Story | Genre | Eps | Tags | Done | Type | Created | Updated | |
![]() by Ooka-san |
!mater vale!
The new life of 4 dead 15 years old kids.
40 subs, 1.67k views
Comedy | 12 | No | Free | 2019-05-08 | 2019-05-18 | |
![]() by VL |
What if anime characters had instagrams?
Heh. Heh. :)
16 subs, 563 views
Slice of life | 2 | No | Free | 2015-09-01 | 2015-09-02 | |
![]() by Yuuike |
#Such is life
Random cannot-even moments that happens to me in life told in 2-4 panels
301 subs, 8.73k views
Slice of life | 5 | No | Free | 2015-06-19 | 2018-03-04 | |
![]() by Lucien Raven |
Este es un comic donde retrato esas pequeñas pero significativas situaciones vividas en la intimidad. Y que de seguro, la mayoría de nosotros conoce.
Espero que este cómic ayude a entender que no importa el género, orientación sexual o numero de participantes en una relación. Lo que importa es el amor y respeto hacia las otras personas.
19 subs, 6.64k views
Slice of life | 35 | No | Free | 2018-12-29 | 2019-06-06 | |
![]() by E. Rega |
A comic about a boy and the demon he accidentally summons living together in a more magical and geographically inconsistent Philadelphia.
An attempt to sort of smush together urban fantasy, slice of life and romance manga, but more queer friendly and less terrible relationship models, hopefully!
188 subs, 8.56k views
Slice of life | 26 | No | Free | 2016-11-12 | 2020-12-11 | |
![]() by Josh Reynolds |
'Til the End
The world is their playground. They just have to do a little pest control.
13 subs, 1.54k views
Comedy | 37 | No | Free | 2017-06-05 | 2017-08-01 | |
![]() by Maycon SB |
( One-Shot) Zombie Flag
Novo mundo Zumbi, Capitão Jhon vai em busca dos 5 tesouros zumbis!
5 subs, 199 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2020-01-21 | 2020-03-21 | |
![]() by Camilo Catman |
(Cancelado) Underground fighters
un comic de peleas
26 subs, 1.24k views
Action | 4 | No | Free | 2019-01-08 | 2021-02-09 | |
![]() by TMB to H.E.L.L. |
(EN) Take me back to HELL
H.E.L.L. (the High Emporium of Love and Lust) is the most amazing queer paradise ever, but in order to be able to enjoy the eternal party, Sam must first perform community service in E.A.R.T.H. (the Equanimous Area Restricted To Humans) by helping LGBTIQ+ people to come out of the closet and securing their place in this idyllic afterlife resort.
18 subs, 442 views
Comedy | 1 | No | Free | 2017-12-14 | 2018-12-06 | |
![]() by TMB to H.E.L.L. |
(ES) Take me back to HELL
H.E.L.L es el paraíso queer más impresionante del Universo, pero para poder disfrutar de la fiesta eterna, Sam debe primero cumplir con su servicio comunitario en E.A.R.T.H. ayudando a personas LGBTIQ+ a salir del clóset y así asegurar su lugar en este idílico resort.
10 subs, 469 views
Action | 1 | No | Free | 2017-12-14 | 2018-12-06 | |
![]() by Akatsuya |
(ESPAÑOL) Metal Gear Solid 5: The Silent War
Fan-fic basado en Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Después de la decepción que supuso, esta es mi versión de los hechos.
20 subs, 4.77k views
Action | 13 | Yes | Free | 2018-04-24 | 2022-01-04 | |
![]() by FabianPalaciosArt |
(Español) ONE SHOT - Blandine & Mana
ONE SHOT - Blandine & Mana
pequeña historia de dos chicas en su vida cotidiana.
manga de practica.
0 subs, 10 views
Horror | 1 | No | Free | 2020-05-07 | 2020-10-06 | |
![]() by YURINE |
(GL) Us Right Now
Rina's long-term girlfriend, Noa, decides to run away from home. Rina has limited time to find her if she wants to continue the relationship.
1.92k subs, 154k views
GL | 76 | No | Free | 2017-01-30 | 2022-07-07 | |
![]() by Kaisto |
(Growing up) Odd & Idle
Basically my over-exaggerated life. Odd thoughts, idle hours, and awkward moments for days, son.
33 subs, 1.09k views
Slice of life | 8 | No | Free | 2018-11-16 | 2019-01-04 | |
![]() by Kishera |
(Kish)enanigans is a series of either chibi or normal styled mini cartoonies; of my characters. They express their love, sad, fun or embarrassing moments.
