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by GoetheInstitut_Korea
"A Fraction of Time" by Lisa Frühbeis

"A Fraction of Time" by Lisa Frühbeis is Part 1 of 4 of the webtoon series "Scroll Down to Proceed - Femaie Lives in Webtoons", initiated by the Goethe-Institut Korea featuring four renowned artists from Germany and Korea. "A Fraction of Time" is the story of a single mother, who is working creatively and was just left by the father of their children. Struggling to needs to make ends meet, she moves into the tiny vacation house of her uncle on an isolated island. While the situation with her children and her own work gets worse, she finds an escape: a parallel world that is shut off from everything. When the children start following her, this leads to a dangerous situation... We will publish a new episode each Tuesday and Thursday. Stay tuned!

40 subs, 6.52k views
Drama 15
#feminism, #feminismus, #goetheinstitutkorea
Yes Free 2021-08-30 2021-12-08

by GoetheInstitut_Korea
"BANANA MILK" by Seo Young Min

Two old friends, Anna, a third-generation Korean-American woman, and Brian, a white male, came to Korea and got hired as native-language teacher at an English kindergarten. However, the attitudes toward Anna and Brian are significantly different in Korea. One rainy day, heavily drunk Anna and Brian drink a suspicious 'flower wine' at a suspicious bar, and they wake up the next morning with their bodies swapped. Since Brian got trapped in the body of a Korean woman, he starts to experience inconceivable sexism and racism that he has never even imagined before. Brian pleads to Anna (in Brian's body) about his experiences of victimization, but Anna smiles bitterly and replies that was the world she went through. As the time goes by, Brian slowly become dismal and obsessively looking for the way back into his body.

9 subs, 1.1k views
Drama 10
Yes Free 2022-02-07 2022-06-15

by Javier Gtz. Exeivier
"Ether" One-shot

What were the old philosophers talking about whent they described the "Ether" substance in their old writtings? this short story i did a couple years ago establishes an interesting posture. I got the script from a friend and never knew who wrote it :(

40 subs, 1.13k views
Science fiction 1
#ether, #mini, #One, #one shot, #short, #short story, #shot, #tales, #weird
No Free 2015-03-21 2015-03-21

by GoetheInstitut_Korea
"She's Killin' It" by HYEO

A woman with a below-average family, below-average appearance, and below-average education. Life doesn't allow her to have a stable job, a proper home or friendships. She makes ends meet with poorly paid and precarious jobs and works as a temporary help at a kindergarten or as a salesperson at a convenience store. Then, one day, while bringing her employer's child to kindergarten, a passerby insults her. It doesn't upset her because she is a person on the less emotional side. However, as she keeps getting abused verbally, she eventually begins to react to the disdain.

8 subs, 676 views
Drama 4
#goetheinstitutkorea, #hyeo
Yes Free 2021-11-08 2021-12-08

by Jojobell
"The Magic unites us"

"When Kiyomi and Ayumi come to a new school, they cannot foresee that everything would change for them. At the latest when both of them get to know two new Teachers, they too are aware that this school has completely new challenges in store for them. Because when they find out that they have magical abilities that could decide the fate of the world, they realize that nothing will be the same as it was before!" "The fight against the forces of darkness can begin!" A Comic by Johanna_Manga_Style

3 subs, 186 views
Fantasy 3
#Action, #artist, #Comic, #Fantasy, #Girlspower, #magic, #mystery, #Power, #Themagicunitesus
No Free 2020-12-26 2021-10-05

by Aphrodite

Some snippets of my life trying to figure out how to be mom, wife, person and still get the housework done. Updates will be so very sporadic.

195 subs, 6.17k views
Slice of life 6
#dowhat they want, #parenthood, #school, #toddlers
No Free 2017-01-08 2019-03-03

by Lucas Marques

They Knocked Me Down Here! It's inelegant

22 subs, 420 views
Comedy 4
#comedy, #comic_strip, #funny_comic, #humor, #humor_comics, #lol_strip, #strip, #theyknockedmedown
No Free 2020-02-20 2020-04-01

by Josh Reynolds
'Til the End

The world is their playground. They just have to do a little pest control.

13 subs, 1.54k views
Comedy 37
#comedy, #horror, #romance, #til the end, #zombies
No Free 2017-06-05 2017-08-01

by thedarkcloak
'Tis the Season

'Tis the Season to be scary as well as merry, as Mark & June are about to find out... Now living in a new town, some traditions are meant to be followed. Not doing so could have dire consequences indeed...

12 subs, 535 views
Horror 1
#christmas, #creatures, #creepy, #demons, #ec comics, #Eerie, #grismas, #Halloween, #monsters, #nightmare, #scary, #spooky, #Tales from the crypt, #tradition, #xmas
No Free 2015-10-31 2015-10-31

by Sakooo SHS
(Ar) Another World, It Exists_عالم آخرموجود

ريديكس و كايتو شابان مرحان يعيشان ببساطة ، قبل أشهر ولأسباب مجهولة قاما بأعمال شغب ملفتة في المنطقة، بعدها توقفا عن تلك الأعمال لغرض الدراسة بما أنهما في المرحلة الأخيرة من الثانوية، رغم ذلك ، في يوم من الأيام غلبهما الملل وهربا من المدرسة لأجل التسلية واللعب فقط ولأسباب غريبة وفي طرفة عين وجدا أنفسهما في عالم آخر يبدو مدمرًا سابقًا وخالي من السكان ، من يدري من يوجد أيضًا في هذا العالم؟ وماسبب تغير العالم من حولهما ؟ (I also have this series in English) go to my profile

196 subs, 20.8k views
Fantasy 12
#anotherworld, #AnotherWorldExists, #manga, #Sakooo, #SakoooSHS
No Free 2019-01-14 2021-07-19

by Sakooo SHS
(En) Another World, It Exists

Redix and Kai live a normal life, But they started rioting in the area for unknown reasons. Until they decide to stop doing those works to graduate from high school, however, one day, they run away from the school out of boredom and for fun to suddenly find themselves in another world that seems destroyed and devoid of its inhabitants. Why and how did this happen? Who is there? And what will they do?

397 subs, 13.8k views
Fantasy 12
#anotherworld, #AnotherWorldExists, #manga, #Sakooo, #SakoooSHS
No Free 2013-09-03 2021-07-19

by LanHero
(ESP) The Legend Of Zelda: Timeline Non-Exist

Las líneas del tiempo de Zelda son confusas, pero entretenidas de saber. Pero hay una que nunca fue estudiada, que nunca fue descubierta, que nunca debió de existir. La línea del tiempo en la que el primer héroe del tiempo falló su misión y la oscuridad invadió el mundo. Bienvenidos a The Legend Of Zelda: Timeline Non-exist

2 subs, 86 views
Action 1
#Comic, #esp, #espanol, #faneo, #thelegendoofzelda, #webcomic, #Zelda
No Free 2020-12-09 2020-12-09

by Akatsuya
(ESPAÑOL) Metal Gear Solid 5: The Silent War

[COMIC IN SPANISH] Fan-fic basado en Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Después de la decepción que supuso, esta es mi versión de los hechos.

