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  Story Genre Eps Tags Done Type Created Updated

by Safanified
A Witch's Magic

Uma is a garden witch who wants to become a Magician. A Mini Comic (This was done as a small school project)

103 subs, 1.18k views
Fantasy 1
#adorable, #cute, #Fantasy, #flowers, #magic, #magician, #slice of life, #witch, #witchcraft
No Free 2017-06-20 2017-06-20

by big fish murphy
Academy Cat!

Academy Cat! is a slice of life comic illustrated by Murphy the Big Fish. Follow Scraggle, Rags, and Bob through their daily life.

4 subs, 405 views
Slice of life 5
#adorable, #black and white, #cats, #cattos, #cute, #Kits, #kitties, #no color, #peaceful, #slice of life
No Free 2018-05-17 2018-05-29

by Chibi Cat Creations
Adorable Aspie

Just a cute little comic about the little things i find as a aspie in life : 3

80 subs, 4.77k views
Slice of life 16
#8Bit_Kawaii_Media, #adorable aspie, #asperges, #cat, #comedy, #cute, #funny, #geek, #kawaii, #kia_hughes, #love, #nerd, #slice of life
No Free 2015-05-02 2017-04-09

by DrawSara

They are small, sweet, innocent, playful, adventurous and with a pure heart. We don't know how many of them are, but they call themselves "Adrianitas". Simple things for us are an adventure for them. ONE FUN THING EVERY DAY ¡Meet them more!

331 subs, 34.2k views
Comedy 93
#adorable, #Adriana, #cute, #drawsara, #draw_sara, #girl, #little, #little_girl, #pink_comic, #simple, #small, #small_girl
No Free 2020-03-23 2022-02-05

by irenereru
Alice in Randomland [Español]

Alice es una niña que vive en un bosque. Un día, ella es transportada por accidente a Randomland, en donde, con ayuda de los habitantes de ese reino, intentará regresar a su hogar.

31 subs, 3.41k views
Comedy 94
#adorable, #parodia de alicia en el pais de las maravillas pero no, #subcultura, #un poco triste
No Free 2018-05-07 2018-05-14

by OmniSlack
AlleyCat Paradise: San Neo Tales

AlleyCat Paradise: San Neo Tales is a comedy comic strips starring the violent Kath, the kind-hearted Shiba, and the scaredy-cat athlete Husk! Join them in their wacky everyday lives!

57 subs, 7.41k views
Comedy 18
#adorable, #alleycat, #alleycatparadise, #alleycat_paradise, #cat, #comedy, #comicstrips, #cute, #dog, #forlaughs, #funny, #furry, #husk, #husky, #inu, #Kath, #kawaii, #kemono, #laughs, #Neko, #paradise, #sanneotales, #san_neo_tales, #shiba, #strips
No Free 2018-12-13 2019-06-22

by PaiDraws449
Apple Valley

Bunni and Alice explore the

6 subs, 358 views
Comedy 1
#adorable, #aesthetic, #Alice in Wonderland, #beautiful, #blue chair, #BTS, #bunny, #comedy, #Comic, #cute, #Fools, #funny, #kawaii, #lol, #manga, #manhwa, #nice, #one image, #one page, #salty, #salty studio, #shen comics, #short, #sweet, #tim burton, #webcomic
No Free 2018-01-02 2018-01-02

by mindyhoang96
Average Asian Girl

Typical Asian...

109 subs, 1.88k views
Slice of life 1
#adorable, #asian, #asian girl, #avwrage, #cute, #girl, #no, #problems
No Free 2014-02-02 2014-02-02

by Rizu
Awkward Rizu

Hi I'm Rizu from I Kawaii Relationship, I consider myself a very awkward person at first but that's part of my charm...right!

21 subs, 2.19k views
Slice of life 17
#adorable, #awkward, #clumsy, #dies, #nervous, #shy
No Free 2014-12-02 2015-01-30

by Zoë
Awkwardly Adorkable

Adorkable, funny (and if you're extremely weird) relatable comics!

5 subs, 332 views
Comedy 5
#adorable, #adorkable, #cute, #funny, #hilarious, #life, #puns, #relatable, #slice_of_life, #teen, #witty
No Free 2019-07-13 2019-09-13

by Minx
Baked Beans

A cute little comic that follows the everyday antics of the Beans.

7 subs, 434 views
Comedy 2
#adorable, #animal, #baked, #beans, #cat, #comedy, #cute, #funny, #one shot, #single pane
No Free 2016-10-25 2016-10-25

by beep081

A cute comic about three siblings that don’t seem to understand the way everything works. Their names are Cileboso, Bencora and Conobito. Names don’t mean anything in particular.

3 subs, 174 views
Slice of life 7
#adorable, #all_ages, #Beepo, #Bencora, #car, #cartoon, #children, #Cileboso, #comedy, #Comic, #Conobito, #cute, #funny, #Safe
No Free 2020-04-03 2020-06-02

by beep081
Beepos (Español)

Adéntrate en el mundo de los beepos junto a estos tres hermanos divertidos a los que siempre les pasan cosas re-graciosas.

2 subs, 60 views
Comedy 2
#adorable, #carros, #tierno
No Free 2020-04-03 2020-06-03

by Bevscomics
Bevs Boredom

Laugh through life and its awkward moments with me!

2.27k subs, 292k views
Slice of life 316
#Action, #adorable, #anxious, #awkward, #bev, #bevscomics, #comedy, #comics, #cute, #design, #digital_art, #dog, #funny, #gaming, #graphics, #humor, #lgbt, #life, #love, #loveable, #lovely, #mordechi, #puppy, #puppydaily life, #relationships, #romance, #weird
No Free 2018-02-14 2022-07-21

by Sonheelight
Blobby Fishy!

Let's make the sad pink Blobfish smile!

