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by Amilcar
(Don't) Trust yourself

"What would you do if you encountered an older version of yourself... telling you to do exactly as he says? Would you trust yourself?" (Don't) Trust yourself is a time-traveling crime thriller, aimed to mature readers, where you won't know whom to root for. Expect violence and dark themes.

5 subs, 225 views
Drama 18
#Comic, #Crime, #drama, #europe, #teen, #timetravel, #time_traveling, #urban
No Free 2021-06-09 2022-07-21

by Amilcar
(Don't) Trust yourself (Español)

Valencia, España, 1998. ¿Qué harías si te encontraras una versión adulta de ti mismo... que te da instrucciones concretas a seguir? ¿Confiarías en él? (Don't) Trust Yourself es un thriller que mezcla viajes en el tiempo con suspense y acción para lectores adultos, donde no sabrás qué bando escoger.

2 subs, 159 views
Action 18
#90s, #adult, #blackwhite, #Crime, #dark, #mistery, #spanish, #thriller, #timetravel, #western
No Free 2022-01-30 2022-06-17

by Petrus
- das noites que eu não dormi -

- das noites que não dormi - é um projeto curto, de dez tirinhas, o qual produzi durante o mês de julho e um único dia de junho. Uma narrativa confusa e simples sobre os dias que sobrevivi.

5 subs, 180 views
Drama 1
#experience, #experiencia, #fellings, #life, #sentimentos, #vida
No Free 2019-08-08 2019-08-08

by GoodGuyPie
0 Time Men

Two-time travelers fight against an ever-growing threat, a battle to save the past and future these two men have no time to relax once this mission begins.

4 subs, 609 views
Science fiction 5
#SCI_FI, #time_travel
No Free 2021-06-30 2022-04-30

by lucasmillo7

This is a little story I made for the 7th edition of the Silent Manga contest whose theme was "Unforgettable Taste", although I was not a winner, I hope you enjoy it!

1 subs, 292 views
Drama 1
#1130, #2017, #anime, #art, #boy, #brothers, #digital, #drama, #girl, #ink, #lucasmillo7, #manga, #mangaka, #monochrome, #Pen, #pencil, #photoshop, #process, #shoujo, #silentmanga, #SilentMangaAudition, #sm7, #super_sons, #timeskip, #traditional, #unforgettable taste
No Free 2017-10-31 2017-11-01

by Buttercup

Nadia is a 20 years old girl who's for the first time, leaving Mexico since she got a scolarship in USA. Leaving in Mexico all her friends and people she care for, including Emilio, her boyfriend. In USA she mets lots of new people, including her teacher, a 24 years old guy who believes time travel is possible, and even invented a device to do so. But what will happen when a tragic event happens in Mexico, and now she's willing to try time traveling!

60 subs, 1.83k views
Drama 8
#1968, #drama, #english, #love, #Mexico, #time travel, #Twilight Zone
No Free 2017-06-07 2017-08-09

by Buttercup
1968 (ESPAÑOL)

Nadia es una chica de 20 años quien por primera vez está dejando México por haber obtenido una beca en USA. Dejando en México, todos sus amigos y seres queridos, incluyendo Emilio, su novio. En USA ella conoce montones de nuevas personas, incluyendo su maestro, un chico de 24 años quien cree que viajar en el tiempo es posible, e incluso invento un dispositivo para poder hacerlo. Pero, ¡que pasará cuando un trágico evento sucede en México y ahora ella está dispuesta a viajar en el tiempo!

69 subs, 1.1k views
Drama 7
#1968, #Amor, #drama, #espaol, #love, #Mexico, #spanish, #time travel
No Free 2017-06-08 2017-08-12

by unniho97
200 Heartbeats per Minute

She is a cop who is sent to a high school undercover.She has a bad temper problem...and is unnaturally strong. People just keep testing her..but if she gets to the 200 heartbeats per minute...things happen Also theres this one jerk...

40 subs, 209 views
Romance 2
#comedy, #time_travel
No Free 2020-06-21 2020-06-21

by ZelOrcí
2020 Pride Month Contest Submission

This is my submission for the 2020 Pride Month Contest. Go vote! <3

1 subs, 88 views
Comedy 1
#2020_pride_contest, #2020_Pride_month, #comedy, #lgbtq, #pride_month, #quarantine, #slice_of_life, #Time
No Free 2020-06-22 2020-06-22

by AlexAlexAlex
24-Hour Comic

Chimera: weird object or subject composed of disparate parts, a whole without unity. Attractive project, but unachievable, a vain idea that is only the product of imagination, illusion. (translation by Heloise)

5 subs, 782 views
Slice of life 10
#avas_demon, #ballpoint_pen, #batman, #buying_time, #card_captor_sakura, #Catwoman, #chii, #chobits, #chrestomanci, #CLAMP, #diana_wynne_jones, #dresden_codak, #felttip_pen, #fye, #gunnerkrigg_court, #harley_quinn, #ink, #minus, #naoko_takeuchi, #o_human_star, #photoshop, #poison_ivy, #robin_hobb, #rogue, #sailor_moon, #storm, #xmen, #yue
Yes Free 2017-10-04 2019-01-03

by Jessi Sheron
3 Jumps

A women volunteers for "Project Time Skip" a secret time travel project. She can go back three times. What will she do? A one shot comic for Father's Day. Dedicated to my Dad, who I love more than words can say.

1.34k subs, 21.3k views
Science fiction 1
#dad, #father, #fathers day, #fathers_day, #girl, #Science Fiction, #scifi, #time travel, #woman
No Free 2015-06-20 2015-06-20

by Maikahiki
4 Chords

A simple story.

2 subs, 283 views
Slice of life 2
#artcheddart, #cheddart, #Comic, #dad, #drama, #family, #father, #four, #girl, #life, #lives, #miguel, #Mom, #mother, #of, #sad, #slice, #Time, #TOME
Yes Free 2016-09-01 2017-04-21

by 69Erocento

What would you do if you are given a second chance to turn back time and relive your past? Would you do what you did back then for fear of the butterfly effect? Or would you take a different course of action and let the future speaks for itself? Warning: Mild blood and gore (it's okay I can't handle intense gore either)

3.86k subs, 19k views
Fantasy 5
#69erocento, #apocalypse, #family, #Fantasy, #magic, #michi, #Rebirth, #time travel, #zombie
No Free 2016-05-06 2019-02-22

by dwetzstudio
A Date In Time

Lilac is a shy animation intern. After work, when crossing the street to reach her date, she is hit by a speeding car. In the hospital and close to dying, she finds next to her hand, the TIMEPHONE. On its screen are the words, "RETURN IN TIME AND RESET YOUR PAST." Not reading the terms, she presses ACCEPT. Now back in the past with some serious amnesia, Lilac must remember who her date was within 30 days and convince him to risk his own life to save hers. What will Lilac do? UPDATES EVERY MONDAY

2 subs, 123 views
Drama 3
#animation, #cute, #Fantasy, #love, #manhwa, #timetravel, #webcomic, #wholesome, #workplace
No Free 2022-01-25 2022-02-09

by Uschi-Olga
A Door Between Worlds

Tina loves old buildings, castles and churches. One day she opened a door that opened a new chapter in her live. This chapter is filled with many adventures in a city she knows by heart but at the same time doesn't.