20 subs, 4.77k views
Action 13
#Big_Boss, #fanfic, #Kojima, #manga, #Metal_Gear, #Metal_Gear_Solid, #MGS, #MGSV, #snake, #spanish, #the_phantom_pain
Yes Free 2018-04-24 2022-01-04

by LilaDoesFanfics
(GL)(BL) Another Fairytale

The following comics will be comprised of different series that exist. All credit is due to its creators. This may contain Yuri, Yaoi, sexual themes, adult themes overall and many others. Be in mind that it won't actually be like the series, meaning it would serve as an AU series. (Doesn't mean I won't draw anything for my heterosexual peeps! I gotchu ;3)

61 subs, 2.09k views
Comedy 22
#Adult_Themes, #au, #bl, #Blake_Belladonna, #comedy, #fanmade, #gl, #Mature_Audiances, #multifandom, #romance, #Ruby_Rose, #rwby, #Weiss_Schnee, #Yang_Xiao_Long, #yaoi, #yuri
No Free 2019-06-23 2021-07-09

by Deimos

:: Fancomic feita para o Amigo Secreto do grupo Suibian! :: Xiao Zhan e Wang Yibo têm um passado turbulento e nebuloso. Existem coisas que são difíceis de esquecer, sejam elas boas ou ruins. E elas se tornam ainda mais difíceis quando, depois de tanto tempo, você reencontra a fonte de todas essas memórias.

5 subs, 389 views
BL 4
#AmigoSecreto, #au, #bl, #boyslove, #Suibian, #TheUntamed, #UniversoAlternativo, #WangYibo, #watercolor, #XiaoZhan, #YiZhan
No Free 2020-01-03 2020-01-04

by Julia
(PAUSIERT) The Angel in the Forest (German Translation/Deutsche Übersetzung)

Das ist die deutsche Übersetzung von Yinllers beliebten Webtoons-Serie "The Angel in the Forest"! Es geht um eine Fledermaus und einer Maus die sich verlieben. :) Unterstütze Yinller auf Patreon: patreon.com/yinller/

73 subs, 5.9k views
Romance 68
#angel, #cute, #forest, #furry, #gay, #In, #lgbtq, #romance, #taitf, #The
Yes Free 2020-09-09 2021-08-04

by Onsai
(Un)urban Tales

Shenanigans -- that'll all that can happen when these two decide to leave the city and start homesteading in the middle of nowhere.

1 subs, 139 views
Slice of life 7
#adventure, #animals, #gardening, #gl, #homestead, #homesteading, #independent, #lgbt, #nature, #offthegrid, #onsai, #onsaicomics, #permaculture, #pets, #relatable, #unurban, #unurbantales
No Free 2021-01-19 2021-02-21

by EBee
(Version Retired for a Reboot) The Lessfortunate Beings

This is the original start of the comic The Lessfortunate Beings. It has now been retired for a reboot! Feel free to read it anyway to get an idea of what the new version will be like.

305 subs, 20.8k views
Fantasy 29
#amnesia, #Angst, #animals, #anthropomorphic, #beast, #bee, #bird, #black, #cat, #Catfish, #cats, #chimera, #chupacabra, #Comic, #Creature, #cryptid, #dark, #dog, #dogs, #Dragon, #drama, #e.bee, #ebee, #Ebeethe1st, #ebeethefirst, #Experiments, #Fantasy, #fish, #fortune, #friendship, #fruitless, #hapless, #hare, #hate, #heartache, #horror, #horse, #hurt, #hybrid, #jackalope, #jinx, #lab, #lessfortunate, #lessfortune, #Lizard, #love, #luck, #lyricless, #mannerless, #misfortune, #misshapensharks, #monitor, #Monster, #mutant, #muzzless, #mysterious, #mystery, #nonetheless, #orca, #Owl, #parts, #Plot, #quince, #rabbit, #rat, #relentless, #restless, #science, #Speechless, #stinger, #Story, #sureal, #the lessfortunate beings, #tragedy, #turkey, #unicorn, #unlucky, #weightless, #whale, #white, #wishless, #x-ebee-x, #yang, #yin, #Yin Yang
No Free 2014-08-31 2019-04-02

by Otakah
(we are) The Rotten Ones

Guns. Hard drugs. Sex. Oh,and a 21-year-old Psychology student who doesn't know what magic brownies are. Follow the adventures of a good-for-nothing trio of criminals ; trying to survive the claws of real life while a little adult-wannabe wants to be their friend.

183 subs, 3.06k views
Comedy 1
#Adult_Themes, #comedy, #dark humor, #dick jokes, #fun for the whole family ;)
No Free 2018-02-08 2018-02-09

by Linnea
10 Million Colors

“And the sky opened up, like a gaping maw it swallowed itself. The blue was still there but it warped as the scenery does when it is horribly hot. Waves and the clouds billow forming faces of heathens and long past due souls that float against the stars. They smiled at me, a knowing smile as if they knew I knew something. Something I did not know. And from that smile it all pieced together. The growing drowsiness of the world around, the strange time of peace when war is always raging. They told me voicelessly, gasping; The world is ending, and it will be a happy end.” 10 Million Colors is a prose based, vaguely plotted comic about deities, sense of self, and the end of the world. On a casual update schedule. ( at least once a month )

171 subs, 1.91k views
Fantasy 3
#apocalypse, #conceptual, #deities, #end_of_the_world, #faith, #gods, #myriadgod, #religion
No Free 2020-11-09 2021-02-02

by Jun and Pate
100% Cotton Dreams

Dream clothes? No. Clothes dreams, baby! Yes, your clothes dream, and they dream of 100% cotton dreams.

1 subs, 347 views
Comedy 1
#Champions, #clothes, #dreams, #funny, #humor, #weird
No Free 2016-09-15 2016-09-15

by Mystic_Choi25
100kg Beauty

Anne Reyes is known to be a beautiful and slim little girl in their hometown. Big talent agencies wants her to be child actress or model but because of a certain reason that give her so much sadness, she give all her depression into eating so when she reach her senior year in highschool she reach the weight of 100 kilos?! Because of another reason, she has no choice but to live with hot boys in an apartment that looks more like a mansion. She was treated as a maid rather than a housemate because of her weight! She promise to herself that she will become slim again and show them her true beauty.Will Anne really lose weight? or should we add more romance with them? Find out in 100 kg beauty~!