100 subs, 2.28k views
Slice of life 3
#addictive, #adorable, #animal, #animals are our friends, #awkward, #beautiful, #Blob, #blobby fishy, #blobfish, #comedy, #cute, #cuteness, #deep sea, #domestic, #domestic pet, #dose, #drama, #easygoing, #fish, #flesh, #gross, #hahah, #happy sad, #irresistable, #kawaii, #kids, #laughs, #parallel world, #pink, #pinkish, #ramram, #red, #sea creature, #slice of life, #slimy, #tapastic, #ugly, #webcomic, #weird
No Free 2015-04-28 2015-05-07

by BoBaby

Hello guys, BoBaby here! I might be mean, stubborn, lovely, angry, cute... you name it! But hey! I'm not a normal kid :3 Hope you enjoy watching BoBaby.

15 subs, 868 views
Slice of life 5
#adorable, #baby, #bobaby, #cartoon, #chibi, #Comic, #cute, #family, #fun, #funny, #life, #lovely, #manga, #sister, #webcomic
No Free 2016-05-02 2016-05-22

by Ascending Studio

Ever wonder what living with chickens would be like. It's pretty boss. Not a lot can say having a backyard chicken is one of the most rewarding things in life. But it sure does help. Throughout her journey, Cucco is taken from the life of livestock into a new backyard setting; discovering for herself what makes her a fearsome hunter, curious explorer and adorable companion.

54 subs, 5.32k views
Slice of life 75
#adorable, #bok, #chicken, #comedy, #cute
No Free 2016-08-26 2020-04-16

by E-bearz
Bun Bun

Close bonds can transcend death itself. Two boys quickly learn what true friendship is all about. Discovering a little about themselves as well as each other. The purest of hearts can be tainted over time.

407 subs, 44.9k views
BL 78
#Action, #adorable, #anime, #bl, #boys, #bunny, #cute, #Fantasy, #friendship, #Homosexual_Romance, #lgbtq, #love, #Reincarnation, #Sketch_Comic_Style, #transformation, #yaoi
No Free 2019-04-17 2022-04-17

by MiciROX
Bunster and Hariet

A webcomic about a girl and her conflicting and indecisive thoughts-- intepreted in the form of cute bunnies.

5 subs, 2.22k views
Comedy 65
#adorable, #baby animal, #baby_rabbit, #cute comic, #cuteness, #cute_animals, #cute_bunny, #everyday_life, #fluffy, #huggable, #journal, #kawaii, #slice of life
No Free 2016-08-21 2022-01-09

by dhgiddings

Butterbean is a comic strip about a lazy and pessimistic seal pup who loves fish as he has adventures with his friends.

2 subs, 197 views
Slice of life 37
#adorable, #animals, #cartoon, #cute, #Penguin, #seal, #snow
No Free 2021-07-04 2021-10-27

by Liam Swanton
by my side

Comedy and LGBTQ+ lovestory between two teenage girls. ---------- Clairise is MOSTLY an extraordinarily average teenager - apart from the green, mute and obnoxiously energetic fluffy furball that showed up one day and now follows her everywhere she goes. She tries to keep it a secret from her friends at school - but for how much longer will that work? Also - what's the deal with that creepy girl in her class...?

301 subs, 24.8k views
GL 57
#adorable, #age, #animal, #by, #by_my_side, #comedy, #coming, #coming_of_age, #cute, #drama, #gay, #gl, #homosexual, #homosexuality, #lesbian, #Lesbians, #lesbian_couple, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #life, #my, #of, #romance, #Side, #slice, #slice_of_life, #teen, #Teenage, #teenager, #teenagers
No Free 2018-09-03 2020-01-28

by Glitchmp3

An adorable cat with a bad personality, which have a simple name, "Cat", because her owner don't have creativity. Discover her other companions and laugh with them~

1.05k subs, 15.6k views
Comedy 10
#adorable, #cat, #dog, #kawaii
No Free 2017-10-10 2020-09-06

by Tarushima
Cat Tales

UPDATES EVERY CATURDAY! Cat Tales is a story inspired by my two cats!

58 subs, 4.77k views
Comedy 46
#adorable, #adventure, #brothers, #cats, #CatTales, #comedy, #cute, #frisk, #funny, #human, #kitten, #life, #love, #meatball, #pets, #relateable, #Story, #sweet, #tales
Yes Free 2017-06-10 2020-08-23

by happygolexi

Infamous bank robber Chey the Bouquet Bomber has finally been captured. She is faced with two choices: Execution or Rehabilitation. Under the supervision of Georgie and stripped of all powers, Chey, must do good deeds to earn back her freedom. It's all fun and games until kids in the neighborhood mysteriously begin to go missing... Can she prove that she has changed her old ways?

10 subs, 158 views
Mystery 1
#adorable, #bad_guy, #bank_robber, #cin, #Cinnamon, #collar, #coming_of_age, #Crime, #cute, #drama, #episodic, #kids, #magic, #manga, #mc_villian, #mystery, #slave, #slice_of_life, #supernatural, #theif, #Villian
No Free 2020-05-16 2020-05-16

by Cloud Baby

Instagram: cloudbabytalk ---------------------------------------- Hello, everyone! First, Thank you for coming:) I hope you don't mind my english mistakes.XD This is Cloud Baby Talk, I'm from Taiwan I Love paint and share my comics:) If you want to learning chinese, or make friends, welcome :) I would add english language on my comics sometimes, that you can understand :) My main page on Facebook!www.facebook.com/CloudBabyTalk

35 subs, 1.34k views
Slice of life 8
#adorable, #comedy, #cute, #funny, #illustration, #kawaii, #life, #love, #slice of life
No Free 2015-02-16 2015-03-27

by Logtut

A mash of events that have been illustrated through cats and stuff.

15 subs, 1.63k views
Comedy 8
#adorable, #animals, #bored, #cat, #Cobalt Crew, #cute, #fur, #games, #Logtut, #silly, #stupid, #Tim Donegan, #Ty Cobalt
No Free 2014-03-30 2015-07-12

by The Devil Numina
Cocoa and Toast

Two Holland Lop Buns doing normal Holland Lop Bun stuffs.