1 subs, 98 views
Romance 1
#medieval_times, #time_travel
No Free 2021-10-11 2021-10-12

by hrewannabe
A Kiss Into the Future

Kiss Into the Future is about a group of werewolves who find themselves sent forward in time. There they find a conflicting future where the existence of supernatural creatures became known with horrific consequences. (updates monthly at worst)

9 subs, 717 views
Fantasy 3
#apocalypse, #friendship, #journey, #post-apocalyptic, #supernatural, #time travel, #werewolf, #Werewolves
No Free 2017-07-31 2020-02-18

by Schaefges
A Legend (of some sort)

As there is darkness and evil in the world, so too are great heroes born to push back that evil. ...Regrettably, the great heroes were all otherwise occupied, so you're stuck with this guy. Apologies in advance.

204 subs, 87.5k views
Gaming 208
#a link between worlds, #a link to the past, #comedy, #derring-do, #Fantasy, #fun, #funny, #ganon, #hero, #heroic, #homage, #Legend of Zelda, #Link, #magic, #Monster, #monsters, #nintendo, #ocarina of time, #parody, #Princess, #satire, #sorcery, #spell, #spells, #swords, #Wizard, #Zelda
No Free 2015-09-02 2016-09-29

by Starfall
A Matter of Time

Finn Beck is a 16-year-old high school student who travels through time with his friends Summer and Leo to fix the Space Time Continuum. Currently set on updating once or twice a week.

7 subs, 391 views
Science fiction 1
#Action, #bisexual, #cartoons, #cute, #drama, #gay, #high_school, #lesbian, #lgbt, #poc, #slice_of_life, #Story, #Time, #time_travel, #trans
No Free 2019-03-17 2019-03-17

by Pixeled Pip
A Simple Story

This is a simple story about a girl, a oversize dog, and a burned down village.

4 subs, 413 views
Fantasy 2
#comic_strip, #dog, #Fantasy, #First time, #girl, #hero's journey, #new, #simple, #simple story, #yellow
No Free 2017-10-15 2017-11-13

by coata
A Time Traveler & His Vampire Companion

Alec Romero is a sorcerer who owns a magic shop, but that's just a front for his real line of work -- being a time traveler for hire! As he traverses through the past attempting to solve peoples' problems, engage in historic events, or even just retrieve lost items, he eventually finds he might be in for more of a challenge than he originally bargained for. With his sassy vampire companion, Rosie, and the new friends he makes along the way, Alec must fight against a powerful evil that threatens to destroy the balance of magical and non-magical beings. But just how much will Alec be willing to risk in order to ensure the survival of the world he's known for so long?

1 subs, 137 views
Fantasy 2
#found_family, #magic, #science_fiction, #sorcerer, #time_travel, #vampire, #vampires, #Werewolves, #Wizard
No Free 2021-07-29 2022-07-02

by LaTor
Acapella Romantic Times

A collection of short romantic stories, forever captured throughout all of time.

3 subs, 574 views
Romance 4
#18thcentury, #18th_century, #19thcentury, #19th_Century, #20thcentury, #20th_century, #aesthetic, #artist, #cameo, #colorful, #contemporary, #contemporaryhistory, #contemporary_history, #edwardian, #frenchaesthetic, #French_aesthetic, #historicalfiction, #Historical_Fiction, #Poems, #Rococo_style, #romatic, #timeless, #Victorian, #vintage, #western
No Free 2020-09-06 2020-10-09

by Guilherme Junior

Acroalis is a fantasy world in which everyone has been living peacefully. that is, until two meteors landed. the people of Acroalis ignored them, thinking them of a normal phenomena, but little do they know the meteors contained a powerful source. one that will change all of Acroalis

438 subs, 74.3k views
Fantasy 237
#battle_mode, #black_and_white, #boys, #castle, #character, #dark, #decision_time, #deep, #dragons, #Elder, #Fire, #forest, #funny, #games, #giants, #giant_monsters, #girls, #God, #group, #hero, #heroine, #kingdon, #kings, #landscape, #lava, #level, #line, #long_comic, #lv_up, #monster_hunter, #mountains, #music, #mysterious, #mystery, #naruto_type, #party, #Powers, #Princess, #rain, #rpg, #rpg_music, #sad, #scrolls, #Sky, #space, #style_manga, #super, #technology, #trees, #universe, #video_game, #villages, #Volcano, #water, #wind, #world_map
No Free 2014-12-26 2020-11-19

by TheBlackSunKing
Across the eras

The monkey team, after the seemingly return of an ancient enemy the hyper force are transported across all the different eras of Shuggazoom's history, and now they are in a race against the clock to save it from who wants to change history for the worse.

18 subs, 3.01k views
Action 25
#cartoon, #fancomic, #jetix, #scififantasy, #srmthfg, #timetravel
No Free 2020-03-21 2020-06-15

by sibaillot
Adaline MORGAN

21st of december 1793, the doctor Adaline MORGAN was killed. She woke up and never died again. Nowadays, she works whith the police as a Medical Examiner.

4 subs, 387 views
Action 2
#Action, #adaline, #Comic, #Immortal, #lifetime, #mistery, #morgan, #plar, #policier, #Time, #whodunit, #whodunnit
No Free 2017-12-29 2018-01-03

by Mike Exner III

Adamant is a superhero thrust into the far future by his greatest enemy. When he arrives, he finds the world transformed into a dystopian nightmare brought about primarily because of his absence from the present. A hero out of time, trapped in an impossibly bleak future, Adamant strives to return the world to a semblance of the one he once knew.

160 subs, 25.8k views
Action 236
#Action, #Adamant, #adventure, #comedy, #comics, #frog, #fun, #future, #humor, #Pogo, #Superhero, #timetravel, #webcomic, #webcomics
No Free 2015-05-20 2021-02-16

by TOD
Adventure between Galaxy and Time

A comic about 4 original characters, traveling through portals of different cartoon dimensions in the desperate need to get back home, but the villain Belphegor is getting in their way.