31 subs, 771 views
Romance 1
#100 kg, #comedy, #diet, #drama, #Fat Heroine, #Fat to sexy, #hot boys, #housemates, #school life, #step_brothers, #twins
No Free 2017-05-14 2017-05-14

by Omogosshi
11:11 On Universe Time

Viridis your so to seem ordinary everyday person gets life throw at them when green eyed pink haired lady enters their life and asks them to come to their future. However there is a reason, a rather dark one, full of mystery, and heart racing questions. Viridis future soul family are in danger, as their lives had been unfortunately cut short due to orchestrated events, articles and videos by a sociopath saesang. Its up to Viridis and Dannyie to find their identity.

9 subs, 339 views
Slice of life 7
#Crime, #gl, #heartwarming, #korean_idol, #kpop, #kpop_idol, #mystery, #Pyschological, #relatable, #the_feels
No Free 2021-06-27 2021-07-09

by lucasmillo7

This is a little story I made for the 7th edition of the Silent Manga contest whose theme was "Unforgettable Taste", although I was not a winner, I hope you enjoy it!

1 subs, 292 views
Drama 1
#1130, #2017, #anime, #art, #boy, #brothers, #digital, #drama, #girl, #ink, #lucasmillo7, #manga, #mangaka, #monochrome, #Pen, #pencil, #photoshop, #process, #shoujo, #silentmanga, #SilentMangaAudition, #sm7, #super_sons, #timeskip, #traditional, #unforgettable taste
No Free 2017-10-31 2017-11-01

by 12MOONtheComic

12MOON Follows the Lore and Supernatural Mythology of the 12 Girls of the Moon. Though split between three separate realms: Earth, The In-Between and Shangri-La, these seemingly ordinary girls come to find their lives strangely intertwined, as they discover special abilities within themselves that link their fates across dimensions. Only together, can they begin to unlock the mysteries of the universe, and fulfill their fate in the creation of a New Moon.

26 subs, 767 views
Fantasy 10
#12MOON, #12moonthecomic, #anime, #Fantasy, #Korea, #manga, #manhwa, #mystery, #oddeye, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2021-01-27 2021-06-16

by CrimsonSeal
1776 Congress Days

"When a group of men are stuck in a sweltering room... together." A series of skits focusing on the 2nd Continental Congress of the movie 1776. **Events are fictitious, and characters based on the movie; all meant for enjoyment** What do you get when you have a group of sweaty men in a stuffy room when it's hot as hell in Philadelphia?

1 subs, 435 views
Comedy 3
#1776, #1776themovie, #benjaminfranklin, #edwardrutledge, #jameswilson, #johnadams, #johndickinson, #random, #richardhenrylee
No Free 2016-06-05 2016-06-19

by birdentea
2020 Art Final

My art final for 2020! This is merely a one-off.

3 subs, 59 views
Fantasy 1
#birdentea, #Fantasy, #oneshot, #short_story, #The_Archive
Yes Free 2020-05-26 2020-08-13

by erinshuttleworth
2020 Baby: A Diary of Motherhood

Daily life comics about motherhood, art, relationships and cats.

4 subs, 1.02k views
Slice of life 53
#babies, #cats, #comedy, #daily, #Dailylife, #life, #Motherhood, #Sliceoflife
No Free 2020-10-13 2021-04-28

by Raddlez
2300: The New Century Saga

In March 2086, a plague swept through the earth. A third of the population was wiped out within a week, another third fell ill, and the final third had no reaction. The final third worked around the clock, caring for the sick in specially marked quarantine zones. As the care continued, the sick began to stabilise, and started having children. As the children aged, the offspring of the ill were discovered to have special abilities. This new subspecies of humans were named “Supers” and they came with their fair share of problems. In 2114 the first and only superhuman war broke out. After the war, the supers and humans learnt to intergrate peacefully, on half the continents still remaining on the world, and after a while, the supers became icons, beacons of hope. Those who stood up for public safety became celebrities, and in 2296, almost 170 years later, the heroes were legitimised by Clayton “Rock Solid” Matthews, with the formation of the Superhuman Taskforce. At the end of the year 2299, the Superhuman taskforce, aided by Waskiko, an alien demigod on the side of Earth, has become a force to be reckoned with. It would be take a lot of force to destroy the superhuman taskforce.

9 subs, 1.02k views
Science fiction 5
#2300, #Advanced Technology, #aliens, #Demigods, #Energy Manipulation, #flight, #Molecular Density Manipulation, #Ozy Monkey Studios, #pyrokinesis, #robots, #sci fi, #slice of life, #superheroes, #Turn of the Century
No Free 2016-02-14 2016-05-03

by Cornelis Jettke
24h - Through the Storage Wood

A private investigator reluctantly enters wonderland in search of a drunk guy who fell through a magic wardrobe. -- You know that event, where you try to neglect basic human needs and perfectionism for 24 hours and draw a 24-page comic instead? Well this is my attempt from 2019. It took me 10 extra hours though to finish the inking.

8 subs, 338 views
Comedy 6
#adventure, #alice_in_wonderland, #caterpillar, #cheshire_cat, #detective, #down_the_rabbit_hole, #funny, #hooka, #investigator, #lookingglas, #mad, #madness, #mad_hatter, #march_hare, #Nonsense, #parody, #police, #queen_of_hearts, #rabbit, #rabbit_hole, #racoon, #wardrobe, #white_rabbit, #wonderland
Yes Free 2020-05-10 2020-10-22

by Mayshing

An endless war between two eternal polarizing masters, a human can be an angel or a demon, all it takes is a change of heart. ----- Summary: Follow the story of Jeremy, a Yehweh soldier trying to find his place in the world as his actions cause ripples that affect far more people than he thinks... The actions of one can have extensive and long lasting effects for others... ---- People struggle to live and fight inner battles as well as physical battles. See the perspective of Yehwehs and Mamons within this split world: Jeremy is a Yehweh soldier trying to find his way in life as he is overshadowed by his family's legacy. Mosa is a wandering mysterious man who is unlike most Yehwehs but is no friend of the Mamons. Rose is a noble woman wishing to escape the chains of obligations and establish herself own her own. Randy is a farm boy wishing for a better life to protect those he loves. No journey is a smooth one.... (Rated PG-13 due to violence and swearing) ((<< Read Right to Left <<)