0 subs, 558 views
Comedy 44
#adorable, #bunnies, #bunny, #comicstrip, #comicstrips, #cute, #funny, #humor, #rabbit, #rabbits
No Free 2022-03-11 2022-03-11

by Elly Color
Colorful Stories

Here you can find a collection of my other comics with short of stories. Most of them as colorful as a day of sunshine. So, a collection of colorful stories by Elly Color!

1 subs, 601 views
Slice of life 5
#adorable, #beautifull, #beauty, #bird, #collection, #color, #colorful, #colorfulstories, #colour, #colourful, #Comic, #comics, #contest, #cute, #day, #drawing, #elly, #ellycolor, #emotion, #Emotional, #Fantasy, #fluffy, #girl, #HandDrawn, #happiness, #happy, #illustration, #lesson, #marker, #moral, #morality, #motivation, #other, #page, #pages, #Palette, #pencil, #playful, #shine, #short, #spirit, #spiritual, #stories, #Story, #sun, #webcomic, #world
No Free 2017-05-28 2017-06-29

by SmolSpearrow
Critter Sweet

Join Birby and his eccentric friends in an adventure to explore a world of fantasy, questionable physics, fun and cuteness! Nothing gets more sweet then this!

5 subs, 103 views
Fantasy 1
#adorable, #anime, #anthro, #cute, #Fantasy, #furry, #gaming, #manga, #parody, #slice, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2020-08-22 2020-08-22

by laneord

Everything Cute..

104 subs, 9.52k views
Slice of life 39
#adorable, #animal, #chubby, #comedy, #cute, #doodle, #fat, #fluffy, #funny, #round, #sketch, #sweet
No Free 2015-06-06 2018-05-17

by Candy Q
Cute Pops

This series was inspired by my 7th TSK watcher, M.L.E Mae! I figured I would make something cute! This will just be me taking tumblr-ish pictures and making them A+ worth doodles! Also, if anybody wants, they could use them as backgrounds. A le enjoy!

159 subs, 15k views
Slice of life 42
#adorable, #cute, #Hello there. I am a tag. :T
No Free 2015-05-03 2015-09-19

by Dani
Dani Short Comics

Some short stories about random subjects that I felt like making tiny (and sometimes not so tiny) comics about.

155 subs, 3.88k views
Slice of life 12
#adorable, #alternative, #altgirl, #auroranekai, #blue_hair, #cute, #dyed_hair, #funny, #kawaii, #nekogirl, #purple_hair, #relatable, #short_comics, #slice_of_life
No Free 2017-02-22 2020-11-30

by Ninapedia
Dating with Wolves

Humans dating werewolves - slice of life one shots looking into the lives of inter species snorgling

357 subs, 16.5k views
Comedy 13
#adorable, #bl, #boys_love, #couple, #cute, #funny, #furry, #gay, #girls love, #gl, #lesbian, #lgbt, #One Shots, #pansexual, #romance, #romantic, #shoujo_ai, #shounen_ai, #slice of life, #werewolf, #Werewolves, #wolf, #wolves
No Free 2016-10-28 2017-01-29

by PrinceRose
Daydream Drama

A fun little comic series about my daily thoughts, musings and anxieties. Why "Daydream Drama?" Because most of the problems in my life happen in my own head, not reality.

61 subs, 5.14k views
Slice of life 23
#adorable, #chibi, #comedy, #cute, #daydream, #drama, #fun, #happy, #heart, #humor, #laugh, #life, #lifestyle, #lighthearted, #love, #sweet
No Free 2019-02-11 2020-06-25

by Samara Devlin Haugli
Days Of Lunatics!

A modern world of dull cold humans, Influencer Gnomes, Gargoyles working as bodyguards, gangs of Borrowers suffering from kleptomancy, Clowns, mutants, roosters doing whale noises, powerfull Queens and many more peculiar creatures. They all will be faced with an otherworldly lethal blobby plague that no one will be able to escape. In times of desperation and depression, will humans be able to stop blaming monsters for everything, and will monsters ever be able to trust a human? DoL is overall a lighthearted comic but also got very dark turns filled with grief and dark moments. Contains only light swears, no nudity. Happy reading/// Love from the local lunatic.

5 subs, 535 views
Comedy 25
#adorable, #creatures, #cute, #DaysOfLunatics, #death, #derp, #detective, #Devlin, #dol, #friendship, #funny, #investigator, #lighthearted, #lighthorror, #love, #monsterhunter, #monsters, #morbid, #mythicalcreatures, #plague, #SamaraDevlinHaugli, #sweet
No Free 2020-11-10 2021-07-15

by Dennimations

Comics depicting everyday misadventures and shenanigans of Denni

16 subs, 488 views
Slice of life 9
#adorable, #artist_struggles, #blue_hair, #comedy, #couple, #couples, #cute, #female_protagonist, #feminine, #funny, #gamer, #in_love, #purple_hair, #relatable, #romantic, #sweet
No Free 2019-09-16 2020-06-25

by Rayium

Determinationtale takes place after the monsters were freed from the underground. Sans has become the one with the most determination, and an unforeseen future has come to haunt our heroes.

97 subs, 1.63k views
Fantasy 3
#Action, #adorable, #adult, #alphys, #Alternate_Universe, #asgore, #asriel, #au, #chara, #child, #children, #cute, #demon, #determination, #Emotional, #evil, #fan, #fanart, #fan_comic, #Fight, #fights, #Flowey, #frisk, #Gaster, #good, #heartfelt, #horror, #human, #humans, #Monster, #monsters, #monsters_vs_humans, #monsters_vs_monsters, #papyrus, #reset, #sad, #sans, #scary, #toriel, #Undertale, #undyne
No Free 2020-03-26 2020-03-26

by eyeless artist
Down in the Dark

One day Sam finds herself at the bottom of well, when she calls out for help she gets a response. As Sam is lifted out of the well she is pulled into an un-known world of horror and surprise. How did she get here? How will she get home? Will she be able to handle the deformed creatures that call themselves her friends?