8 subs, 2.16k views
Comedy 83
#abgat, #Adventure between Galaxy and Time, #art, #Comic, #hand made, #oc, #theokamidemon, #tod, #traditional, #work
No Free 2016-12-24 2020-10-14

by machxan
Adventure Tales

Meet Finn and Jake and join them to their magical adventure and Discover the darkest secrets in the land of Ooo, together they will meet new friends and faces new challenges. Characters and Story are based on the hit cartoon series "Adventure Time" by Pendleton Ward. Fanfiction and art by: Oujixan

27 subs, 765 views
Fantasy 1
#adventure, #adventure tales, #adventure_time, #finn
No Free 2015-04-16 2015-04-16

by lezettern
Adventure time Valentines trouble

A story based on fionna and cake series, I did this comic 3 years ago! and I hope you enjoy this one :D

950 subs, 142k views
Drama 85
#Action, #adventure_time, #cartoon_network, #comics, #fanart, #Fantasy, #finn, #fionna_and_cake, #Fire, #ice_queen, #indie, #jake, #lezettern, #love, #lumpy space, #marceline, #marshall_lee, #Princess, #prince_gumball, #romance
No Free 2016-07-30 2019-09-27

by Tony and Kyo Comics
Adventure Time: Good Little Girl

Good Little Girl is a semi-realistic, well received Adventure Time comic by *graphicspark on deviantART. Filled with twists and turns. This comic is suitable for all ages.

822 subs, 21.6k views
Romance 6
#adventure_time, #Fionna and Cake, #Flame Prince, #Marshall Lee, #shipping
Yes Free 2013-12-29 2019-10-29

by FairyDemon
Adventure Time: Wayworn

An Adventure Time fanbook by FairyDemon. 2016.

385 subs, 39.7k views
Drama 27
#adventure_time, #marceline, #peppermint butler, #princess bubble gum
No Free 2017-01-04 2021-03-19

by BCrossZero
Adventures of the Time Travelling Burrito Taster

Meet Emil Rainer, the amazing, spectacular, unequaled Time Travelling Burrito Taster! Drop into a world where nothing is as it seems, maybe. Depends on the page, really. Anyway, in this universe, burritos grant their consumers super powers! Emil must travel far and wide, even through time itself, to save the world from the effects of burritos too powerful for their own good! Be advised, once you start reading this silly little pitter pattering volume of goodness, you'll never be able to put it down! Well, you shouldn't. Just...do you okay?

1 subs, 170 views
Comedy 1
#burrito, #burrito_taster, #comedy, #food, #guatemala_man, #mexican_food, #mr_bald, #super_hero, #super_powers, #the_boyfriend, #time_travel
No Free 2019-08-16 2019-08-16

by pineapplecat
After Dark

A comic built upon the feeling of being awake after 1 am .

4 subs, 476 views
Slice of life 19
#awake, #dark, #Darkness, #freindship, #moon, #night, #nighttime, #relaxing, #should_be_asleep, #Sleep
No Free 2021-02-22 2021-05-02

by punkgrandpa
Agent Mads

Mads McGuire is no reputable talent agent, especially since her next big project is to scout for her dad's bizarre short film. She's just about had it with her dormant career in Los Angeles' cutthroat entertainment industry--and not to mention her mother breathing down her neck, until it all erupts into sudden chaos after the death of a hot-shot movie director. Updates every Monday! [Content Warning: Explicit Language and Sexual Themes, Allusions to Emotional Abuse/Trauma (To be noted at the beginning of relevant pages)]

55 subs, 2.98k views
Drama 45
#drama, #entertainment, #Hollywood, #Lesbians, #lgbtq, #los_angeles, #movies, #slice_of_life, #television, #time_piece
No Free 2021-06-04 2022-07-18

by Rachel
Alchemist Burn Outs

Harriet has been transported to a place where her dead Father is alive, her terrible powers are disabled, and she can finally live a normal life. But, things are not quite as they seem. Joining forces with the two worst students of the Pendleson Alchemy Academy, the three drop outs decide it's time to break out of school and carve their own paths.

156 subs, 15.4k views
Fantasy 147
#adventure, #Alchemist, #alchemy, #alternate_timeline, #black_and_white, #line_art, #magic_school, #magic_teens, #YA
Yes Free 2018-02-16 2021-12-17

by Alethia
Alethia and her mind

This is my life inside and outside the university and my mind, sometimes creepy sometimes boring. And i hope you like it

0 subs, 458 views
Slice of life 1
#comedy, #Fantasy, #romace, #slice of life, #sometimes suspense
No Free 2015-08-30 2015-08-30

by alexstarart
AlexStarArt Short Comics

Going to be posting short comics I work on here

2 subs, 83 views
Fantasy 1
#death, #forest, #oneshot, #shortcomic, #souls, #Time
No Free 2021-04-17 2021-04-17

by nuj716
Alice and TimePimp

The timely adventures of Alice and TimePimp.

10 subs, 532 views
Comedy 1
#Action, #adventure, #Sci-fi, #Time
No Free 2014-07-21 2014-07-21

by Frankie
Aliens & Dinosaurs

Avian, a humanoid Ankylosaurus from the future, injects a concoction that turns dinosaurs to humanoid figures, like him. In the Late Cretaceous, it's everywhere and every feral animal becomes smart and humanoid. But as soon as aliens find out about it, they attack the dinosaurs. Will Avian and Time Travel Co. save the dinosaurs, or will aliens continue to execute them all...

0 subs, 357 views
Science fiction 3
#Alien, #avian, #Comic, #Cretaceous, #Dinosaur, #Feathers, #jurassic, #lennyface, #maniraptoran, #Oviraptor, #Science Fiction, #theropod, #time travel, #triassic, #ufo
No Free 2018-03-04 2018-08-18

by spoopycandyy
All part of the Keikaku (BL)

Set in a world thousands of years after ours, society and science as we know it has completely regressed. Leaving us with horses and carts and oh! One other thing.... We now have magic. Disclaimer: If you don't like hints of gay, essence of lesbian, extract of Bi or exposure of trans, don't read this. That being said this comic isn't all about LGBT or whatever, it makes a small part of it sure but what you read I hope you read for the story and characters.

6 subs, 210 views
Fantasy 1
#bl, #Fantasy, #gay, #gl, #lesbian, #lgbt, #magic, #time_travel, #trans
No Free 2019-02-11 2019-02-11

by stillhet

Where are the forgotten stories? Where do the unwritten stories go? Where is the paper castle? Anthology of horror and fantasy stories.

