, #valdivia
No Free 2018-06-30 2018-06-30

by Boballee
Digging Game

You see lots of things in the desert: oases, moving rocks, insects made of human body parts, fully cooked meals under the sand ... who knows what's real and what's not? Most importantly, who cares?

5 subs, 438 views
Fantasy 1
#desert, #kids, #surreal
No Free 2015-01-23 2015-01-23

by Kaylie

In the future, something happened. Nobody's really sure what happened exactly, but it left the world a smoldering, lifeless shell of its former self. Oh yeah, and now there's DINOSAURS! As if things weren't bad enough, those hardy enough to try and make new lives for themselves in this crazy, post-apocalyptic wasteland are plagued by the baddest gang of tyrannosaur-riding punk girls around: the T-Wrecks! Dinogeddon follows the strange misadventures of the T-Wrecks, led by the mysterious and oftentimes dangerous Ronnie Riot, and their rival gangs, the ex-military raptor-riding Rippers, and the all-male Rex Machines.

827 subs, 7.23k views
Drama 2
#Action, #adult, #apocalypse, #cartoon, #color, #comedy, #desert, #dinogeddon, #dinosaurs, #drama, #gay, #girl gang, #girls, #kaylie mcdougal, #lesbian, #post apocalyptic, #punk, #rock, #romance, #sexy, #t rex, #t wrecks
No Free 2017-01-04 2017-01-31

by Qyrara
Dreams of the Desert

Some says that dreams are the prophecy of the future. Lara thinks it's bullshit. She believes a dream is just a passing slideshows when you fell asleep. But upon discovering an old ring, Lara begins to experience something that she thought as just some silly bedtime stories.

3.61k subs, 12.6k views
Fantasy 33
#dreams, #dreams_of_the_desert, #isekai, #kingdom, #manga, #qyrara, #sultan
No Free 2015-01-30 2020-08-03

by Plumy
Ecorchées - EN

With her protector Sigrid, the incubator called Max try to keep living in a destroyed world. But the ghosts from the past are always there, and she will have to make a decision...

105 subs, 1.79k views
GL 9
#ableism, #bike, #desert, #handicap, #lesbian, #post_apo
No Free 2022-01-27 2022-07-18

by Artist Unknown

The Eye of the Desert... A huge fog with a hole in its center surrounded by lightning. This phenomenon holds many mysteries, which a certain man, Dr. Gutenberg, wants to research. So he decides to gather people with special powers. And that's how our 5 heroes meet! Will they be able to find out what lies in the Eye of the Desert? No one knows what the future holds for them, but one thing is for sure: Their journey will be a kick-ass adventure!

8 subs, 1.25k views
Fantasy 69
#adventure, #antisocial, #comedy, #desert, #EIGENBROTLER, #Fantasy, #manga, #Misfits, #superpowers
No Free 2019-12-15 2021-01-24

by Alamino

Euphoria feels like he doesn't belong with his brother and long time best friends. Dylan and Ed are both expert thieves and street smart. Fade is tricky and learning fast from them, but Euphoria isn't picking up on any of their skills. He is starting to feel alone even with the people who mean the most to him. What he doesn't realize is he has a skill that is only his. But this skill that is meant to help people, only brings him and his family danger.

538 subs, 16.5k views
Fantasy 31
#anime, #desert, #healer, #journey, #magic, #manga, #thief
No Free 2014-12-23 2021-07-22

by Altrodesi
Fata Morgana

Gana and her father are traveling across the Sahara Desert together. They reach the town of Faya-Largeau. A chance encounter with a merchant leads to a surprising bloom. Somewhere in this town is the last piece that they are searching for. Will they be able to find it? And what will happen if they do?

4 subs, 110 views
Action 1
#Action, #adventure, #altrodesi, #anime, #blackanime, #black_and_white, #Comic, #desert, #deserteagle, #drama, #fata, #fighting, #flame_lily, #free, #gana, #jewelry, #manga, #morgana, #mystery, #oasis, #oneshot, #pencildrawing, #plants, #read, #righttoleft, #sand, #shonen, #tezukacontest, #Toonami, #welwitchia
No Free 2020-08-30 2020-08-30

by MsAnonymus

This is my first Series! It is about a world in the future corrupted by gamma rays and people affected by it, a 10% population have manifested super abilities. enjoy~