684 subs, 31.4k views
Fantasy 49
#2masters, #Action, #adventure, #adventure_quest, #angel, #armor, #army, #blood, #Christian, #conflict, #conquest, #dark, #demon, #diversity, #divided, #Dragon, #eagle, #Fantasy, #fantasy_world, #Fight, #good vs evil, #Good_vs_evil, #high_fantasy, #inkblazers, #inner_demons, #Knight, #light, #lord, #love, #Mamon, #manga, #mangamagazine, #money, #Native_American, #Power, #quest, #Rated PG-13, #Read_right_to_left, #religious_themes, #self journey, #self_discovery, #skulls, #soldier, #spirit, #spirits, #spiritual battle, #supernatural, #swearing, #swords, #violence, #war, #warfare, #wealth, #Yehweh
No Free 2014-12-19 2022-07-15

by JerryToons
3 Brothers

3 Brothers Adopted Sheen Roaskoby (Blu Hair): Sheen have 20 years old and He is an experter guitar and is in the band called Cold War Michael Thompson: (Brown Hair) Mike have 17 years old and he is a student from high school Hackland He is a distinguished student and He is looking for his real mother Nikolas Velazquez (Black Hair) Niko have 8 years old and is a mexican boy Niko loves his brothers in special to Sheen

2 subs, 775 views
Comedy 12
#3 Bro, #3 Brothers, #Action, #comedy, #drama, #Fantasy, #history, #horror, #Slice to Life
No Free 2017-04-23 2017-05-20

by Jessi Sheron
3 Jumps

A women volunteers for "Project Time Skip" a secret time travel project. She can go back three times. What will she do? A one shot comic for Father's Day. Dedicated to my Dad, who I love more than words can say.

1.34k subs, 21.3k views
Science fiction 1
#dad, #father, #fathers day, #fathers_day, #girl, #Science Fiction, #scifi, #time travel, #woman
No Free 2015-06-20 2015-06-20

by evilpinkbunny
365 days of pain

This is a small stories of me and my friend. We live together and we have a lot of funny moments:)

24 subs, 906 views
Comedy 10
#comics, #friends, #friendship, #fun, #girls, #live together, #moments, #stories
No Free 2017-07-25 2017-08-08

by Maikahiki
4 Chords

A simple story.

2 subs, 283 views
Slice of life 2
#artcheddart, #cheddart, #Comic, #dad, #drama, #family, #father, #four, #girl, #life, #lives, #miguel, #Mom, #mother, #of, #sad, #slice, #Time, #TOME
Yes Free 2016-09-01 2017-04-21

by 4U Comics

Hey, so have you guys wondered what we at 4UComics do behind the scenes? Well get ready to see how we deal with life, problems, shenanigans and whatever else we go through in our day to day lives in these 4 panel comics! No set posting schedule.

5 subs, 587 views
Comedy 11
#behind_the_scenes, #comedy, #drama, #friends, #friendship, #funny, #laugh, #life, #lol, #love, #nerds, #slice_of_life, #yeah
No Free 2019-02-14 2020-02-26

by Tech-Neko


4 subs, 676 views
Fantasy 13
#4K7, #adventure, #comedy, #Fantasy, #funny, #lighthearted
No Free 2017-04-14 2017-06-23

by Nic Gray
5 Gradations

Sometimes my family says and does the weirdest stuff. So I made a comic about it. I try to publish every Monday and Thursday @ 11am PST. And if I publish a Mini (character introduction, or random standalone), I try to also get out a full length episode the same day. (Pardon the art. It get's better with every episode, I swear!)

6 subs, 565 views
Slice of life 8
#5 gradations, #five gradations, #nic gray, #the gray family
No Free 2017-11-02 2017-11-14

by otom
8 Eyes for You, Sweetie

QUICK! WHAT'S 4X2?! With a bit of angst and romance, and a side of fluffy, Hidemi and Hyun Oh are both four eye nerds! Check out the FULL STORY of 8EFY on Wattpad!

1.29k subs, 83.8k views
BL 86
#8 EYES FOR YOU, #8EFY, #8efySweetie, #Angst, #bl, #boy_love, #drama, #fluffy, #otom, #otometracker409er, #OTOMstudio, #The Tracking Team!, #yaoi, #yoai
No Free 2016-08-08 2020-11-20

by A A A

The story of a spirit , and his travels in the void of the afterlife.

63 subs, 4.64k views
Mystery 10
#after, #afterlife, #comedy, #Comic, #die free, #everlasting, #gaming, #life, #Limbo, #live free, #love, #mystery, #scifi, #Soul, #spirit, #the world, #Void
No Free 2016-04-20 2016-06-02

by Daniel Clatworthy
A 16-Bit Adventure

Playing RPG's by myself I always imagined I was the hero as well as are all my friends. As we traverse the world in search of adventure and tell bad jokes in the process.

46 subs, 5.48k views
Comedy 34
#16-Bit Adventure, #8-bit Theater, #Classic RPG, #final fantasy, #JRPG, #parody, #Sprite comic, #sprites, #web comic
No Free 2014-10-07 2015-03-30

by K. B. Howell
A Brochure for the Damned

This is the official information page for the novel "The Long Lost Youth: Book One", publishing on July 9th, 2018 for the Writer's Camp July Competition. This page comes before the Prologue. Shortcut link to Prologue: https://tapas.io/episode/1125461

5 subs, 331 views
Fantasy 1
#brochure, #cadavres matter, #demons, #fairytale, #Fantasy, #first wave, #frightful__delightful, #Ghost story, #ghouls, #Halloween, #Hallows Earth, #Mardies Gras, #monsters, #official information page, #second wave, #steampunk, #the_longlost_youth, #undead, #vampires, #Werewolves, #zombies
Yes Free 2018-07-09 2018-07-09

by Aden Ng
A Bunch of Carbon

The scientifically accurate and quirky lives of a bunch of carbon.

5 subs, 4.15k views
Comedy 44
#4_koma, #atheism, #conspiracy, #Debunk, #educational, #element, #fake, #Flat_Earth, #GMO, #jokes, #Pyramid_Scheme, #religion, #science, #secular, #theories, #truth
No Free 2018-09-03 2019-10-11

by Megan Forgey
A Carried Fate

Things are rarely as they appear... much as young boy Jotham soon discovers when he learns a long kept family secret. Not only is life unexpectedly complex, but it can often lead to dangerous twists and turns...who knows what fate has in store?

8 subs, 910 views
Fantasy 13
#Action, #adventure, #blue hair, #boy, #carried, #Fantasy, #fate, #forgey, #Graphic Novel, #Jotham, #magic, #Megan, #mystery, #other_world, #young adult
No Free 2018-04-02 2018-07-06

by thepiratebei
A Comic Reborn

a comic series based on the world of Final Fantasy XIV. In hiatus for undetermined time.