43 subs, 2.75k views
Fantasy 30
#alma, #anthology, #chaos, #drama, #dream, #Fantasy, #horror, #lie, #old, #old_god, #paper, #paper_castle, #reality, #Soul, #stories, #subcultura, #tales, #tell, #terror, #Time, #tragedy
No Free 2018-01-06 2019-11-11

by e Pon
Ample Time

Welcome to a world of confusion, worries and occasional discrimination... okay so it isn't much different from our own. Ample Time is a story that shows that with kindness and acceptance even the most unconfident can learn to believe in themselves and achieve. If you have ever had social anxiety, lost faith that you can succeed or had a giant crush on someone you never thought would look at you twice, I hope this comic reminds you that those things do not define you. ...Also if you happen to like girly romance this will be for you. This comic is published on my patreon every Saturday (3pm UK time). If you want to get it as early as possible you can follow it there: https://www.patreon.com/ePonArt

5.1k subs, 1.54M views
GL 243
#Amethyst, #ample_time, #anthro, #anthropomorphic, #being_different, #bffs, #comedy, #dew, #e pon, #epon, #everyday, #friendship, #funny, #furry, #girl_love, #gl, #lesbian, #Ripple, #romance, #romantic, #slice_of_life, #yuri
No Free 2017-12-06 2022-07-21

by Liam Swanton
an anachronism occurs at castle rock station

in 1861, a lonely cowboy is positioned at a pony express relay station in the middle of nevada after the untimely demise of his partner. somewhere in the meantime, a time traveller attempts a daring maneuver.

9 subs, 855 views
#Cowboy, #gay, #queer, #time_travel, #western, #Wild_West
No Free 2021-07-29 2021-08-19

by Henry Coca
Androids Drink Blue Milk

Hank and the gang struggle to keep their production company afloat while battling gobs of enemies. Humans cannot digest Blue Milk therefor it's the best way to distinguish between humans and androids. Updates Every M/W/F

14 subs, 4.04k views
Slice of life 36
#androids, #Bantha Milk, #Blue Milk, #Cocafilms, #friends, #hankcoca, #Henry, #hipsters, #production, #robot zombies, #robots, #time travel, #vampires, #zombies
No Free 2014-07-04 2015-07-18

by Angels Crest Highway

A graphic novel about an obsessed street racer and his encounter with a supernatural driver, that will change the course of one tragic night.

21 subs, 3.01k views
Drama 15
#Action, #alternate_reality, #anime, #Comic, #drama, #Fantasy, #friendship, #Graphic Novel, #hope, #life, #lost, #love, #manga, #mystery, #racing, #regret, #Sci-fi, #thriller, #time travel
No Free 2016-05-10 2017-07-20

by Miss Apogee

Join one (definitely perfectly normal, please stop asking) Maya Ione as she finds herself trapped in a month long time loop. She must work to find out what's happening to her and how to escape, but perhaps she's not the only one stuck in this situation. Will she be able to work with these people to find a way out, or will whatever has her trapped in time get to her first? Updates every other Monday!

70 subs, 9.42k views
Romance 119
#Action, #apogee, #drama, #science_fiction, #time_travel
No Free 2020-07-16 2022-07-18

by Teo Federn

A story about apples. Quick black-and-white sketches.

0 subs, 68 views
Slice of life 4
#art, #black_and_white, #fun, #graphic_, #meditation__, #meditative, #no_words, #raw, #time_lapse__
No Free 2022-07-07 2022-07-09

by Kneeckoh
Arc Tangent: J

This mini-comic was originally posted on Twitter as part of the 2019 Hourly Comics Day, where artists are challenged to draw a single comic page or panel every hour, detailing what they did during that hour. Since my life is super boring I decided to make it into an hourly look into the life of a certain time-looping student instead. The canonicity of this comic is rather dubious, I am still unsure if it takes place in the world of The Loop, or if it's something else entirely. This comic is simply a snippet of a larger story that I hope to one day tell in full.

2 subs, 231 views
Mystery 25
#game, #loop, #meta, #play, #Time
No Free 2021-05-31 2022-07-06

by Kiiyoko
Arcane but in University

An AU of all the arcane couples in university AKA Arcane 50% less depressing

264 subs, 2.22k views
#arcane, #Arcane_fanfic, #Caitvi, #Cait_x_vi, #Ekko_x_jinx, #Jayvik, #Sevika, #Timebomb
No Free 2022-05-22 2022-06-25

by Araorenda
AreVthere Diament et Astro

The beginning of A teenage boy named Jacob. He is a pilot of the Nyms Hunting team at the Belldiz Zico area. One day, he was in an accident with a spacecraft. Known to fall into the forest, he accidentally fell apart a spaceship. He went to see Was met with a mysterious young girl Sleeping inside His adventure began.

24 subs, 140 views
Romance 1
#Alien, #Mars, #moon, #planet, #post_apocalypse, #R18, #romance, #space, #Star_Travel, #time_travel
No Free 2020-04-22 2022-02-16

by Cacah05
Around the World in 80 Days (discontinued)

A comics project based on the work of Jules Verne. This is the story of a man named Phileas Fogg who was willing to give up everything he had in order to prove that going around the world in 80 days was possible. But... was it?

14 subs, 4.26k views
Drama 59
#aouda, #around_the_world, #aw80d, #detective, #fix, #fogg, #in 80 days, #jean, #jules_verne, #passepartout, #phileas, #ship, #Time, #train, #traveling
No Free 2017-07-19 2020-09-01

by Anathepanda
Art Bro

This is art bro. This isn't just doodles. Not much to say. Enjoy the randomness. Check out other things I do: tumblr The forgotten Yeah I'm too lazy to put in the urls

4 subs, 419 views
Slice of life 2
#art, #Blond moments, #Funny at times, #Im a nerd, #my life, #not just doodles
No Free 2016-12-19 2017-01-07

by Overlord_Venus
Arthropod Implant

An Alien invasion annihilates human civilization, defeating, and enslaving humanity. After learning human history, and comprehending the mysteries of all Earth-based species, the Aliens genetically modified humans by implanting Arthropods in them. They also released three monster species on Earth, forcing the humans to fight, giving them a single condition. "If humanity wishes to reclaim their civilization, kill all the monsters within 10 years."