4 subs, 567 views
Comedy | 4 | No | Free | 2017-12-30 | 2018-07-10 | |
![]() by Deimos |
:: Fancomic feita para o Amigo Secreto do grupo Suibian! ::
Xiao Zhan e Wang Yibo têm um passado turbulento e nebuloso. Existem coisas que são difíceis de esquecer, sejam elas boas ou ruins.
E elas se tornam ainda mais difíceis quando, depois de tanto tempo, você reencontra a fonte de todas essas memórias.
5 subs, 389 views
BL | 4 | No | Free | 2020-01-03 | 2020-01-04 | |
![]() by Nychta |
(Not) Chosen one
Nymphs exiled witches from their magical world to the human world. That affected the magic world ecosystem. Nymphs called it "the black curse".
There is a profecy where a "chosen one" was going to save their world. The thing is that "chosen one" is a blatant fake.
2 subs, 284 views
Fantasy | 5 | No | Free | 2020-02-23 | 2020-03-14 | |
![]() by EBee |
(Version Retired for a Reboot) The Lessfortunate Beings
This is the original start of the comic The Lessfortunate Beings. It has now been retired for a reboot! Feel free to read it anyway to get an idea of what the new version will be like.
305 subs, 20.8k views
Fantasy | 29 | No | Free | 2014-08-31 | 2019-04-02 | |
![]() by grandajake87 |
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0 subs, 4 views
Action | 1 | No | Free | 2017-10-02 | 2017-10-02 | |
![]() by StoopSJK |
A lonely alien stranded on earth is plagued by many universal misfortunes. But is he really the unluckiest person in the universe? Watch as he learns to overcome all his obstacles: READ AND EXPLORE HIS DEEP RESOLVE!!!!
2 subs, 285 views
Science fiction | 1 | Yes | Free | 2017-06-10 | 2021-02-24 | |
![]() by Unicornio Azul. |
...But I love you (English version)
Liv likes Iris. She is in love with her eyes, her lips, her smile and the strange way her nose rises when something bothers her. Love everything about her, except her favorite band.
A gay romance between two girls, a modern Romeo and Juliet, but with two Julietts and no murders, two lovers from different fandoms and different ships
157 subs, 1.51k views
Romance | 5 | No | Free | 2018-06-16 | 2021-06-29 | |
![]() by SkyLeoHeart |
...I Forgot
This comic is about actual events and stuff that happened in my life.
While this is intended to be comedic, do not be surprised if I throw in something serious once in a while.
37 subs, 3.63k views
Slice of life | 42 | No | Free | 2016-10-30 | 2019-10-12 | |
![]() by Marcelo Dakí |
.ensaio. - Como posso deprimido como posso e xercer (...)
[Como posso deprimido como posso e
xercer funções paranoides neste ponto de
pulo do século
um ensaio sobre Serial Experiments Lain
e seus encapsulamentos para um cyberBrazil 202X]
- - -
Baudolino (Umberto Eco)
Flowers for Algernon (Danyel Keyes)
2 subs, 686 views
Horror | 14 | Yes | Free | 2020-12-13 | 2021-10-14 | |
![]() by Auspice |
Humans and computers have long been considered different entities, each with their own strengths and flaws. But in the era of 2520, almost every human is born in tandem with an AI, made to evolve, to become the perfect complement of the human.
Together, they are two, but one. Together, they are the HUMaiN.
29 subs, 779 views
Science fiction | 3 | No | Free | 2020-08-15 | 2021-09-05 | |
![]() by Marcelo Dakí |
.manga. - Holocusts na Cabeça
O primeiro mangá da DAKÍCORP. Baseado em fatos reais, ainda que tenham se passado apenas dentro da cabeça do autor. Recomendamos a leitura do prefácio que antecede a narrativa.
Apoiadores da campanha em recebem o pdf (e, caso queiram, o impresso encadernado). Confira nossos trabalhos clicando no link ou acessando
1 subs, 273 views
Drama | 12 | Yes | Free | 2020-12-31 | 2020-12-31 | |
![]() by |
/Average Life
This will just be a series of random drabbles made for fun.
Hopefully, I'm actually funny.
Upload schedule is screwed up, sadly.
41 subs, 2.06k views
Comedy | 17 | No | Free | 2017-04-17 | 2018-07-22 | |
![]() by Bepis (L&S) |
/No Title Yet/
Every generation, four humans are born with powers of the four main elements. Fire, water, earth, and air. These are the guardians of the human race, protectors from evil.
