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EL CONVERSO, tiene como heroína a la Virgen Maria,una imagen de ella, toma vida, cada noche , baja de su pedestal en la iglesia, y se arma de dos Glock 40 para defender a un grupo de chicos de la calle en Bs.As. "THE CONVERT" has the heroine to the Virgin Mary, an image of it, comes alive every night, down from his pedestal in the church, and weapon two Glock 40 to defend a group of street kids in Bs .As. "L'CONVERT" a l'héroïne à la Vierge Marie, une image de celui-ci, se anime tous les soirs, vers le bas de son piédestal dans l'église, et arme à deux Glock 40 pour défendre un groupe de jeunes de la rue dans les Bs .As.

2 subs, 363 views
Mystery 2
#church, #city, #ciy, #comics, #dark, #God, #gos, #Man, #murder, #rock, #X-Men
No Free 2016-08-18 2017-09-09

by Linnea
10 Million Colors

“And the sky opened up, like a gaping maw it swallowed itself. The blue was still there but it warped as the scenery does when it is horribly hot. Waves and the clouds billow forming faces of heathens and long past due souls that float against the stars. They smiled at me, a knowing smile as if they knew I knew something. Something I did not know. And from that smile it all pieced together. The growing drowsiness of the world around, the strange time of peace when war is always raging. They told me voicelessly, gasping; The world is ending, and it will be a happy end.” 10 Million Colors is a prose based, vaguely plotted comic about deities, sense of self, and the end of the world. On a casual update schedule. ( at least once a month )

171 subs, 1.91k views
Fantasy 3
#apocalypse, #conceptual, #deities, #end_of_the_world, #faith, #gods, #myriadgod, #religion
No Free 2020-11-09 2021-02-02

by 1111
1111 Comics

Life and happiness. Turn back, you'll learn nothing here.

2.15k subs, 263k views
Slice of life 89
#Desire, #existentialism, #God, #happiness, #heaven, #hell, #humanity, #life, #love, #philosophy, #wishes
No Free 2014-08-02 2016-08-22

by Raddlez
2300: The New Century Saga

In March 2086, a plague swept through the earth. A third of the population was wiped out within a week, another third fell ill, and the final third had no reaction. The final third worked around the clock, caring for the sick in specially marked quarantine zones. As the care continued, the sick began to stabilise, and started having children. As the children aged, the offspring of the ill were discovered to have special abilities. This new subspecies of humans were named “Supers” and they came with their fair share of problems. In 2114 the first and only superhuman war broke out. After the war, the supers and humans learnt to intergrate peacefully, on half the continents still remaining on the world, and after a while, the supers became icons, beacons of hope. Those who stood up for public safety became celebrities, and in 2296, almost 170 years later, the heroes were legitimised by Clayton “Rock Solid” Matthews, with the formation of the Superhuman Taskforce. At the end of the year 2299, the Superhuman taskforce, aided by Waskiko, an alien demigod on the side of Earth, has become a force to be reckoned with. It would be take a lot of force to destroy the superhuman taskforce.

9 subs, 1.02k views
Science fiction 5
#2300, #Advanced Technology, #aliens, #Demigods, #Energy Manipulation, #flight, #Molecular Density Manipulation, #Ozy Monkey Studios, #pyrokinesis, #robots, #sci fi, #slice of life, #superheroes, #Turn of the Century
No Free 2016-02-14 2016-05-03

by Mr. Tamazaki
30 days with Pachon

The daily life of this little cute named Pachon, only for 30 days

0 subs, 151 views
Comedy 2
#chibi, #comedy, #Comic, #cute, #daily_life, #godofredo, #mrtamazaki, #pachon, #webcomic
No Free 2019-05-14 2019-05-14

by Alce
5 reasons why you can't love me

Jona and Helen are two students who study in Wuhan, China. Helen is in love with Jona and tells them everyday, but Jona is not interested in her at all. Find out who Helen goes to to make Jona fall in love with her and be prepared to cry. The events narrated are inspired by real events, but it stops at the existence of COVID19. Everything else is purely fictional.

6 subs, 486 views
#Action, #apocalypse, #drama, #Fantasy, #gods, #lgbtq, #love, #magic, #sad, #science_fiction, #scifi, #witch
Yes Free 2020-06-01 2021-02-26

by vinswizle
5 Saviors

A world where gods are the true rulers is starting to have problems with demons and the supernatural. Five mysterious babies are created and spread across the country to protect it. 16 years later Katsu discovers that there weren't just humans, god, and demon that inhabited the world before him. And soon learns that history repeats itself.

8 subs, 550 views
Action 6
#Comic, #demons, #gods, #manga, #mystery
No Free 2016-07-12 2016-10-19

by Harry Bogosian

A young girl named Hannah and her brother Theo find something cool in the woods. Hannah then remakes the world.

15k subs, 4.87M views
Fantasy 268
#adventure, #children with infinite power and no moral restrictions, #genie, #godlike power
No Free 2015-01-05 2020-09-25

by Alkyone
A Forgotten Truth

Having lost faith in modern medicine, a girl is searching for ancient healing methods in an attempt to share them with the world. However, one of the books she acquires goes much deeper than that, with result putting her own life in danger. --- This is a short completed comic.

1 subs, 131 views
Fantasy 1
#ancient_gods, #Bastet, #cats, #Egypt, #egyptian_gods, #eye_of_ra, #goddess, #Magical_powers, #mystical, #oneshot, #Powers
Yes Free 2020-12-12 2021-09-30

by Isi-Daddy
a Glimpse of Eternity

Giving mortals the power of the Gods was a mistake, Ivory - The God of Giving – had experienced, but instead of swallowing their pride and rolling back, they made Sable - The God of Taking - help them to create Seven creatures, the Sins, that shall bring back balance between Gods, Mortals and Chi - the Stream of Life. Centuries passed by and the Sins grew tired of fulfilling their purpose of taking care of mortals and instead started living like them. One of them even dared to wish for a mortal life, and with the help of a friend he may even get it granted. But on their journey to find a cure, they realised their destiny was entangled with something no one was prepared for. And while the knowledge of the once reseived gift, controlling the Stream of Life, was slowly fading in obscurity, it was never completely forgotten but carried within the hearts of those who sought to escape the obedience of the invisible hand that was steering them.

49 subs, 743 views
Fantasy 7
#chi, #death, #gods, #life, #sin
No Free 2021-02-13 2021-10-11

by KaizerKai
A God Among Men

This story follows Kai, a human who developed the power of God. Although many wish to become this powerful, Kai argues that being a God is terrible. With the world in absolute chaos, he must decide whether to save or destroy humanity.