21 subs, 2.4k views
Fantasy 13
#Action, #adventure, #Alien, #apocalypse, #blood, #comedy, #deserts, #drama, #Fantasy, #Fight, #goddesses, #gods, #hate, #love, #mystery, #Powers, #romance, #Sci-fi, #ships, #space, #super humans, #violence, #war, #weapons
No Free 2014-06-15 2014-08-26

by Kikikora (ozone_tyl)
Ganmok's Revenge

A 16-year-old Korean student came to Hong Kong to take revenge for his family, but found that the murderer's mask hid a 1,000 years old curse related to his previous life --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * IG/Patron/Pivix/Twitter/Youtube (etc): @ComicKikikora * HP: https://linktr.ee/comickikikora * E-mail: Comic.Kikikora@gmail.com

235 subs, 7.64k views
Romance 28
#ah_kit, #betray, #brother, #cheating, #childhood_trauma, #classmate, #comickikikora, #curse, #dating, #death, #deer, #demon, #desert, #evil, #family, #fiance, #Fiancée, #first_love, #floating_platform, #Forever, #forgiveness, #ganmok, #goddess, #Hong_Kong, #incarnation, #I_Love_You, #kikikora, #kim, #Korea, #lake, #love, #love_at_first_sight, #magic, #Marriage, #mask, #ming_jai, #mr_chan, #myth, #nganoi, #ozonetyl, #ozone_tyl, #previous_life, #promise, #Revenge, #school, #Student, #taehyun, #tree, #wing_oi
Yes Free 2020-05-22 2021-12-16

by Sunatas
Gates of Imperium

When a malevolent lord from a hellish court snatches away their eldest child, a veteran Magus and Blessed Legionary must leave retirement and embark on their final adventure.

20 subs, 949 views
Fantasy 2
#arcadia, #Blessed, #Desert Below, #Fantasy WebComic, #Final Adventure, #floating_islands, #Flying Galleons, #Flying Ships, #Free to Read, #Gates of Imperium, #Highest Court, #jason, #Kikzarix, #Legion of The Iron Pheonix, #Legionary, #magic, #magus, #Nethermost Court, #Old Stewards, #Silver Steward, #Solomon, #Sunatas, #The Colloquium
No Free 2015-04-12 2015-04-28

by Hogathork
Godforsaken Rock

The year is 769 AL. For 68 years, Byoki Corporation Intergalactic has controlled the small moon of Rivako, located in the outer territories. However, typical government corruption, wealth inequality, and the actions of religious fanatics indicate that change may be on the horizon…. Meanwhile, some indentured bounty hunters are just living their lives in this powder keg. Follow Steph, Jackie, and Jimothy as they hunt criminals, eat cheap food, argue with robots, and barely scrape by. Updates every Saturday [currently on break]

4 subs, 1.03k views
Science fiction 15
#Action, #bounty_hunters, #cartoon, #Desert_Planet, #humor, #science_fiction, #SCI_FI, #simple_style, #Space_politics, #Space_Western
No Free 2021-07-04 2021-10-12

by TiniestSponge

A fantasy drama about cats surviving in the desert.

24 subs, 202 views
Drama 2
#cat, #cats, #Comic, #desert, #digital, #furry, #gold, #kit, #Kits, #kitten, #sand, #sun, #tiniestsponge, #webcomic
No Free 2020-02-20 2020-03-05

by Blue Fox Comics

If a tree falls in an abandoned spaceship, does it make a sound? Gone tells the story of a spaceship where all of the crew have disappeared. Waking up after many years of hibernation, the AssistA robot must piece together the mystery of the missing people, and try to get the ship away from the phenomenon just outside the window. But all is not as it seems, and AssistA is not as alone as it thinks it is... Welcome to Gone.

20 subs, 914 views
Science fiction 7
#deserted, #mystery, #robots, #science_fiction, #scifi, #space, #Spaceship
No Free 2015-05-13 2018-12-03

by Erkki Waan
Growing the Forest

When things seem to go wrong, it does not help but wrap up sleeves and take action. For example, to grow a forest on a desert.

7 subs, 498 views
Slice of life 7
#boi, #boy, #desert, #deserted, #environment, #factor, #forest, #GhostTown, #hardwork, #helping, #i_can_do_it, #nature, #people, #rainforest, #saving, #turtle, #village, #we_can_do_it, #work, #working, #world, #you_can_do_it
Yes Free 2018-11-12 2018-12-15

by Kennethjwagnon
Hearts Full of Sand

In this violent modern western, ex-outlaw Jim Hardy hunts down his old gang to protect his daughter Cor. SUPPORT ME @ patreon.com/kennethjwagnon

407 subs, 32.4k views
Drama 91
#bear, #bears, #black and white, #desert, #forest, #gun, #Guns, #HEARTS FULL OF SAND, #ink, #manga, #spaghetti western, #tattoo, #traditional, #Twitch, #western
No Free 2015-11-23 2022-03-07

by levanoart

Heracles escapes from madhouse and on behalf of the Host King must perform dangerous work. Along the way he will have to face tough guys who want to kill him.