54 subs, 863 views
Action 3
#Action, #aliens, #apocalypse, #evolution, #Kingdom_Building, #romance, #survival, #time_limit, #war
No Free 2021-03-18 2021-04-19

by Raphael HHS
Arthur and the Sun

The legend of King Arthur got a totally new version. With martial arts and time traveling brought to our reality the narrative tells the story of Arthur, a young boy who needs to learn martial arts with the greates hero on earth, so he can finally pull the legendary sword, Excalibur, from the stone. But Arthur's fate is not that easy, he will have to face some foes in an adventure that's even hotter than the sun. A tale of how a boy becomes the greatest legend of all time.

11 subs, 1.32k views
Action 37
#adventure, #arthur, #arthur_pendragon, #caliburn, #dunno, #excalibur, #igraine, #igraine pendragon, #King, #king_arthur, #legend, #martial_arts, #merlin, #stone, #sun, #sword, #sword of the stone, #time_traveler, #time_traveller, #time_travelling, #timing, #travel, #uther_pendragon
No Free 2017-09-10 2022-04-16

by Raphael HHS
Arthur e o Sol (Pt- BR)

“A famosa lenda do Rei Arthur ganha uma nova visão com Arthur e o Sol. Trazendo fantasia e viagem no tempo para a nossa realidade. A narrativa conta a história de Arthur, um jovem que precisa aprender artes marciais com o maior herói da terra para assim poder retirar a lendária espada, Excalibur, da pedra e se tornar rei. Porém o destino de Arthur não será tão simples, há diversos inimigos que querem impedi-lo de chegar na lendária espada e nem mesmo o calor do Sol irá detê-los.” “A maior lenda de todas está apenas começando.”

27 subs, 2.32k views
Action 51
#Action, #adventre, #arthur, #dunno, #excalibur, #King, #legend, #manga, #martial_arts, #shonen, #sun, #sword, #time_travel, #timing
Yes Free 2020-07-04 2021-03-22

by prince
ashley's secondhand serenade. [hiatus]

[this is kinda dead anyw and is here for archive purposes] It's true. Ash probably secretly sort of likes Kiko. It's also true that she kinda wanted his attention. But no. Fuck no. Not like this. Not when now he thinks she likes her girl BFF, Ligaya, just because she admitted she's bi. This story probably contains: unrequited love shit || rainbow-colored words || cheesy sweet nothings || puppy crushes || your cookies http://secondhandserenade.smackjeeves.com/

445 subs, 13.4k views
Romance 12
#bisexuality, #colorful, #filipino, #lgbt, #love triangle, #onesided love, #parttimedreamer, #pink haired character, #poc, #puppy crush, #slice of life, #unrequited love
No Free 2015-04-19 2018-03-23

by DripDripDrop
AWU Alliance

Is there any way to make school life less boring? Why join a club? Just create one and have fun!

0 subs, 44 views
Slice of life 2
#clubtime, #schoollife, #schooltime, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2022-03-23 2022-04-03

by FoxMaster

PLEASE READ RIGHT TO LEFT, just in case for those who got confused of how to read it. Discovering that your classmate isn't what they seem, but to find out that you're similar to them is another, and that is what Ayame finds out, especially with time and dimensions in front of her.

1 subs, 775 views
Science fiction 31
#adventure, #Ayame, #dimensions, #FoxMaster, #Original characters, #OriginalWork, #Sci-fi, #time travel, #TimeDimensionalUser, #TimeyWhimey
No Free 2017-08-20 2017-11-02

by jpgurnett

Babes tells the story of three babes who make their local dive bar, Babe's, their home.

23 subs, 7.02k views
Comedy 58
#america, #Americana, #Babe's, #babes, #bar, #beer, #bikini, #dancing, #dive bar, #DIY, #drinking, #funny, #good_times, #karaoke, #Middle America, #Midwest, #Nebraska, #Old Ladies, #pub, #Rural, #simple, #slice of life, #Small Town, #Tavern, #women
No Free 2014-03-27 2016-12-21

by Shelilla

Nana Enevoldsen is a skilled thief; at the age of 17 and with no parental figures having ever guided her path, she lives her life as a criminal in the shadows. Everything changes, however, when Nana is in the middle of a burglary at the British Museum. Unwittingly, she somehow summons the Babylonian god of justice, Shamash while lifting an artifact, and even worse, this so-called 'God' decides to send Nana back in time to the Mesopotamian era! Not to mention, when she arrives in ancient Babylon, the people, including the historical lynchpin King Hammurabi (who wrote one of the earliest known codes of law most famously referenced by "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth") all think she is some sort of Goddess! How can Nana get back to her own time while being followed by an over-amorous king, hundreds of religious worshippers, political rivals trying to kidnap her, and NOT change the future?!

6 subs, 366 views
Fantasy 1
#Ancient World, #Babylon, #babylonian, #Fantasy, #gods, #historical, #Mesopotomia, #romance, #shoujo, #time travel
No Free 2015-11-30 2017-09-21

by nart
Bad Day

one contained story about working through an awful day

4 subs, 382 views
Drama 1
#bad, #bad day, #bad time, #day, #drama, #one shot
No Free 2017-04-03 2017-04-03

by Idoexist
Bad Decisions: Made Daily

A couple of bored demons just trying to make their menial lives more interesting. Note- The bad decisions are many every day; the comic, not so much...

4 subs, 641 views
Fantasy 11
#bad decisions, #comedy, #demons, #good_times
No Free 2017-05-29 2019-02-03

by Judainii Studio
Bad Little Boy (fan comic)

This is a fan comic revolving around Prince Gumball/ Marshall Lee (Adventure Time).

997 subs, 16.7k views
BL 10
#adventuretime, #gumlee
No Free 2019-04-04 2021-07-19

by D.J.

Rex, a cosmic drifter, arrives to a city called Lous. After meeting with his friend Joe, Rex decides to change his life and starts working for a fast food chain. He approaches his new job with a lot of passion and enthusiasm. He also fights a monster and stops a robber who insults people.

13 subs, 1.16k views
Comedy 1
#comedy, #dog, #fast food, #fun, #good time, #jazzed, #Monster, #Rex, #silly, #space
No Free 2013-09-03 2013-09-03

by Sefra 14
Bagley the OK Magician

The adventures of Bagley, the OK Magician for hire who completes jobs in his own OK way!

40 subs, 1.99k views
Fantasy 13
#bagley, #Castles, #magic, #magician, #medieval, #medieval_times, #middle_ages, #monsters, #spellcaster, #wizards
No Free 2021-12-05 2022-07-20

by Soni
Before yesterday comes again

Charles and his family got executed for treason - but instead of the afterlife, he wakes up one year earlier in the past. After making sure his family stays away from any conspiracies, Charles can enjoy the upcoming year. Stay in the back, avoid conflicts, not take part in anything messy. At least, that was the plan.