0 subs, 71 views
Fantasy 1
#God, #philosophy
No Free 2020-04-03 2020-04-03

A Moon Goddess Diary

Dear child, let me tell you the Legend of the Moon Cake.

9 subs, 547 views
Slice of life 10
#bunny, #cake, #diary, #goddess, #legend, #moon, #moon_cake, #origin, #slice_of_life, #Toto
No Free 2019-08-30 2019-09-14

by dandacassia
A Origem dos Deuses (Pt - BR)

No Reino Celestial vive um jovem deus chamado Radii que sonha em conhecer s humanos. Mas para realizar esse sonho, ele (junto com os seus amigos), terão que lutar contra deuses e demônios. E no meio dessa batalha, procurar seu irmão que está desaparecido.

0 subs, 69 views
Fantasy 1
#Action, #adventure, #Aorigemdosdeuses, #brasil, #Fantasy, #gods, #mangabr, #shounen
No Free 2021-05-11 2021-05-11

by Spizzina00
A particular trip.

The story tells the adventures of Annabel, who lives on Inb and also on Earth; she and is a third degree priestess of the temple of Ra. In these adventures, she will face dimensional beings and ancient gods and legends that on earth belong to ancient Egypt; then to the past, where instead on Inb they are always present in the life of the inhabitants. She will make friends with human beings who will also help her in her particular journey. This comic is a self-production, so the story, drawings and texts were created by Anna Ricucci. Stage name: Spizzina00 She is not a professional cartoonist, (although she attended comic school) but she does it out of pure passion, and it is a story that she has been carrying on for years, where she has seen various interruptions and second thoughts.

3 subs, 217 views
Fantasy 3
#adventure, #ammit, #ancient_egypt, #ancient_gods, #anthropomorphic, #Anubis, #others_worlds, #priestesses, #reptilians_, #temples
No Free 2021-03-02 2022-03-18

by Jaime Prates
A Perfeição

A sci-fi adaptation of a Eça de Queirós short story about Ulysses.

1 subs, 116 views
Science fiction 1
#calypso, #ecadequeiros, #Fantasy, #greekgods, #scifi, #shortstory, #Ulysses
No Free 2019-05-28 2019-06-04

by Sabu Chan
A Sinless World

In an era under the siege of technology and vain hopes, answers to the most important questions of all time are researched through the exchange of digital informations. The exponential growth of PC geniuses made this job a lot easier; on the other hand, access to a keyboard is also available for those who have little to offer in terms of certainties, but especially evocative madness. Three years before todays' events, a cryptic binary code was left on the World Wide Web with the promise of immortality. The name originated legend becomes 0a? as translation of the code itself. Thus unleashes the hunt of the solution for the riddle and, among countless rambling theories, this has allowed the fiery tempers turning off the screen and go to the streets. Alyssa, the only administrator of the forum for hunters, get attacked by some criminals. Dying, she is technically saved by a being who rarely shows itself to mere mortals. Coincidentally, fortuitously or otherwise, this entity is bored to death.

78 subs, 3.24k views
Horror 38
#alyssa, #blasphemy, #blood, #cyber, #dark, #devil, #God, #GORE, #goth, #gothic, #horror, #illness, #nizar, #punk, #sabuchan, #sinless, #violence, #world
No Free 2016-09-22 2018-11-29

by The Therran Native
A Tale of Monsters and Men

The world is ending, and the only people capable of saving it are a man who cannot feel emotion, a pair of twins who share a single mind, a boy who can never grow up, and a kidnapped musician. Updates whenever a page is finished. This is a dark fantasy comic that explores themes of mental illness, self-harm, suicide, abuse, racism, sexism, gender struggles, death and loss, and other stigmatized topics. There will also be a fair amount of profanity and blood. Only pages I deem more extreme than usual will be marked mature. Those who cannot or will not appreciate these things are welcome to find a more lighthearted story. This is your only warning.

124 subs, 1.54k views
Fantasy 4
#abuse, #apocalypse, #bl, #dark, #Fantasy, #gods, #magic, #mental_illness, #nonbinary, #psychopath, #war
No Free 2018-11-24 2019-01-18

by ValKree
A Warrior's Love Character Designs? (Not a real comic, unfortunately)

Collection of character faces (and maybe styles). I don't have much time to draw but I'm trying. Warning: Very poor quality, may help you lose eyesight and the will to live. Bear with me if you are daring enough to check this out.

14 subs, 266 views
BL 4
#AWL, #drawings, #dudes, #godly
No Free 2020-02-06 2020-12-17

by John Mic

Parte 1 una Horrible verdad: Yoali se convierte en el primer guardián caído, el cual se encuentre entre la vida y la muerte, entre La Luz y obscuridad. El dios de la muerte Mictlantecutli, aprisiona al guardián Abismal Yoali y lo castiga con la siguiente maldición: "Serás perseguido por los Guardianes... Te convertirás en la nada... Tu marca serán, tu cuerpo y cara... Y te llamarán el Guardian Caído"

17 subs, 1.39k views
Action 6
#ancient, #ancient_culture, #ancient_gods, #Aztec, #mexican, #mexicano, #spanish
No Free 2018-11-28 2021-12-28

by Godsent Comics

When a normal day ends with Clay’s life crashing down, he finds his entire family ripped apart and his mother six feet under. The appearance of Rowan Crowwe signals a dark course for his future, and in accepting the so-called job the man offers, Clay makes his first big mistake: trusting a stranger who knows his father far too well. Once under Rowan’s wing, he realizes the gravity of the situation…Rowan isn’t just some shady guy. He’s a full-on gangster, and he’s got more than just questionable business happening behind closed doors. Who is the winged man under the mask of The Walker, and what is this twisted project for? Clay finds his purpose—and a new family—through Rowan’s nefarious deeds. He’s going to shuffle up all of Rowan’s doings, and deal out justice to the underbelly of the city. RATED TEEN

82 subs, 1.05k views
Action 11
#black_and_white, #Christian, #Christian_comic, #drama, #Godsent_Comics, #lissie_dixon, #lissie_dixon_art, #mystery, #original_superhero, #Superhero
No Free 2018-02-14 2022-06-10

by Guilherme Junior

Acroalis is a fantasy world in which everyone has been living peacefully. that is, until two meteors landed. the people of Acroalis ignored them, thinking them of a normal phenomena, but little do they know the meteors contained a powerful source. one that will change all of Acroalis

438 subs, 74.3k views
Fantasy 237
#battle_mode, #black_and_white, #boys, #castle, #character, #dark, #decision_time, #deep, #dragons, #Elder, #Fire, #forest, #funny, #games, #giants, #giant_monsters, #girls, #God, #group, #hero, #heroine, #kingdon, #kings, #landscape, #lava, #level, #line, #long_comic, #lv_up, #monster_hunter, #mountains, #music, #mysterious, #mystery, #naruto_type, #party, #Powers, #Princess, #rain, #rpg, #rpg_music, #sad, #scrolls, #Sky, #space, #style_manga, #super, #technology, #trees, #universe, #video_game, #villages, #Volcano, #water, #wind, #world_map
No Free 2014-12-26 2020-11-19

by the_company_Actions3
Actions3 god wrath

this is a story where a powerful being betrayed one angel.