3 subs, 252 views
Action 1
#adventure, #challenge, #combat, #Crime, #desert, #fights, #gangs, #Hercules, #madness, #mental_hospital, #motorcycles, #motorcycle_stunts, #music, #mythology, #psychology, #satire, #sports, #superheroes, #torture, #Trumpeter
No Free 2019-12-06 2019-12-06

by Nacho Nova
Human Stuff

A comic about the little things, magnified ten thousand times.

9 subs, 2.84k views
Slice of life 25
#autobio, #autobiographical, #body, #comedy, #desert, #el paso, #funny, #humor, #ink, #jokes, #life, #mind, #psychology, #Real life, #Soul, #traditional, #usa
No Free 2013-11-20 2015-04-08

by kvd
I Can Eat Glass It Doesn't Hurt Me

this could go on forever

3 subs, 859 views
Fantasy 16
#apocalypse, #apocalyptic, #desert, #end, #jail, #lunatic, #mixed_media, #philosophical, #philosophy, #post_apocalypse, #prison, #scifi, #sketchy, #space, #theory, #thinking, #weird, #western
No Free 2019-02-17 2021-09-05

by Spaceman Jones

The Cowboy rides forever.

6 subs, 109 views
Comedy 2
#cactus, #comedy, #Cowboy, #desert, #horse, #psychedelic, #western
No Free 2021-09-09 2021-09-12

by GingerLoge
in this darkened land

Grimnir is the only human in the Plains capable of using magic, but instead of siding with his people against the shapeshifters known as "the Intruders," he prefers to get drunk and wander the desert as a storyteller. Could the rumors be true that he gained his magic by making a blood pact with an Intruder? As the war between the two groups escalates, Grim will be forced to choose his side once and for all.

103 subs, 15k views
Fantasy 101
#adventure, #desert, #friendship, #invasion, #magic, #shapeshifter, #Spy, #war, #warlock, #Wizard
No Free 2021-08-10 2022-07-21

by Andrey Osório

Após um dos acampamentos de seu povo passar por problemas, Koto e Maah são deixados para trás. Agora Koto deve manter Maah, uma senhora com idade avançada, viva enquanto busca um novo acampamento ou algum outro local seguro. Como será a jornada desses dois?

1 subs, 95 views
Fantasy 3
#Action, #aventura, #comics, #desert, #Fantasy, #hqbr, #manga, #travel
Yes Free 2021-08-16 2021-08-30

by Francesco Silva
Junk Lords BR

Junk Lords é uma HQ sobre sobrevivência em futuro destruído. Uma série criada para colocar todas minha criações no mesmo universo.

27 subs, 453 views
Action 2
#deserto, #pos_apocaliptico, #quadrinhos, #wasteland
No Free 2019-11-22 2020-03-13

by Jaimmargot
Kindred Skies

KINDRED SKIES is about a group of dumb boys doing dumb things (but for money) Set in a desert wasteland where being a mercenary is often just a good honest living, Rofaryn and his men struggle to make their way in a world of goddesses and sorcerers, drugrunners and warlords. Episodic format; each chapter is a new adventure. LGBTQIA themes.

572 subs, 52.1k views
Fantasy 81
#Action, #adventure, #Angst, #bl, #boys, #desert, #dnd, #Fantasy, #gay, #gods, #humor, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #lgbtqa, #lgbtqa+, #magic, #manga, #mercenaries, #priests, #queer, #romance, #sand, #shonen, #shoujo, #silly, #slash, #sorcery, #steampunk, #wanderers, #yaoi
No Free 2015-11-12 2018-05-26

by BIbv
King Stone

The exciting adventures of Alex Stone, the boy learning what it take to become a man, all the while aiming to become a top hero in the world full of heroes! Join Alex across different lands, worlds, & dimensions as he and his new buddy Kadooz fight against villains, demons, & aliens in order to fight back injustice!

5 subs, 80 views
Fantasy 1
#alex_stone, #Alien, #androgynous, #bibv, #biracial, #black, #blm, #comedy, #demon, #desert, #funny, #gaming, #hero, #horror, #kadooz, #King, #King_Stone, #lgbtq, #mystery, #nonbinary, #Powers, #science_fiction, #scifi, #slice_of_life, #Slime, #stone, #Superhero, #white
No Free 2020-06-15 2020-06-17

by The Elegant Cat
Larry the Nomad

What could you say about a nomad? Not much, really...no future, no past...just the desert, and whatever there is behind the next dune. And maybe...just maybe...out there there's a nomad in search of a companion.