68 subs, 5.56k views
Comedy 6
#A Comic Reborn, #acomicreborn, #acrxiv, #ffxiv, #Final Fantasy XIV, #thepiratebei
No Free 2017-08-11 2018-03-13

by Carole
A corrida

Claudio vai participar de uma corrida e conta com o apoio de seu amigo Luís para tentar vencer, porém alguém inesperado aparece...o resto você só vai saber lendo ;)

23 subs, 1.62k views
Comedy 11
#a corrida, #BR, #corrida, #hq corrida, #hq louca, #hq português, #hq_brasileira, #no sense, #PT BR, #the race
No Free 2017-02-05 2018-01-11

by FairyDemon
A Date With Daddy

an original series by FairyDemon. updates once a week (hopefully) support me by tipping me on Tapas app!

195 subs, 16.2k views
Drama 25
#blue hair, #father complex, #female protagonist
No Free 2017-04-22 2017-09-27

by ✨Jasper✨
A Day In The Life Of A Dhole

Hey I’m Jas. I’m just a guy who wanted a funny, entertaining m creative dump.

4 subs, 123 views
Slice of life 2
#animals, #comedy, #Creative_trash_can_, #Fantasy, #funny, #furry, #lgbt, #slice_of_life, #teen, #therian, #trans
No Free 2020-07-19 2020-07-19

by FanTASy Artistry
A day in the life of Chunko the Dino

The daily life of Chunko in the isle.

12 subs, 922 views
Gaming 2
#comedy, #digital_art, #digital_painting, #Dinosaur, #the_isle, #the_isle_game
No Free 2019-12-02 2020-01-05

by jadekat12
A Day In The Life Of Jade

Welcome to hell! Or as I like to call it, my life. My Art style changes constantly, because I just can't pick one. Spontaneity is the key to success! Anyway, enjoy the shit storm of madness about to come your way. ||New shit storms every Wednesday and Friday @ 4:20 PST||

4 subs, 595 views
Slice of life 4
#420, #A Day In The Life Of Jade, #blaze it, #dank memes, #dat boi, #Kill Me Plz, #my life, #noob, #Oh Shit Wat Up
No Free 2016-09-24 2016-09-30

by TheGingerConnoisseur
A Day to Wear White

University should be about learning new skills, and creating friendships that last a life time, and not trying to single-handedly solve a crime. But what’s the fun in that? Some people like to do all three. When yet another girl goes missing, Charlie sets out to find her, which is easier than expected when an amnesiac is involved as the kidnapper. Doors are left wide open and unlocked, and everything seems to just slot right into place... Almost as if it was planned that way.

9 subs, 155 views
Mystery 3
#billionares, #bl, #couples, #crimebutmakeitcute, #criminalgangs, #criminals, #criminal_activity, #crossdressing, #detectives, #gay_ass_fight_scenes, #gay_fights, #gl, #lgbtq, #murderbut_makeitcute, #mysteries, #mystery, #not_rlly_tho, #plots_n_plans, #police_detectives, #romance, #romantic_stuff, #set_in_america, #sparring, #the_gay_tm, #uni_students
No Free 2020-10-10 2020-10-10

by junedabest
A Doodly Do

Proof that June is being productive by being unproductive.

146 subs, 9.16k views
Slice of life 43
#>u>;;, #But not like the poop kind, #doodle_dump, #June's dump, #Nah Nee
No Free 2016-04-14 2017-11-15

by Nooguurt
A Fairy Song

Aster Bell has been left an extremely important task by her aunt, but will she have the strength to follow through?

4 subs, 444 views
Fantasy 1
#Don't know what the heck I'm doing, #Good gosh, #romance
No Free 2017-07-17 2017-07-17

by ishmaelanimash

All hell breaks loose when an unexpected visitor makes it's way into the room of a brave young man.

8 subs, 512 views
Action 1
#Action, #art, #artistic, #battle, #Bees, #birds and the bees, #Bleach, #boy, #british, #colour, #comedy, #Comic, #comix, #Comixs, #complete, #death, #digital, #Dragon Ball, #drama, #england, #Fight, #fighter, #fighting, #finished, #funny, #Funny Fight, #gladiator, #hilarious, #honey, #human, #hype, #Man, #Man vs Bug, #manga, #mha, #Naruto, #Power, #published, #puke, #relatable, #shonen, #short, #short story, #slice of life, #spring, #stinger, #strong, #summer, #sword, #Tournament, #ultimate, #unexpected, #Versus, #vs, #Wasp, #Wasps, #Western Manga, #wild, #young man
No Free 2017-08-02 2017-08-02

by HDL
A Feather in a Wing

This is a story about Altair Covey who just turn 18. She gets in this big fight a bully, but some how they are transfer to a new world and they have to get home.

3 subs, 282 views
Fantasy 7
#fantesy, #other_world, #world
No Free 2020-12-04 2021-09-18

by Davinci Smurf

A ghost fellows his zombie body as it goes aimlessly.

6 subs, 1.36k views
Comedy 19
#after life, #after_death, #aimless, #bad luck, #casper, #funny, #geek, #ghost, #living_dead, #lmao, #lol, #nerd, #nerdy, #The Living Dead, #The Walking Dead, #unfortunate, #walker, #zombie
No Free 2015-06-13 2016-11-23

by Elena V
A glass of absinthe

There´s nothing like a good glass of absinthe after a well done work.

6 subs, 352 views
Horror 4
#absinthe, #glass_of_absinthe, #horror, #horror_comics, #horror_stories, #painting, #short_horror_comics, #short_horror_stories
Yes Free 2019-07-10 2019-07-22

by ChervenkovaM
A green tale

After Miko suffers a serious injury his sister Neda does her best to keep his spirits up. She creates an adventure for them both to embark on - to defeat the villain who took away Miko's leg. But the little brother cannot wait any longer and enters the tale before it is finished...

34 subs, 254 views
Fantasy 2
#adventure, #brother, #Creature, #family, #Fantasy, #forest, #ghost, #magic, #Monster, #sister, #spirit, #Story, #tale
No Free 2020-07-09 2020-07-16

by TheSquidLord
A Knight's Mistake

In the Recurrent Realm, characters are reborn again and again in different series, where they're expected to play their part until their story comes to a close. Though Duong Ho, a character originally meant to be an evil knight, accidentally entered a series completely different than the world he was supposed to know...

1 subs, 72 views
Action 5
#Action, #bl, #comedy, #Comic, #do_people_use_these_tags, #drama, #edgy, #himbo, #romance, #tapas
No Free 2022-02-06 2022-04-12

by Schaefges
A Legend (of some sort)

As there is darkness and evil in the world, so too are great heroes born to push back that evil. ...Regrettably, the great heroes were all otherwise occupied, so you're stuck with this guy. Apologies in advance.