1 subs, 42 views
Action 1
#cartoon_world, #evil, #God
No Free 2022-03-25 2022-03-25

by Pibis
ACTS 1:9

A collaborative project between one weird brit and one weird american: Riley Vondrasek is a serial killer on the run and has been since he was a teenager. How he survives? He eats what he kills. When he arrives in New York he is hunted down by a gangster named Rudy, a fateful encounter which will change Riley's life forever. Updates every 14th and 28th of the month! Written by: Phoebe Dunne and Olivia Walters Illustrated by: Phoebe Dunne We are currently on: VOL.1 GENESIS

4 subs, 45 views
Horror 3
#angel, #Cannibal, #dark, #demigod, #demon, #edgy, #lgbt, #Ricin, #thriller, #trans
No Free 2022-06-14 2022-07-14

by Diandra
Ad Mea Sacrificia

The main character finds himself in his room after a traffic accident. As he tries to figure it all out he meets a few unknown faces. He is not home but he soon finds out how he can return: by offering a sacrifice to the gods. Instagram: @diandra.comics Twitter: @ComicsDiandra Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DiandraComics

3.02k subs, 36.9k views
Fantasy 35
#afterlife, #death_game, #death_gods, #Male_Lead, #memory_loss, #mind_games, #supernatural, #webtoon
No Wait for Free 2021-07-26 2022-06-17

by PergamGenie
Adventures of Yunero the Sun God

A story about a Sun god, deals, selling souls and loopholes mixed in with an occasional silly comic. Updates weekly.

12 subs, 1.97k views
Fantasy 19
#adventures of yunero the sun god, #kyosuke, #kyunnie, #pergamgenie, #sun god
No Free 2017-03-13 2017-07-26

by deej/ssonana

"All I dreamed for is a normal life. Is that too much to ask?"

69 subs, 2.8k views
Fantasy 26
#demigod, #Greek, #magic, #modern, #mythology, #Necromancer, #roman, #webcomic, #webtoon
No Free 2018-01-02 2018-02-15

by Helena G Fiorenza
Afanobio is a big place

I've been drawing all my main stories separately. They were all meant to happen in a certain sequence. I am gonna complete them all and add the right explanations. I hope it all soon make sense for readers :3

8 subs, 1.35k views
Fantasy 18
#black_and_white, #blood, #bloody, #chills, #color, #creatures, #cute, #dead, #deat, #death, #english, #family, #God, #gods, #GORE, #gorey, #grey, #grim_reaper, #heroes, #human, #Monster, #monsters, #sadness, #scary, #spanish, #special, #spooky, #sweet, #undead, #violence
Yes Free 2017-09-26 2019-04-15

by Enriell
After Gods Are Gone

Kelfin is alcoholic, drug addict, reveler, bard and ... necromancer. Just an easily he is a harbinger of disasters. A suitable name for someone who so professionally spoils the life of himself and all his loved ones.

1.17k subs, 21k views
Fantasy 25
#dnd, #drow, #drowelf, #elf, #elves, #Fantasy, #gods, #magic, #music
No Free 2020-11-25 2021-07-24

by Firgof

The Goddess of Death, who longs to be more than a symbol of fear, awakens powerless in a world where death is no longer guaranteed and risks her life to bring it back from the brink of chaos.

69 subs, 4.74k views
Fantasy 6
#anachronism, #anachronistic, #black and white, #black/white, #c'thulhu, #coming_of_age, #Cthulhu, #dark fantasy, #death, #decay, #diety, #drama, #fae, #fairie, #fairie tales, #fairy, #fairy tale, #fairy tales, #fall, #Fantasy, #female, #God, #goddess, #grace, #grimm, #grim_reaper, #High Fantasy, #kinetic, #life, #linear, #love, #lovecraft, #lovecraftian, #luck, #manga, #murder, #mystery, #oc, #original universe, #pantheon, #reaper, #reaping, #scythe, #series, #serzahnk, #Soul, #super_sons, #twisted, #twisted tale, #universe, #woman
No Free 2016-01-05 2016-08-31

by Yugen
Against the Current

Behind the vicious and seemingly eternal rivalry between Bulan (god of the moon) and Haik (god of the sea) hides a love forced to be kept under covers. But centuries of strain have begun to show, and hairline cracks have begun to grow. Will they be able to keep their love a secret, or will they have to face the consequences of having fallen in love with your destined rival? [A/N] Updates twice a week, and will be available in print later this year (Sept. 2022). Written by Yugen, illustrated by Zee Dino.

283 subs, 16.1k views
Romance 25
#angst_with_a_happy_ending, #bl, #boys_love, #fighting_for_love, #forbidden_love, #gods, #god_of_the_moon, #God_of_the_sea, #myth, #mythology
Yes Free 2022-05-07 2022-07-20

by Geeky designer
Age of Gods and Heroes

The world of princess Andromaque changes completely when her city is destroyed and the love of her life dies protecting her. When everything seems lost, a young god with a dark past, ends up crossing her path. Now, united by fate, both find themselves in the middle of a millenary mystery and at one step of the apocalypse. Can they and their allies stop the darkness that is coming? Updates Mondays

6 subs, 76 views
Fantasy 7
#asexual, #bl, #Dragon, #Egypt, #gods, #Greek, #love, #myth, #mythology, #Princess
No Free 2022-01-16 2022-03-23

by Cardiovasque

A deranged vagabond, a mischievous God of Magic, a Sky God trapped in the void, and a withered former God of the Sea —All intertwined in a twisted ensemble of heinous plots, revenge, and redemption.

439 subs, 44.7k views
Fantasy 69
#Action, #colored, #coloured, #deities, #Fantasy, #fighting, #gods, #Graphic Novel, #magic, #martial arts, #myth, #mythology, #Philippine Mythology, #supernatural, #underworld, #Visayan
No Free 2016-03-23 2021-10-07

by Zorilita
Ah Heck!! The Angel Chronicles

When Angel suddenly finds herself in Heck, forced into an afterlife of never-ending maid duty she must dodge evil bunnies, killer teddy bears and other perils while seeking to find a way to change her fate. But her actions just might turn all Heck on its ear, pitting the rulers of the underworld against each other in a cosmic war. But why? What was the reason for Angel's descent and can she ever make it home again? You can also read over here too! http://ahhecktheangelchronicles.tumblr.com

29 subs, 3.9k views
Fantasy 122
#afterlife, #ahheck, #angels, #bunny_girls, #comics, #demons, #devil, #God, #heaven, #heck, #hell, #leanna, #manga, #mary_bellamy, #oliver, #satan, #zori, #zorilita, #zorilitamarybell
No Free 2016-09-19 2020-09-18

by Brando
ah! My Champion

Random kid who is always bullied, but encountered LOL that changed his whole life. All in one day!