20 subs, 1.01k views
Horror 4
#adorable, #creepy, #cute, #dark, #down in the dark, #emo, #female main character, #ghouls, #girl, #girls, #GORE, #goth, #Halloween, #horror, #punk, #scary, #spooky, #strange
No Free 2015-10-25 2015-11-22

by SmolSpearrow

lost, exiled, outcasted, they all once had somewhere that they could call home, but life can take its darkest turns when you least expect, now they must survive, and uncover what had happened to them, while also finding somewhere new they can call home

7 subs, 178 views
Fantasy 3
#adorable, #adventure, #anime, #anthro, #cute, #furry, #magic, #manga, #romance, #steampunk, #Tragic
No Free 2020-07-10 2020-08-14

by Coffee-Bean

Four teacup friends run a cafe; Kittenccino owns it, Coffee serves the food and beverages, Latte cooks, and Chai does the finances. Just an innocent little series. Note: This a comic, not a collection of gifs. There are moving panels in my comic though. :)

3 subs, 310 views
Slice of life 3
#adorable, #animals, #bunny, #cafe, #cat, #Cuddly, #cute, #everyday, #feline, #fiction, #fictional_cafe, #fun, #kawaii, #kitty, #life, #minature, #Neko, #Penguin, #rabbit, #teacup, #tiny, #turtle
No Free 2019-02-14 2019-02-20

by Elver
Elver & Friends

Random fishy adventures with Elver the eel and his pals~!

5 subs, 437 views
Comedy 4
#adorable, #Comic, #cute, #eel, #elver, #elver&friends, #fish, #friendly, #fry, #funny, #kawaii, #morris
No Free 2017-12-27 2018-01-01

by Honeysuckle Memories
Emory (Mini Episodes)

A small series of mini-episodes that are unrelated to the main story line of a comic I am working on. The main comic will not be posted until I get a decent art program.

1 subs, 88 views
Action 1
#Action, #adorable, #comedy, #cute, #dark, #demon, #love
No Free 2020-01-23 2020-01-23

by Breanna Bickert

They are very fluffy bees that tend you like messing with people and eating Sweets! They fly around making buzzing noises. They tend to mimice one thing there owner says. For example my Sheep Cordeila's Flufflebee makes small baaing noises!

7 subs, 431 views
Fantasy 2
#adorable, #Bees, #cute, #fluffy
No Free 2016-05-30 2016-06-05

by fluffcakies

Mini comics/doodles about chibi Fluffcakies

50 subs, 651 views
Slice of life 1
#adorable, #anime, #animeart, #animeartist, #animedoodle, #animedrawing, #art, #artwork, #bored, #chibi, #cute, #digitalart, #digitaldrawing, #digitalsketch, #doodle, #doodles, #draw, #drawing, #drawingoftheday, #drawings, #fluffcakies, #fluffy, #illustration, #kawaii, #life, #little, #manga, #mangaart, #mangaartist, #mangadrawing, #mini, #mini chibi, #otaku, #pencil, #random, #randomdrawing, #sketch, #sketches
No Free 2014-12-02 2015-06-16

by FoxyPrincess
Fluffy Journey

Just a little story of my foxy adventures~

20 subs, 624 views
Slice of life 2
#adorable, #adventure, #animal, #cute, #ears, #fluffy, #Fox, #furry, #journey, #pink, #pretty, #Princess, #sammy, #Tail
No Free 2016-06-09 2016-06-23

by GalileoCat
Food Cats

Are you hungry meow?

103 subs, 4.4k views
Comedy 13
#adorable, #animals, #burger, #cats, #chili, #chocolate, #comedy, #Comic, #cream, #creatures, #cute, #food, #Ice, #kawaii, #RAIA, #shrimp, #Strawberry, #Vanilla
No Free 2015-09-04 2020-06-22

by RickyBarnwell
For The Birds

For the Birds revolves around Leonard the Green Penguin. Leonard loves social media and is in desperate need of attention. Help Leonard reach his lifelong dream of becoming the next big star!

32 subs, 1.54k views
Comedy 15
#adorable, #birds, #cute, #fun, #Penguins, #silly
No Free 2015-06-09 2015-08-12

by Bitterbeans
Forest Friends Academy

Follow Scooter the opossum, Twigs the owl and all their friends as they navigate tails, claws and final exams at Forest Friends Academy! A cute school dramady.

13 subs, 532 views
Slice of life 6
#adorable, #animals, #college, #cute_animals, #drama, #funny, #furry, #opossum, #Owl, #romance, #school, #shojo
No Free 2018-02-08 2018-02-08

by Bunny Doodles
Free Hugs

This is a story about umi the cactus and her life.

9 subs, 389 views
Slice of life 1
#adorable, #cacti, #cactus, #chibi, #Comic, #cute, #doodle, #drawing, #sad
No Free 2017-09-01 2017-09-01

by Bunnyhood
Fruit Punch Bowl

An Apple, Pineapple, Lemon, Banana and Orange try and figure out why and how they became sentient! while trying to battle a band of hungry fruit flies!

18 subs, 877 views
Comedy 17
#adorable, #adventure, #cute, #flies, #fruit, #funny, #hilarious
No Free 2020-04-12 2022-04-21

by struden
Gecko People

A world where geckos are just trying to live

4 subs, 394 views
Comedy 2
#adorable, #animals, #comedy, #cute, #dogs, #funny, #funny animals, #Funny Comics, #gecko, #leopard gecko, #meme, #memes
No Free 2016-06-15 2016-06-16

by DrizDew
God's assistant/Kami's assistant

This girl thought that ending up as God's Assistant was the weirdest thing that could happen to her in afterlife... But there are way stranger things out there in heaven! Follow Umeko, a mortal girl, as she meets new friends and foes, rescues planets and descends into hell, and maybe, just maybe, thaws the heart of her Goddess along the way? (Girl's love/Comedy/ Fantasy/ Adventure) Please read from right to left!