71 subs, 4.3k views
Comedy 16
#desert, #landscapes, #nomad, #philosophy, #travel
Yes Free 2014-05-18 2021-04-21

by leviwitdatglock
Levi's Discography

Levi's Discography is an anthology of short stories I wrote while listening to music. Each story is titled after the song that inspired it, so if you'd like, you can also listen to what inspired me. Thank you for reading!

12 subs, 246 views
Action 1
#adventure, #alita, #desert, #desert_punk, #Dessert, #Fight, #gunm, #punk, #robot, #scifi
No Free 2022-03-29 2022-03-29

by Eleck
Limite del mapa

En un futuro lejano, existe una única metrópolis construida en un desierto que parece interminable. Esta es la historia de Toker, un joven mecánico, que se ve forzado a cruzar el desierto y dejar su vida en "la ciudadela", junto con una tripulación conformada por El Capitán y sus otros dos ayudantes. El objetivo es capturar un anélido gigante para poder estudiarlo en pro de la ciencia, viajando hacia lugares nunca antes explorados, revelando misterios y amenazas ancestrales que buscan el dominio y destrucción de la humanidad. ------------ In a distant future, there is a single metropolis named "citadel" built in a desert that seems endless. This is the story of Toker, a young mechanic, who is forced to cross the desert and leave his life in the citadel, along with a crew made up of "The Captain" and his two other assistants. The objective is to capture a giant annelid in order to study it for the benefit of science, traveling to places never before explored, revealing mysteries and ancient threats that seek the domination and destruction of humanity.

1 subs, 64 views
Science fiction 5
#Accion, #Action, #airship, #captain, #desert, #dirigible, #spanish, #steampunk, #steam_punk, #zeppelin
No Free 2022-06-17 2022-07-22

by TAMAnnoying
Looking for Oasis

Rated PG13 due to strong language and adult themes. Reader discretion advised, themes include death and depression as well as discrimination. After a failed rebellion against the City of Pearls, a swordsman with no sword arm must find something new to live for. He must make a new home in a land he disagrees with, or leave and completely start over. Updates Sundays

681 subs, 168k views
Drama 243
#Action, #ancient, #aroace, #Criminal, #depression, #Desert_setting, #dimitri, #discrimination, #Dor_Jun, #empire, #enemies_to_friends, #fantacy, #Fantasy, #fish_people, #gods, #kingdoms, #lizard_people, #magic, #Races, #ralh, #Rebellion, #slow_burn, #szards, #Szard_Kingdom, #thea, #weekly, #Zilth
No Free 2018-04-01 2022-07-17

by Alex Damaceno
Lost Desert

A wanderer travels through an ancient realm, seeking for knowledge long forgotten

9 subs, 399 views
Fantasy 1
#alex damaceno, #Fantasy, #lost desert, #short trips, #webcomic
No Free 2016-01-20 2016-01-20

by AceAlmansoori

READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT A world where humans are 1/5th of the earths population. A world filled with dangerous creatures. Where as soon as you step outside the protected walls of the great city you may as well be dead. Will Ace be able to find the Myth? Will it be able to save him? Join the adventure in this fantasy based journey.

323 subs, 19.2k views
Fantasy 24
#acealmansoori, #anime, #artifacts, #colored, #Comic, #desert, #Fantasy, #gems, #gravity, #Ice, #light, #Lostmyth, #middleeast, #Orphan, #Powers, #psychological, #split personality disorder, #supernatural, #united arab emirates
No Free 2016-06-10 2016-12-03

by Godzillama
Mad Max: Broken Earth

A Mad Max crossover fancomic. Max races across the wasteland, fleeing from a mysterious new threat. Features characters owned by Warner Bros. Pictures and Universal Pictures. I don't own them. Obviously. Here's hoping I don't get a cease and desist!

5 subs, 653 views
Science fiction 7
#apocolypse, #australia, #copyright, #crossover, #desert, #fan, #fanart, #fancomic, #Graboid, #infringement, #mad, #max, #post, #Tremors
No Free 2017-09-21 2017-11-07

by axelhi

Tierras orientales post apocalípticas, en donde los parásitos son los únicos sobrevivientes.