727 subs, 26.9k views
Gaming 25
#champion, #fairy godmother, #fighting, #league of legends, #one shot, #online, #pinoy, #sexy, #short, #sona, #super_power, #Tryndamere, #vs
No Free 2014-09-19 2018-03-01

by Vee-Chan
Akira Yami

To fight an oppressive god in a world savaged by demons, a group of youths are brought together to fight against all odds, but some secrets are better left unfound.

85 subs, 4.97k views
Fantasy 50
#Action, #anime, #demons, #drama, #Fantasy, #fighting, #gods, #magic, #war
Yes Free 2016-04-10 2020-05-26

by Marcin Kulesza
Ale Dół

Historia chłopca z Białegostoku dysponującego magicznym ołówkiem

0 subs, 60 views
Action 1
#Bialystok, #dzieci, #Magia, #olowek, #polska, #po_polsku, #przygoda
No Free 2020-12-10 2020-12-10

All and Nothing

UPDATES FRIDAY AND SUNDAY A spontaneous troublemaker and an irritable soon-to-be god in a team. What could go wrong.

18 subs, 359 views
Fantasy 3
#All_and_nothing, #Fantasy, #gods
No Free 2019-08-05 2019-08-12

by Jman_draws
All or Nothing

A game for power. Winner takes all.

5 subs, 229 views
Action 1
#all_or_nothing, #fighting, #Fire, #gods, #Hades, #lightning, #Power, #thunder, #wolf, #zeus
No Free 2019-03-10 2019-03-10

by Frenchie
All's Fair

Olympus is burning, taxes are on the rise, and Zeus's chicken is running rampant all over the mortal world. Two unlikely heroes set out to change hopefully, at the very least, one of these things.

5.51k subs, 573k views
Fantasy 91
#ares, #braids, #comedy, #dont_ask_why, #Eros, #Eros_is_female, #greek_gods, #lgbt, #nonbinary_characters, #poc, #romance
No Free 2017-01-27 2020-03-18

by Void
All's Fair in Death and War

Thanatos is afraid of getting hurt, Ares is ruled by his emotions, neither really know what they're doing. Updates whenever I have the chance.

25 subs, 713 views
Fantasy 6
#ares, #gay, #greek_gods, #greek_mythology, #hurt, #thanatos
No Free 2016-07-08 2020-12-13

by stillhet

Where are the forgotten stories? Where do the unwritten stories go? Where is the paper castle? Anthology of horror and fantasy stories.

43 subs, 2.75k views
Fantasy 30
#alma, #anthology, #chaos, #drama, #dream, #Fantasy, #horror, #lie, #old, #old_god, #paper, #paper_castle, #reality, #Soul, #stories, #subcultura, #tales, #tell, #terror, #Time, #tragedy
No Free 2018-01-06 2019-11-11

by PSA Twig
Along Came a Kid

Draper Sikes, wanted nothing more than to keep himself from getting evicted after his roommate ran off with some girl. But now he's faced with something he didn't expect, grim news brought on by a seemingly calm kid by the name of Ord. Ord claims to keep his 'cousins family' off Draper's back but things just don't seem right. It's one thing to deal with odd smells and behaviors from a 16 year old but its another thing when his older brother tries to kill you. ************* Greek Mythology with a focus not on the big 12. Warning heavy foul language and mention/sights of death. UPDATES: Fridays

1 subs, 366 views
Slice of life 7
#death, #demigod, #Greek, #mordern day, #mythology, #slice of life
No Free 2017-02-28 2017-06-02

by Maxedrox
Alpha Edrox: Cosmic Treasures

Welcome to Alpha Edrox, a colorful world of creatures known as Bioversals and super-beings known as Subhams. One night a young mage named Feith discovers a terrible secret as an awful event envelopes the lands. Can he overcome his fears and fight alongside his sexy crush to change the planet's destiny?

38 subs, 2.12k views
Fantasy 11
#bl, #creatures, #drama, #Fantasy, #gods, #lgbt, #magic, #mystery, #NewSeries
No Free 2020-03-25 2022-07-20

by Librarian65
Always Believe

A series about what it means to be the bridge between worlds.

0 subs, 58 views
Slice of life 1
#gods, #heartwarming, #ideas, #love, #monsters, #ToBeStrange
No Free 2020-06-10 2020-06-10

by Cervine Prince
Amenta 2015

Old School project made back in 2015. I tried to remake and retell the Osiris myth. It is my first completed comic.

0 subs, 387 views
Fantasy 2
#Action, #ancient, #ancientegypt, #ancient_egypt, #comedy, #deities, #drama, #egypt_myth, #egypt_mythology, #Fantasy, #God, #gods, #kemetic, #kemeticism, #myth, #mythology, #slice_of_life
Yes Free 2018-05-13 2019-03-30

by Paulos kiziridis

The uninteresting daily life of an American archeologist is turned upside down, when an old acquaintance calls her. Her insightful knowledge about ancient Greece may be proven useful in identifying a discovery, which defies its own past. Even its own future.

6 subs, 553 views
Science fiction 1
#comics, #God, #gods, #Greek, #Olympians, #olympus, #Sci-fi
No Free 2016-10-16 2016-10-16

by Paulos kiziridis

The uninteresting daily life of an American archeologist is turned upside down, when an old acquaintance calls her. Her insightful knowledge about ancient Greece may be proven useful in identifying a discovery, which defies its own past. Even its own future.

11 subs, 571 views
Science fiction 1
#gods, #olympian, #Sci-fi
No Free 2016-10-04 2016-10-06

by Kebrillah
Amore e Psiche

Psiche is a mortal, with the beauty of a goddess. Cool, you may think, untile one day a real goddess gets jealous and tries to ruin your life forever. If there's one thing that's clear in greek mythology, is that destiny is set in stone and her's is to marry a monster that terrifies even Giove. But what if someone comes along, offering his help and protection? Among gods, monster, kings and queens, what can a simple girl do? A lot, apparently. Like defeat destiny or kill her true love...