1.08k subs, 150k views
GL 205
#adorable, #adventure, #afterlife, #angel, #assistant, #boobs, #comedy, #Comic, #comics, #crush, #cute, #cuteness, #death, #devil, #drizzle dew, #drizzledew, #Fantasy, #flatchested, #funny, #girl, #girls, #Girlslove, #girls_love, #gl, #God, #heaven, #hell, #hilarious, #kawaii, #lgbt, #life, #magic, #maid, #manga, #mangas, #office, #outfit, #Rebirth, #science_fiction, #shoujoai, #shoujo_ai, #succubus, #tapas, #tsundere, #webcomic, #webcomics, #yuri
No Free 2017-08-11 2022-07-15

by Thedude3445
Hands Held in the Snow: Date Night

Emi and Beatrice decide to go on a date to go see the hottest new play in the city: "The Two Grooms." Let's see what happens! A comic strip spinoff of HANDS HELD IN THE SNOW: https://tapas.io/series/Hands_Held/info Takes place between Chapters 31 and 32, but you can read this before the book! Updates Thursdays at 3PM PST. Read right-to-left. Written by Thedude3445. http://thedude3445.quinlancircle.com Art by Ryuichirou, @aoinoryush on Twitter. And creator of Issues: https://tapas.io/series/Issues

136 subs, 2.91k views
GL 10
#adorable, #black_and_white, #bonus_comic, #comic_strip, #date_night, #glasses_girl, #lesbian, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #wlw
Yes Free 2021-10-14 2021-12-17

by jdoarts
Happiness is Just a BAE-BEE Away!

Comics about mental health awareness. <3 Summary: Life is filled with lots of ups and downs. The problems we have can be so overwhelming that we get consumed by the darkness. Luckily for you, Bae-Bee is here, and he understands! Follow Bae-Bee's journey as he makes people's lives a little brighter.

3 subs, 353 views
Slice of life 16
#adorable, #baebee, #bee, #bumble_bee, #cute, #helpful, #Inspirational, #jdoarts, #johnson_do, #kawaii, #kawaii_comics, #mascot, #mental_health, #seattle, #slice_of_life
No Free 2019-06-19 2021-05-22

by Ashley Cai
Heart Shaped Spaces

Brie's a loner. Blue's a space lesbian. They're both catfish. Their odds are slim as they fight for a perfect, cheesy online romance.

846 subs, 8.19k views
Romance 13
#adorable, #Catfish, #cheese, #couple, #cute, #lesbian, #liars, #longdistance, #long_distance, #online, #romance, #romantic, #space, #wheelchair
Yes Free 2020-05-02 2022-04-16

by 4eyes6eyes
Horns and Space Buns

A fantasy combined with romance, focusing on the happenings of Ruth's life, while occasionally visiting the fantasy world she and her friends have created in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign.

21 subs, 687 views
Romance 4
#adorable, #anime, #art, #bl, #boys, #chibi, #comedy, #Comic, #cute, #digital, #dnd, #Dungeons and Dragons, #Fantasy, #funny, #gay, #girls, #gl, #heart, #hearwarming, #kawai, #kawaii, #lesbian, #lgbt, #love, #queer, #romance, #sweet, #trans, #transgender, #weeaboo
No Free 2018-01-22 2018-05-01

by Horse Wizard
I Am Aletz

Doodles about me! :D

4 subs, 471 views
Slice of life 6
#adorable, #colors, #comics, #cute, #doodle, #doodles, #pastel, #relatable, #situations, #slice of life
No Free 2016-10-16 2016-11-01

by paperclip
Ignatia and Burrito

Ignatia lived a normal cat life— until her human, Rachel, rescued a new kitten, Burrito, from the animal shelter.

38 subs, 5.16k views
Comedy 36
#adorable, #burrito, #cats, #Comic, #cute, #Duo, #funny, #ignatia, #misadventures, #paperclip
No Free 2021-01-04 2022-06-11

by Chluffles!
Into The Wondrous Wood

Into The Wondrous Wood is a tale about friendship, adventure, romance, and a sprinkle of magic. Taking place When Elliot and his childhood crush Isabella stumble upon a secret room in the back of his uncle's puppet shop, they soon discover that some things were never meant to be found, but that certain things-- and people-- are always worth searching for.

3 subs, 74 views
Romance 1
#1800s, #Action, #adorable, #adventure, #cute, #magic, #magician, #puppet, #purple, #romance, #teen, #teenager, #teenagers, #teen_romance, #Victorian, #wholesome
No Free 2020-05-03 2020-05-03

by Lady Tisi
It's Happening

New comic every other Friday! Support me on Patreon <3 Please read left to right. We are all potatoes. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

1.7k subs, 1.32M views
Gaming 123
#adorable, #cute, #ffxiv, #final_fantasy, #final_fantasy_xiv, #funny, #gamer, #gaming, #lady_tisi, #lalafel, #miqote, #silly, #tisi
No Free 2015-12-13 2021-11-19

by James Groeling

JDGAF is a series of storylines featuring ever-the-oddball random events in the lives of a growing cast of characters. The location of these tales is the fictional city of JDGAF, which is something of a magnet for mutants, aliens, monsters, dieties, and people who do not quite conform to the norm. Needless to say, it is a place that seldom lacks in something interesting happening. Come, be a part of it, and welcome to JDGAF. JDGAF will be updated on Tapastic on Thursdays unless otherwise specified. You may also get bonus comics on particularly productive weeks. So check in often.

28 subs, 2.58k views
Comedy 24
#adorable, #battle, #censored, #Cthulu, #cute, #Dollie, #funny, #girl, #Hand Drawn, #humor, #ink, #mort, #nom, #Pen, #short, #stories, #Thoolie, #Thules, #Tiv, #tv, #violent
No Free 2013-07-28 2014-01-23

by JayAl

His name is Yang and Her name is Ji. Not all couple are perfect, we too, go through ups and downs together. JiYang World is a comic series which acts as a digital diary that talks about what the both of us ( Ji and Yang) go through in our daily life together. Here is where we share our love through illustration :)

2 subs, 449 views
Romance 9
#adorable, #cartoon, #chibi, #couple, #cute, #cutecomicstrip, #lovable, #love, #relationship, #romance
No Free 2016-07-30 2017-09-27

by Kerzid
Julius and Eric

A rushed school comic project which makes the pacing not that great. The comic takes place in the same universe of the novel but is not a part of it, therefore non-canon. It's basically a spin-off.