430 subs, 7.82k views
Drama 26
#Aristocracy, #do_it_again, #Fantasy, #romance, #timetravel
No Free 2020-06-24 2022-03-02

by Yulek Bagel
Between Yu And Me

This would be a 4 Panel Comic, if the author could count

184 subs, 9.65k views
Slice of life 27
#comicstrip, #ForumDweller, #funny, #short, #Storytime
No Free 2018-11-22 2021-10-31

by littlepinkpebble
Bible Brown's Bedtime Stories

short stories, some happy some sad, some weird . . . not a religious comic https://www.patreon.com/littlepinkpebble?ty=h

172 subs, 8.29k views
Drama 20
#bedtime, #Bible, #brown, #children, #children's illustration, #stories, #Story
No Free 2015-02-10 2018-04-12

by Picato
Bike Shop Boys

the Bike Shop Boys is a comedy situated in a bike shop in downtown Toronto. It features the daily antics of mechanics, shop salespeople, business owners, and just guys at the bicycle shop.

3 subs, 932 views
Comedy 15
#beer, #bike mechanics, #Bike Shop, #bike shop boys, #bros, #canada, #canadians, #chilling with my buddies, #downtown Toronto, #drunk times, #funny story, #mechanic
No Free 2016-07-26 2017-05-22

by Lavendulan
Black Amelia: Timeline Annihilator (Hololive Fan manga)

(Right to left reading) I’m working on a manga about Amelia from another timeline trying to destroy our timeline!

13 subs, 848 views
Fantasy 5
#Amelia_Watson, #fan_art, #gawr_gura, #HoloEN, #hololive, #Holomyth, #time_travel, #Vtuber
No Free 2021-11-12 2022-06-12

by Henyoki

Blink the android has been sent into the past to fulfill an important role, and she will be sure to do just that! This story, originally created for WEBTOONS short story contest, I have decided to bring here after reviewing the rules and seeing that there was no restriction on posting comics entered on other sites, so hooray! Updates Every Monday Until Completion

41 subs, 456 views
Slice of life 7
#Alien, #android, #Bond, #Emotional, #family, #fate, #Paradox, #robot, #scientist, #time_travel
Yes Free 2021-08-16 2022-05-22

by ArtWasAMistake
Bohemia & the Cockroach Gentlemen

Due to mysterious circumstances, the Kotek family one day wakes up in 1935 Prague, instead of 2011. If that's not odd enough, even more strange events start to occur, when the youngest child, Evald, meets the Morgentaler cousins a.k.a the Cockroach Gentlemen, who are desperately seeking for a so-called long forgotten God, Bohemia. What happens, when a pair of eccentric cousins turn a mortal boy into a God in a human experiment? Can the Kotek family ever go back to the future? What does Bohdan, the strange internet friend of Evald has anything to do with all this? Surreal urban fairytale of a group of social outcasts in fascist Czechoslovakia. A story about a mysterious finger, religion, alter egos and eventually getting through the hardships of a first relationship.

50 subs, 3.81k views
Fantasy 15
#1930s, #30s, #lgbtq, #mystery, #prague, #time_travel
No Free 2018-09-04 2019-09-03

by Cessalina & Diamond
Book of Demons

Xavier, the incubus, somehow gets locked out of Hell. While he is trying desperately to get home through a mirror portal, he falls into a young woman, Salina's house. He tries to erase her memories of him so he can leave without a trace, but it seems like his demon magic tricks are not really effective on her. Things get more complicated, when they realise there is something going on in Hell which is connected with Xavier being unable to return there and also why he can not use his power on Salina. Old friends and enemies emerge from Xavier's past and the poor girl suddenly finds herself in the middle of a mistery case straight from Hell and a house full of demons.

132 subs, 1.73k views
Romance 9
#Action, #Azeroth, #book_of_demons, #calvell, #cessalina, #demon, #diamond, #josei, #kunio, #Lucifer, #modern_fantasy, #Mortimer, #phoenixdragonworks, #romance, #salina, #supernatural, #Xavier
No Free 2020-03-07 2021-07-02

by Brainsick Collective

Single mother Tess Coleman (Jamie Lee Curtis) and her teenage daughter Anna (Lindsay Lohan) couldn't be more different, and it is driving them both insane. After receiving cryptic fortunes at a Chinese restaurant, the two wake up the next day to discover that they have somehow switched bodies. Unable to switch back, they are forced to masquerade as one another until a solution can be found. In the process, they develop a new sense of respect and understanding for one another.

4 subs, 178 views
Fantasy 2
#adventure_time, #Alien, #Buddy_Comedy, #comedy, #dark, #Fantasy, #monsters, #ocean, #scifi, #space
No Free 2019-07-12 2019-07-12

by Forthloveofgod

there's a boy name Chikou went to the store to buy snacks to eat but instead of enjoy his food he has got into an argument with a girl name Madousa but end up those two facing each other. who's gonna win?

0 subs, 3 views
Action 1
#Action, #argument, #break_time, #comedy, #Fight, #fighting, #Fortheloveofgod, #high_school, #horror, #Merra
Yes Free 2021-07-08 2021-07-08

by MegaFluffyDrawings

Las aleatorias situaciones de Geraldine, Meg y Carol en algún lugar de Latinoamérica Creado por: Francisco (MegaFluffy)

3 subs, 101 views
Slice of life 3
#breaktime, #comedia, #comedy, #furry, #MegaFluffy, #MegaFluffyDrawings, #slice_of_life, #spanish
No Free 2020-04-11 2020-04-11

by chokosup
Brittle as a biscuit, easy as a hey!

A comic based on my personal experience on human relationships.

71 subs, 1.52k views
Slice of life 4
#biscuit, #Brittle, #couple, #easy, #hey, #relationship, #Sentimental, #single
No Free 2015-04-10 2019-06-06

by Alice
Bullshit at Mamaks

Just your ordinary artist trying to get through life trying to not embarrass herself, but somehow failing always. Sometimes sad, but mostly just happy with life! Updates on: Fridays! (I try to do two comics per week at once hahaha)

144 subs, 4.1k views
Comedy 40
#friends, #funny, #life, #lmao, #maybe_emo_, #Mess, #shenanigans, #slice_of_life, #sometimes_sad, #work_life, #yellow
No Free 2020-07-01 2021-06-03

by SplatFlat
Bunnys (Reboot)

Welcome To The Bunnys Reboot! A revamped a webcomic that I made a few months ago. Lincoln and Hops are back at it again with a new drawing style, new scenarios, characters, and much more! The Bunnys Reboot! Coming soon, fall of 2021

1 subs, 51 views
Comedy 1
#bunnys, #First_Time_BAck, #funny, #reboot
No Free 2020-10-22 2021-01-25

By No Other Name

Kal wakes up to suddenly find herself in the midst of a battle. Barely surviving, and completely lost as to where she is, Kal discovers that she has awoken in the body of a warrior, in a time period far distant from her own. In a land filled with old gods, foolish kings and wild magic, Kal teams up with a mercenary and a princeling to travel the world and find the answers as to why she’s here.