80 subs, 4.58k views
Romance 25
#ancientgreece, #ancientRome, #Cupid, #destiny, #fate, #goddesses, #gods, #GreekMythology, #love, #magic, #myth, #mythology, #romance, #Rome
No Free 2016-11-19 2017-07-01

by SkyLark
Amy Carmichael's Dream

Amy Beatrice Carmichael (16 December 1867 – 18 January 1951) was a Protestant Christian missionary in India who served there for 55 years without furlough and wrote many books about the missionary work there. This is a four-page comic on a vision that she wrote about - a warning about the state of the lost in the world.

5 subs, 384 views
Slice of life 1
#amy_carmichael, #black_and_white, #Christian, #Christianity, #christian_missions, #God, #gods_love, #Jesus, #love, #missions, #missions_history, #mission_life, #unreached_people
No Free 2019-04-10 2019-04-10

by cooldad
An Act of Revelation

Augustina isn't looking to be anyone special. She has a crush and a passing grade in Chemistry, so she's doing alright for now. When she suddenly gets a series of vivid dreams regarding Egyptian gods, she worries that the guy of her dreams isn't a priority anymore. A queer fantasy comic with a dash of romance.

10 subs, 756 views
Fantasy 13
#Action, #characters_of_color, #drama, #Egyptian Gods, #Fantasy, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #lgbtq+, #queer, #queer artist, #romance
No Free 2018-01-12 2018-01-22

by wasutaki

One broken vow. A punished god navigates the world to find pieces of his memory. However, he must hurry.

2 subs, 232 views
Fantasy 5
#Action, #anathema, #bl, #God, #gods, #Mature, #vampire
No Free 2021-11-09 2022-02-10

by Korneruphyne
Ancient Love

Hades and Persephone will meet in the modern age, what will happen?

11 subs, 426 views
Fantasy 1
#color, #gods, #Greek, #Hades, #manga, #mythology, #persephone
No Free 2021-01-07 2021-01-07

by Moonstone Comics
Angel's Curse

A decade ago, two kingdoms, Chorale to the north and Segen to the south, fought for the control of the last existing Moonpool. In the process, both kingdoms lost their Patriarchs at the same time, leaving the crown to their young children. No one truly knew what happened to them long after they’re gone. As time passed on, rumors began to surge about the Moonpools and that the Goddess was possibly alive. Can these rumors hold some truth to what happened to their Royal families? Or will this rumor open up a healing wound? And why are innocent people involved with cleaning up this royal mess?

10 subs, 547 views
BL 14
#angel, #cherub, #goddess, #magic, #Royalty, #Wizard
No Free 2021-04-30 2021-11-12

by Randy-Leigh
Angels Can Kill

The lost history of the world has finally come back for revenge. They will fix their greatest mistake: Allowing the Humans to live.

16 subs, 1.32k views
Fantasy 18
#Action, #angels, #AngelsCanKill, #anthro, #creatures, #demons, #elves, #false, #Fantasy, #Flux, #gods, #Immortal, #insanity, #magic, #magical realism, #mentality, #morality, #peace, #reality, #spirituality, #sprites, #vampires, #war
No Free 2017-04-04 2021-02-02

by myiaow

Hana had encountered a book entitled, 'Anima'. A book about the era of deities in the land called 'Paraiso'. But little did Hana know, this book could change her destiny or rather connected to her destiny?

46 subs, 1.22k views
Fantasy 5
#Deity, #Fantasy, #filipino, #goddesses, #gods
No Free 2016-06-09 2016-11-09


Read uncensored ANIMAL GOD MESSIAH episodes in high resolution, plus Fantasy and Erotic illustrations, ACEO Cards, Photos and Writings on Patreon. Sean Patty’s ANIMAL GOD MESSIAH universe will ultimately embody numerous subversive series for Adults, presented in various storytelling mediums, following the Worgardsson clan, along with a large cast of diverse characters, from the Dark Ages to the far future, with stories spanning the genres of fantasy, adventure, drama, horror, humor, romance, cyber-punk and science fiction. WORGARD: VIKING BERSERKIR is an ongoing comic book saga which will be designated as AGM SERIES 1 upon completion. Each AGM series can be consumed independently. This publication is intended for Adults 18 years of age and older for Adult content. All characters displaying nudity or involved in sexual situations are intended to be consenting legal age Adults, even where not stated. The contents of this ANIMAL GOD MESSIAH publications/webcomics, artwork, story, character names and likenesses, are Copyright and Trademark 2017 & 2019 Sean Patty. All Rights Reserved.

8 subs, 761 views
Drama 15
#animal_god_messiah, #battleground_victory, #science_fiction, #sean_patty
No Free 2017-03-01 2019-11-16

by jhamycka

The world of MALAYA is rapidly advancing toward scientific and technological modernization; while their legends and lore were left behind and slowly forgotten. However, it was 20 years ago when humanity was shaken up by an odd news. Their oracle has spoken. He prophesied that legend's gods and goddesses will soon be reincarnated and will once again walk beside them... But for what reason?

56 subs, 909 views
Fantasy 11
#adventure, #animals, #animal_creature, #aniture, #comedy, #drama, #Fantasy, #gods_and_goddesses, #informative, #jhamycka, #legend, #modern, #modern_fantasy, #myth, #mythical_creatures, #pinoycomics, #pinoykomiks, #pinoymanga, #pokemon, #pokemon_inspired, #romance, #romcom, #teen, #teenromance
No Free 2017-06-13 2021-08-02

by Jon Clark
Anna Hosanna

A Heavenly Comic Strip about a girl and her guardian angel based on the children's book "Anna Hosanna: The Fastest Prayer-Sayer Ever!" annahosannabooks.blogspot.com

1 subs, 644 views
Comedy 52
#angels, #Christian, #devil, #God, #guardianangels, #heaven, #heavenly, #hell, #judeochristian, #pearlygates, #religion
No Free 2019-05-12 2019-05-27

by raeguard

Emyr Rosenrote just wanted to live out his un-life in peace. Funny how that works out. An lgbt comic about mistakes made and choosing your own path, whatever it may bring.

54 subs, 2.9k views
Fantasy 32
#Dead_Gods, #found_family, #gay_protagonist, #gods, #lich, #post_apocalyptic
No Free 2020-11-18 2021-07-31

by N

In this world of misfortune, all hope has been stolen by the unholy gods. Harlow, a peasant girl has never had a peaceful day to rest with finances weighing her down. But then, an opportunity seemingly walks into her arms, as the path she dreamt of for many years, may finally come true.

18 subs, 1.85k views
Fantasy 27
#Antideity, #antigod, #Clicheish, #desperation, #Harelow17, #harlow
No Free 2020-06-12 2021-03-07

by Axendre
Antik Panic (US)

"A letter sent by Zeus will upset the fate of Olympus ... Prepare to enter a new era of mythology!"