2 subs, 384 views
Romance 2
#adorable, #cute, #Project, #romantic, #Rushed, #silly, #teenager
No Free 2017-06-26 2017-06-27

by BerryCherry
Just me and u

random stuff in my life. hope you enjoy it :) have fun!

354 subs, 9.14k views
Slice of life 3
#adorable, #amazing, #anything, #art, #awesome, #Berry Cherry, #blue berry, #boy, #cute, #doodle, #drawing, #express, #fun, #girl, #gorgeous, #laugh, #life, #love, #lovely, #new, #pink, #random
No Free 2013-08-23 2013-08-24

by KelseyRoseComics
KelseyRoseComics (Archive)

UPDATE 2/5/2022: I will no longer be updating this comic. I will be redrawing some of it and posting it on my new comic series - "My Silly Little Life." I'm keeping this up as an archive of my work from the last couple years, and to show how much my art style has changed and how far my skills have come! Enjoy perusing, and please subscribe to my new comic! Original description: "Hello! My name is Kelsey, and this is my life! My husband is adorable, super supportive, and hilarious, his wisdom and funnies need to be shared with the world. Enjoy taking a peek into our life together <3"

308 subs, 15.6k views
Slice of life 30
#adorable, #cute_relationship, #cute_style, #digital, #funny, #kelseyrosecomics, #relationship_goals, #slice_of_life
Yes Free 2019-09-14 2022-02-06

by Kathleen Kralowec
KerBop the Angel

KerBop is an androgynous cat-angel from outer space. These are her adventures! Story 1: Electricity Is Her Element Jupiter's Great Red Spot is in decline, and throughout the solar system Chaos is being replaced by Order. Four ancient spirits, the Storm Lords, arise from Jupiter's great storms, and attempt restore the original cosmic turmoil. Story 2: Filaments (stay tuned)

166 subs, 24.5k views
Fantasy 121
#adorable, #angel, #angelcat, #animal, #cat, #chaos, #cosmic, #cute, #Dragon, #heavenly, #Jupiter, #kitty, #magic, #magical, #mystical, #myth, #mythology, #outerspace, #planets, #psychedelic, #sciencefiction, #scifi, #space, #spirits, #spiritual, #stars, #trippy, #urban
No Free 2015-08-15 2020-10-23

by elsbro
Kim and Jay Comics

Cute moments of love, friendship, and fun between me and my girlfriend.

70 subs, 3.38k views
Slice of life 22
#adorable, #comicstrips, #couplecomics, #couplegoals, #cute, #cutecomics, #cutecouple, #kimandjay, #kimandjaycomics, #kim_and_jay_comics, #relationship
No Free 2020-03-27 2020-09-19

by Uluri
Kindling: Start of a Spark

In this series, we find ourselves at the beginning of Kindling's adventure here in the world. This small, adorable ball of wax had just awakened. - Read Left to Right. - Updated at least once a month. No set dates. Currently this will be a one shot series of 25-40 pages depending; A one chapter series.

19 subs, 949 views
Slice of life 8
#adorable, #animal, #anthro, #candle, #candlefox, #Canine, #colored, #Comic, #cute, #Fantasy, #Fire, #flame, #Fox, #furry, #kindling, #orange, #purple, #slice of life, #uluri
No Free 2017-07-01 2017-11-04

by jellybeans814
Kipper and Bon-bon

another day with a couple of gays written and drawn by me and tapastic user katbites!! kipp: (he/him) male bonnie: (he/they/she) genderfluid

117 subs, 4.1k views
Slice of life 12
#adorable, #art_dump, #awkward, #cute, #gay, #gender, #Height difference, #idk, #LBGT+, #lgbt, #romance, #romantic comedy, #rom_com, #Saga, #slice of life
No Free 2016-06-19 2017-07-01

by KittayFuzz
Kittay Comics

Follow my life with my love, Senpai ~ K!SS ~ Watch for some funny and cute art!

13 subs, 2.1k views
Slice of life 50
#adorable, #anime, #Comic, #couples, #cute, #dates, #dating, #family_friendly, #funnies, #gamers, #gaming, #going_out, #inspire, #kawaii, #KittayFuzz, #KSS, #life, #real_life, #relationship_goals, #short_girlfriend, #tall_boyfriend, #work
No Free 2018-01-04 2019-01-25

by Wes Parham
Kitten Around

This series is brought to you from the creator of Dobble & Ed and follows the funny and adorable adventures of Petunia and Roderick, two Siamese cats based off the real life cats of the creator. Oh and did I mention they wear costumes? You know you want more!

11 subs, 984 views
Comedy 17
#adorable, #animals, #based on real life, #cartoon, #cat, #cats, #costumes, #cute, #doctor, #funny, #kitten, #kittens, #pet, #siamese
No Free 2016-04-04 2021-09-23

by kadalicllc
KuKu Konspiracy

Pewdee, a stealth photographer, made blackmail his business, selling juicy photos and ruining people’s lives. His life changes when a supernatural camera mysteriously breaks into his home, offering him a tempting deal to find his missing brother in exchange for the souls of other people. But, will he be able to pay the price? Subscribe to this paper-esque mystery! Updates: Monday - Friday / Instagram: @Kadalicllc

2 subs, 97 views
Mystery 19
#Action, #adorable, #adventure, #comedy, #cute, #Fantasy, #funny, #mario, #mystery, #romance
No Free 2021-10-20 2021-11-12

by doghouse132
Kuro the cat

Kuro is a young cat who see the world in his own way. he's playful and adventurous and causes all kinds of trouble. but, he's so darn cute

53 subs, 4.05k views
Slice of life 47
#adorable, #animals, #bird, #black, #Canine, #cat, #charming, #children, #cute, #dog, #feline, #foolish, #game, #green, #hound, #kawaii, #kitten, #kitty, #kuro, #life, #lovable, #midori, #mouse, #pet, #pup, #puppy, #shiro, #silly, #slice, #sweet, #tabby, #white, #young
No Free 2015-12-29 2020-11-12

by Squishi Kitti
Lilly and the 5 Islands

Lilly and the 5 Islands was created by my 7 year old niece, Maddison. I said to her that if she writes stories, I'll turn them into comic strips! These will be released as soon as they become available, hopefully no longer than monthly. I have severe tendonitis in my right wrist so sometimes I might struggle to meet deadlines. I also see this as an opportunity for me to improve my art skills! I hope you enjoy Maddison's stories!