7 subs, 377 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2016-08-14 | 2017-06-30 | |
![]() by TimidTeratoma |
0019 - Comic Assignment
This is a two page comic created for an assignment. We were given two different photos, and our task was to create a story connecting them.
0 subs, 56 views
Science fiction | 2 | Yes | Free | 2022-03-15 | 2022-03-15 | |
![]() by Bryand-Michel Bandit |
100 milliards d'immortels
22 subs, 1.56k views
Science fiction | 13 | No | Free | 2015-10-25 | 2017-09-07 | |
![]() by Ayat_Rashid |
101 things I love about you
The title is self-explanatory
8 subs, 588 views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2015-02-09 | 2015-02-09 | |
![]() by AfterArtist |
12 But Not Dead
In a world where the twelve Zodiacs are people, living and breathing, something goes wrong.
The siblings are suddenly thrown into apocalyptic situations, separated and forced to work with unlikely allies,
The world is falling apart and growing desolate, and only one person holds the key to save it,
But what if they’re not willing to help
6 subs, 209 views
Science fiction | 2 | No | Free | 2020-01-25 | 2020-01-31 | |
![]() by c.wyvern |
13 Centinal War
nearly 1300 years after the original apparatus wars began and sheol has finally been thrust into the conflict. through this a civil war has began and divided the country. a boy, a noble man, Dizzy D. Locke has been drafted and defected to what's left of sheol. however he will soon discover it will be more difficult than he anticipated, will his mysterious apparatus be enough to get away from the trials and tribulations of the world.
0 subs, 47 views
Action | 1 | No | Free | 2022-05-17 | 2022-05-18 | |
![]() by KnightJJ |
150 days
A Chinese prince loses his way in the Arabian desert.
A stranger finds him and agrees to take him home but letting go of each other turns out to be harder then they first thought.
Created with the help of my amazing friend Aqssa
5.81k subs, 265k views
Drama | 17 | No | Free | 2015-08-17 | 2016-01-17 | |
![]() by careko |
16 Quest
The Fire King discovers that the queen has been cheating on him and decides to declare war on the Ice Kingdom... again.
Reil, Fire Kingdom's general, bored of this endless cycle of open conflict (which leaves her too little time to slack off), decides to do something about it...
*this story was drawn a while ago (january 2012). in chapter 3, the style kinda change because I got better with the g-pen and was drawn in may 2013...*
78 subs, 1.21k views
Fantasy | 3 | No | Free | 2014-12-21 | 2015-01-06 | |
![]() by EverybodyLikesLiz |
2016: The Best & The Worst of Each Damn Week
An autobiographical comic featuring the best, the worst, and one extra detail of my life each week. Posts each Tuesday.
14 subs, 2.7k views
Slice of life | 52 | No | Free | 2016-03-17 | 2017-01-10 | |
![]() by birdentea |
2020 Art Final
My art final for 2020! This is merely a one-off.
3 subs, 59 views
Fantasy | 1 | Yes | Free | 2020-05-26 | 2020-08-13 | |
![]() by erinshuttleworth |
2020 Baby: A Diary of Motherhood
Daily life comics about motherhood, art, relationships and cats.
4 subs, 1.02k views
Slice of life | 53 | No | Free | 2020-10-13 | 2021-04-28 | |
![]() by Charroltin |
21st Century Zombie
What does a Zombie have to do, to get some peace and quiet in this crazy world?
29 subs, 673 views
Comedy | 2 | No | Free | 2017-06-17 | 2019-02-14 | |
![]() by REM Creates |
One Shot Preview (1/2). A young salaryman must get through his busy day.
1 subs, 60 views
Slice of life | 2 | No | Free | 2022-05-13 | 2022-06-25 | |
![]() by AlexAlexAlex |
24-Hour Comic
Chimera: weird object or subject composed of disparate parts, a whole without unity. Attractive project, but unachievable, a vain idea that is only the product of imagination, illusion.
(translation by Heloise)
5 subs, 782 views
Slice of life | 10 | Yes | Free | 2017-10-04 | 2019-01-03 | |
![]() by AlexAlexAlex |
24-Hour Comic (French)
Chimère : être ou objet bizarre composé de parties disparates, formant un ensemble sans unité. Projet séduisant, mais irréalisable, idée vaine qui n'est que le produit de l'imagination, illusion.
1 subs, 734 views
Slice of life | 10 | No | Free | 2017-11-29 | 2018-11-11 | |
![]() by Cornelis Jettke |
24h - Through the Storage Wood
A private investigator reluctantly enters wonderland in search of a drunk guy who fell through a magic wardrobe.
You know that event, where you try to neglect basic human needs and perfectionism for 24 hours and draw a 24-page comic instead?