17 subs, 704 views
Comedy 8
#aphrodite, #French, #fun, #God, #Hermes, #hot, #lol, #love, #mythology, #panty
No Free 2018-01-15 2022-03-30

by Greed
Anything to survive

Joe Wheeler, got transferred to another world as gods granted his last wish but is it really that simple. "Scams and misunderstandings will be used for my benefit because I will do anything to survive." I will use the gods power against the gods to survive in this world filled with magic and where power rules the weak. Follow Joe as he gains respect and money in this world creating a legend in his battle to survive against the gods.

0 subs, 52 views
Fantasy 1
#awakening, #comedy, #fun, #gods, #magic, #monsters, #swords
No Free 2021-11-21 2021-11-21

by Rogerino
Aqhat: Príncipe de Canaã

O jovem príncipe Aqhat é convidado pelo deus Baal para comemorar a chegada da maioridade em um banquete em seu palácio divino. Porém, o presente que recebe do deus artesão Kothar desperta os olhares de uma deusa selvagem. Baseado no Conto de Aqhat, poema cananeu pré-bíblico encontrado nas ruínas da antiga cidade de Ugarit (atual Ras Shamra, na Síria).

5 subs, 65 views
Fantasy 2
#ancient_near_east, #canaan, #Deusa, #Deuses, #folclore, #folklore, #gods, #Mitologia, #mythology, #religion
No Free 2021-05-11 2021-06-29

by ZEN
Arcana Order

Ban and S!n works in a assassin organization called BLANK. They were one day given a mission to solve the case about their companions murder. But sooner or later, the truth about their organizations existence prevails. Will they be able to find the secret order that their organization hid their entire life?

19 subs, 417 views
Action 1
#Arcana Order, #assassins, #ban, #gods, #Guns, #hacking, #killing, #knives, #Lily, #murder, #psychological, #S!n, #scifi, #Titania
No Free 2018-03-24 2018-03-28

by Feyn

In the Galaxia Galaxy, there are rumors spreading. Pieces are moving across the planets but why? or better yet, what are they looking for? Who are the nobles hunting?

3 subs, 975 views
Fantasy 26
#ARCANIS, #drama, #Fantasy, #gods, #lgbtq, #magic, #nobles, #science_fiction, #space, #spaceelves
No Free 2021-08-27 2022-07-15

by Pena_ink
Arcas The Alpha

In ancient Greece where Gods of Olympus rule, Arcas a coursed demigod struggles to survive and protect his loves ones... but what will he do when his soulmate turns against him... with the urge to kill him..?!

19 subs, 322 views
Drama 1
#Arcas_The_Alpha, #demigod, #drama, #Fantasy, #Greek, #greek_gods, #greek_mythology, #historical, #love, #romance, #werewolf
No Free 2019-04-26 2019-04-26

by gilbert_3.0

In a world of Heroes and Monsters, Young Jason risks it all to join the Beast fighting scene, bent on escaping his previous life. *Originally/concurrently posted on Webtoon. Only REDUX episodes will be posted here, so updates will be slower here than on webtoon*

68 subs, 1.2k views
Fantasy 4
#Action, #goddesses, #gods, #hero, #magic, #manga, #monsters, #mythology, #scifi
No Free 2018-04-08 2018-05-07

by Eris France

Arkadiz is a peaceful world where strange creatures and the supernatural coexist. However, what happens when strange events start happening for no apparent reason?

15 subs, 523 views
Fantasy 2
#creatures, #devil, #equine, #Fantasy, #gods, #horses, #supernatural, #webcomic
No Free 2016-12-08 2016-12-10

by Jess Taylor
Arrow Borne

Edinburgh has always been a city of unrest, both politically and magically. But when people start disappearing and mysterious shadows appear, causing havoc and destruction, there's only woman who rises to the fight. Artemis is a harried intern at the local news paper, but when the watchful eyes of her peers are turned, she becomes Sagittarius - Edinburgh's first and only superhero.

61 subs, 1.03k views
Fantasy 1
#arrow, #Artemis, #Fantasy, #female, #femme, #girl, #Greek Myth, #greek_gods, #hero, #indie, #magic, #magical, #Sci-fi, #Science Fiction, #Superhero, #super_powers, #urban fantasy, #women
No Free 2016-08-26 2016-08-26

by Larki

Gods can be very petty. Psyche learns this the hard way when Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, takes offence when people start to worship Psyche as a new goddess. Aphrodite orders her son, Eros, to punish Psyche. However, the goddess did not count on what would happen when Eros and Psyche meet. Rediscover an old myth filled with love, adventure and many familiar figures of Greek Mythology.

3 subs, 227 views
Romance 5
#Eros, #fairytale, #greek_gods, #greek_mythology, #historical, #Psyche, #supernatural
No Free 2021-05-25 2021-07-05

by lilyvoug

Artemis thought she was an ordinary girl, but fate had other plans.. All the legends she thought were mere myths now have come to life and she needs to figure out how to stay true to her dreams while being a warrior. After all, she shares the blood of the Gods..

16 subs, 497 views
Fantasy 4
#Action, #ancient, #ancientgreece, #Artemis, #Fantasy, #gods, #greece, #Greek, #monsters, #mythology
No Free 2020-07-25 2020-09-15

by Brandon
Artemis, the Huntress Goddess

A comic inspired by the Greek goddess of the hunt...

53 subs, 3.98k views
Fantasy 16
#Action, #Artemis, #Fantasy, #goddess, #huntress, #mythology, #watercolor
No Free 2013-06-23 2018-11-07

by brilliiant

Amara's having a rough year - her student loan is revoked and she has to take a job at an insurance company. On top of that it turns out her ex-boyfriend is going to be her boss! Oh, and she and her new coworkers get kidnapped to another world where they end up playing out Greek mythology. But at least she'll get some cool superpowers out of it. Updates every other Thursday.

59 subs, 2.98k views
Fantasy 27
#adventure, #Ancient_Greece, #comedy, #Demeter, #Ensemble, #Fantasy, #greek_gods, #greek_mythology, #Hades, #hades_and_persephone, #hera, #Hestia, #magic, #modern_myth, #modern_mythology, #mythology, #persephone, #poseidon, #romance, #slice_of_life, #zeus
No Free 2020-01-16 2021-11-27

by Archergirl
Artio & Artemis [GL+BL]

[GL/BL/LGBT+ Themes] The goddess of the hunt goes after the biggest hunt of all... She thought it was a bear... But the bear thought otherwise.... ----- SMITE Fan-comic , All characters Belong Hi-Rez Studios - SMITE I simply gave them a love story :3

57 subs, 2.11k views
Fantasy 12
#Action, #bl, #boy love, #drama, #girl_love, #gl, #goddess, #gods, #Greek Myth, #mythology, #romance, #slice of life, #Smite
No Free 2017-09-28 2018-03-01

by deizunei
Ascend Precure!