2 subs, 349 views
Action 1
#cyberpunk, #desert, #mask, #parasite, #samurai, #steampunk
No Free 2018-02-05 2018-02-05

by Erkki Waan

Kun asiat tuntuvat menevän mönkään ei auta muu kuin kääriä hiat ja ryhdyttävä toimeen. Vaikkapa kasvatettava metsä aavikon päälle.

2 subs, 433 views
Slice of life 7
#boy, #desert, #dry, #environment, #factor, #finland, #finnnish, #forest, #hardwork, #helping, #nature, #rainforest, #saving, #turtle, #village, #work
Yes Free 2018-11-12 2018-12-18

by Magnaomega
Mighty Maw ESP

Carmina es del tipo de chica dinosaurio que te puede derretir con su ternura o molerte la cara a puñetazos... Le gusta leer, los dulces y trabajar en la cafetería...Pero también tiene una pasión oculta, las LUCHAS!! Acompaña a esta joven Carnotauro en sus peleas clandestinas para descubrir el secreto tras la desaparición su padre, el legendario Luchador "Killer Horn"

10 subs, 393 views
Action 1
#Action, #desert, #Dinosaur, #dinosaurios, #fighting, #Lizard, #magnaomega, #peleas, #scalie
No Free 2021-04-07 2021-04-07

by nopperaa

A young boy goes on a journey across the desert to deliver a special item in hopes to cure his sick father and bring prosperity back to his land; however, the desert is a mysterious place where death and misfortune are lurking behind every grain of sand. Dear Desert Traveller, Beware the Mirari.

210 subs, 1.4k views
Drama 7
#adventure, #desert, #journey, #ring, #sand
No Free 2021-07-02 2021-07-31

by Professor Bees
Mountain Strawberry

A young rodeo rider is sent to work as a cattle rustler after falling asleep on the wrong train. He is assigned to work with an old timer ranch hand much to each other’s chagrin. Will they make the whole cattle run in one piece while also finding home in each other?

315 subs, 14.9k views
BL 12
#cattle, #Cowboy, #cowboys, #desert, #gay, #horses, #love, #old_man, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2021-12-31 2022-07-20

by Helix

The daily life of a water blob in the desert.

0 subs, 80 views
Slice of life 3
#desert, #moxie, #relaxing, #water
No Free 2021-02-19 2021-06-17

by AKR.Medley
My Journey

Playing Journey did things to me. And I'm going to share them with you.

11 subs, 427 views
Gaming 2
#desert, #fanstasy, #gaming, #girl, #journey, #lilacScorpio, #My Journey, #nonveral, #Pc, #ps4, #redrumdog4
No Free 2016-06-24 2016-12-29

by Ell Dezso

The rough draft of a personal project I've been chipping away at for a while, a story about the black-blooded people in a city called Rapha. Another time and place, where a desert wasteland covers the entire world and only one oasis remains. After being taken in by two kind strangers, a boy named Shad begins to learn that the bizarre events happening in their city are all connected with his new friends, a dead prophet, and the stories of what happened after the earth was ravaged. This thing is definitely a work in progress, so you will certainly see leaps in progression with my art style as I've grown as an artist.

126 subs, 3.9k views
Fantasy 26
#birds, #Cerus, #color, #Comic, #desert, #doves, #draft, #Fantasy, #graphic_novel, #Neev, #Nightbreak, #oasis, #progress, #prophet, #Rapha, #Reih, #rough, #shad, #Shadrach, #snakes, #webcomic, #weird
No Free 2014-08-23 2021-06-04

by crocofoxteam
Oh my Gods

This is a story about two gods, the god of nile crocodiles and the god of desert foxes who will face the many struggles of human life because of a bet they made with each other. The road will be long and difficult but there will be many funny moments.

6 subs, 600 views
Comedy 4
#crocodile, #desert, #egyptian, #Fox, #fun, #funny, #gods, #love, #nile
No Free 2016-04-24 2016-05-13

by spencert12

Worship the Oil Gods or fry in the Desert Earth... Will the Cap and his crew find the Truth about their past? Check out our merch @ OnTheSly.Threadless.com

9 subs, 445 views
Action 4
#desert, #Fantasy, #pirates, #steam punk
No Free 2017-03-10 2017-03-31

by Cadevan
Out of the Dark

When Salaar and Clada are are forced out of their tribe due to the birth of their daughter, they are forced to travel the desert and surrounding mountains on their own. They hope to come across a tribe willing to take them in, but instead end up living as nomads as their daughter grows. Saarreds are a desert species that is split into three main tribes, "Striped" or the nobility, consider themselves the finest of the species; "Spotted" which are a more heavily built race that lives in the mountains; and "the Others" which consist of exiles and nomads that travel the whole range of the territory.