Well this is my attempt from 2019. It took me 10 extra hours though to finish the inking.
8 subs, 338 views
Comedy | 6 | Yes | Free | 2020-05-10 | 2020-10-22 | |
![]() by ericmonksteel |
A message sent over discord, revisited in comic form almost 2 years later to mark an anniversary.
We embark on a journey through dreams to reunite lovers over great distances. Though the journey may be perilous, the reward is ever so sweet...
8 subs, 245 views
Fantasy | 6 | No | Free | 2022-03-14 | 2022-03-19 | |
![]() by mathiashelbra |
3/11 Ein Mobbingopfer berichtet
A Series about the life from Robert, a victim of bullying and his way to cope with the everyday bullying-related problems.
And the way from the sad victim to a self confident man.
This manga is in German.
Based on my true story.
1 subs, 249 views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2017-03-30 | 2017-03-30 | |
![]() by Mr. Tamazaki |
30 days with Pachon
The daily life of this little cute named Pachon, only for 30 days
0 subs, 151 views
Comedy | 2 | No | Free | 2019-05-14 | 2019-05-14 | |
![]() by FlamePanda |
-Will enter more later, won't update for a while sorry-
333 is a comic that follows the tale of 333, a character who lives in a world where everyone has names and appearances based on christian biblical 'devil' number-666. But what if you're halfway? Neither a prankster or a perfect person?
2 subs, 304 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2017-09-29 | 2017-09-29 | |
![]() by fottantuno |
404 Life Not Found
A life comic where the reality of a situation mixes with the fantasy of an insane mind. Sometimes bunnies and homo stuff.
Updated every now and then due to personal issues.
-- Please do not repost, edit,or use my artworks and comics without permission. --
4k subs, 413k views
Slice of life | 98 | No | Free | 2014-09-30 | 2018-06-14 | |
![]() by Undead Addict |
Eric and his half-brother, Chase find themselves running away from crime, only to come to a realization that a (zombie) virus has spread worldwide.
(Also it's a BL...)
11 subs, 371 views
Science fiction | 4 | No | Free | 2019-03-05 | 2019-03-05 | |
![]() by panincomics |
8 bit comics
comics & memes about games
793 subs, 233k views
Gaming | 284 | No | Free | 2015-07-15 | 2019-02-06 | |
![]() by wilwoodsart |
Created by Wil Woods
Pencils/Inks/Story - Wil Woods
Colors/Story- Tyrine
As a child, Chevy "8-Bit" Nesbitt was a video game champion and the industry's biggest star. Today she is a forgotten relic, left behind by the eSport industry she once ruled. However, a mysterious invitation to a secret tournament holds the key for her return to glory....or does it?
40 subs, 3.3k views
Gaming | 47 | No | Free | 2016-08-01 | 2017-02-08 | |
![]() by samfooey |
8track Hearts
sometimes talking is hard, so i make mixes to explain my feelings
455 subs, 4.84k views
Romance | 2 | No | Free | 2015-12-31 | 2016-01-02 | |
![]() by 69Erocento |
What would you do if you are given a second chance to turn back time and relive your past? Would you do what you did back then for fear of the butterfly effect? Or would you take a different course of action and let the future speaks for itself?
Warning: Mild blood and gore (it's okay I can't handle intense gore either)
3.86k subs, 19k views
Fantasy | 5 | No | Free | 2016-05-06 | 2019-02-22 | |
![]() by Daniel Clatworthy |
A 16-Bit Adventure
Playing RPG's by myself I always imagined I was the hero as well as are all my friends. As we traverse the world in search of adventure and tell bad jokes in the process.
46 subs, 5.48k views
Comedy | 34 | No | Free | 2014-10-07 | 2015-03-30 | |
![]() by filmanhaes |
A Agressao
Mini história sobre a agressão sofrida por uma pedinte deficiente no metrô do Rio.
2 subs, 127 views
Drama | 1 | Yes | Free | 2019-09-20 | 2021-04-11 | |
![]() by Miss-Mae |
A Book by its Cover
Traeden and Cynthia are pretty much polar opposites.
Cynthia is a princess of the realm, she's head cheerleader, and popular as a girl can get.
Traeden is a drow, he's student council president, and the top student and Laurier Highschool.
When the two of them are forced together, neither is thrilled about it, and they're sure that this arrangement is going to cause nothing but chaos in their lives. However, maybe they're not as different as they seem to be...
Don't judge a book by its cover!