The life of three magical boys who go around saving the world from monsters and become friends in the process (Precure fanseries).

54 subs, 4.34k views
Fantasy 7
#Action, #adventure, #anime, #Ascend, #ascension, #blue, #boy love, #boys, #comet, #cute, #cyan, #daphne, #Deity, #dokidoki precure, #fairy, #fanseries, #galaxy, #gods, #Greek, #heartcatch precure, #kirakira precure a la mode, #lighthearted, #magic, #magical boy, #magical girl, #mahou shoujo, #mahou shounen, #moon, #mythology, #myths, #Nemesis, #night, #Nyx, #Orion, #pink, #Precure, #pretty cure, #princess precure, #purple, #red, #shooting star, #show, #Sky, #smile precure, #sparkles, #stars, #suite precure, #sun, #team, #Trio, #trope
No Free 2017-11-27 2018-07-08

by Jimmy Macram
Ascension: The Gods Rise & the Gods Fall

When the dead body of a god is found on a New York City subway platform, a tale that goes across galaxies and spans millennia unfolds into the lap of NYPD Detective Yazmine “Yaz” Johnson. With gods coming from other worlds, a global conspiracy featuring the Earth’s most powerful governments, and plans within plans within plans, Yaz and her partner quickly find that they are outside of their depth. The nature of gods is simple: they rise and they fall… but how many people (…and planets) have to fall with them?

0 subs, 12 views
Action 1
#aliens, #cops, #detective, #exciting, #fastpaced, #gods, #police, #superheroes
No Free 2022-05-01 2022-05-02

by Cassandra OOC

Asher wants desperately to be a hero. Which is easy enough! All he has to do is restore the sun and the world will be saved! Sure it means entering a city full of humans and vampires and mages who fear and hate his kind, but Asher is a clever and talented fox and sure that it won't be any trouble at all. Updates every Sunday.

66 subs, 2.07k views
Fantasy 39
#asher, #bl, #dragons, #Foxes, #gl, #gods, #magic, #post_apocalyptic, #shifters, #vampires
No Free 2021-02-21 2022-07-18

by Firgof
Ask a God/Goddess

This series takes a sometimes humorous, sometimes sarcastic approach to explain some of the concepts in the World of Serzahnk.

7 subs, 470 views
Slice of life 1
#anime, #chibi, #dark, #Fantasy, #funny, #God, #goddess, #humor, #manga, #pantheon, #qa, #religion, #serzhank
No Free 2016-07-07 2016-07-07

by United Heroes Comix
Astropheniod: Death At a Wedding

Get ready to explore the Astrophenoid. Astrophenoid is not a tale of a single cast, but a world full of exciting new characters with vast stories. The very first story to come from the Astrophenoid titled: “Death at a Wedding.” Is a story of love and war. The story tells the love life of Electra and Lerato. Electra is a skilled lightning Demi god from the Halo lands. She is very kind and loved by many except for her younger sister who is very envious of her. Lerato is a dark magic Demi god from the Sand mount. He’s very strong and courageous but often dwells in negativity due to his family’s curse which is the center of his magic. The story goes through trials and tribulations with Electra’s younger sister being just as skilled but not as well mannered and having a bit of a jealous streak towards her sister leading her to do the unthinkable. Lerato finds trouble in trying to find true happiness, being that his power focuses around his Negative energy but is helped by a new spirit showing him happiness he’s never experienced. Reading Astrophenoid will fulfill your need for adventure as the current cast takes on missions throughout the 7 lands meeting new friends and enemies. Experience a world full of new and unique species never before seen. Astrophenoid is sure to include superpowered brawls, betrayal, mystery, sorrow, happiness and crazy turns of events.

2 subs, 18 views
Fantasy 2
#Action, #demigod, #Fantasy, #Fight, #GORE, #hero, #love, #super_power, #universe, #Villian
No Free 2022-05-28 2022-07-01

by Charoi

Asuhel is a god that protects his people. Sadly, the number of his people has shrunk and there are only few who believe in his existence.

1 subs, 372 views
Fantasy 1
#Fantasy, #God, #Pagan, #supernatural
No Free 2016-05-31 2016-05-31

by Juan C Del Real
Atlas The Comic

Atlas: Climb for Olympus is a one-shot that will serve as an introduction to the world of Atlas the Comic. Although in the one-shot, Atlas:Climb for Olympus, will have a lot missing that the full story will have, its main goals are to establish a little of Atlas backstory and motivation (or lack thereof), also to give a small explanation of how the power system works and introduce characters that will come back later on in the story. When it comes to the story itself we will follow Atlas (a mortal) who is competing in a tournament of sorts, where only demigods are participating, to become the new ruler of the realm of Hell. I don't want to spoil any more than that. You are going to have to wait until late Spring 2018 to read it

7 subs, 462 views
Action 5
#apollo, #atals, #batman, #Dragon, #Fire, #fire bender, #gods, #Greek, #Hercules, #hero, #mythology, #red hair, #swords, #troya, #war, #Warrior, #weapons, #zeus
No Free 2018-04-13 2018-06-20

by Jolanos

After a truck carrying radiation barrels falls down a mountain, the radiation leaks into the local river causing a group of Snails to mutate into horrible flesh eating creatures!

0 subs, 312 views
Horror 5
#barely_horror, #lots_of_snails, #oh_my_god_theres_so_many_snails, #too_many_snails, #very_scary_i_think
Yes Free 2018-12-24 2019-02-28

by Obelis
Aurora Borealis

The sun goddess smashed the sun into million pieces and escaped the World. Will humanity manage to create artificial light to save itself?

36 subs, 3.7k views
Fantasy 44
#apocalypse, #death, #Deity, #God, #goddess, #legend, #medieval, #moon, #myth, #mythology, #old_woman, #post_apocalyptic, #stairs, #stars, #sun
Yes Free 2019-07-27 2021-04-17

by Asuka Nobu
Avalon Patchwork: Eastern Forest

A world with Adventure lies within

15 subs, 1.29k views
Fantasy 19
#Action, #comedy, #Fantasy, #gag, #gods
No Free 2015-11-22 2019-01-25

by Luna

Forgotten gods are awaking, gates between mortal dimension and divine dimension are starting to open. The divine game began.

2 subs, 405 views
Fantasy 3
#gods game, #old_gods, #Slavic Gods, #super_powers, #teens
No Free 2017-11-01 2017-11-04

by Krystallos Iompróidh

Hidden in some far off place known as The Isle of Dreams is the kingdom of Azmoria. Here, gods and mortals alike live together and interact with each other in ways often unexpected and unasked for. Come and embark on a quest to discover the secrets of this land made of dreams.