648 subs, 2.7k views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #adventure, #Fantasy, #magic, #mystery, #time_travel
No Free 2019-09-07 2019-09-07

by Niezel.Art

Shirley and her brother, Ruben, rudely got transported to the distant future. How are they going to find their back? Do they even want to...?

14 subs, 1.52k views
Fantasy 34
#adventure, #angels, #Apocalyps, #Caelum, #future, #lgbtq, #magic, #manga, #time_travel
No Free 2017-09-29 2022-06-30

by Lu

Cal, a young wizard, requests the help of the Demoness, Ariel, to recover a stolen relic before the flower within it blooms. Cal struggles with an inner conflict due to injury from failing to protect the relic and inadequacy due to the weakness of their magic. Ariel is a badass treasure hunter with her heart closed off to those around her and a tragic past of her own. The two learn more about themselves and each other along the way and ultimately, Cal has to make a choice. Updates when I can

33 subs, 2.32k views
Fantasy 23
#adventure, #ariel, #bloom, #blossom, #cal, #caliber, #demon, #demoness, #lotus, #orb, #quest, #race_against_time, #RELIC, #Wizard
No Free 2017-12-29 2018-09-26

by senioraldeano
California Paranoia

Sam is a photographer/conspiracy theorist who lives in LA, he meets a girl with a Big Dog who turns out to be a rising star, after they spend a night together, the girl disappears without a trace, as if she never existed. Sam is sure she existed tho, because he took a picture of her.

0 subs, 132 views
Mystery 1
#Acting, #andrew_garfield, #california, #conspiracy, #critique, #Hollywood, #Illuminati, #insanity, #lead, #los_angeles, #mr_robot, #mystery, #occult, #Once_upon_a_time, #photography, #Quentin_Tarantino, #satanism, #ufo, #ufology, #uncanny, #under_silverlake
No Free 2019-11-02 2019-11-02

by Chinara
Captain Polaris: The Lombax Hunter - A Ratchet and Clank Fancomic

Plagued by guilt over his friend's death, intergalactic hero Ratchet embarks on a journey to set things right. But as he is pulled into a war between an old enemy and allies, Ratchet is confronted by an opponent who not only pushes him to his limits, but whose very existence throws him into turmoil. Will this young hero succeed in saving his friend, or will he fall eventually victim to the Lombax Hunter? Captain Polaris: The Lombax Hunter is a fan comic by Chinara based on the hit series Ratchet and Clank.

177 subs, 39k views
Science fiction 22
#Alister, #alister_azimuth, #alternateuniverse, #alternative_universe, #artofchinara, #au, #captain_america, #captain_polaris, #chinara, #clank, #crackintime, #fancomic, #Fantasy, #gaming, #gamingsony, #Insomniacgames, #lombax, #nostalgia, #ratchet, #RatchetandClank, #ratchet_and_clank, #sciencefiction, #sony, #space, #Winter_soldier_au
No Free 2018-08-08 2022-03-13

by Leftys Comics

Set in the 22-23rd century, Captain Ravenstar is a science fiction series inspired by space exploration stories that have come before it like Star Trek, Orville, Farscape, Doctor Who, and more. Join our captain and his crew aboard the Union Star Ship RAVENSTAR as they discover new planets, forms of life, and adventures yet to be recorded.

1 subs, 108 views
Science fiction 1
#Action, #adventure, #future, #nugatory, #science_fiction, #scifi, #space, #time_travel
No Free 2020-12-24 2020-12-24

by thestoryofsaga
Carry on

Mental baggage feels like... We all carry some baggage. There’s many different and varying degrees of Traumas or events that shaped us and help decide how we handle things in life. I try in this series of short stories to illustrate the feeling of these, sometimes heavy and difficult baggages, in a more lighthearted and playful way.

26 subs, 417 views
Slice of life 5
#about, #alternative, #andsometimes, #funny, #in_a, #lighthearted, #mentalhealth, #Shortstories, #way
No Free 2021-05-09 2021-06-04

by Dave Mg

Slice of life of two degenerated

2 subs, 483 views
Slice of life 5
#adventure, #and, #ass, #butthold, #cat, #crazy, #darth, #dave, #degenerated, #dowl, #explanation, #life, #maul, #mg, #of, #Owl, #plant, #random, #slice, #spam, #Time
No Free 2015-09-06 2020-11-04

by Matt Tarpley
Cat's Cafe

Cat's Cafe is a wholesome comic about the daily lives of cute animals! Join Cat, Penguin, and Rabbit as they go about their day and bring a smile to your face. Grab a cup of coffee (or tea!) and enjoy!

17.4k subs, 3.85M views
Slice of life 414
#animals, #cafe, #catcafe, #cats, #cats_cafe, #coffee, #coffeetime, #cute, #forest, #funny, #happy, #life, #Penguin, #rabbit, #wholesome
No Free 2017-12-12 2022-07-11

by Ventom Studios

This is a story of gods with weird heads and magic in the realm of humans.

3 subs, 381 views
Fantasy 1
#celestials, #Fantasy, #father time, #gods, #magic, #mother nature, #Science Fiction, #scifi, #shape heads, #story of creation
No Free 2017-07-14 2017-07-15

by staz
Chance in a Lifetime

in which Chance Michel gets into a car accident and has severe injuries.. in which Parker Michaels gets drunk and drives home and hits a car, and has to suffer the consequences.

3 subs, 430 views
Drama 2
#Action, #Chance, #chance in a lifetime, #drama, #issues, #lifetime, #modern, #romance, #Stazey, #Story
No Free 2016-04-29 2016-05-29

by thebunnyexpress
Change of Scenery

Businessman Ethan Harrison and his team partner up with a time traveler to catch an escaped criminal. Of course, in a world of modern magic and conflict between humans and the supernatural, the journey is all the more interesting.