204 subs, 87.5k views
Gaming 208
#a link between worlds, #a link to the past, #comedy, #derring-do, #Fantasy, #fun, #funny, #ganon, #hero, #heroic, #homage, #Legend of Zelda, #Link, #magic, #Monster, #monsters, #nintendo, #ocarina of time, #parody, #Princess, #satire, #sorcery, #spell, #spells, #swords, #Wizard, #Zelda
No Free 2015-09-02 2016-09-29

by nivaldowesley666
A Link to the Past

NOTE: the Legend of Zelda and his characters belong to Nintendo only. there is no intention on earn money. only a work done by a fan for fans.

2 subs, 471 views
Fantasy 1
#a_link_to_the_past, #fanart, #fanfic, #Fantasy, #Hyrule, #nintendo, #nivaldo_wesley, #one_shot, #sir_wesley666, #the_legend_of_zelda, #Zelda
No Free 2020-03-28 2020-03-28

by Sonheelight
A Mother's Lunchbox

A Mother's Lunchbox is a short heartwarming silent manga about a boy who is yet about to realize how strong a single mother's love is to her child. A must-read for those who love their moms so much! :)

78 subs, 1.19k views
Drama 1
#a picture is worth a thousand words, #Audition, #contest, #cute, #drama, #family story, #father, #heartwarming, #kawaii, #latest new, #manga style, #mother mama, #mother's love, #One-shot, #parent's love, #pinoy philippines, #right to left, #short story, #silent manga, #slice of life
No Free 2015-09-28 2015-09-28

by Gabriel Shields
a Mythed Opportunity

a Mythed Opportunity Comics is a weekly series that is about mythological characters learning to survive in a world that doesn't believe in them. Catch all the characters here and help Spread the Legend!

43 subs, 6.3k views
Comedy 28
#cerebus, #chimera, #comedy, #Dragon, #funny, #gabriel_shields, #Gargoyle, #gorgon, #griffin, #Hades, #humor, #humour, #hydra, #legend, #lol, #Lore, #myth, #mythology, #phoenix, #satyr, #SpreadtheLegend, #vampire
No Free 2015-11-19 2019-11-26

by CloudySky’s
A New World

Atlas and Koda start their new lives at school to earn their questing license. As school goes on they start to learn about the darkness in the world around them and about the change that occurred hundreds of years ago.

3 subs, 79 views
Fantasy 5
#alchemy, #aroace, #bl, #creaturetaming, #Fantasy, #gl, #magic, #otherworld, #school, #swordfighting
No Free 2022-06-28 2022-07-03

by Lilolilosa
A New World - an Houseki no Kuni fan comic

READS FROM RIGHT TO LEFT This is the story of the melancholic Wendwilsonite, trying to find their place in the world after the abduction of their friend Cas. [Houseki no Kuni series and universe © Ichikawa Haruko]

7 subs, 673 views
Fantasy 1
#Dojinshi, #Doujinshi, #hnk, #hnkoc, #hnk_oc, #houseki, #housekinokuni, #houseki_no_kuni, #landofthelustrous, #land_of_the_lustrous
No Free 2018-09-07 2018-09-07

by Spizzina00
A particular trip.

The story tells the adventures of Annabel, who lives on Inb and also on Earth; she and is a third degree priestess of the temple of Ra. In these adventures, she will face dimensional beings and ancient gods and legends that on earth belong to ancient Egypt; then to the past, where instead on Inb they are always present in the life of the inhabitants. She will make friends with human beings who will also help her in her particular journey. This comic is a self-production, so the story, drawings and texts were created by Anna Ricucci. Stage name: Spizzina00 She is not a professional cartoonist, (although she attended comic school) but she does it out of pure passion, and it is a story that she has been carrying on for years, where she has seen various interruptions and second thoughts.

3 subs, 217 views
Fantasy 3
#adventure, #ammit, #ancient_egypt, #ancient_gods, #anthropomorphic, #Anubis, #others_worlds, #priestesses, #reptilians_, #temples
No Free 2021-03-02 2022-03-18

by emptymasks
A Phantom Among Us

When a ship from the GARNIER corporation is launched into space, something else creeps aboard with murderous intent, but ends up being befriended by a young science officer. A 'Phantom of the Opera' Among Us AU by @emptymasks​, with additional ideas and designs from @staminaoverlook​. Updates every Friday at 5pm GMT. Also on Tumblr, Instagram and Webtoon.

39 subs, 2.4k views
Romance 16
#gothic, #horror, #Phantom_of_the_Opera, #romance, #science_fiction
No Free 2020-11-27 2021-04-03

by Avril[Adorkables]
A pigeon story

This comic was created during the "23 hours of comic", a French challenge where you have 23 hours to create from scratch a 24 pages comic! The theme of this year was: winged creature The constraint was: A scene must be non-nonsensical (Tbh the whole comic is non-nonsensical so I think I nailed it!)

88 subs, 858 views
Comedy 2
#comedy, #couple, #cute, #funny, #love, #relatable, #the_adorkables
No Free 2021-03-31 2022-03-30

by KeepItM
A Place I Call Home

The world is full of mysteries, and that could not have been more clear for Rathrye. Around forty years ago, as a murder victim, Rathrye awakes on a beach in a whole new world, reincarnated into a fox monster. Now middle-aged and married, she must learn to cope and accept that she is stuck in this fantasy world.

89 subs, 12.4k views
Fantasy 48
#anime, #anthro, #anthro_furry, #comedy, #Fantasy, #furry, #in_another_world, #manga, #murder, #slice_of_life, #super_sons
Yes Free 2019-06-15 2021-03-02

by Moss
A Sack of Potatoes

A sack of potatoes going through life. #askthesack

4 subs, 574 views
Slice of life 3
#ASK, #ask the potato, #bags, #Comic, #funny?, #potatoes, #Sack, #stuff
No Free 2015-05-31 2016-01-02

by Ana K
A Short Detour

A weekly Gospel reflection sprinkled with humanity's imperfection. Updated every Friday! Created for MySpiritualAdvisor.com.

7 subs, 1.26k views
Slice of life 31
#A Short Detour, #Ana Koulouris, #catholic, #Comic, #doodle, #drawing, #friday, #Gospel, #Gospel reading, #ink, #John, #Luke, #mark, #matthew, #MSA, #My Spiritual Advisor, #MySpiritualAdvisor, #paper, #weekly
No Free 2015-08-03 2015-12-04

by Rafael Ghiraldelli
A última guerra em Canudos: a HQ

Em um futuro não muito distante do nosso, um processo intenso de desertificação tomou conta de boa parte do Brasil, que fragmentou-se em territórios que disputam ferozmente as poucas fontes de águas que restam com nômades. Dentre eles, Antônio é mais um que objetiva sobreviver nesse mundo distópico com sua esposa acamada e mercenários que o pressionam cada vez mais por tecnologias que ele recupera nas ruínas de velhas cidades engolidas pela chamada "Grande Caatinga". HQ baseada em roteiro desenvolvido originalmente para um curta-metragem experimental dirigido por mim em 2015 - "A última guerra em Canudos: a barganha" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJguZFp7pKI).