21 subs, 915 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2014-12-19 | 2014-12-19 | |
![]() by Niki |
A Boy Who Lived
Main character is Tyler, he's 17. Your task is to analyze every page and build theory about what happened to Tyler. New page every day~ enjoy <3
14 subs, 2.38k views
Drama | 31 | No | Free | 2017-10-01 | 2017-10-31 | |
![]() by K. B. Howell |
A Brochure for the Damned
This is the official information page for the novel "The Long Lost Youth: Book One", publishing on July 9th, 2018 for the Writer's Camp July Competition. This page comes before the Prologue.
Shortcut link to Prologue:
5 subs, 331 views
Fantasy | 1 | Yes | Free | 2018-07-09 | 2018-07-09 | |
![]() by Gabriel Peçanha |
A Coelhinha Sabida
A Coelhinha Sabida é uma Coelhinha de Pelúcia amarela, Muito inteligente, que adora tocar Guitarra e dar bons exemplos
Uma Personagem Inteligente para crianças inteligentes
O bom exemplo vai chegar e você também vai gostar
0 subs, 115 views
Slice of life | 8 | No | Free | 2021-01-18 | 2021-02-02 | |
![]() by domitillarosa |
a cottage secret
A city girl stays at her grandma's farm for a summer before moving away to another country to follow her dreams. She is fascinated by her neighbor, a shy redheaded girl named Betty - who's also fascinated by her.
A story about growing up and figuring out who you are among chaos, loneliness and love.
28 subs, 1.2k views
Romance | 33 | Yes | Free | 2020-10-17 | 2021-07-05 | |
![]() by Raerae235 |
A crow
You are a visitor who came to visit a mysterious man who lives in a mansion in a forest. He tells you a story about a single crow. (Based on a short story I did in 2013 and then did a comic off of it for school in 2014. I remade this for this year)
0 subs, 16 views
Horror | 1 | Yes | Free | 2022-06-23 | 2022-07-01 | |
![]() by orribu |
A Cup of Sugar
-UPDATES ON FRIDAYS! Cool, another reason to love Friday(s)!-
Hello, neighbor! Meet the residents of Aether Heights, an apartment complex where only the strangest tenants live. Join secret agents, monsters, psychics, and sentient viruses alike as they deal with day to day life. All it takes to kick off these relationships can be as simple and old-fashioned as a cup of sugar.
17 subs, 1.35k views
Comedy | 3 | No | Free | 2015-06-19 | 2020-10-19 | |
![]() by CoffeeKitz |
A Date to Forget; A Night to Remember.
Meet Owen, age 25, resident drummer and rhythm game enthusiast of the up and coming new band 'Keyboard Smash'
Join them and their bandmates as they prepare for their debut performance at the 'Man on Fire' concert at the heart of NYC's music scene- as well as a whirlwind date with a mystery ex bandmate they haven't seen in years.
This comic is part of a four part series anthology following the ups and downs of band and personal life alike.
"When The Sun Goes Down" - Caledori
"Ain't No Rest For The Wicked" - Koobi
"That's Not My Triangle" - Wren Bluejay
"A Date to Forget; A Night to Remember." - CoffeeKitz (this comic)
9 subs, 114 views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2021-04-19 | 2021-04-19 | |
![]() by YOU-cee |
A Day in the Life of YOU-cee (Colored)
Excerpts from my daily life.
270 subs, 8.6k views
Slice of life | 15 | No | Free | 2016-06-02 | 2016-06-23 | |
![]() by TheGingerConnoisseur |
A Day to Wear White
University should be about learning new skills, and creating friendships that last a life time, and not trying to single-handedly solve a crime. But what’s the fun in that? Some people like to do all three. When yet another girl goes missing, Charlie sets out to find her, which is easier than expected when an amnesiac is involved as the kidnapper. Doors are left wide open and unlocked, and everything seems to just slot right into place... Almost as if it was planned that way.
9 subs, 155 views
Mystery | 3 | No | Free | 2020-10-10 | 2020-10-10 | |
![]() by Arin Bray |
A Demon's Dream
Vincente, a high school freshman, discovers he can travel to a different dimension in his dreams and befriends a demon who lives there.
2 subs, 192 views
Fantasy | 6 | No | Free | 2020-07-07 | 2021-01-22 | |
![]() by soderpop |
A Dog Named BATMAN
An interactive webcomic that follows the adventures of Alex (a man with Autism), and his service dog (Batman) as they try to find there way around NYC, survive college, and generally geek out over awesome things.
Be sure to leave suggestions for what should happen next!