6 subs, 444 views
Fantasy 1
#desert, #drama, #ecology, #Fantasy, #nomad, #Politics, #romance, #Saarred, #sand, #shapeshifter
No Free 2016-05-27 2016-05-27

by Doodles Handlon
Pancho and Lefty

Some experimental strips I made trying to breathe new life into the "guy stuck on a deserted island" trope.

0 subs, 287 views
Comedy 3
#deserted island, #humor, #love, #puppets
No Free 2017-09-24 2017-09-24

by ZatchZ
Paradise Lost

One Shot Comic of a man trying to find a way out! Enjoy 'cause I won't make anymore!

10 subs, 502 views
Comedy 1
#adam, #Adama, #adventure, #black_and_white, #comedy, #completed, #desert, #done, #eve, #funny, #heaven, #lol, #manga, #old_man, #one_shot, #paradise, #short
Yes Free 2017-09-07 2019-08-11

by Trad
Pros Édra

Another post-apocalyptic comic, focusing on the trope of a survivor looking for a home. When Vanessa "Scythian" Stout stumbles across a sign in the desert proclaiming the existence of a small township called Pros Édra some distance away, her hopes are raised. Aenidia wasn't exactly welcoming, but perhaps this would be a better place for her. But the town isn't exactly normal, and Scythian soon learns that the world wasn't what it seems...

7 subs, 523 views
Action 6
#apocalypse, #desert, #post-apocalyptic, #pros edra
No Free 2016-10-05 2017-02-06

by M

In the year 2052 a group of petty criminals takes an ill fated journey across the desert to awaken an elder god. Hijinks ensue.

12 subs, 1.17k views
Science fiction 83
#anthro, #california, #desert, #desert_punk, #furry, #monsters, #post_apocalyptic, #science_fiction
No Free 2018-10-31 2019-03-06

by Tazlov

A comic detailing the life of Ratt Avii'mald, a nomadic alien doctor who, along with his daughter, attempt to survive as exiles in a cruel, unforgiving world.

2 subs, 190 views
Science fiction 22
#Alien, #aliens, #desert, #Rags
No Free 2020-03-06 2022-02-26

by Philip de Goya

The world is melting. All life is threatened by an incomprehensible Shape in the sky. A curious huntress decides to follow it into the mountains, facing dangerous obstacles along the way.

3 subs, 397 views
Science fiction 5
#apocalypse, #climate, #desert, #global_warming, #huntress, #Ice, #melting, #mountain, #psychedelic, #razuberi, #sci_fantasy, #SCI_FI, #snow, #surreal, #Tundra
Yes Free 2018-07-24 2020-03-24

by Damon Begay
Rez Bots

The Navajo reservation is one of the last pieces of land left in the world and now it is up to G-Ma and her grand kids to protect the rez from outside invasion.

27 subs, 1.67k views
Action 13
#arizona, #battle, #desert, #dinosaurs, #grand kids, #grandma, #Navajo, #New_Mexico, #reservation, #rez, #robots, #sani, #shiprock
No Free 2015-05-09 2021-03-09

by Blank Esquire
Rocks and Teeth: A Faux-Cannibal Comic

The world is full of unfairness and no one knows this better than Rickwerd Kwaadvis, Edward Bruadair, Felix Roxucrow, Idzi Colliv and Mister Somerset. The crew struggles to make their community a better place but no' without obstacles.

3 subs, 938 views
Fantasy 51
#assassins, #bloody, #creepy, #dark_humour, #desert, #pirates, #urban fantasy
No Free 2016-06-10 2017-04-25

by Mariana Serra
Ronin - 2016

In a deserted land you do what you must to survive. Eat or be eaten. That's the law of survival. So whatever the road gives you... written by David Thomas

3 subs, 434 views
Action 1
#Action, #desert, #explosions, #Guns, #punk, #raid, #raiders
No Free 2016-04-21 2016-11-21

by daphlarriv
Rune !

"Sand, sand, sand ... Sand everywhere ! I'm so sick of this. Where does it end ? If it even begun ..." Follow the journey of Rune through the desert, for better or for worse !

0 subs, 77 views
Fantasy 2
#desert, #Fantasy, #quest
No Free 2021-05-13 2021-05-14

by Yeeeeeeeee

Twenty some years old Skyler Bheo runs away to join a crew of pirates on the flying ship Rynspyr. Set in the Ebarcul desert where magical ryn fuel the economy, Skyler is tasked with chronicling the scintillating adventures and scandalous escapades of Captain Alabaster the Immortal and his crew on Rynspyr. Please check website for more regular updates. Tapastic version will update whenever the chapter is complete.