5 subs, 563 views
Fantasy 2
#adorable, #anime, #cute, #kawaii, #manga
No Free 2017-02-07 2017-03-07

by steloproductions
Little Miss Lady Bug

The comic about an adorable yet sexy ladybug. She can stun you with a wink, but she won't take it from just any dude.

21 subs, 1.52k views
Comedy 7
#adorable, #animation, #bugs, #cartoons, #comics, #curvygirl, #cute, #digital, #inks, #insects, #ladybug, #littlemissladybug, #lovely, #nightclub, #sexy, #singer, #stelomation, #steloproductions, #stevenlopez
No Free 2017-07-08 2017-07-14

by Loof & Timmy
Loof & Timmy

An adorable animated GIF series following the friendship between Loof the Loaf and Timmy the T-Rex. FInd us on GIPHY by searching on your GIF keyboard on social media!

49 subs, 13.6k views
Comedy 195
#adorable, #bread, #Comic, #cute, #Dinosaur, #hotrb, #loof, #loofandtimmy, #loof_and_timmy, #loof_timmy, #timmy, #trex, #webcomic
Yes Free 2016-02-09 2019-11-19

by Myst
Loud in My Head

Introverted things and the little struggles of Koo's everyday life.

297 subs, 11.9k views
Slice of life 30
#adorable, #animals, #anxiety, #comedy, #cute, #cuteness, #Dailylife, #doodles, #fml, #humor, #introvertedproblems, #introvertproblems, #introverts, #irl, #kawaii, #koo, #loudinmyhead, #relatable, #storyofmylife
No Free 2017-02-18 2018-12-30

by mexicancandy

~BOYS LOVE~ Ricardo can't stand Macy, and Macy can't stand Ricardo. Yet, without the other they're nothing. Enemies > Friends > Lovers

33 subs, 599 views
Romance 2
#adorable, #anime, #bl, #boy, #boy love, #boys, #boys_love, #cartoon, #Comic, #cute, #Doujinshi, #gay, #high_school, #kawaii, #lgbt, #manga, #men, #microsoft paint, #mini, #ms paint, #new, #popular, #queer, #rainbow, #teens, #x, #yaoi
No Free 2016-08-21 2016-09-04

by Danni Doodles
Mallow's Life

Follow Mallow's adventures with her best friend and owner, Auda, the friendly old lady that takes care of Mallow and enjoys baking cat friendly treats.

318 subs, 1.29k views
Slice of life 1
#adorable, #animal, #cartoon, #cat, #cute, #fun, #kitten, #nice, #pet, #pure, #wholesome
No Free 2018-12-17 2018-12-17

by a bear costume
Mars Freedom Colony :: RACIANTAU

In the distant future Earth is so covered in crap no one wants to deal with it anymore, so humanity turns starward to start anew on Mars. Whatever obstacles stand against us we'll always look forward and move onward, bouyed by our greatest ideals: ingenuity, community, and above all else, freedom.

11 subs, 1.03k views
Fantasy 30
#absurd, #adorable, #comedy, #cute, #dark comedy, #earth, #Fantasy, #future, #Mars, #philosophical, #rockets, #sci fi, #Science Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #space, #space travel
No Free 2017-04-22 2017-06-12

by Bubbledriver
Medusa:Warrior of Justice

An adaptation of Medusa , with huge liberties taken with the original myth! In which Medusa is the heroine of her story rather than a victim. The tale follows a noble priestess of the Goddess Athena, called Medusa who longs to become a legendary hero, but due to being born mortal and duty-bound to her temple, resigns herself to a humdrum existence....Who has little idea of what fate has in store for her!

92 subs, 7.95k views
Fantasy 23
#adorable, #adventure, #Athena, #bubbledrivercomics, #Comic, #cute, #equality, #Fantasy, #fave, #gender, #Gender Equality, #girl power, #Graphic Novel, #Greek, #greek_gods, #henshin, #horror, #kawaii, #like, #magic, #magical, #magical girl, #medusa, #Monster, #panel, #perseus, #poseidon, #role reversal, #sparkles, #super_sons, #support, #sweet, #Warrior, #web, #webcomic
No Free 2015-09-15 2019-01-23

by Dave Stankoven


427 subs, 10.1k views
Comedy 9
#adorable, #cursing, #inked, #mai, #manic, #May, #mermaid, #mermay, #mystery, #october, #rude, #Tober, #vulger
No Free 2018-05-01 2021-05-30

by TormentedAngel8

Mewy is a cat who constantly gets into silly shenanigans.

8 subs, 1.33k views
Comedy 20
#adorable, #cartoon, #cat, #cute, #kawaii, #kitty, #mewy, #Mewynanigans, #Neko, #shenanigans, #silly
No Free 2017-09-28 2020-12-04

by Mini
Mini Comics

Short Mini comics about funny situations in Mini's life. (see what I did there? ;D) P.S: Some may have been exaggerated I really hope you enjoy it! and btw! I forgot to mention, most of the stories I'm posting now happened some time ago! :3

256 subs, 24.8k views
Slice of life 90
#ackward, #adorable, #black and white, #cat, #cute, #funny, #geek, #girl, #mini, #Miniaome, #random, #short, #slice of life, #small, #Story, #VideoGame
No Free 2015-05-13 2021-11-19

by Smore fan
Misadventures of Leo and Marshal

Follow the highs and lows of two cute cats.