15 subs, 837 views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2015-01-24 | 2015-01-24 | |
![]() by PRIUS |
A Dollar A Day
Hi everyone! So as I've left behind my dreaded high school years, I've decided to also leave behind most of my youthful but old projects to take an an easier and more eye-catching project: a romance, of course.
Our two main characters, Tamara and Mathis, are caught up in a risky situation...but that's all I can tell you for now ;)
32 subs, 525 views
Romance | 1 | No | Free | 2018-05-12 | 2018-05-12 | |
![]() by DearCorvid |
A Dragon’s End
When a human-dragon hybrid is exposed, her life is put on the line due to the greed of humans. What is there to do when everyone around you is willing to kill you for the source of your power?
877 subs, 59k views
LGBTQ+ | 49 | No | Free | 2019-03-28 | 2021-11-05 | |
![]() by enka923 |
A Drop of Life
What if you're given a second chance in life? But it's another person's life that is full of problems that you need to fix immediately, so you can truly feel alive.
[Trigger warning: Mention of death and suicide. Viewer discretion is advised]
[Extra tag: Omegaverse]
1.84k subs, 17.5k views
BL | 8 | No | Free | 2021-08-17 | 2021-12-01 | |
![]() by Can Richards |
A Face Like Strawberries
A comic about a girl in the woods
(This was an experimental piece for a uni project!)
11 subs, 252 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2019-12-02 | 2020-04-18 | |
![]() by Senty |
A Fairy's Name
When a pair of rabbit siblings leave their village to spend a holiday at their grandmother's quiet retreat, their curiosity is stoked by the vast forest extending across the horizon.
Their father has warned them time and again about its dangers-- Of ravenous beasts and even rumors of Fairies roaming about.
Surely, that's just superstition. A quick peek isn't going to hurt anyone.
I won't tell dad if you don't.
This is my first comic ever! Originally started for my Comic Art Studio class, and finished as a personal project!
If you like what you see, consider following me on Twitter at @SentyPurr, or checking out my Patreon over at
51 subs, 2.25k views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2020-08-18 | 2020-08-18 | |
![]() by ishmaelanimash |
All hell breaks loose when an unexpected visitor makes it's way into the room of a brave young man.
8 subs, 512 views
Action | 1 | No | Free | 2017-08-02 | 2017-08-02 | |
![]() by Delfim |
A Garota de Poeira Cósmica
Poeira é uma jovem a qual se encontra em um dilema com seu emocional e por isso decide criar um blog chamado
“A Garota de Poeira Cósmica” para publicar seus textos e desabafos diários.
Sua vida monótona muda quando conhece Nebula, a qual lhe traz sentimentos além da amizade em seus pensamentos.
182 subs, 2.4k views
Slice of life | 2 | No | Free | 2018-07-15 | 2018-07-16 | |
![]() by Davinci Smurf |
A ghost fellows his zombie body as it goes aimlessly.
6 subs, 1.36k views
Comedy | 19 | No | Free | 2015-06-13 | 2016-11-23 | |
![]() by Clara Cortés |
a glance away
«when i went to college, i used to see this girl everyday at the train stop. i had a huge crush on her, but she was always on the other side».
a short story about crushes in public transport.
368 subs, 9.79k views
Romance | 5 | Yes | Free | 2018-08-29 | 2018-11-18 | |
![]() by TheShiaxArtist |
A Guide to Ulaiya
Follow LB and his companions as they travel the vast world of Ulaiya. Magic, demons, monsters, and more. Explore a world of fantasy and magic as it is brought to the verge of undead annihilation.
7 subs, 345 views
Fantasy | 7 | No | Free | 2020-12-30 | 2021-11-05 | |
![]() by snowswallow_ |
A Handful of Petals
The day-to-day stories of a forest spirit in love with a human man. Magic meets the ordinary in this modern fantasy slice-of-life series. A Handful of Petals updates every other Thursday at 00:00 GMT/BST.
2.6k subs, 121k views
Slice of life | 47 | No | Free | 2021-01-02 | 2022-07-20 | |
![]() by boradebs |
A Historia de Piabinha (PT-BR)
Em um chiqueiro de porcos, um casal encontrou uma cadelinha em situação angustiante e decidiu levá-la para casa. O que eles não sabiam era que ela viraria a estrela da cidade. Webcomic adaptada do cordel homônimo, escrito por Gilberto Cardoso.
10 subs, 122 views
Drama | 2 | Yes | Free | 2021-06-10 | 2021-07-12 | |
![]() by Neodios |
a Hunt
Cleo hunts in his illusion forests, but his goal is not to kill.