16 subs, 873 views
Fantasy 8
#desert, #pirates
No Free 2014-06-28 2015-06-16

by AngelXHolika
Sand Dreams

A tale of 'Sword and Sorcery' follows an elf lost in the dying lands of Illiyad.

474 subs, 1.12k views
Fantasy 4
#dark, #desert, #Desert_Fantasy, #elf, #Fantasy, #female_elf, #female_protagonist, #medieval, #nsfw, #sword_and_sorcery
No Free 2017-10-12 2022-02-11

by artmakerred
Sand in Our Hair

Updates Mondays ( trigger warning: depictions of scars) Jean Valjean, in an attempt to once and for all evade French law and his pursuer, the Formidable Inspector Javert, he is marooned on a deserted island with none other than the Inspector himself. ~~~~ I have had this on my computer for almost 3 years and I finally decided it was time someone other than me got to read this cringe-worthy unmasterpiece

154 subs, 5.46k views
Romance 10
#beach, #Brick, #desert island, #gay, #I am sorry, #inspector javert, #Javert, #Jean Valjean, #les mis, #Les Miserables, #ocean, #sand, #super gay, #valjean, #victor hugo, #waves
No Free 2017-06-05 2020-12-28

by Les
Sandy Flores

A mermaid that is not a mermaid, a boy who wants to become the king of puppies, and a weirdo wearing a fishbowl as a helmet travel the Sandy Flores land in search of adventure, but mostly trouble.

192 subs, 7.9k views
Science fiction 15
#cute, #desert, #english, #fishbowl frank, #flowers, #jet tresh, #mermaid, #sand, #sandy flores, #Spanglish, #spanish, #Trio
No Free 2015-09-17 2016-04-01

by Macxi

Welcome to SlumberTown! Population: ... 32! Romy, a socially anxious retriever, is the newest resident of the quiet ghost town. New job? Check. New friends? Check. Forgotten memories and unusual supernatural phenomena? Also... check. Upon arriving in Slumber, Romy quickly realizes that there are more questions surrounding her move than she initially thought. She can’t remember why she came there or how she got there. Things that seemed to make sense at first stop making sense altogether. Many of the residents seem accustomed to life in Slumber, but Romy can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to the strange desert town than first meets the eye. The mysteries continue to pile up, and with the help of her new friends, Romy sets out to seek the truth while navigating her social anxiety in a quest to discover what brought them there... and how to find their way back home. Updates: Every Monday Main website: slumbertowncomic.com You can follow the Twitter @townofslumber for news about the project as it progresses!

272 subs, 50.9k views
Mystery 190
#anthro, #anxiety, #cute, #desert, #dream, #furry, #heartwarming, #mental_illness, #nightmare, #psychological
No Free 2019-04-19 2022-06-30

by Macxi
SlumberTown: Special Episodes

A spin-off series of SlumberTown!: https://tapas.io/series/SlumberTown When Romy and her friends aren't investigating the mysteries of the strange dream town of Slumber, they're building relationships and living day to day with the neighbors who reside there! Follow the slice-of-life adventures of the various SlumberTown residents, and how they learn to overcome their unique mental struggles and obstacles -- with the help of Slumber's new therapy dog, and willpower to improve their wellbeing. Everyday life in a dream town may be a bit weird and whimsical at times, so even an ordinary day in Slumber tends to be a bit on the stranger side!

31 subs, 372 views
Slice of life 4
#anthro, #anxiety, #cute, #desert, #dream, #furry, #heartwarming, #mental_illness, #nightmare, #psychological
No Free 2022-05-23 2022-07-18

by Jaspiry
Soft Served

Soft Serving a tidbit of comics!

1 subs, 293 views
Comedy 1
#comedy, #Comic, #desert, #food, #funny, #ice cream, #random, #silly, #soft serve
No Free 2017-07-07 2017-07-07

by Shitsumon
Soleil the prince

Soleil, the prince of the spezies " K'ara " on his way to his own adventure. His main mission is to earn his tail.

24 subs, 966 views
Fantasy 11
#Action, #adventure, #bl, #boyslove, #desert, #Fantasy, #oc, #own spezies
No Free 2017-09-19 2018-07-12

by misc.collecter
Somewhere in the Sands

A blue desert and red blimp filled with adventurers.