3 subs, 86 views
Comedy 2
#adorable, #adventures, #apartment, #Brianna, #cats, #crazy, #Fight, #humor, #Leo, #marshal
No Free 2021-04-09 2021-05-07


Series of illustration that inspired by every little things around us.

2.3k subs, 278k views
Comedy 66
#adorable, #cute, #fun, #pun
No Free 2013-03-25 2015-02-11

by Stevie

Moop is a lil thing that changes colors based on his emotions, watch him explore life

3 subs, 276 views
Comedy 1
#adorable, #comedy, #cute, #funny, #kawaii, #relatable
No Free 2018-01-17 2018-01-19

by Majestic_Pear
My Comic Book Journal

A Comic Blog about my daily life! Hopefully I'll remember to update. vwv

10 subs, 538 views
Comedy 3
#4 panel, #adorable, #black and white, #chibi, #college, #comedy, #cute, #funny, #life, #Majestic Pear, #Neko, #silly, #simple, #strip
No Free 2015-11-12 2015-11-17

by Rouge
My other half

A perfect pear... Folow Chris P., a wonderfully awkward apple-head with Worm living in his head, and Honey, a bubbly peach-head as they go through they daily life in this fruity filled world.

10 subs, 408 views
Romance 11
#adorable, #apple, #couple, #cute, #fruits, #love, #Peach, #romance, #warm, #wholesome
No Free 2021-03-31 2021-10-31

by Ebi_Nebby
Nabe Universe

Follow Flem into the world of Nabe Universe as he looks for the remaining guardians to help him stop the chaos arising within the shadows.

39 subs, 3.45k views
Fantasy 38
#adorable, #adventure, #cats, #chibi, #cute, #Elements, #fairy, #Fantasy, #original
No Free 2020-06-21 2022-03-29

by Faby Saturn

(NEW PAGES EVERY SUNDAY AT 12:00 AM PST!) This series is about a gang of six children from EverGrace Street in their everyday lives.

29 subs, 2.98k views
Slice of life 82
#adorable, #all_ages, #cartoon, #children, #colorful, #cute, #cutesy, #digital, #everyone, #family_friendly, #for_all_ages, #heartwarming, #innocent, #kawaii, #kids, #most_recent, #nane, #new, #newest, #nostalgia, #recent, #sweet, #wholesome
No Free 2019-07-30 2021-04-25

by Ndbag
Ndbag the Boogeyman

Ndbag is a happy and friendly boogeyman who lives in the hamper in the closet, eats socks, and likes pandas. Enjoy his silly mayhem and pandabulous puns! Pandatastically cute fun in a comic strip with extra socks! \^_^/

63 subs, 103k views
Slice of life 1498
#adorable, #boogeyman, #comedy, #Comic, #cute, #funny, #goblin, #hamper, #humor, #humour, #lint, #ndbag, #panda, #pandaman, #pandbag, #silly, #sock, #socks, #webcomic, #zk
No Free 2012-06-27 2022-07-21

by GimmeHug
Neko Stories

Random funny stories from both real life and online life ~ :3

81 subs, 4.29k views
Comedy 21
#adorable, #chibi, #cute, #funny, #Neko, #short
No Free 2016-01-25 2019-02-08

by SlapstickComics
Nezu Haiku

Haiku of Nezu Illustrated Animals Fable and legend -- Follow the little mouse Nezu as he travels across a land of myth and legend, meeting all sorts of friendly and not-so-friendly animals and creatures.

4 subs, 140 views
Slice of life 9
#adorable, #animals, #anthro, #chibi, #child, #cute, #deer, #Fox, #frog, #Haiku, #Inari, #Ink_wash_painting, #japan, #miko, #mouse, #samurai, #senryu, #shinto, #sumi_e
No Free 2020-10-31 2022-05-24

by tallbean
Off Studio

when you decide to quit college and become a full-time artist, your life gets pretty interesting (occasionally).

3 subs, 288 views
Slice of life 3
#adorable, #cute, #doodle, #funny
No Free 2018-09-20 2018-09-21

by TrumpetForTwo

This is a place for trials of different styles and ideas. Let me know what you think.

9 subs, 9.78k views
Comedy 70
#adorable, #adventure, #awesome, #cute, #friendship, #funny, #girl, #hilarious, #ish, #life, #Peach, #play, #pun, #punny, #real, #ridiculous, #sarcasm, #sarcastic, #word
No Free 2016-11-14 2020-03-04

by Songquill
Our Ongoing Story

Two gay modern witches in a magic inclusive society.

325 subs, 12.2k views
Romance 15
#adorable, #cute, #gay, #lesbian, #modern, #romance, #witch, #witches
No Free 2016-12-23 2017-07-09

by Padgehog Comics
Padgehog Comics

Parenting adventures of a queer foster-to-adopt mama! As illustrated by the talented Luis Portillo.

11 subs, 130 views
#adopt, #adorable, #child, #children, #cute, #foster, #foster_to_adopt, #gay, #hedgehog, #lesbian, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #LGBTQIA, #mama, #Mom, #parenting, #queer, #sweet, #wholesome
No Free 2020-11-17 2020-11-17

by SkyReach
Pandora's Gate

When humans open a gate to Purgatory the dangerous monsters that live there begin to invade the human world. In an attempt to avoid all out war with humans, Princess of Purgatory, Pandora, opens a recruitment agency that aims to bring humans and monsters together.

24 subs, 371 views
Fantasy 4
#adorable, #anime, #cartoon, #comedy, #creatures, #cute, #evil, #Fantasy, #funny, #gate, #humorous, #kawaii, #lilith, #Monster, #monsters, #monster_girl, #pandora
No Free 2019-09-05 2019-09-05

by José Malvárez

Cute tiny little pets!

67 subs, 11.1k views
Comedy 45
#adorable, #animal, #animals, #cat, #cats, #comedy, #cute, #dog, #dogs, #gato, #gatos, #kawaii, #kitten, #kittens, #Neko, #paws, #pet, #pets, #puppies, #puppy, #slice of life
Yes Free 2015-02-01 2018-07-02