34 subs, 1.87k views
Drama 96
#artedigital, #artesvisuais, #augec, #aultimaguerraemcanudos, #brasil, #campinas, #comics, #distopia, #ghiraldelli, #hq, #quadrinhobrasileiro, #quadrinhonacional, #quadrinhos, #thelastwaroncanudos, #webcomics
No Free 2018-08-11 2020-10-26

by RyanMelroseComics
A Vegan Story

a comic series about what Vegan's activists are really fighting for.. as well as the truth your politicians your doctors and your farmers don't want you to know.. prepare to be awakened..

9 subs, 52.2k views
Slice of life 26
#activism, #comicbooks, #comics for animals, #for the animals, #indiecomics, #indycomics, #vegan, #veganism, #vegans, #webcomics
No Free 2017-08-21 2017-09-11

by fleshdollop
a waste of space

a waste of your space, time, and energy all in one place! what a deal!!

3 subs, 513 views
Slice of life 6
#art, #awasteofspace, #boohoo, #Comic, #crying, #dayinthelife, #ellawilliams, #fleshdollop, #life, #nihilism, #relatable, #sad, #Sliceoflife, #tears, #waste, #webcomic
No Free 2018-03-22 2018-04-18

by Spider
A Way Out of The Void UNDERTALE

W.D. Gaster from undertale finds a door in the void to get him back to his universe. But the door also leads to other alternate universes.

29 subs, 932 views
Horror 1
#Gaster, #the void, #Undertale, #undertale Gaster, #Undertale W.D. Gaster, #w.d. gaster
Yes Free 2016-07-07 2016-07-07

by Fry
a week of comix

a daily comic, a bowl of mixed nuts.

3 subs, 331 views
Slice of life 9
#comic_diary, #daily_comic, #experimental, #nsfw_themes, #weird
No Free 2020-01-02 2021-09-28

by luna
a witch tale

in a world far far away, or maybe just a dimension over, lives a witch honestly thats all there is to it

251 subs, 1.15k views
Slice of life 2
#Comic, #dream, #luna, #plants, #series, #slice of another life, #slice of life, #witch
No Free 2015-08-05 2015-08-07

by Ser Edgeheart.
A Writer's Attempt To Make It Big In A Comic Website, Halp (working title)

Okay, I lied... It's not exactly a mystery, as it says in the main tag... I couldn't find the "Random" tag anywhere... Basically, these are draft notes of what I've written so far... Also, copyright/s... ( @-@ ) These might be turned into comics, or written works elsewhere (e,g; Wattpad or Story Street Labs or Tumblr) From the guy(s) stationed in Bravo Hub 1337. -We need flares...-

6 subs, 753 views
Mystery 12
#1, #2, #3, #Action, #But, #But it could be?, #drafts, #drama, #Fantasy, #Fresh Fruit, #Fresh Vegetables, #gaming, #it_is, #i_guess, #no, #nope, #now, #no_seriously, #oh_look, #okay, #Okay T_T, #science_fiction, #scripts, #slice_of_life, #slight_romance, #Stopping now, #stop_it, #stuffs, #There could be drama, #wait, #war, #writing, #Writing stuffs, #yes
No Free 2017-02-15 2020-04-12

by Project Hybrid

*This comic reads from RIGHT to LEFT! After a hundred years in sleep, a trio of angel demon hybrids awaken. They are demon slayers known as the Angels of Death. Their first assignment is to eliminate the demons wreaking havoc on humans in the amusement park known as Funhouse. But, the demons aren't the only ones in Funhouse, and will the trio be prepared to find out who's really running the show?

74 subs, 4k views
Action 48
#Action, #angels, #anime, #arcade, #arrows, #blood, #carnival, #demons, #drama, #manga, #scythe, #staff, #supernatural
No Free 2019-06-01 2022-07-15

by kittykat23
abby and friends :]

hello ,and welcome to my universe.. :[

8 subs, 932 views
Slice of life 6
#catinthehat, #Hello, #my life, #my universe
No Free 2015-04-09 2015-09-02

by Schnekk
Abe and the Ants

Welcome to the Ghost Zoo! Light-hearted and silly, Abe and the Ants is a Club★Crab original production.

6 subs, 613 views
Comedy 1
#Abe and the Ants, #Club Crab, #mimi, #Schnekk
No Free 2015-02-16 2015-02-16

by skullhex123
Abernathy: Magicus

In the land of Abernathy, Cards mean everything. A young man named theodore will take on the aristocrats and a corrupt system.

2 subs, 596 views
Science fiction 12
#Card_Games, #Fantasy, #love, #scifi, #shipping, #theodore, #yaoi
No Free 2019-12-05 2020-07-19

by Holly Stanton
Above the Line

Follow a group of friends as they have fun at their favorite theme-park and immerse themselves in all things "Frankey!" Created with the Disney Park fan in mind!

12 subs, 1.92k views
Slice of life 30
#20's, #amusement parks, #disney, #funny, #theme parks
No Free 2016-03-04 2016-06-09

by Paradox
Absolve the sun

The story takes place in a fictional world where every twenty years a global war happens. Three major countries fight over ownership of the sky. Caught in the very eye of the storm is a woman forced into a life on the run, her very existence being the key to both stopping or reigniting the fires of war.

54 subs, 4.35k views
Drama 83
#animation, #aviation, #blackandwhite, #dilemma, #drama, #ethereal, #Sky, #Story, #war
No Free 2019-11-13 2022-07-22

by Absolve Your Mind
Absolver: Call of The Fold Artbook

Behind the art of Absolver CoTF.

2 subs, 631 views
Action 1
#Absolver, #art, #ARTBOOK, #Artbook_art, #Call_of_The_Fold
No Free 2018-08-18 2018-08-18

by Possum Wave

All the random and incoherent comics I make in one place. Enjoy!

4 subs, 1k views
Comedy 19
#Actually, #anything, #comedy, #comics, #do, #funny, #IM, #not, #sure, #these, #webcomic, #webcomics
No Free 2018-11-22 2019-01-16

by Sena Iridis
Absynthe Cemetery

This girl fights a bunch of cryptids with a cheese grater in the underworld. Just bro stuff, really. Tons of blood and guts, loads of spooky beasties, and haunted refrigerators. Updates Fridays. patreon.com/SenaIridis

10 subs, 979 views
Comedy 9
#Absynthe Cemetery
No Free 2017-02-03 2017-03-24

by LaTor
Acapella Romantic Times

A collection of short romantic stories, forever captured throughout all of time.