1 subs, 367 views
Fantasy 5
#adventure, #blimp, #desert, #Fantasy, #sand
No Free 2017-06-01 2017-06-30

by MrKisiel
Songs of Greavesoyl - Volume 3 (Part 1)

The continent on far north is a giant desert. Land of a race known as kharr, where young naive human traveler decided to spend her vacations and where she will face all sorts of danger the desert has to offer, together Zar'Rioi, shady kharr guide with scorpion tail.

1 subs, 1.5k views
Fantasy 12
#desert, #Fantasy, #greavesoyl, #journey, #songs_of_greavesoyl
Yes Free 2020-12-12 2021-11-09

by MrKisiel
Songs of Greavesoyl - Volume 3 (Part 2)

The story of Zar'Rioi and Dayini continues, with both of them facing their fears - blind sandbender Wor'Sau with whom Zar shares sad past and mysterious gray man whom only Dayini can see.

0 subs, 1.4k views
Fantasy 15
#desert, #Fantasy, #sog, #songs_of_greavesoyl
Yes Free 2021-11-11 2021-11-11

by Ganna Green
Star City

This is a story about City, peope of the City and enemies of the City. But wait! Are they exactly enemies?

14 subs, 507 views
Fantasy 2
#Action, #adventure, #birds, #city, #country, #desert, #drama, #east, #fights, #Fog, #House, #Legends, #magic, #mythology, #myths, #north, #philosophy, #Reflections, #relationship, #self-search, #snakes, #star, #swamp
No Free 2017-04-28 2017-05-03

by Kristin
Star Wheel

Star Wheel is a fantasy adventure comic set in the fictional Camor Desert. The story follows Vic, an ambitious but nervous grad student who hires seasoned desert survival guide Tam to guide them to a prospective archeological site. The two come from very different backgrounds and experiences, but soon learn their differences can be what helps them through this journey. In terms of both survival, and emotional growth. And maybe, they aren’t as different as they thought.

1 subs, 156 views
Fantasy 8
#adventure, #desert, #exploration, #Fantasy, #journey, #nonbinary, #queer
No Free 2022-03-11 2022-07-15

by Opossum RG

Adventures in the pink desert.

25 subs, 768 views
Fantasy 2
#adventure, #black, #desert, #Fantasy, #gray, #grey, #moutain, #pink, #Static, #white
No Free 2016-04-12 2016-05-11

by Orange Savannah
Step Aside

When a mysterious being gets trapped inside an ancient temple, it has to make a deal with a young local woman to get back out again. The woman and the creature soon find themselves on a long journey where they both try to run away from their past.

2.38k subs, 424k views
Fantasy 160
#ancient, #angel, #armor, #being, #canyon, #celestial, #Creature, #dark, #desert, #faceless, #Fantasy, #girl, #gods, #human, #ittri, #journey, #Knight, #magic, #medieval, #middle_age, #Monster, #mysterious, #mystic, #nk, #nkos, #orangesavannah, #Otherwordly, #people, #sand, #Soul, #souls, #spells, #spirit, #step_aside, #sword, #swords, #temple, #wings, #woman
No Free 2017-04-24 2022-06-26

by Riana Dorsey
Suihira: The City of Water

Her whole life, Princess Wahida has prayed for passage to “Suihira,” the holy City of Water, lost to time and myth. When the goddess Akia appears before her and declares Wahida to be worthy of her city, the zealous princess doesn’t think twice before venturing into the wilderness. However, Princess Wahida quickly finds she needs more than faith to brave the harsh journey. After leaving her father’s kingdom, she is greeted by all the desert has to offer: bandits, liars, and enemies she could have never imagined.

15.6k subs, 923k views
Fantasy 98
#Action, #adventure, #Akia, #cama, #camels, #deities, #desert, #Desert_Fantasy, #Desert_Planet, #drama, #family, #Hadima, #ignis, #landscape, #legend, #Leo, #myth, #nature, #Nicolai, #postapocalyptic, #post_apocalyptic, #riana_dorsey, #romance, #Serin, #sisters, #Suihira, #Wahida
No Free 2014-11-22 2022-07-07

by Giz
Sùles (version française)

Un conte de sable

25 subs, 1.14k views
Fantasy 30
#creatures, #desert, #Fantasy, #faun, #sand
No Free 2018-08-22 2020-04-10

by JerryDalí
Sunny Bones

El pequeño Bicho y su maestro se embarcan en una búsqueda legendaria por iluminación y de paso enseñarle algo de provecho al pupilo insolente.

3 subs, 386 views
Fantasy 2
#adventure, #comedy, #desert, #illumination, #mystery
No Free 2019-03-25 2019-09-19