16 subs, 1.1k views
Fantasy 12
#adventure, #Azmoria, #comedy, #dark, #deities, #Fantasy, #gods
No Free 2016-10-07 2017-03-09

by Godzilla Comics
Baby Godzilla

Days when baby godzilla was a baby. Every friday

18 subs, 1.05k views
Comedy 8
#baby_godzilla, #Godzilla
No Free 2019-11-27 2020-01-21

by Shelilla

Nana Enevoldsen is a skilled thief; at the age of 17 and with no parental figures having ever guided her path, she lives her life as a criminal in the shadows. Everything changes, however, when Nana is in the middle of a burglary at the British Museum. Unwittingly, she somehow summons the Babylonian god of justice, Shamash while lifting an artifact, and even worse, this so-called 'God' decides to send Nana back in time to the Mesopotamian era! Not to mention, when she arrives in ancient Babylon, the people, including the historical lynchpin King Hammurabi (who wrote one of the earliest known codes of law most famously referenced by "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth") all think she is some sort of Goddess! How can Nana get back to her own time while being followed by an over-amorous king, hundreds of religious worshippers, political rivals trying to kidnap her, and NOT change the future?!

6 subs, 366 views
Fantasy 1
#Ancient World, #Babylon, #babylonian, #Fantasy, #gods, #historical, #Mesopotomia, #romance, #shoujo, #time travel
No Free 2015-11-30 2017-09-21

by Victor Bardes
Back to the Earth

Raiding tombs searching for a mythological artifact, Luke, an ambitious archaelogist, frees a powerful entity from a spell that has kept him locked for centuries. Amazed by the existence of the living legend, the young man then became his guide through the modern world.

3 subs, 151 views
Comedy 1
#adventure, #Amazon, #archeology_, #asteca, #atcha, #Brasileiro, #brazilian, #comedy, #forest, #gods, #indie, #Maia, #Nmoa, #Power
No Free 2020-04-30 2020-04-30

by Lotusák1
Ballad Of The Three Words

All stories have beginning and all worlds must have been created somehow... we think we know what happened to our planet, but let's look at a different one... what happened on Sekai?

1 subs, 158 views
Fantasy 2
#ballad, #creation, #dwarf, #Elemental, #elf, #fairy, #Fantasy, #God, #kitsune, #legend, #orc, #Races, #Story, #titan, #world
No Free 2019-11-22 2019-11-30

by Ken McFarlane
Baphomet-Chan is Cute!

Join the trials and tribulations of Baphomet-Chan, a satanic deity going to a human high school, what could go wrong?

1.46k subs, 49.9k views
Comedy 14
#baphomet, #Baphometchan, #comedy, #cute, #goat, #God, #hell, #kawaii, #magical girl, #manga, #monsters, #occult, #satanic, #slice of live, #supernatural
No Free 2016-03-23 2018-03-26

by mbutoanzuruni101
Baran: ZERO

He's name is Zero and he wants to be the strongest in the whole Multi-Verse.

1 subs, 54 views
Fantasy 1
#God, #gods, #multiverse
No Free 2021-08-07 2021-08-08

by Kelly
Becoming Mary

Definitely non-canon (as far as the orthodoxy is concerned) fan ficton bio of Mary (yeah, that Mary). The prequel to her adventures before taking on that cosmic responsibility of bringing up the messiah. Like she didn't just flop in immaculately from a vacuum, right? Stuff happened on the way there.

4 subs, 939 views
Drama 25
#Christianity, #mama_mary, #mary, #mary_mother_of_god, #religion
No Free 2021-02-22 2022-07-09

by Dare Dracula
Before The World

And, it begins with a sigh, with a move and no speech but a mind full of wonder and true love to the creation...

1 subs, 597 views
Fantasy 2
#Action, #God, #horror, #magic, #pokemon, #world
No Free 2017-01-31 2017-02-12

by TheScøttymo
Between The Lines

Hand-drawn, stupid jokes about my life, games, people, and being far too self-aware.

13 subs, 6.83k views
Comedy 62
#funny, #haha, #hot dog tired, #nonsequiteur, #oh god why, #paper, #Pen, #pen on paper, #random, #simple, #Stick Figure, #TheScottymo, #why
Yes Free 2016-04-13 2018-01-19

by MirthfulMarch
Bird Mask

A god's hand has fallen on Medieval Europe, bringing about many vile beasts and great disaster. Brought back from death, a Doctor is given a holy task: slay. A seven part mini-series experiment in non-paneled comics.

1 subs, 191 views
Fantasy 1
#angel, #doctor, #europe, #gods, #monsters, #plague_doctor, #skeletons, #traditional
No Free 2019-02-16 2019-02-16

by Unbalance madness

Blinded Everyone has a path they must go down no matter what but why would ace's path be so broken to the point it leads him to a world where everyone else is blinded to? Is this really just in his head or is he just an outcast from a world that won't believe? The truth he only knows has to be right... right? Well apparently whether you agree or not people are going to die and Ace is the only thing that seems to be able to stop that or that's what he thinks. (fantasy) (drama) (romanceishhh) (horror) (BL ISH)

109 subs, 1.74k views
Fantasy 5
#alive', #boy, #church, #dead, #God, #heaven, #hell, #mind, #problems, #sad, #satan, #scared
No Free 2018-04-04 2019-12-25

by Twisted Paradise

A blind man Vincent gains his vision upon resurrecting an end bringer goddess, and a woman has a near death experience resurrecting the god of creation. Both are told information that the world will end in a year and their daughter will die by gods. They only have one option, to find the fragments of the tablets of destiny to stop the end. Although from two different sides, both have different ways of stopping the end of time. Bi-weekly

4 subs, 106 views
Fantasy 4
#Action, #family, #Fantasy, #gods, #heaven, #hell, #mythology, #parents, #romance, #Zodiac
No Free 2020-05-24 2021-08-02

by SkeletonKey
Blood and Water

War raging, a young immortal and his mentor must leave to find the missing piece of his powers but instead find something darker inside himself.

14 subs, 574 views
Fantasy 8
#Action, #Fantasy, #gay, #goddess, #gods, #Greek mythology, #hydra, #Immortal, #kronos, #lgbt, #lgbtq, #patheon, #queer
No Free 2018-07-11 2019-07-20

by mars
Blood Angel

In a world where Demons run around making deals with humans, and the Angels sits by and watches and God no where to be found. This guy Ayaan Sai Vihaan has this ability that he never asked a Demon for. Then when an Demon and an Angel comes to his house. So many wrong, weird, and funny things starts to happen.

65 subs, 6.08k views
Fantasy 59
#angels, #bl, #BoyLove, #comedy, #demons, #drama, #frieands, #gods, #love, #monsters, #supernatrul
No Free 2019-11-30 2022-05-04