3 subs, 574 views
Romance 4
#18thcentury, #18th_century, #19thcentury, #19th_Century, #20thcentury, #20th_century, #aesthetic, #artist, #cameo, #colorful, #contemporary, #contemporaryhistory, #contemporary_history, #edwardian, #frenchaesthetic, #French_aesthetic, #historicalfiction, #Historical_Fiction, #Poems, #Rococo_style, #romatic, #timeless, #Victorian, #vintage, #western
No Free 2020-09-06 2020-10-09

by DaveAce
Ace the Lemur

Ace is a hyper-active lemur, always up for an adventure, and is self-aware! Follow along as this creative, open-minded lemur, travels the world and makes a name for herself.

2 subs, 103 views
Comedy 1
#ace, #ace_the_lemur, #adventure, #comedy, #crazy, #exploration, #Fantasy, #funny, #Goofy, #lemur, #Loony, #Self_Aware, #slice_of_life
No Free 2021-02-05 2021-02-05

by Ace
Ace's Scetchbin

is throw my drawings in this bin is pretty fun

10 subs, 425 views
Comedy 1
#ace, #art, #art bin, #BIN, #comedies, #drawing, #dump, #funny, #scetchbook, #the universe, #ur dad, #ur mom, #whatever
No Free 2017-03-30 2017-03-30

by Jang S. Belmonte
ACHLUOPHOBIA: Fear of the Dark

After Global Superpowers went to nuclear war, The year is 27.0XX on post-apocalyptic Earth. Humanity is granted the powers of the Periodic Elements after a second bigbang. A group of adults are trying to better the place around them as they live in a corrupted, dystopian country called Achluo. Auer and Co. Set out to become vigilantes and liberate the people of the Proletariat. Rated M for frequent F-bombs, Political themes, Violence and Gore, and Sexual content/themes. Updates Bi-weekly! When I'm not in school, of course. :)

12 subs, 1.1k views
Science fiction 16
#Achluophobia, #chemistry, #disabled_mc, #heroes, #latino, #periodic_elements, #science, #Superhero, #The_Big_Bang_Series, #vigilantes
No Free 2021-03-04 2022-07-17

by rainosa5
Across The Rubicon

After tragedy strikes the nation, superhumans are required to register themselves for study and regulation. Skylar and Liam, two superhumans forced into medical research, decide to break the law and escape, living a life on the run from the government and the research facility they stayed at. While on their travels, they come across a way to sabotage the people searching for them. Now the question is: should they use it? What message does it send if they do? Can they bring the world back to what it was before the tragedy? Or is it all irreversible?

1 subs, 141 views
Action 1
#across_the_rubicon, #Action, #gay, #lgbt, #romance, #science_fiction, #scifi, #Superhero, #superheroes, #super_sons, #webcomic
No Free 2019-09-04 2019-09-05

by Sidewaysbagel
Action Packed!

Classes, Chaos & Corporate Control! A group of high schoolers race to discover a mysterious sub-dimension before a corrupt company can exploit it. In an era dominated by big business - with even the most basic of privacy rights overlooked - it is up to these kids to protect the rights of not only their world, but those that lie beyond.

4 subs, 169 views
Science fiction 1
#2050, #Action, #AI, #AP, #comedy, #corporate, #Door, #dystopian, #food, #future, #Goofy, #hawaiin, #Highschool, #Jersey, #kelli, #nathan, #nj, #packed, #rebel, #rights, #robots, #Shore, #Subspace, #theodore, #unique, #zany
No Free 2020-01-09 2020-01-09

by TOD
Adventure between Galaxy and Time

A comic about 4 original characters, traveling through portals of different cartoon dimensions in the desperate need to get back home, but the villain Belphegor is getting in their way.

8 subs, 2.16k views
Comedy 83
#abgat, #Adventure between Galaxy and Time, #art, #Comic, #hand made, #oc, #theokamidemon, #tod, #traditional, #work
No Free 2016-12-24 2020-10-14

by Blu Boi
Adventures of Cool Guy and Kid

just little snippets of a kid and his favorite babysitter havin a blast with the occasional visit from the babysitters bf [will eventually have a plot] currently from my sketchbook until i get myself a tablet

2 subs, 246 views
Slice of life 1
#doodles, #fluff, #lgbt_themes, #light_hearted, #sketchbook
No Free 2018-10-19 2018-10-19

by Hannah Hoff
Adventures of Edward the Void

Edward is a cat. Edward is a Void. Edward does not look, Edward sees All.

518 subs, 4.44k views
Horror 5
#black_cat, #cat, #demon, #Edward_the_Void, #funny, #hell, #horror, #kitty, #meme, #Void
No Free 2020-08-18 2021-08-09

by Dahianartist
Adventures of RFA

Two years after the revelation of Mint-eye, the RFA is back with its duties! more parties and...more drama! The characters belong to Cheritz company. This is just a fan comic about them.

60 subs, 1.02k views
Drama 3
#choibrothers, #MysMe, #mysticmessenger, #rfa
No Free 2018-09-14 2019-05-03

by AdventuresOfSpaceRat
Adventures of Space Rat

Follow Space Rat in his adventures saving the universe from harm, and as he faces his worst enemy, Dot the Mole Rat.

6 subs, 423 views
Action 1
#Action, #Animals in space, #Comic, #dark_themes, #funny, #rat, #space, #Space rat, #¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No Free 2017-09-20 2017-09-20

by ThineRiddler
Adventures of the Nerd

This is just a dumb comic about weird things that happen in my life.

5 subs, 610 views
Slice of life 5
#adventure of the nerds, #aofn, #nerd, #nerd stuff, #slice of life, #thineriddler
No Free 2017-08-27 2018-02-18

by BCrossZero
Adventures of the Time Travelling Burrito Taster

Meet Emil Rainer, the amazing, spectacular, unequaled Time Travelling Burrito Taster! Drop into a world where nothing is as it seems, maybe. Depends on the page, really. Anyway, in this universe, burritos grant their consumers super powers! Emil must travel far and wide, even through time itself, to save the world from the effects of burritos too powerful for their own good! Be advised, once you start reading this silly little pitter pattering volume of goodness, you'll never be able to put it down! Well, you shouldn't. Just...do you okay?

1 subs, 170 views
Comedy 1
#burrito, #burrito_taster, #comedy, #food, #guatemala_man, #mexican_food, #mr_bald, #super_hero, #super_powers, #the_boyfriend, #time_travel
No Free 2019-08-16 2019-08-16