4 subs, 397 views
Drama 20
#supernatural_, #time_travel_
No Free 2020-12-29 2021-07-25

by bkafle1729
Charlie's Gang

7 year old Charlie has two special friends - his mind and his heart. The three of them - the body, mind and heart go on various adventures. There is conflict among the three, there is fight, and most of all, there is lots of friendship and love. We will also go on adventures with them. They will give us a slice of a great life - sometimes making us laugh, sometimes inspiring us, sometimes teaching us.

0 subs, 117 views
Slice of life 8
#best_comic, #body, #calvin_and_hobbes, #confusion, #funny, #Good_comic, #heart, #joke, #mind, #slice_of_life, #time_travel
No Free 2020-06-28 2020-06-29


A web comic series between NUBEC and SIAMESE RAT.

10 subs, 804 views
Slice of life 3
#Adult Swim, #adventure_time, #akira, #apocalypse, #calvin and hobbes, #cartoon network, #cartoons, #chicken tenders, #comedy, #daniel clowes, #desert island, #Doom, #fables, #gerard way, #head lopper, #hip_hop, #james harvey, #jesse moynihan, #johnny ryan, #katsuhiro otomo, #leff lemire, #low brow, #metal, #multiuniverse, #pancho karambola, #pol medina, #power violence, #punk, #raunchy, #sabertooth swordsman, #simon hanselmann, #Skate, #slice of life, #supervillains, #tank girl, #thrash, #Vice
No Free 2017-01-29 2017-02-17

by carsonwerner
Cher Turns Back Time

Remember Cher? Of course you do, there's no forgettin' her -- she's got you. Well, let's pretend for a moment that her ability to turn back time isn't strictly hypothetical, and that she uses that power for the good of humanity.

0 subs, 254 views
Science fiction 1
#cher, #comedy, #Hand Drawn, #ink, #space, #time travel, #watercolor
No Free 2018-03-05 2018-03-05

Chess Time

(Read this comic Right to Left) What would you do if you discovered that the world you live in is only a representation of reality? Do you surrender to despair? Or do you fight the adversities? Chess Time follows the story of several pieces on the board of the struggling eternity. These games decide the events in the world we live in, but with living pieces.

352 subs, 5.93k views
Fantasy 4
#Chess Time, #Eudetenis, #Haato, #haru, #makoto, #Mercedez, #Naam
No Free 2015-04-17 2015-04-23

by SlapstickComics
Children of Bitterport

CONTENT WARNING: READ FIRST This series is an adult comedy with semi-cute children and everything old and horrible. Episodes might have references to child abuse, alcoholism, sexism, racism, sex, prostitution, and everything else horrible. You might also see cursing and slurs of varying offensiveness said by people of varying ages. This will happen only occasionally but you might be uncomfortable regardless. Be an adult or don't read. - What is Bitterport? Bitterport is a small harbor town bordering several distinct countries. Just travel. You will be here soon enough. Who lives in Bitterport? Well, there's my master Thomas Fletch. He's the boy in the dress. Then there is Elfriede the Eagle. Be aware, she might not be a bird. Then there's me, Bonie but don’t bother. There are more people I don’t know so you just have to visit. When should I expect the next comic? Every Monday...or not. Our artist, Slapstick, is a very busy person.

3 subs, 56 views
Slice of life 5
#also_light_references_of_varying_parental_abuse, #Bitterports_a_horrible_place_with_some_nice_people, #but_also_a_contrasting_childhood_innocence, #kids_have_varying_ideas_about_how_horrible_life_is, #somewhat_adult_comedy_but_also_wholesome_at_times, #will_have_blood_alcohol_cursing_maybe_hard_slurs
Yes Free 2021-10-02 2022-05-24

by Saint Christopher
Chris & Fry

This is a man and dog duo with some extra characters.

1 subs, 173 views
Fantasy 3
#animals, #cannabis, #destruction, #dogs, #fables, #Fantasy, #funny, #humor, #magic, #pets, #scifi, #strange, #strip, #timetravel, #weed, #weird
No Free 2018-11-17 2019-05-03

by Marco & Matthieu
Chronicles of Time and Space - Uluru

"Chronicles of Time and Space - Uluru" is a sci-fi webcomic about a young man called Uluru who embarks on a journey of exploration and self-discovery through the interior of Australia, trying to emancipate himself from the controlling protocols of his artificial parents: the Talus robot and the cybernetic entity UCIA. This is the first part of a trilogy about the character Uluru, and part of a larger storyworld called Chronicles of Time and Space. The story was written by Marco Fraga da Silva, illustrated by Matthieu Pereira, colored by Sofia Pereira, and translated into Chinese and French by Flávio Fraga da Silva. For more information about the team and to have access to the other translations please visit the official website: www.chroniclesoftimeandspace.com

39 subs, 2.94k views
Science fiction 24
#chronicles_of_time_and_space, #comics, #flavio_fraga_da_silva, #marco_fraga_da_silva, #matthieu_pereira, #portugal, #sofia_pereira, #uluru
Yes Free 2021-02-03 2022-05-18

by Anna East
Chrono Jinni

A magic researcher is transported 20 years into the future by an errant genie, only to find that a dictator has taken over and outlawed magic! Can she be reunited with her genie and return to her time? [Tues/Fri]

6 subs, 462 views
Fantasy 17
#1940s, #alternative_history, #dystopian_future, #genie, #london, #magic, #slow_burn, #time_travel
No Free 2021-02-01 2021-03-09

by Hanimation
Cirque du Soul

A mysterious circus cast spend their boring lives entertaining the gloomy souls of Limbo. That is, until one day, when the ringmaster, Jerome Barnaby, decides to move to the human world for a new audience. (Set in 19th century London) There, they come across a young inn-keeper, Jane Lovett, who agrees to give them a place to stay and keep their secrets, in exchange for their services to her poor business.

3 subs, 468 views
Fantasy 2
#18th_century, #circus, #dark, #drama, #funny, #london, #time travel, #violence
No Free 2015-06-07 2017-05-21

by Darkfang100

This is a fanfiction Webcomic series surrounding Cartoon Network's Universe of characters. All copyrights belong to Cartoon Network. As peace has been maintained through out the universe, on a sudden day a mysterious ship would soon come into orbit of the planet. On board stand a brand new threat awaits. Together Cartoon Network's Mightiest heroes must all unite together to stop this new threat before they are all lost in time, join Ben, Gwen and many more as we fight for the survival of the past, future, and present.

9 subs, 521 views
Action 4
#BEN10_LOST_IN_TIME, #cartoon_network, #fanfiction, #webcomic
No Free 2020-06-26 2020-10-10