91 subs, 1.24k views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2014-11-16 | 2014-11-16 | |
![]() by Comics Wall Studio |
A Kingdom Will Burn
The all-out War between MEN and MAGIC will BURN everything on its path. Only one will be the Supreme Ruler of the soon to be 'Obscure Kingdom'!
70 subs, 4.87k views
Fantasy | 29 | No | Free | 2016-10-05 | 2018-01-11 | |
![]() by Ken Mora |
A Light Before The Darkness
His Art revived the dying Church.
Ambition betrayed his secret lover.
His sword sealed their tragic fate.
At the turn of the 17th century, a young Michelangelo da Caravaggio must flee The Inquisition in Milan and seek power and fortune in Rome. Enough power to allow him to live with this secret lover.
12 subs, 981 views
Drama | 7 | No | Free | 2017-12-21 | 2018-01-03 | |
![]() by King |
A Little Love
A silly little love story.
919 subs, 16.6k views
LGBTQ+ | 6 | No | Free | 2020-04-10 | 2020-07-28 | |
![]() by Riaos |
A Lost World
A virus has leaked out into the city, infecting most of the population with a deadly fungal disease that rapidly ages and rapidly strengthens the infected.
A young boy, immune to the disease sits alone, with a dull smile to his face, he lives his day out as if nothing has happened.
60 subs, 1.66k views
Action | 6 | No | Free | 2017-01-15 | 2017-03-06 | |
![]() by PURPLECACTl |
A Love Less Lost
Having escaped their confines of an institutional facility designed for those of the LGBT+ community, five men and women must help each other and themselves to bring light of their experiences to the masses, all the while uncovering hidden history about what once was.
92 subs, 4.72k views
Drama | 23 | No | Free | 2017-08-28 | 2019-08-14 | |
![]() by Pickevicz |
A Man who believed in Nymphs
Forest nymphs - half godesses, crafters of nature's wild beauty. They are beloved by many, but only a few saw them on their own eyes. Preston, Prince of Concrete Kingdom exactly knew where to find them. And here comes the day when he desperately needed to meet some real nymphs.
10 subs, 456 views
Comedy | 1 | No | Free | 2017-07-16 | 2017-07-16 | |
![]() by Starfall |
A Matter of Time
Finn Beck is a 16-year-old high school student who travels through time with his friends Summer and Leo to fix the Space Time Continuum. Currently set on updating once or twice a week.
7 subs, 391 views
Science fiction | 1 | No | Free | 2019-03-17 | 2019-03-17 | |
![]() by mimidelbx |
A Menina do Narizinho Arrebitado
Autor original: Monteiro Lobato.
No Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo vive uma senhora e sua neta Lúcia, que foi apelidada de Narizinho Arrebitado. Narizinho vive passeando com sua boneca Emília pelos arredores do sítio. Até que um dia ela dorme à beira do ribeirão e tem um sonho de princesa: ela conhece o príncipe regente e dança com ele num baile!
Este quadrinho é uma releitura da obra original de Monteiro Lobato que fiz para o meu Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC).
1 subs, 191 views
Fantasy | 1 | No | Free | 2019-11-25 | 2019-11-25 | |
![]() by PumpkinKofi |
A Mermaids Tail
A Mermaids Tail is a comic about a young woman visiting her hometown after going off to college. Finding that everything around her has changed including a very important childhood friend, and said feelings towards her.
230 subs, 6k views
GL | 9 | No | Free | 2020-10-26 | 2021-06-21 | |
![]() by danlemoz |
A mitologia grega fascinantemente apresenta Baucis e Filemon
A Hq conta uma história da mitologia grega, de Baucis e Filemon, uma história de amor, de cumplicidade, de hospitalidade, e de como os Deuses podem ser impiedosos e ao mesmo tempo benevolentes.
0 subs, 77 views
Romance | 1 | No | Free | 2021-09-09 | 2021-09-09 | |
![]() by Spizzina00 |
A particular trip.
The story tells the adventures of Annabel, who lives on Inb and also on Earth; she and is a third degree priestess of the temple of Ra. In these adventures, she will face dimensional beings and ancient gods and legends that on earth belong to ancient Egypt; then to the past, where instead on Inb they are always present in the life of the inhabitants. She will make friends with human beings who will also help her in her particular journey.
This comic is a self-production, so the story, drawings and texts were created by Anna Ricucci. Stage name: Spizzina00
She is not a professional cartoonist, (although she attended comic school) but she does it out of pure passion, and it is a story that she has been carrying on for years, where she has seen various interruptions and second thoughts.
3 subs, 217 views
Fantasy | 3 | No | Free | 2021-03-02 | 2022-03-18 | |
![]() by Lúcia Lemos |
A Pérola Cosmica de Kinryuu
Rie é uma jovem ninja, cujo clã é especializado em exterminar Dragões. Porém, em sua primeira luta contra um grande dragão, ela não consegue matá-lo e muitos membros de seu clã são feridos. A morte deveria ser sua punição por tamanha falha, mas tomado de pena, seu pai permite que ela fuja para a floresta…
Lá, ela acaba sendo salva de um inimigo por outro dragão, chamado Kinryuu. O estranho disso tudo, é que ele não deseja matá-la. Na verdade, ele nem mesmo consegue ser “um dragão por muito tempo”, assumindo a forma de um belo rapaz de cabelos negros…
“A Pérola Cósmica de Kinryuu” é um spin-off do livro “Aika – A Canção dos Cinco’. Ele é, na verdade, o 13º capítulo do livro transformado em mangá, com cenas extras não existentes na obra original, contando mais sobre o herói Kinryuu. O livro trata da história de Aika Akatsuki dos Anjos, uma colegial de 16 anos que descobre que os personagens e o mundo de seu mangá favorito existem de verdade, mas seu querido herói corre grande perigo e somente ela pode salvá-lo. Kinryuu é um dos principais personagens da história, e em “A Pérola Cósmica de Kinryuu” é contada como a história dele começou.
Você pode adquirir o livro e saber mais sobre Kinryuu e Rie através do link:
21 subs, 657 views
Fantasy | 1 | Yes | Free | 2016-10-09 | 2021-03-15 | |
![]() by Giovanni |
A Poet by Giovanni
Poems, art, life and Giovanni.
3 subs, 407 views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2017-01-01 | 2017-01-02 | |
![]() by yearsfeather |
A Present for Raven
A young man finds out it's his best friend's birthday, but he forgot to buy a present! Follow him as he goes on a crazy adventure to find the perfect gift.
A collab between two sisters! We started around two years ago and finally finished it. We will update every thursday as we still need to translate everything! (We wrote the original comic in Dutch.)
1 subs, 106 views
Comedy | 4 | No | Free | 2019-07-08 | 2020-09-18 | |
![]() by Missy |
A Princess Duty
Catherine's sister is suddenly missing, and with that, she's forced to become the new queen and marry some strange man, problem is, she doesn't want to be queen and doens't even like boys! will she be able to marry a man to save the kingdom? will she find her sister? will she become the new queen to please her mother? what romances and adventures awaits her? how will she hide all her most obscure secrets? keep reading to find out!
585 subs, 4.96k views
Fantasy | 4 | No | Free | 2019-11-01 | 2021-02-04 | |
![]() by Elvarnya |
A Queen's Gambit
The country on Emonair is at war with the Galian Republic to the south, as with every war there are those who object to it. Now the war to the south is not the only thing the officials of Emonair have to worry about, the people have started to rebel against the government. And change is coming.
Tristan Carwyn is an agent of the National Intelligence Agency. His new mission is to unearth the real identities of the two leaders of the rebellion.
12 subs, 1.03k views
Science fiction | 3 | No | Free | 2014-02-09 | 2015-04-17 | |
![]() by r✿bbit |
A Rabbit's Adventures
In the grand scheme of everything life means nothing and we're all just specks of dust floating in space.
This is a comic about nothing.
7 subs, 579 views
Slice of life | 4 | No | Free | 2017-05-17 | 2017-07-18 | |
![]() by MagickMartin |
A Radical Affair
A love story between two 18th century ladies who love ladies. Marianne and Georgiana meet at a ball and form a quick friendship of understanding and mutual attraction.
However, both of them have secrets that they are reluctant to reveal.
432 subs, 11.3k views
Romance | 16 | No | Free | 2018-12-10 | 2020-03-22 | |
![]() by isaac Studios |
A rainha sangrenta
Um clã de magos humanos quer libertar a sua deusa maligna,
E cabe a dois heróis com personalidades opostas impedidos.
1 subs, 15 views
Fantasy | 2 | No | Free | 2022-04-01 | 2022-04-04 | |
![]() by hakei |
a refreshing summer
Summer is so hot and suffocating, and Dasol wants to find something to cool her down... and something, to help her breathe again. [COMPLETED]
2.03k subs, 23.3k views
GL | 7 | Yes | Free | 2021-06-30 | 2021-07-31 | |
![]() by RMC Comics |
A Robbed Life
Personal short stories of my life in cartoon form
1 subs, 340 views
Slice of life | 1 | No | Free | 2017-09-14 | 2017-09-14 |